You Move Me
Accidents Happen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: Accidents Happen

E - Words: 7,678 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
228 0 0 0 0

Chapter 14

It was new years and Kurt and Blaine planned on making this one go with a bang. Puck was throwing a party round at his place while his parents spent the evening with family. It was a party for the glee kids and Burt and Carole had given Kurt and Blaine permission to go, as long as they were responsible. Kurt was upstairs, choosing outfits with Rachel in his room while Blaine and Finn eagerly waited for them to finish so they could leave. Looking down in his arms Blaine smiled at the sleeping baby. Louise and Emily were staying with the Hummel-Hudson's for a little longer as they all agreed there really wasn't much point in them returning home.

"So, how are you and Kurt getting on?" Finn asked to kill the awkward silence, but his question just made the situation even more awkward.

"Alright I suppose. We're not back there yet, but we're getting there."

"Are you still going to California?"

"Yeah. Have you told Rachel you're heading to Cincinnati yet?"

"Yes." Finn stared forward, not wanting to be reminded of the afternoon he told Rachel he wasn't moving to New York.

"That bad huh?"

"You could say so." Finn lifted his sleeve up and showed Blaine. "See those red marks. Yeah she did that."

"Oh god!" Blaine couldn't help but laugh though. At least Kurt didn't have a temper.

"Finally!" Finn exclaimed looking to the stairs seeing Kurt and Rachel descend them. Rachel looked beautiful, her brown hair curled and pulled to one side. Perfect red lipstick painted over her plump lips. Amazing wasn't the word. She wore a floaty white dress; short. Finn sat and stared at his girlfriend, thinking how he was ever going to let her go come June. She amazed him to this very day, just how perfect she could be.

"My creation!" Kurt presented her as they got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Rachel you look amazing!" Blaine smiled; he really thought she did look amazing. "Seriously, you look like an angel!" Finn stood from his seat and made his way over to the girl, stood waiting anxiously for her boyfriends approval.

"Rachel, I-" Finn stopped himself, not really knowing how to explain how he felt for the girl at the moment.

"Yes Finn?" Her brown eyes stared in to his, waiting for him to finish.

"You're just incredible. I'm the luckiest guy." He lent down to kiss her. Kurt having enough of Rachel taking the spot light again went to Blaine in search of compliments.

"You look amazing too." Blaine leant over to kiss Kurt, trying not to wake up Emily.

"Having fun with the baby?"

"She's not woken up all afternoon!" He laughed looking at an exhausted Emily.

"It's because she kept us up all night!" Kurt and Blaine had taken over the overnight duties while Louise was staying with them; it was only fair to give her some kind of break over Christmas.

"At least we don't have to deal with her tonight." Blaine raised an eyebrow.

"Stop it! There are children!"

"Are we nearly ready to leave guys?" Finn asked, noticing that his brothers were making themselves to comfortable on the sofa. That's what Finn thought of Blaine now, his brother. He called Mike, Artie and Puck his brothers, so it would make sense to call Blaine his brother too. Kurt was special in all of this because they had a mutual understanding that when Finn called Kurt his 'Bro' he meant it.

"Yeah, let me just take Emi back to Louise." Blaine stood, noticing the baby stir in his arms before she snuggled back down closer to him. He looked down and smiled. Sometimes he would sit with her on his own, when Louise and Kurt would be talking, and just imagine what it would be like to have his own child. He wanted a child with Kurt, not just a child. It wasn't something they'd discussed but they both knew that one day they both wanted children.

"Are you kids heading off now?" Burt asked noticing Blaine had entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, I think so." Blaine handed Emily back to Louise carefully.

"Have fun! Don't have too much to drink! And if you do have a drink, don't drive home!" Carole was worrying as usual.

"We won't. Promise." Blaine hugged Carole goodbye and left. "Ready?" He questioned looking at the 3 people in the lounge.

"Yeah! I need to get my party on!" Finn exclaimed leaving everyone else in stitches while he was left wondering what everyone was laughing at.


"Half an hour until midnight!" Rachel drunkenly slurred with a Vodka and coke spilling out of her cup. The announcement earned a crowd of 'woops' from the rest of the glee club members. Everyone was relatively tipsy by now. With the exception of Puck, Mike and Brittany who were completely out of it. Quinn and Blaine were sat laughing on the couch at Puck's drunken dancing to Dancing Queen by ABBA. Kurt and Mercedes were in the kitchen, talking about Blaine.

"Are you sure he's cool now? Kurt I don't want you getting hurt anymore."

"'Cedes! I won't be, I promise we're all good now. We've bother realized it might not be forever, but it's for now and that's what matters." He had to catch up with his friends, he hadn't seen them since Christmas.

"Kurt what's that?" She grabbed his hand, the hand with the ring on it.

