July 10, 2013, 7:35 a.m.
July 10, 2013, 7:35 a.m.
'How far is it?' Kurt asked when they walking to the forest.
'Don't you here the music?' Blaine smiled.
He was walking a half hour with Kurt and the boy didn't make nasty comments like Blaine was expecting. Kurt was awfully quit. Maybe just the nerves.
Wes, Jeff, Nick and David were waiting for them to arrive and Jeff waved enthusiast. 'Hi, I'm Jeff, this my boyfriend Nick, Wes and David,' Jeff introduced them.
'Hi, I'm Kurt,' Kurt was definitely nervous. His voice broke.
'we met before,' Wes shakes Kurt's hand. 'You're little fight with our Alpha.'
Kurt blushes. 'o yeah...'
Blaine watch Kurt blush and was taken back by it. He never ecpected that Kurt would blush by a compliment. It makes him more adorable.
'you were wonderful, you were strong,' Jeff said with a smile.
Two blonde girls came there way.
'This is Camilla, my Mate,' David put a gentle arm on the smallest girl of the two
. 'Are you a Alpha? Kurt asks. He always thought there could be just one Alpha in a pack.
'No David, Nick and I are beta's,' Wes said. 'We can choose another Beta as Mate. This is Serena, my mate.'
The longer girl smiled politely at Kurt. 'Hello.' She shakes his hand. 'Sam is waiting for us.'
They walk closer to the music and wolfs and a big campfire.
'Who's Sam?' Kurt asks.
'The Alpha of the mines,' Wes explained before Blaine could jump in. 'He organize this party for his mating with the lovely Mercedes.'
'He's been after her for 3 months, it's about time,' Jeff smirked.
3 months? Was that short? Kurt thought. He's embarrassed that he knew so little of the Pack life. His dad did raised him on his own when his mother left them. Kurt never went to public school he knew he was a Omega and has accepted that. When he moved to New York he thought that was as high as he can get. He met other wolfs who were just as raised as him. Free and independent. He was wrong. He knew nothing about wolfs or his own.
'Are you okay?' Blaine asked, he looks worried. 'Don't worry, Sam is a really nice guy. Think of him as a big blonde puppy. But don't say that you got that from me. He will kill me.'
Kurt smiled. SuddenlyA blonde wolf attacks Blaine and Kurt yelled in surprise. Omg a fight! They just got here, dad will kill me, Kurt thought panicking. Blaine has morphed in the black wolf he recognized from the lake and the two wolfs were fighting, nipping and biting.
Wes, David, Jeff and Nick laughed.
'Don't you guys need to defend you're Alpha?' Kurt asks still panicking. Why didn't they do something?
'Relax, Kurt, they just greeting each other,' Nick said. 'There fine.'
Suddenly a voice sounds trough the sky. 'OHell No!!!'
The wolf and Blaine stopped fighting and morphed back. A black woman appears an goes straight to Blaine and a blond man.
'Not on this party! Are you guys Crazy or something?' the woman yelled and Kurt agreed heavily with her. They were crazy.
'Blaine!' The woman pulled Blaine in a firm hug. 'Still the little adorable puppy you always are.'
'Mercedes,' Blaine smiled warm. She pulled Wes, David, Jeff and Nick also in a hug.
'Uh... Sam, Mercedes, meet Kurt Hummel, son of Burt Hummel the sheriff,' Blaine introduced Kurt.
'O hell, you're to white for your own health,' Mercedes said but shakes Kurt's hand.
'Did you just say Burt Hummel's son?' Sam shakes Kurt's hand politely.
'I'am, I was years in New York for school,' Kurt said. 'I'm back for the summer.'
'wow New York,' Mercedes beamed. She sniffs. 'Why aren't you Mated?'
Kurt blushes. 'I... it's complicated.'
'You didn't find the right guy?' Sam asks. He looks at Blaine.
'Uh... let's just say that,' Kurt said.
'Well, don't wait to long, maybe you find somebody here,' Mercedes winked. 'Excuse me I need to greet my guests.'
And ze walks over to a guy with a Mohawk and a blonde girl.
'It's not safe to wait long, Kurt,' Sam said. 'You're scent lures Alpha's to you and they can force you.'
Kurt sighed. 'I know, I guess. It's the rule of a pack. But I like to be free, Sam. I don't want to be bound down like a dog.'
Sam laughs. 'it's not like that at all, Kurt. It goes deeper than that. I'm glad I find Mercedes. She is wonderful and can manage herself. We choose each other. Out of love not force. Come on, I let you meet Puck. Maybe he can convince you.'
They walk up to the guy with the Mohawk and the petite blonde girl. 'Puck, this is Kurt. He's a free Omega and doesn't believe in Mating.'
The girl laughs. 'Where do you believe in? Oprah?' She smiled.
