Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 18

E - Words: 4,945 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: RIP Sam Evans, I had to admit I cried a little while writting this. Especially with Sam's unborn child:( Let me know what you think:)

Kurt woke up alone in a cold bed and at first he was confused what he was doing back home. Then he realized what happened. He sat straight up. Where was Blaine?

'Kurt? Are you coming downstairs? It time for.... Lunch,' Burt's voice yelled.

'Eh... I'll be down in a minute!' Kurt quickly jumped up, looked for some old clothes to wear (no way he was wearing the same outfit two days in a row), avoided the mirror ( he knew his hair looked terrible) and hurried downstairs. 'Dad! Blaine?!'

'In here, Kurt,' Burt said from the kitchen.

'Where is Blaine?'

'Blaine? He isn't here, maybe he's going for a walk,' Burt said calm.

'He didn't say anything. It's nothing for Blaine to just leave.'

'He's a Alpha, Kurt, he can take care of himself.' Burt shoved a plate with food towards Kurt. 'We need to talk.'

'About what? I can better look for Blaine right now dad, maybe he's in trouble,' Kurt said.

'Sit, If he's in trouble he'll call or his pack would be standing here,' Burt said.

Kurt sighs, slumped his shoulders and sat down. 'His pack isn't happy with their Alpha right now. They won't help him.'

'What happened? Is it because of that big ring on your finger?'

Kurt rolled his eyes. 'yes, dad, Blaine asked me to marry him and I said yes. Don't give me that look, you know I want this. I love Blaine.'

'Yes, I know,' Burt sighs. 'I just... sometimes I can't believe you're 19. I still see you as that 8 year old boy that cries and begs for his mom to return. But you're not and I can see that you're happy with Blaine but I also know you've been through a lot lately. Too much for a person to handle all alone. Maybe it's not the right thing to get married now.'

Kurt glared. 'Not you also. His pack are stupid because it's not normall for a wolf to get married. They still stick to the 'Mating' thing. I want bridesmaids, flowers, music, dancing, vows, commitment... A wedding means a celebration about our love. Blaine finally realized that and asked me. All you have to do is support me. That's all I ask for.'

'I always support you, if you're happy then I'm happy,' Burt quickly pulled Kurt in a hug and Kurt buried his face in Burt's shoulder, this was exactly what he needed right now. Burt pulled back and smiled. 'Well, Blaine must be really crazy about you. A marriage is not done, Elizabeth didn't want to marry me. She didn't want to make a big scene.' Burt looked sad. 'I wanted too.'

'Mom was right, the pack didn't take the news very well,' Kurt admits. He reached for his phone, quickly sending a text to Blaine. 'They were about to attack us, but Dylan stopped them just in time before we run here. Blaine was broken...'

Burt tensed. 'What did you say?'


'The Pack turned against the Alpha?'Burt asked, his voice raising.

Kurt began to panic, he never saw Burt like this. 'Dad, what's wrong?'

Burt jumped up, ran through the hallway and grabbed his gun out of the closet. Kurt followed. 'Blaine is about to get back at his pack. He's going to intimate them, fight them and even kill the strongest.'

'That's ridicules, his pack are his family and his friends, he would never hurt them.'

'He's taken over by instincts Kurt, believe me, that's not Blaine what you're about to see,' Burt said, grabbing his car keys. 'He will hurt everybody if it means he can be the Alpha again.'

'What? You're not gonna kill him right?' Kurt ran after Burt, glaring at the gun.

'I'll do what's necessary. I need to protect the weakest. Tell me there is not another Alpha or Omega in the Pack?'

Kurt froze. Sebastian! 'eh yeah... But he would never hurt a Omega right? That doesn't make sense.'

'For him it does, every other Omega can be a threat for his Mate, that would be you,' Burt opened the door and jumped in the car.

Shit, Jeff and Dylan were in danger too. 'Go ahead, I'll take my four legs!' Kurt yelled, morphed and ran as fast as he could.

