Will you be mine?
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 15

K - Words: 2,854 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Author's Notes: Poor Kurt... So let me know what you think. Reviews keep me motivated so..:)
Blaine wakes up and didn't know where he was. It took him a few seconds to realize he was in Kurt's house. 'Good morning, sleepy head!'
Blaine snapped his head to the sound of the voice. Kurt walked towards him with a plate with food.
'Why did I deserve this?' Blaine asks looking at the scrambled eggs and bread.
'Because you're amazing,' Kurt winked, put the plate down and pressed his lips on Blaine's.
'No kissing in my house!' Blaine jumped up at the sound of Burt's voice. Burt stood beneath the stairs, glaring at the boys.
Kurt just rolled his eyes. 'Great timing, dad.'
Burt laughed and walked to kitchen to make his breakfast. 'I'm working on it, son. I think I get a hand of it.'
'What did the hunters want?' Kurt asks. 'Did the locals say something?'
'Nobody has betrayed you,' Burt said. 'They don't trust those hunters, the locals stay together. So we got nothing.' He grabs a glass of milk and drank it in one time, Kurt shakes his head disapproval.
'So we have nothing?' Blaine said with a mouth full of food, Kurt glared at him angry. He felt like he was the only one who knew manors.
'Accept for a kid,' Burt said smiling at Kurt's annoyance.
'A kid?' Blaine raised his eyebrows.
'Yeah the hunters told us that a kid told them that a white wolf attacked him,' Burt said. 'That same day.'
'But... Kurt was with me, it couldn't be him,' Blaine said. 'We were all in the forest that day, David, Wes, Adam, Jeff, Joshua and Nick.'
Adam walked in, says a quickly "good morning", grabs a glass milk and makes himself breakfast. They catch him up with their conversation. 'But Joshua was not there when we found you two and Kurt was hit,' Adam said.
'What?' Blaine tensed. 'Where was he?'
'He said to us that he wasn't feeling well and he goes ahead, right after you two left,' Adam said.
'So... that Joshua kid was the one who betrayed Kurt?' Burt said angry.
'Wait, why would he do that?' Blaine said. There fell a silence.
'Because he hates me,' Kurt spoke softly. All eyes turned to him. 'I saw a hate in his eyes when you asked him to stay and look out for me.' He looked at Blaine.
'Nobody hates you, Kurt,' Burt shakes his head. He turned to Blaine. 'So, what are you gonna do, Alpha?'
Blaine was still in shock. Everything fell into place. The obnoxious behavior of Joshua, his need to get attention from Blaine, the feeling that there was something wrong with Joshua. The night that he saw Joshua standing there with a pillow above Kurt's head. Anger filled his body and he jumped up and ran to the door.
'Blaine, wait!' Kurt yelled and followed him. 'Where are you going?'
Blaine turned. 'I'm going to my Pack and do what a Alpha should do. You stay here...'
'What if you get hurt?' Kurt asks worried.
Blaine smirked. 'He is two years younger than me. You don't have much trust in me, do you?' He winked.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Well... good luck and call me when you're done.' He gave Blaine a kiss, before Blaine turned, morphed into his black wolf and ran away.
'Okay, it's time!' Adam said and grabbed his suitcase from the guess room.
Kurt was stunned. 'You're leaving?'
Adam nodded. 'I can't stay here longer, I have to work Friday and need to clean our apartment before you come back.'
'But I thought maybe we could leave together?' Kurt said disappointed.
'I'm sorry, Kurt,' Adam said sad. 'Work is calling, and I think you wouldn't leave right know.'
Kurt nodded. 'I'm not ready to say goodbye to Blaine yet.'
'You know you have to right?' Adam asks.
'I'm trying to find a solution for us,' Kurt admitted.
'I hope you do,' Adam smiled. 'Just don't forget your dreams. Don't shove them aside, Kurt. I can't see the future but I see that you're future is gonna be big and in... New York.'