Kurt blushes. He was a big fan of Oprah. She was possible the closest thing to a god.
'o god it's true, I need to sit down,' The blonde girl looks shocked and walks over to the fireplay.
'Don't mind Quinn, she is moody lately,' Puck said. He looks dreamy her way. 'One time she wants to cuddle and the next she wants to kill me. It's a war in are bedr...'
'To much, Puck,' Sam warns.
'Do you love each other?' Kurt asks.
'Of course, where bonded,' Puck said.
'But... before you were bonded?' Kurt was very curious to know. He needed to know what future lies before him and if he choose this life, if there was real love and not forced.
'Well, after one night in one room, everything changes,' Puck smiled at the memory. 'She was wild, you know. Like a...'
'Okay that's enough,' Blaine interrupts. They didn't need to know Puck's bed secrets. 'Kurt, will you like something to drink?'
'Uh... is there alcohol?' Kurt stood up fast. 'Is he always that way?' They walked to the drank table.
'What way?' Blaine smiled innocent.
'O you know,' Kurt smirked and rolls his eyes.
The rest of the night went well. Kurt talks to different Alpha's and there Mates. He liked Sam and Mercedes a lot. They were really nice and so normal. He sat's with Blaine, Sam and Puck around the fireplace.
'Are all Alpha's so nice to each other?' Kurt asks. 'In New York most of them ignored each other. But you three seems close.'
'well, we went to high school together,' Sam explained.
'Yeah, we kinda learned to deal with each other,' Puck said. 'As for the lady's, there was no compition. Blaine's gay and Sam well...'
'We both dated Quin,' Sam said quikly. 'It didn't work out.'
'Why not?' Kurt raised his eyebrows curiously.
'She got pregnant,' Puck said. 'Our beautiful little girl, Beth.' He smiled dreamily before walking over to Quin.
'Want something to drink?' Blaine asks and Kurt nodded and Blaine walks away.
Suddenly two arms wrapped around him and a low voice said: 'Well hello there, beautiful. I haven't seen you around here.'
Kurt struggles himself free en turns to his harasser. A tall boy with a face like a meerkat... looks full lust to him.
'I'm Sebastian Smythe. And you are?'
Kurt starts looking for Blaine, he didn't like the look on Sebastian's face en needed to get out of there. Why was there no Blaine to be found when Kurt needed him the most?
'Cat get you're tong?' Sebastian smiled friendly but moved closer.
'Uhh... I'm Kurt,' Kurt backend away.
'So what does a Omega like you in a place like this?' Sebastian asks.
'Uhh... Blaine invited me?' Kurt sounds unsure and he hated himself for it. He stops. He felt a tree against his back and panick sets. He was now where near the party place.
Sebastian sniffs. 'Blaine? Where is he?'
Kurt looks around. Nobody. Sebastian moves closer.
'You smell... delicious. I don't know why nobody has marked you or claim you. Well, Kurt I think this is your lucky day.'
He stratches his hands to Kurt who was frozen from fear. This is it, now his life is over. He's gonna be a slave for good.
'Leave him alone!' They both turn around and Kurt breathed, he was holding his breath. Blaine stood there with Wess, Jeff, Nick and David. They all looked angry as hell.
'He's not yours to take, Seb, go back in you're hole,' Blaine sneered angry. It was a bit harsh but Kurt doesn't care, Blaine looks hot when he's angry. Sebastian steps closer en growled.
'Are you serious, Seb?' Wes said. 'You want to fight now? Knowing what happened last time, you couldn't walk for weeks.'
They all laughed. Sebastian looks angry. He turns to Kurt.
'Well, its my time to go. See you around, babe.' He winked en walked into the forrest.
'What a freak,' Kurt said.
'well that's Sebastian!' Jeff said.
'Are you okay?' Blaine walked towards Kurt with worry in his eyes.
'I'm fine, but I wanna go home, it's almost midnight,' Kurt said.
'Okay I bring you home, come on,' Blaine takes his hand and they walked away.
'So you liked it?' Blaine asks. They walked trough the forrest to the pick up.
'O yeah, Sam and Mercedes are really nice,' Kurt said. 'They invited me for dinner next week, you should come.'
'Why?' Blaine's heart beats faster. Did Kurt liked him now? He hoped so.
'I don't know the way,' Kurt smiled.
Blaine's face fell, but he felt Kurt's stare so he puts a smile back on.
'You're friends are really nice, Blaine. You're lucky, I never had such good friends,' Kurt continued.
'We're like brothers,' Blaine said happy. 'I'm sorry about Sebastian tough.'
'Why? You didn't invite him, it's not your fault he's a complete ass,' Kurt said and Blaine laughs.
Suddenly the wind changes and a strong unfamiliar smell heads there way. They froze both at the same time.
'What the –' But before Kurt could say anything else a big brown wolf appears. Ready to kill.