Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Burt stopped the car in front of the house. Kurt steps out and looks at the house. It looks somehow smaller than last year. Maybe because Carole and Finn did move in a couple months ago. Everything looks the same when Kurt entered the house with three suitcases and Burt followed with two. Kurt left the suitcases in the hall and enters the kitchen. Finn and a girl with brown hair and a big nose sat close to each other at the kitchen table.
'Sorry to disturb!'
Finn and the girl jumped up and Finn turned beat red. But Kurt didn't really pay attention to Finn, he was looking in shock at the girl with the big nose. She was wearing a kitten sweater, mini skirt and knee socks. It was the most tragic case in the history of fashion Kurt has ever seen. He wanted to close his eyes, he just wanted to delete the image he just saw.
But she just stayed there smiling at him. 'You must be Kurt? I'm Rachel Berry. I've heard a lot about you.' She shakes his hand quickly.
'Really? I never heart of you.'
Rachel looks a bit disappointed but her smile was within seconds back on. 'So... how's New York? Did you really worked at VOGUE? Did you visit Broadway??'
'Wait, why are you wearing those clothes?' Kurt interrupted.
Rachel looks proud. 'Do you like it? I made it myself. I know it's maybe not high fashion but I love it. It's who I am.'
'You're a cat?' Kurt said. 'You can't wear that in public. Maybe in your room but don't look in the mirror it might break. This is a fashion crime.'
'Calm down a bit, Kurt,' Burt said angry.
'I can't calm down, dad, like I said it's a fashion crime. You need help, Rachel. Fashion is my life, I could help you dress properly.'
'I'm dressed fine!' Rachel snapped. 'I love my clothes. You look like a high fashion trembler! And don't get me started on your hair.'
'My hair is perfect!' Kurt snapped.
'Eh, guys calm down a bit okay, you both look good,' Finn spoke up and steps behind Rachel.
'Fine I'm going to take a shower, maybe I can wash the image I just saw off of me,' Kurt mumbles and turned around.
'Don't you walk away from me!' Rachel snapped her fingers. 'I expect a excuse.''
Kurt turned around. 'Did you just snapped your fingers at me?'
'Oh oh, Kurt can't stand snapping fingers, I probably should've told you,' Burt said worried when he saw Kurt's eyes turning ice cold.
'What why not?' Rachel asks.
Kurt snapped his finger three times. 'Because it's annoying!'
'He once threw the coffee machine at me because I snapped my fingers once,' Burt explained. 'He was 6.'
Rachel sighs. 'okay I'll never snap my fingers in front of you, but if I want to snap my fingers I'll snap the hell away with my fingers.' She snapped her fingers and turned. 'This diva is off. Come Finn you need to take me home.' She walks away.
'Wow, so that was Rachel Berry?'
Finn nodded proud. 'She's hot right?'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'She really needs to do something about her clothes. I'm gonna take a shower.' He walks upstairs.
Finn looks at Burt. 'Wow that was intense.'
'Well I didn't expect anything less with two diva's,' Burt said. 'it's a miracle their both alive. This is gonna be a long summer!'
'Finn! If you don't come outside right now I'm gonna walk and I'll never speak to you again. I have a job to do.' Rachel yelled and Finn ran towards the door.
Blaine called all teens together, Jacob, Flinn, Nico, Jessica and Leco. They all were between 14 and 16. He explained the situation with Burt and the dead girl.
'We didn't kill anyone, Blaine,' Jacob reassured. 'Okay sometime it's getting out of hand, I'll have to admit it. But we never killed someone.'
'But you have wounded five people, she was one of them,' Blaine growled. He was not happy to be lied too. 'She died last night.' They all looked sad.
'How old was she and how did she look like?' Jessica ask.
'She was 17, blonde hair, blue eyes, small,' Blaine tried to remember her as best as he could. He visit her once after she was attacked. 'She was found behind the mall.'
Nico shakes his head. 'We'll never go near the mall, too many people. And I can't remember we attacked a young girl.'
