Will You Be Mine Part II
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 14

E - Words: 6,219 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
143 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: If i still have some readers left. Please review:)

Brittany appeared in a long white dress, in the middle of the street. She looked confused, taking up her surroundings. The vampires growls and she looked shocked. Kurt almost wanted to scream that she need to get out of there as fast as she could. He wanted to protect the innocent girl. But he was too late. The vampires attacked at the same time, Brittany threw her hands for her head and she send some of the vampires fled through the air. But one vampire got the change and bit her hard in her neck and she screamed.

'Did that thing just bit my girl?!' Santana's eyes were on fire. Literally. Flames in her eyes and Kurt automatically stepped behind Blaine. Santana looked scary as hell. 'Oh hell to the no!' She clasped her hand together and the biggest fireball ever appeared, she jumped towards Brittany.

'Let's go!' Blaine looked at Kurt, gave him a quick kiss and morphed. Blaine's wolf form was changed since the mating. He was bigger, stronger and if Kurt didn't knew him he would run away. He just hoped the vampires would do that. Kurt followed instantly. Blaine jumped up to help Santana and Kurt followed.

Rachel and Finn looked at each other and then ran after them. Mike and Tina followed. Dylan looked at the drunken Sebastian who had trouble morphing because of his current state. Dylan swallowed. This could be his last night ever. 'Sebastian, you need to look for me, I only can see with one eye, If you say were the enemy is, I'll kill them. You can't fight in this condition.' He grabs Sebastian's hand and ran towards the battle field.

Santana was in a rage. She could feel her enormous power flowing through her body. Even the powers she hasn't used in a long, long time. Powers who were to dark to unleash, powers who were to strong, this could change her forever. But she didn't care. Her only concern was to free Brittany. She saw vampires coming towards her but they got vanished in the flames. She could feel Blaine and Kurt close to her, fighting off the vampires. She could see Brittany and finally managed to reach her. The blonde smiled at her and hugged her closely.

'I missed you so much, Satan!'

Santana sniffed and Kurt got distracted and saw a single tear slip from Santana cheek. 'You have no idea how much I missed you, Brit.' She leaned in...

'This is not the time!' Rachel snapped, staking a vampire who disappeared in dust. Santana glared but took Brittany's hand and made the way. Rachel looked around. Finn was close by her side, she saw Blaine pushing a vampire out of the way who was aiming at Kurt, Sebastian and Dylan ran ahead followed by 3 vampires, but she didn't saw Mike and Tina any wear. She cursed. Those fucking vampire just left them to die. She ducked out of the way when a vampire clawed at her. She huffed annoyed and attacked.

Kurt was full of adrenaline, if they weren't in danger this feeling was amazing. He just could feel Blaine close to him and the amazing strong bond they shared. He bit and clawed at every vampire, but it was like Mike said, they were fast. Too fast for them. Soon they were surrounded by 5 vampires, Rachel, Finn, Sebastian and Dylan weren't any where in sight. Probably fighting a way through. Santana used her fire balls to make a way and Brittany throws small balls with a sharp blinding light towards the closest vampires but they avoided the attacks with ease.

'If we take the east side, you the west side, maybe we can break through,' Santana huffed. It was obvious her powers cost a lot of energy. She looked exhausted. They couldn't use that right in the battle with murderous vampires.

Kurt morphed quickly back, Blaine glared and growls at the vampire who want to take advantage of that. 'What do they want? Mike and Tina are nowhere to be found. I thought they were after them.'

Santana shrugged, not keeping her eyes of the vampires. 'I guess we were wrong. We don't have time for this. Let's try my plan and go as fast as you can to my house.' She took Brittany's hand. 'Are you ready to run, babe?' Brittany nods. 'Ready guys, don't forget Mike's rules. Don't bleed! I'm not gonna be there if you bleed. I can't heal you.' Blaine and Kurt nodded.

Blaine pulled on Kurt's sleeve. Change back, Kurt, we're faster on four legs.

Kurt did what Blaine told and morphed back. Santana gave a sign and there they go. They split in pairs and at first the vampires looked distracted. Kurt kept running with Blaine by his side. He wasn't gonna lose him out of sight. They could see Santana and Brittany ran and followed by 2 vampires.

It was a complete chaos, vampires everywhere. Kurt could see Rachel fighting off a vampire to defend Finn. He didn't saw Sebastian or Dylan anywhere.

