Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Two days later Mercedes gave birth to a little girl whose name was Samantha, named after her father. She had Sam's eyes, bleu and bright. She was smiling all the time. Mercedes kept a close eye on her and didn't want Blaine or Puck anywhere near Samantha.
'It's a wolf's thing, Alpha's kill cubs from other Pack's, it's nature,' Nick explained when he saw Kurt's confused look when Mercedes showed her teeth towards Blaine who leaned against the wall. 'She's doing a good job.'
'But Blaine would never hurt her child,' Kurt said.
Nick shrugged. 'Better safe than sorry and Samantha is the only thing Mercedes has left of Sam, she will defend it with her life.'
They watched how Samantha morphed for the first time in her life in Mercedes arms. She had a brown soft fur and was in Kurt's eyes the cutest pup he ever saw.
'She will be a strong Alpha one day,' Jeff laughed playfully when he pushed Samantha gently of his hand.
'Oh... I thought...' Kurt mumbled confused. Maybe it was stupid but he really thought only males could be Alpha's. He never met a female alpha and Blaine's pack was the first pack he met. It wasn't that strange that he didn't know.
'There are female Alpha's, but they're still rare,' Nick explained. 'It's a little bit with gay wolfs. Not many.'
Kurt grinned at Blaine. 'Can we have pups of our own too one day?'
Blaine raised his eyebrows. 'You want kids?'
Kurt shrugged. 'I love kids. But I only want them with you. We could adopt.'
Blaine moved closer. 'How many do you want?'
'Six, 3 boys and 3 girls,' Kurt said quickly and Blaine realized Kurt properly dreams of a family of his own for years already. 'You could take the boys out of hunting and I'll bake cookies for when you'll come back.' His eyes sparkle. 'Of course the girls can hunt to if they want. We'll be not judgmental and let them make their own choices. If you want to... that is...' He tugged at Blaine's arm who stared into air, Blaine looked down. 'Kids? I was talking about a family... are you alright?'
'I love to start a family together,' Blaine whispers and squeezed Kurt's hand. Kurt nods and turned his attention back to the little Samantha.
'Kurt, come on, wake up,' Blaine poked Kurt softly in his side. His Mate had a rough night they both didn't sleep much. Blaine stayed up till late talking with Puck and Kurt stayed with Mercedes and the pup until Jeff brought him back, Kurt could barely stand from exhausting.
'Sleepy,' Kurt groans and turned away from Blaine.
'Kurt!' Blaine tried to pull the blankets away but Kurt cling into them like a life savior. 'Let go.'
Kurt growls and glared. Blaine let go and Kurt immediately yawns and pulled the blankets over his head.
'come on, Kurt, Sebastian and Dylan are waiting, they have this big announcement,' Blaine whined but Kurt didn't react. 'Beside's Puck can be here any moment with his pack, and I want to start the training.'
Kurt turned and stared. 'Training? Please tell me when you say training that you mean you're suddenly interested in hip hop dancing and you decided to take lessons?' Blaine smirked. 'Don't tell me which training I think you're talking about.'
'I don't, get dressed,' Blaine stood up.
'Now you need to say it!'
'Get up, Kurt, or I'll send Jeff to you and you know how hyper he is in the morning.'
'Not Jeff,' Kurt groaned.
'Do I hear my name?' Jeff peered into the room and smirked when he saw that Kurt tried to hide behind a pillow. 'Good morning Kurt, time for a tickles morning what about you?'
'No! I'm up!' Kurt quickly jumped up, Jeff walked away with a big pout complaining to Nick about 'how unfair Kurt was in the morning'. Blaine laughs. 'That's not funny, Blaine. You're my mate, you supposed to defend me.'
'I thought you could defend yourself? You said it yesterday.' Blaine said in his most innocent voice.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'great now you decide to take what I say serious.'
'You look absolutely adorable this morning.'
'If you want morning sex you should've done that without inviting Jeff and Nick,' Kurt glared.
