July 10, 2013, 7:35 a.m.
July 10, 2013, 7:35 a.m.
They drove for hours in silence. Only Blaine sniffs sometimes, his eyes on his dad. It was like Kurt and Burt didn't exist. When Kurt wanted to say something, Burt glanced at him with a warning look. 'Just leave him, Kurt.'
Kurt sighs and nodded. It was just hard to not being able to help Blaine with his grief. 'I just want to help him, dad.'
Burt shakes his head. 'You can't. He needs to do this on his own. This is between him and the pack.'
They arrive at the pack village. Every wolf stood there, Jane's face was full with worry. Blaine steps out with Damian in his arms. Kurt and Burt followed, a little nervous about what was going to happen.
'Blaine... where have you two gone? Is everything....' Jane froze when she saw Damian's lifeless body. 'No! It can't...'
Blaine sniffs but nodded slowly. 'He's... he's shot by a Hunter...in the heart.'
Nobody moved except for Jane who ran towards Damian's body and cried her eyes out. It was hard seeing Blaine grief but the cry of his Mate was just heartbreaking. Blaine wrapped his arms around her. The pack made a circle around the two, Kurt and Burt stayed by the car not knowing what to do.
It felt like hours before they moved, all the wolf helped making a campfire. They rolled Damian's body in blankets. Jane didn't move at all she just sat there, her eyes emotionless, her face pale. Blaine checked a couple of times on her before he carried Damian to the fire and laid his body down in the flames.
'What are they doing?' Kurt asks.
'They burn Damian's body, his spirit is gone, they believe by burning the body that they release him and he's a free spirit and body,' Burt explained. 'I never witness a wolf funeral. Your mother told me when her mother died.'
Blaine was the first one to morph in to his wolf, Jane followed, Nick, Jeff, David and Wes did the same thing. The rest followed. Blaine starts the howling and within minutes everybody was howling. They circle around the fire that consumed Damian's body.
'I think we can better go home, Kurt,' Burt said.
'I can't leave Blaine like this,' Kurt watched the black wolf circle and howling.
'Kurt, you can't do anything for him tonight,' Sebastian walks towards them from the tree's.
'Sebastian? Where have you been?' Kurt pulled him in a hug.
'I needed to take care of a problem,' Sebastian pulled away from Kurt's hug.
'What problem?'
Sebastian ignored him. 'You need to get some sleep, this can take all night and day. Blaine is too busy right now anyway, he need to take over the role of the head Alpha now. He is their new leader. He needs to take care of a pack of 45 wolfs.'
Kurt froze, it was like Sebastian just punched him in the stomach. He saw the problem. Sebastian just confirmed that they didn't have a future together anymore. Kurt needed to choose between his big dream in New York or staying with the one he loves most. He needs to make the hardest decision ever.
Kurt returned the next morning. He could still smell the fire.
'He's at Jane's cabin,' Wes said, he stood next to Blaine's cabin, his Mate in his arms.
'Thank you, Wes,' Kurt said.
Wes nodded. 'Just break his heart easy, Kurt. He really loves you and after his dad dead, he can't handle more. Just let him down easy.'
Kurt narrowed his eyes. He had always a feeling that Wes' didn't really approve of him as Blaine's boyfriend. 'Who says I'm gonna dump him?'
'You are not going to New York than tomorrow?' Wes raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Kurt sighs. 'I need to go. Blaine will understand. It's where I belong.'
'It's what you choose to belong, Kurt,' Wes said.
'Exactly, it's my choice, now excuse me I need to see my boyfriend!' Kurt paced passed him with anger. Who did he think he was? Like he knew what his dreams was.
Kurt stopped before he reached Jane's cabin. Who was he kidding? He hated himself for what he's about to do. But to be honest it wasn't something he didn't see it coming when he met Blaine. He always had a feeling Blaine was too good to be true. Blaine deserved someone who choose completely for him and had no other plans than to be in a pack. The New York dream was never been so close, it was a one change in life time to work for Isabel. She could replace him with 10 other people who wanted a change to work at VOGUE. Adam reassured him when he called him this morning early, that there was a waiting list to take over Kurt's job if he declined. No he was doing the right thing. Why does doing the right thing hurt so much?
'Kurt?' Blaine stood there in the shadow leaning against the cabin. Kurt yelped and almost tripped over his own feet. Blaine grabs his arm before he could fall.
'You saved me again.' Kurt smiled.