'I won't shove my dreams aside,' Kurt said determinate. 'If needed I bring Blaine with me.'
Adam laughed and Burt snorted. 'Blaine in New York, Kurt? He will go crazy there. He's not used to the busy life of New York.'
'Me neither, dad, I'll grew up here, I got used to it so he get used to it too.' Kurt glared at his dad.
'Kurt, he hasn't the ambition to be the best designer in the world like you do, Okay?' Burt said. 'He is raised complete different than you. He needs to start his own Pack very soon, that's what he learned and wants. You can't force him to go with you!'
'I'm not forcing anyone, it was just a suggestion,' Kurt said. 'I'll talk to him about it...' He turned to Adam. '... and then we see you in New York.'
Adam rolled his eyes. 'Well, call me okay? You know you can always talk to me about anything okay?'
Kurt nodded and they hugged.
'Well I'm bringing you to the airport, Adam, o and Kurt, you stay inside,' Burt warned. 'It's too dangerous with those hunters around.' He grabs the car keys and walked to the car.
Adam sighed. 'About Blaine, Kurt. I think he's a good guy, a good Alpha. But be careful okay? He is a Alpha after all.'
'Don't worry about Blaine and me, Adam, we'll be fine..' Kurt was annoyed.
'Well maybe you need to take a shower, you still smell like Blaine,' Adam said. 'If I didn't know better, I would say he has marked you.' He winked.
'He would never do that without my permission,' Kurt said. 'Blaine and I talked about that, he knows I don't want that.'
Adam hugged him and whispered. 'You can call me anytime okay? I'll call you when I got home and I see you next week.' He pulled away and ran to the car, stepped in and waved. Kurt watched him leave. He felt alone. He is used to having Adam around him, in New York and now here in Lima. He missed his best friend already.
Blaine could smell Joshua and his friends by the lake and he ran faster. He was furious. He stopped when the smell was stronger. He heard Jeff and Nick laughing, he saw Joshua smiling at them and that made him more angry. He jumped right before his friends.
'Hey, Blaine,' Wes greeted. 'Is everything alright with Kurt and you?'
Blaine just growled and focused himself on Joshua.
'Eh... Blaine?' Wes said unsure. He hadn't seen this behavior of Blaine in a long time. Joshua looked terrified. Blaine didn't hesitated and jumped on Joshua and pinned him to the ground.
'Blaine, you really need to calm down okay?' Jeff said calm and moved closer. Blaine growled him a warning and he froze. Damian and Jane came running over. 'What is here going on?'
'Blaine, let that poor boy go,' Jane spoke softly.
Blaine morphed back but kept Joshua pinned to the ground. 'Do you remember those hunters? They got a tip where they can find Kurt. Joshua betrayed us. He wants Kurt out of the way but the question is why?' He narrowed his eyes at Joshua.
'I didn't do anything,' Joshua cried. He looked at his nephew, Wes. 'Wes, you believe me right? I'm your family! Blaine is gone mad, it's the fault of Kurt... he's lost his mind.'
Blaine growled angry. 'Stop accusing Kurt of anything. He didn't do anything. Why would you want him away?'
'you are crazy,' Joshua snapped.
Damian stepped forward , pushed Blaine of off Joshua, picked the boy up and pinned him to a tree. 'Stop calling my son crazy and stop accusing my future son in law! Care to explain why my son wants to kill you?'
'I didn't do anything,' Joshua said angry.
Damian sighed. 'Explain, Blaine.'
'The hunters said a kid was attacked by a white wolf,' Blaine explained, not keeping his eyes of Joshua. Ready to attack if he gets away. 'That's how the hunters knew where Kurt and I were. Before Kurt was shot we were all there, accept for Joshua.' Blaine's eyes flickered with anger. 'I didn't trust Joshua before and asked Jeff to follow him.'
All eyes were on Jeff. 'I didn't find anything,' Jeff said.
'You see, you have nothing!' Joshua screamed.
