Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 23

E - Words: 3,683 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Adam being the bad guy would be way too obvious, guys. You'll are in for a suprise! I know this chapter is a little bit vague but it all will be explained in the next final chapter! See you soon!

Blaine woke up with a uneasy feeling, he stretched his hand to expect Kurt but nothing. Only coldness. He turned and twisted in search for Kurt. But nothing. He opened his eyes completely and groaned. He had a huge headache. It was still dark but when Blaine opened the curtains he was blinded by a bright sunlight and snow falling from the sky. It stung his eyes and he quickly looked away. 'Kurt?!' He walked into the kitchen, living room and bathroom. Nothing, only a table with empty beer bottles and he remembered drinking and talking with Puck, Jeff, Nick, Wes and Rachel. 'Kurt?!'

Before Blaine wanted to ran outside and growl at everybody to bring his Kurt back when his phone rang. He almost tripped over a missing clothing piece before he made it to his phone.

'Blaine?' Kurt's voice was full with worry. 'Are you alright?'

'Eh... yeah... where are you?' Blaine sighed with relief at hearing his mate's voice.

'I'm already at the location. I could feel you pull me too you.' Blaine could hear voices at the background and he knew Kurt was really at the location. They rented a small room for the ceremony and a big ball room downstairs. 'Everything alright? You aren't gonna let me stand alone?'

'Of course not,' Blaine said quickly, remembering it was their wedding day.

'Good I can't wait till I can walk down the aisle,' Kurt squealed in excitement. 'Everything is ready...'

Ready?! Blaine snapped almost his neck when he turned to the alarm clock. 8 AM. 'Kurt... it's... You're a hour early babe.' He could almost hear Kurt staring at his watch.

'What do you mean? It's 9:30 the ceremony starts in a half hour!' Kurt's voice high and panicked. He breaths heavily and Blaine knew the signs of a panic attack coming.

'Kurt, you need to calm down, I'll take a shower, get dressed and see you in 10 minutes!' Blaine tried not to panic himself. He glared at his alarm clock. He knew he double checked it before going to sleep.

'I can't....,' A sound interrupted Kurt and suddenly Blaine heard him yelling: 'Dylan.... Put your shirt back on... Sebastian.... Stop humping Dylan. This is my wedding for god's sake!' Blaine heard Kurt walking over, completely forgetting the phone. 'Dylan, you can't strip here!'

'We didn't see each other for a night, Kurt, give us a break!' Sebastian snarls.

Kurt sighs in the phone. 'I'm dealing with idiots here...'

'Is Sebastian there?' Blaine asks.

'yeah, he arrived 10 minutes ago, Mercedes, Quinn and I are already one hour here... I need to go Blaine. My dad wants to speak to me.' A ruffled sound and Kurt squeaked painfully, like he hit something.

'Hey B!' Sebastian laughs.

Blaine rolled his eyes. 'Hey Seb.'

'So ready for the big day?'

'Can't wait.'

'Me neither. I need to catch myself a Omega, B, sorry gotta go.'

And the connection was broken, but Blaine didn't care because he was running late. He cursed one last time at his alarm clock, jumped up, throws his phone on bed and ran to the shower.


'Is this the moment where you're going to give a good luck speech?' Kurt looked up at his dad. He was sitting in the back room, also the room where he needed to wait till Blaine arrived so he could walk with his dad down the aisle.

'Nice place you choose,' Burt looked around the paintings on the wall.

'It's the cheapest building I could rent and it has a ballroom,' Kurt sighs dreamily, leaning back. 'I can't wait to dance my first dance as husbands with Blaine.'

'It will go perfect, you look amazing in that outfit Kurt.'

Kurt looked down at his self made wedding suit, it was simply black with a few little things that were typical him. He wore a Unicorn broche in honor of Brittany. Blaine would wear a black ribbon in honor to Sam, David, Jessica and Jane, they agreed to do that to remember the ones they had lost. 'Thank you dad.' He looked at Burt, waiting for the bomb to drop.

'I just.... Your mother would be so proud if she could she you now.'

'Dad I don't want to talk about mom. I want to spend this day with the ones I love the most.' Kurt admits. 'If I was that important to her, she would've stayed.'

'don't say things like that, she loved you,' Burt said firm. 'Her instincts took over.' His eyes softened. 'Just like yours did.' Kurt looked up. 'Well at least you found a Alpha who's worth it. I'll be the first one to admit I was too judgmental. I wasn't too happy about you two. But who am I to stop you two from loving each other? Blaine is a good Alpha and he will make you happy. That's all I want....' Burt sniffs and Kurt's eyes began to sting too, he blinked his tears away. 'We had our struggles over the years, the bullying, you coming out, you moving to New York... I'm proud of you, Kurt. And I love you.' He got almost knocked over by Kurt hugging him firmly.

