You Move Me
I Miss Them Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: I Miss Them

E - Words: 1,756 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
222 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: It starts to pick up around this chapter!
Chapter 4

"Finn I cannot actually believe you kept this from me! Blaine Anderson living in your house! Blaine Anderson moving to our school! You are supposed to be my boyfriend Finn! You never tell me anything!" Rachel Berry stormed in to the Hummel-Hudson household after school that day, with a clear anger for Finn at the moment. Kurt and Blaine were sat on the sofa together. Kurt's legs draped over Blaine's as they watched TV and relaxed for the evening.

"Rachel, why are you being like this? I'm getting a little tired of it!" Finn protested sounding a little bored. It looked like they had been arguing for some time now. Kurt and Blaine didn't even flinch as the teenagers stood behind them and argued, it was slowly becoming the normal in this house.

"Finn you are meant to be my boyfriend, which means you tell me everything! Well if you just can't trust me then..."

"Then what Rachel? You'll threaten to break up with me? Because that's getting a little boring, you say it every time we fight! I told no-one! No-one because they told me not to! No-one knew!"

"But Finn..."

"Right Rachel shut up! I love you but me and Blaine are trying to watch Teen Mom, so if you will, take this argument somewhere else." Kurt reached his head around the sofa to stare Rachel in the eyes. It was almost like staring Satan in the eye sometimes.

"Finn, I'll never break up with you." Oh here we go again, the classic line after every single one of their arguments.

"I'll never break up with you either."

During dinner that evening Blaine was quizzed over his first day at McKinley by Burt and Carole. "How did it go dear? Did you have any problems?"

"No actually, everyone's really nice, It's a little strange being in a public school but I'll get used to it. Kurt, I didn't actually know you could leave the premises during lunch hour!" Kurt let out a small laugh and put his hand to Blaine's face.

"Of course you can sweetie! It's nothing like being at Dalton!" They continued to eat and discuss Blaine's first day when the awkward subject of Karofsky was brought up.

"So boy's did you get any hassle of Karofsky today?" Burt asked gruffly.

"No actually! Some of his friends know he's gay now apparently so I really doubt he'll be any trouble now, especially not after he apologised to me last year!" Kurt was still in disbelief about the conversation himself and Karofsky had on his return to McKinley last year.

"Well that's a shock to the system!" Carole stood to collect everyone's plates from the table. "Well if you ever need any help with anything, either of you, I'm sure Finn will be behind you 100%!" Finn looked up at the mention of his name and put his head back to the table where it had been for the past 7 minutes.

"Finn stop moping about Rachel! Just call her and say sorry, she'll be all over you again." Kurt suggested to his clearly depressed brother. "I swear you two are driving me crazy! You can't live without each other but you are trouble when you're together!" Kurt's phone began to beep as he stood he checked for permission to leave the table and check his text messages. It was from Nick, his old roommate at Dalton.

"Dude, get on Skype with Blaine! Me, Jeff, David and Wes wanna talk to you guys." Was the text he received, he hadn't seen all the boys for about a month now and Kurt was even starting to get deprived of their company. Blaine was obviously upset to leave his very best friends but even though Kurt hadn't been at Dalton for long, there was something about sharing a dorm with 2 other people that drags you together. Kurt replied and went back to the kitchen where he found Blaine with his arm around a sobbing Finn. Blaine gave him a pitiful look as Burt took over his comforting, leave Blaine free to follow Kurt to the bedroom.

"What's this in aid of?" His sultry voice echoed in to Kurt's room as he spinned him around so they were face to face. Kurt's hands were placed firmly on Blaine's shoulders and his hands relaxed around the taller boy's waist.

"Well we're defiantly not doing what you are expecting!" Kurt pushed him away to retrieve his laptop from the bed, preparing himself for the Skype chat he was about to have with the Warblers. "Wes, David, Nick and Jeff want us to Skype them for some reason, I think they just miss the sound of my voice." Kurt joked as Blaine moved right up next to him and placed his hand on his lovers back. Kurt logged in and opened his Skype, accepting the request from his friends and sitting so both boys could see the screen. Sure enough the 4 faces of their very best friends were smashed in to the one tiny webcam. Kurt let out a high pitched laugh and waved.

"Hey guys! How you doing?"

"Not too bad! But how you guys doing down there in Lima! How did school go? Blaine, please tell me you didn't jump on any furniture and start singing?" Wes made his 'serious face' in to the camera and it made Blaine laugh.

