You Move Me
I Hope Your Realize How Much I Love You Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: I Hope Your Realize How Much I Love You

E - Words: 8,091 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
232 0 0 0 0

Chapter 10

Kurt Hummel awoke alone early that Monday morning. The strong light from his lamp was to much for his eyes to take as he panicked and flicked them open. Remembering just what had happened the night before. He looked to the side of the bed. No Blaine. He scanned the room. No Blaine. "Shit." His eyes were puffy and swollen from staying up until 4am crying. It was now 6am and he had to get up for school. The young, beauty obsessed boy got up and completely skipped his morning moisturizing routine, he just didn't care. Kurt threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, pulling on his studded boots and messing with his hair a minute before adding a little bit of hairspray.

"Morning son." Burt sat eating a piece of toast at the table. Finn was nowhere to be seen, no surprise considering he had no school for 2 weeks. "Where's Blaine? I never heard him come in last night?" Kurt stopped going to the fridge and sat on the chair next to his father.

"That's because he didn't dad. I'm seriously worried about him. Where is he?" Kurt cried in to Burt shoulder as he was pulled in to a hug.

"Well, where was he last night? Do you know where he went?"

"He said he was round at Quinn's place, they went for ice-cream apparently, but no-one's seen them since. But dad we had a fight before he went out." Kurt continued to wail in to his father's shoulder until Carole came over to hug him.

"Oh Kurt hon. What was the fight about? I'm sure Blaine will be fine now! His battery's probably dead or something!"

"Dead." Kurt squealed at the word, and then figured he should carry on. "We were arguing about New York! And next year. It all got out of hand. He stormed off and said he was going to Quinn's."

"Okay hon okay. I'll get you something to eat and you sit here and talk to your dad about the argument." Carole let go of her stepson and went to make him some food. He looked a mess.

"You didn't say anything stupid in this argument did you Kurt?"

"No of course not dad! If your insinuating I told him to go die or something! I said nothing. We were arguing about how he led me on about saying he was coming to New York and now he thinks he's not."

"Kurt, do you understand that it's his choice where he moves to. If the boy wants to go to California, let him make his own decisions about next year."

"Dad you really don't get the point in what I'm discussing here do you? My boyfriend is missing. M-i-s-s-i-n-g! I'm really worried about him!" Kurt's cries had turned in to slight sobs as he let his mind wander once again to the worst scenarios.

"I know son I know. I'm sorry, I've got to get to the garage. I say you go to school. See if he's there. If you don't see him by 3rd period I want you to phone me and I'll get in touch with the police, okay? Now eat something!" His dad ordered ruffling the boys styled hair and leaving the room.

"He will be okay hon. I promise." Carole smiled handing Kurt a plate of toast.


McKinley High Glee Club rehearsal periods 1-4

"Brit! Brit!" Kurt shouted running down the hall way of the familiar school. Kurt had just arrived at school and Brittany was the first person he'd seen who had seen Blaine since he had.

"Oh hey Kurt how you-" He cut off the confused girl and got straight down to business.

"Brit, have you seen or heard anything from Blaine since last night?"

"No." She said simply and turned away from Kurt, it was always going to be a long shot asking Brittany anything.

"Hey Hummel!" Kurt turned around to be faced by Puck. "Your with us today, we agreed on Saturday that you and Blaine are gonna hang with us from now on. Stop Karofsky bothering you." Puck looked around at the rest of 'his boys' as they all nodded in agreement.

"Puck, seriously that would be an honour..." Kurt rolled his eyes at the taller boy in front of him. "If I could just find Blaine at the moment, you haven't seen him have you?"

"You lost him already? It half 8 in the morning dude!" Sam laughed from behind Puck.

"No you idiot! I haven't lost him! I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon! We had a fight; he went out and never came home."

"Oh jeez, sorry dude. But maybe Blaine doesn't need us to get a reputation, he can do it himself!" Noah got the rest of the boys laughing. "But, seriously dude. If we see him we'll tell him your looking!" The 3 boys dispersed to reveal a very happy looking Blaine a good 100 metres down the hall. Kurt didn't bother shouting him, he just stood there shocked at the fact he was alive. Blaine was stood at Quinn's locker with her before they walked hand in hand down the corridor in the opposite direction to Kurt. Kurt reached in his pocket taking out his phone and pressing 'Cedes on speed dial.

"Where are you 'Cedes?"

"My locker why?"

"I'm heading your way!" Kurt slammed the 'end call' button and stormed to Mercedes' locker. He walked up behind her and slammed the locker shut.

"Woah Kurt! What did you do that for?"

"Is Blaine going through another life crisis seriously? Is he Bi again? Is he cheating on me?" Kurt was clearly annoyed and he wasn't afraid to show it.

"Kurt, your kind of scaring me now. Please stop that! And what? Am I meant to know the answer to these questions white boy?"