Kurt sniffed the air and could easily pick up Blaine's strong scent. It was leading right to the pack. How could he be so stupid and let Blaine sneak out like this? They should've talked after the attack. Kurt prayed that Sebastian wasn't at the village and he hoped he was with Dylan somewhere making out, far, far, far, away from the pack. He didn't want to think about innocent, playfully Jeff. He just couldn't believe Blaine would ever hurt him.

Kurt arrived at the edge of the Anderson Pack and there was complete chaos. Wolfs were fighting, woman with their little children to safety. He saw Jeff hovering a body and he ran towards them.

'Kurt! Thank god you're here!' Jeff huffed.

Kurt morphed back. 'What happened?' He gasped when he saw Nick's body lying on the ground, unconscious.

'I.... Blaine came in storming here and a huge fight broke loose,' Jeff explained. 'The beta's attacked, but Blaine won of course. He's trying to get his place back in the pack.'

'where are Sebastian and Dylan?' Kurt asked, wishing Jeff would say they're on a date.

'Somewhere between there!' Jeff points at a few wolf fights and Kurt saw Blaine's fur and Sebastian grey fur.

'Damn it!' Kurt cursed, he saw Burt stopping the car, stepping out and running towards the fight with his gun pointed out. 'Damn it!'

'Go calm Blaine, Kurt,' Jeff said quickly.

'What? How? Blaine is stronger I can't fight him,' Kurt panicked. And don't want too.

'Kurt you're his mate, you're a Omega, only you can calm him down!' Jeff looked at Nick. 'I'm bringing him to Jane, he got a bad blow to the head by one of the Beta's.' He glared at the fighting wolfs, lift Nick up and hurries away.

The sound of a gun broke the fight apart and Kurt almost snapped his neck to see what's going on. Burt had fired in the air to stop the fight but the pack seems to turn towards him. Blaine growls and the pack backend up but Blaine glared at Burt's gun and showed his teeth.

Kurt quickly ran towards his dad. 'Dad, put that gun away.'

Burt narrowed his eyes but kept his eyes on Blaine. 'I just wanted to break the fight apart.'

Blaine growls again and stepped forward. 'Did you just growl at me?!' Kurt glared.

Blaine growls again, this time his hair stood up, he prepared to attack any threats of his pack, in this case the man with the gun. He didn't recognized Burt, he felt the strong urge to protect his pack. To proof he was worthy. He could feel that his pack had submit too him again, it was time to not mess this up again. Blaine jumped...

Only to be attacked by a white wolf with the familiar lavender smell and it was like Blaine's brain melted, he turned back to normal and stared into blue ice cold eyes. 'Kurt?'

'Are you crazy?!' Kurt snapped. 'You've gotten killed, what were you thinking about attacking you're pack? They are your friends, Nick is wounded...' Kurt quickly looked around, every wolf of the pack were staring. Wes shrugged in the way "this isn't the first time there is a fight" , Dylan helped Sebastian on his feet who luckily had nothing, only a few scratches.

Blaine shakes his head to clear it. He got snapped at by Kurt and it hurt more that Kurt was angry at him than his wounds. 'How's Nick?'

'Jeff took him to their cabin,' Kurt jumped up and helped Blaine stand. 'Do you have any idea how worried I was when I woke up alone? I was terrified.' He pulled Blaine in his arms, Blaine winced slightly because of his own cuts. Kurt ignored it. Blaine deserve to suffer a bit after what he did. 'Let's go to our cabin and fix you up.'

They walked to the cabin, Kurt quickly gave Burt a reassuring nod. The Pack parted ways to let the couple through. Kurt sat Blaine down and grabs some ice to cool down bruises.

'Kurt, honestly it isn't that bad. I'm fine. I'm the Alpha again and they better remind that,' Blaine snarled, but winched when Kurt put a ice bag on a wound on his arm.

'Nothing is fine, Blaine! Nick, Wes, Dylan and Sebastian are wounded by you, woman and their children were running to find a safe house!' Kurt hissed. He was completely drained and couldn't believe his Mate was being so naïve. 'It was horror. What were you thinking? Is it so important to you to be the big Alpha that you attack your friends?'

'Friends my ass,' Blaine spat back. 'They turned their back on me, on you! I will not let them disrespect my Mate!' He grabs Kurt's hand. 'I did it for you, can't you see it?'

