Will you be mine?
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 15

K - Words: 2,648 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Author's Notes: I wanna thank everyone for reading this story. I never thought someone would read this. All the reviews keep me motivated to go on with this story because I still have a lot of problems updating this on the site. Never thought I get more than 5000 readers!! So a big, big thank you to everyone reading this. Well here's chapter 14, enjoy!!
The next morning Kurt wakes up with his Dad, Adam and Blaine by the bed. 'Hi,' his voice cracked.
Burt hugged him close. 'I was worried when you didn't came home for dinner.' Kurt's memory was fuzzy but then he remembered the dinner. Their first dinner with Blaine as boyfriend. 'Sorry for spoiling the moment, dad.'
Burt smiled. 'Don't mind it. I'm just glad you're okay.'
'Are you okay?' Adam observed him with worried eyes.
'just a little dizzy but for the rest I'm fine,' Kurt smiled. Blaine moved closer and takes his hand. 'I'm glad you're okay. Santana and Britney healed you.'
The touch of Blaine's hand on his brought back memories of what happened before the hunters attacked them. The Alpha's need to mate, to control Kurt's Omega. Kurt remember how he had tried to pull himself free, to stop Blaine, but the Alpha hadn't listen. He had just listen to his instinct and Blaine had let his Alpha take over. The realization that he was almost forced into mating by Blaine, hits Kurt hard. Kurt pulled his hand quick free.
'everything okay?' Burt asks and moved closer.
'it's nothing,' Kurt said and looked at Blaine and tried to ignore the hurt in his eyes. 'Just a dizzy attack I guess. I need to remember to thank Britney and Santana. Maybe I step by later this week.'
'You're not going anywhere alone,' Burt said firm. 'You first need to rest a couple of days...' Kurt rolled his eyes annoyed.
'Oh you're awake!' Jane walked in with food and clean blankets. 'Are you okay?'
Kurt sighed. 'I will survive.'
'Good,' Jane smiled. She opened the door and Jeff and Nick, were storming trough the door and hugged Kurt.
'We are so glad you're okay,' Wes said, when he came in with David and Joshua.
'Yeah you scared us for a minute,' David said.
'Okay, guys let me breath,' Kurt said under Jeff and Nick. But they didn't let go, Blaine growled a warning and Jeff and Nick both jumped up.
'What happened there, Kurt?' Nick asks. 'Why were they after you? You are registricted.' Blaine glanced at Burt, who looked suddenly nervous.
'I don't know, suddenly they were there,' Kurt said.
'Those hunters are more dangerous than I thought,' Blaine said. 'It was like they knew we were there. They were looking for a white wolf.' There was a silence. 'We need to keep a close eye on them. Know there plan. Than we can stop them.' They all agreed. 'David, Wes, maybe you should go to town for a while and figure out what there up to.' David and Wes nodded, said goodbye and walked away.
'I'll talk to Damian about patrolling in the woods,' Jane said goodbye and left.
Joshua walked forward. 'What can I do, Blaine?'
'Well... Jeff, Nick and I need to go for a hunt, maybe you can stay here with Kurt?' Blaine said, glancing at Jeff and Nick who didn't left Kurt's side.
Joshua glanced quickly at Kurt, and Kurt thought he saw a lot of hate In those eyes, but when Joshua looked up to Blaine it was gone. Kurt shakes his head. Was he going crazy or something?
'Or I can take Kurt home,' Burt stood up.
'He's safer here,' Blaine said.
'Are you saying that I can't take care of my son?' Burt snapped.
'There are hunters in Lima,' Jeff said calm, ignoring Blaine's anger growl at Burt. 'Blaine's right, he's safer here.'
They heard growling and voices outside and Nick leaves to check. A minute later he was back. 'There two hunters here. They want to speak to Damian.'
'Send my father to them, they can't see Kurt here,' Blaine looked at Burt. 'Or you, they don't trust you.' Nick and Jeff walked away to get Damian.
Blaine looked at Kurt. 'Just stay here....'
'I'm not staying, I'm going home,' Kurt said, the memories of Blaine's Alpha almost forcing him flashes before him. 'I need a shower so...'
'Kurt, you're life is at stake here,' Blaine said firm.
'I know, that's why I go with my father to our home where there are no hunters,' Kurt said and slowly stood up.
'We take the back door,' Burt said and walked to the back door.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's arm. 'Kurt... think about it okay? I can protect you. You need to stay here....'
Kurt sighed and pulls his arm free. 'Stop protecting me and commanding me, Blaine. I don't need protection, I need a boyfriend who's behind my choices, accept me and doesn't force me. Maybe my dad is right... maybe we need a break. I'll call you.' And he walked away.
Blaine raised his eyebrows and looked at Joshua, who just looked in shock by Kurt's behavior. 'Did I do something wrong?'
'Are you gonna tell me what Blaine meant?' Kurt ask when they were riding to Lima.