There, a break trough, we're almost free, Kurt, in the forest we have the advantage, Blaine sounded happy. But that changed soon when they almost burst into 3 vampires who appeared before them. They came to a sudden stop.

Kurt's heart almost jumped out of his chest. What now? How are they gonna get out of this? He felled a harsh tug to his ears. To you left, there is a small spot. Just run Kurt!


I said run! Blaine pushed Kurt into the right direction. I'll distract them, just go! Now!' And Blaine attacked, Kurt ran into the direction but waited behind a tree for Blaine. Expecting him to come behind him. But the painful loud howl said otherwise and Kurt peered quickly around the tree.

The vampires were on top of Blaine, biting and trying to snap his neck. Blaine morphed back and tried to hold off the vampires. A wolf never changes in a fight and Kurt knew what that meant. Blaine was badly wounded and wouldn't survive it if he just kept standing there. He made a fist, he could feel anger. How there those stupid vampires hurt his Mate? They should keep their ugly hands of off him.

Kurt grabs a wooden stock, he didn't know what three species it was and didn't care. If he only could keep the vampires of off Blaine it's enough. 'HEY!' The vampires turned around. Kurt's eyes were glowing with anger. 'KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS OF OFF MY MAN!' He didn't know what he was doing but he ran towards the vampires and pushed the stock in his heart. The vampire disappeared. Well be dam nit. He had the right three species. Oak! The other vampires looked in shock, just like Kurt.

'Who's next?' Kurt felt the confidence rising but when he saw the vampires didn't back down, it disappeared as quickly as it came. Oh shit!

The vampires moved closer fast but froze when they heard a angry growl behind Kurt, Kurt almost snapped his neck to turn around. A blond wolf, a brown wolf and 30 other wolfs stood behind him. At this moment Kurt could cry from happiness. Sam and Puck and their pack's came to safe them. They were saved!

The vampires didn't back down, they were drawn to Blaine's blood and Kurt saw that the other vampires came back. Kurt ran to Blaine with his stake in front and stood in front of Blaine. The vampires eyes turned blood red and they attacked.

Sam and Puck's packs didn't hesitated once en they attacked back. It was war, wolf vs vampires and the vampires didn't look afraid because they were outnumbered. Kurt kneeled down at Blaine, his eyes were close but he was still breathing. Blaine had a few bites in his arms and legs but it didn't look deadly.

Kurt tried to pull Blaine up so they could leave. Suddenly he felt a hard pull and he was thrown back to a tree. A vampire straddled him and bit his neck. Kurt felt a sharp pain and screamed. He could feel the vampire suck blood out of him. Suddenly the vampire was gone. A blonde wolf hold him down. 'Thank you, Sam!' Kurt breathed, trying to close the wound with his hand. The wolf nods quickly before concentrating on the struggling vampire beneath him.

Kurt tried to ignore the pain and crawled quickly to Blaine. 'Blaine...' He tried shaking Blaine but nothing. Suddenly he was thrown back to the ground and couldn't move anymore. He knew that power, he felt it twice. Black magic! Damn it not now!

Sam was pulled to the ground, he saw his pack fall to the ground growling and trying to resist. He saw Puck pinned to a tree. All 30 wolfs were completely useless, their lives in the hands of the vampires. But the vampires didn't look twice at their enemy, they only looked at Blaine and Kurt. Their eyes hungry, the smell of blood in the air, it was driving their minds in a murderous mood. Kurt swallowed. They're gonna to die. He looked at Blaine, still unconscious. At least he doesn't feel the pain or fear. It was weird but that was reassuring for Kurt, Blaine could die in peace. Kurt tried to look around to see if he could find the one who's coasting the black magic but suddenly he could see Santana running with Brittany. 'Santana!!!'

Santana turned and saw instantly what's going on. 'Go to my house, Brit, the others might need help too.' She gave Brittany a quick kiss. 'I'll come with Blaine and Kurt.'

'Promise? They're my dolphins,' Brittany spoke softly.

'Promise. Now go.' Santana saw Brittany ran away and walked towards Blaine, who looked the worst. She could feel the black magic but it didn't affect her. It wasn't as strong as her own power. It was like the black magic slowly fading. The vampires saw her moving towards Blaine and growled. They had set their eyes on Blaine as a prey and didn't want to give it up that easy.

