Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,818 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
156 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So next up: Kurt's meeting with the new hunter... I don't think their getting along to good... Any ideas who the new hunter is??:) Oh and maybe a first Klaine meeting after a year.... Reveiws!!

A lot has changed for the Anderson Pack alpha in one year time. Blaine's life was turned upside down. He was leader of a pack with 45 wolfs. After his dad died, he was in charge and not everyone agreed with that. There were a lot of fights and Blaine spend most of his time to hush over there and calm everybody down. The older wolfs didn't think Blaine could handle it and there where young teens who were out of control. Jeff and Nick tried to help Blaine as much as they can but that infected their relationship. Blaine didn't want that, he didn't want to ruin such a beautiful relationship.

Wes and David tried to help too but they were busy with their own family. David was daddy of a 4 month year son. And Wes spend his time between his mate and supporting Blaine.

Blaine was tired, moody and closed his feelings from his friends. He couldn't sleep for months. His dreams were haunted by blue eyes, white fur, pale skin. It destroyed him. He couldn't forget about Kurt, he's been wondering where he was. If he found his dreams. When he came back.

And then there was a big care of his mother. Jane hasn't spoken for a year. She just locked herself up in her house. She didn't want to see anyone. She was broken after her mate died. Blaine knows how she feels, he felt it too. But he can't break down. He needed to be there to keep this pack running. Besides his dad died protecting him, Kurt just left. Without thinking, without regret. Like it was nothing.

Blaine clenched his fist. He was still angry about that. He had given Kurt everything, he needed Kurt, but Kurt had only being thinking about New York and his dreams. But he needs to forget Kurt there were more important things.

He had big trouble with three older Beta's Eric, Paul and Scot. They were popular in the group and against Blaine's leadership. Eric was the leader of their little group and he provoked Blaine every time he gets the change to. Blaine tried to avoid any fight but every day Eric just attacked him. Just like on a Wednesday morning. Eric jumped him from behind when Blaine made his daily walk through the village.

Blaine won but he was wounded. He cleaned his wounds in the lake, not too far from his pack. He saw his reflection in the water but closed his eyes soon because he didn't want to see that. He didn't shaved for a whole year, he had a wild beard, his curled hair wasn't captured in gell anymore. It just hang lose. He didn't want to clean up. He cleaned his wounds but winced of the pain.

'You know this can't go on like this.' Blaine turned and saw Wes standing by a tree.

'I'm fine!' Blaine growls.

'Your covered in blood, you're not fine! And don't lie to me!' Wes snapped. 'When was the last time you slept?' Blaine didn't say anything but kept cleaning the wounds. 'Blaine, you need to sleep, to keep up your strength.'

'I beat him, Wes, that's all what matters.'

'You beat him for now, but what about tomorrow?' Wes sighs. 'If you mate with someone, your position will be stronger. If you have someone by your side who supports you it will be better for the whole pack.'

Blaine sighs. 'I just... can't. I miss him.' Tears rolled down his face. He broke down, after months of staying strong.

Wes raised his eyebrows. 'Who?'

But Blaine didn't answer that he just turned around, morphed and disappeared. But Wes knew the answer to his own question. But he couldn't help him because Kurt was gone and wasn't coming back.

Blaine knew Wes was right, he didn't know if he could keep his strength when Eric attacks again. Nick and Jeff made it their job to find a Mate for Blaine. Their choice was Dylan. A young boy who was Omega, gay and hot. And he could fight like the best. They asked Dylan, at first he was hesitating but he agreed after a couple days.

Things settled down when the Pack knew that Dylan and Blaine where gonna be future mates. Eric didn't attack anymore.

Only the young teen wolfs where a problem, especially on the full moon. They destroyed everything on their way and headed out to the town. They attacked locals. Blaine needed a plan to keep the youngster in control. After the full moon he sat by the lake thinking. He was tired he ran the teens with the full moon last night, to stop them for attacking people. He understood why the teens were out of control, their hormones where chancing. That makes them on edge and unpredictable. Blaine closed his eyes, maybe he could take a quick nap before going back to the pack.

'Well, well, look what we got here!'

Blaine opened his eyes and looked at Sebastian who leaned against a tree. 'Sebastian, What brings you here? I thought you wanted to start your own pack.'

Sebastian had spent the first months at Blaine's pack but after 4 months he left to hunt and find a pack on his own. Sebastian shrugged and sat down next to Blaine. 'I got bored easily. I have some interesting news for you. Well it's a rumor.'

Blaine raised his eyebrows. 'Rumors aren't true, so don't say anything till you know for sure.' He stood up to walk back to his pack.