"If you can't answer them, can you answer this one? Why did my boyfriend go to Quinn Fabray's house last night, stay out all night and I've just seen him walking hand in hand with her down the hall. There is no answer to that question is there!" Kurt was furious, his hands were flailing all over the place and his eyebrows were practically vertical. He always used expressive eyebrows when he was annoyed.

"What? I don't believe you!" Mercedes just laughed in the boy's face, until she saw Blaine and Quinn heading their way. "Kurt turn around." She whispered. The boy quickly spun around and he was met with Blaine's face a mere 7 meters from his own. He looked the boy up and down, noticing he was in the same clothes as he had worn yesterday and his hair was not perfectly done as usual. It didn't look bad but it was messy. Blaine just approached the boy, not saying anything. They stared each other in the eyes for a couple of minutes before Kurt finally exploded.

"So where the fuck were you?" He began to wave his arms around, his voice much stronger and louder than usual. "You never called. You never came home! I was up all night Blaine. All night! I couldn't sleep! I have barely eaten since you went yesterday! I thought you were missing! Or dead even! Where the hell did you stay?"

"I was at Quinn's! Calm down alright! I'm fine aren't I?"

"Blaine that is not the point! I need to know if you're going to be home or not. Or am I being completely irrational thinking you were going to come home last night? Believe it or not I was worried sick! You can't just take off like that!"

"Kurt I never intended to stay out over night! I was at Quinn's and we were listening to music and stuff and we just fell asleep! Nothing more to it! We fell asleep!" The bell rang for first lesson, in this case glee club. If the boys liked it or not, they would have to spend the next four hours together.

"This is not over! We can discuss this at home tonight, that's if you're not planning on going out again!" Kurt sniggered spitefully as he turned his back, linked Mercedes' arm and they walked to glee club together.

"I'm sorry Quinn! I knew it was going to happen at some point today!" Blaine turned around and gave her the sad puppy face.

"Aww it's the sad puppy face!" She laughed linking Blaine's arm as they continued their walk to glee club.

"So do you want to do something again tonight or?" Quinn asked anxiously as they entered the rehearsal room.

"I really would love to Quinn, but I think I've gotta talk things through with Kurt tonight, another night this week maybe? Catch a movie?" Blaine suggested that at exactly the wrong time as the only other people in the rehearsal room we're Kurt and Mercedes. Which meant Kurt joined the conversation at Blaine asking Quinn out to a movie.

"Yeah sure, can't wait." They both giggled about private jokes as they took their seats and the other glee club members filed in to the room.

"Right guys! Monday...wait, where's Finn?" Mr Schue started talking before he noticed his star performer was missing.

"He's been expelled Mr Schue. Two weeks." Kurt spoke out for his absent brother.

"Wait, what? Finn? What did he do?"

"He punched Karofsky in the face after he slushie'd Kurt and Blaine." Puck joined the conversation.

"I should have left Blaine with slushie in his hair, would have made it look half decent." Kurt high fived Mercedes and the conversation turned civil again.

"Well, really? I still can't believe Finn did that! I had a solo prepared for him this week! Blaine it looks like you're going to take over the solo." Mr Schue pointed to Blaine and he stood up taking the sheet music from the teacher. Kurt jumped from his seat.

"Okay you have to be kidding me. I'm here for 2 years and I haven't had a solo. Blaine's here for 2 weeks and he gets a solo! Mr Schue I object."

"Watch it Hummel your Dalton side is showing." Blaine fought back sarcastically. He knew that Kurt hated the side to him that he had when he attended Dalton. He never wanted the McKinley kids to know what he was really like when he attended that school.

"Blaine why don't you just shut your mouth for once!" Kurt went right up to his boyfriend's face. "If you want to go off with your new girlfriend do so. Just don't you dare bring my stint at Dalton in to this!" Blaine stood to meet Kurt's eyes so they were face to face. The whole room gasped. Weather it was the fact Kurt had said Blaine's girlfriend, they were in each other's faces and were about to hit each other or the fact they were acting so different then from a couple of days ago, no-one knew.

"Okay boys! That's enough!" Mr Schue intervened and pulled them a part. "If you two are having problems of your own you can sort them out in your own time, not in my time!" He pushed Kurt back to his seat, Kurt adjusting his outfit as he went along.


The Hummel-Hudson house after school

Kurt sat in his bedroom waiting for Blaine to come home after school. They'd had a brief meeting in the hall after the fight and had promised to be home straight after school so they could talk. Kurt sat staring at Blaine's book on the desk, his hoodie flung over the sofa, his laptop bag lying on the floor. If Kurt liked it or not, this proved he was a part of his life now. The front door slammed shut and he heard footsteps come up the stairs.

Blaine paused outside of the bedroom door; Kurt's Navigator was outside so he would definitely be home. Blaine's fingers wrapped around the door handle and pushed down slowly, unsure if he was making the right decision or not. He flung open the door, walked to the other side of the room and dumped his bag next to the sofa sitting down.

"Blaine –" Kurt was cut off by the older boy before he'd even said two words.