Santana sighs. She was getting tired of the vampires, she lifted one hand and sent two vampires flying to four other and they vanished into the bushes. She ran towards Blaine, grabs her bag , trying to find some kind of heal poison.

'How is he?' Kurt asks, kneeling up. He had found out that the black magic was weakening off.

'Blood loss, but it didn't seem to major, he hit his head pretty bad so he will be out for a few minutes,' Santana finally grabbed a poison and sprayed a white liquid on Blaine's wounds.

The vampires attacked again but Kurt was ready. He staked them all. Santana looked impressed. 'I didn't know you could be a true vampire hunter, Hummel.'

'Maybe if my fashion career doesn't work out I always could do this,' Kurt smiled. But again his over confidence strike him again. Two vampires grabbed him and hold him down. 'Eh... Santana!'

Santana looked up, she was still busy with Blaine's wounds when she saw the vampires recover, covering Kurt and circling around her. She stood up straight, her hands shaking with anger. The vampires didn't seem to notice or didn't care. 'Can't you see I'm busy healing over here?!!!'

Kurt could hear the anger in Santana voice, the vampires above Kurt let him go to concentrate on the witch. Kurt sat up and saw the witch surrounded by vicious vampires. He wished he could help Santana, she looked so small so vulnerable, but the look in her eyes. To be honest, it scared Kurt. Her eyes were completely black and it gave Kurt cold shivers. He wanted to yell to the vampires to run but it was too late.

The vampires all attacked at the same time, but Santana was prepared. She clasped her hands together and a large bright ball formed in her hands and Kurt quickly closed his eyes. He could hear the Vampires scream and then.... Nothing. He opened his eyes.

The vampires were destroyed, Santana fell to her knees taking in deep breaths to calm herself. Blaine opened his eyes confused. Kurt ran towards Blaine and helped him sit. 'What happened? Where is everybody?' Blaine grabs Kurt and pulled him in a tight hug. 'Are you okay? You are bleeding!' His eyes narrowed on his Neck wound.

'I'm fine, Blaine. You are bleeding too,' Kurt pointed out. 'The most important thing is that we are both alive.

Puck stepped forward, looking confused: ' what just happened?'

'Just be lucky that I was here,' Santana snapped. 'Can someone carry me? I'm exhausted. Let's get out of here.' Sam walked towards her and carried her in his arms, looking confused as everybody. What just happened? Nobody knew that Santana had this huge power.


'Dolphins!!!!' Brittany yelped when she saw Blaine and Kurt walking to Santana's house. She ran towards Kurt and hugged him. 'Oh your bleeding. I'll have something...' The color in her face drained when she saw Santana in Puck's arms. 'Is she...' She ran towards Santana and grabs her hand.

'She used all her power, Britt, only you can make us all better,' Puck said. 'We are all wounded and tired but we want to know what the hell is going on so we can stop it.' Every wolf nodded, heavily agreeing with Puck's words.

Brittany nods. 'Come in...' She walked to the door but stopped in the threshold. 'I don't think we have place for everyone.' She looks sad at the 40 wolfs.

'It's okay, Brit, just the Alpha's and Kurt,' Sam said calm. 'We give the message through.'

'I'm going with!' Rachel appeared with Finn by her side. They both looked close to collapsing.

Kurt hugged Finn close. 'You made it.'

Finn grinned. 'Did you ever doubted that I would survive?'

Yes. 'No, of course not.'

Finn smile fainted and leaned closer to Kurt. 'I did. I mean... it was hopeless you know. But Rachel.... She's awesome, she saved my life tonight. I... I love her.'

Kurt could see the blush on his cheeks and almost melted because his step brother looked adorable. Finn turned away, grabs Rachel hand and they walked to Brittany's house.

They placed Blaine and Santana on the couch and Brittany gave them all witch blood and healing poisons. 'I'm so happy that Blaine and you are together, Kurt. I was afraid to curse a 'True Love Spell' or something.'

Kurt and Blaine locked eyes and their fingers together. Kurt smiled. 'Do these spells really exist?'

'Of course. Just like Unicorns...'

Puck frowned. 'But Unicorns don't...' He crumbled to the ground and grabbed at his throat.

'Santana!' Brittany gasped. The Latina let her hand down and Puck gasped for air.

'What baby? He wanted to tell a lie to you. I couldn't let that happen.' Santana glared at Puck who got the message. She looked slightly better.

