Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 6

E - Words: 7,496 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Let's all thank Sebastian for 'distracting' Dylan. And Kurt in a pack? And the most important question: How many 'Cold Showers' need Blaine to take before he admit his feeling for Kurt? Upnext: A old enemey returns. Any ideas? And a lot of Klaine 'progres'. I can't spoil to much. Leave nice reviews please bc i have a busy work week ahead and it keeps me motivated.

Kurt was busy with his shop, visiting Tina, Quinn, Mercedes and help Finn get over Rachel for the next week. Finn was still mad at Rachel for lying to everyone. But there was a good thing and that was the friendship between Finn and Puck, it was going stronger. Puck was still on edge because of the attack on two wolfs of his pack, but he seemed to relax more around Finn. They helped Kurt with the renovations of his shop and just talked.

'You do know that that raven is again following you?' Puck said staring out of the window.

Kurt sighs. 'It's a bird, Puck, a bird isn't smart enough to just follow one person. They're stupid animals. There are many ravens in the world, you know?'

Puck nodded absently. He looked at the black bird. He never saw such a big raven and when he looked around he saw no other birds around. It looked like the whole bird population just vanished. Well that was odd. The bird looked right at him and a cold shiver went down his spine. He knew that bird was bad news.

Kurt still talked to Rachel. The results of the two locals who were killed just pointed out that the body's died at the lost of blood. There wasn't a drop of blood in them and Rachel wasn't stupid. She knew vampires killed the two and made her own camp outside the mansion to keep a eye on Tina and Mike.

'You are paranoid, Rachel, we all know they didn't do it,' Kurt said when he walked to her, he just visit Tina, Mike and Melanie. He was crazy about the little girl, she was sweet and crazy about music.

'You think that, Kurt, only you,' Rachel spat. 'Wait till they snap and kill more locals, I can't let that happen. I just need to be patience.'

'And what about the other kills?'

'I'm working on that too, but that's still a mystery. I heard Santana has her spells ready to protect the Packs.'

Kurt wished her good luck and visited Santana. He still need to talk to her about Robert. He just couldn't forget about him and his promise that he will come for him another time. It freaks the hell out of him and it didn't help that he had magic powers. So he wanted to talk to Santana about it, if someone knows anything about magic it was her.

Santana wasn't in the best mood and when Kurt told her about the smell poison that didn't work on Blaine, she threw a glass to the ground. 'What do you mean it didn't work? It NEEDS to work. It worked on 5 other Omega's who wanted to seduce a Alpha. It worked every time.... What happened?'

'Like I said... nothing.'

'You're lying, this poison is made to send Alpha's hormones in overdrive. He should've pinned you to the wall and fuck your brains out.' Santana ignored the blush that appeared on Kurt's face. She walks to her poison closet. 'I just don't get it.'

'It should've worked for sure?' Santana only nods on Kurt's question. That makes Kurt more unsure than ever. What was wrong with him? Why was he different? Why didn't Blaine react to the poison? This only could mean one thing... 'He isn't attracted to me anymore.'

Santana rolled her eyes and grabs a thick book. 'Yeah sure, tell yourself that, make yourself depressed, go cry in a corner and go back to New York. I'm positive he will fall for you then. I don't know what went wrong, but it wasn't your fault. To be honest Kurt, If I wasn't so gay I would totally tab your ass.'

'Thanks, Santana.'

'Now cheer up, chin up and smile.' She sat down beside him and flipper trough the pages.

Kurt sighs. 'It's just hard that everything is changed so much in one year. I only got 3 weeks left to get Blaine back and I feel that I'm going nowhere with Sebastian's help.'

'Why don't you take matters in your own hands?' Santana ask.


'You're smart, you figure something out.' She looks at him. 'Did you say his name was Robert?'

Kurt nods. 'Robert Turner, blond, tall, looks to smooth for my taste. He cornered me after the wedding, I couldn't move and fight back. It was like he took over my body.'

Santana jumped up and Kurt almost fell of his chair because of the sudden movement. Santana ran to the kitchen. 'What do you know what he is?'

'What you describe is dark magic Kurt,' Santana came back with a black big book. 'Only black witches use them. The difference between a white witch and a black witch is that they don't have trouble killing creatures to get what they want. But what would a black witch want with you? It just doesn't make any sense.'

'Can't he be something else? Does it have to be a black witch?' Kurt asks.