"I'm saying now Kurt, if you want me to pack up and move out now, tell me because I'd rather not drag it out, I'd rather get it over with. I have a place I can stay."

"Blaine I don't want you to go! I want to talk about this! There is no point in you leaving like this. Are we over then? Is that it?" Kurt asked looking a little hurt, he'd already presumed Blaine had started a relationship with Quinn but no-one could come out of a serious relationship like that.

"What? No we're not over! What gave you that idea?"

"Oh let me see, you sleep at a girl's house. You promise to take her to the movies; you walk around school holding her hand. If that means she's not your girlfriend then what the hell does it mean?" Tears filled in Kurt's eyes.

"God this is what I'm getting at Kurt! You never think things through. Do you hold hands with Mercedes? Do you sleep over at Mercedes' place? And I'm sure you've seen far too many movies together for me to even take note of! Is she your girlfriend Kurt? There's one important thing you said in that sentence. Girl. God damn Kurt I had sex with you the other night, doesn't that prove I'm gay?" Both boys voices were raised.

"No but it's just the way you are with her, you slept at her house Blaine, without telling me! Did you kiss her? Did you sleep with her? I haven't forgotten Rachel's party Blaine. You kissed her. More than once. How am I supposed to know you're not bi?" Now Kurt was just trying to score points but they were coming out as ridiculous questions.

"Kurt you're supposed to trust me! That whole thing with Rachel was a mistake! You know that. How am I with her? Myself? Relaxed? Because that's what it feels like! Yes I slept at her house, and I didn't tell you because I didn't know myself until I woke up this morning! I'd never planned on staying over! It just happened! We were both tired and we just fell asleep it wasn't a big deal! And no I didn't sleep with her. Or kiss her! Why would you even think that? Are you crazy?"

"I don't know, I just thought it."

"But this isn't it is it? You want to talk about New York too?" Blaine asked looking a little sad. He knew this was the time it was going to have to come out. Kurt nodded, agreeing to the topic choice. "Well, yeah when we go next month, if we're still going next month, I want to check out those apartments with you, I just want to check them out though Kurt. You think it's hard for you sorting all this stuff out, what about me? I'm stuck between two places! So yes I do want to check out those places, but I'm not saying I'm coming to New York yet. It's my choice and I haven't made my mind up yet." It felt better to let it all out.

"You see Blaine, that's all I wanted to know. Don't get me wrong, all I want to do is go to New York and have you be with me, but that isn't reality right now is it? I know I can't have both, unless you chose New York. And I am truly sorry I kicked off like that! I regret it! I regret it a lot. And I understand if you want to go to California. I'm not going to stop you."

"Thank you." Was all Blaine could say. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Blaine started to giggle slightly, which caught Kurt's attention.

"What?" He gave Blaine an odd look.

"It's just so silly!" Blaine couldn't help but laugh. He got up and walked towards Kurt who was sat on the bed. Blaine stood over him and stared down in to his blue eyes. He leant down and pressed a soft kiss to the boy's lips, not letting go. Slowly they lowered themselves to the bed; Blaine was on top of Kurt as they kissed viciously. "I missed you." Kurt mumbled in to Blaine's lips.

"I missed you more." Blaine growled at a smiling Kurt.


Seminar for National Glee Clubs

"Are they always this excited on journeys?" Blaine laughed looking at Kurt on the bus going to Dalton.

"Usually." Kurt just let it side past him. It was his normal for the rest of the glee club to be this hyped up. After the New York trip last year, they were practically calm now by screaming, laughing, jumping around and singing. "You get used to it." Kurt smiled tugging at Blaine's collar to get the boy to kiss him.

"Okay stop this!" Their heads were pushed a part by the freakishly tall boy behind them.

"Finn! You live with us for damn sake!" Kurt protested hitting his younger brother over the head. Just because Finn called him his 'little bro' didn't mean he was younger, it was merely Finn's way of saying he was small. Finn sat back down and everything went silent as Mr Schue came to talk to everyone.

"Right guys were nearly there! Are you all ready?" Everyone shouted their 'yeahs' of excitement back.

"Mr Schue, should I tell Jeff we're nearly there?" Kurt asked, knowing Jeff offered to come and meet the group to tell them were to go.

"Please Kurt." The older man sighed turning back to his seat as everyone started to talk again. Kurt pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled Jeff's number.

"Oh hey Kurt!"

"Hey, we're nearly at Dalton so if you want to meet us at the main entrance?"

"Yeah sure dude, I'll be there!" Jeff hung up and Kurt returned to his conversation with Blaine.

"Right guys! Don't run off or go anywhere without asking me first! And if you need any help finding your way around I'm sure Kurt and Blaine will be happy to help." Mr Schue spoke to the group once they'd got off the bus. He pointed out the two boys in the Dalton uniforms and they lead them in to the building.

"Is it weird being back?" Kurt asked Blaine, taking his hand while they walked to the main entrance.

"A bit, it feels like I've never been away. What about you?"