'Can we just start? I don't want Mercedes alone a lot,' Sam said.

Kurt stood up and stared in the small mirror. 'First of.... Have these Vampire bites consequences? Are we chancing in to a hybrid now? Omg,,,, is that happening?' He turned just to look at confused faces.

'There is no such thing as Hybrid's, where did you get that from?' Brittany frowned.

Kurt sighs relieved. You never know. 'The vampire diaries.' Everyone stared still confused. 'Oh come on, guys. Elena? Damon? Stefan? A girl needs to choose between two brothers who hates each other. It still isn't clear if Elena choose Stefan or Damon...' He sighs dramatically and sat down next to Blaine. 'It's so dramatic...' Everyone still stared in silence. Kurt looked at Blaine for some help but he looked just as confused.

Blaine could feel the discomfort and start rubbing small circles on Kurt's back who leaned happily into the touch. 'I know, honey. I don't know who Damon or Stefan is but if they aren't hotter than me I'm okay with it.'

'Seriously? You're jealous of characters of a TV show?'

Before Blaine could answer the door got almost knocked down by Wes, Nick and Jeff followed by Sebastian and Dylan.

'What's going on?!' Wes ran to Blaine to make sure his Alpha was okay. 'We found these two...' he pointed at Sebastian and Dylan. '... fighting off a vampire.'

'Well if it wasn't for Sebastian the vampire would be dead right now!' Dylan glared angry.

'I wanted to protect you!' Sebastian snapped back.

'I don't need protection of a drunk alpha who can't even stand properly!'

Sebastian looks hurt and sat down on a chair, hurt. Kurt felt sorry for him and decide that Dylan need to hear the truth. Especially in this time. 'Dylan. You don't need to be so rude to Sebastian.'

Dylan and Sebastian both looked shocked at Kurt. Santana smiled and tried to sit up. This could be interesting.

'Sebastian is in love with you, Dylan.' Sebastian glared at Kurt. 'It's time for the truth. Especially in this time. It's important to stick together.' Kurt smiled at Dylan. 'This is your change of happiness, Dylan. I know you want a mate so why not Sebastian?'

Dylan looked shocked, Sebastian just looked at his feet too afraid to look at him. 'You are?' Dylan looked down at Sebastian.

'I'm... yes...' Sebastian cheeks turning pink.

Dylan walks over and before anyone could stop him, Sebastian was lying on the floor with a bleeding nose. 'You bastard! I give you my love after we had sex!'

'What?!' Kurt almost fell of the couch he was sitting with Blaine.

Santana smiled. 'Wanky.'

'You threw me away like I was cabbage,' Dylan ignored the shocked noises and Santana's smug smile, and kept staring at Sebastian. 'You used me, you broke my heart and now you are in love with me?'

Sebastian shrugged. 'Well... that's it basically. But, I'm really so..'

'Just safe your words, I don't want anything to do with you,' Dylan looked around. 'I'm going home.' And he stormed off, leaving a awkward silence.

Kurt was in shock, Blaine was relieved that the high word was finally out. Maybe honesty will bring Sebastian and Dylan closer eventually. Kurt turned around. 'Did you know they had sex? When did they had sex?'

'Well, Dylan and i... he...' Blaine didn't know what to say but the look on Kurt said enough.

'He cheated on you?!'

'Well cheated is a big word, there wasn't a spark between us and he was lonely. And Sebastian was there.' Blaine said calm. 'Dylan felt more for Sebastian... He admitted it...'

'And I turned him down,' Sebastian's voice croaked, wiping the blood from his face.

'You have really fucked up, Sebastian,' Kurt said, feeling more sorry for the Omega than for the beaten Alpha. 'How can you do something like that?'

Sebastian huffed. 'It's not like you liked him that much, Kurt. What's changed? The fact that you have Blaine now. You have found your mate while we need to survive on our own. And it gets harder every day.'

'Don't blame this on me, I just want to help you,' Kurt snapped back, feeling tired or everything. 'You admitted to me that you liked Dylan, you didn't tell me that you had sex with him and treat him bad. You are out of changes.'

'You're giving up on me too?' Sebastian blinked back tears, he didn't want to cry in front of the other Alpha's. His dad turned his back on him, his mother did, and his sisters, his only friends disappeared and now was his only friend on the edge of turning his back on him. He couldn't handle that. He started to believe that his dad was right, he was worthless and everyone was better off if he was dead.

