You Move Me
Again? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: Again?

E - Words: 2,767 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
222 0 0 0 0

Chapter 7

"Oh come on! She's not that bad!" Kurt protested dragging his boyfriend down the McKinley halls.

"I'm telling you my love! You cannot beat Katy Perry! Gaga is no match!" The same argument the boys had engrossed in many times before. On Kurt's behalf he enjoyed bantering with Blaine; it was fun to see him get so passionate about something. In this case it's Katy Perry.

"But Gaga's an inspiration! Katy Perry sings useless songs about sex!" Blaine brought his boyfriend close to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "And Gaga's songs have meaning."

"I'm sorry Kurt; you will never get me to like Gaga! I'm sorry but Katy's just amazing."

"Okay okay then. I think this argument needs to be dropped! We could go on forever!" Kurt giggled and kissed Blaine quickly on the lips, not wanting to be spotted by any of the students still roaming the halls. Everyone at McKinley knew they were boyfriends but there was always the people that made snide remarks and still looked down at them.

It was coming towards the end of Blaine's second week at McKinley and he was actually starting to enjoy it a little. Karofsky had given the boys no trouble, partly because he hadn't seen them other than in classes, and even Karofsky wouldn't do anything stupid in front of a witness. It was Friday and Blaine's birthday was tomorrow. Blaine had told Kurt a long time ago that he had never really had a proper birthday celebration because, he's pretty sure growing up his parents forgot it was his birthday most years. Kurt wanted to make this one special.

The bell rung and it was the end of fourth period. "Last class! Then we have the whole weekend together!" Kurt chimed thinking about the amazing weekend he had planned for them.

"Hey losers!" Kurt heard an all too familiar voice shout behind them, he flinched a little which Blaine caught note of. He spoke to soon. Kurt twisted around on his heels to face David Karofsky.

"What the hell do you want Karofsky?"

"Just a little welcome back, lady!"

"No! No! Don't you remember prom? You apologised!" Kurt screamed as the ice cold red liquid dripped over his face. He jumped back and felt a hand impact with his chest as he got pushed back violently in to a locker. Kurt heard another thrash which only meant Blaine had been hit too. "You can't do this to us anymore! Everyone knows your gay!"

"Your still losers! You to Anderson!" Karofsky shouted walking down the corridor again with his two back up football players.

"Are you okay?" Kurt reached for Blaine's hand and brought his eyes to look at Blaine's face, only hoping that he wasn't slushie'd too. He saw his boyfriends vulnerable face covered in a blue liquid. His hair had been flattened and his curls had disappeared with the ice that lay on top of his head.

"Urm, I think so." Blaine said obviously he was a little shook up. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before.

"Right, let's go get you cleaned up.." Kurt took Blaine's hand in his own and pulled him towards the bathroom.

"But what about classes?"

"First thing you need to know about slushie's Blaine, when you get hit, everything else gets dropped because these things stain clothes!"

"Thanks for this." Kurt started to dry Blaine's face and clothes off in the bathroom; he pressed a towel to his face softly.

"It's fine, I've had so many of these, its not a big deal." Kurt let out a sad smile at a very sad looking Blaine.

"What do we do now? We can't just let him push us both around anymore."

"We're going to go too Ms Slyvester when we've cleaned up, she promised me that she would look out for me with Karofsky and she does, so we should go see her."

"Kurt why are you being so calm about this? Karofsky just shoved us in to lockers! More importantly he's still bullying you!" Blaine grabbed the towel from Kurt hastily and began to dry his face.

"Blaine!" Kurt jumped at Blaine's tone. "I'm used to this! I know you're angry, this never happens to people like you. I'm used to this happening! That's why i'm so calm; will you please calm down a little please?"

"I'm sorry Kurt! I don't care that I got hit this time, I care they're still doing it to you." Blaine reached for Kurt's waist but he jumped back at the connection of their bodies.

"I'm not some vulnerable little kid Blaine! You're the same as my dad! I've had to go through this every day for a year Blaine! A year! I can take care of myself!"

"Kurt I know you can! I just want to be there for you! Come on; let's just get cleaned up okay?" Blaine knew exactly what Kurt was doing. He was keeping it all in to protect Blaine; he didn't want to worry him. Blaine just needed to find it inside Kurt and let him get it all out, it was his way of expressing how he felt, bottling it up until someone said something to annoy him, then he let everything out. "Come here." He dragged the younger boy towards him and wrapped his arms around his slender frame while pressing soft kisses to his shoulder and neck. Kurt buried his face in to the crook of Blaine's neck and let all his tears out.

"I'm just so annoyed." He whimpered.

"I know you are. I know you are baby." He began to stroke his hair soothingly, trying to get Kurt to calm down. Seeing Kurt like that was enough to make Blaine cry too. He held strong for Kurt this time.