"It sounds stupid, but I feel safer." Karofsky had been expelled again from the school. This time for a month. It was a plus for Kurt because now principle Figgin's had put Karofsky on a tight lock down when he was to return to school. This meant Kurt never had to see him.

"I understand." Blaine smiled sadly and gripped the boys hand tighter. "Jeff!" Blaine pointed out his friend sitting in the main entrance.

"Hey guys!" Jeff stood and hugged both his Dalton friends.

"Oh god this really is a gay school." Santana perked up from the back of the crowd.

"No Santana it's not! Jeff is straight!" Kurt answered her letting Blaine hug Jeff now.

"Oo, wouldn't mind myself some of that." She pushed her way to the front of the crowd of McKinley students and began twining her hair around her finger standing in front of Jeff.

"He also has a girlfriend." Kurt pushed her back again.

"Right guys!" Jeff shouted over the top of the 13 McKinley students talking between them. Kurt loved when he showed authority. "You need to go through the entrance then make a right! Some clubs are already in there. I'm sorry I can't take you down but me and Nick gotta get back to rehearsal with these guys!"

"What? Where's Nick?" Blaine asked looking around the back of his tall, blonde friend.

"He's getting a coffee!" Jeff laughed. "Okay guys, so have fun and enjoy the performance!" Jeff showed the class the way to go and left them to make their own way.

"Where do we have to go?" Kurt asked straightening Blaine's blazer for him.

"Your coming for a coffee with me and Nick then we gotta get to a quick rehearsal." Jeff smiled dragging the boys through the all too familiar school. Blaine couldn't help but realize how much he really missed being here. The excellent interior decoration, the extravagant hallways, the friends, everything. He missed everything about his life at Dalton. Kurt noticed Blaine's sad face as they walked around the school to the canteen.

"You really do miss it don't you." Kurt pouted squeezing his boyfriends hand tighter.

"Yeah I do."


Dalton Academy rehearsal room

"The power lines went out and I am all alone, but I don't really care at all not answering my phone." Kurt started off singing the all too familiar song for the boys. This was the first song they sung as a couple, it was also the most emotional they had ever done for many reasons. Most of the time, when Kurt was asked what moment he would go back to in his life if he had the chance, he would say this one. The memory of his first competition solo standing in front of a thousand people practically declaring his love for his boyfriend. It was the most amazing moment of Kurt's life so far. He knew that to Blaine it was just a singing competition and that song barely meant anything to him, to Kurt it meant everything.

"Blow the candles out, looks like a solo to night." Both boys sung at the same time and the Warbler's began to dance a little behind them, practicing every step of the routine. Blaine and Kurt kept their hands tied in between them, occasionally looking at each other to sing the lyrics.

It was over again, another time singing the same old silly song Kurt would never forget. He threw his arms around his boyfriend as they finished the last note. "I love you so much, I'm sorry about everything!" Kurt cried in to Blaine's blue blazer. The song held so many memories for the boy he always thought about his life when singing it. He thought about what he would do without Blaine, especially at the moment, he thought about the argument they'd had two weeks previously and how much he'd regretting that fight. When he was lying in bed that night, thinking Blaine was dead, lying in a gutter somewhere was the worst night of Kurt's life.

"What are you sorry for?" Blaine pulled away to see tears running down Kurt's face. He wiped them away with the back of his hand.

"Everything, the arguments, pushing you. I love you so much. I've been a lousy boyfriend."

"God Kurt! I thought we'd forgotten all this, you have nothing to apologize, it was my fault." He pulled his boyfriend back in to a quick hug and they joined their fellow Warbler's to celebrate the amazing rehearsal they had just done.

"Order!" Wed banged his gravel on the desk, getting the Warbler's attention. "First, Kurt, Blaine. I think I speak for everyone when I say we're all very happy your back with us for this performance, it's not been the same without you two here." Everyone clapped and Kurt dried the rest of his tears. "Also, that was awesome guys! Their gonna love us!" Everyone clapped and cheered once again. "Right, we're going to bring in the County Day girls now." Thad went out of the room to collect the girls who were waiting outside.

"Hi!" They poured in to the room, one by one. The first thing Blaine noticed was that their uniforms were incredibly similar to the Dalton ones. They wore the same ties, but with jumpers not blazers, they wore gray skirts to match the boys gray pants and knee high socks. It kind of looked like something Rachel Berry would wear. Lauren went straight over to Jeff who stood to hug his girl friend.

"Well Lauren, as lead for the County Day girls, why don't you introduce us all?" Wes suggested banging his gravel again. The one thing Blaine did not miss about Dalton, Wesley and his strange obsession with power.

"Okay, yeah sure." The girls stood in a line and Lauren introduced them left to right. "Okay so we have, Katie, Bronwyn, Sarah, Becca, Kelly, Jade, Ellie, Nicola, Rebecca and me!" She pointed to herself last.