'Are you sure?' Sebastian teased. 'It's about someone from the past, someone you still miss.'

Blaine tensed and turned around. 'What are you talking about?'

Sebastian eyes glanced. 'Kurt is coming back to Lima!'

Blaine felt like his heart could fall out of his chest so fast was he beating.

'Cat caught your tongue?' Sebastian grinned.

Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'I've got no time for one of your stupid jokes, Sebastian.'

'It's not a joke. I have evidence!' He pulled a paper out of his pocket. 'This is Kurt's mail to his daddy that he's coming home to be on his father's wedding!'

Blaine grabs the printed mail. 'How did you get this mail?'

Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'I walked into the sheriffs office to get some information about that girl the teens attacked last night. Burt was reading his mail but was called back by that cheeky girl who talks way too much. I thought that they were going to talk about that girl so I sneaked in behind and I saw the mail. I accidentally pushed the print button and viola... we are here..'

'You stole it,' Blaine concluded.

Sebastian shrugged. 'Just read it, it's proof that Kurt is really coming back.' Blaine started reading.

Dear dad,

Of course I'm coming at your wedding. I'm done here anyway. I finished my school and I'm done with my job. Isabelle and Adam weren't too happy about it obviously. But I need what time for myself and figure out what I want. How is everything in Lima? I haven't spoken to you in like two months. Is Finn still trying to get my old room to himself? Tell him to fuck of, I was first it is my room since I was a child and it stays my room! Are there still troubles with young wolfs? I'm sure Blaine is trying his best to control them. How is he? And how is it with Quinn's newborn twins? Can't wait to meet everybody. I'll see you on june 21th...


Kurt Hummel

Blaine looked up and Sebastian looked at him like he expected a cookie as reward for bringing the mail. But Blaine throws the mail to the ground.

'What?! Aren't you happy that he's coming back? Now you two can pursue your love affair, get mated, get married and adopt some pups and live happily ever after. And have wild sex every night.' Sebastian grinned.

'Just shut up, Sebastian,' Blaine growls. To be honest he didn't know what to expect or think of the return of Kurt.

Sebastian looks sad. 'Not ready for sex yet, are you? I can't blame you I think Kurt is wild in..' Before he knew it he was slammed to the ground. He groaned.

'It's not that simple, I'm over Kurt,' Blaine growls he towered above Sebastian.

'Sure, that's why you're so upset about what I said about Kurt and sex. I can't wait to see what happens when he does return. Are you finally gonna dump that kid?'

'Didn't you hear me? I'm over Kurt! We broke up, he left.'

'... and you stayed, the old story again,' Sebastian rolled his eyes and stands up.

Blaine sighs. 'I don't think he want me anyway. I just don't want trouble or pain that I felt when he left. What if it happened again? I can't take it.'

'And your asking me that?' Sebastian sniffed. 'I have nobody! I'm the loneliest wolf on the face of the earth. You have probably a shot at two guys, that young thing or Kurt. It's just choosing between not love and true love.'

Blaine shakes his head. 'Forget it, I need to choose for myself this time. What's best for the pack and me.'

'And what about your own happiness?' Sebastian asks.

'I'm happy,' Blaine lied. He was just exhausted and done with Sebastian's questions.

'Blaine!!!' Blaine turned around and saw Burt coming through the tree's with a gun. He was always caring a gun lately.

'There's comes future father in law, if you still don't believe me just ask if the rumors are true, everyone knows it.' Sebastian whispers, morphed and disappeared.

Burt stops before Blaine, he looks really tired.

'Burt, something wrong?'

'That girl what is attacked by one of your wolfs died of her wounds.'

Blaine tensed. 'What?!'

'She had a bleeding in her brains,' Burt explained. 'I'm sorry Blaine, but I need to report this to the Hunter counsel. I didn't say it too our hunter yet but you know she will come after you to explain and arrest those wolfs.'

'What happens if you report it? Doesn't the hunter counsel do the same?' Blaine ask. He didn't know what to do, when his dad was Alpha, this kinda things never happen.

'I will explain that she lived 4 weeks before she got the bleeding but it is indirect linked to your pack, Blaine. I don't know what happens. You really need to take control fast, I can't let you get away with something like this.'

Blaine nodded. 'I understand.'

'Good, are you alright?' Burt looks slightly worried.

'I'm fine, I will talk to the teens,' Blaine nodded.

'Okay, well I need to go, I need a wedding to prepare, see ya,' Burt turned around and started walking away.