'Don't lie to me,' Blaine growls angry, his eyes glowing gold. He was close to attack. 'That girl was innocent, you all need to suffer the consequence for your actions. I'm fed up with your behaviors. It brings the pack in danger. If you'll keep this up I need to exile you'll and then you will be all on your own. Don't let me choose between my Pack and you're lives.'
'But we really didn't attack her, Blaine,' Flinn said. 'I remember all our victims and I regret it. But it's like our wolfs taking over. If you look back at our victims they all have no heavy wounds. They all live. And now there is one dead, we all don't remember her.'
Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'Are you saying someone else is killing people?'
'It's the only explanation,' Leco nodded.
'They could be right!'
Blaine turned and saw Puck and Sam standing there. 'Puck? Sam?' They hugged quickly.
'You 're dismissed, but expect a angry Hunter by the end of the day,' Blaine said to his young pack members. 'There isn't really something I can do, guys. I'll try to figure out what happened to that girl.'
'Thank you, sir,' They echoed and disappeared in the forest.
Blaine turned to his friends. 'What's the news?'
'There are several attacks on wolfs in the north,' Sam said. 'Three are killed and five survived barely. 4 young Alpha's, two Omega's and two beta's. The two Omega's are killed and one Alpha who was trying to save his Omega.'
'You can't easily kill a Alpha!' Blaine said shocked.
Puck nodded 'Do you get why we are worried?'
'What has this to do with the pack kill and the girl?' Blaine asks.
'It turns out that the girl was a young Omega,' Sam explained.
Blaine looks at him in shock. 'And Burt didn't know?'
'She is raised by humans, she kept it a secret,' Puck said. 'Her instincts took over when she turned 16. She met a Alpha and fell in love. She escaped her parents when it turned full moon to mate with her boyfriend. She never made it... she was dead before she could reach her mate.'
'And her Alpha? Why didn't he reached her in time?' Blaine growls angry.
'He got distracted by a beautiful woman,' Puck said. 'He's disappeared too. His pack is looking for him for weeks now.'
'So there is a connection between that woman and her murderers,' Blaine said.
Sam nodded. 'Probably. We just don't know where she is or who she is and why she killing wolfs.'
'How do you know all of this?' Blaine asks.
'Santana,' Puck said. 'She's restless because Brittany is still not back but she has keeping a eye on the wolf in the North. She noticed more disappearing each month.'
'And with that girl...'
'That means It will happen here too.'
'And let's face it, with three big packs, it will be a slaughter fest,' Puck said bitter.
'Santana will make protection spells, but that will take awhile,' Sam said. 'We need to keep our pack together. The only connection between the murders is that the wolfs who are killed/attacked where alone.' Blaine nodded.
'I need to get back, I don't like letting Quinn and my cups alone with the pack,' Puck said un easy.
'Me too, Mercy is a little bit grumpy lately,' Sam said. They said goodbye and Blaine watched Puck and Sam morph and disappear.
Blaine sighs, turned and walks back to his pack. Another thing he needs to worry about. He suddenly froze. Kurt! He was alone Omega. He was a target if what Puck and Sam said was true. 'Damn it, Kurt, how the hell am I suppose to keep you far away from me to not fall in love again and how can I protect you if I keep you in a safe distance?'
The next morning Kurt walked downstairs, he slept a little bit restless. He wants to visit Blaine today and he was anxious about how he would react on his return. In his dreams they would fall in each other's arms, kiss each other and fall in love all over again. But that were his dreams. Real life wasn't that great mostly.
'Good morning,' Burt laid the newspaper down and stood up. 'I need to go to work.'
'Good morning, have fun,' Kurt mumbles sleepy, he walks over to the fridge and his eyes lands on the head paper. 'You can't be serious?!'
Burt almost snapped his neck because of Kurt's yelling.
Kurt walks over and waved with the paper. 'He's free?!' He pointed at a photo of the old Pete Grammar.