'I can send them away!' Blaine suddenly found that a wonderful idea.
'Too late!' Sebastian peered quickly inside with a coffee in his hand. 'Come on, Hummel, I made coffee for everyone.'
Kurt narrowed his eyes. 'Why are you so happy in the morning? And why are you doing something for another?' He gasped. 'Who are you and what have you done with the real Sebastian?'
'Whoa bad mood Hummel, get dressed and get your ass over here. I have some good news.' Sebastian walked away.
Kurt narrowed his eyes. 'Am I the only one who think a happy Sebastian is suspicious?'
'I thought you wanted Sebastian to be happy?'
'yes, I just wonder why,' Kurt walked to the closet to get dressed. He quickly pulled on a pants and a shirt that fitted perfectly by the sounds Blaine was making behind him.
'There they are!' Sebastian said when Kurt and Blaine finally made it to their living room.
Kurt groaned when he saw everyone sitting there, Santana, Brittany, Rachel, Burt, Carole(!), Dylan, Wes, Jeff, Nick and Puck. He realized how terrible he looked and pouts, he quickly sat down next to Carole.
Carole has never left the village since Finn was attacked and bitten by vampires. The boy wasn't doing better, he was shaking and sweating in a corner at Santana's basement. That's why Santana and Brittany moved in with Jane. They didn't feel safe with Finn, Santana said he was chancing into a vampire, they couldn't do anything to help him. Rachel was a crying mess when she heard that but Carole was heartbroken. She tried to visit Finn but Santana wouldn't let her go alone.
'Okay a quick update everyone.... We still haven't found Sugar,' Santana said. 'But we're close to finding out what they're after. Brit and I will return this week to our home to work on a few spells.'
'Well, that's good news, what about Finn?' Carole asks. 'He needs... blood.' She swallows.
'What he needs is a mentor, someone who leads him through his changes and helps him. We aren't exactly on the right food with the vampires right now. He can survive on some blood potions we have.'
'And then?'
Nobody said anything.
'Listen, miss Hummel, I'm sorry about Finn, he was my best friend,' Puck said. 'But there isn't anything we can do for him. If you didn't noticed we are on a war path, we need to think of a plan to fight, to survive and safe as many people as we can. Then we can think of a way to safe your son.'
Carole stood up, wiping away her tears and stormed out. Burt glared at Puck and followed his wife. 'Smooth, Puck,' Kurt snapped.
Puck shrugged. ' I'm not lying. It's the truth.'
'Yes but maybe you shouldn't have said it in that tone!' Blaine growls. 'We're discussing this later.'
'fine, if you'll want to be in denial, I'm going to my pack. See you later, Blaine.' Puck stood up and walked away, Blaine sighs and Kurt looked at him pointy. But Blaine ignored him.
'We've talked with other witches, but they are hard to convince,' Brittany said. 'Magic costs a lot of energy and not many want to help wolfs fight this war.'
'Not many?' Dylan asks.
'Well, I have good news!' Rachel stood up, so that all eyes were on her. 'I made contact with the hunter counsel, they want to help. They're sending Jessie, Will and Sue here to led the teams. Jessie is really good, he was my mentor, his only problem is.... He doesn't trust anybody and he hates wolfs.'
'Great. What could go wrong?' Sebastian's voice dripping from sarcasm.
'How many?' Blaine asks, ignoring Sebastian.
'50 Hunters,' Rachel answers.
Another silence fell. They knew that they were still outnumbered, they didn't know how many demons there are and they were more powerful. This news made Blaine's head spin. How could they win this war? It's impossible.
Sebastian pushed Rachel aside. 'Can we concentrate about me for now? I called you'll here for some great news.'
'You're dying?' Santana said, her eyes sparkle with hope.
'too bad.'
Kurt saw Sebastian flicker his eyes nervously towards Dylan. What was going on here? 'Shut it, Satan. I think this is great news, I'm waiting for it since I got together with Blaine.'
