Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 16

E - Words: 4,557 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
139 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: yeah, there are happy times comming up for our Klaine. I think we deserve that after the last 'dark' chapters;) Let me know what you think about this chapter because i'm really unsure about this one.

It was like Blaine's worst nightmare came true. After his dad died, he couldn't lose Kurt too. Kurt was the most important person in his life and he knew he couldn't live without. He couldn't sense Kurt anywhere. How could he be so stupid? His Mate didn't feel well and he just left him alone. He should've done that. He was a terrible Mate.

Santana, Brittany, Sebastian, Dylan and Blaine stopped at the edge of the Anderson village.

'Blaine, you broke the protection spell!!' Santana snapped when she saw her spell was gone.

'I didn't do anything!'Blaine growls, sniffing the air and his heart jumped when he smelled the scent of Kurt. He ran towards his cabin and burst to the door. 'Kurt?!' He ran quickly through the house, controlling every room.

'He isn't here anymore, Blaine,' Sebastian said calm, leaning against the doorstep. He saw the Alpha sinking down to his knees, taking deep breaths. Damn I wish Kurt was here, I'm so bad in these things. 'Blaine... calm down...' He walked awkwardly towards Blaine and pulled him close.

Blaine leaned in. 'I can't lose him, Sebastian, I just can't... I won't survive that.'

'You're not gonna lose him,' Sebastian said, pulling slightly back. 'We get him back.'

Blaine sniffs. 'What if it's too late? What if...'

'Stop it! Do you really think that Kurt would let them take his body so easy? There is no way that Kurt wouldn't fight back. You know that. Kurt is strong, he will survive this and we will reunite you two. But Kurt can't use a crying Alpha who already gave up. So man up and get on your feet. It's time to find Kurt.' Sebastian pulled Blaine up and even he himself was impressed by his speech. He also knew he was right, Kurt would fight. Until the end. They just needed to make sure it never ends the way the demons want.

'Thanks, Sebastian, Kurt was right, you are a good guy,' Blaine wiped away his tears.

Sebastian growls. 'Just to make sure, this stays between us, Anderson. I don't want to seem weak.'

Blaine rolled his eyes. 'Fine.' And Sebastian was being his old self again. Jeff, Nick and Wes came running.

'Blaine, what's going on?' Wes asks. 'I saw Kurt leaving the village 10 minutes ago. Where is he going?'

'You saw him!' Blaine snapped. 'You should've stopped him Wes!'

Wes glared. 'What the hell is going on?'

'I wanted to invite Kurt on a play board game but he just walked past me,' Jeff pouted. He was still not over how rude his friend had treated him. Nick pulled him in his arms to comfort him. 'Is he on his period again?'

'What?' Blaine asks confused.

'But seriously, Blaine, did you two fight? What did you do?' Nick asks. 'Kurt didn't seem himself.'

'That's because he isn't,' Blaine said softly. He glanced at Sebastian, in hope that he get some support but Sebastian decided that one good deed was enough for one day and he walked away to find Brittany, Santana and Dylan. Blaine gave a short version about what happened and what they think is going on with Kurt.

'Possessed?' Jeff gasped. 'Our Kurtie is possessed?' his face went pale and Nick quickly leads him to the couch.

Blaine sighs, putting his head in his hand. He never felt so useless. 'I don't know what to do.'

Dylan appeared behind Wes. 'Blaine, Santana saw a trail. It's from Kurt.' Blaine jumped up and followed Dylan instantly. At the edge of the village Santana, Sebastian and Brittany were standing in front of black sand.

'That's black magic. I guess that Sugar disappeared here. She probably thought the demon could control Kurt's body by now.'

'So we're too late?' Sebastian asked.

Wes came running. 'Blaine, can I do something? I want to help.'

Blaine turned to his best friend. 'just stay with the Pack, Wes, if I don't come back tonight, you're the new Alpha.'

Wes grabs his arm for Blaine could run off. 'Blaine, don't do this.'

'I need to do this, Wes, we're wasting time. Kurt is in danger and how more we talk how harder it will be to bring him back. I'm bringing him back or I'll die trying.'

Wes wanted to protest but closed his mouth when he saw Blaine's determined look. Instead he said: 'Good luck and be careful.'

Blaine nodded, morphed and disappeared into the forest following Kurt's scent.


Kurt felt his body move towards the south of Lima, and he knew where the demon want to go, Sam's Pack. He tried to stop, he grabbed a tree but the only thing he managed was ripping his hands open. The demon laughed at the sight of blood. 'Stop resisting, Kurt, it will only end bad for you if you keep this up.'

