You Move Me
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You Move Me: A Secret Isn't Always A Lie

E - Words: 3,170 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
210 0 1 0 0

Chapter 17
Two weeks had passed since Kurt had woken from his weeklong unconscious state. He was improving. His leg was healing, and so was his head. The punctured lung was still doing pretty badly and he couldn’t walk yet, but he was improving. Kurt was now able to sit up in bed with a struggle and some assistance, but he could do it and that’s all that mattered.
A lot had been happening at McKinley too. Noah and Quinn had announced their recent relationship, whereas Finn and Rachel were on the rocks, again. It didn’t take a lot for them to fight. It was just one of those weeks. No-one had really seen Sam either; he wasn’t turning up to glee practice and very rarely was in the gym when Finn and Puck were in there. Him and Mercedes defiantly had not spoken since that night.
Which lead to glee club that day, Blaine was attending school but spending free periods with Kurt, making dashes to the hospital for half an hour then back again. It wasn’t ideal but it work, he still spent some nights with Kurt with Burt ad Carole permission, but he had to start learning to sleep in the big bed on his own as the doctor said it may be another 2 months before Kurt could leave.
“Right we need to practice our group number for Nationals again!” Mr Schue was getting annoyed with the lack of interest shown within the group. Kyle jumped up to grab the sheet music and hand it out. “Come on guys! Please a bit of enthusiasm!”
“But we really don’t care anymore Mr Schue! Kurt’s gone; Sam’s still not coming to practice.”
“I’m aware, where is Sam? Does anyone know why he’s not showing up?”
“No-one’s seen him.” Said Mercedes.
“Well we still have numbers to practice, I’m aware Kurt and Blaine can’t practice their duet.” They were doing a rendition of ‘2 Hearts’ by Kylie for the duet that was needed for the competition. Rachel was performing ‘Firework’ as an entrance solo and to wrap up the set they were going to perform ‘Nobody’s Perfect’ as a group. “But we still need to get the other number’s right!” Mr Schue ordered them in to their places.
“Seriously where is Sam?” Quinn leaned over to question Blaine who just shrugged and burst out singing as the music started.
Lima Hospital.
Sam sat outside the hospital in his Blue Ford, regretting coming. He hadn’t seen Kurt for 2 weeks, not since the day he broke up with Mercedes. It killed him to see the poor helpless boy lay in the hospital bed.
I have to go in, I can’t come all this way and not go in. He thought, knowing he would have to leave before Blaine got here as Glee was the last class of the day. Before he got the chance to back out, he opened the door and slammed it hard, knowing that yes; in fact it was a mistake coming here.
“Hello, I’m here to see Kurt Hummel.” He announced walking to the reception desk.
“Oh yes. Are you one of his choir group kids?” The nurse asked getting from her seat.
“I’ll show you down there.” Kurt had been moved in the last few days to a more private room that his dad was paying for; he didn’t want Blaine having to stay there too and Kurt not having a proper room. “There you go kid.” She put a clip board in a holder outside the room and showed Sam to the door.
“Thanks.” He smiled looking in to the glass window. Kurt was sat up in bed, on his laptop. He looked pretty deep in to what he was doing; Sam almost didn’t want to disturb him. Before he got to nervous and decided to turn away, he knocked on the door.
“Yes?” Kurt didn’t look up from his computer but Sam pushed the door open anyway. I will not be welcome. He shivered entering the room.
Kurt could sense his presence. Knowing it wasn’t Blaine, Finn or one of his parents he snapped his gaze towards the door and saw the blonde standing before him.
“What are you doing here?” He questioned coldly returning his attention to the laptop.
“Just thought I’d visit.”
“I would rather you didn’t.” Sam stepped in the room a little further, making it clear he wasn’t going to leave. “What do you want?”
“I just wanted to visit Kurt!”
“You are not welcome anywhere near me!” Okay so he was a little dramatic, but it was Kurt after all and he was getting a little better.
“Come on Kurt we used to be friends!”
“Used to be!” He turned his head away from Sam who was sitting on the chair where Blaine slept. There was an awkward silence as Kurt continued to scroll down his web page.