"Blaine bought it me for Christmas, it's a promise ring."

"God, I'm so jealous." She threw his hand down. "You split up and he buys you a ring, I can barely get Sam to pay for his half at breadsticks!" Kurt laughed and watched Puck try and spin on his head. Obviously he failed dramatically and fell to the ground with a crash.

"Come with me." Quinn grabbed Blaine's hand and led him upstairs. They were both tipsy but in full control of what they were doing.

"Where are we going?"

"Just taking a trip." Quinn lead him straight to Puck's bedroom, she knew they could have some time alone up there. She flicked the light switch, knowing exactly her way around from living here a few years ago.

"It's a cool room." Blaine looked around at some of the classic band posters plastered on the walls. The Who, Springsteen, The Beatles. They guy had good taste. "What did you want?" He looked over to the bed where Quinn was sat, her short dress pulled up a little to show more of her thigh.

"Nothing. Just to talk, it's so noisy down there." Lovingly looking at Blaine she patted the space next her on the bed. This isn't going to be good, Blaine thought sitting down. "So, how are things with Kurt?"

"Great actually." He smiled, moving away a little as her finger started to run along his arm. A tingling sensation hit every nerve in his body.

"That's good." She closed her eyes and moaned slightly. "Blaine?"


"Have you ever thought about being with a girl?" Blaine's body went stiff.

"No, what do you mean?"

"You know, ditching the guys."

"No I haven't actually Quinn." He tensed and moved away a little.

"I could change your mind a little." Her eyes opened again to meet his. She leaned her soft lips in to Blaine's, pressing them together lightly when she got close enough. Blaine had no idea what he was doing. He pressed back lightly, his first girl kiss.

"Quinn!" Shouting in her face he pushed her back forcefully realizing what he'd just done.


"Quinn I've got a boyfriend!"

"You're telling me you feel nothing for me? I've seen the way you look at me when we're alone, the way you hold my hand."

"What? Are you kidding me Quinn? You know I'm gay, over all you know I have a boyfriend!"

"Yeah one that you told that you didn't want to be with him anymore."

"You have no right to throw that back in my face, you weren't even in that argument!"

"But I got you back together!"

"Well done, what do you want a fucking medal? Actually it was Finn that got us back together." Blaine stood horrified at what he'd just done, he may have hurt Kurt badly but he was no cheat!

"Where are you going?"

"To my boyfriend!" Blaine slammed the bedroom door shut behind him and walked downstairs slowly, the music getting louder and louder every step he took. A sigh of relief came from Blaine's throat as he saw Kurt sitting on the couch laughing with Mercedes. Joining them, he sat next to Kurt and snuggled closer to him.

"Where have you been?"

"Just needed some air." Blaine reached up and kissed Kurt, soft and slow.

"Your lips taste like cherry." Kurt licked his own lips to get more of the taste. Quinn wears cherry chap stick! Blaine realized pulling away from Kurt and freezing.

"Oh urm- Yeah. Cherry Vodka." He held his empty cup up to Kurt, hoping he'd buy it.

"Ahh!" Luckily enough Kurt was drunk enough to buy it.

"It's nearly midnight!" Finn shouted to the rest of the room, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Finn had already had too much to drink, taxi home it was. "Put MTV on!" He demanded swaying around a lot. Everyone stood in the middle of the room, all together waiting for the countdown. Brittany was sat on Artie's lap. Kurt and Blaine were holding each other close. Sam and Mercedes were kissing already. Finn was holding Rachel up, not that it mattered to much because he was on his way down too.

"10, 9, 8..." The countdown begun, this was it. Kurt's first New Years kiss. "4, 3, 2..." Kurt stared in to Blaine's hazel eyes, even if they looked a little blurry they were still perfect. His arms were flung around his neck and his hands we linked behind his head. Blaine returned the favour with his arms around Kurt's waist pulling him as close as possible. "1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone in the room shouted in sync no matter how drunk they were. Kurt locked lips with Blaine, everything went silent. As far as Kurt was aware, no-one else was around. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss, asking permission to enter Blaine's mouth. Their tongues danced together in the warmth of their mouths that tasted so familiar. Fireworks were going off in the background and everyone had separated after their kisses, but Blaine and Kurt held on. Because at that moment everything was perfect. Blaine slipped his tongue from Kurt's mouth and mumbled on his lips.

"Happy new year baby."

"Happy new year Blaine." Kurt cupped the boys face and pressed more soft kisses to his perfect lips.


The night was coming to a close. Everything was dying down a little and numerous New Directions were scattered across the floor, either passed out or asleep. Blaine had phoned a cab to take himself, Kurt and Finn home a good ten minutes ago. It was coming close to 3am and he didn't want to worry Burt any longer. Blaine was easily the most sober of the lot; he'd had enough to drink to trip up a couple of times while dancing but not as much as he did at Rachel's last year. He was never going to that place again! The taxi pulled up outside the house and beeped. Here goes!