Burt nodded. 'He's released a month ago. He's old and sick, he has cancer. I don't think you have to worry about him, Kurt.'
'Not to worry? He threatened Blaine. He wants to kill everyone Blaine loves and then Blaine. Of course I'm gonna worry.'
'He's sick, Kurt, he didn't leave his house for a month now,' Burt reassured. 'I'll still keep a eye open but I have more important things to do. And you too. Weren't you going to visit Blaine this morning?'
Kurt wasn't reassured at all but he let it go for now. His dad was right. 'Yes I am... How do I look?' Kurt turned around. He had spend almost all night to find a outfit.
'Those pants are too tight Kurt, you need to change!' Burt comment.
Kurt raised his eyebrows. 'No, these pants are perfect, dad. I want Blaine too want me, okay? This needs to say: "I want to rib those pants off of you and jump you."'
'Maybe too much information,' Burt huffed.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'You don't know how important this is to me okay? I'm tired of being alone and to hide my Omega from horny Alpha's. I want Blaine, I just need to do everything to convince him I'm the one.'
'You know he has maybe another one? I don't want you to get disappointed.'
Kurt looks down. 'Do I need to change my pants? I have one of leather, it's tighter than this one...'
'Oh god no!'
Kurt laughs. 'Now than this one is perfect.' He just hoped Blaine thinks it's perfect too.
Kurt would lie when he said he wasn't nervous about his plan. He wasn't expecting that Blaine would take him back instantly, he just hoped they could talk. He was almost at the Anderson Village and his heart raced. He put his protective ring away, rolled out a blanket and sat on it. He heightened his scent. He hopes it will attracted Blaine, and they could talk alone. He didn't want a audience, and if he was honest he didn't want to meet Blaine's new mate. The toughed of Blaine moving on and kissing another was killing him.
The air filled with Kurt's scent, Lavender. He opened his eyes but still nothing. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and he was looking up to a big grey Alpha, who bit down into his neck. He screamed. The Alpha morphed into... Sebastian.
Sebastian jumped up. 'Kurt?'
'Your back!!' Sebastian helped Kurt up and pulls him in a tight hug. 'I've missed you. It's really boring here without my favorite drama queen.' He let go of Kurt.
'I missed you too, Seb, but next time, don't bite me!' Kurt glared and rubbed the bit Mark Sebastian left.
'I can't help it, you smelled so good. I finally thought I had found a mate.' Sebastian looks sad.
'Your time will come, Sebastian,' Kurt reassured. He put the ring back on. His first plan has failed, no Blaine in sight.
'So what brings you back to this boring town?' Sebastian asks curious.
'My dad's wedding and Blaine,' Kurt admitted.
'Oh the big wedding huh? And you left the big city for a guy? Wow.'
Kurt nodded. 'And I'm staying.'
'well I'm happy to hear that, I can't wait for some drama,' Sebastian winked.
'How's Blaine? Where is he?' Kurt asks.
'Come with me,' Sebastian walks towards the village.
'So he's home?'
Sebastian nodded. 'He has a visitor. He needs to welcome them. You know he has found a Mate right?'
'So it's true? How does he look like?' Kurt asks curious. He wasn't too worried.
'He has a body to die for,' Sebastian said.
Kurt tensed. Now he was worried.
'Oh and I know you want to hug Blaine the minute you see him. But he's a Alpha now. He hasn't the respect Damian got. So be submissive to Blaine, don't stare him in the eye and don't hug him! If you do... you're not helping him....' Sebastian stops. 'What is happening?'
All wolfs were standing for Blaine's cabin. The door opened and Kurt saw familiar black curls and he pushed Sebastian away. He forgot Sebastian speech completely. All he could think of was holding Blaine again. 'Blaine!'
Blaine looks up and froze when he saw Kurt. Before he could do anything Kurt hugged him firm. He smelled the delicious smell of Lavender. He closed his eyes for a moment to just enjoy this moment of having Kurt in his arms again. But he felt the eyes of his pack on him, judging him, whispering. He pulled away and he tried to ignore the hurt he saw in Kurt's eyes by that move.