'I love you too, dad, and thank you for being so awesome. You're the best.'

'I'm trying!' Burt shrugged, they both pulled away and laughed.

'Where is Kurt?!' They heard the voice of Rachel Berry and Kurt groaned.

'I swear if she's wearing a reindeer dress I'll rip it off!' Kurt opened the door, just too freeze up when he saw Rachel in a beautiful purple dress.

'There you are!' Rachel said, quickly hugging Kurt. 'I just want to wish you good luck, can you quick look at the flowers with me? I think I'll saw a dead flower.'

Kurt put his hands on his hips. 'Oh rubbish, Rachel Berry. There is nothing wrong with my flowers. I just checked them. Your just jealous of my fabulous flowers. They cost a small fortune.'

Rachel huffed. 'That's impossible. If it was you should fire your florist. It's ridiculous.' She snapped her fingers. Kurt glared and so the bickering began.

Burt smiled at the scene in front of him. Kurt and Rachel bicker like children and they wouldn't admit they're friends but he knew they both needed to have a diva show off once in awhile.

'There are at it again?' Mercedes walked over to stand next to Burt with the little Samantha in her arms. The young cup was asleep, a wedding was maybe too much for the newborn.

'Just let them, they both need it. Otherwise Kurt would still be upset about Blaine being late and the guest already are here....'

Kurt turned at the words his dad just said. 'Blaine is late?! Where the hell is he?!'


Blaine looked at himself in the mirror and fumbled nervously with the hem of his suit jacket. He looked ridiculous. His hair was gelled back again. He was wearing a black bowtie and a black ribbon. He swallowed heavily to his reflection in the mirror. This was it. No way back. What if Kurt said no? Or what if he ran away? He sighs, he shouldn't have watched 'Runaway Bride' with Kurt last week. It was his biggest nightmare at the moment.

Puck peered around the corner. 'Are you ready, B? I just had a text from Quinn, Kurt is freaking out, he is throwing flowers at Rachel.'

Blaine raised his eyebrows in surprise. What the hell was going on there? Dylan who's probably running around shirtless, Sebastian who humping anyone who looks like Dylan. He suddenly saw Rachel on the ground buried with flowers tossed by a pissed off Kurt. He shook his head to clear it. He needed to stay focused. 'As ready as I'm gonna be.' He didn't move.



'You look really nervous. Look, it's no big thing. Your already Mated, just say 'Yes' and we can party.'

'For us it's no big thing, Puck,' Blaine sat down on bed, his shoulders slumped. 'For Kurt it's the most important thing in the world. What if I screw this up?'

'You've been living together for months, even I can see that you two belong together. Get up we need to go. I don't want a pissed off Kurt coming after me.'

'What if something goes wrong?' Blaine stood up and followed Puck to the door.

Puck shrugged. 'Just stick to the plan and nothing can go wrong. We've talked about this.' Blaine nods and followed Puck to the car. Just stick to the plan.

Blaine didn't notice his phone was gone.


'Oh my gaga, he's not coming is he?' Kurt breathed heavily, he could feel a panic attack coming up.

'He is, don't worry, Kurt,' Burt reassured, peering to a small door crack. The room was packed with all pack members and he could feel that everyone was getting restless. 'Just calm down.'

'I need to sit down,' Kurt breathed and sat down on the only chair left.

Burt nodded. 'Okay, I'll go look for Blaine okay?' Kurt nods and Burt left the room.

The silence surrounds Kurt and made him more anxious. He start pacing around, waiting for any sign of his dad. Suddenly his phone beeped and Kurt jumped at the sound. He grabs his phone, saw it was from Blaine, mumbles 'Finally' and opened the text.

'I'm sorry I have to do it this way, Kurt. I love you but I can't go on with this wedding.. It's against everything my Packs stands for. I don't even know if I can go on with this relationship, we're just too different and I'm glad I see it now, before the wedding.


Kurt felt like the air got knocked out of his longs, his legs couldn't hold his weight and he fell down, his phone still firm in his hand. The text right in front of him, tears streaming down his face. He was overwhelmed by emotions. His anger took over Blaine broke up with him via a fucking text? After everything that happened? Who does he thinks he is? Kurt growls angry, then realizing something. Blaine would never be a coward by breaking up by a text. They even talked about it, about their break ups and Blaine made Kurt clear how much he hated to break up not in personal. Jeremiah 'broke' up with Blaine via a letter, Blaine was broken for weeks. Kurt's emotions slammed over in fear. What if something awful had happened to Blaine?