Finn was passed out on the couch, snoring away with his arm wrapped around Rachel. Blaine removed his arm from around the sleeping girl and tapped him lightly. "Finn, the taxi's here, we need to go home." He started to lift him from the couch.

"Oh hey Blaine!" Frankenteen slurred. "Did I ever tell you how awesome your hair is?" He stood up and Blaine wrapped his arm around his waist to keep him stable. "You're really small!" Finn giggled patting the top of Blaine's head.

"Okay, okay Finn. We just need to get you in this cab!" Blaine lowered the giant boy in to the world's smallest cab where he returned to sleeping as soon as the door shut. "Can you wait a minute?" Blaine asked the driver before he ran inside to collect his boyfriend too.

"Come on Kurt, we gotta go." He tapped his boyfriend on his arm and Kurt was slightly more alert and aware then Finn was.

"Home?" He asked sleepily.

"Yes home!" Laughing, Blaine helped Kurt to the cab and put him in the back too before taking the front seat to himself. He told the driver the address and sat back thinking about the evening he'd had. He sang, danced, it was really a great night of bonding time with his friends. I kissed Quinn. Blaine's eyes widened in the horror and he turned to check on Kurt in the back. Both teenagers were fast asleep.


The Hummel-Hudson house, the next morning.

Blaine awoke, close to midday with a banging headache. He opened his eyes and looked at his boyfriend who was still spark out next to him. Blaine got up and went to the bathroom to get some pain killers. Kurt will be needing some of these, he thought popping two in his mouth and swallowed them whole. Checking back on Kurt he noticed he was still asleep, perfect opportunity to get back in bed. Blaine took two more pills from the packet and got a glass of water, placing them on the bedside table so Kurt could take them when he woke up. Blaine slipped back in to bed with Kurt and closed his eyes again, snuggling up to his boyfriend.

An hour later Blaine was woken by Kurt hitting his arm harshly. "Blaine, Blaine!" Kurt shouted trying to up grip Blaine's fingers from his waist.

"Mhm." Blaine sighed.

"Blaine!" He felt Kurt heave and he unlocked his hands immediately. Kurt jumped up from the bed with his hands over his mouth. "I'm gonna throw up!" He screeched running to the bathroom and banging the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Blaine questioned sitting on the bed holding Kurt's water out for him once he returned.

"I think so." Kurt said wiping the side of his mouth. "Egh I drank way too much." He slumped to the bed and put his hand on his head.

"Yes, yes you did." Laughing, Blaine held out the water for Kurt to take. "Here, drink this."

"What time is it?"

"Almost one."

"Oh god! It's so late! Is everyone else up?"

"Everyone but Finn. I keep hearing him chuck up then go back to bed." Blaine laughed knowing he didn't have it half as bad as the other two boys.

"Was I worse than him?"

"No! Do you actually remember last night?"

"The last thing I remember was kissing you at midnight. After that, nothing."

"Well you had a good three hours drinking time after that." Blaine giggled again rubbing small circles to Kurt back.

"What time did I get to bed?"

"It was nearly four back time you'd fallen asleep."

"How'd you know what time I feel asleep?"

"I waited until you fell asleep; I wanted to make sure you were okay. You know, no chocking on your own vomit kind of thing."

"Your amazing you know."

"I know." The boys sat in silence, kind of just waiting for Kurt to throw up again. Sure enough five minutes he returned to the bathroom to throw up anything he consumed last night.

"Boys?" Burt knocked on the bedroom door, only Blaine was sat in there but he allowed Burt to enter. "Where's Kurt?" Burt asked searching the room from the door.

Blaine pointed to the bathroom. "Throwing up."

"Was he bad last night?"

"Pretty." Burt had allowed the boys to drink, knowing they were pretty responsible and he knew Blaine would look after them both. It was new years after all.

"Anyway, this came for him this morning; will you give it to him please?" Burt handed Blaine a letter addressed to Kurt.

"Yeah sure. Did you have a good night?"

"Quiet but good. Thanks for looking after him last night Blaine, you're a good kid." Burt grabbed the boys shoulder reassuringly.

"It was nothing really, anyone would have done it. Kurt was easy compared to Finn! It took me half an hour to get him in bed. 30 minutes!"

"Haha, yeah he can be tough sometimes when he's had a bit to drink." Burt laughed and left the room, remembering back to last Christmas when they let Finn drink a little too much. Sure enough Kurt re-entered the room, looking slightly better than we he left.

"Better?" Blaine asked again opening his arms, allowing Kurt to cuddle up to him.