Kurt looked at him. 'Of course not. You just should've told me, Sebastian. I'll always help you but I don't know how.'

They just stared at each other, both felt that there was a crack in their friendship. They couldn't have that in this dark time. Brittany moves to heal Sebastian's wound.

'Okay can someone finally explain what's going on?' Nick paced impatient.

'What did you discovered, Brittany?' Sam asks.

Brittany took a deep breath and waved with her hands. Instantly chairs appears for everybody in the room. 'You'll should better sit down. It's a long story.' Everybody did as told, Jeff and Nick took one chair, Sam and Puck took a seat next to Santana. Kurt crawled closer to Blaine, who just smiled at him. He still didn't seemed fully recovered from the vampire attack. Sebastian stood up and leaned against the wall, refusing to sit in a chair. He just want to hear what happened to his pack and get out of here.

'I was trying to find out what happened to Sebastian's pack,' Brittany spoke up. 'I discovered more attacks, not disappearances. The wolfs I discovered were dead. Normally it isn't strange if I see a dead wolf, wolfs fight all the time so at first I wasn't suspicious. But then I discovered 14 wolfs, all dead. Nearby I discovered black sand. That's a sign for black magic but it didn't make sense.' They all nodded, Santana did discovered that already. 'I made contact with the with trail. To get some answers.'

Santana gasped and pulled her closer. 'Are you all right?'

Brittany smiled and leaned into her touch. 'I'm all right, Santana, otherwise I wouldn't sit here, right?'

'What is a witch trail?' Finn asks but Rachel answers.

'I read about them, they're the most powerful witches combined. They make sure that all witches keep them to their rules.'

'Their rules yeah,' Santana snorted angry. 'We all need to listen to them or there will be terrible consequences. They never do anything without a favor. Tell me what did you need to give up?'

Brittany bit her lip. 'Nothing. I explained everything and they were confused...'

'Don't lie!'

'I'm not lying,' Brittany said, she grabs Santana's hand. 'You can read my mind if you want.'

Santana hesitated. 'okay, I'll believe you.' She sighs. 'Just don't make deals with them, Brittany. There is another way to get answers.'

Brittany nods. 'But that's too dangerous, Santana you know that.'

'What's to dangerous?' Sebastian leaned forward curious. The witches looked at him. 'If it brings my pack back, it's worth it.'

Brittany shook her head. 'Your pack isn't coming back, Sebastian. They're dead.' She stood up and grabs a book. 'Nobody knows what happened and the witch trail was confused by my news. So I decided to move further to the west. The witches there were hiding, they knew what was going on. Our old enemy was in a up rise, Vampires. They made new vampires of young humans. I saw it with my own eyes.'

'So they want to make a army or something?' Puck asks.

'It sure looks that way, but why?' Brittany nods, flipping to the book she was holding, searching for the right page. 'Lucky for us young vampires are unstable and not used to so much power. It takes months for they can control themselves.'

'How is that lucky for us? That means they are more unpredictable. Why do they want to make a army? Please hurry up, Brittany. I don't like it that Mercedes is alone waiting for me,' Sam growls.

'Don't growl at my girlfriend!' Santana snapped.

'Guys let's just focus, okay?' Jeff nods to Brittany. 'Go on, Brit.'

'The reason why the vampires would be in a up rise is to get rid of their old enemy for once and for all,' Brittany continued. 'Werewolves.' Blaine, Puck and Sam growled at the same time. 'They're always jealous of the wolfs because they could reproduce. After the war the retrieved to make a final strike right now.'

'But werewolves are way stronger,' Rachel spoke up. 'They work together, if one wolf attacks all wolfs attack. That's why I'm better trained against wolves. I know better ways to kill them.' She looked a little uncertain at the room filled with wolves. 'No offence?'

'Apparently the vampires have learned to work together as well,' Santana said. 'It isn't in a vampires nature to do that. What drives them to do that?'

'They work with someone else.' Kurt spoke softly. His words weighted heavy in the room, because everyone was thinking the same but didn't want to say it out loud.

'And that's something is Sugar?' Jeff guessed.

'No, the wolfs body's are killed by demons,' Brittany laid the book down. A photo of black smoke stared at them. 'I went to the underground.' Santana cursed but Brittany waved her hand and Santana pouts. 'They are coming back to earth. Luckily there is only one gate open. Hunters and witches are trying to hold back. They don't seem to put much effort to get out. It was like they're waiting for something.'