"Nice to meet you girls." Wes hit the hard wooden gravel once again against the desk. "Warbler Blaine, Warbler Kurt. Your free to leave now." Blaine and Kurt laughed. "Oh wait, am I still allowed to call them that?" Wes said in a confused tone. Both started to walk hand in hand to the door before one of the girls caught Blaine's shoulder.

"Oh hey, Bronwyn was it?" The small girl made a call me sign to the boy quietly. He lifted his hand up that was wrapped with Kurt's. "Sorry, taken." Blaine laughed leaving the room letting the Warbler's continue to flirt with their guests.

The New Directions we're mingling with the Dalton boys and the County Day girls after their incredible performance. Kurt and Blaine were chatting with Thad, Nick, Lauren and a few of the County day girls when Mr Schue approached them. "Well done guys! That was seriously incredible! I think we need to work on you two singing a little more in glee club? What do you think?"

"Yes! Yes Mr Schue!" Kurt jumped excitedly. He'd never been promised by Mr Schue that he could sing more, ever.

"Haha! Great boys, well we have another couple of hour's here so just relax!" He grabbed the boys shoulders reassuringly and walked off again to join the other teachers. The place was packed out. There were easily another 50 glee clubs around. More of McKinley came to join the conversation between Kurt, Blaine and a few other students.

"Hey guys, you seriously rocked it up there!" Tina gave her appreciation to her fellow friends and glee club members.

"Blaine!" Quinn shouted seeing her best friend, she hadn't spoken to him all day and now there wasn't an hour that went by without them being in contact. Blaine dropped Kurt's hand and he sighed, feeling second best, again. Quinn ran in to Blaine's arms and they hugged tightly, happily smiling that they finally got to chat. "You were amazing up there! You to Kurt!" The pretty blonde exclaimed once their hug was over.

"Thanks! It feels good to be back for the day to be honest. Oh I'm glad you're here actually!" Blaine pulled at a boys blazer who was faced away from them. "Dude this is the girl I was telling you about." He whispered in to Aaron's ear before showing him to Quinn. "Quinn this is my good friend Aaron. Aaron, this is Quinn." Blaine looked quite happy with his match making skills. Both blonde, beautiful, talented, and he knew that Aaron was exactly Quinn's type. Once they exchanged hello's the couple got talking and Blaine was long forgotten. Santana was next to try it on with a Warbler.

"Oh hey guys!" She pretended to bump in to their little group. That was Santana, she was very subtle. Kurt sighed again knowing exactly what Santana was trying to do. She liked anything with a pulse and she also liked anything that looked like Nick. He had the look of the kind of guy she, he would say went out with but had sex with would be the better term to use. "Hi, I'm Santana." She extended her arm to shake Nick's hand. He took it within his unwillingly.

"Hi, Nick." He glanced to Kurt, giving him a worried look.

"Oh isn't your hair so nice." Santana turned on her charm, a very distinct charm but the New Directions were used to her by now. "And your jaw line is just awesome." She continued to examine the boys face; he was looking increasingly worried as time went on.

"Okay, calm yourself Satan. He doesn't play for your team." Kurt tried to drag her away.

"Oh no, that's okay, I don't play for that team either." She screeched.

"Santana, go and find Brittany or something!" Kurt yelled seeing her off in to the crowd of people. "I'm sorry about that guys."

"Don't worry about it!" Nick brushed himself down, making himself look presentable after his Santana groping session. "Everyone else seems okay from your school."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that!"

"Nick! Have you been avoiding me all day? I haven't seen you since rehearsal!" A short girl with brown and black hair came over, dressed in the County Day outfit.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry!" Nick bent down to hug the smaller girl. "Guy's this is Ellie! She's a really great friend!"

The mingling continued until later that night when it was time for everyone to be getting home. Kurt and Blaine had enjoyed their time with their friends at Dalton, and they embraced the chance to perform as a unit one last time. The goodbye to his old school was a lot harder than Blaine thought this time. This time it was for real. He may be back on visits, seeing his friends. But he will never perform with the Warbler's again. He took his blazer off for the last time and joined the rest of the glee club on the bus home after saying his emotional goodbyes to his friends.


Dalton Academy after the New Directions headed home

"I really don't want you to leave though." Jeff held his girlfriend round the waist, pulling her back with every step she took closer to the door.

"Jeff you need to let me go baby." She laughed.

"I really don't want to, please just stay with me. I'll take you back to school in the morning!"

"What you're going to drive me half an hour at half 7 tomorrow morning?" She gave her boyfriend a sceptical look.

"Yes!" He smiled looking at her.

"No you won't Jeff, now let go of me! The bus will leave and I will be pissed with you!" She shooed off her boyfriend, turned round, kissed him quickly and ran off for the bus she was taking back to County Day.