“What you doing?”
“Looking through the college I’ve applied to in New York.” Said Kurt simply. After Rachel’s dad’s had sorted the apartment out for them last week, Burt offered to pay for a theatre college course for Kurt to start once he was over there, as long as he promised to keep up his job and auditions.
“I thought you weren’t applying?”
“I changed my mind. Can we get over this small talk please and get to the point. Why did you break up with Mercedes?” Kurt questioned slamming the laptop shut. “And Blaine’s said he’s barely seen you in 2 weeks.”
“I know.” He looked at his hands where his thumbs were spinning around each other.
“What’s going on Sam? You’re not homeless again are you?”
“No I’m not homeless again.” He giggled. Sam loved the humorous side to Kurt; he could truly make him laugh uncontrollably.
“Then why did you break up with my girl?”
“It’s complicated, I’m just really confused.”
“Sam, don’t make this awkward!”
“I’m not I just don’t want to talk about it okay!” Kurt leant over to the desk with his laptop, struggling to reach over. “Here let me do that!” Sam got up and tried to take it from him.
“No Sam, I’m fine!”
“No please, let me help.” His hand brushed against Kurt’s soft skin, sending shocks everywhere and making him tingle, he took the laptop slowly from the boy’s hands and placed it on the desk with ease. Nothing was said but Sam retracted slowly, taking in Kurt’s body.
As Kurt sat back Sam felt himself get closer and closer to the boy, his hand gliding up Kurt’s arm. Don’t do it! No it’s a bad thing! Sam, ignoring his brain continued to lean in closer and closer until he got to the point where he could cup Kurt’s face comfortably.
“Sam, what are yo-“ Kurt was cut short of his sceptical sentence by Sam’s lips pressing angrily to his own. It was comfortable, and nice, but not nearly as nice as Blaine’s. Blaine! Oh my god I have a Blaine! Kurt thought, this resulted in Sam being pushed away instantly. A horrified look spread across Kurt’s face as Sam sat back in his chair, not really knowing what to say.
“What the name of GaGa Sam?!” Kurt asked horrified about the fact he just cheated on his boyfriend.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
“What? Why did you even do that? I have a boyfriend Sam!”
“I know, I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have done that!”
“Is this why you broke it off with Mercedes? Is this why you’ve been acting crazy?”
“A little, I mean.” His voice began to crack and he let out a whimper. “I’m so confused, and then I started to like you and I saw you and Blaine and I wanted that and I knew I really wanted you and I didn’t want to lead Mercedes on anymore, I’m just so sorry, so freakin’ sorry Kurt. I didn’t mean for that to happen.” It all tumbled out at once, like he had been holding it in for a while. Kurt sat for a while, not really sure of what to say.
“It’s okay Sam. It’s alright.” He gave a little reassuring smile to the boy who was crying. “It’s hard what you’re going through, I just wish you hadn’t have kissed me!”
“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done it!”
“I knew you were gay.” Kurt mumbled jokingly, to be fair, he had said since Sam transferred that he was gay, and no-one actually believed him. Sam just laughed.
“I think I’d better leave.”
“Yeah.” Kurt looked down awkwardly.
“I hope you feel better soon.”
“Thanks.” Kurt paused and started again as Sam reached for the door handle. “Sam, if you ever need to talk. You know I’m here. I’m not mad at you.”
He turned abruptly looking Kurt in the eyes. “Thanks.” He gave out a small smile and continued to run down the corridor, all he knew was that he had to get out of the building as soon as he could and get home! It wasn’t meant to go like that!
On his way down the stairs he banged shoulders with another man. “Oh gosh I’m sorry!” He apologized turning round to see Blaine’s face looking at him.
“Sam? What the hell are you doing here? You know you’ve missed like the last six glee practices? We need you man!” Blaine was annoyed; Sam knew everyone was annoyed with him.
“I know, I’m sorry. I have to go!” He stuttered running down the rest of the stairs.
Blaine burst in to Kurt’s room moments later. “What the hell was Sam doing here?”