'What?' Burt was confused.
'About the hunters don't trust you?' Kurt said. Burt sighed. 'Dad, don't lie to me, I'm sick of lying.'
'Okay, well, I knew they were after you,' Burt explained. 'I have you're profile removed from the registrated papers. You don't exist.'
'What!' Kurt yelled and even Adam was shocked.
'To keep you safe, Kurt, I didn't know what to do okay? I thought this was the safest way,' Burt said. 'What doesn't exist you can take it away, right?'
'What are their plans with Kurt?' Adam asks.
'To make money,' Burt said. 'They want to sell him to the highest bidder.'
'What? That's ridiculous,' Kurt snapped. 'I'm not a animal, I'm human.'
'They don't care,' Burt said. 'All they care about is money. And you're fur is very rare so they can make millions of you. Blaine knew too. He find out a couple days ago.'
'He knew? Why didn't he tell me?' Kurt was angry.
'To protect you, just like me,' Burt said calm. They entered Lima village. 'He came to me. I told him what I did. He never told me what he would do, but I could guess.' He sighed. 'He wanted to Mark you after the attack with that old wolf.'
Kurt felt his stomach drop. 'But... Blaine said that he wouldn't force me!' The memories flashes before him and he shakes his head.
'It's a instinct, Kurt,' Burt said. 'And he didn't remember?' Kurt nodded. 'We all see that Blaine loves you,' Burt continued. 'But not Marking you is a fight against his Nature. It can get out of hand. So just watch yourself.'
Kurt nodded again and looked at Adam. 'What do you think? I know this wasn't the perfect first meeting with Blaine but...'
'Well, it was interesting to say the least,' Adam smiled. 'But I think he's a good guy, a good Alpha. It's obvious he cares for you.' He sniffed. 'But please take a shower when you get home, you still smell like him and its gross.'
They all laughed. That stopped fast when they saw two hunter outside their house.
'What the-' Burt stopped the car en gets out. 'Is there a problem, Gentlemen?'
'We saw a white wolf in the woods yesterday,' said Lucas. 'It's not registrated but he had a Pack around them. Why is there no white wolf in the papers?'
Chad gave Burt his papers back. Who looked quickly trough the papers. 'Maybe he's new? I go this afternoon...'
'that's not necessary,' Chad spoke. 'Our man investigate the packs right now. We take a new investigation.' Kurt and Adam stepped out of the car.
'hello, are you alright?' Lucas looked at Kurt who limped a little when he had stepped out.
'I'm fine,' Kurt said quickly.
'You sure, you don't look fine,' Lucas ranked Kurt's body with his eyes. Kurt tried to stand straight but he still didn't feel okay, Adam grabs his arm to steady him.
'He's fine,' Adam said. 'Just a late night at a club. We were dancing all night and he drank too much, right Honey?' He winked at Kurt, who was just in shock.
Burt smiled. 'That's right, I was bringing these guys home when I forgot something at home. So if you can wrap it up? Why are you looking for a white wolf?'
Lucas looked at Burt again but Chad was focused on the two boys. 'He attacked a child, last night.'
Kurt jaw tensed. He didn't.
'He's dangerous, not registrated, it's time to put him down.' Lucas words were cold. Kurt tensed and he wanted to attack the hunter..
'Come on, Kurt,' Adam whispers soft and pulls him to the door.
'I can't believe it, I never attacked anyone, somebody tricked me,' Kurt said when they were inside. 'Have you make a child mad or something?' Adam ask.
Kurt lifted his shoulders. 'Not that I know of...'
'Now we think of something but you really need to take a shower, you still smell like Blaine,' Adam mocked. Kurt gave him a playful push and rushed up the stairs.
Kurt didn't get it. Who would hate him to betray him and sell his fur to those hunters? Burt was shocked and he and Adam were all Afternoon investigated the Locals. Kurt knew he wasn't around much so the locals really didn't know him that well, but all of them liked Burt. They would gave there right hand instead of betraying his son. The doorbell ring and Kurt opens the door.
'Thank god you're okay, white boy!' Mercedes Jones hugged him. Kurt could smell verse cookies in the basket she was holding.
'What a surprise, Mercedes,' Kurt said. 'Come in.'
She walked in and sniffed. 'I can smell where you've being hanging lately. You smell of soap and Blaine...' She looked up the stairs. 'Blaine?!'
'O he isn't here,' Kurt said little confused.
'Noo? But you smell very strong as Blaine.' Mercedes raised her eyebrows and sat down on the couch. Then she smiled. 'I get it. You're sexlife is none of my business...'
'No, Mercedes,' Kurt sat down next to here. 'Blaine is really not here. Besides, we're not ready for that yet.'
Mercedes smirked. 'It's okay, maybe with the full moon next Saturday.'
'Next Saturday?' Kurt raised his eyebrows.