The Football Locker room

"Dude I cannot believe you did that to those gay dudes, again!" Azimio announced to Karofsky in the safety of the locker room.

"They're still losers! That Anderson kid's just trouble. They keep gaying up the place!" Dave slammed his locker shut and Sam turned around, realizing what the boys were talking about.

"What did you do to my boy?" Puck squared up to Karofsky. "Seriously Karofsky if you've touched him again you won't know what's hit you."

"And don't you think that it's a little rich saying he's gaying up the place? What about you? Are you gaying up the place too?" Sam interrupted just to make his slightly geeky but necessary point.

"I'm different; I'm not walking down the hall holding some dudes hand!"

"But you would if you could..." Sam joined Puck in getting up in Karofsky's face; they weren't going to take him anymore.

"What's going on here?" Finn came in looking confused as to why his best friends were about to start a fight.

"He's done something to Kurt and Blaine, and we're trying to find out what!" Puck almost spat in the bully's face. Finn pushed the two boys out of the way and headed straight for Karofsky. He grabbed his jersey and lifted him off the floor, pushing him against a locker.

"Woah! Calm down Frankenteen!"

"What the hell have you done to my brother Karofsky?"

"Nothing! Just a little welcome back for him and his boyfriend." Karofsky laughed in the tall boys face, not realizing how annoyed Finn actually was. Finn pushed him harder against the locker and it showed because he clearly hurt Karofsky. "Okay okay! We just slushie'd them and threw them against a locker! God it's not like we've not done it before!" Karofsky was getting scared now.

"Not done it before? Are you fucking serious dude? My brother had to leave his friends and family to go to that Dalton school. You drove him away with what you did, and it was all because you were gay too! Dude just lay off my brother." Finn screamed in to the smaller boy's face, which scared him even more. He left him drop to the floor before blocking him so he couldn't get away, this was not over. "Where are they?"

"Where is who?"

"Kurt and Blaine! Where are they?"

"I don't know okay! I didn't stick around!" Karofsky's lip began to quiver over fear of Finn. Finn quickly and sharply punched the locker next to the boy's head, just to scare him.

"Dude, don't you think you'd better leave him now?" Puck tried to drag his best friend away, to try and stop him getting in to trouble, but once Finn was worked up there was nothing stopping him.

"No! I promised Kurt I'd stick up for him, that's what I'm doing! That scared you did it? Well how do you feel about this?" Finn's fist impacted with Karofsky's face, right in the centre. Finn was strong, and a very good fighter, so he was pretty sure he'd just broken Karofsky's nose with the way he fell to the ground screaming. "This isn't over!" Finn said roughly and walked out of the locker room in search for Kurt.


Ms Sylvester's office

"I'll get David's parents in to discuss what he's done to you Porcelain...and Porcelain's friend. Seriously, who is this guy?" Sue asked looking confused at Blaine. The boys had explained what Karofsky had done to them and Ms Sylvester vowed to do something about it this time.

"Sorry Ms Sylvester, this is Blaine Anderson. He transferred from Dalton last week."

"Isn't that the school you went to Porcelain?"

"Yes it is Ms Sylvester; you competed against us as Sectionals last year."

"Oh yes, that's right. Well considering your new here Anderson. I have a choice of nicknames for you. You can choose from the following, Lady face, Porcelain 2, Dapper or Hobbit."

"I guess I'll go with hobbit." Blaine looked down to the floor, knowing that many people already called him a hobbit.

"Don't worry, you're a cute hobbit." Kurt whispered in to Blaine's ear, making sure Sue didn't hear. "Oh god!" Kurt looked out the window at the back of the room to see Finn's angry face staring back at him. He knew he'd done something stupid.

"Frankenteen?" Sue looked at him confused as he burst in to the room.

"Finn what have you done?" Kurt's shocked voice looked at the angry teenager.

"I know what he did to you."

"You're supposed to be in football practice! I suggest you get back there Frankenteen." Said Sue.

"Ms Sylvester, please, Kurt's my brother, and well. Blaine's technically my family; please can I just stay a minute?"

"Well I'm sending them home now, so get yourself back to football practice."

"Finn just go, we'll talk about this at home later!" Kurt urged him to leave the room, hoping that if he left the situation then he wouldn't tell Burt and Carole what had happened today.

"Porcelain, Hobbit. Get yourselves home. I will arrange a meeting with the Karofsky's about David's behaviour." Sue showed the 2 boys out of the room.

"Thank you Ms Sylvester. It really means a lot..." Blaine tried to speak but was cut off by the cheerio coach again.

"Okay Hobbit, I'm not going to lie, I zoned out of this conversation a long time ago, so just go home and good luck with Frankenteen!" She patted both boys on the back and left them to leave the building.