“Oh nothing, seeing how I was.”
“He was meant to be at glee! We’ve been worried about him! He’s not showing up at all anymore! What did he want exactly.”
“Nothing, he was just seeing how I was doing!” Kurt defended Sam, he shouldn’t have done. Sam had been in the wrong a lot recently and Kurt wasn’t the person who should be defending him. But he knew he had to. He knew what Sam was going through, all the different emotions, trying to figure things out, it was hard.
“I’m sorry baby, how are you?”
“Not so bad.” Blaine ran a hand through Kurt’s hair smiling down at him. “Why are you early?”
“Mr Schue let me out to come and see you.” Blaine pressed a soft kiss to Kurt’s lips and took his seat in the chair next to the bed. Luckily Sam mustn’t have left a taste on Kurt’s lips, Blaine would have picked it up otherwise. “Has Burt and Carole been yet?”
“Carole came round this morning for an hour. Dad hasn’t been yet, he’s in the garage apparently. Are you going home tonight?”
“I think so, If that’s okay with you.”
“Yes. You need your sleep Blaine. Is anyone coming tonight?”
“From school? No I don’t think so. I brought us a DVD so we could watch it together if you wanted before I left?”
“Sure.” Kurt grinned, they missed the time when they could just be teenagers and hang out together, it was difficult with a lot of people coming and going throughout the day. “What movie?”
“The Little Mermaid, I know it’s one of your favourites.” Blaine smiled pulling the DVD out of his bag and placing it on the desk.
“Blaine, we said we were always going to be honest with each other right?”
“I have something I really need to tell you. But I don’t want you to freak out or anything!”
“I won’t do! What is it?”
“When Sam was here. He kissed me. It didn’t last long and I pushed him straight off me! I promise, I didn’t kiss him he just sort of came at me!”
“What? Are you fucking kidding me.” Blaine stood from his seat in a moment of anger. “I’m going after him!”
“No you’re not! Blaine just listen to me!” Kurt pleaded watching him cross the room to the door. “Please!” He took a step back showing he was surrendering. “He’s confused Blaine. He’s got no idea what’s going on inside his mind. He said he likes me.”
“But Kurt, he has no respect, he knew you have a boyfriend.”
“I know Blaine. You don’t know how many times he apologized! I don’t think you should hold this against him. Please. He’s just really confused at the moment, it was an impulse thing.”
“If you’re sure.” Blaine sighed taking another step closer. “Promise me you’re sure though!”
“I’m sure! Just don’t do anything to him. It sounds like he’s having a hard enough time!”
“Okay, I promise.”
The afternoon was filled with mindless chat between the boys. Mainly discussing Nationals and if Kurt would be ready to do a solo. Blaine was on his way down to the cafeteria, getting both of the boys a sandwich as Kurt didn’t think much of the hospital food. Kurt was upstairs (obviously) putting on the movie.
As Blaine got to the desk to pay his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out he handed the money over to the usual lady at the tills and noticed it was unknown number. Pressing the accept button anyway he answered.
“Is this Blaine Anderson?”
“Yes it is.”
“Hello Mr Anderson! My Name’s Harry Simmon’s.” The voice sounded quite happy at the other end. I’ve heard that name, where have I heard that name? Blaine racked his brains for the name but it was useless. “You do know who I am don’t you Mr Anderson?”
“If I’m honest, not really. I’m sorry I just can’t remember.”
“I believe you entered your video in to my YouTube recording contract deal.”
“Uh yeah I did.” Blaine had completely forgotten about being entered in it! With all the hospital drama it skipped his mind.
“Well Mr Anderson, I would like you to come and live audition for us please.”
“Yes, there were 12,000 entries Mr Anderson and you were the best. We would like you to come and audition please on Saturday for us. The Reasons Hotel at noon.”
“What? Are you saying I have the contract?”
“You were the best out of everyone. We narrowed it down to three then put it to a vote. You clearly have talent.”
“Well. Urm, I suppose so.”