"A little." Kurt lay down and put his head in Blaine's lap, the smaller boy stroked his hair lovingly and put an arm around him. "Was my dad here?"

"Yeah, he left this." Blaine passed the letter to Kurt which made him perk up a little. "What is it?"

"It's my letter about the visit next week! The apartment!" Kurt opened the letter excitedly and read it through. "YES!" He exclaimed. "We're seeing it next week! To measure up and stuff!" He screeched. Kurt and Rachel had applied for some time with Rachel's parents next weekend to view the apartment again and measure up for furniture. Kurt was excited because it meant he got to go to New York again, this time, Rachel's dads were paying!

"Awesome! That's great babe." Blaine kissed the top of his, grateful that he had no organizing of his own to do.

"Do you think anywhere will be open today, you know like furniture places? I know its new year's day."

"I think Sheet's and Things is open. We could try if you really want to."

"Please, please, please Blaine!" Kurt begged with his best puppy eyes.

"You know I'm the best at puppy eyes." Blaine smirked. "Aright then, I think they shut at four though so we need to get a move on!"

The boys got ready to go out, Blaine was happy to help Kurt shop for apartment things; it didn't really bother him he wouldn't be there. "Are you going out?" Carole questioned looking at the boys as they headed downstairs later that afternoon.

"Yeah, we're just going to go to Sheet's and Things. Just to have a look at some apartment stuff. I've got the letter back saying we can go next week." Kurt had perked up a considerable amount from an hour before, after he threw up twice more.

"Oh that's great Kurt!" Carole was over joyed, she would have hugged him but she was holding Emily.

"Is that my favourite little girl?" Blaine cooed walked to Carole.

"Take her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! I've had her for an hour! Louise is down at the garage with Burt." Blaine took the wide awake baby from Carole's arms and continued to coo at her while Kurt got himself a drink.

"Aww, you're so cute, yes you are!" Blaine smiled, but Kurt just laughed. "What?"

"You're just such a dork!" Emily reached out for Kurt, putting her arm towards him.

"You see Emi, I'm sure cousin Kurt would love to hold you, but we can't let that happen you see. Because he drunk way too much last night. And he might throw up on you." Blaine explained slowly to the baby, making sure Kurt listened to every word.

"How much did you drink Kurt?" Carole looked disappointed. Kurt blushed and looked away.

"Enough to make him throw up a good five times in the last hour." Blaine laughed, putting Kurt in it.

"Oh Kurt I am disappointed!"

"With me? Have you seen your son this morning?"

"Yes! Trust me he's had harsh words! Thank you Blaine for taking care of them!"


"Oh here we go again, Blaine the saint, rescuing the two drunken teenagers." Kurt complained doing a dramatic spin, anything for attention.

"We know he likes me really." Blaine whispered in to Emily's ear, again loud enough for Kurt to hear.

"Okay I think you'd better leave boys if you want to get there before the store closes." Carole suggested taking Emily back. "Oh and boys, happy new year!"

"Happy new year Carole." Kurt hugged his step mother, in a way he was really glad he had her. Obviously she wasn't his real mother but he'd come to terms with the fact he would never get her back, Carole was good enough. She was sweet, funny, and so nice to both Kurt and Blaine, how could they complain about her? She made his dad happy, and that's all that really mattered.

Blaine and Kurt left the house and got in Blaine BMW with debate between them wither Kurt was in any fit state to drive. A debate which consisted of Kurt assuring Blaine he was safe to drive. "Blaine I'm fine, let's just go in my car!"

"Kurt how many fingers am I holding up?"

"Well if you'd stop moving them, I'd be able to see!"

Point proven, so Blaine's car was taken to Sheet's and Things. Finn was still in bed when they left, they had a feeling he wouldn't be emerging from his room any time at all today.


"What do you think of cream?" Kurt questioned holding up a towel to show Blaine.

"Cream? Really? I thought you would be more of a gray kind of guy."

"Gray! Gray! I never even thought of that! You're a genius!" Kurt cupped Blaine's face and lent in close.

"It's been said." Blaine lent in further and pressed a quick kiss to Kurt's lips. "Love you."

"Love you too." Blaine pulled Kurt's hand towards something different in the store other than towels; which they had been looking at now for a good half an hour. Blaine pulled out his phone to check his text's while Kurt went off to look at laundry baskets.

"Blaine! There's manager looking around YouTube for new talent. Like seriously, record deal up for grabs! Shall I submit your videos?" It was from Kyle. Blaine's heart may have just jumped in to his mouth as he got to the end of the text. He received another before even replying. "Oh it's in Cali by the way, the management team! Perfect! Happy New year." Oh my day couldn't get better! Blaine thought kind of screaming inside. He text back straight away.

"Oh course enter me! I can't get online until tonight, please could you submit my video! Thanks so much Kyle! Happy New Year!"