Jeff was using her. He watched her run away, on to the bus and wave at him. He felt guilty. It hadn't always been like this. At some point he actually believed he loved Lauren. It had gotten to the stage now that he was using her. Using her to bring back up to the dorm room and make Nick jealous. Make Nick jealous of the fact that he wasn't single. It wasn't that Nick had feelings for Jeff. It was the fact that Jeff thought he was developing feelings for Nick. He was a confused and scared 17 year old boy. Jeff slid out of his blazer and draped it over the chair once he arrived in his dorm room. It was always to warm in there, neither of the boys ever bothered to called the maintenance guys to fix the heating. The room was dark but a slight light shone over Nick's body. He was deeply asleep by this time, no shirt on as usual. Jeff stood, watching his best friend sleep. Thinking about how amazing it would be to curl up next to him right now, to be able to feel his body against the person he loved. No! He was straight! He must be straight because he has a girlfriend! Jeff went in to the bathroom, switched the light on and walked over to the sink. He ran water in to the sink and splashed some on his face, lifted his head and looked in the mirror. He knew what to do, first thing tomorrow. "I'll call Blaine."


New Directions bus

It was late, 10 at night in fact when the bus started to drop kids off at their houses. The bus was silent except for Blaine and Finn quietly chatting about football in between the chairs. Both their partners had fallen asleep like the majority of the glee club. "Oh damn we're home!" Blaine realized after being so engrossed in conversation with his best friend. "Sweetie? Kurt?" Blaine shook his boyfriend softly to try and get his head to lift from his shoulder.

"Whasgoinon?" Kurt wearily asked lifting his head up and meeting Blaine's eyes.

"We're home my love." Blaine smiled, grabbing his own and Kurt's blazers and the bag they were sharing.

"See you tomorrow Rachel." Finn lent down to kiss his girlfriend before getting off the bus behind the other two boys.

"Imagoingto, bed." All Kurt's words were rolling in to one back time he'd gotten in to the house, he was pointing to the stairs.

"Okay my love, I'll be up soon." Blaine kissed the top of the younger boys head and sent him on his way upstairs. Burt and Carole were sat in the lounge waiting to hear about the boys day. Finn and Blaine sat opposite them.

"Well, how did the performance go?" Carole asked.

"It went really well actually! Everyone loved us!"

"And how are you feeling, you know. Knowing you've really gone now?"

"I don't know really, I know I'll be back to see my friends. It's just a little sad I guess."

"And how was your first day back hon?" Carole asked her son. It was Finn's first day back at McKinley today after his fight with Karofsky. For the last 2 weeks he'd been helping out in Burt's garage.

"No to bad, I wasn't at school all day though! I went to principle Figgin's first thing before we left and asked about my scholarship, he said he would try and find out for me." Finn looked to the floor disappointed again.

"Okay son. I advise you two get to bed now! It's been a long day!" Burt advised turning the volume back up again on the TV. Blaine and Finn didn't argue, they were both pretty beat after their long day.

"Well, goodnight dude." Finn nodded at his friend as they both reached their rooms and entered at the same time. Blaine walked in to the dark room; Kurt was clearly asleep from the sweet little snoring noises he was making. For most people they were annoying, but Blaine thought they were cute. He threw both boys blazer on the couch and put his bag down, taking his phone out and checking it. He had a text.

"Hey Blaine. You were really great today! It was kinda fun to see you in your element. Miss you lots. –Q. PS, thanks so much for hooking me up with Aaron! Got away with a phone number!"

Was the text Blaine received from Quinn. He laughed slightly to himself because he really knew that Quinn and Aaron would hit it off and it would get Kurt off his back a little about spending so much time with her if he could get her a boyfriend. He wasn't trying to get rid of Quinn. No he loved the girl! But it would make his life a whole lot easier if she had a boyfriend. Blaine hit the reply button.

"You're welcome! Knew you'd hit it off. Miss you too, see you tomorrow Quinny. X"

Blaine stripped down to his boxers and crawled in bed next to his boyfriend. "Blaine?" Kurt stirred a little.

"Yeah, shh, go back to sleep my love." Blaine pulled the confused boy closer to him and started to stroke his hair. Kurt settled back down on to Blaine's chest, making circles with his fingers on his bare skin. Blaine was happy at the moment. His life was perfect. But he still hadn't decided if he would keep it perfect next year or not.


Blaine awoke in the early hours of the morning to loud cries coming from downstairs. He looked down at his empty chest, a place where Kurt should have been and pushed his hand to the side of the bed which was also empty. He looked confused at the alarm clock at the side of the bed and noticed it was half 2 in the morning. To early even for Kurt to start on his skin care routines. Blaine sat up, took one last look around the room and headed to the door. Cries could be heard from the door. Blaine pulled it open a little, letting the cold air hit his chest. Yeah to cold for no sweater! He thought and returned to his room to collect a Dalton sweater. He crept down the stairs, trying to see what was going on in the lounge. Once he got close enough he could see Kurt say with his arm around a sobbing Louise on the couch. Burt and Carole were close by but Carole was trying to calm Burt down.

"Shh, It's going to be okay Aunt Louise, my dad's here. Nothing can happen." Kurt stroked the woman's arm to comfort her. He knew she was terrified, but he couldn't help but be scared too. There was a raging maniac loose looking for his aunt! Blaine carried on walking to the lounge, Kurt noticed his first. His face turned from pity to shock knowing he didn't want Blaine to see any of this. None at all.