'oh crap it's probably something romantic.'
Brittany gasped. 'Can you see the future now too, Santana?'
'No, babe, if something gets lady face happy here, it's about romance or fashion.'
Sebastian shifted nervously on his feed. 'Dylan and I want to mate with the next full moon.' Dylan blushes but grabs Sebastian's hand and stood next to him.
'But that's great!'Kurt squealed. 'Since when are you two official?'
'Since a couple weeks,' Dylan said, still blushing.
'It's about time,' Jeff said.
'It's a miracle that even our meercat is capable of love,' Santana said but winked at Sebastian. 'Now we know everyone can be loved.'
'The next full moon... that's in two days!' Kurt said again. He walked over to hug Sebastian and Dylan. 'I'm so happy for you two. Finally some good news.'
Dylan blushed suddenly shyly and leaned towards Sebastian and Kurt almost want to cooed at the cuteness but that wouldn't be appropriate now.
'I need to go talk to Puck,' Blaine stood up.
'Wait, Blaine!' Kurt grabs his arm to hold him back. 'I want to fight too.'
'No, Kurt, you leave the fighting over to the Alpha's and Beta's.'
'I'm gonna fight,' Dylan said.
Blaine looked at Sebastian who nodded. 'How can you put him in danger?'
'Let's be honest here, we could use any help we can get and Dylan is a brilliant fighter,' Sebastian said. 'We need him, I...' He swallowed. 'I need him by my side. I don't want to worry about where he is when I fight, I want to know where he is and knowing that Dylan is by my side it makes me feel safe.' Dylan grabs Sebastian's hand and squeezed.
Blaine saw Kurt's look and shakes his head. 'It makes me feel better if I know that you're safe here, Kurt. I would never forgive myself if I was to occupied in a fight and let you die.'
'No, and that's it, Kurt! Nick, Sebastian, Dylan come, we'll meet with Puck for our first training.' Blaine walked passed Kurt, followed by Nick, Sebastian and Dylan.
Jeff pouts. 'Sometimes it sucks to be a Omega.'
Kurt could only nod.
The next two days were hard, hard for Kurt, hard for Blaine, but especially hard on Sebastian. Kurt was busy with making designs, Blaine was busy with training. Kurt knew what Blaine was doing but he couldn't go near because each time Blaine send someone to distract him. Usually it was Jeff, Quinn or Sebastian. They distracted him with 'Let's watch a movie, 'let's talk' , Or in Sebastian's case 'Let's drink'. It was obvious Blaine didn't want Kurt at the training he had with his pack and Puck's, to his big frustration but he hadn't figured a way around it.
But Sebastian was the one that had it bad. The night before the mating he visited Kurt, who sat lazily on the couch pouting because Blaine wasn't home yet. 'Dylan kicked you out?'
Sebastian nods. 'he said something about being alone before Mating... blabla.' He was panicking and nervous. 'How... how was your mating, Kurt? Did it... how was it?' He bit his lip.
Kurt frowned. Now he realized why Nick and Jeff didn't want to tell about their mating or why Puck said it was special.... It was. It was between two persons and Kurt didn't feel like sharing this intimate information. 'I'm sorry, Sebastian, but it's too personal I won't share it with you. You need to experience it yourself. And don't panic.'
'Personal? What do you mean?' Sebastian shrieked.
'Well.... I can't explain it...' Kurt bit his lip. 'You share you're... everything.'
Sebastian's eyes widened. 'Everything?' Kurt nods. 'But I can't share everything with him. He... I can't tell him about my past, Kurt. He'll never want to see me.'
'Don't be crazy, Dylan loves you.' Kurt knew that was true he saw Dylan look at Sebastian and it was the same he shared with Blaine. 'He won't judge you because of your past, Sebastian. And you shouldn't let your past ruin your future.'
'But... I can't...' Sebastian curled himself into a ball in a corner. 'I just can't. He deserves so much better than me. How can he love me?'