'Well, Blaine is turning 18, it's time for him to mate and start his own pack,' Mercedes explained. 'That's how things work. Didn't he tell you?'
Kurt shakes his head. 'I'm really clueless with the whole Pack, Mating Thing okay? I'm from New York...'
Mercedes nodded. 'just don't worry. Instincts know what to do...'
'And if not?' Kurt sighed. Mercedes looked confused. 'What if I don't want to be mated? I care about Blaine. He's sweet. But before the attack... we were just playing as wolfs. He just... well he forced me to the ground. I tried to push him of but... he didn't listen of just didn't care. Mercedes how well do you know Blaine?' Tears sting his eyes. Afraid of what Mercedes might say.
'Know him well enough to tell you he would never force you okay?' Mercedes hugged him. 'He really likes you. It's hard to fight against instincts.'
Kurt thought of Sebastian bite in his neck and that his Omega wanted to give in to the bite. He shivered. And then he thinks of the way Blaine smiled at him, or kissed him, the need to protect him and how many times Blaine has saved him already. 'I think you're right. I've been overreacting towards him and that's not fair.' He sighted. 'I really care about him, Mercedes. I don't want to lose him. Not even when I move back to New York to finish school. And that's why I'm overreacting and pushed him away today. I'm afraid we won't make it together. That we both end up disappointed.'
'I think you need to say this to Blaine, you two really need to talk,' Mercedes said. 'No lies, just the truth. And I think you two are gonna make it. Just call him up.'
Blaine stood nervous before Kurt's house. He was distracted all day since Kurt left angry. He was wondering what he did wrong. And Joshua didn't help either. The questions, the accusations he puts on Kurt that he didn't care about Blaine. It was messing with his head. He was going crazy, he didn't know what to expect when Kurt called off he can come over. So here he stands, his hair back in gel, neat clothes, sweaty palms. If they're gonna break up, he was doing it in style. With dignity and then he probably break down but Kurt doesn't need to know. The door opens and Kurt stood for him, he looked fantastic. 'Blaine, come in.'
Blaine hesitated. He tried to look behind Kurt for Burt. 'My dad and Adam are still investigate the locals,' Kurt follows his look. 'I'm home alone.'
They walked inside. 'They left you alone after you almost died?' Blaine asks.
Kurt smirked and they sad down on the couch. 'Yes. I can drop dead any moment, it's good you're here.' He glared at Blaine, who blushed.
'Sorry, I'm maybe overreacting.'
'It's okay,' Kurt said and Blaine was surprised. 'You saved me three times. I owe you my life.'
'You owe me nothing,' Blaine said. 'I don't want you to think that you're in depth with me or something... It was a Alpha thing to do.'
'Sure,' Kurt smiled. 'Look, Blaine, I was wrong about you this morning. You did nothing wrong and I just snapped. Let's be honest against each other. I ... like you.'
Blaine smiled happy, this didn't sound like a break up. 'I like you to...'
Kurt blushes. 'You know how I didn't want to be forced and all?'
Blaine nodded. 'Well... when we played yesterday... you're Alpha took over and didn't want to let me go,' Kurt said. 'I was really afraid that it.... Escalated.'
Blaine looked down. 'I felt it. The power. He took control. Was that it that why you snapped?' Kurt just nodded, a tear streamed down his face. Blaine whipped away the tear and took his hand. 'I'm really sorry, Kurt. It was never my intention to do so. I really like you and I don't want to lose you. We ... we need to play things safe.'
'I'm so glad you understand,' Kurt pulled Blaine in a hug. 'You're the best Boyfriend ever.' He pressed his lips on Blaine's. 'So this is okay?'
'Yeah and hand holding is okay,' Blaine smiled. They kiss again.
Kurt pulled back. 'Why didn't you tell me about those hunters? My dad said you knew.'
'I just not wanted to worry you,' Blaine explained. 'And protect you, I toughed the less you knew, the better. I was wrong Kurt, sorry.'
'No you're not,' Kurt said. 'It's horrified that there hunters after me who want to sell me, but I'm glad you didn't tell me. I didn't know you well and we weren't really friends... and now I trust you. Will you stay here tonight? My dad isn't home and after what happened, I don't want to be alone tonight.'
'Sure,' Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. Kurt leaned in the hug until they were laying on the couch. 'Let's agree that we never keep anything from each other okay? Never lying, just the truth.'
Blaine tensed, he thought of the Marking.
'You have a very strong scent. Adam and Mercedes keep complaining that I smell like you,' Kurt mocked. He sniffs. 'I don't mind. You smell delicious.'
Kurt knew everything was okay, Blaine would never do something without his permission.
'I'm glad you like it.' Blaine knew that he needed to tell Kurt the truth. 'Kurt...' But Kurt didn't hear him, he has fallen asleep. Blaine leans closer, and closed his eyes. It could wait. Everything was perfect, he could lay in Kurt's arms forever.


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