'You have demons but they stay on their own ground,' Santana thinks out loud. 'A demon needs a vessel to live. They're very nasty and hard to beat.'

'How long can they live within a vessel?'

'It depends on the level of the demon. Level 12 is the highest. A level 12 demon needs to be in a very strong vessel, a level 1 can be in a baby. But to be honest. I haven't met many demons. That Robert is a demon is a very low change and we all need to thank god for that, because if he's a demon we are in big trouble.'

Kurt swallowed. He truly hoped they didn't have to deal with demons, the tough that they could take over your body means it could be anybody, it was making him sick. His phone bleeped and he pulled it out of his pocket. It was a text message from Blaine: "Can we meet at 4 pm at my house? We need to talk." Kurt's heart raced almost out of his chest. Why would Blaine want to talk?

' who is it?' Santana ask curious.

'It's Blaine, he wants to talk!'

'So text him back with: Only if you fuck me up against the wall.' She winked and laughs when Kurt glared at her with a pink blush.

'Seriously, what's with these town people and sex? It's almost like you'll are obsessed with it.'

'That's because it's good, I have a feeling you find out sooner than later. Just text him back and then you meet him at 4 pm.' Santana walked back to the kitchen to get some drinks for them both.

Kurt answered with a short: "See you than..." should he put a x behind the text or is that too much? He sighs and pushed 'send'. Message sending...


Eric was angry and irritated. He hated that such a young dumb kid was playing the boss over the whole pack. The worse thing was that little Omega who he promised to mate with. He wasn't too happy about that, because a Alpha is much stronger with a Omega. And the problem was that this Omega could fight. Eric couldn't wait long with his plan to destroy Blaine and take over the pack. He knew with the next full moon it was too late.

Eric sat in a tree just so he could watch everybody doing their thing. The kids were playing, the teens were whispering for a place to go out tonight and the woman were taking care of the household's and the youngest babies. He was bored but then he saw someone entering the village, it was that other Omega, with his fancy clothes, hair styled and arrogance walking through the pack. He knew Blaine had a soft spot for the weak Omega but this was getting ridicioules. Who toughed he who he was? Just walking around like he owned the place. Maybe it was time to put him in place. He jumped out of the tree and walked towards Kurt. He felt that Scot and Paul followed him instantly. 'Look at what we have here! Our city wolf.'

Kurt stopped when he saw the three beta's walking towards him. He tried to stay polite and not snap back at the mocking tone of the older guy.

'So you decided to just walk in here alone?' Eric slowly walked around Kurt, Scot and Paul froze. They didn't know what Eric wanted to do but they didn't want to get into trouble with the rest of the pack. They know Kurt was close with Blaine's closest friends.

Kurt swallowed, he didn't like the tone but tried to stay calm. 'Well, I have a appointment with your Alpha, so if you want to make this quick?' Well he didn't mean to snap. It were the nerves. He just wondered what Blaine wanted. The whole walk to the village he kept replaying in his mind that Blaine would apologize, say he loved him and never wanted to live without him and then they would kiss... and Dylan begging them to stop. his mind liked to play this games with him. He had a feeling his Omega was a part of it. He shakes his head back to reality.

Eric's eyes were dark with anger. 'Don't smart talk me, boy. He's not mine Alpha so I don't care that you have a appointment with him.'

Kurt raised his eyebrows and just couldn't hold himself back. 'Not your Alpha? That's strange because I toughed this was still his pack and you are standing in the middle of it.'

Eric huffed. 'I won't listen to such a weak Alpha. He can't do anything right, he will destroy this pack. Damian was a better Alpha.'

'Damian is dead! He's not coming back, and his son is the only change to get this pack back on track.' Kurt toughed about the fact that Blaine didn't want to help him just to protect all the packs in Lima. And know this stupid Beta is trying to ruin Blaine's reputation. 'If you hate Blaine, you are spitting on Damian's grave! He loved his son and he knew he would be a good Alpha. Just because you're jealous because Damian didn't make you his new follower....'

Before Kurt could do anything he was thrown to a tree and his head hit the ground with a loud smack. Nauseous and dizziness overwhelmed him . He got lifted up before he knew what happened and pushed to the tree. Eric's face was a inch from Kurt's. He was shaking with anger.

'Don't mock me! Maybe you have the protection of our Alpha, but you need to know that I'm NOT afraid of him! I will kill you in a second!'