"Blaine! You're supposed to be in bed!" Kurt stood and pulled him in to the kitchen, not wanting to make a scene.

"I could say the same for you, what's going on here Kurt?"

"Blaine, I really don't want to get in to this now. Can you just please go back to bed?" Kurt begged his boyfriend just to get back upstairs for his own safety.

"Burt! Burt!" Carole cried, she was staring out of the window with the curtains pulled back a tiny bit. "Burt!" She pointed out of the window to the tall, broad man getting out of a pretty beaten car; he had a shaved head and scruffy clothes. There was an object in his hand, it couldn't be indentified in the dark so well but it glistened in the light of the street lights.

"Holy shit the guys got a knife!" Burt exclaimed pulling his cell phone from his pocket. "Yes police please." Burt spoke down the phone. Kurt was turned away from Blaine examining the damage unfolding in his home.

"Open up you no good piece of shits!" The front door was being violently banged on by the man outside. How Finn slept through something like this was beyond anyone. By now Louise was hysterically crying in to Kurt's arms as they stood in the kitchen.

"Blaine, I'm begging you, please just stay up stairs!" Kurt looked around to see his shocked boyfriend, he was scared, Kurt could tell. "Blaine, just go!" Kurt practically screamed at the boy before giving him a push towards the stairs. Blaine ran up the stairs and closed the door. Sitting on the bed all he could hope for is that Kurt returned up to him soon. It's not like he knew what was going on down there. There was a loud crash and screams coming from downstairs all of a sudden. It made Blaine's heart drop to his stomach, knowing Kurt was down there was a psycho. There was a knock at the bedroom door and Blaine's stomach did a flip.

"Dude, what the hell's going on?" Finn's head came around the door and went to sit next to Blaine.

"I don't know, all I know is that there is not a raging madman in the house, Kurt, Louise, Burt and Carole are down there." There were continuous screams and you could hear the man shouting over the top of them. Telling everyone to shut up. Both boys sat in silence as the siren of a police van became apparent. "Thank god!" Blaine exclaimed hearing them also burst in to the house. Finn went to the window to see what was happening, Blaine didn't have the heart to look. After a minute of being stood there he spoke.

"Dude, their dragging the guy to the van." Blaine stood and ran to the bedroom door, flinging it open. He needed to see Kurt was alright. He ran down the stairs and to the lounge, he opened his arms to Kurt who was still sobbing uncontrollably and he just ran in to them. Blaine tightened his grip on the small boy, never wanting to let go.

"Are you okay?" He took a step back examining the boy's body.

"I'm fine. Just hold me, please?" Blaine obeyed his wishes and wrapped his strong arms around his boyfriend once more.

"Blaine, will you take him upstairs please?" Burt asked calmly putting a hand on his shoulder, Blaine nodded in agreement and started to lead his boyfriend up the stairs. He looked around at the destruction caused, the door off the hinges, the coffee table had been turned over, magazines and books flung everywhere, a rip in the curtains and his eyes finally brought him round to a distraught Louise sat crying on the couch being comforted by Carole.

"Shh, sit down here sweetie." Blaine lead him over to the bed where he sat down, holding his boyfriend still who didn't seem to want to let go. Kurt was still sobbing in to Blaine's sweater. "God your shaking." Blaine released the boy for a moment to take off his hoodie, he handed it to Kurt who put it straight on himself. It was warm inside and smelt of Blaine. Nothing comforted Kurt more. Blaine continued to hold Kurt until he could tell he'd fallen to sleep peacefully. He brought him to the back of the bed and lay him down gently, bringing a blanket over his tiny body. Blaine lay next to him, hoping not to wake him up, it had been a traumatic night for Kurt, he could tell he was clearly shaken up; this wasn't just some locker shove or dumpster dive.


The Hummel-Hudson's the day after the attack

"Kurt, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." Blaine reassured the boy as they sat together in their bedroom. Carole and Burt had given the kids permission have the day off school, all of them were a little shaken up and she knew especially Finn wouldn't concentrate. Kurt had already explained to Kurt that earlier that morning that last night was to do with the fact he never told Blaine his aunt was pregnant.

"Blaine, no, we said we need to communicate better! We have no secrets."

"Well I'm not pushing you." He took hold of the boys pale hands and stared been in to his sea blue eyes. They were beautiful.

"Blaine. That guy last night. That guy want my aunt's ex." Kurt stuttered.


"He was my aunt's ex. I know you haven't lived in Lima long so you won't have seen it in the papers. They were married, and he was really abusive to her. When she found out she was pregnant, she told him and he...and he, he tried to kill her." Kurt stopped to compose himself. "There was newspaper coverage of it everywhere. They put him in jail for a short time and last night he got out. He came looking for Aunt Louise and, well he sent her some threatening message so she came here. He found her obviously. So that was what that was all about."

