You Move Me
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You Move Me: New Kid

E - Words: 3,020 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
211 0 0 0 0

Chapter 12

Early December, Lima, Ohio

It was early December and everything was in a lull after the predicament with The Andersons, and everything had calmed down after the New York trip. Homework was slowly starting to subside to due to the start of the Christmas break. Blaine was starting to feel ever more comfortable in McKinley now that Karofsky had been put on a tight lock down it meant that neither of the boys ever saw him around school anymore. Blaine's relationship with Quinn was getting ever stronger, and the same situation with Puck, Tina, Brittany, Artie and Finn. Something Kurt wasn't extremely happy about but he couldn't do anything about it, they were his friends, he can't take his boyfriend away from his friends.

Blaine and Kurt hadn't really seen much of the Dalton boys either since the seminar. They had seen them once when they headed in to town and saw Nick and Jeff, walking through Hollister holding hands. Blaine smiled and walked on but Kurt had to stop and stare at it, which resorted in a 'Why the hell didn't you tell me' rant towards Blaine. David and Wes were due to come up to the Hummel-Hudson's for a few days over the Christmas holiday for a visit, and the rest of the holiday would be spent at Kurt's grandparents home.

But right now, they were still in school. Quinn, Kurt, Blaine, Tina and Mike were on a free period and they were hanging around the lockers for something to do before the rest of their friends joined them after Spanish.

"No, it's a dance group!" Mike exclaimed trying to explain to Quinn just exactly his plans after graduating.

"Okay, okay! Calm down!" She laughed.

"Does anyone want to go grab a drink?" Blaine asked touching his throat. It was a little sore and no way was he getting sick just before Christmas! The New Directions were booked to play some malls over Christmas and Blaine had his own gig booked for back at Dalton.

"Yeah, come on honey." Kurt linked Blaine's arm and they strolled down the corridor towards the cafeteria.

On coming down the last corridor towards the cafeteria there was a small boy, looking at a map. His blonde hair was flicked downwards as he stared at it, trying to figure out where he was. Blaine wasn't looking where he was going either. He was too busy discussing fashion choices for Christmas day. Once Blaine got close enough to the small boy, he also get off in the direction of Blaine. And banged straight in to him. Resulting in the blue slushie in his hand, spilling right the way down Blaine's crisp white t-shirt.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Please-" The boy started to cry out, probably afraid of the two seniors that looked as though they were going to punch him.

"Excuse me what to you think you are doing? This shirt cost over $100! It is designer!" Kurt exclaimed almost crying at the massive blue stain across his boyfriend's chest. "This is ruined!"

Blaine looked at the kid, he was a couple of inches shorter than himself; the boys light brown hair was short and gelled so that it was spiked up slightly, his chocolate brown eyes looked nervous so Blaine continued to smile to reassure the younger boy. He looked about 15 or 16 years old, he was nicely dressed in dark straight leg jeans, converse trainers, and a partly buttoned blue and green checked shirt, with a white tee underneath. He had a pair of Beat's headphones lay around his neck.

"I'm r-r-really sorry sir! It won't happen again." The boy stuttered looking at Kurt.

"It's fine seriously kid, he over reacts everything!" Blaine tapped this blonde haired boy on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Holy cow!" The boy exclaimed looking at Blaine in awe. Blaine sort of just stared back, what was he meant to say when someone said 'holy cow' to him? "Your Blaine Anderson!"

"I am, yes." Kurt just stood silent, this is priceless, someone else to add to the Blaine Anderson fan club. He thought looking the boy up and down.

"Your, like my idol. Oh god I'm so sorry Mr Anderson!"

"God dude call me Blaine!" Blaine was a little creped out to the fact that a child seemed to know who he was; he let that go to further investigation.

"You are an amazing singer Blaine!" The boy stared at his face with a dazzle in his eyes.

"Okay, I've had enough, see you later Blaine." Kurt tapped his boyfriends shoulder and walked off.

"See you later?" Blaine asked hopefully, well they did have glee club later.

"Yes, love you. I'll bring you a new shirt." Kurt shouted from the other end of the hall now.

"Thanks love you." Blaine looked at the kid awkwardly who was kind of staring at him now. "Boyfriend." Blaine let out a tiny awkward laugh. "Hey, what are you listening to?" He took the boys head phones from around his neck, upon hearing a very familiar sound. He put them on and his eyes went wide. " you're listening to me..." He handed the head phones back.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Blaine but- I just ripped them from YouTube, there's loads of you and the Warbler's performing, and the old songs you used to do in your bedroom. You have an amazing voice."

"Thank you-"

"Kyle, Kyle Miller."

"Thanks Kyle Miller." Blaine laughed. "So does this mean you like Katy Perry?"

"Of course! She's like one of the most amazing people in the world!"

"Walk with me kid." Blaine put his arm around Kyle and he began walking him to the bathroom where Blaine could get cleaned up.

"So what were you doing still in the corridors at this time?" Blaine damped a towel he kept in his bag for situations such as these ones, and began to rub at the stain on his shirt.

"I was lost, I only transferred today."