Suddenly he was pulled away and slammed to a tree, Kurt shook his head to make his sight clear again. He saw Dylan pushing Eric to another tree, he was holding a knife to Eric's throat. 'Leave him alone!' He turned to Kurt. 'Saved you again, Hummel.'

'Don't pay attention to him, all he cares about is the attention,' Sebastian appeared and helped Kurt up.

'And a good fight,' Dylan said, he didn't let Eric go.

'are you okay?' Sebastian looks worried.

'I'm a little dizzy and I think I have a headache for a month now,' Kurt groaned. He felt blood when he raised his hand to support his dizzy head. Great! He had spend hours for his morning face routine today...

'Let me go!!!' Eric yelled angry. He tried to push Dylan away.

'What the hell is going on here?' Blaine slammed the door shut of Jane's Cabin and walked over. When he saw the blood on Kurt's face, he turned instantly to Eric, pushed Dylan aside and smacked Eric on the ground. 'Didn't I told you that Kurt is my guest and he's not to be harmed? I told you to keep you hands to yourself if you are bored!'

Eric jumped up, his eyes glowing with anger, he spit at Blaine's feet. 'You know what? I'm done with you! And I think everyone is!' He looked around, the whole pack was circling around to see what's going on. 'You are a useless son of a bitch! You lie all the time! You leave you're pack to.... I don't even know! A Alpha never keeps secrets for his pack! Honesty is important to a pack, I toughed you're dad told you that?'

'You want honesty? You get it! I'm trying to safe this pack from a murderer that already kills other wolfs and is coming this way! I try to find a solution to keep us all safe and breathing! If you still think that's a unworthy thing to do than you can leave!' Blaine was shaking with anger. 'And you know nothing about my dad! He would never agree with you're sick twisted opinions! He would kill you if you did this behavior with him, you need to be really happy that I just exile you!'

'What?! You can't exile me! I was in this pack when you weren't even born!' Eric looks in disgust at Kurt. 'You really can't choose that stupid dumb city wolf over me! Just because you have fucked his ass a year ago! He's just a cheap whore!'

Blaine smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes at all, Kurt had never seen Blaine before and it was scary to see him this angry and kinda hot, he had to admit that. 'You know nothing about my private life or anything about Kurt. You think he's the weakest link, but who's the one getting exiled? Bye, Eric, I don't want to see you anywhere near MY pack! I give the whole pack permission to kill you if they see you. And don't think about taking revenge on Kurt when he leaves here, it's not his fault. You did it yourself, I'm fed up with your behavior for months now.' He turned to a slim woman who hold a toddler in her arms. 'Aileen, you and your son can stay. I'm not blaming you for your husbands stupidly. It's you're choice if you will go with such a coward or if you stay safe here.'

Eric turned to his mate. 'No way you're staying here. You belong with me.' Aileen just shakes her head. 'You can't say no to me! I'm the boss!' He wanted to grab her hand but his friends Scot and Paul pushed him away from her. 'How can you two betray me like that? Betray me for that stupid, weak...'

'I think it's best that you walk away now, Eric!' Wes growled angry. He clenched his fist, trying to control himself to attack the Beta. More growls sounded and all the man stepped closer. Eric turned around to Blaine. 'I'm not done yet, you should watch your back!'

'A Back staph? That's a thing only a coward would do! I know enough now, just leave I don't want to spill my time any longer,' Blaine turned around, grabs Kurt's hand gently and led him to his cabin. Kurt saw Eric morph and leave.

'What's going to happen to him?'

Blaine sighs, he opened his door and led Kurt to the couch. 'I honestly don't care. Are you okay? You're bleeding. Wait.' He walked to the kitchen and came back with tissue's. he sat down next to Kurt, lifted his chin and they locked eyes. Kurt could drown in those beautiful hazel brown eyes. Blaine gently whipped the blood away and Kurt tried not to pull back from the pain in his head. 'Better?' Kurt could only nod, Blaine was extremely close now.

'Maybe you should lay him down in our bed and let him sleep for hours so he can recover from the little push he got!' And the moment got ruined by Dylan, who appeared annoyed.

'Just shut up, Dylan,' Sebastian walked in and looked at Kurt. 'Are you okay?' Kurt nodded.

Dylan turned to Blaine. 'I just don't understand what the hell just happened. You exiled one of your dad's closest friends just because he wanted to show his dominance to a weaker creature.'