'So... you believe him?' Puck shifted into gear.

'He was scared to dead, Puck, nobody could fake that, he spoke the truth,' Blaine said. 'I feel so stupid, if I just looked closer I would've noticed the signs.'

'Don't worry, it all ends today,' Puck said.

Tik,tik, tik. Blaine sat up straighter when he heard that noise. 'Do you hear that too?' Puck nods. 'It sounds like a bomb.' Blaine only nods, his heart racing. 'Why do all bad guys are always doing the same thing? Like really a bomb?'

'If we didn't know, Puck, it would kill us,' Blaine said. 'That was his intension.'

'Where do you think it is?' Puck said, looking in the car mirror.


'When are we gonna jump?'

'In 20 seconds, this car is gonna blow up and it can't happen inside town, but people still need to see it. Shift gear again.'

Puck shift gear again, the town came in sight. Blaine could see the building they rented for their marriage. 'Ready?' Puck nods. 'One....' They loosened their seatbelts. 'Two...' Puck pressed the brakes. 'Three... Go!' They opened the door and jumped.

Blaine could feel the heat of the explosion against his leg when he jumped, he landed on his side on the hard road and groaned. The car was consumed by flames.

'Looks like he was right after all,' Puck coughs, helping Blaine on his feet.

'let's go, if he's right, it means he's on his way to Kurt right now!' Blaine began to ran.


Adam opened the door and saw Kurt sitting on the ground, crying. 'Kurt, I just arrived. What's going on? Why are you crying?' Kurt sniffed and handed him the phone, unable to speak. Adam reads Blaine's messages. 'I'm so sorry, Kurt... I don't want to say "Told You So" but... you should've know after anything that happened with your mom. You deserve better.' He kneeled down and grabbed Kurt's hands.

'Blaine is nothing like my mother!' Kurt pulled his hands free and stood up. 'I need to speak to him... There is something wrong. I just know it. Blaine would never dump me by text. I spoke to him this morning. He was on his way.' Kurt grabbed his phone back and dialed Blaine's number. Voicemail. 'Damn it!'

'People are waiting, Blaine still isn't here, Kurt, I'm afraid the text was real,' Adam spoke softly.

'No... he'll never do this to me. I need to find him.' He started walking to the door but Adam stopped him.

'Do you really want to go out there? Everyone will asks questions.'

'What should I do? I can't just wait here.'

'You need to breath, stay calm. I'll bring you a glass of water and we'll get out of here.'

'I can't just leave. It's my wedding.'

'Without a groom. You need time to calm down and think.' Adam said.

Kurt sighs. Adam was right. He didn't understand what was going on and he couldn't believe Blaine would do something like this to him. He needed to get out of here. He nods and Adam quickly walked away to grab a drink. Kurt had time to think. He could feel his Omega cry for his Alpha and when he didn't get a response Kurt broke down.

When Adam came back he saw Kurt crawled up into a ball crying. 'Kurt, come on. You need to pull yourself together. Drink. It will make you a little better.' Kurt glared but took the glass anyway and gulped in down at once. 'Come... Let's get you on your feet and get out of here.' He pulled Kurt on his feet and helped him to the door. Just to bump into Sebastian and Dylan.

'Oh, it looks like this room is taken,' Sebastian narrowed his eyes on Adam's hands on Kurt's waist.

'We're just leaving!' Adam said, pulling Kurt with him. Kurt felt a little dizzy and hadn't had the power to protest. It was like his body didn't react at his thoughts anymore.

'Hey!' Sebastian wanted to follow them but Dylan stopped him.

'Come on, Sebastian. They'll be fine without us. It's time for us.' Dylan pulled him into the room and closet the door.

Adam placed Kurt gently in the back of his car, jumped in front of the steer wheel and drove off. He almost hit Rachel who was standing outside chatting with a man. He avoided her last minute and he saw her curse at him. He looked back at Kurt, who was fast asleep. 'Don't worry I'll take care of you.'


Blaine pushed open the door, followed by Puck. All eyes turned to them in shock. 'Blaine?!' Burt stepped forward. 'What's going on?'

Blaine looked around at all the guests and cursed. 'Where is he? Where is Kurt?'

