Will you be mine?
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 6

K - Words: 1,633 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
144 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes: The real chapter 5!
Burt Hummel takes a sip of his beer. He sat alone in the local pub with only the company of Sid, the barkeeper. 'Do you ever wand to rewind time, Sid?'
'All the time, Burt,' Sid said. 'If I can turn back the time I would go to the last day my son walked trough that door. I wished I could stop him for getting in that car. Then he would be alive today.' Sid sniffed. His son died 6 years ago in a car crash. 'There is nothing worse than losing your child.'
'There is, feeling like you're loosing him and you can't do anything about it,' Burt said sadly and took another sip. 'Watching him turn away and walk away. Without goodbye.'
'Is there something with Kurt?' Sid asks worriedly.
'he is on a date with Blaine Anderson,' Burt said.
'Blaine? The Alpha?' Sid was confused. 'But...'
'Yes, Kurt is a free Omega and he swears never to Bond,' Burt nodded. 'But that says everybody. Until they meet some Alpha and they turn you the other cheek....'
They heard laughing from the back. Burt saw four man on a table.
'Hunters,' Sid said. 'There passing trough Lima and are heading for a big city to catch some bad wolfs. They said.'
Burt leans closer to Sid. 'You think there up to something?'
Sid nodded. 'Definitely.'
'I'll check it out,' Burt walks to the back and sits down. He can hear the man talk.
'There is nothing left here, Rodney, we should move to Chicago,' a men with the beard said.
The redheaded man sniffs. 'I know there is something. We can't let our boss down. He will fire us and we all know that we need this job. We stay to Monday to find are wolf.'
'What are we looking fore exactly?' a young man with a mustache asks.
'A unregistrated wolf,' Rodney said. 'That will give us 3.000 bucks.'
'Which we have to share,' a blonde man added angry. 'Do you ever hear of a rare fur? A white one. We can get there millions for. We will be rich, never have to work again.'
There fell a silence and Burt's heart slammers to his chest. He was sure everybody can hear his heart speed up.
'A white one, Cole? Are you drunk?' The man with the mustache smirked.
'Lucas, think about the money,' Cole said. 'you don't want to work you're whole live for those few bucks. We got a family to care for. It's time for action.'
'How do you want to find a white wolf?' Rodney asks.
'We asks all the registrated papers up, all wolfs need to registered there name with there wolf picture,' Cole said. 'We begin right here. Tomorrow we will asks the papers up at the sheriffs office. If there is none, we move on. Until we found a white wolf and sell it to the highest bidder.' They cheers and laughed.
Burt can't breath and stood up and runs the bar out. They were looking for his son. They want to sell Kurt like a animal. It was time for some cover up.
The wolf jumps forward, right towards Kurt. Blaine didn't hesitate and throws Kurt down, out of the wolfs line.
'Run, Kurt! Go!' Blaine yelled. He pulls Kurt on his feet and pulls him towards a large rock.
The wolf growled and blocks Kurt's way. Blaine steps between the wolf and Kurt. He growled angry, ready to fight back. He saw little sharp stones on the ground, he reach for it and throws it in the wolfs face before he wants to attack. The wolf howls.
'Come on,' Blaine pulls Kurt behind a large rock. Tears were streaming from Kurt's face.
'Kurt listen to me,' Blaine whipped the tears away. He can't stand seeing Kurt cry. 'You need to run. If you don't get out of here, he will kill us both. I'll try to distract him okay?' He sounds calm but his heart was racing. With fear, not that he will die tonight, but that Kurt will get hurt if he stays here any longer.
'Are you crazy or something?' Kurt snapped. 'He's twice you're size.'
Blaine smiled. 'Are you worried about me? Just don't. Run, as fast as you can. On three...'
'I can't leave you Blaine, he is huge, he will destroy you like a twick,' Kurt shakes.
Blaine huffed but never takes his eyes of the wolf, who seems to observe Blaine's Alpha. This was bad. Blaine doesn't know the wolf but he knew he was old, strong and used to fight to kill.
'thanks for the confidence in me, Kurt.' Suddenly he felt a cold hand in his own.
'That's not what I meant, Blaine,' Kurt's voice breaks. 'I can't let you die like this.'
The wolf growled and get's ready to fight. Blaine tensed.