Jane laid a hand on Damian's arm. 'Let go, the boy is right. We haven't any proof.'
'I do,' Blaine stepped forward. 'When I had a talk with my father and when I got back he stood with a pillow ready to suffocate Kurt. If I didn't came on time, Kurt would be dead. I'm not crazy, I know that you want Kurt out of the way!'
Wes stepped forward. 'But why? Joshua...Why would you do that?'
The boy snapped, he hated everything. 'You don't know how it is to be a Omega...'
'I do,' Jeff interrupted.
Joshua looked at him. 'Than you know the feeling of fear, uncertain? Afraid of where you might end up? With a angry and mean Alpha or all alone?'
Jeff thought of his own uncertain years and fears, he had luck that he belonged to a pack with a Alpha like Damian and with a mate like Nick.
'It feels horrible not knowing where you might end up,' Joshua sniffed. Blaine thought of Kurt. So this is how Kurt feels or felt when he was alone, before he moved to New York. It was a escape.
'You have a choice, Joshua, the world is changing,' Jeff said. 'Look at me...' he grabs Nick hand. 'I'm happy.'
'Yeah with a Beta!' Joshua snapped. Nick growled angry.
'I know you are afraid, but why attack Kurt?' Jane asks.
Joshua sighed. 'He has everything that I want. I saw that Blaine was different, he was kind. Then I heard he had a boyfriend. I didn't like Kurt but accepted that. Until I met Sebastian...' Angry growls everywhere. Everybody was tense.
'What?' Blaine moved forward. 'When did you meet Sebastian?'
'A couple of days ago,' Joshua explained everything what Sebastian told. 'he wanted Kurt. I just needed to make sure I was around you all the time, that will make Kurt jealous.'
Blaine huffed. 'Not even close. How much do you know of Sebastian's plan?'
Joshua lifted his shoulders. 'I don't know much. That's all.'
Blaine paced around. 'We don't need to worry about Sebastian. Kurt is safe with his Mark. He can't hurt him.'
'What do you want to do with Joshua?' David asked, he has witness everything in silence but was disgust by the betrayal of a Pack member.
Blaine looked at his father. Who shakes his head. 'This is your choice, Blaine, it was you're Mate he wanted to kill. You know this isn't exceptional. You know what you need to do.'
Blaine nodded, looked at Wes, who just looked aghast to the ground. his father let Joshua go and Blaine walked toward him and looked him right into his eyes. 'The law says there is a dead penalty on betrayal on another member of a Pack. However, Kurt isn't a member of the Pack yet. So I exile you, go away and never come back. If you come back, I'll hunt you down and kill you. Do you understand?'
Joshua's eyes filled up with tears, but he nodded and accepted his future. A future to live alone or with a mean Alpha.
'NOW GO!' Blaine growled. Joshua didn't hesitate and ran away. Blaine felt something snap inside of him and kneeled down.
Jane wrapped her arms around him. 'It's never easy to lose a member of the Pack, Blaine.'
Damian walked to him. 'I'm proud of you, son. You made the right choice. You need to protect your mate and the Pack.'
Blaine sniffed. 'If this is the right thing, why does it hurt so much?'
'So why are we here again?' Blaine ask, he and Kurt walked through the forest. He can smell Sam's pack nearby.
'Well, after everything... I thought we could use some time with our friends and food,' Kurt smiled. He glanced worriedly at Blaine.
Blaine hasn't smiled since he returned. He had told what Joshua wanted and what he had to do. Kurt felt bad and wanted to cheer him up. Some fun time with other packs and food will help.
'I thought that we could spent some time together and have our first date,' Blaine said.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'We are far past first dates.'
'But I planned everything, candles, music, even flying Unicorns,' Blaine said shockingly.
Kurt laughed. He wrapped his arms around Blaine. 'Maybe we can have that first date after some fun with friends? Maybe we can have a sleepover?' he winked.