Blaine placed his phone back in his pocket, still smiling which Kurt did notice.

"Who was that?"

"Oh no-one, just a joke." He wasn't going to tell Kurt yet; there were too many reasons not to. First there was no chance he would even get the contract, there must be thousands of people entering and Blaine was not going to be that one person that gets the contract. Also the fact that a recording contract in California may just push Kurt of the edge. Sure he was getting used to the idea of Blaine being in a different city, but knowing he'd have a reason to stay may have just pushed him back to the argument they were just getting over.

"Oh, okay. Right, I put some pictures of the apartment in your glove compartment, can I go get them?"

"Why do you need them?"

"Because it shows the shape and colour of the apartment, it might make buying towels easier." Kurt laughed reaching in to the front pocket in Blaine's jeans.

"Calm yourself we're in public." Blaine teased whispering in Kurt's ear.

"I'm getting your keys, calm down!" He tapped his arm retrieving the keys and walked off towards the door.

"I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here." Blaine watched him walking away. Oh i'm quite happy he's worn those jeans today, his arse looks nice. Blaine thought, followed by another train of thought, Oh god, did I just check out my boyfriends arse in public? He busied himself looking at some cups on the shelf next to him, hoping no-one had the power to read his mind at the moment.

A loud screech of a tyre skidding across the floor filled the air of the store, followed by an ear piercing wail, almost a cry. Everyone stopped to look outside the window where the car park was; everyone but Blaine. He knew that cry to well. The pain behind it. That was the cry he'd heard a few times before, nothing like this though. It was high pitched, and had a sense of fear behind it. Panic filled him head to toe and tears streamed down his face. It had been only a few seconds since hearing the wail, but Blaine couldn't help it. His heart went numb like a piece was missing and his eyes closed, hoping everything that was happening was a dream. The next sound Blaine was dreading came, hitting him like a slap in the face. A thud of a body hitting the hard concrete and a crack of a head following it. He noticed no-one around him moved, just stared at the window that Blaine couldn't bring himself to look in. You never know, it's probably not him. He thought trying ever so hard to reassure himself.

A few more precious seconds passed before Blaine gathered the courage to look up and out of the window. Lying on the floor, motionless, was Kurt. Blood draining from his tiny body more and more with every millisecond he was lay there. Blaine's feet took him as fast as he could to the frail boy lying in front of the store. No-one was around him, and Blaine was pretty sure everyone was staring at him for running so fast, but what did that matter? Even though his body was numb there was a terrible aching he felt in his chest.

His knee's scraped the ground as he fell with a crash next to Kurt's unconscious body. The blue shirt they had both picked out in New York was now ruined with blood, every inch socked with the red liquid. More and more tears built up in Blaine's eyes, unable to control them, he stared down at his boyfriend in disbelief and let them run free, and as they fell each one mixed in with the pool of blood that had already formed on the ground. Kurt's head was twisted with a large gash to the left side, blood spewing out, otherwise his eyes were closed and except for the dirt and blood on his face, he looked like he could have been sleeping. Blaine ran his fingers through the boy's hair, trying not to move him. His chest wasn't rising, Oh my god he's dead, Blaine thought, he leaned down to Kurt's ear and managed to stutter "Kurt, say something, anything. Look at me." He stared right back in to Kurt's closed eyelids, hoping for what he knew would be a miracle.

"Baby, please." His hands reached his face as he knelt crying next to his boyfriend's body.

"I've phoned an ambulance." An elderly woman put her hand on his shoulder. Blaine managed to mouth a thank you, he tried to speak but nothing was coming out. Blaine continued to stare at his boyfriend lying on the floor, his porcelain skin caked in dirt and blood, the same skin that Blaine admired so much.

"Blow the candles out, looks like a solo tonight." Blaine whispered in to Kurt's ear. He never expected his voice to act on its own like that, it just happened. Then again it's what Blaine did. When things got difficult, he sung about them. Kurt's favourite song seemed fitting at this moment in time, as far as Blaine was aware, it was the last part of Kurt he could truly hold on to himself, the feeling of singing that duet with him. No-one else in the world would have that feeling but Blaine. "I'm beginning to see the light."

Thank god, the sound of sirens! The sound had never been so welcome to the boy terrified of hospitals. An ambulance sped round the corner and in to the car park, Blaine rose to his feet. His eyes puffy and red, still holding back a million tears. They're going to pronounce him dead. That was the first thought that entered Blaine's mind as he stepped back and let the paramedics take control.

"Hiya son. What happened here?" The shorter of the two women looked to Blaine above the other people in the crowd.

"He must have got hit, by a car. I wasn't here when it happened."

"Can you tell me how long ago?"

"Probably-ab-about, 7 minutes?" Blaine stammered, trying to get his words out through sobs.