'For what?' Finn asks.

Brittany shrugged. 'I don't know but we're trying to close the gate before the humans will notice something is going on.'

'Why do Vampires and Demons work together? And what has Sugar to do with all this? It doesn't make sense at all,' Blaine sighs. 'Demons have no interest in us.'

'Sugar's love was a demon right?' Kurt asks and Brittany and Santana nodded. 'That explains why she's here. She wants her love back.'

'But why the useless murderers? Why David and Jessica?' Wes asks.

Brittany turned another page. 'Vessels. Demon's need vessels to live. It still weird why wolfs but...' She sighs. '... I don't know more, guys. It's still vague. The closest thing I think is that they want a weapon. A weapon to wipe out the wolf race.'

There fell a silence and the puzzle almost closed in Kurt's mind. 'You mean something powerful? Something like a Alpha? It's the closest thing to power that we have in Lima.' He looked at the three alpha's. 'They want to use Sam, Puck or Blaine for their plan?' His heart pounded and Blaine quickly pulled him close to calm himself.

'If it is... The Damon's have a better change at succeeding when they use a strong body, someone like the Alpha's,' Santana nodded.

'How can we protect ourselves?' Puck asked.

'Wait, if we are so powerful why would they kill Omega's and Beta's and not us?' Sam ask confused.

'To make a pack weak,' Santana explained. 'Without a Omega the change the pack would fall apart is bigger, I think the Beta's just got in the way. If they destroy all Omega's, eventually the wolf race would disappear.'

'Is that the plan?' Blaine asks.

'Maybe the vampires plan, but the demon's....' Brittany walked to a closet. She put three arm bracelet's on Blaine, Sam and Puck's wrist. 'This bracelet is a protection charm, Demon's can't poses you now.'

'Give Kurt one too,' Blaine said.

'I don't need one, Blaine, they're not after me but after you,' Kurt looked at the bracelet and felt better now Blaine was wearing it.

'We don't have more, it's really rare magic,' Santana said. 'Brittany and I will do anything to figure out what the demons are after and what Sugar is doing here. I think it's best if everyone goes home and rest. We'll let you know if we discover something.'

'I want to help,' Sebastian said. 'I want my revenge for what they did to my pack.'

'We all should help, this is about everybody here,' Puck nods.

'Fine but if you excuse us I want to be alone with my woman so you all should go home!' Santana sounds impatient.

'Very subtle!' Rachel yawns, takes Finns hand and left. Puck and Sam said goodbye too and they left with their pack.

Kurt helped Blaine on his feet, who was still a little dizzy. 'Santana, do you have something for his dizziness?' He put Blaine gently down and Wes, Nick and Jeff were quickly by his side.

Santana disappeared quickly to the kitchen. Brittany flipped through the pages of the book. 'Brit, do you know where that pink poison is? I can't find it!' Brittany put the book down and hurried to the kitchen.

Kurt's eye landed on the page and he gasped. He saw a vague picture of a woman with black eyes and a dark colored ball in her hands. He blinked a few times to make sure that he saw it right. Because he saw this a hour ago with Santana. Under the picture were the sentence 'Spell of Dead – very dark magic.' Dark Magic? But Santana...

'Here it is!' Santana and Brittany came back with the poison and Blaine drank it gratefully.

'Everything alright, Kurt? You look like you've seen a ghost!' Brittany sat down next to the book.

'Brit, what's that for spell?' Kurt pointed at the page.

'Oh, that's dark magic. Not the usual stuff. Only the ones with a dark soul can do that spell.' Brittany quickly closed the book. 'I don't like it. If you use it, it can change you forever. Even dark witches never use that. Lucky for us.' She smiled weakly.

Kurt glanced at Santana. 'Yeah lucky for us...' Suddenly he really wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. He grabs Blaine's hand. 'Come, I'm tired. We all could use some sleep.' They quickly said goodbye to Santana and Brittany.

Sebastian pulled out his bottle of alcohol and took a long sip. 'I can't believe it, Sebastian!' Kurt glanced at him angry. 'How can you drink right now? Dylan said he hated drunk alpha's!'

'What does it matter what Dylan thinks? He hates me anyway,' Sebastian sniffed.