'Always,' Blaine's eyes were still puffy and he looked tired. He let go of Kurt's arm. He leaned against the wall and slides to the ground.
'How is everything?' Kurt felt the lost at Blaine's hand instantly and he wrapped his arms around himself. He felt suddenly so cold.
Blaine shakes his head. 'My mom won't talk, all she does is stare or cry. Even I can't help here. I think time needs to heal everything.' He sniffs. 'My ceremony will be tonight. I need to step up as the new Alpha. Who else would do it? Look at them....' Kurt turned to watch some pack members restless pacing around, some lay crying in each other arms. 'Without a leader, they are lost.'
'I think you will be a amazing leader, Blaine, you can do it, I just know it,' Kurt kneeled down and sat down next to him.
Blaine grabs his hand and tangled their fingers together. 'With you, I can.'
Kurt sighs, he hated himself already. He didn't want to hurt Blaine but he need to tell him what he wants. Now was the right moment, his plane leaves tomorrow early. 'Blaine... I... I am going to New York.' Kurt looks up into Blaine's eyes.
'What?' Blaine said surprised. 'You're still going??' He untangled their fingers, Kurt's hand fell to the ground and he knew he just lost Blaine. Blaine stood up. 'Blaine, you knew I was going to New York! I told you the first thing we met, remember? I need to finish school and follow my dreams.'
'Your dreams? And what about me? About us?' Blaine growls. He was angry. 'Did all this meant nothing to you?'
'It meant the world to me,' Kurt said, he tried to blink the tears out of his eyes. 'You mean still everything to me. You showed me a whole new world, that it is okay to be me. You learned me to accept my Omega and my wolf instincts. But my dreams stayed the same, Blaine. I need to do this. It's a once in a lifetime change. I need to take it. If I stay... I'm afraid to regret it and hate you for it.' He steps closer to Blaine. 'And I never want to hate you. We can work this out. I can come back with Christmas and... I'll be back in the summer. I'm done with my study and...'
'And your job?' Blaine snapped, his eyes where full of tears. Hearing Kurt say that he was leaving him was like getting punched in the face. 'Let's be honest, Kurt. You're not coming back. I don't want you to come back. Your just like Cooper. Your leaving when I need you the most. How can you be so selfish?'
'So you're asking me to give up my dreams to stay here? Who is selfish now? I don't get this change ever again, Blaine. You need to understand me.'
'We have our future here. We can lead this pack together, Kurt. It's time to take our wolf duty.'
Kurt shakes his head. 'It's not my duty. I want to go to New York and finally life my dreams. I've been pushed around long enough, It's time for my own dream.'
Tears were streaming down Blaine's face. 'I can't do it without you, Kurt, they will laugh at me. I'm not strong enough to take over my dad's job.'
'You can, Blaine,' Kurt stepped closer. 'You're the strongest Alpha I know. You're kind, honest and you are a born leader. You just need to believe in yourself. You can do it without me. You survived 18 years without me. You have great friends to back you up.'
'I don't want a friend, I want a Mate who is there for me when I need him,' Blaine stepped back so there was enough space between them again.
Kurt shakes his head slowly 'I can't be what you want, I'm just Kurt. A pack life would make me miserable. I want to live life to the fullest in New York. Maybe own my own clothing shop one day.'
'Are you sure you're not running again from your past?' Blaine ask soft. His heart was broken but he still wanted to make sure Kurt did this really out of his own dreams and not out of fear.
Kurt shakes his head again. 'No, I want this. More than anything.'
Those words sliced right trough Blaine. 'More than us...'
He want to walk away but Kurt grabs his arm. 'No, not more than us. I love you, Blaine, I will always love you.'
Blaine lifted his chin so that he was looking in Kurt's blue eyes who are filled with tears. 'Than stay...'
'I can't, you know I can't. I have to do this.' Kurt sniffed.
Blaine lets go and steps back. 'Do me a favor and don't come back, I can't take that anymore. I don't want to see you ever again.' He walks to Jane's cabin.
'Blaine don't be mad! Please.' Kurt begged and followed him. Blaine opened the door, glanced angry at Kurt and smacked the door in his face. 'We can't end things like this!' Kurt knocks loud on the door.
'You can better go, Kurt, it's useless.' Kurt turned and Sebastian stood before him. 'Come, I walk you out.'
Kurt wanted to protest but he knew Blaine was too stubborn and angry to open up. He sighs and followed Sebastian out of the Anderson Village.