'As if I'm not dead when you're finished. Wait till Blaine finds out, he'll kill you!' Kurt felt himself growing weaker with the minute. He just hoped Blaine would be here soon enough. Then everything was over. He didn't care if he would survive or not, as long as he could destroy the demon possessing his body was gone.

'I'm counting on it. It would be so much fun to see the shock on his face when I rip his heart out with your hands. Can you imagine the hurt and the pain in his eyes?' The demon laughs again and walked faster, completely in control of Kurt's body now. 'That's better, it's a shame you die as soon as I leave your body, Kurt. You're pretty. You could've been my new toy.'

Kurt froze and his body with him, he quickly grabs the nearest tree and cling to it. 'I will never be you're slave.' He could feel Robert taking over again.

'Never mind, you're too stubborn and strong willed. Why are you a Omega? You have the character of a Alpha.'

Kurt felt the tree slipping through his fingers and move forward again. He didn't have strength left to fight again. All he could do was keep asking the demon questions, hopefully it will slow him down and Blaine could get here faster. He was sure Blaine was already on his way, saving him, once again. 'Why are you doing this? Just for fun?'

It worked.

'Fun?!' The demon's voice sounded offended, and a little bit sad. 'No, we have bigger plans. Killing wolfs is just the better part of the plan.'

'What's the plan? How can a silly little town like Lima be important to your plan? Why not New York or Chicago? It's way bigger.'

'You're right, this was never the plan. We shouldn't even be here.'

'So... what's going on? What are you searching for?'

'As if I will ever tell you our plan, do you think I'm that stupid?' Robert sneered.

Kurt felt the unease of the demon through his body. What if Robert didn't know what was going on? 'The weapon is removed by someone else isn't? And you don't know by who.'

'I don't care, all I want is to complete my goal. Now let's move, we have souls to collect.' Robert took the body over easily and Kurt saw the familiar ground, they were really close to Sam's village. He could smell Sam's scent moving closer and another very familiar smell approached fast.

A black wolf jumped out of the bushes and blocked the path to Sam's village. Kurt was so happy to see Blaine. The feeling overwhelmed the demon and Kurt manage to take over. 'Blaine.'

Blaine morphed back, he was sweaty and his dark curls were a mess. 'Kurt, thank god you're okay.' He immediately pulled him in a firm hug. 'Santana thought that you were possessed.' Blaine took a closer look in Kurt's ice blue eyes. He was never been this happy about Kurt's eye color. Suddenly it changed to pick black, Blaine stumbled backwards but the demon grabbed his collar.

'Guess what? She's right!' And he swung Blaine against a tree. The demon moved faster forward and ignored the weak resistance from the owner of the body.

Blaine shakes his head in a attempt to stop the dizziness. 'You okay?' He looked up and stared at Sebastian's face, Dylan, Santana and Brittany were right behind him.

'I'm fine, Sebastian what are you doing here?'

'We thought you can use some help.'

'I'm fine, Sebastian. Go back to the pack.'

'You've got to be kidding me, hobbit!' Santana snapped. 'You want to fight a demon without magic?'

'It's not a demon, it's Kurt!' Blaine snapped back.

'It's not anymore, Blaine,' Santana looks sad. 'Kurt's gone.'

'no, Santana, I know he's still there. I... I heard his own voice I saw his blue eyes, before they turned black. Kurt's soul is still fighting, if we give up he dies. I know that I can get him back.'

'How?' Dylan asks. 'The chances that you succeed are none, Blaine.'

'I don't know.' Blaine admitted.

'I'll do it,' Dylan grabbed his knife. 'I'll slit his throat as painless as possible, and as fast as I can. He won't suffer long.'

Blaine grabs him by the collar and slammed him against the tree. 'If you lay one finger on Kurt I'll kill you! He's not lost.'

They heard a scream. Blaine's heart sank to his feet. It's Kurt. He let go of Dylan and ran as fast as he could.

Kurt was on his knees, screaming. His fingers clawed through the mud.

'What's happening?' Sebastian asks, trying to stay calm, it was hard to just stand there while his best friend was suffering.

'Kurt is fighting!' Santana sounds happy, she quickly grabs some poison bottles. 'I think you're right, Blaine. We can still safe him. This poison's will remove the demon. We need to act quickly.' She runs forward to throw the poison but Kurt was quickly on his feet. His eyes pitch black.