'I Can't Believe it!' Blaine heart Nick and Jeff yelling and he was happy with the distraction.
'Kurt!' Nick and Jeff jumped on Kurt. 'You're back!!! We missed you!!!'
Kurt almost choked because the sudden weight on him but he still managed to say: 'I missed you guys too. Just... let me breath for a minute.'
Nick and Jeff stood up and pulled him up. 'Sorry about that. We forgot how fragile you are.'
'Am not,' Kurt huffed.
Before Nick and Jeff could say something Rachel, Wes and five teens came out of Blaine's cabin. The teens wearing handcuffs and they looked defeated.
'what's going on? What are you doing here?' Kurt looks at Rachel. She was still wearing a ugly Cat sweater, a bleu skirt and knee socks.
'I'm doing my job, Kurt. I arrest these teens and take them with me for questions,' Rachel said annoyed.
'What? Why?' Kurt asks.
'It's my job! I'm the Hunter!' Rachel said, she looks happy that Kurt was shocked about that. 'Here are my papers if you don't believe it. I'm graduated with the highest points of my class, I have catched the most dangerous wolfs you can imagine. I have arrested 150 wolfs last year. They didn't even ran away because my secret weapon is that I look innocent...'
'Or they were just in shock about your ugly clothes!' Kurt interrupted.
'I'll ignore that for now, but one more comment on my clothes and I arrest you and you can spent weeks in prison!' Rachel threatened. She snapped her fingers and Kurt glared angry at her. 'Now if you excuse me, I need to go. Some people need to work.' She turned and walks away with the teens behind her.
'Wes, can you follow her and keep a eye out?' Blaine asks. 'Just call me when things change. You have my number?'
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and Kurt recognized the I phone he gave Blaine last year. He was happy that Blaine has something that Kurt gave him but he also was sad because he had called Blaine all year and he didn't pick up once. Wes nodded and said goodbye.
'Well you did made great friends with the new hunter,' Sebastian whispers to Kurt.
'she's so annoying and her clothes!' Kurt complained.
'You're still busy with fashion?'
Kurt turned around when he heard Blaine's voice. 'Eh yeah... there is no excuse to be not busy with fashion.'
Blaine nodded, he opens his door and steps aside. 'I think we should talk in private, come in.'
Kurt walks in and was relieved Blaine at least gave him a change to talk things out. Blaine noticed the thigh pants when Kurt walks past him and he needed to control himself to not look to obvious. Sebastian smirked when he saw Blaine looking. 'Don't wait too long to tab that, Blaine. Or you'll be too late.' Blaine closed the door quickly.
Kurt looks around but nothing had changed. Well it was a mess and Blaine really need to clean things up, but that wasn't important right now.
'Take a seat, do you want something to drink?' Blaine asks already walking to the kitchen.
'Eh water is fine,' Kurt said. He looks around to look for a seat between all the mess. Suddenly he heard footsteps and he looks up.
'Blaine! Where are the towels?!' A beefy man walked in, completely naked. He had bright blue eyes, brown hair, water dripping off his body. Kurt was in shock again. His eyes wide open and he didn't have control of his mouth who almost dropped to the floor.
'Hello! I'm Dylan... and you are?!' The man smiled friendly.
'I'm.....,' Kurt stutter. He closed his mouth and his eyes quickly. Why was there a naked man in Blaine's home?
'Cat caught your tong?' Dylan winked. 'You're acting like you never see a naked man before. What's your name?'
'I'm... Kurt,' Kurt opened his eyes but kept his eyes above Dylan's head.
'The Kurt Hummel!' Dylan almost screamed and Kurt just wished he would put on some clothes. 'Wow, how was New York? You should think you have seen a naked man before if you came from the big city.'
Kurt blushes. 'Well, I don't hang out with that kind of people!'
'Kind of?? You mean normal?' Dylan said sharply.