'Don't ask me,' Kurt walks over and kneeled down. 'Come on, Seb, you can't chicken out now. You deserve this.' He didn't really know what to say, his friend need to get over this himself.
Slowly Sebastian nodded and smiled. 'You're right. Sorry about that. I'm just.... Nervous. I thought it was just sex. I can do the sex part...'
'Stop talking, I don't want to know that. You'll be fine. Now go and sleep. Tomorrow is the big day.' Kurt pulled him on his feet and dragged him to the door.
The next day Kurt and Blaine watched Dylan and Sebastian walk to the edge of the village. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. 'Do you think they're gonna be okay?'
'Do you remember our Mating, Kurt?'
'Remember that part where you broke my nose?' Blaine whispered into his ear. Kurt grinned proudly and nods. 'Well, you never fight in your life and Dylan has a lot of experience....'
Kurt tensed and gasped. 'Oh. My. Gaga. Dylan is going to kill Sebastian isn't he?' He turned towards he saw Sebastian and Dylan last, but they had already disappeared. 'We need to stop them.'
Blaine chuckled. 'Don't worry babe, Sebastian will be fine. He can handle Dylan.' He pulled Kurt close and kissed him deeply. 'It's full moon tonight, why don't we relive our Mating a little bit?' His eyes dark with lust.
Kurt didn't think about Dylan or Sebastian anymore, it was just Blaine and him. All night.
They didn't see Dylan or Sebastian anywhere the next day but Blaine told Kurt not to worry, it was common when two Mates just want to be together for awhile after the Mating. Blaine planned on going to his work that night to say he needed a break. He didn't have time for work after all the training and preparing for war. He could feel that Kurt wasn't happy about that, Kurt just wanted to keep work on their future and this was another change they had to deal with. Kurt still planned things for the wedding, things like flowers this time.
Blaine played one last time that night and met with Jade to say this was his last time for awhile. She wasn't happy, she ranted him about it when he got a message.
Blaine? Santana and Brittany found out where the demons are after! We'll meet at her house. I'm on my way to you, see you soon?
Blaine perked up and ignored Jade completely. Are you alone?
I'm almost there, Blaine. Don't worry so much. He could hear the irritation in Kurt's voice.
I'll wait in the back. Blaine excused himself and walked out. Jade yelled after him but he didn't care.
Once he was outside he was on edge. He didn't like Kurt being alone like this. Why did nobody walked with him? Why was he so damn stubborn?
Blaine started pacing and leaned against the wall opposite his position. He perked up when he could smell the familiar Lavender smell. Suddenly he was pulled back and he fell hard on his back against a rock. He quickly jumped on his feet.
He was in a big cave. There were big rocks everywhere, he heard voiced further down. He turned to the point he disappeared to. He reached his hand and touched it. Nothing happened. This must be some sort of port key... He heard screaming and froze. He recognized the voice. The last time he heard that voice it swore to help them fight vampires.
Blaine clenched his fist in anger. He turned around and curiously moved closer. He saw a group of vampires standing around Mike and Tina who were tied up to a rock. On a self made throne there was a woman with a red hair and black eyes, she wore a long red dress. She didn't look really dangerous but Blaine could feel her power and knew she was the leader.
A vampire moved something towards Mike and he screamed again. Blaine moved closer to see what it was. Garlic. Blaine couldn't help but sniffle a little. That son of a bastard never said that it would hurt vampires. He was now closer to Tina then Mike and she searched the room for that sound Blaine made. She saw his curls and smiled, Blaine cursed silently. Tina made a gesture and Blaine followed it with his eyes. He tensed when he saw a scared little Melanie curled up in a corner. How much Blaine hated vampires he couldn't let a innocent girl die. He nodded to Tina that he understood what she was trying to say and Tina turned away.