'Do you really think you can beat me?!' The demon waved his hand and Santana was send flying to Dylan who lost his knife. The poison's shattered on the ground.

Brittany grabs more poisons out of her bag, but the demon waved his hand again and destroyed the poison's. Brittany gasps. 'Eh... guys, we're out of poisons.'

'You don't have any left?' Sebastian asks, helping Dylan and Santana up.

'Well, one but it won't help vanquishing the demon,' Brittany said.

'And now?'

'We'll do it the old fashion way, magic against magic,' Santana snarled, she looked pissed off. 'I'm gonna beat that demon's ass even if it means that it's the last thing I'll do.'

Brittany grabs her arm. 'No Satan, don't...'

'We don't have a choice,' Santana said. 'We need to kill him.' She turned to Blaine. 'Sorry, Blaine, I can't safe Kurt now. We need to kill him before he reach Sam's village.'

'Give me one last change!' Blaine pleaded. He wasn't about to give up. 'Let me talk to him... Maybe Kurt can come back and fight once more.' Brittany and Santana glanced at each other and nodded.


Blaine stepped forward and the demon smiled. 'Finally, you know what Kurt's worst fear is? You dying.'

Blaine rolled his eyes and never stopped moving forward. 'Tell me something new.'

'Oh no you just dying isn't his biggest fear, you dying because of him is his biggest fear.' The demon smiled when Blaine froze. 'Why don't we make that fear come true don't we?' He waved his hand and Blaine was pulled towards him. The demon grabs him by his throat and pinched. Blaine couldn't move and gasped for air. 'Oh Kurt is screaming and crying now. You should hear him, it's... heartbreaking.'

Suddenly the demon let go and Blaine tumbled to the ground, gasping for air and looked up. Dylan had a stake in his hand and had punched the demon with it. 'Blaine, go away before you get killed! Now!'

The demon waved his hand, the stake crumbled into dust. 'A Stake doesn't kill me boy! You should not play with adults!'

A flash of fear in Dylan's eyes was the last thing they saw before he got lifted up in the air. 'Maybe it doesn't kill you, but it does distract you!'


'Hey, loser over here!' Santana yelled. The demon turned towards her. Santana stood there with a small black box. 'Remember this? It's time to lock you up!' She grabs Brittany's hand and they both started the charm.

The demon growls, throws Dylan away, he landed in the bushes and they heard a loud sickening snap. Dylan didn't jump up again. Sebastian ran towards where he disappeared.

The demon tried to pull the black box towards him but Brittany easily put on a protective shield over Santana, Blaine and her.


'No Blaine, it's too late, we need to do this now!' Santana said.

'There has to be a way...'

'shut up, Blaine!'

'Satan, wait!' Brittany spoke up. 'There is one change. If we can hold the body still, Blaine could safe him.'

'What is it?' Blaine asks, at this moment he would do anything to safe Kurt.

Brittany grabs a pink bottle out of her bag, Santana gasps. 'That isn't helping here, Brit. It's for people who are delusional.'

Brittany's shoulders slumped. 'You're right. I'm sorry, Blaine.'

'No, please, you can't kill him,' Blaine begged.

'We need too,' Santana said. 'Before he kills us.'

'At least give me a change to say goodbye,' Blaine blinked back the tears.

Santana and Brittany glanced, and nodded. 'We hold him down, just make it quick.'

'Maybe you should drink this anyway, it helps,' Brittany offered him the poison, Santana glared at her. But quickly focused on the demon and the spell to hold him down.

The demon struggled but he was only focused on the box, so he lost quickly. Blaine quickly drank from the poison, and he felt a little light headed after that. And completely in love. He looked around to find his love. He saw Kurt lying on the ground, struggling to get free.

The feeling of guilt overwhelmed Blaine and he kneeled down next to him and knew what to do. The demon hissed at him and tried to reach his throat but Santana kept him down with her power. 'Come on, Blaine hurry, I can't hold him any longer!' Santana groaned.

Blaine sniffed. It was time to say goodbye. He leaned forward. 'Just one last kiss.' He gave Kurt a firm kiss and everything changed. Kurt began to glow and Blaine quickly moved back. 'Kurt?'

Kurt's eyes were bright blue, he smiled relieved: 'Blaine?!' He pulled Blaine into a tight hug. Then his body began to shake and he screamed.

'Blaine, stand back, the demon is coming out!' Santana warned, Brittany hold the black box closer. Blaine stepped back but not too far. He didn't want to let go of Kurt's hand.