'Seriously Sebastian, I'm about to throw glitter at you right now!' Kurt snapped. It was weak he knew it, he always said that when he used to get angry.

Brittany gasped and Santana made a shushing sound. They could hear a weak... '... don't throw the glitter..' from Brittany for the door closes with a smack.

'What?!' Sebastian said annoyed.

'Are you gonna drown in your own misery or fight for the one you want?'

'Drown in my misery.' Sebastian took another sip.

'You know... I have overrated you. I thought you would be man enough to fight for what you want for once in your life and not drink your problems away. It doesn't solve anything. You hurt Dylan's feelings... you need to make it up to him.'

'I know that, Kurt but I don't know what to do. Like I said I'm not good at romance.'

'You do, Sebastian. I can't help you with this, not when you're like this. You need to do it alone and I think only you can do it. I'm sorry, but you're alone in this.' Kurt really regretted this but it was time for Sebastian to grow up and take matters into his own hands.

They made their way home in silence.


After a long shower they lay in bed, tired. Blaine yawns and pulled the blanket further over his body. He pulled Kurt close and sniffs his hair. 'How are you feeling?'

'Fine, you?' Kurt looks up.

'A little tired but I'm fine. You saved me, Kurt. But you have ignored my comment to run.'

'Of course I won't leave you behind.' Kurt's eyes glowed fierce.

'You could've died.'

'You too.'

'Well, at least I would be with you,' Kurt said stubborn.

Blaine sighs, admitting his defeat. He leaned in and gave Kurt a soft kiss. 'Thank you. And thanks to Santana. She saved the day.'

Kurt tensed slightly. Santana. He really didn't know what to think about her after what he has seen today and the new information. What if Santana wasn't what she appears to be? 'Blaine, how well do you know Santana?'

Blaine looks confused. 'Santana? Uh.... A few years. Why?'

'How well do you know her? What do you know about her?'

'That she saved us a bunch of time and she's a excellent healer. Why all those questions?'

Kurt took in a long breath. 'I... I saw something.... About Santana today... something dark.'

Blaine laughs. 'I admit she can be snappy and she's a witch... But Kurt, she's good. I thought you liked her?'

'I do...'

'Well, then. We can't suspecting our friends, Kurt. We could use Santana's powers. Something says me we need all the help we can get. We can't lose more friends.'

'You're right,' Kurt laid his head on Blaine's chest. But what if Santana was all behind this? What if she planned all this? Why?

'Talking about friends, you're vampires just left us to die. If I see them, I kill them, Kurt. Just want to let you know that. I won't hesitate anymore. They wanted us to die tonight, maybe they even called their friends to attack us. I won't be surprised.'

'I don't think Tina would do that.'


Kurt didn't say anything. He didn't understand what happened with Mike and Tina and was hurt by their action.

'Exactly, maybe you should pick your friends better next time and don't judge someone who only did good in her life.'

'I'm sorry. I didn't know... I just.'

'I know, Kurt, you only want to see the good in people. But next time, please don't take my opinion to lightly. I'm not stupid.' Blaine yawns and closed his eyes. 'let's sleep, we'll need it after today.'

Kurt looked at the bracelet. At least Blaine would be safe from those demons. That's all what matters to him. He closed his eyes and fell in a restless sleep. He dreamed about a good witch turned bad.


'That was a fail!' Sugar snapped. She was angry.

'Calm down, Sugar,' Robert spoke calmly in the shadows. He loved the shadows, it masked the now deformed face of the man. He was growing weak and out of time.

'What, do you want me to do now? We don't have much time!' She looks at the calm Anderson village further away. 'You want me to get into the village? It would make it easier.'

'It's protected by a spell, you know that. That stupid witch! If it wasn't for your mistake to let the Alpha live we could be in the village right now!'

'It wasn't my fault, his stupid mate...' But Sugar couldn't finish her sentence because she had trouble breathing.

'Calm down!' Robert let his hand down and Sugar breathed heavy. 'You know that you can't break the spell without permission from the owner, the Alpha. So that's no use...' He started pacing. 'We have a few months left.'

'We need more souls,' Sugar said, her voice rough.

Robert sighs. 'I know.' He started pacing. 'That's why we need him. It would be so much easier. But there are too much obstacles. Wait...' He turned and smiled. 'I have a brilliant idea. Who says no to friends?'

Sugar smiled. This was her specialty.


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