'Burt!' Blaine yelled. Burt stops and turned around. 'I just want to know if the rumors are true?'

'Rumors?' Burt raised his eyebrows.

'Is Kurt coming back?' Blaine asks.

Burt nodded. 'Yes I'm picking him up tomorrow, he's done with his school and just want to figure out what he wants now.' Burt sighs. 'I know what you thinking and what this could mean, but Blaine. To be honest, you both tried a relationship it didn't work out because of different dreams. Kurt still dreams big and your needed here. I don't know if it's a good idea to start all over again. I'm afraid that both of you will get hurt again.'

Blaine nodded. Burt confirmed just that Kurt hasn't changed and that they were just to different to be together. 'I don't want a relationship, I don't even want to see him. I was just curious how he was doing, it's been a year.'

Burt raised his eyebrows at Blaine's word. 'Well... now you know.'

'I'll get going,' Blaine said, turned and disappeared. Burt sighs, he had a bad feeling that there will be a lot of drama again this summer.


Kurt breathed in the fresh air at the airport. He couldn't believe he was back in Lima Ohio. The air was so much better than in New York. It wasn't a good year, sure his dreams came true. He loved being back in New York, watch Disney movies with Adam and work for Isabel was amazing. His design were successful and sold to VOGUE. But a lot changed after Christmas.

Adam got a boyfriend, Alan a Alpha. They were so in love and Mated soon. But Alan's short temper was a big problem, he didn't want Kurt anyway near Adam. So Kurt was forced to move in with two other boys who he didn't like.

He was so happy when he graduated, he got the wedding invitation and made a quick decision. He wanted to move back to help Burt with the wedding and start his own cloth shop in Lima. The people in Lime could use some more style.

His dad's wedding with Carole Hudson was the event of the year and Kurt was planning it. He already met Carole and Finn with Christmas when his dad came to New York to celebrate a new year. She was nice and polite and Kurt saw how she made his dad happy. He deserved new happiness and new love after his mother left.

Finn looked like one of the stupid jocks who bullied him a lot when he was in High School but he turned out alright. He was nice but Kurt could see he wasn't comfortable around him because he was a wolf. Or gay, he wasn't too sure about that. But Finn tried his best to stay polite.

Finn didn't need to worry of Kurt's Omega. He only let his Omega free on full moon in his own room. It was too dangerous outside for Kurt, because he wasn't mated. He asked Santana's help to remove Blaine's Mark, so that Blaine could go on and found a better mate. But that makes Kurt's life in New York dangerous. Without Blaine's protective Mark he was like a fish to a dozen hungry Sharks. That's why he's wearing the ring Adam gave him all the time. It lowered his scent so free Alpha's didn't came after him. And when they do smell him finally he was already gone.

Now he was back in Lima he didn't know what to expect so he kept his ring on. He didn't know if there were still lose Alpha's around, he only wanted Blaine. Kurt couldn't forget him. He tried calling him almost every day but Blaine's phone was off or he was ignoring him. He can't blame him, Blaine was probably still mad at him for leaving. He wasn't going anywhere, he just couldn't live without him. Maybe it was too late but he would do anything for Blaine. He will get him back even if he needed to beg.

Kurt smiled at the thought of seeing Blaine again, kissing him, wrap his arms around him, fall asleep in his arms.


Kurt turned. Burt waved at him, walks over and pulled him in a firm hug. 'Welcome back, my son!' He pulled away and looked at Kurt's five suitcase. 'Really, Kurt, five?!'

'What?' Kurt said annoyed. 'Two for my clothes, one for my face routine, one for my hair and one for my shoes. How do you think I can look so perfect? It takes hard work!' He winked playfully.

'Yeah yea, you should've called, I could bring Finn with me to carry your stuff,' Burt huffed. He grabs two suitcase and struggles for a third.

'Where are Finn and Carole?' Kurt grabs a robe, tied the third suitcase to the two left and started walking. Burt raised his eyebrows at the creative solution of his son and smiled proud.

'Finn is busy to impress a girl and Carole needed to work today...'

Kurt raised his eyebrows. 'A girl?'

'Yeah, he's kinda crazy about her, but I don't know if it's mutual,' Burt said. They load the suitcases in the car and drove away.

'So how are things at home?' Kurt asks when they hit the road.

'Fine, it's quit except for a couple incidents but that get's solved. The new hunter is good.'

'Really, is he that good?'

'She,' Burt corrected.

'A girl? I hope she's strong, she needs to keep peace between 4 Alpha's and three packs. Is Sebastian still there?' Kurt and Sebastian made friends before he left. Kurt felt pity for the lonely Alpha and hoped everything was okay with him. He lost his pack last year.