"No guys! I was good I promise! I think I'll wait to show them my crazy side! What did you want to talk about anyway?"

"Well. Guys. 3 weeks from now. We have a date to see you." Kurt and Blaine looked at each other, neither of them knowing what the hell the other boys meant.

Jeff interrupted to try and make some sense of the situation. "Right I tell from your faces you haven't been told. The principle wants you two back here to do a show! We're having some seminar, meeting thing and the guy who's running it saw you two perform Candles and asked for you to specifically to come and perform again! So what do you say? Don't worry it's been cleared with Figgins, your allowed to come down here!"

"What? Yes of course we're going to come down!" Blaine practically gleamed nudging Kurt.

"It's all well saying that they want us to go down, but what about the New Directions, all the work we have to put in for the next competition? I just can't focus on a school I'm not even attending anymore!" Kurt grumbled.

"Ahh Kurt! That's the beauty of it. It's a music event, there are singers and high school glee clubs coming from all over the country! It just happens because they're at Dalton the Warbler's are the only ones to perform, but I'm pretty sure I've seen the New Directions on that list, so you'll all be coming down, just not all performing!"

"What the hell are we waiting for then?"

Nicked finally joined in the conversation. "Well, it's not on for another 3 weeks Kurt." The 6 friends continued to laugh and joke for another hour before David and Wes had to leave to finish homework. Blaine said goodbye to his old roommates and they unwilling left, and had almost let it slip that they'll be there for Blaine's birthday next week. Something else Kurt had planned for a surprise for his boyfriend.

"I'm going to get some apple juice, do you want anything babe?" Blaine asked putting his hand on Kurt's leg.

"No thanks, I'll stay and talk to these guys." Blaine bent down to kiss Kurt which lead to a sudden 'Eww' and also an 'Awww' from the computer. "Do I really need to ask who did what?" Kurt laughed looking at Jeff and Nick in the screen. Kurt knew them both so well, Nick was gay, he always had been and Kurt would be lying if he didn't admit to fooling around with Nick a little in their room when everyone was out, before he was with Blaine of course but they both knew it wouldn't work out between them.

"Seriously Kurt, you need to move back here as soon as possible! I miss musicals in my life, the sound tracks, the stages! Since you left I haven't stopped watching actions movies because of him! I can't take it anymore!" Nick cried out unhappily.

"Oh god shut it Nick! It's not like I'm ever here anymore anyway! You over react everything!" Jeff complained.

"Woah! Why are you never home anymore Jeff? And Nick I was waiting for you to find it but clearly in 2 months you haven't cleaned, there's a box under your bed of all your favourite sound tracks and musicals. I left them for you when I left." Kurt giggled.

"Oh god Kurt! Thank you!" He saw Nick run to his bed and fall to the floor, peering for the plastic box Kurt had left for him.

"And why haven't you been home?" Kurt's eyebrow raised higher than normal.

"Because he's got a girlfriend! 'Wicked'! Sweet!" Nick exclaimed from the floor once he'd found his box.

"You have a girlfriend? Who is she? What's she like? Is she prettier than me?"

"Yes I do actually! Don't sound so shocked! She's called Lauren and she's amazing! Seriously we've been dating for about a month now actually! She lives right near my parents and she goes to County Day, you know our sister school. She and some of her friends were there when we did Animal that time. But anyway yeah, she's amazing! I'm sorry Kurt but she's way hotter than you!" Kurt made his 'bitch please' face to the camera just as Blaine walked in with his minute maid apple juice.

"Oh, what's going on?" He began to stutter just as he saw Kurt's face.

"We're discussing the fact that Jeff has a girlfriend."

"Oh really?" The boys all continued their long and dragged out conversation about Jeff's new girlfriend and after a million thanks from Nick over the hundred DVD's that were left for him they said their goodbyes (an emotional one from Blaine as he had no clue he would see his friends again next week) and Kurt packed his laptop away. Blaine lay on his side on their bed. Yes it was now their bed since he moved in. "Kurt come and lie with me, let's just go to sleep okay?" Blaine suggested patting the space left for Kurt to slide in to.

"That's the best idea you've had all day Mr Anderson." Kurt moved so his body couldn't be any closer to Blaine and Blaine nuzzled his neck, pressing soft kisses to his warm skin every so often. "I love you Blaine."

"I love you too."


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