'His dominance? He wanted to kill Kurt,' Wes walked in angry, followed by Jeff and Nick.

'Well he couldn't anyway, I was there,' Dylan defended.

'yeah you're a real hero,' Jeff rolled his eyes.

'I am, but I can't be around him every time he walks into something dangerous. He will get himself killed.'

Kurt scowled at him, he was sick of the arrogance behavior of Dylan. Who was he to judge him? He didn't even knew him. 'What the hell is your problem with me anyway? I've never done anything to you!'

Dylan smiled at the fierceness Kurt was showing. 'I just stating the truth, Hummel, If you can't take it...'

'I can take it!' Kurt snapped.

'Just stop the both of you!' Blaine said raising his voice and they both fell silent. 'With everything going on right now it's important to stop fighting and stay close together.'

'About what do you wanted to talk about?' Kurt asks curious.

'I've been thinking... about the murderers, the vampires and the strange man at the wedding.... And then I thought about you being alone. Well you have Finn but I don't think he could defend you if the murderers are coming for you.'

'Wait, do you think there after me? But that's ridiculous, I can't even fight or hunt...'

'Exactly,' Dylan pointed out but kept his mouth shut when Sebastian glared angry at him.

'What I try to ask is..' Blaine continued. 'if you wanted to come live here, with the pack?'

'What?!' Dylan jumped up. 'You can't let him live in our pack! If he got into one fight by just walking in here what would the pack think if he lived in here all of the sudden. He can't even hunt. He's our weakest link, we don't know what is killing us. What if it is hunting the weak wolfs? Than we are a target by taking Kurt in our group. Blaine, you can't do this.'

Blaine's eyes were glowing from anger. 'I believe I can do what I want, I'm the Alpha!'

'Wait,' Kurt spoke softly. 'Why do you want to take me in the group? Because what you just told me is the same thing Dylan says but he doesn't say it so politely. You want me in your group because you think I can't manage myself, that I am weak. Who else does think I can fight a Vampire? That I can help Tina and Mike with their war?'

Everybody stared at each other, nobody raised their hands. Kurt stood up. 'Fine, it's clear. Thank you for believing in me.'

'Kurt, this is not what I meant,' Blaine said.

Kurt turned. 'Just leave it, I do understand that you only want to protect me. I'm tired of being weak or named useless. I just didn't think my friends though that way about me. You all pretend you don't judge, but I don't even get a change to proof myself just because I'm from New York. I'm more than a city wolf.' He walked away and left a silence room.


Kurt walked through the forest and kept walking, he tried to hold back his tears but he just couldn't hold it back anymore when he was outside the village. He was just fed up with everything. The behavior of Dylan, the unknown Killer, the murderers, the vampires , his shop, Finn's trouble with Rachel and Blaine. He at least thought Blaine would knew him better than that. But they all think the same about him. He hesitated if he should call his dad. He felt lonely, just like he did in New York and he really could use a talk with his dad. But before he pushed the call button he put his phone away. His dad deserved a vacation without worries. He tried to whipped the tears away. He heard the noise of the raven. He turned around and looked angry at the raven. He didn't believe a bird was smart enough to follow him but it was getting on his nerves that that bird just didn't leave him alone.

'What the hell do you want from me?!' He grabs some small stones and throwed them at the bird who flied away. He sighs. At least someone who listened to what he had to say, he turned and screamed.

A woman with long brown hair, black eyes, a long black dress was just a inch away from his face. 'Hello, beautiful!' Her voice sounds like a angel, she didn't speak louder than a whisper. Kurt could hear her really good. 'Your skin is like porcelain.' She stretched a finger and touched his cheek, Kurt couldn't move. 'What's your name, angel?'

Kurt didn't want to answer that question but it was like he couldn't lie to her. 'K-Kurt Hummel.'

The woman smiled satisfied. Her finger slides down to his chest... 'You have a great taste for clothes. I love a man with a sense of fashion.' Her finger slid down to his crotch. 'What would you think if I take you home and we could have a little fun together?' She licked her lips.

It was like Kurt was smacked awake, he jumped back and glared at her. 'I'm gay!'

The woman sighs annoyed. 'The good ones are always taken....' She looked at Kurt again and he felt again the strange feeling he was trapped. 'You have beautiful eyes, there like diamonds to me. I love diamonds.' She smiled. 'I think you would be a amazing slave... Do you want to be my slave, Kurt?'