"Oh Kurt-"

"You still love me don't you? You're not going to do a runner?"

"What? Of course not! I still love you! I'm just really sorry Louise had to go through that. And last night Kurt, you were amazing! You stood down there and you were brave! I'm so proud of you." Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head quickly.

"Thank you."

"And Kurt. I'm glad you told me, no more secrets?" Blaine held out his pinkie finger.

"No more secrets." Kurt agreed linking his finger with Blaine's.

"Oh hang on! I'm getting a call." The misery tune played from his phone which could have only meant it was Jeff. Why would Jeff be calling in the middle of the day?

"Oh hey dude! What's up?"

"Nothing much, I was wondering if I could like meet with you this weekend? You could come down to Dalton?"

"No can do dude. I'm in New York this weekend."

"Oh right, okay then it can wait."

"Jeff you don't sound okay. Do you want to meet tonight? Have you got your car? I'll meet you at the Lima Bean about 6 if you want."

"If you could that would be awesome, oh and Blaine. Please don't bring Kurt."

"Uh, okay. I'll see you tonight then."

"Bye Blaine."

Blaine ended the call and looked at Kurt worriedly. "What was that all about?" Kurt questioned after seeing his face.

"I don't know, he wants me to meet him tonight at the Lima Bean, seemed pretty urgent."


Blaine sat in his usual seat with his Medium Drip, waiting for his friend. He looked out the window to see Jeff pulling up in his car. He had a displeased look on his face.

"Hey man." Blaine said reluctantly as Jeff walked through the door.

"Hey, one second let me grab a drink." Jeff dumped his bag on the table and went to order a drink. Blaine was reluctant to come at all. He didn't want to leave Kurt alone, but he insisted he went to see Jeff after making a valid point Louise, Finn, Burt, Carole and Rachel would all be at the house tonight.

"So dude, what's going on?" Blaine questioned watching the blonde boy sit down opposite him.

"Uh, well...I don't really know what to say."

"Dude just spit it out!" Blaine encouraged Jeff.

"I think I'm gay." Blaine swallowed his coffee almost chocking. He stared at Jeff, not really knowing what to say.

"Well, uh. What?" He couldn't quite believe what he was hearing.

"I think I'm gay, and I know you've gone through the whole thinking you were bi thing man so, I just came to you." Jeff looked ashamed of himself.

"Well, what makes you think you're gay Jeff? You've got a girlfriend."

"I know, she just doesn't appeal to me. I can't explain it! I love her! But I'm not in love with her. She's amazing an all as a friend. But when I kiss her and stuff, it doesn't feel right. And I'm not really attracted to women. But when I go home, and see Nick... I don't know, its different."

"So are you trying to tell me you're in love with Nick?"


"So are you not attracted to women at all?"

"No I'm not. Dude I was wrestling with Aaron the other day and I got a boner." He pointed out quietly.

"Well I don't blame you for that, Aaron's pretty hot." Blaine had the ability to make any situation comfortable by cracking a joke. "Well, what do you want here? My advice?"

"Kind of yeah."

"Well have you ever slept with a girl?"

"Eww dude that's gross!"

"What if I said sleep with Nick."

"That I like!" Jeff smiled but it got wiped away when he saw the strange look Blaine was giving him. "I know I've just been leading Lauren on, it was really bad I know. I think I used her to get to Nick a little, show him I was in a relationship."

"Have you discussed this with Lauren yet?"

"Are you kidding me? She's gonna beat the crap out of me!" He joked.

"Dude, if you want my honest opinion, you need to talk to Nick. See how he feels about you, do a little research maybe, see what you like and what you don't like. Just so I'm clear, this isn't just a spur of the moment thing is it?"

"No of course not! I've been thinking about it for a while. I think I've been falling for Nick without realising it. Every time he compliments me I blush so bad! And all day when I'm at school, all I can think about is going home to Nick!"

"Awww the baby's in love!" Blaine reached over to squeeze the boy's checks. They always called him the baby because he was the youngest in their friends. If he was born a few days later he would have had to be in the year below everyone else.

"Shut it Anderson!" Jeff swiped the boys arm away. "I may be gay but I can still beat your hobbit arse to the ground." They both burst out laughing.

"Right dude, I got to get off, but text me how everything goes, I advise you dump Lauren tomorrow, don't lead her on to much! But tell Nick how your feeling!" Blaine stood and grabbed his jacket.

"Okay dude I will. Thank you so much for the help! I was a wreak last night."

"Don't worry about it! We've all been through it! But you'll be fine at Dalton, just remember that."

"Yeah, thanks again for the help." Jeff stopped getting to Blaine's car.

"Oh don't think I did this for you, me and Kurt want someone to double date with that's not Finn and Rachel." Blaine laughed hugging his friend. "I'll see you real soon!" Blaine promised getting in to his car, leaving Jeff to stand alone.

"Bye!" Jeff waved watching Blaine leave the car park. Next person to tackle. Nick.


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