Burt nodded. 'He just trying to survive, he's sometimes with Blaine's pack. I think he takes over his duty's when Blaine is hunting.'

Kurt nodded. He was happy Sebastian kept his promise to watch over Blaine, while he was gone. 'And Olivander is with pension. His old shop is up for sale!'

Kurt almost bounced of off his chair. 'Is that really true?'

Burt laughs. 'I toughed it makes you happy to hear that.'

'It's perfect, I can buy it and begin my own shop!' Kurt said.

'Well I don't think it's for free, Kurt.'

'I have some money saved, I worked all year at VOGUE. I sold my designs to Isabel, I can afford a shop,' Kurt said. 'It's my dream, dad. I'll take a look at it first thing tomorrow. Maybe I make a few changes. I can design my own clothes...'

'Okay take it easy, first you need to get the papers ready for you can do anything, that could take weeks,' Burt said calm.

Kurt nodded. 'I have time.'

Burt smiled. 'You really planning on staying here.'

'Hell I am. I can't wait to see my friends.' He smiled. He really missed Mercedes, Sam, Quinn and Puck. Even Santana, the grumpy witch who hates him.

'I think they missed you too,' Burt nodded. 'And you can meet Quinn's twins.'

Kurt's eyes widened. 'She has a twin?!'

'Two boys, Puck is very protective over them so don't come to near okay?'

'Yeah he's just like you.'

'I'm not that bad,' Burt mumbles.

'Uhuh, what about the hard time you gave Blaine?' Kurt reminded him. 'Talking about Blaine... how is he doing?'

'I haven't seen him much in town, Kurt. His pack is a mess. Not everyone accepts him as their Alpha. It hard to fill Damian's shoes. And there are young teens who just... don't really listen. There are incidence with them and the locals.'

'Incidence?' Kurt asked worried.

'A girl died yesterday because she was attacked by them,' Burt explained soft.

'Is it sure it's them? It just sounds unreal someone in Blaine's Pack would do that.'

'Well, there was blood everywhere Kurt, we don't know for sure but what could it be? The only animals who living close are the wolfs and we know Blaine's pack Is out of control lately.'

Kurt looked at him in disbelieve. 'You don't know if it's Blaine's pack? How can you call them animals, I am a wolf too.'

'Don't snap at me, Kurt!' Burt snapped back. 'I'll try my best here and all signs are pointing at them.'

'Poor Blaine. I need to help him figure out who killed that girl.'

'Maybe you need to stay away from him, until its saver,' Burt said.

Kurt glared at him. 'I can take care of myself, I'm not so stupid as a year ago. The reason why I came back is Blaine, dad. He's the one, I can't let him down. I need to show him I'm here for him.' Burt didn't answer but Kurt could feel something was going on. 'What's wrong?'

Burt sighs. 'I saw Blaine walking with another Omega lately. It looks like he find a new mate. I'm sorry, Kurt.'

It felt like the ground under Kurt's food disappeared. 'Are you sure?'

Burt sighs. 'Like I said I don't know nothing for sure, I haven't spoke to Blaine in ages.'

Kurt smiled. 'Good, than I still have a change. I won't give up this time.'


Blaine cursed. It was a long time since he shaved and he had already several wounds on his face. He had luck he was a wolf and heals faster.

'Are you alright?!' Wes came in and looked in surprise at Blaine half shaved face. 'Are you shaving?'

Blaine nodded. 'Yes I am.'

'Why? You've been walking around like a caveman for a year now.'

Blaine rolled his eyes. 'Wow thank you, Wes. Dylan and I are gonna mate in a few weeks I just wanted to be more...'

'Attractive?' Wes guessed.


'Or has it something to do with someone who's coming back from New York?' Blaine looked surprised. 'Sebastian told me that Kurt's back in town.'

Blaine shrugged. 'I don't care about that. Like I said, it's Dylan.'

'Sure,' Wes huffed.

Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'Can you do me a favor and call the teens with me? I need to talk to them before I go visit Sam and Puck.'

'Sam and Puck?' Wes was surprised. Blaine didn't visit his old friends much, Puck didn't like having other Alpha's near his young cups and Sam and Mercedes were also trying to get cups. 'Is there something wrong?'

'Maybe, I just need their advice. Just go, Wes, I'm busy,' Blaine lift the razorblade for another try to shave his beard.

Wes sighs. 'As you wish boss.' And turned and walked outside. He had a feeling this was going to be a long summer.


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