"Lima Bean?" Kurt suggested getting in to his Navigator.

"Thought you'd never ask."


Later that evening at the Hummel/Hudson household

Kurt and Blaine had gone to the Lima Bean after school; the place where they'd had many a conversation, their first date was held in that building and the place that Blaine had first told Kurt he loved him. Both boys walked hand in hand in to the Hummel/Hudson house, and they'd walked straight in to a fight.

"Finn, what the hell were you thinking? You've been expelled!" Carole shouted in a rage at her son who was sat on the couch. "This is not like you Finn! You've been expelled! Is that getting through to you! What if you can't get your football scholarship now? We can't afford that kind of money after Kurt's spell at Dalton!" Carole was fuming. This isn't good Kurt thought as his name was mentioned. Blaine stood at the door, not knowing what to do.

"Blaine you can still come in!" Kurt shut the front door pushing Blaine further in to the room.

"Tell me what you were thinking Finn! Why did you do it? You attacked a boy!"

"Oh no!" Kurt cried knowing exactly what Finn had done. "Finn you didn't!"

"Okay! Okay I'm sorry! I'm always told to stand up for Kurt! To protect him. I can't win! I'm sick of people pushing my brother around!" Finn shouted in to Carole's face, Burt was sat motionless, taking in the conversation.

"Protect him? Why were you protecting Kurt?" Burt questioned looking towards his son.

"Well why don't I let Kurt tell you that?" Finn motioned for Kurt to start talking but he didn't want to say anything. Blaine knew Kurt wanted to keep it as secret so before he let him make up a lie about what happened, Blaine joined the conversation.

"Karofsky slushie'd us and shoved us in to lockers. We've seen Ms Sylvester about it; I'm guessing that's why you hit Karofsky right?" Blaine explained to Burt and Carole.

"No Blaine, he didn't just hit Karofsky, he broke his nose! Finn I still don't know what you were thinking!"

"Mom you should have heard them talking about Kurt and Blaine like that in the locker room! Their family! You can't think I'm going to sit around while listening to some punk insult my family like that?"

"Wait, what happened? Kurt why didn't you call me and tell me about this?" Burt pleaded with his son, realizing they aren't as close as Burt first thought.

"I didn't want to worry you! Dad you had a heart attack last year! Who knew what Karofsky starting on me again will do?"

"Is this the first time he's done it again Kurt?" Carole was calmer now that she realized there was a reason for Finn's outburst.

"Yes! He's not done anything until now; he said he was sorry last year so I presumed it was over! Apparently not because he said we're still losers. It only got to me because he got Blaine too. As Blaine said, we've seen Ms Sylvester and she's going to arrange another meeting with the Karofsky's. Now please let me and Blaine leave!" Kurt protested knowing that Blaine would be feeling uncomfortable right about now.

"Fine you go." Carole let the boys leave, Finn stood up to leave the room. "Woah. You're not going anywhere, you still attacked a boy!" Finn was pushed down to the sofa as he watched the two boys head up stairs, wishing that was him.


Later that evening

"Do you want to put a movie on or something?" Blaine asked peering over the top of his Mac laptop. He was almost done with his English homework; Kurt was still sulking over the Karofsky incident. "You can't be depressed about this forever my love."

"I'm sorry, I thought it was over." Kurt let out a little whimper.

"This isn't something to get so upset over now. He didn't try and kiss you; he didn't do us any damage except for a few bruises on our backs. Please, it kills me to see you like this." Blaine moved his laptop off his knee and pulled Kurt on to him, holding him closely. "I can't deal with seeing you like this baby, please."

"I'm sorry." Kurt snuggled up to his boyfriend and let his last few tears out as Blaine pulled him closer. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Kurt didn't move off Blaine, just wiped the tears from his eyes. Burt entered the bedroom, looking pitifully at Kurt and sitting down on the sofa at the other side of Kurt's room.

"Carole's saved you two some dinner if you wanted any."

"Thanks." Kurt let out a small smile to show his father he was okay, that he was coping.

"Kurt, why didn't you just come to me, we used to talk about everything." Burt gruffly asked his son.

"Dad, this time I was worried about Blaine too, this hasn't happened to him before, I just wanted it to be solved quietly like Ms Sylvester said it would be. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it considering he didn't actually hit us or anything."

"Kurt, it doesn't mean what he did was right. I just want you to talk to me about this stuff in the future please. You too Blaine, if there's anything either of you need to talk about, me and Carole will always be here to listen to either of you." Burt stood and patted Kurt shoulder.

"Thanks." Both boys said in unison as Burt left the room.

"At least he understands."

"Yeah I'm not too sure." Kurt buried his head in to Blaine's neck and flung his arms around the smaller boy


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