Blaine morphed and quickly moved closer, the red woman was the closest to Melanie but she seems completely distracted as Tina began to beg for Mike's live. Melanie stared with big, scared eyes at the black wolf and Blaine quickly changed back. 'Hey, Melanie, remember Uncle Blaine?' The girl looked confused. 'Remember uncle Kurt? He helped you once, and now we're going to help you again.' The girl recognized Kurt's name and crawled towards Blaine who quickly pulled the girl in his arms.
Suddenly the woman turned and screamed: 'My dinner!' Her eyes found Blaine who quickly turned around and ran. 'He's leaving with my dinner!'
The vampires turned and that was the moment Tina needed, she quickly kicked two with her legs, fumbled with her rows that hold her against the rock and free'd her hands. She quickly free'd Mike. The woman screamed in rage and waved her hands to Blaine, who slammed with his head against the wall. The last thing on his mind was that Kurt was somewhere near and was in big danger.
'Blaine?' Kurt peered around the corner. Blaine said he waited here but there was no one to see. Blaine? Where are you? I'm waiting in the back. No response and Kurt's heart beats faster. Why is Blaine not responding? He knew there must be something wrong, he had talked with Blaine just a few minutes ago. 'Blaine?! This is not funny!' He sighs. Maybe Blaine got hold back by someone and shows up in a minute. He leaned against the wall and suddenly his world was spinning.
He smacked with his back to a rock, he groaned and quickly get on his feet. He heard yelling and running. 'Kurtie!' Suddenly his arms was full of Melanie.
'Melanie?' Kurt asks shocked.
'My parents and I got kidnapped by a woman and her slaves, Blaine tries to safe us,' The girl pointed to a direction. 'But they can use some help.'
'Melanie, stay here, hide behind this rock and if a stranger is nearby be as quit as possible okay?' Kurt said quickly. The girl nodded and took a completely invisible position. Kurt ran to the noises. He saw Tina, Mike and Blaine fighting against vampires and they did a really good job. Only one last vampire left. A woman with Red hair was looking rather amused that her 'slaves' got slaughtered. Mike killed the last vampire quickly by ripping his heart out.
The woman clapped amused. 'Well done, wolf boy. I must say I'm impressed by your strength.' Suddenly her eyes turned pitch black, she clenched her fist and Blaine got lifted up in the air, choking on air. 'But you stole my diner. Don't move!' She waved her other hands and both Tina and Mike stumbled against the wall and couldn't move.
Kurt morphed and attacked instantly. The woman didn't hear him coming and Kurt pushed her down. Blaine fell to the ground, gasping for air. 'Kurt?' His voice was rough.
The woman pushed Kurt of off her and stood up. Kurt moved in front of Blaine and growls. The woman's eyes glister. 'Oh my a white wolf. Hello, Kurt Hummel.' She smiles and suddenly she looks like a friendly older sister.
Kurt stared in shock. 'You know each other?' Blaine asks confused.
'Don't be ridiculous, Blaine Anderson, I've never met him.' The woman laughs as if Blaine just asked the stupidest question ever. 'I'm Willow, I'm the soul demon. I know everybody's name, because I can look through your soul.'
Kurt morphed back, he pulled Blaine on his feet. 'I... Why are you attacking vampires and have vampires as slaves?'
Willow shrugged. 'They're just tools. So you want to make a deal? You're soul is beautiful, until that stupid demon possessed you of course.'
'You know about that?'
'Like I said I know everything, I'm the most powerful demon on earth. Nobody can beat me.' Willow sounds bored.
'You're powerful and you hate vampires, why don't you help us in the upcoming war?' Blaine asks.
Willow laughs as if Blaine just told her the funniest joke ever. 'Oh you're so amusing, Blaine. I should keep you.' Kurt shifted closer to Blaine immediately. 'But I won't. I won't fight for nothing. This war is pointless. We all die for nothing.'
'We fight for the people and for the ones we lost.'