'I saw him drive away!' Rachel said, her voice shaking. 'Blaine, Kurt wasn't alone.'

Blaine cursed. 'Is it him?'

Puck searched the building and returned. 'He's gone too, Blaine. We need to go.'

'Blaine, what's going on?' Burt asks.

'We'll explain later, Kurt is in danger. It's time for plan B.' Blaine ran to the door, morphed and disappeared, followed by his pack and Puck.

Rachel looked at the man next to her. 'we should go too, Jesse.'

Jesse nods. 'I know where they're. Let's go.'


Kurt opened his eyes. His eyes were still thick from crying. He could feel a soft mattress under him, soft pillows, he lift his head to look around. He recognized the room as a hotel room. A nightstand with a lamb, a painting on the wall, a door that probably leads to a bath room and another door that leads to the closet. He's been in hotel rooms a lot when Adam and Alan wanted some alone time and Alan had one of his tantrums. What the hell was going on? He wiped away the sleep and dried tears out of his eyes. 'Adam?'

Nothing. Anxious Kurt got up. He shivered. Why didn't Adam take him to his old house? What if Blaine was right and Adam was a creepy stalker? He needed to get out of here. He walked to the door and pulled at the doorknob. Nothing. Obvious, Kurt, you're just really stupid. If someone kidnaps you they wouldn't let the door open so you can run away. At least Adam didn't undress him or anything. Well that's a relieve he hasn't raped me.. yet. What would he do if he comes back?

Kurt walked to the window but notice they're at least 50 meters above the ground, there was no way he would survive that. He checked the bathroom but no escape possible. He opened the door to the closet. He found a big box and noticed the skin lock Adam talked about, but the box was wide open. If he couldn't escape he could at least find out what was happening. He pulled the box towards him.

The box was full of photo's. Kurt gasped when he found photo's of himself mostly. Eating, talking, sleeping, him working at the shop, laughing, there were tons of photos of him laughing. It was zoomed in so Kurt couldn't see when these were taking. There was one photo of him and Blaine kissing but Blaine was crossed with a red cross. Kurt's heart almost dropped out of his chest. Blaine was right all along, Adam was obsessed with him. He throws the photo's aside and fount a photo of Adam and Alan hugging each other in front of a Pyramid. Egypt?! Balthazar tomb was there for years and Adam went to Egypt with Alan. Kurt gasped when the truth hit him. Alan's body was found. Adam sacrificed the one he loved most to move Balthazar to Ohio for me. I need to call Blaine and tell him everything.

Kurt pulled his phone out of his pocket (thank god Adam didn't think of my phone) and dialed Blaine's number. He could hear Blaine's ringtone and almost tripped over the box. Blaine was here. He walked to the sound and opened the door just to bump into Adam. Kurt saw that Adam held up Blaine's phone.

'Sorry, Kurt I'm afraid that Blaine is disconnected.'

Kurt stepped backwards. 'You! What did you do to him?'

'I didn't do anything,' Adam closet the door and his eyes landed on the box. 'You find it?'

'Blaine was right you are a creepy stalker!' Kurt wanted to run to the door but Adam quickly grabbed his arm and hold him back. 'Let me go!'

'Calm down, Kurt. I didn't do anything. Those photo's aren't mine!'

'Why should I believe you? The evidence is right there!' Kurt points.

'If I was in New York how could I take all those photo's?'

'Who said you were in New York? You could've been here all along.'

Adam pulled out his plane tickets and showed it to Kurt. 'Look at it. The date was the date I arrived here. I'm leaving tomorrow again.' Kurt looked closely at the tickets and needed to admit Adam was right. 'I'm a little bit hurt you think this about me, Kurt.'

'What the hell is going on? What am I doing here?' Kurt asks, ignoring the hurt in Adam's eyes.

Adam sighs. 'I'll admit I've done some pretty stupid things, Kurt. But I want to help you now. You're in danger and Blaine knows everything. He's on his way here.'

'Care to explain to me too? I want to know why I'm in danger. Who did this?' Kurt points at the photo's. 'who's after me?'

'I...,' Adam stopped abruptly when he heard footsteps. He quickly looked at his watched and cursed.

'What is it?' Kurt asks, lowering his voice in a whisper. 'Is it Blaine?'

Adam shook his head. 'He's too late.' He grabbed Kurt's shoulder. 'Who ever walks into this room, you need to run, I'll try to distract him. Run as fast as you can to the elevator, Blaine should be here soon.'

'But....' The door opened and Kurt froze in complete shock when he saw who just walked in.


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