Kurt wanted to say no but his brains really wanted to say yes. It was a inner struggle and he was losing. 'Ye..'

'Kurt?!' Blaine's voice. 'Please come back, I didn't mean it like that. Kurt?!'

'Boyfriend?' The woman cocked her head. 'That's a shame. See you later, beautiful.' And she just disappeared and Kurt stumbled forwards and fell to the ground on his hands and knees.

'Ah there you are,' Blaine appeared, when he saw Kurt just sitting there, he kneeled down. 'Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.'

Kurt swallowed. 'Maybe I have. I was angry and I was cursing at a bird who's following me and when I turned there was a woman.'

'a woman?' Blaine thought of the woman who was seen with the victims. Santana only discovered that all the murderers had one thing in common: a strange woman seducing the males and not long after that they're dead. 'How did she look like? Did she do anything with you?'

'Long brown her, black eyes a long black dress, she tried to control me. It was the same feeling I had with Robert. She....' Kurt couldn't hide a blush. '.... Tried to seduce me.'

Blaine couldn't help but to feel a sting of jealousy and anger floating trough him. 'What?'

'Of course I turned her down, I'm gay, she doesn't stand a change.' Kurt didn't miss the relieved sighs of Blaine.

'Let's get back to the pack, it isn't safe alone.' Blaine just wanted to get Kurt as fast as possible back to a safe area. He didn't tell anyone that Santana had put spells on every pack. Kurt was completely safe from all the dark magic there was if he was in the village. That was the main reason why he wanted to get Kurt in his pack, so he doesn't have to worry about him. Unfortunately Kurt didn't see it that way.

'are you still trying to get me back after everyone made it clear that they don't think I can survive alone or in a pack?'

'Since when do you let people bringing you down?'

'Since I had enough of being judged. And told to that I'm not good enough and can't do anything just because I come from New York. You know if you hear it constantly you start to believe it.' Kurt blinked back his tears. 'I'm fed up with Dylan's comments.'

Blaine sighs, he looks tired. 'I'm disappointed in you, Kurt.'

'What? Why?'

'That you let someone like Dylan get so easy to you. That you don't think I have my own opinion. Dylan really needs to shut his mouth. He doesn't know you.' Blaine grabs Kurt's hand and pulled him closer, Kurt toughed he was going to pass out. Blaine really looked hot in those black pants and his tight white shirt. 'You are the bravest Omega I know.'

'I can't fight.'

'This isn't about fighting or being the strongest.' Blaine put his hand on Kurt's chest, and Kurt knew Blaine could feel his heart beating like crazy. 'This is about your heart. Do you know anyone who would sacrifice himself to safe a couple vampires he met a couple weeks ago? Nobody. You have something special, don't forget that. Don't waste your time on people who don't believe in you, just focus on your friends instead. You made Jeff cry when you burst out of the room like that, you know that right?'

Kurt giggled at the big brown puppy eyes Blaine made while saying his last sentence. Blaine smiled and pulled his hands back. He loved Kurt seeing happy and he can't stand seeing him sad. 'Poor Jeff, I will give him a big firm hug when I get back.'

Blaine tried to smile and hide the jealous feeling of Jeff hugging Kurt. 'So does this mean you will join my pack?'

Kurt hesitated. The only bad side about the pack was he had to deal constantly with Dylan but the upside was that he was closer to Blaine. He only had 3 weeks before the next full moon. If he sat at home his changes were smaller than when he joined the pack. He nodded. 'I see why not. But what about Finn?'

'We will have a space for him too.'

'And Dylan? I don't want to fight every time I see him. What's his problem anyway?'

'Don't worry about Dylan, I keep him under control. He's just jealous.'

There fell a silence and Kurt really wanted to have this conversation now, when he finally had Blaine alone. 'Does he have a reason to be jealous?'

Blaine sighs. 'Kurt I have already told you...'

'That wasn't the question, Blaine. I didn't even know him that well, jealousy gets triggered by something he obviously wants for himself but he can't have. So I ask again if he has a reason to be jealous?' Kurt stood his ground Blaine wouldn't get rid of him this easy.

'Why are you still fighting for us?' Blaine spoke softly, he looks sad and broken.

Kurt was a little surprised at the question but also happy Blaine didn't turn his back and ran away. 'Because I believe in us. I believe in what we had and what we still have. I was stupid enough to walk away from that last year. I don't make that mistake again. I know I hurt you and that you don't trust me.' They looked at each other. 'I can wait. It took me years for I let someone close again after my mom left. I think it started with you to be honest. You broke down my walls I build around me.'