“So is that settled? The Reason’s Hotel at noon on Saturday! I believe you will be heading to California in June is that correct? If we like you we’ll take it from there. The contract is for a 3 album deal. So you’re set for the next few years at least. The contract can be extended.” Blaine literally couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Okay Saturday, noon!” Blaine repeated.
“Goodbye Mr Anderson. Have a good day.”
Blaine hung up his phone. Mouth gaping open wide, unable to talk. A sudden rush of emotion hit him like a brick wall and he bounced in to the air yelling with happiness.
“Calm down son.” A small old lady chuckled walking past him.
“I’ve just been offered a record contract! Me!” He shouted with excitement. He was set for a long time now! Nothing could stop him going to California now, nothing at all. How many teenagers get record contract’s handed out to them.
Before heading back up stairs he thought to call Kyle to tell him the good news.
“Kyle! Kyle, Kyle, Kyle!” Blaine repeated excitedly.
“Blaine, what’s happened? Am I in trouble?”
“No you are perfect! You small perfect boy you!”
“What did I do?”
“You entered me for the record contract thing! You know the real record contract where your albums will be in stores and you will get a tour and everything.”
“I’ve got it! Me! Me Blaine! I have a contract! A fucking contract!” He was excited. Clearly.
“Oh my god! That’s so amazing! I knew you would get it! Well done! Does this mean you’re really going to California now?”
“Yes of course! Nothing will stop me going now!”
“Have you told Kurt?”
Well maybe that might stop him going. New York and California was still a sore spot for both of them. Blaine couldn’t say anything while Kurt was in hospital still.
“No, not yet.” There was a ping of sadness to Blaine’s voice. “I have to go, I’m at the hospital. But thank you so much for that! Like seriously!”
“It’s fine, I’m so happy for you! Seriously dude!”
“I’ll see you in glee tomorrow?”
“Yeah you will bye.”
Blaine shoved his phone back in his jean’s pocket, trying to calm himself down a little. But a new emotion crashed over him. Panic. What about Kurt? He really didn’t want to make him upset about it all when he was still in hospital. He would just have to keep it a secret for now. Blaine calmed himself before entering Kurt’s room again, two sandwiches in hand.
“What took you so long?”
“Oh, erm. There was a queue.” Blaine nervously smiled passing Kurt his food.
“Should I start this?” Kurt questioned pointing to the laptop as Blaine sat on the chair next to the bed again.
“Come sit with me?”
“Come up here and sit with me?” Kurt pouted. The bed did look big enough; he just didn’t want to hurt Kurt. Kurt scooted over, calling out in pain once or twice.
“No Kurt, not if you’re going to hurt yourself!”
“I’m not, look I’m fine!” He settled back down and patted the place next to him. Blaine got up and climbed in next to his boyfriend very carefully. Wires were all around the bed from Kurt’s arms where he had drips going in. Blaine tried to get comfortable without disturbing Kurt too much.
Kurt grabbed one of Blaine’s arms and put it around his shoulders, knowing his boyfriend was too scared to do it. Blaine relaxed with Kurt. Knowing that he hadn’t been able to do this for three weeks. He hadn’t quite realized how much he’d missed it. Blaine pressed play on the DVD and snuggled down with Kurt. It felt normal. Finally.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Blaine replied.
About half an hour in to the movie, Blaine looked down to see a flick of hair dangling in Kurt’s face as he’d fallen asleep on Blaine’s chest. He moved it out of the way slowly and placed it behind his ear. Blaine thought looking down at Kurt, pure love only in his eyes and his heart aching.
How can I lie to you about this? You are the most perfect person alive and it kills me to know I can’t be with you come June. I know we say we’re going to make it work. I know us. We won’t. I love you so much though. The pressure will be too much. Should I break it off before June? No! I can’t. I want to spend as much time with you as I can.
It will break my heart to leave you, you know? We’ve both got separate lives waiting for us. I came in to this for the long run. I guess it shows things don’t go the way you plan. I still feel bad about lying about the contract though. You told me about Sam. No, I have to keep it to myself! Otherwise it will make things worse. I just want you to remember you love me and I love you.


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