Kurt body was surrounded by black smoke. Brittany catches it safely in the box and closed it quickly. Blaine held Kurt limp in his arms. He listen to his heartbeat and sighed relieved. 'What was that what you gave me?' He turned to Brittany.

'The True Love Poison,' Brittany shrugged. ' Your love saved Kurt. Who knew it would work?' she winked at Santana who rolled her eyes annoyed.

Santana kneeled down next to Kurt and examine him quickly. 'He looks okay, I need to examine him further when we get him in a warm bed. The most important thing is that he's still alive.'

Suddenly Brittany was thrown back into a tree, the box fell on the ground.

Sugar appeared, with a huge smile on her lips. 'Thank you very much.' And before Santana could do anything she was already gone.

'that bitch, I'm so done with her!' Santana cursed, helping Brittany on her feet. 'Now she has that stupid box and we've nothing.'

Blaine picked Kurt up a bride style. 'Let's go home, Kurt needs every help he can get and rest.'

Sebastian came out of the bushes. 'Can someone help here? I see ribs sticking out of Dylan's body and it looks really bad.'


Santana examined Kurt and Dylan. Dylan had a few broken ribs but he'll survive, Kurt was worse. He slipped into a coma and Brittany spoke a few spells on him to heal him faster. Burt, Finn and Rachel came and of course Burt was furious.

'How much do you have to put my son through?! He has been wounded every time he's near you!' Burt snapped at Blaine. The pale, weak figure who laid in bed didn't even look anything like his strong son and that was putting him of. 'He's coming home with me. You're not allowed to see him anymore!'

Blaine growls angry, his eyes glowing and he was shaking. Nobody was taking Kurt away from him after today. Wes quickly interrupt. 'Let's all calm down and drink some coffee! Kurt can't use this fight right now.'

Santana nods. 'He needs to rest. It could take weeks before he even opens his eyes. His soul is damaged and needs time to heal.'

'Is he gonna wake up the same?' Blaine asks worried.

Santana shrugged. 'I really don't know, Kurt is the only one who survived a possession of a demon. We just have to wait and see.'

Brittany walked in. 'Everything is secured. Nobody can go in now. We need to meet with Puck and Sam. I don't think it's wise to meet with them again until we have Sugar.'

There fell a silence. Nick sighs. 'It's weird that the demons have what they want now. 3 packs insulated, no help for friends. We are a easy prey now.'

Santana waved it off. 'It will take a while for that demon is fully on his power, we damaged it really good and I don't think Sugar will try anything on her own. We're safe for awhile.' She grabs Brittany's hand. 'We're back tomorrow. We have some work to do.' They said goodbye and left.

Rachel kneeled down next to the bed and gently rubbed her hand through Kurt's chestnut hair. 'He looks so peaceful. He reminds me of Snow white.' Finn pulled her closer and she wrapped her hands around his waist. Blaine smiled, he made a vow to watch every Disney movie with Kurt when he wakes up.

Nick pulled Jeff closer too, the blond wolf was dealing with a hard time. He just couldn't believe this happened to someone like Kurt.

Blaine needed some air and walked outside to exhale the cool weather. Wes followed. Wes looked at Blaine. 'You okay?'

Blaine shrugged. 'It's just.... I wonder what would have happened if my dad was still alive. He would never let a demon into his village, he would see right through it. I just saw Mercedes and I should've known. She's pregnant, no way Sam would let her go out there alone. Kurt wouldn't be in danger if my dad was still alive. Kurt and I would live in New York right now.'

Wes sighs. 'Don't do this to yourself, Blaine, it's no use. What happened it's not your fault. We were there. We didn't see it either. Don't ask yourself what could have happened and live in the now. Kurt needs you. And I bet that he's still the same. It's hard to slap the bitch side out of him.' He pulled Blaine in a tight hug. 'And for what's worth, I think your 10 times better Alpha then your father was. He would be proud.'

Blaine sniffs, blinking back his tears. 'Thank you.'


It was nearly a month before Kurt woke up. Burt was everyday with his son, he slept there, and he glared at Blaine but kept his mouth shut. Rachel had a new mission, to find Sugar and kill her. Dylan recovered and strangely enough Sebastian and Dylan looked closer than ever.

Blaine ordered a few man to restore Kurt's shop, so when he would wake up he would've a brand new shop. He didn't go hunting, he didn't even leave his house. He stayed inside by the side of Kurt. He was slowly going crazy.

Puck and Sam had heard the news and agreed to stay in their own village much to the annoyance of Quinn and Mercedes who desperately wanted to know how Kurt was doing. Santana and Brittany were busier than ever. They asked for help from other witches but still nothing.