Blaine recognized it, of course he had his friends who were there for him when Cooper left, but he felt instantly safe when Kurt came along. He felt connected, complete. Until Kurt left.

Kurt sighs. 'I don't know if you really believe me but I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm here to stay.'

Blaine sighs. 'You shouldn't fight for us anymore Kurt, you deserve someone better.'

'I don't want anyone else,' Kurt said. 'I don't think you understand what I was saying. I'm here to stay, I wait for you and I don't care how long it takes. And you know why?... because I know you're worth it. What we had is special and I want that back. And I think you do too but you're just to scared for that right now and I understand. We are soul mates, Blaine and I know you know. And I'm sorry that I left and hurt you. I just want a second change to proof myself to you.'

Blaine sighs. He really didn't deserve someone like Kurt. 'I'm just not ready, Kurt. I have a lot on my mind...'

'I said I can wait, I believe that true love always finds away. So... I can move in right now if you want?' Kurt said unsure, maybe he was to past forward.

'I'll help you pack. Shall we Morph? Our wolfs are faster.' And Blaine wanted to know why his Alpha reacted so strong to Kurt's Omega and what it would do when he saw Kurt as a wolf.

'Eh... no I think we can better use the car.'


'You'll see.'


'Five suitcases?! Are you kidding me?!' Blaine looked shocked at the big suitcases spread across Kurt's bedroom.

'One for my hair, two for my clothes, one for my face routines and one for my shoes.' Kurt folded his clothes in a need pile.

'Do.... Do you really need all those stuff? Can't you just throw the half away?' Blaine instantly regretted what he just said because Kurt shot him a dead glare.

'Not everyone can just wake up, take a shower put on some clothes and look as good as you, Blaine. Some people actually need to work hard to look good. And I just love clothes.'

'I'm just saying you don't need all that stuff. You look good anyway.'

'The sexual attraction in this room is blowing the roof off!' Puck and Finn stand in the doorstep. Finn walks over to Kurt's bed and smiled at the blushing faces of Kurt and Blaine. 'What's going on? Are we moving?'

'I'm moving in with Blaine's pack,' Kurt said, folding another pile of clothes.

Finn raised his eyebrows. 'Why? Are you two together again?'

'No it just safer for Kurt,' Blaine answered. 'You can come too Finn.'

Finn and Puck glanced at each other. 'No offense but I'm closer to Puck. Can I join you're pack, Puck?'

Puck nodded slowly. 'I think we can find some room. Or we can always share a bed.... How are you gonna do that, Blaine? Are you gonna let Kurt sleep in your bed?' He grinned wide and innocent when both boys blushed.

'We figure something out,' Blaine mumbled and grabs a suitcase full of shoes, close it mumbled 'I start packing this in my car.' And walked quickly away.

'Aw young love,' Puck mocked and sighs dreamily.

'Why are you here anyway?' Kurt ask.

'We're done with the wall in your shop, it's ready for a new floor.'

'Great, thank you, guys.'

'Now Blaine is gone, what are you going to do if Blaine mates with Dylan next full moon?' Finn asks curious.

Kurt sighs. 'I didn't think about that, Finn. I just hope for the better. Otherwise I need to find someone else.'

'What? Who?' Puck looks shocked.

'Well, the only available Alpha is Sebastian.' Kurt closes two suitcases full of clothes.

'You can't do that. I'm sorry but Sebastian can be a real dick' Finn said.

'That's because nobody gives him a change.'

'Well there is only one thing to do and that is to make sure you and Blaine are together with full moon, lock you two in and see what happens,' Puck smirked. 'Don't make too much sound tough...'

Kurt throws a pillow at Puck, who catches it without even looking. 'What is it with you'll and sex? This whole city is oversexed. I'm still a hopelessly romantic. I want romance, why does nobody understands that?'

'And you think you get that from Sebastian?' Finn mocked and Kurt need to admit that he was right. Sebastian was maybe nice but not the most sensitive guy.

'This whole Mating stuff sucks,' Kurt walks to the bathroom to get his face creams.

'It's part of nature for us. I heard that wolfs were going crazy at the age of 20 when they didn't find a Mate,' Puck said. 'They committed suicide.'

'That's sick. I'm happy to be a human. No pressure to have sex.' Finn said.