Blaine walks in, saw Dylan standing there naked and rolled his eyes annoyed. 'Dylan, just get dressed. The towels are in the second draw.'
'As you wish,' Dylan mumbles. 'It was nice meeting you, Kurt.' And he walks away.
'Thank god, does he do that often?' Kurt breathed.
Blaine shrugged. 'Taking a shower without clothes? I guess so.'
Kurt rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. Blaine smiled, he missed Kurt's shyness, bitchiness and the rolling his eyes thing. He just missed Kurt but he need to be strong.
'so.... You're living together?' Kurt asks soft but Blaine could hear his curious tone.
'Kind of,' Blaine nodded. He sighs. 'We're not mated yet, but when things are settled down, it will happen. I just don't understand why you came back.'
'My dad's wedding,' Kurt tried not to let show how much Blaine's words hurt him. 'And you.... I missed you so much in New York. It was amazing the first weeks. But Adam got mated and... well I was on my own for the rest of the year. I realized I couldn't live without you. I'm here to ask for a second change.' He watched Blaine but he didn't say anything for minutes.
'I know I made mistakes,' Kurt continued. 'But I'm never leaving you again.'
'Really?' Blaine said. 'What if some high fashion man offers you a job in Chicago you can't refuse? Are you willing to stay and let your dreams die? I can't say goodbye to you again, Kurt. I ran after you, I searched for you and called your name when I saw your car. But you kept driving. Did you ever look back? Did you saw me?'
'I saw you,' Kurt's eyes were filled with tears when he thought about when he last saw Blaine. 'But I wasn't sure, I was devastated that you didn't want to talk to me. Didn't want to say goodbye. I touched my mind was playing tricks with me. I didn't know it was real or not. Otherwise I would've stopped.' There fell a silence and they didn't know what to say. 'I called,' Kurt spoke up. 'Almost every day. Why didn't you pick up?'
Blaine sighs he tried to blink back tears. 'I just couldn't... handle it, Kurt. Hearing your voice. I was afraid I would've leave the pack and return to you. I can't do that. My pack is falling apart and I try to keep it together.'
'We could do it together.' Kurt stood up and reached for Blaine's hand. 'Let me help you. Just like...'
'No,' Blaine stepped back. 'I can't do that to myself and to you. It's over. I don't want to try again. You should go home and prepare a wedding.' He turned his back on Kurt, and that hurt the most.
'We... can be friends?' Kurt tried. He didn't want to let Blaine go.
'I allow you to come to my Pack because Nick, Jeff and Sebastian will die when they didn't get to see you,' Blaine spoke. 'But I don't want to get involved with you again. I think it's best you should leave now.'
Kurt sighs. 'I won't give up on us, Blaine, I will never give up. Just so you know.' And he turned and walks away. The door slams shut and Blaine let his tears go.
'so I get that it didn't go well?'Sebastian follows Kurt home.
'I minor setback,' Kurt mumbles. 'He claims he doesn't want me anymore... I need to think of a plan. Oh and there was a naked man in his house.'
'What?!' Sebastian froze. 'Who?'
Sebastian smiled. 'Ah... how did he looked?'
'I didn't watched. Okay, he looks good,' Kurt admitted.
'I wish I was there,' Sebastian said dreamy.
'I wish I wasn't,' Kurt glared angry. 'Blaine is so stubborn... I almost believe he doesn't like me anymore.'
'Are you kidding me? He was totally checking your ass out when you turned around.' Kurt looks at Sebastian.
'Is that so?'
Sebastian nodded. 'You look good, just don't give up.'
'I won't,' Kurt said determent.
'Let me help you get Blaine back,' Sebastian said.
'Nothing with sex, Sebastian,' Kurt warned.
'Why not?'Sebastian looks disappointed. 'I want him to like me not only my body.'
'But he likes you.'
'Yeah but he doesn't show it yet.'
'Oh,' Sebastian smiled, he had just thought of the best plan ever. 'I have a full proof plan. Kurt, you have Blaine in your arms before you can sneeze.'