'No, you fight to save your own ass,' Willow snapped. 'I'll give you one advice. Go as far from here as possible, they will be here soon. You can't take revenge for your friends who already died, they're already gone, this is suicide.'
'Help us!' Kurt said but Willow smiled sadly.
'I've already lost to much, Hummel, I won't risk my powers over this pointless war. Maybe I can make some deals with desperate souls...'
'Evil? Cruel? I'm a demon, what do you expect?' Willow said. She pouts and leaned back in her throne. 'I'm bored now. You may go and take that little girl with you, I'm not hungry anymore.' She looks at the place Melanie was hiding and Mike and Tina quickly walked towards her.
'So much power in a coward, it's a shame really,' Blaine mumbles and turns around.
Willow grabs Kurt's arm and leaned closer. 'Keep a eye on your man, Kurt, or else it will end badly. You need to find a way to safe him.'
'What? I need to safe Blaine for what?' Kurt whispers panicked.
'Kurt, let's go!' Blaine interrupted and Willow let go of Kurt's arm and Blaine leads Kurt out of the cave. The last thing Kurt saw was Willow's worried look.
Once outside, back in the dark alley.
'I can't thank you enough for saving Melanie and our lives, Blaine,' Mike said. 'Especially after what we did.'
'Yeah I'm that stupid!' Blaine growls. Kurt could feel Blaine's anger rising. 'I should've let you torture to dead.'
'You should,' Tina nods, pulling Melanie closer. 'But you didn't...'
Blaine nods. 'I couldn't let the girl die. She's so young.' Kurt squeezed his hand.
'If we can do anything to make it right, we would,' Mike said.
'Fight, quit hiding and fight by our side,' Blaine said. 'We could use all the help we can get.'
Mike looked at Tina. 'We can't fight, I have a lot to lose.'
'And I don't?!' Blaine snapped, making a statement by grabbing Kurt's hand tighter.
'Willow Is right, Blaine, we should run,' Tina said.
'Fine, run away and never come back, I'm done with you,' Blaine wanted to leave but Kurt stopped him.
'There is something you can do.'
Blaine looks confused at Kurt.
'Finn is bitten by a vampire. You can take Finn with you and teach him how to be a vampire. He will not survive without any help.'
Mike and Tina nodded. 'We can do that. Take us to him.'
Saying goodbye to Finn was harder than Kurt imagined. He quickly told Tina and Mike what happened and then he needed to explain Burt, Carole, Rachel, Santana, Brittany and Puck what was going on. Carole cried as if she was going to lose her child, what was true if you think about it. Rachel was a emotional wreck, Kurt never saw her like this. Eventually they needed to pull Finn away because the blood in the veins of his loved ones got too much for him and he changed into a killer. Finn, Mike, Tina and Melanie disappeared. Burt brought Carole home.
'So tell us what they're after,' Blaine said after everybody sat down.
Santana showed them the city map. 'Remember Sugar's demon boyfriend?' They all nodded. 'He's a little bit more powerful than a normal demon. He's a Master demon, basically the other demons need him to travel through the gates to earth. Now only low level demons can go through, they want to free this demon to create their own little hell here.'
'Has the demon a name?' Puck asks.
'Balthazar,' Brittany answers, laying a book on table. A photo of tomb. 'This is where Balthazar is captured. Nobody could get in or out. It's in Egypt.'
'Egypt, so why are they here?' Rachel asks confused.
'Because it's been removed to here,' Santana pointed at the map. 'In the middle of this town.'
'How can you remove it?' Blaine asks. 'I thought nobody could get in?'
'That's a mystery, only a really powerful person could do that.'
'Someone like... Willow?' Kurt guessed.
'You met Willow?' Santana's head snapped up.
'Yes, do you know her?'
'She's kinda famous.'
'Yes, she's... a little bit odd.'
'That could be but really powerful, she's a soul collector and likes to make deals. The lesson is... never make deals with her. She'll always has a catch.' Santana frowned. 'Strange that she's here.'