'For me?!'

'I defended you're honor.'

'I can defend myself perfectly.'

'You've been through enough.'

'We both are.'

They stared at each other, eventually Blaine gave in and lowered his eyes. He sighs. 'What does it matter? Everything is okay now.'

'Okay!' Kurt started pacing and Blaine prepared for another outburst. 'You call this okay?'

'I apologize to Nick in the morning, but Kurt, you need to realize we are not humans. We are wolfs, there will be fighting for power once in awhile. My spot is popular.'

'I don't care about you're spot or the damn pack!'

Blaine looked up and Kurt stopped pacing. 'What?'

'Blaine, I'm not fine,' Kurt took a deep breath and sat down opposite of Blaine, who looked extremely worried. 'I'm far from fine, we are far from fine. I... Since my possession, everything changed. I feel like .... It's like there is a invisible wall between us and I don't know how to break it down. We barely talk. I can't blame you if you don't want to be with me. But talk to me. I hate being in the dark like this.'

'Why wouldn't I want to be with you?' Blaine's face softened. 'I love you, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. I even asked you to marry me and I'm behind that decision 100%.'

'You mean it?'

Blaine put the ice bag down and took Kurt's hand in his. '100%, you're perfect for me. And I'm sorry if I made you feel like I ignored you but with all the demons and vampire stuff going on here...'

'I just want us to live a normal life, that's all,' Kurt sniffed. 'I don't even know if we make it to our wedding alive.'

'We will and I can't wait for that day,' Blaine said. 'You know what? Why don't we forget the vampires, the demons, dark magic and concentrate on us for awhile.'


'I mean it, we lock ourselves in,' Blaine ran to the door and turned the key. 'And there is just us.' He scooped Kurt up and walked to the bedroom. He gently lay Kurt down and kissed him deeply. 'you're amazing, Kurt, don't ever doubt my love for you.'

'How come you never tried to have sex with me after my possession?' Kurt asked softly, that was his biggest concern.

Blaine grinned and Kurt couldn't help but smile at the sight of that. That was a long time. 'I didn't want to push you into something like that after what you've been through. It was torture Kurt, I almost lost it.' He pinned Kurt's hands on the pillow and gave fast kisses in Kurt's neck. 'You and you're tight jeans.'

Kurt giggled and couldn't help but moan when Blaine sucked at his neck. Making sure to leave a mark. Kurt rolled his eyes and made a note in his head to yell at Blaine later for that. Blaine slowly undresses Kurt and himself. He locked eyes with Kurt. 'Ready?' Kurt nods and hissed when Blaine put a finger inside. It's been a long time.

Blaine took his time and made sure Kurt was okay with everything. Blaine slummed into Kurt and at the sound Kurt made he hit his prostate. They didn't last long. Blaine rolled of Kurt and pulled him close. 'Do you think the invisible wall is broken?'

Kurt smiled. 'I think it totally collapsed just now.'

Blaine smirked. 'We should do this more.'

'Having Sex?'

'This isn't about that, but we should definitely have more sex, it's about us. Just spending more time together.'

Kurt hummed and intertwined their hands together. Their engagement rings sparkle in the dark room. They matched. 'I would love that. We should talk about our wedding. How are we gonna pay for it?'

'I can take that job back that I got for your birthday,' Blaine said.

'you want that?'

Blaine shrugged but Kurt saw his eyes light up. 'I loved to sing. I get to do something that I like and get paid for it. And it pays good.'

'And the Pack?'

'They can do 4 nights without me, they know that we're going to marry and they understand it now.' Blaine gave Kurt a deep kiss. 'You're more important to me.'

'Okay, but promise me one thing. Never fight again!'

'I'll fight to defend myself Kurt, it's instinct. Everyone would do the same. This won't be the first fight within the pack, everyone would like to be a higher place in the Pack. It's normal, I need to defend my place and my Mate's place.'

'But in a real fight...'

'Nothing happens, I won't fight again okay? Unless it's something to do with my pack.'

Kurt nods, quickly gave him a kiss on his lips. 'Thank you for defending my honor, but no more. I can battle my own battles.'