'you have to go, Kurt. He's not after me, he's after you. He wants to claim you en make you his. I will distract him, you need to run as far as you can.'
'Blaine didn't you hear me? I'm not letting you die alone,' Kurt said. He pulls at Blaine's arm but Blaine pulls his arm free.
'Run back to the mines, to Sam, ask for help! That's the best way you can help me. NOW GO!'
The wolf attacks right at Kurt and Blaine morphed in his own black wolf and grabs his neck and pulled him away from Kurt.
O damn' it Blaine, Kurt thought and turns away from the fight. If you get out there alive, I will kill you! He ran.
But froze when he heard a loud painful howl. Blaine. Kurt turns around en runs back. He saw the brown wolf towering above Blaine who lies on the ground with heavy breath's. Kurt panics.
He never learned to fight. He was a Omega damn it, he had to do something. Damn it, he was a wolf, he needs to help Blaine instead of running a way. He morphed to his white wolf and runs towards the wolf and attacks his neck.
The wolf growls and shake's Kurt easy off him. He cornered Kurt and Kurt's Omega growls. Teeth were showing. He was not going down without a fight. The Alpha seems to snap out of it. It was very rare that a Omega fights, let alone against a Alpha. The Alpha was ready to take Kurt down and make him his.
Before he could make a move Blaine jumped on him. There were teeth's and paws and Kurt saw blood. The Alpha did his best to reach Kurt, Blaine holds his ground and forced his wolf between Kurt and the Alpha. The Alpha stopped with attacking. He just watched Blaine.
Great a staring cometion, Kurt thought.
Blaine didn't move, his body was tense. His breathing was erratic. Blaine was tired and Kurt saw blood on his shoulder and back. Blaine didn't last long if this fight continued.
A deathly silence follows. Both Alpha's didn't move, just stared. It's making Kurt more nervous than the fight. Suddenly the Alpha charged.
He bit down Blaine's neck and forced him to the ground. Blaine howls painful and Kurt saw blood. He charged at the Alpha en pushes him of off Blaine. Kurt put his nose into Blaine's fur, a reassuring gesture. He saw a lot of blood. The Alpha howls. He had won the battle. Blaine couldn't get up. The Alpha walked slowly towards Kurt.
Blaine growled a weak warning. Suddenly a blonde fur flashes before Kurt's eyes and a brown wolf runs and attack the Alpha.
The blonde wolf nodded. He watch with worry at Blaine. Kurt morphed back and runs to Blaine and kneels beside him.
Blaine didn't move. Sam and the brown wolf attacked the Alpha who walks back. One young Alpha he could take, but two off them? He growled and runs off in the forest.
Sam morphed back, the other wolf morphed back to Puck.
'Guys, I need you're help,' Kurt panics. 'He's bleeding everywhere. We need to get him to a hospital.'
Puck and Sam stops at a safe distance.
Kurt looks at them. 'What's wrong with you two? Didn't you hear me? He needs to get help or else he dies.'
'We can't get closer,' Sam explained. 'He's another Alpha, he's weak and wounded. Our instinct is to kill the weak ones.'
'But he's your friend,' Kurt said. He holds Blaine close. 'He doesn't deserve to die like this... He just wanted to protect me.' He sniffed. Tears streamed down his face.
'There's someone coming,' Puck sniffs the air. 'Or two.'
A lady in a long white dress with long black hair appears. 'Here they are Britney.' A blonde lady follows.
'It's Santana a white witch,' Sam said. Santana and Britney moved closer.
'What the hell happened to Blaine, Sam? Did you trying to kill him or something? Move, Lady face.' She pushes Kurt away and bend over Blaine. 'There is a lot of blood.'
Britney opens her little purse and gets a small little bottle and gives it to Santana.
'What are you doing?' Kurt asks. Blaine needed a hospital. They were wasting time. Time that Blaine didn't have.
'Healing him, save his life, what you want to call it, Lady Face,' Santana snapped. She rubbed Blaine's body in with the healing Oil.
'My name is Kurt,' Kurt snapped back.
'Whatever, Lady face,' Santana looked at Blaine.
'The bleeding stopped,' Britney said.
'That's a good sign right?' Puck asks he moves closer, now his wolf has not the urge to kill Blaine.
'That means he's gonna be okay,' Santana said, she stood up. 'Bring him to my house, we need to talk. From wolf to witch.''


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