'Mating is not just sex.'

Kurt walked back with his creams. 'Not?' Puck looked at him in surprise and Kurt blushed. 'I just don't know a thing about Mating or pack stuff okay? I never lived in a pack before.'

Puck whistled. 'Well basically you can have sex with everyone. That's how Quinn and I got Beth. Mating is more intimated. I can't explain that because it's personal, but it's more like.... You become one, you feel complete. And there are lot of changes after mating.'

'Really, like what?' Kurt asks curious. At the same moment Blaine walked in.

'You find out soon enough,' Puck winked.

'What do we find out soon enough?' Blaine asks.

'Oh, you know if Sebastian will be the right mate for Kurt,' Puck teased.

'Sebastian?' Blaine tensed up and stared at Kurt.

'I just keep my options open, Blaine, it still doesn't mean anything,' Kurt didn't look at Blaine, he could feel his stare on him. He kinda loved making Blaine jealous. It meant he still felt something for him.

Blaine grabs two suitcases with clothes and walked down stairs. He ignored the jealous sting in his chest. He really need to talk to Sebastian.

'And then he says he doesn't feel something for me,' Kurt sighs annoyed. Blaine could be so stubborn.

'Why don't you take matters to your own hand? You could've Blaine back in a second if you try,' Finn said.

That was the second time someone said that to Kurt but he just didn't know what to do. 'Like what?'

'Simple, play on the Horney hormones,' Puck grinned and laughs when he saw Kurt's shocking face. 'Your such a blushing virgin Hummel!'


Kurt couldn't wait to get back to the pack and unpack all his stuff. Jeff was waiting for him and he hugged him tight. 'Forgive me Kurtie! You're the bravest and nicest Omega of all.'

'It's okay, Jeff. I know you didn't mean it that way, I was overreacting.' Kurt pulled himself free and they unloaded his stuff. Sebastian decided to come by and watch because (his own words) he was too lazy to help drag suitcases inside.

Kurt almost burst into Blaine's cabin, he really wanted to reorganize his stuff and maybe even redecorating the room he'll be getting. He want to make sure it would be the most fabulous room in this house. But he stared right into a naked chest and blue eyes. Dylan.

'You've gotta be kidding me! Is he moving in here?'

'Dylan just calm down,' Blaine drags the last suitcase in.

'No I won't calm down! Blaine this is ridiculous. We don't have enough room. Where is he gonna sleep? In our bed? Do I need to sleep on the couch so that you two could have a moment alone? Well guess what? I'm not sharing you with anybody. You choose me. Maybe it's time to act like that.' Dylan glared at Blaine and he knew Dylan was right. Where was Kurt going to sleep?

Kurt just tried not to look to much hurt by Dylan's words. It felt like a knife was stabbed trough his heart. He tried to blink back his tears. If he cried now Dylan would see how weak he was and he didn't want to give the other Omega that satisfaction.

'Don't worry Kurt, you can sleep with me,' Sebastian said calm.

'You don't even have a cabin!' Blaine snapped.

'Oh yeah I forgot.'

'Why doesn't Sebastian have his own cabin?' Kurt asks. 'Where do you sleep?'

'In a tree outside the village,' Sebastian said. 'It's not that easy to climb a tree when you're drunk.'

Jeff stepped forward. 'Kurt you can live with Nick and me. We have a extra mattress and we can talk all night! Or watch movies. Come on!' He grabs two suitcases and walks away. Kurt tried to hide his disappointment, he really wanted to stay with Blaine. How was he supposed to get him back if he lived with Nick and Jeff?


When Kurt had unpacked his stuff he walked around the village with Nick, Jeff and Sebastian. He just couldn't believe that he was actually a member of a real pack. Nick and Jeff were happy to keep Kurt up to date about Pack rules.

'We have the pack order, that's basically the most important thing. Blaine is the boss, always listen to him never doubt him. If you question his actions you can get attacked by another wolf who want to climb higher in the pack order by defending his Alpha. Number 2, well that would be his Mate. In this case future Mate Dylan! Just don't challenge him, he's really popular here. Number 3 the rest of the Omega's. As you know Omega's are very important to a pack. Omega's keep the peace, a pack without a Omega? That's just a field of blood.'

'So Jeff and me...'

'Are important,' Jeff looked proud. 'We could rule this place, Kurt.'