Blaine rolled his eyes. Kurt can be so stubborn.

Kurt's head snapped up. 'I can hear you think.'

Blaine looks confused. 'Eh... yeah? Everything alright?'

Kurt sighs in relief. 'Great, I thought I was going crazy. But everything is back to normal.' He snuggled closer to Blaine.

Blaine pulled Kurt close. So Round 2 then? Kurt glared. What? You have no idea how much I this.

Kurt rolled over and pulled Blaine on top of him. I think I know.


The next week past by peacefully and everything was back to normal. Blaine and Kurt were closer than ever, they talked a lot and made love every day. Blaine could come back to his temporally job, Kurt ordered new fabrics which he kept in their cabin, just for safety. Kurt made new designs and made plans for their wedding. He wanted the wedding soon, Blaine could wait a few month's longer. The whole wedding idea made the alpha a little bit nervous. Till great pleasure of Sebastian, who sang wedding bell tunes every time he saw Blaine or walked passed him.

Blaine apologized to Nick and Nick forgave Blaine, he knew why Blaine did it. His partner Jeff didn't seem so forgiving, he kept glaring at Blaine when he was near Nick. Blaine also went to Burt to apologize, Burt shrugged it easily off. He even praised Blaine for defending Kurt's honor and Blaine thought he was drunk because Burt finally treated him nice. He even invited him over for Coffee, after Blaine sniffed at the coffee to make sure it wasn't poisoned, they talked for hours about the one thing they both loved: Kurt.

In the meantime Kurt dealt with Rachel. And not normal Rachel, no, Rachel turned into a true diva. If you think the normal Rachel is annoying, you've seen nothing yet. Kurt needed a model to pass some outfits he made but Rachel was in a bad mood because she still hasn't catch Sugar.

'To be honest, Kurt, stop complaining about my sweaters, who cares about Clothes?!'

Kurt scowled. 'Without clothes we would be naked, Rachel.'

'What's wrong with being naked? Stop being such a prude!' Rachel snapped.

Before Kurt could respond he felt strong arms wrapped around his waist and lips pressed against his cheek. 'Do I hear naked?'

Kurt blushes. 'We're talking about clothes, Blaine.'


'Kurt is still ashamed for his body because all he talks about is his clothes!' Rachel snapped. 'I'm out of here.' And she turns her heal and walked away.

'It's my damn job!!!' Kurt yelled but Rachel was already gone.

'I have to agree with Rachel, Kurt,' Blaine said and Kurt turned toward him. 'You look really hot naked.'

Kurt blushed but rolled his eyes. 'Don't start, I really need to finish this today. I also want to go to the mall for some new inspiration.'

'Oh can I come with you?' Blaine asks.

Kurt frowned. 'Really? You never went shopping with me.'

'Yes, why not? I love to see you in your zone.'

'Okay, but can we take Sebastian and Jeff with us? I want to talk with Sebastian about something and cheer Jeff up. He's still upset about Nick.'

'Eh, sure, I'm gonna take a quick shower first. Are you coming?'

'No, I need to finish this first. I want to open my shop in two weeks!' Kurt turned towards the table to make a few more sketches, trying his best to ignore Blaine's puppy eyes. 'You're being mean.'

'I don't do anything!' Blaine pouted.

Kurt sighs. 'What the hell, I can't concentrate anymore!'

Blaine smiled and led Kurt to the bath room.


Blaine quickly found out it wasn't a easy picnic with Kurt and Jeff in the mall. They wanted to look in every shop , fit some items, gave it back, when Jeff and Kurt saw something pretty they both run towards it and fight playfully about the peace of clothes. Blaine was happy to see Kurt so happy and in his element, Sebastian however made it clear he was bored. The only distraction for Sebastian was Kurt's glare when Sebastian stole something again.

After hours running after Kurt and Jeff, Blaine was exhausted. He hoped Kurt would hurry up with the request to Sebastian so they could go home and sleep. Finally Kurt announced he had hungry and a half hour later they're eating and drinking at Breadsticks.

After a little talk, Kurt turned serious. 'Sebastian, there is something I want you to talk about.'