"Oh right, I wondered why I hadn't seen you around here. Where did you come from?"

"I just moved from Spencerville to live with my grandparents, my mum and dad moved to Indianapolis for work and I wasn't really part of the deal so my grandparents offered up their spare room. They're happy to see me more often and I wasn't that close to my parents anyway." The boy said with an embarrassed shrug.

"Same here actually," Blaine admitted quietly, "I transferred at the beginning of the year, my parents aren't home much so they didn't really care what I did."

"I never even noticed you left Dalton, I used to follow the Warblers around a bit. I really wanted to go to Dalton and be a Warbler. Hell I just wanted to go to Dalton anyway!"

"Why's that?"

"Well, is it true about their none bullying policy? That your all equal?"

"Yeah, that's what it was like there."

"I got bullied a little at my last school; I wanted to go to Dalton."

"Oh right, would you mind if I asked what for?"

"I was always different, I'm the kid who writes songs, listens to Katy Perry, plays guitar." Kyle's voice went quiet. "And I'm gay. Please don't tell anyone here! I don't want to be bullied like my last school!"

"Don't worry!" Blaine gave him a reassuring smile. "If anyone bothers you, I've got some friends that will sort them out for you. Just give me a call." Blaine took the boys phone from his hand and added his number.


"Really! Oh and you said you wanted to be a Warbler, what about a New Direction?" Blaine put his towel back in his bag, satisfied that the stain had been tamed a little.


"You do say that a lot don't you!" Blaine giggled. "Yeah, practice is at 3:30pm today! You need to audition but everyone get's in. I'll clear it with Mr Schue that you're going to audition today."

"Thanks." Blaine patted the boy on the shoulder as the reappeared in the hallway.

"Oh and don't listen to anything Kurt says. He's such a drama queen! And I have to live with him!" Blaine laughed. "I'll see you later at glee club?"

"Yeah! I'll be there! Oh and Blaine." Kyle reached in to his pocket and pulled out his map of the school.


"Can you show me where English is please?" Kyle asked shyly. He had found a pen in his pocket and marked the route to the English class rooms.

"I've got another free period now, but I'll see you later?"

"Yeah you will! Defiantly! Thanks so much."

"Pleasure." Blaine smiled, patting the boys back again and saw him go off down the corridor.


Glee Club practice

"Mr Schue, I'm just asking you give him a chance!" Blaine pleased with the teacher at the start of glee practice for the day.

"Okay, okay Blaine. I'll give him a chance! But we don't really have enough room for another voice."

"We do! I'll step down, I don't need to sing that much!"

"Blaine you have an amazing voice, you are one of the strongest members of our group, you can't step down!"

"Okay, but please just give this kid a chance."

"Okay, I'll audition him." Mr Schue sighed and went to sit at the piano, sorting through some sheet music. Blaine took his seat back in between Quinn and Kurt. He grabbed hold of Kurt's hand and balanced it on his leg.

"What?" Kurt looked his boyfriend, taking his mind off the conversation he was having with Mercedes.

"Nothing." Blaine leaned in to kiss him. "Love you."

"Love you too, but you can shave when we get home." Kurt giggled touching Blaine's chin.

"Fine." He sighed watching the rest of the glee club roll in. Still no sign of Kyle.

"I thought you're guy was coming." Quinn asked looking around the full room.

"He'll be here, I'm sure of it." And with Blaine's announcement sure enough Kyle walked unsure through the doors of the rehearsal room. He was clearly younger than everyone else there, but it didn't matter. "Hey! Kyle!" Blaine shouted for his attention and grabbed a chair from the other side of the room, pulling it to where they were sitting.

"Hello, you must be Kyle. Blaine's been telling me you want to audition for the New Directions?" Mr Schue introduced himself and shook the small boys hand. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a Sophomore Sir."

"Okay, as long as you think you can keep up with our seniors, then you're welcome to join our glee club." Mr Schue spoke directly to the rest of the class. "Right guys, today we will welcome Kyle in to the glee club and have him perform, then we can show him a little of what we're made of? Okay?" It resulted in 'woops' and excited screams from the rest of the club. Rachel looking ever so hopeful just because she gets to sing another song on her own. "What will you be doing for us today Kyle?"

"I was thinking I could do Hey Soul Sister, by Train."

"Can't you see he's totally in love with you." Kurt whispered in to Blaine's ear. He batted him away and carried on listening to the small boy at the front

"Can I have a guitar please?"

"Yeah sure." Mr Schue went to take one from the stand and handed it to the boy.

"You lipstick stains, on the front lobe of my left side brains." This kid was good. He had an amazing voice for a 16 year old. And his guitar skills were better than Sam's. Blaine looked around at the rest of the kids in glee club, all staring at the tiny kid with the big voice belting out his own rendition of Hey Soul Sister. Blaine was ever so proud of himself for leading Kyle here.

Everyone half heartedly clapped when it was over, mouths still hung wide, not really knowing what to say. "Well done Kyle! I think we can safely say you're now a New Direction!" Mr Schue clapped and let Kyle sit back down.

"Well done." Blaine patted his back and winked at him.