On the 29th day Blaine lay on the couch, trying to get some sleep. Sebastian ate pizza with Dylan close next to him, Rachel and Finn sat next to the bed. Rachel was randomly chatting about her newest reindeer shirt.

Kurt heard familiar voices but his eyes felt too heavy to open up. But he really wanted too, he felt like he slept for weeks now. It was time to wake up, to see Blaine's worried golden eyes, his hair full of gel. He blinked. And stared right at two big eyes and he screamed.

His voice still broken but it was enough to let Rachel, Finn and Burt turn, Blaine, Dylan and Sebastian came running into the room.

'Your awake!!' Rachel squealed and pulled him close.

'Why do you have to wear that hideous sweater, Rachel, you nearly gave me a heart attack!' Kurt lips curled up, he missed the hunter too.

Rachel pulled away looking offended. 'Oh come on, Kurt, this is the new fashion'

'Not even in your dreams!'

Rachel pouted. 'I dreamed that the reindeers were going to eat me last night.' She looked worried at Finn, who pulled her close.

'Let's sit in the next room, Rachel, I'll save you from mean reindeers.' And they walked away.

'Son, how are you feeling?' Burt leaned closer to give a quick hug.

'A little dizzy, and my memory is a vague, the last thing I remember was Sugar and Robert,' Kurt head felt like it could explode. 'They were standing there. How did they get in?'

'Don't worry about that, just focus on yourself right now,' Blaine leaned down and gave him a kiss. He felt guilty. How would Kurt react if he told that he let them into their village? 'How are you feeling?'

'Perfect now you're here!' Kurt pulled him into another kiss. 'I missed you.'

'Missed you too.'

'Happy that this soul crap is over!' Sebastian chewed on a pizza.

Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Missed you too, Sebastian.'

'I know you did,' Sebastian smirked, and winked.

'So, care to explain what happened?' Kurt asks.

They told Kurt everything. Kurt vaguely remembered the demon taking over his body but felt immediately dirty. He shivered. Dylan told proudly what he had done but Blaine just glared at him angry.

Kurt had to admit that the young Omega was very brave. Risking his own life for him, so he grabbed Dylan's hand, who tensed. 'Thank you Dylan. You put your life on risk for me, it could've killed you. You're really brave. And also thank you for making the decision to kill me.' – Burt and Blaine both growled – ' Nobody else would've done that. I rather died than living like a zombie.'

Dylan nods, looking slightly unsure by the compliment. 'Of course, thank you. You would done the same for me.'

'I wouldn't, I'm not so brave. But don't do it again, if you keep it up you end up dead,' Kurt warned, but his eyes shined. 'You're not invincible. Nobody is.' He let go of Dylan's hand and grabs Blaine's. Blaine melted. God how he had missed his mate. He would never let Kurt alone again.

Nick, Jeff, Wes, Santana and Brittany came over. Wes looked exhausted, he had taken over Blaine's roll as Alpha when he was by Kurt's side, but happy Kurt was better. Santana was slightly worried and disappointed that Kurt didn't remember anything. Blaine managed to get them all away by 9 PM. Even Burt went home under loud protest.

Kurt was happy with the peace, he got up wobbly, walked around a little to get feeling in his legs again and got a hot warm shower. He scrubs his skin till it draw blood. He felt dirty that something was inside him and he couldn't shake the feeling. He felt used. He washed the blood quickly away when he heard Blaine's footsteps. How was Blaine ever going to love him now?

'Are you done, love?' Blaine opened the door slightly. Kurt quickly wrapped a towel around his body. Blaine frowned. 'Are you okay?'

Kurt nods. 'Yes, a little bit... tired.'

Blaine smiled. 'Well, get dressed in you PJ's, I have a whole Disney Marathon ready.'

Kurt squealed. 'Tell me I'm not dreaming!'

Blaine laugh. 'I'm deadly serious. You can see this as a early birthday present.'

'What day is it?'

' August 19th.'

Kurt gasped. 'Was I this long asleep?' Blaine nods worriedly. 'Only two weeks till my birthday! I still need to plan a outfit.'

Blaine chuckled. 'Happy you're still you. Now get dressed, I have drinks and snacks.' Kurt glared. 'Healthy snacks.' Kurt smiled. 'And a warm bed waiting.' Blaine quickly gave him a kiss and left.

Ten minutes later when they were cozily wrapped in each other arms in a warm bed, with Bambi playing, they fell asleep immediately.


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