'He is really ambitious,' Nick mocked and Jeff pouted. Nick pulled him closer and nuzzled his neck. 'And that leaves the Beta's. We hunt, fight and have free choice of a mate. You know Jeff and me are special, Beta's choose Beta's, Alpha's choose Omega's etc.'

They stopped when they saw Blaine and Dylan arguing at the border of the village. They both looked angry. When Blaine's eyes began to glow, Dylan turned and disappeared in the forest.

'What's the deal between them anyway?' Kurt asks curious.

Jeff and Nick looked at each other and turned to Kurt. 'The rumor say that... okay it's not a rumor, we were totally spying on the two after that vampire thing. Dylan asked Blaine to Mark him.'

'What?' It felt like Kurt's heart was ripped out of his chest. 'What did Blaine do?'

'He didn't Mark him,' Nick answered. 'Blaine said he didn't like to be commanded and that Dylan should learn his place!'

'But we all know he didn't mark him because of you,' Jeff smiled.

Kurt sighs. 'I just wish he admitted himself. I only have 3 weeks left, guys.... I don't know what to do anymore.'

'Well, you need to hurry up,' Sebastian said, he nodded to the place where Dylan disappeared. Blaine morphed into his wolf and disappeared to. 'It looks like they're gonna have some good make up sex.'

'Do you think they have sex?' Kurt panicked and Jeff and Nick looked unsure.

'Of course they have, didn't you notice that they turn back happy every time they return from the forest?' Sebastian said. 'Besides Dylan is really good in sex.'

'what?' Kurt, Jeff and Nick turned to him in shock.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'Oh come on I can see how good people are in bed. I have like a six sense. Dylan is not bad but I think Kurt would be amazing in bed.' He winked. 'we should try it someday.'

'Can you answer anything serious, Sebastian?' Kurt rolled his eyes. They walked further but he felt unsure about everything. He knew Dylan had a good body, were they really having sex like Sebastian said? He couldn't compete with Dylan's body... 'guys what do you think when you see me? Pretend you never met me.'



'Fuckable. Shit... I did say that out loud didn't I?'

'You did, Sebastian,' Kurt sighs. 'But you guys are right.' Suddenly a idea hits him. A perfect idea to get Blaine back. 'I need to get sexyfied.'

'Is that a ice cream?' Jeff asked confused.

'I need to go to the shop, I see you'll in the morning!' Kurt ran away. Santana and Finn were right, it was time to take matters into his own hands.


Kurt hummed happy when he saw his new outfit's. Blaine wouldn't know what hit him. Just when he wanted to close up his phone rings, it was Adam. He picked up, he heard Adam and his new 'Mate' were on a break and Adam was broken. Unfortunally he wasn't alone. Dylan was standing outside the shop and could hear anything.

'... yeah it's really boring, Adam.... I miss you. Yes I get back soon..... I just miss New York too much to keep away from... I'll come as soon as I can Adam.... I just need to organize a few things before I go back...'

Dylan smiled happy. So Kurt was going back to New York? Oo kurt was making this so easy for him. He only need to tell Blaine that Kurt was leaving again and than he had Blaine and Sebastian for himself. He really didn't like the 'friendship' between Kurt and Sebastian. He saw that Sebastian wants to get into Kurt's pants, that was no secret. He turned around and stared in ice blue eyes. He forgot everything, he didn't hear Kurt say:

'... I'll see you this Christmas, Adam, I promise. Yes of course I not abandon our friendship.... You need to understand how important Blaine for me is... Yeah.... See you in December.... Bye...'

Dylan swallowed when he saw Sebastian standing there. 'Ears dropping, are we?'

Dylan shakes his head. 'Of course not, Blaine just wanted me to keep a eye on Kurt when he was alone.'

'Sure.' Sebastian didn't look convinced, but he had other things to worry about. 'So.... Want to come over tonight? I know a new hot spot, it's completely invisible for outsiders.'

'You.... You remember what happened?' Dylan's heart was racing.

Sebastian smiled and roamed his eyes over Dylan's body, his eyes turned black from lust and he whispered. 'Of course I know what happened. I never forget good sex. So see you around 10 pm tonight?'

Dylan could only nod. He felt his stomach turned from happiness, his heart was racing and his mind was spinning.

'See you later,' Sebastian winked and walked inside the shop.

Dylan sighs. God he had it bad for the wrong Alpha. He completely forgot about Blaine and Kurt, he had a date tonight.


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