'So, you're going back to New York?' Sebastian ask.
Kurt nodded. 'I need to finish my school and I did get a job offer that I just can't refuse....' He stopped when he saw Sebastian's sad look. 'What's wrong?'
'Nothing,' Sebastian sighs.
'What are you going to do now?' Kurt asks.
'I think I'll stay here for awhile, keep a eye on the new Alpha,' Sebastian said.
Kurt pulled him in a hug. 'Thank you Sebastian.'
Sebastian shrugged and pulled back. 'It's what I do, I guess. It's not like I have a Pack on my own now.' Kurt nodded sadly. 'I think this is goodbye than. Good luck on your New York adventures, Kurt.'
'You good luck with everything here.'
'It will be okay, I'm the only one who can think straight right now. I need to save the day, I guess.'
Kurt nodded. 'You're a hero.'
Sebastian sighs. 'I hate that. Can I at least be a hero with a bad side?'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'If you really want to. Have it your way.'
The night fell and Blaine prepared for his ceremony. He stayed all day with Jane. She didn't ate, speak or moved. She just laid all day in bed.
Blaine wanted nothing more than lay broken next to her. He was tired and his heart was broken. But he needed to stay strong for his mom, for the pack and for himself. He couldn't break down, his mom needs him now. And if the Pack see any weakness in Blaine, they wouldn't want him as their Alpha and fights will break lose. He just needed to keep the peace and get through this one night.
'Everything okay?' Wes knocks on the door and comes in.
'As good as I'm ever gonna be,' Blaine nodded.
Wes sighs. 'There are a few older beta's who aren't sure about your leadership. This isn't just a job, Blaine, it's a life. I need to know if you really are ready.'
Blaine looked over at his mom who laid in bed sleeping. 'I 'am ready.'
'You don't have to do this if you don't want to. You can go to New York with Kurt in the morning. I figure something out.'
Blaine looked at his best friend. Wes was like a brother to him, he stood up for him when not everyone was accepting about Blaine's sexuality. Wes was the one who calmed Damian down after his coming out. And now Wes suggest to choose for his own happiness and go with Kurt and leave them to battle about who's gonna be the boss. It could lead to deaths. Blaine shakes his head, he couldn't abandon them. He was better than Cooper.
'No, I belong here. I don't leave you all to rot in here, Wes. Let's do this.'
Kurt wakes up early. He didn't sleep much, he just kept thinking of the hurt in Blaine's eyes. It destroyed him. And his Omega was really restless without his Alpha. He couldn't handle this a whole year, he needed to do something about it. '
Hello, son!' Burt greets when Kurt stumbled of the stair with his suitcase. 'are you ready?'
Kurt nodded. 'Ready as I ever gonna be. I want to take a quick stop before we go to the air port.'
Burt nodded. 'Let's go than.'
20 minutes later Kurt was walking towards a small house in the forest. He saw Brittany and Santana talking outside, Brittany was carrying a backpack. 'Hi, are you leaving?'
'Brittany is, she's leaving for Las Vegas,' Santana said.
'What? Why?' Kurt didn't saw Brittany as a gambler.
'I need to speak to the Witch Counsel,' Brittany explained. 'I want to find out what happened to Sebastian's pack. A pack of 12 wolfs doesn't just disappeared. I just... have a really bad feeling about this. And maybe they can fix my powers.'
Kurt looks at Santana. 'And you aren't going with her?'
Santana shakes her head. 'I can't leave this town. The people and wolfs are helpless without a powerful witch like me.'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'A witch who doesn't want to use her powers...'
'Shut up, Hummel,' Santana snapped. 'I see that Blaine isn't with you? Are you leaving alone?'
Kurt nodded. 'That why I am here. I need your help...'
Blaine was staring out of the window. The ceremony was completed. He didn't feel any different, but he knew there will be a lot of changes in the pack. He saw three friends of Damian, Eric, Paul and Scot disapproving stare's sending his way during the whole ceremony. The trio could cause big trouble for Blaine, they were older, stronger and they were popular under the man in his pack.
'Maybe you should go say goodbye,' Wes said. 'Nick and Jeff are there to. Kurt is leaving any minute now.'
Blaine shakes his head. 'I'm staying.'
Wes turned him so that they where face to face. 'Don't be a fool, Blaine. I know he hurt you, you hurt him to.'
'What? How? I did everything for him, he's just turning his back on me.'