'Another demon to deal with,' Puck growls.
'No don't worry about her, she doesn't fight,' Santana said. 'Let's focus on this.' She points again to the map.
'okay so how do you move a demon from Egypt to another place?' Rachel asks, pulling out her notebook and making sketches.
'By sacrificing the one you love the most,' Brittany whispers. 'The person who did this must be a dark cruel soul. Balthazar fell in love with Sugar but as you all know turned against her, the witch counsel decided to lock Balthazar away. The only way to move him is sacrificing the one you love most. Of course nobody would do that...'
'Until now,' Kurt finished.
'But who would do something like that?' Blaine asks with disgust. 'Why would demons force something like this?'
'They don't know who did this.' Everybody stared at Kurt.
'I....,' Kurt frowned. He suddenly remembered the talk with the demon who possessed him. 'They don't know and don't care. All they want is to free Balthazar.... I think the demon and I had a little conversation about it.'
'he talked to you?' Blaine growls.
'So there is a third person,' Puck said.
Santana sighs and sat down. 'We need to stop this now. Brittany had a vision last night.' Brittany shifted awkwardly in her chair. 'We only have four days.'
'How do we destroy the Balthazar's gate?' Rachel asks.
'It can destroyed by a black soul or a sacrifice willingly done. Balthazar feeds on good souls, that why Sugar and Robert are collecting souls. One black soul can destroy him.'
'Who has a black soul?'
'Sugar.' Brittany said.
'Or me,' Santana sighs. 'I have done pretty bad things and my soul is damaged.'
Brittany grabs her hand. 'We'll catch Sugar and we'll sacrifice her. We place magic traps around the area and we'll wait when she shows up. It will be soon, I can feel it.'
'Okay, four days.... Something else you saw in your vision, Britt?' Blaine asks. He saw Brittany tense, her eyes filled with tears. Well, this wasn't good. 'Britt?'
Brittany shakes and Santana quickly walked over to her and pulled her close. 'I don't want anybody to die, San, I'm tired.'
'It's war, a lot of people are gonna die,' Puck said.
'We'll evacuate the village, I'll talk to my dad tomorrow, only we'll be here,' Kurt tried to be reassuring but Brittany only cried harder. 'Is someone of us gonna die, Britt?' Brittany nods. 'Who?'
'Hummel, it isn't our business,' Santana snapped. 'We're not supposed to know the future, it's dangerous.'
'Dangerous my ass, as you don't notice Santana, but everything is in danger. Last time she had a vision it could've saved Blaine and me a lot of trouble if we knew what was going on. So tell me, Brit. We could protect this person.'
Brittany gave in. 'I.... I saw Blaine falling.' Everyone turned to Blaine with shocked faces. 'He is the sacrifice.'
All color on Blaine's face disappeared. 'I'm... gonna die?'
'I'm sorry.'
'No, this can't be,' Kurt whispers in shock. 'I... we're planning a wedding, a couple days ago we were talking about adopting pups...I ...' He sniffs, he stared at Blaine who didn't move. 'We have to find a way.'
'My visions always come true, Kurt,' Brittany said.
'Don't say that!' Kurt snapped. 'Nobody can predict the future.'
Santana moved to stand in front of Brittany, protectively. 'Don't attack her, Kurt, she's just the messenger.'
'Let's all call it the night, we have a lot of thinking to do,' Puck stood up, Rachel followed. 'Santana and Brittany, you'll try to catch Sugar on time...' He looks at Blaine. 'Maybe you should sit this war out this time.' Blaine only nods numbly.
The walk to the pack was in silence. Kurt didn't really know what to say, his future with Blaine collapsed. He wished that Brittany's vision didn't come true but he knew it always came true. The village appeared and was surrounded by silence. It was late and everybody was probably a sleep. Kurt wondered if Sebastian and Dylan were back yet.