"Mr Schue, I would like to formally request that my amount of solos does not change with the addition of Kyle to our group." Rachel stood from next to Finn to make her usual point.

"No Rachel, they will not change." Everyone was getting tired of having the same argument over and over again with her. "Right, let's show our latest member exactly what we can do! Santana Mercedes! River Deep Mountain High!" The girls jumped from their seats and took their positions.

As they were singing Mike and Brittany jumped up and started dancing, this song never got old. Before the song was over the whole club was up and dancing around as the choir room was filled with the sound of the two amazing voices and giggles. Blaine spun Kurt around playfully, they had really shown Kyle what it was like to be in the McKinley glee club.


The Hummel-Hudson house after school

"I mean if that Kyle kid thinks he can just bounce in to glee club and take my next to none existent solos away from me, I swear he won't know what's hit him this time Blaine!" Kurt was sprawled across the bed, reading a text book. Blaine was frantically rushing around the room straightening things out.
"He won't do that, you have an amazing voice Kurt. And you better get your act together! He's going to be round here any minute." Kurt sat up straight and looked at Blaine.

"What?" His voice was monotone.

"He's going to be here any minute! We were talking after school and he said he had a few songs written, so I asked him to come over today. We're just going to do a bit of playing."

"By playing you better mean musical instruments Anderson."

"Of course Kurt! I don't like him! Even if I did he's far too young! How did you even know he was gay?"

"Gaydar Blaine. Gaydar. I'm sure he likes you though."

"What? No he doesn't!"

"Blaine he has got a bigger crush on you then I did when I first met you! Do you not see the way he looks at you?"

"He's just a little kid Kurt." The door bell rang and Kurt gathered his books together.

"I'm going to 'Cedes' place." Kurt followed Blaine out of the room. "Have fun." He kissed him goodbye and opened the door. "Hey Kyle." Kurt said passing the boy on his way out. Kyle stepped in to the house looking a little worried.

"Hey! Don't look so nervous." Blaine urged. He hit the back of Finn's head, noticing he was eating them out of house and home. "Don't eat so much! You know what Kurt's like. Right shall we go upstairs?"

"This is a really cool room Blaine." Kyle sat on the bed, looking around at the musical posters and Blaine's little studio set up in the corner with his amp and a few guitars.

"Thanks, but it's not my room really."

"Oh right, what's the deal with that? And is he called Finn? Does he live here too? Sorry if I'm over stepping the line!"
"Oh no, it's fine. Finn's Kurt's step brother, they both live here, Finn's mom and Kurt's dad are married. I only live here because I go to school at McKinley, and obviously Kurt's my boyfriend." Kyle sighed with disappointment. He really did like Blaine a lot. He never expected to meet him on arrival at McKinley! Heck he thought he still went to Dalton, but he did have a crush on the curly haired boy.

"Oh right, well I have my song books, do you want to take a look through them?"

"Yeah sure." Blaine took the tatty books out of the boys hand and dragged his out of the draw as examples.

"What about we write a song? You have some really good starting ideas in some of these and mixed with mine I think we have a really good tune. Can I try something?" Blaine asked taking the books from the bed and walking to his guitar.

"Yeah, sure." After a couple of hours of work and Blaine messing about with his guitar trying to get the chords right, they had made a song.

"What do you think? Performance in glee club tomorrow?" Blaine suggested putting his guitar down and ordering the sheets which he was scrawled all over.

"Yeah sure!" Kyle smiled excitedly. He got to sing with his idol.


Glee Club, the day after

Everything was in full swing the choir room. Everyone was warming up their voices before they were to practice a song that they were preparing for Nationals. Once they had sat down to relax for a moment, Blaine raised his hand. "Mr Schue, can me and Kyle do a song that we wrote last night really quick for you guys?"

"Yeah sure boys." They got up from their seats and Blaine grabbed an acoustic guitar from the corner of the room. "Whenever you're ready."

I've got a t-shirt on from you
Your record's all I listen to
I drop your name with all my friends
Ain't it a shame that it's pretend

And I'm pretty sure that one day you will meet me
And you will see just how cool I am
But for now, I'm just for now,
I'm stuck as a
No no no no no

It's too bad I'm only 16
I wanna rock that high school movie scene
I was thinking that like maybe we could chill tonight
We could watch The Breakfast Club, is that alright?

And I'm pretty sure that one day you will meet me
And you will see that look in my eye.
But for now I'm blinking and I don't know why.

I'm a
No no no no no

My closet's exploded from the color blast,
A blast I'll have for you.
My mother, she's knowing all these colors clash,
The Clash, I like them too!
My braces are freezing over,
I'm shaking for you.
I can't wait 'till this is over,
Then I'll fall in love with you.

I got a "How ya doing baby?" from you
How I wish that I could say that too
It's no wonder that you're underneath my skin
I haven't let you out since I let you in

And I'm pretty sure that one day
You will leave me here alone to find someone new.
And I'll be looking back, I'll be looking down
On the love attack, and turn around
I'll be looking back.

No no no no no

I'll be a
No no no no no

The boys finished their performance with a thrilled smile and a high five.


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