"Okay sweetie, are you a relation?" The other woman was working on Kurt, checking different things Blaine really didn't understand.

"I-I'm his b-b-boyfriend." Blaine blurted out, before continuing to his sobbing.

"Okay sweetie, has he got parents have they been informed?" Oh my god I need to tell Burt and Carole! Blaine had completely pushed them from his mind! Half not really wanting to deliver the news.

"Yes! I'll call them now!" He calmed down and took his phone out, phoning Burt in the state he was in was not going to help matters! He overheard one of the paramedics as he dialled the home number.

"He's alive, just." Blaine sighed with relief as he turned around to see the two women putting Kurt on a board with a head guard on.

"Oh hello Blaine!" Carole answered, as sweetly as ever.

"Carole." Blaine managed to blurt out before bursting in to tears once again.

"Blaine, what's wrong?" Her voice stern and ridden with concern this time, something he rarely heard from her.

"Carole, Kurt's-Kurt's been I-in an accident."

"What? What kind of accident?"

"He's been hit by a car, it's pretty bad. Their taking him to hospital now."

"Okay, Blaine I'm getting my keys and we'll be at the hospital as soon as we can! You stay with him. Don't leave his side!"

"I won't do!" Blaine said. "I never do." He uttered next.

"Okay, we're leaving the house now! We'll see you soon!" Blaine didn't get the chance to reply before Carole had put the phone down. Once he had turned back to the ambulance they were lifting Kurt in to the back of it.

"Are you riding with him?"

"Yes!" Blaine ran to the back and jumped in.

With him and Kurt safely locked in and the ambulance driving to the hospital he look hold of his boyfriends hand. It was still soft. No blood, no dirt, just Kurt's pale, soft hand touching Blaine's. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed looking at his unconscious boyfriend. He'd imagined Kurt replying something along the lines of 'How the hell was this your fault' and him doing his best 'bitch' face, but he lay there motionless. He had a bandage around his head, coving the gaping wound.

"He's lucky." He heard one of the women shout from the front, the taller one with red-ish hair. She came and sat next to him in the back.

"What?" Blaine dried his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were full of pity and sorrow. She must see this kind of thing every day.

"He's lucky! A hit like that could have killed him."

"How bad is it?"

"We won't know for sure until we get to the hospital, broken leg defiantly. Head injuries. We need to check his abdomen, he seems to have a lot of bleeding, and we need to check his vital organs. As I said, he's a very lucky boy just to be alive."

"Is there a chance, you know. He could go?"

"I'm not going to lie to you son, he's very sick. But we'll know more when we get to the hospital." She patted him on the shoulder and returned to the front of the car where the smaller woman put the siren back on.


On arrival at the hospital Kurt was rushed in to ICU where he would be checked over completely. Nothing had gone terribly wrong in the ride over there. Blaine was thankful for that. He couldn't imagine seeing Kurt slip away in front of his eyes, knowing he could do nothing about it. He took a seat on the blue chairs in front of the ICU unit. Staring through the windows watching everything that the doctors were doing to his boyfriend.

He heard scuffling come from the door and some frantic cries. Looking up from where his head was buried in his hands, he saw Burt, Carole and Finn rushing to join him. "Blaine!" They cried out, reaching to hug him. Carole's eyes were puffy and red; she had obviously been affected already by what happened. On closer inspection, Finn looked as though he'd been crying as well. Blaine was just amazed Finn managed to get out of bed, he looked worse than Kurt at the moment.

"What's going on son?" Burt gruffly asked.

"It's my fault! I shouldn't have let him go out." Blaine collapsed back down on to the chair and left even more tears roll free.

"Blaine, none of this was your fault!" Carole sat down, pulling him in to a hug. God knows he needed one.

"He went to get some papers from my car, an-and, he j-just. Just got hit."

"Alright, what's happening now?" Kurt's father pried for more information.

"They're looking him over; h-he might have some, head injuries. He's got a broken leg. And something wrong with his abdomen, the woman said. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Blaine's eyes seemed to explode in to Carole's blouse.

"It's okay, honey." Carole rocked him back and forth gently trying to sooth him.

The minutes seemed to pass like hours as the family waited for news on Kurt in silence. They all sat on the blue chairs, staring in to the room. Just praying for the moment that a doctor comes out and tells them Kurt has passed never to come. Sure enough, 45 minutes after Carole, Burt and Finn had arrived; a doctor came from the room. His face looking slightly gloomy, but that couldn't be helped, it was a hospital. They all stood as he arrived in front of them baring news.

"Your Kurt's family?"

"Yes we are." Burt answered him.