Blaine knew that Kurt wondered where Sebastian and Dylan were but he also knew they probably didn't come back. It was normal for a Alpha and Omega to find their own pack. They probably where far away from here. It was like a heavy weight was placed on his shoulders. He knew what his future would be, it didn't matter if he run away. He only could take as many demons and vampire with him to the grave as possible. The hardest thing was leaving Kurt behind and seeing their future plans collapse.
Once they were inside the cabin Kurt spoke up. 'This is ridiculous, you don't have a black soul, how can you be the sacrifice?'
'They also said that it could be done out of love.'
'Meaning me?'
Blaine nods. 'Yes. My family and friends.... I would jump in a hell hole without second guessing if that means I could safe you all.'
'Stop being a hero!' Kurt snapped. 'You always want to sacrifice or fight to keep everybody safe. You can't keep everybody safe!'
'I can try!'
'It's like you already give up.' Kurt sniffs and Blaine saw tears in his eyes. It broke Blaine's heart. He always promised himself he never would make Kurt cry.
'What do you want me to do, Kurt? Do I want to die? Of course not, I want to marry you and adopt pups! But you heard what Brittany said. I want to fight but I can't fight against fate!'
'That you want to sacrifice yourself every time I'm in danger is one thing, but don't ask me to stand by and do nothing.' Kurt glared. 'It sound like you don't want to be here, that your friends, your mother and me don't mean anything to you.'
'That's ridiculous, Kurt, you mean the wo-'
'Don't say it,' Kurt interrupted. 'What am I suppose to do when you're gone, Blaine? Live my life, open my shop, be a fashion icon.... Just to return to a empty house at night?' He blinked back his tears. 'You can't leave me.'
'If I had the choice...'
'You do, we could run away, far, far away from here.'
'Kurt.... You know we can't. I can't leave my pack to die.'
'We'll take them with us.'
'Kurt, you know that Brittany's visions always come true. I can fight my destiny but it won't change anything.' Blaine stepped forward. 'I still want to spend the rest of my life with you.'
'That would be four days!' Kurt snapped. He grabbed his coat.
'Where are you going?'
'I need some fresh air. And don't worry I'll stay in the village,' Kurt said and walked away.
Before Kurt knew where his feet took him, he stepped towards Willow.
The red demon looked up. 'Kurt Hummel? I didn't expect you already?' She looked at her watch. 'Am I late?'
'I want to make a deal.'
Willow looked surprised. 'Are you sure?'
'Yes, my soul in exchange of Blaine's.' Kurt nods. He tried to sound sure but his heart was pounding wildly.
Willow looks sad and sat down on her throne. 'So you know?' Kurt nods. 'How?'
'A friend told me,' Kurt said. He didn't want to betrayal Brittany's power, Willow was still a demon after all.
Willow nods. 'There are a few things you need to know before we can do this. If Blaine dies, you two switch, you die and Blaine gets to live.'
'And if we both survive?'
'You both get to live,' Willow said. She leaned closer. 'Don't you want to marry, be a famous fashion designer, travel around the world? You used to dream big, Kurt.'
'I used to,' Kurt admitted. 'Now I only want Blaine to live. I want Blaine by my side. He's my future.'
Willow nods. 'I understand. Ready?' Kurt nods. Willow reached out to put her hands on his head, Kurt closed his eyes waiting for pain, a little *poof* sounded and then nothing...
Kurt opened his eyes. 'That's it?'
Willow smiled. 'Why do people always ask that? Of course that's it, this isn't a stupid TV show, this is real.' She sighs, she looks sad again. 'They call me weeping Willow, Kurt. My heart goes out to both you and Blaine.. I can't do much against fate, Kurt. I hope it will work out for the best.'
'And you're only telling me this now? After I gave you my soul?' Kurt snapped.
Willow shrugged. 'I'm still a demon. I give you one advise. Your best change at survival for both of you is... don't let him fight this war. It will end badly for both of you.'
'I'll think of something,' Kurt said, turned and walked away.
'Good luck.'
'You too.'