Blaine pulled Kurt closer. 'Stop teasing with that. My Alpha can't handle that. Neither can I!' Blaine placed soft kisses in Kurt's neck. 'You smell good.'
Kurt giggled. 'We can't do that here, Blaine. People actually expect us to show up!' He pulled away and Blaine whined. He grabs Kurt's hand. 'You're so sappy,' Kurt laughed but didn't pull his hand free. There fell a peaceful silence.
'You know I think a lot about our future. I don't want to lose you, even if I go to New York about two weeks. So... I was thinking..' Kurt bit his lip nervous. '... maybe you can go with me?'
Blaine stopped. 'What?'
'You and me in New York,' Kurt said soft. 'Than we can be together and I think you love it there.'
'So when you do you're college than I sit all day alone in a apartment,' Blaine said. 'That's not what I want.'
'We will find you a job,' Kurt said calm. 'What do you want?'
'You,' Blaine said.
'We can be together in New York,' Kurt said.
'Why not here?' Blaine asks. 'You will be living closer to your dad and we can form a Pack. On our own.'
Kurt sighed. Burt had warned him about Blaine priority's. Before Kurt could answer a brown wolf and a blonde wolf jumped on them.
'Puck, get of off me! Do you have any idea how much these clothes costs?' Kurt yelled. The brown wolf jumped off and attacked the blonde and black wolf who were seriously fighting.
'Are they doing it again?' Mercedes appeared annoyed looking at the wolfs.
Kurt smiled. 'Yes, they are mental.'
'Come here, white boy,' Mercedes hugged him. 'There is a lot of food, waiting for you.' She sniffs. 'Damn, you really should buy a new shampoo, you still smell like Blaine. Or you should hang out more with other wolfs.'
Kurt laughed. 'that's impossible.'
'So close already?' Mercedes raised her eyebrows.
'well it just feels good,' Kurt smiled.
There was a pack of 13 wolfs around a small table of food. Quinn handled a little girl and nodded to Kurt. 'You're back, Oprah?' She winked.
The girl ran over and looked expectantly at Kurt with her big brown eyes and blond hair. A perfect mix of Quinn and Puck genes.
'Beth come back here,' Quinn commanded. Beth just stood there. Quinn stood up and rolled with his eyes. 'I swear she's just like her father, deaf. O, she wants to play with a stick.' She pointed to a stick laying at Kurt's feed. 'Just throw it, that should calm her down.'
Kurt looked at her like she is crazy. 'I don't throw a stick like she's a dog.'
Quinn rolled her eyes, grabbed the stick and throws it away. Beth followed it like a mad man. 'Don't forget she's half wolf. She may look like a human but inside she's more wolf. Like all of us.' Quinn sat down. 'She can't even talk yet.'
Puck, Sam and Blaine walked over. Beth sat on her dad's shoulders and was growling in his ears. 'Hey, calm down you!' Puck smiled. He came closer and sniffed the air and froze. Sam stopped to. Their eyes stopped by Kurt, who felt really nervous under their glares.
'It can't be! Well congratulations ,' Puck put his daughter down and hugged Kurt. Even Sam smiled widely and shakes Kurt's hand. Puck turned to Blaine. 'I didn't thought you two would do that. Well eventually of course. But I never thought Kurt was that easy to convince.'
Blaine froze, he had completely forgotten about the Mark.
'What is going on?' Kurt stood up, confused.
Blaine hurried at him. 'Nothing, he's drunk. Let's go home.'
'I'm not drunk, well maybe a little,' Puck admitted.
Sam's eyes widened. 'You don't know?'
'Sam...,' Blaine warned.
'What?!' Kurt said firm.
Sam looked at Blaine. 'How can you do that without him knowing?'
'I didn't have a choice,' Blaine said. He just wished Sam would shut up.
'Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?!' Kurt yelled. Everybody went silent and just looked at him.
Puck was the first one who spoke: 'Dude, you've been Marked!'


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