"Right well. Kurt's still not come round. You have to understand that he's a very sick boy. We're going our absolute best for him. He will need surgery I'm afraid, it's unavoidable. He has a broken leg, a deep wound to the right of his abdomen. Also a broken rib and a punctured lung. Leading to internal bleeding. He also has a severe head injury, caused by the impact of him hitting the ground. We will know more about this once we have given him a scan." So much information was being thrown at Blaine he could barely keep up. "We will be taking him for a scan to check there is no permanent damage to his brain, and then we will be taking him to surgery." He explained.

"Is he going to be okay though?" Blaine had gathered the courage to ask the question everyone was dreading asking.

"As I said Mr Anderson, Kurt is very ill. We are trying our very best for him. Now if you excuse me, we need to take him to surgery. There is a relative's room you might be more comfortable staying in just down the hall." The doctor walked away, back in to ICU to tend to Kurt.

"I suppose we'd better go down there then." There was a twinge in Burt's voice, something Blaine had never heard before. It was a longing almost. The rest of the family followed Burt in silence down the corridor to the relatives room where they would sit, waiting for Kurt's surgery to be over.

Everything was silent there. They were the only family occupying the room at the time, and everything was quite. No phone's going off, machines beeping. It was like a completely different world to the one waiting on the other side of the door. The family had been sat in the room, eagerly waiting for news on how Kurt was doing for a good three hours now. It still hadn't sunk in for Blaine what he had to witness today. To see his boyfriend lying on the floor like that, fearing he was dead. It was the worst feeling Blaine had ever felt in his life. Worse than his parents ignoring him. The years of neglect. His father having cancer. None of it matched up to the pain he was feeling right now. No-one had spoken since they left the ICU unit.

"I'm sorry." Blaine mumbled quietly.

"What?" Carole looked up to him, almost in disbelief someone had spoken.

"I'm really sorry, for not taking care of him."

"Blaine, no-one could have guessed something like this would have happened. And as for the guy that just drove off! Well! You have nothing to apologise for!"

"She's right son." Burt added. "It's not your fault. You've had it worse than any of us. You had to watch him there. See him on the floor." Burt couldn't even imagine the things Blaine had to see. Blaine was just incredibly relieved that Burt wasn't annoyed with him, or thought he'd neglected his son.

"It was horrible. I couldn't touch him. He was lying there." Blaine started to squirm in his chair. Carole wrapped an arm around him, to make him feel better. A face appeared at the door. It was the doctor from before; he knocked once and let himself in. Everyone stood again waiting for news.

"Okay. He's not out of surgery yet. But he's doing fine. We have however got his test results back from his brain scan. Everything seems relatively normal. He had a pretty bad wound to the side of his head that will be treated and stitched. That will heal over time. He may have a little bit of memory loss because it seems he had hit his head badly when he flew backwards. Other than that, if the surgery goes well. He should make a full recovery. He is a very lucky boy!"

"Thank you." Everyone said as the doctor left.

"That's good news right?" The first thing Finn had said today! Before he'd just sat, staring at anything with a shocked expression. Maybe two years ago him and Kurt hadn't had been the best of friends, but they were brothers now. They stuck together.

"That is good news!" Carole sung.


The news update on Kurt was followed by another antagonizing three hour wait. Slightly more chat went on in this last few hours, mainly talk about Kurt, and things that each person treasured about the boy. Blaine had shared his memory of singing Baby its Cold Outside with the family. He'd explained how on that night, he really wanted to kiss him because he felt so strong at that moment, and that every day since; he's regretted never kissing him.

It was getting late now. Around 9pm, everyone was worn out and tired, and Finn kept complaining he was hungry. None of it matter because they weren't going to leave until they had received some more information about Kurt.

"Mr and Mrs Hummel? Mr Anderson?" The doctor put his head around the door, stepping in with a smile on his face. "I'm happy to say it's good news so far." The family grinned at each other. "I say so far! The next three days will be critical for Kurt. His chances of surviving the accident have been dramatically increased. However he is still very ill." I wish people would stop telling me he's really ill, Blaine thought but remembered he really should be paying attention. "The bleeding had been fixed in his abdomen, his punctured lung had been patched up, his leg had had a plaster cast put on and he's had stitches in his head and abdomen. He's certainly very lucky!"

"When can we see him?" Finn questioned, hardly taking any notice of anything the doctor just explained.

"He's been put on an intensive care ward for the next week. You can see him in a few minutes once we have had a chance to move him. He's not awake yet and we presume he won't be awake for the next 24-48 hours yet. The surgery mixed with the accident and the bump to the head, I think it's understandable he will be out of it for a while yet. You can go and visit him but he can only have two visitors with him at a time. One person can stay with him during the nights." The doctor finished explaining and received thank you's from Blaine, Burt, Carole and Finn.

"I think we should let Burt and Blaine go first Finn." Carole reassured him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay." The tall teenager agreed sitting back down.

"Are you okay with that Blaine?"