'Oh gosh, what is it now?' Sebastian asks. He looked between Blaine and Kurt. 'Are you breaking up?'

'What no?!' Kurt grabs his hand. 'How can you even think that?'

Sebastian looked at Kurt's hand on his. 'Are you going to propose to me?'

Jeff giggled, Kurt glared and Blaine growls, pulling Kurt closer to him.

'No, Sebastian this is something serious, it's about the wedding.'

'Oh, well if this is it, then it's crappy. I expect music and flowers....' Sebastian shut up when he saw Kurt's dead glare. 'Okay, what's going on?

'Do you want to be my best man at my wedding?' Kurt asks and Sebastian pales, Jeff spit out his drink and Blaine looked confused. 'You're my best friend, Sebastian. So what do you say? You get free beer and food.'

'Eh, great, do I need to write a speech too?' Sebastian grinned, his eyes twinkled.

Blaine and Kurt looked at each other and said at the same time. 'no!' Letting Sebastian talk with alcohol in his system was never a good idea, it was rarely a good idea if he was sober. Sebastian looked disappointed.

'Eh... just show up,' Kurt said.

Sebastian brightened up. 'Well I can do that.'

'Are we going to the new clothing shop, I heard there was pre sale and I just need new jeans,' Jeff said and they all stood up.

Sebastian quickly said 'Blaine pays!' and runs away. Blaine sighed and gave the waitress money, Kurt smiled. 'Are you sure you want him as best man Kurt?'

'Of course, I know Sebastian is... Sebastian but everything is gonna be okay,' Kurt said. 'We need to make sure we'll say the wedding date and time to Dylan and he'll bring Sebastian on time to the wedding.'

'You don't thrust him?' Blaine asks.

'With my life? Yes. With everything else?.... No,' Kurt sighs and groans when he saw Sebastian stealing someone's money. 'Who did you ask to be your best man?'

'Eh, Wes,' Blaine mumbles.

'Good choice,' Kurt nods. As he follows Sebastian into a shop, trying to keep a close eye on him.

Blaine sighs, he hadn't asked anyone. He didn't even think about asking anyone to be his best man. It was time for a talk with Wes.


'I'm exhausted!' Blaine groans, letting himself fall on bed. He didn't know that shopping with Kurt was so exhausting.

Kurt laughs, putting his new bought clothes in the closet. 'I have energy for ten, a mall visit always cheers me up.'

'I noticed, it was good to see you happy,' Blaine smiled, stretching out on bed and yawning.

Suddenly a loud howling sound through the air and Blaine tensed. It was a cry for help. And he recognized the howling.

'What is that?' Kurt peering out of the window. He turned but Blaine was already at the front door. Kurt quickly dropped the clothes on bed and ran after him. 'Blaine! What's going on?'

Blaine didn't stop, he ran to the edge and Kurt saw that his pack followed him. 'It's Sam, Kurt. His pack is attacked, Puck is asking for help.' He turned to his pack, his eyes glowing and his body shivering with anger. 'it's time to fight, all woman with small children stay here, that also counts for Omega's!' Kurt, Dylan and Jeff protested but Blaine growls at them. 'No discussions...'

'Blaine I want to help!' Kurt interrupted, trying to ignore the submissive Omega inside.

'you can't! This isn't a game, Kurt, this is real, and you could get killed. You stay here, this is a command.' Blaine turned around. 'Let's go!' He morphed and disappeared into the forest. All wolfs followed him, even Wes , Nick and Sebastian, except for a couple young woman, Kurt, Dylan, Jane and Jeff.

Kurt cursed. 'If you die tonight, Blaine, I will kill you!' He tried to run after him but got pushed backwards.

'you can't go after him, Kurt, Blaine commanded us to stay here, nobody can go against a command of the Alpha,' Dylan explained.

After a few other attempts Kurt dropped to his knees. Jane put a arm around his shoulders and squeezed, she smiled reassuring. A silence fell and all they could do is wait. It felt for hours, they just stood there frozen, waiting for news about the Pack and their loved ones. Kurt wondered if he would feel anything if Blaine died, they were mates and had a strong bonds. He convinced himself he would know if something happened to Blaine, just to have hope. Blaine was strong, he will survive this. God damnit , they're supposed to get married. And now I don't even know if he's still alive. Kurt shivered.