'You hurt him by choosing your friends over him. I understand that, and he does to. See it in his side. He came here for his dad, meets a Alpha, falls in love, wants to share his life with you., he planned his future in New York with you. And everything gets ruined in one night. He was so close to living his perfect life with you, he saw you broke I saw the hurt in his eyes when you came back with your father. And then you ask him to give up his future for you.'
Blaine sighs. 'I understand his decision.'
'Go to him and say goodbye, before you regret it. It's maybe the last time you see him.'
Blaine hugged Wes. 'Thank you Wes, for everything.'
Wes nodded. 'Of course, now go before you are too late.' Blaine ran out of the door.
In the meantime.
'Good luck in New York, Kurt,' Sam said. He sniffs. 'You don't smell like Blaine anymore.'
'We broke up, it's the best thing to do, we just have different dreams,' Kurt explained.
'It's too bad, I loved you two together,' Mercedes pulled Kurt in a firm hug. 'I hope you make the right decision, good luck in New York.'
'You are gonna make it and don't make any stupid mistakes like I did,' Quinn said, she hugged Kurt carefully. Her pregnant bump was showing. 'They're kicking, I think it's a twin.'
Puck just looks proud and pulled Kurt into a tight hug. 'I'm gonna miss you. You're awesome. We could use the New York attitude.'
'Wow, thanks Puck, but you need to let me go, I'm suffocating,' Kurt huffed. Puck let's go and Kurt thought he saw some tears.
'Kurt!!!' Nick and Jeff both pulled him between them. 'We are gonna miss you so much. You are one of the pack.'
'Gonna miss you too,' Kurt choked, blinking the tears away. He really likes Nick and Jeff and their amazing relationship. 'He isn't coming is he?'
Nick shakes his head. 'No, we talked to him, but he didn't want to. I'm sorry...'
'No need, Nick, it's his choice. I respect that. Maybe it's for the better.' Kurt still hoped that Blaine showed up, but maybe it was for the better because he didn't really want to say goodbye to him. How they separated was awful. Kurt hoped that the memory of the anger and hurt in Blaine's eyes will help him get over him faster.
'Kurt! We really need to go!' Burt yelled from the front seat. 'We're gonna be late.'
Kurt gave everyone a quick hug and jumped in the car. The drove away.
'Are you gonna be fine all alone, dad?' Kurt asks.
'I survived four years without you, Kurt, I'll be fine,' Burt reassured.
'Did you hear something about the hunters?'
Burt nodded. 'They are fired and will be in jail for years for what they did to you. They even send a new hunter to protect this town. He will arrive tomorrow. I get some help than, that's nice. And the family Hudson of course...'
Kurt let Burt talk, but his mind was somewhere else, he wondered what Blaine's doing now.
Blaine had never ran this fast in his entire life! He almost bumped into Nick and Jeff.
'Blaine! Can't you watch out next time?' Jeff growled annoyed.
'Am I to late?!' Blaine huffed.
Jeff and Nick stared at each other and then to Blaine. 'If you mean Kurt... then yes... you are too late. He's gone.'
Blaine tried not to cry.
'Maybe you can still catch him, he didn't leave town yet but you have to hurry,' Nick said.
Blaine nodded, stood up and morphed. The black wolf disappeared into the forest.
'This is so exiting!' Jeff clapped. 'It's just like Romeo and Julia!'
Nick sighs. 'I just hope this story ends better than Romeo and Julia.'
Blaine ran as fast as he could. But it felt like time was really fast and he was really slow. He saw a lot of cars past by when he reached the high way out of this town. There was the truck of Burt! It was impossible to cross the street with all those cars. He tried to make eye contact with Kurt so that he could stop the car and they could say their goodbye's.
Kurt was looking out of the window while his father was rambling on. Suddenly he saw two brown eyes and a black wolf ran at the edge of the woods. He gasped.
'Kurt are you alright!?' Burt asks worried.
Kurt blinked because he couldn't believe it. But the wolf was gone. Did his mind now play games with him or something?
He turned to his dad. 'I'm fine... I just... thought I saw something, just drive and don't stop, or else I miss my plane.'
Burt smiled. 'That's my boy.' He shift the gear and they were gone from Lima.
Blaine stopped and morphed back. He swore he saw Kurt staring at him and then turning away with a confused look. He wasn't sure if Kurt really saw him. One thing he knew is that he was too late. Kurt was gone forever, without saying goodbye. He fell to his knees and started crying.