"Yes! Of course!" Blaine was really just thinking of who would stay the night; Louise was still at home on her own. Blaine really wanted to be the one to stay overnight with Kurt, he never wanted to leave his bedside. He'd been a lousy boyfriend and he knew it. Nothing could make up for that fact, but it would be a start if he vowed not to leave him. Blaine knew it was unrealistic to say he wanted to stay with Kurt, but maybe Burt and Carole would be a little lenient.

"C'mon kid." Burt placed a hand firmly on Blaine's shoulder and followed him out of the room, on to the corridor where they were facing the closed door to the ward Kurt was staying on. "Are you ready?" The men paused outside the room, neither of them wanting to face the reality of what was on the other side. It's better than going to pronounce his death, Blaine thought.

"Yes!" Blaine paused. "I think."

"C'mon." Burt pressed the door handle down and pushed it open slowly. There was no-one else on the ward, there were spaces for two more people, but no-one was in to fill them. Kurt being the only person in the room, it was hard not to look at him. Blaine rushed to his bedside, taking up one of the seats next to the bed. He sat and stared at Kurt. His limp body looked relaxed, like he was sleeping. His eyes lightly shut, just like they did in that early morning time period when Blaine sometimes lay awake, staring at his face. The bruises on the younger boys face were starting to become more prominent. And the bandage around his head made his hair tuft up at the top, something Blaine instantly thought Kurt would not approve of would he have been conscious. He took hold of his hand that was rested on the bed. Still soft. Blaine stared deeply at Kurt's face, almost willing him to wake up. Everything was silent except for the beeping of the machines behind Kurt. A mask was placed over his perfectly formed lips, helping him to breath.

"You really love my son don't you?" Burt questioned, taking up the other seat next to the bed. Blaine thought for a moment, never taking his eyes off Kurt. He really did love him, this conversation was a little strange to be having with his boyfriend's father at such an awkward time but all Blaine could feel was this overwhelming love for the boy lying in the hospital bed, beaten and battered.

"Yes, I really do." Blaine squeezed a little tighter on Kurt's hand. Knowing full well he couldn't return the favour, but it made Blaine able to live with himself knowing he was doing something to comfort Kurt.


"You should really go and get something to eat with Finn and Burt." Carole insisted looking at Blaine from across the bed. It had now just turned midnight, and with quite a bit of debate from the family and discussion with the doctors it was settled Blaine was the best person to stay overnight with Kurt. Blaine insisted he would go home so his immediate family could stay tonight, but Burt and Carole threw back the argument that Blaine was immediate family, plus they had things they needed to do in the morning before returning back to the hospital. Blaine tried not to sound to happy with the fact he got to stay. Burt and Carole knew how much it meant to him to be able to be there for Kurt, even when Kurt didn't realize it.

"I'm fine! Honestly Carole." Blaine hadn't left his bedside since he arrived there three hours ago. Carole, Burt and Finn had taken it in turns to visit Kurt, but once again they agreed it was for the best Blaine stay put.

"You need to eat something!"

"I'm fine! I'm happy sitting here."

"If you're sure." Carole got up and kissed Kurt on the head lightly. "I'm going to go and get the boys and take them home I think. It's getting late. Are you sure you'll be fine here on your own tonight?"

"Yes! I'll be fine! I'll call you if anything changes or happens though."

"Yes do! I'll have my cell on me all the time! Good night Blaine." She gave him a hug and ruffled his hair a little before leaving the room. As soon as she'd left Blaine's eyes directed to Kurt again. He leaned forward and slipped his hand in to Kurt's once again. Smiling, he kissed the top of Kurt's hand and rested back in the chair. On moment of reflection, Blaine realized what an idiot he'd had been the other week when he'd argued with Kurt. Nothing seemed more idiotic at the moment. He has the most perfect boyfriend, why would he purposely do anything to lose him? 'Beep beep' Blaine's phone went off in his pocket. It wouldn't be Carole because she couldn't have left the building yet, who the hell is texting me at this time? Blaine opened the message; Quinn.

"Blaine, I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean to, you know. Forgive me? I know I've messed up! Can we still be friends please? X"

Blaine ignored the text, half not bothering with her when Kurt was lying in hospital and half not having the energy to reply. None of the New Directions knew about what had happened yet. Finn was going to contact each of them tomorrow to tell them the news and see if they wanted to visit so Blaine could draw up a schedule. Not even Rachel knew; she would be pissed. Blaine folded his arms and sat back in his chair.

"Goodnight my love. I love you." He whispered and closed his eyes. Not half as content as he'd been for the past months falling asleep with Kurt's warm breath hitting his neck soothingly, or rubbing circles on to the small of his boyfriend's back, but content in the fact Kurt was alive, and it seemed like it was going to stay that way.


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