Will you be mine?
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 9

K - Words: 1,990 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Kurt struggled against Sebastian's bite and grasp. He finally pulled free and runs to the streets. Sebastian growled angry and ran after Kurt. He was faster than Kurt and smacked him back in the Alley to the ground. Kurt fell hard on his back.
Sebastian towered above him, his eyes dark with anger. 'Don't ever run from me again!' he growled and pulled Kurt up.
'Let me go!' Kurt said angry and pulled his arm lose. He sprinted to the end of the alley and he heart Sebastian morphing into his wolf. Kurt ran out of the alley, around the corner... He smacked to a body and he tumbled to the ground.
'Jesus, Kurt, are you all right?' Blaine looked down on him.
Kurt shivered and was never so happy to see Blaine there. They heard a low angry growl. Blaine turned. A grey wolf stood before him, growling angry.
'Sebastian! What are you doing here-?'
Kurt stood up and hind behind Blaine. 'He surprised me...'
Blaine looked at Kurt and saw the bite in Kurt's neck. He growled angry. Sebastian jumps forward and Blaine morphed in his wolf. He pulled Sebastian down and slammed him against the wall. Blaine bite down Sebastian's neck. The grey wolf squeaked from the pain. Blaine bite harder.
'Blaine,' Kurt said calmly. Sebastian didn't move and Kurt feared the worst. Okay Sebastian was al real jerk but nobody deserves to die. Blaine growled, this time at Kurt and he froze. Was Blaine now in a killer mode or something? Will he really attack Kurt? Blaine let Sebastian go. Who still laid there, but moved up. He held his head low, tail between his legs, in a submissive manner. He walked away slowly and turned around the corner.
'Wow, Blaine,' Kurt smiled. Blaine's wolf just stared at him. And then jumped on him. Kurt felt panic but then he felt Blaine's nose against the bite mark that Sebastian left.
'I'm fine, Blaine, now get of me for you ruined my clothes,' Kurt giggles, and Blaine morphed back. 'Thanks, again, Blaine,' Kurt stood up. 'But You really need to stop saving me, okay?'
Blaine huffed. 'And you need to stop getting in trouble.'
Kurt sighed. 'That free Omega thing is going to be a big problem here, isn't?'
Blaine smiled. He was glad that Kurt seem to be fine. 'Well... I know a solution.'
'O just stop it,' Kurt laughed. 'Don't talk about, Marking, Claiming or Mating okay? I explained it. Besides my dad will kill you.'
Blaine raised playful a eyebrow and smirked. 'Who said I was talking about me?'
Kurt blushed. Okay this is awkward, Kurt thought. 'I wasn't,' he said quickly. 'I need to get home, I need to shower before the meeting in the woods.'
'I walk you home.'
'Blaine, I'm don't need a babysitter, I'm fine,' Kurt rolled his eyes.
'Don't say that when it's obvious you're not, Kurt, now come on I'll walk you home,' Blaine said. They start walking in silence. Consumed by their thought. Blaine was thinking of what just happened.. Kurt was attacked again by a Alpha, there wasn't much time anymore. And Kurt acted weird. Kurt assumed he meant him (which it was) when Mating was coming up. And then Kurt had blushed. This means he likes him right? It was the right time to ask Kurt out. They stopped for Kurt's house.
'Kurt...' Kurt looked at him. 'Maybe.... We... do you..' Damn it was not the right time to black out, Anderson, Blaine thought. Kurt raised a eyebrow. 'Do you want to go out with me sometime?'
'We're going out already, Blaine,' Kurt said, trying to hide his heartbeat racing in his chest. 'I see you at noon today, remember? Has Sebastian effect you're memory?' He looks worried.
Blaine sighed. He needs to make this clear to Kurt. 'No, that's not what I meant. I mean just the two of us. Going for a drink or a movie, dinner. You get the choose where you want to go...' He was rambling he knows it. Kurt just stared. Not surprised, just stared, blankly. Blaine shuts his mouth and smiled weakly. He felt like a little puppy waiting to be murdered by a Alpha.
'Blaine, I can't go on a date with you,' Kurt said. He blinked and Blaine thought he saw tears.
'Oh,' Disappointment washes trough Blaine. He thought that Kurt liked him.
'It's not that I don't like you... I like you, Blaine,' Kurt said softly. 'It's just, better if we stay friends.' He looked down. 'I really need to take that shower. I'll see you at noon.' Kurt turned quickly and ran to de frond door and closed the door with a loud smack.
Well that didn't go as planned, Blaine thought.
'And why are you going to the Anderson Pack again?' Burt said watching his son pull on a jacket.
'They're really nice, dad,' Kurt said annoyed. He has hide the bite mark van Sebastian with one of his cr�me's. He thought that his dad would have a heart attack if he heard how close he was being mated with force. 'You said that it would be great if I met new people, making new friends.'
Burt nodded. 'I know I said that, I don't want you with the Anderson pack. Damian is okay but I don't trust his son.'
Kurt glared at him. 'And why's that? Has it to do with that Blaine is a free Alpha and Damien is happy with Jane?'
Burt hesitated, but nodded. 'You just remind me of your mother lately. The last days before she left us. In love.'