It felt like they waited for hours before they heard footsteps. Dylan pulled his knife out of his pocket, he saw Kurt's look. 'Just in case, we are vulnerable now, everyone is gone. If demons want a piece of us this would be the best time to attack.'

Kurt realized that Dylan was right. He suddenly felt himself more vulnerable than ever. The group that had stayed behind were woman with young children and the Omega's. Suddenly Nick, Blaine, Wes appeared . Jeff ran to Nick and quickly pulled him close.

Blaine's shirt was covered in blood, his curls were glued to his face, his eyes were red and puffy... like he had been crying. Kurt ran toward him and quickly scanned him for any fatal wounds. 'Blood...'

'It's not from me....' Blaine swallows. 'it's from Sam.... He's dead... his whole pack is dead.'

Kurt froze. He didn't want to believe what Blaine was saying. 'W- what?'

'We got there too late, there were vampires and demons and Sam's whole pack got slaughtered right in front of us,' Blaine sniffs, wiping away his tears.

There were more footsteps and Blaine's pack and Puck's pack appeared, carrying body's with them. Puck appeared with Sam's body, covered in blood and Kurt saw a hole were Sam's heart used to be. Kurt quickly looks away. 'Where's Cedes' body?'

Blaine looked up. 'She's... still alive Kurt. She's with Santana.'

At that moment Santana, Brittany, Finn and Rachel appeared, dragging Mercedes as gently as possible with them. Mercedes looks numb and Kurt ran towards her.

'Calm down, Lady face, she's in shock,' Santana warned.

Kurt stopped in front of Mercedes and his heart broke. Mercedes was shaking, her eyes were red from crying, her arms wrapped around her baby bum, she mumbles: 'I wasn't there, I was too late... I wasn't there.'

'Let's get her inside!' Jane spoke up. 'She can stay at my house, I know how it is to lose your soul mate. I'll watch her.'

'I'll go with you, I'll give her a quick check up,' Santana said.

'And please check Finn too,' Rachel said worried.

Kurt gave his step brother a quick glance and saw blood dripping out of his neck, Finn tried to stop the bleeding with his hands. 'What happened to you, Finn?'

'he's bitten by a vampire and they exchanged blood,' Rachel explained fast. 'We need to test if he got enough blood from the vamp to be sure if he's chancing into a vampire.'

'W-what?' Kurt looked at Finn who leaned heavily on Rachel. 'I'll help you bring him inside.' He looked at Blaine, who nods reassuring. Kurt followed the others.

That night Sam's pack got burned but this time there wasn't howling just grieve in silence. More than 80 wolfs stood in silence around the fire watching the body's disappear. Blaine felt numb, it was like a part of him died with Sam. They were brothers, they knew each other for years, he couldn't believe Sam was gone. Sam was kind, good and he didn't deserve this. Nobody did. Blaine clenched his jaw and fist.

'He was supposed to be a dad in a couple days,' A voice said behind him. Blaine turned to find Puck leaning against a tree. 'Sweet, wise Sammy. He saved my ass a lot back in high school. He even made me see that I needed a diploma, to be a better man.' Puck shook his head, tears rolling down his face. 'It just shouldn't be him. He was so proud of his unborn child. And now... he'll never meet her.'

'Her?' Blaine asks, he noticed his voice broke but he couldn't care that he was crying too.

'It's a daughter, he found out two weeks ago. You know what this means right?' Puck wiped away his tears.


'We need to fight, we need to protect our loved ones, the pack, Mercedes and Sam's daughter with our lives. And you know where they go next?' Puck said, Blaine shrugged. 'They took away a few man of my pack, they murdered Sam's pack.... Now they're coming for yours. Let's fight together. I'll move my pack to this area. Let's kill these demons and vampires for once and for all.'

Blaine shook Puck's hand in agreement. Puck smiled. 'Next time they're coming we will be prepared and they will scream for merci. The war has began.


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