Kurt looked at his dad, his eyes in tears. 'I'm not leaving you, dad. What I feel for Blaine is my business. Yes, I like him. Am I giving up my big dreams for him? No. Dad, you know me better than anyone. I'm dreaming of New York since I was a baby, I can't give that up. I'm so close to making my dreams come true. That doesn't mean that I leave you of can't have friends. I need your support. I feel like I'm suffocating here, dad. I can make my own decisions. Why don't you trust me?'
'I trust you, son,' Burt said soft.
'Than show it to me,' Kurt hugged his dad. 'By the way, Blaine asked me out today.'
'WHAT? I'LL KILL HIM,' Burt jumps up, his chair falls.
Kurt laughed. 'What did I say about trust? I turned him down.'
Burt calmed down and smiled. 'That's my boy!'
'Well,' Kurt opened the front door. 'He needs to make some afford don't you think?' He winked and left quickly. Burt was frozen than he stormed to the door. He saw Kurt ran.
'Don't let me come over there! You better not be Mated when you return!'
Kurt turns, smiled and ran down the street. Burt closed the door. If Blaine making moves to seduce Kurt than it was time for some help....
Kurt arrived at 3 clock. Nick, Jeff, David, Wes and Blaine sat by the lake, their meeting place. Nick and Jeff attacked the cookies Kurt brought and the rest watch with amused looks. Blaine didn't do strange to Kurt and was just the same Blaine, friendly, funny and just happy. Wes and David soon said goodbye to meet up with their mates. Nick and Jeff sat cuddling in each other arms. Kurt felt a sting... he was jealous of them. They look so happy. 'How did you two end up together? Jeff is a Omega and you are a Beta.'
'Well, we grew up together,' Nick said. 'Damian thought that Jeff would be perfect for Blaine when he turned 18.'
Blaine smirked. 'That didn't happen, though. Those two couldn't get off of each other, it was really gross.' Nick and Jeff glared at Blaine.
'Well, I think it's cute,' Kurt smiled. 'But I thought a Omega and Beta couldn't mate?'
'It is not accepted yet,' Jeff said. 'We're lucky with a Alpha like Damian. He's very open minded.'
'We fall in love when we turned 16,' Nick goes on with their story. 'It wasn't accepted that a Omega and Beta mated. A Beta got to choose his Mate, a Omega needs to mate with a Alpha.'
'So how did you ended up with Nick?' Kurt asks curious.
'Well, Blaine was not a option, so Sebastian was left,' Jeff growled angry.
Kurt's mouth fell open. 'What?! Did you mate with Sebastian?'
Jeff shakes his head. 'no, he wanted to force me, but Nick came just in time to safe me.' He gave Nick heart eyes and Nick smiled.
'I couldn't let Sebastian hurt Jeff. So it became clear to everyone that we choose each other. Damian accepted us but there are other packs that don't. We need to be careful but we love each other. It's worth it.'
They talked for hours. It became dark and Jeff and Nick headed home.
'I should go to,' Kurt said.
'You shouldn't,' Blaine said soft. 'Kurt I think we need to talk.'
Kurt sighed and sat down.
'Why are you afraid for commitment?' Blaine asks. 'You practically ran through the door this morning.'
'I'm afraid,' Kurt said softly. It was time for the truth, Blaine deserved to know. 'Listen, Blaine, I like you. Not only as friend. I need to tell you something, so you understand why we can't be together.'
Blaine nodded and Kurt started. He told him everything about his mother. Blaine waited patiently till Kurt was finished. 'I'm afraid of left behind. When my mom left us, my world fell apart, you know?'
Blaine nodded and took Kurt's hand. 'I'm not leaving you, Kurt. You're always welcome here, with the pack. I know how you feel. I have a older brother, Cooper. He should have followed in my dad's footsteps, to lead the pack. We were close. But Cooper was different, a lot like you. He wanted to be free. To discover the world. My dad and Cooper had a fight. Cooper left and never returned.' Blaine closed his eyes, tears sting his eyes. 'I just miss him, wish he could come back and takes his place.' He looks at Kurt. 'I'm afraid to. Without Cooper, one day I need to follow in my father's footsteps. And I am not good enough...' Tears streamed down his face. Kurt pulled Blaine in a hug.
'Don't you ever say that. Blaine, you would be a amazing Alpha.' Kurt looked at him, Blaine almost drowned in the blue eyes. 'You are nice, polite, strong, you saved me twice. You can take care of a pack of 45 wolves. And you have so much love to give. It's going to be okay.'
They inched closer. There nose almost touching. Than their lips touched. The kiss was perfect and Blaine could stay like this forever. Way to fast Kurt pulled back. They just stared, didn't know what to say.
'What does this mean?' Blaine ask after minutes of silence.
'Well I normally don't kiss guys on a first date but...' Kurt blushed.
'Date?' Blaine smiled widely. 'Does this mean we are boyfriends?'
Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled. 'I guess. I do expect a probably first date though.'
'Consider that done,' Blaine said and pulled Kurt closer. 'What about tomorrow?'
'Well, not to fast of course,' Kurt teased. 'I'll call you.'
'I don't have a phone,' Blaine smirked. Kurt pulled back and stared at him in shock. 'You what? I know you live in a small village in a forest, Blaine, but that's not normal. I'll buy you a phone tomorrow.'
'We don't need phones, Wolves can howl remember?' Blaine said.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I like to be a normal couple, so I buy you a phone....' 'Fine,' Blaine said and pulled Kurt closer again. 'Now kiss me.' Their lips touched again and the world around them disappeared.


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