The Beast Within Me
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 9

E - Words: 4,969 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Sorry for the lack of Klaine interaction, I promise I make it up to you in the next chapter.

Im curious what you guys think of my OC characters? You like them a bit? I hope so. I feel bad for Becky. Nobody wondered who the daddy of the baby is? I hope youll are surprised ;) If someone forgot who Jessica was. She is Davids ex. She had to come back into this story at some point, right?:)

Anyway this story isnt going to foccus on the elections so much as you might think after reading this chapter. Its still a Klaine fic and I wont let the mayor ruin it. Dont worry:)

Hope you liked this chapter

Kurt couldnt move, even if he wanted too, he had nowhere to go. He didnt know anyone and he would probably get lost. He looked at Blaine in disbelieve and shock.

 Blaine let his hands fall to his sides, he could feel Kurts eyes on his misshaped face. He tried to calm his wolf down but it was too enraged at the pain he felt when he touched the silver necklace. His face hair, yellow eyes, ears, claws werent going to disappear any time soon.

People stopped to watch. It wasnt that being a werewolf was a big secret, hell 70% of the townspeople were werewolves. But nobody displayed it like this in broad day light because some people wanted them gone. People who were carrying guns. People like....

Step aside, kid!

Kurt turns his head to look at Mr. Walsh pointing his gun on Blaine. Where did he came from? Next to Mr. Walsh stood Molly with a disgust look on her face, in her hand was a silver knife.

Blaine growls, he stepped closer to Kurt so that he could protect him. But Kurt stepped quickly away from Blaine, his back hitting the tree.

One move, wolf and Ill shoot, Roger snaps. His eyes were huge, he was breathing loud. He was exited. Molly, grab the tranquilizer gun out of my car. We need to get him out of here before he hurts someone.  Molly obeyed immediately and quickly ran to a big jeep parked at the edge of the park. Roger's eyes never left Blaine. ‘I knew something was up with your family. Attacking a innocent human by day light now?' He huffed, his eyes narrow, when Blaine steps closer, growling, into the sunlight. He couldn't hide the little gasp out of his mouth when he could see Blaine's face better.  ‘You're… disgusting. Hideous.'

Blaine froze, he glanced at Kurt who still stared at him with the same look as Mr. Walsh.  Mr. Walsh was right, I'm a freak. A monster. How could I ever be so stupid to even think a guy like Kurt could love me? A loud click shook him out of his thoughts and he saw Roger in front of him pointing the tranquilizer gun on him.

‘What's going on here?!' Jeff yells, he ran towards Blaine. He had seen that Blaine was half transformed and hurried next to his side, glancing over his body to make sure Blaine wasn't wounded.  He growls when he saw the gun.

‘I should've known!' Roger narrows his eyes. ‘With how many are you?'

‘With more than you know,' Nick appears, walking calmly towards the scene. He could never keep up with Jeff's speed, it wouldn't help the situation if he came bursting in there like his boyfriend just did. His first priority was to get Kurt the hell out of here. Nick looked at the frozen Kurt. Poor boy, he's in complete shock.  ‘Kurt.' He said so calm and softly as possible. But the boy turns his head towards him, took hold of his silver necklace and steps back, out of reach. 

Roger points the gun at Nick, a loud threatened growl escaped Jeff's mouth and the gun was pointed back at him. Molly looked also unsure.

‘He's human, they're both human, let them go,' Blaine growls, his voice more animalistic then human. He didn't really care what Roger planned for him, he just wanted Kurt out of here.

Roger huffs. ‘Your race kills innocence, how do I know you're not lying?'

‘We never lie about things we care about,' Jeff growls, glancing at Nick who tried to reach Kurt's hand to pull him away.

Roger laughs. ‘As if you are capable of love.' He points his gun at Kurt now. ‘I knew I had a werewolf under my roof. I knew something was off about you.'

Blaine quickly moved closer, standing in front of Kurt, baring his teeth towards Roger. He could see Roger's finger twitch to pull the trigger when…

‘Mr. Walsh what's going on here?' A deep voice came from behind and everyone turned to look at a huge man in a black suite and a tie. His hair was gray, his eyes dark, his skin tanned. Kurt had no idea who it was but it was obvious this man was a dominant important man in Westerville.

‘Mayor,' Roger drops his gun and Molly quickly hides her knife. ‘What are you doing here, sir?'

‘I can ask you the same question,' The mayor walks to Roger, followed by two bodyguards. He glanced quickly over the four teenagers, his eyes stayed longer on Blaine but then he turned to Roger. It was clearly he wasn't happy.

‘A werewolf sir,' Roger points at Blaine.

‘So? Is there a reason you need to wave your gun in broad day light at the park full of people? Did he attack someone?'

‘N-no, but he was about too,' Roger said, glancing at Kurt.

The Mayor turned around to watch the scene in front of him. He noticed the guitar, the food and the picnic blanket. He huffs. ‘This just looks more like a friendly hangout than a murderer scene, Mr. Walsh. Do I need to remind you that your job is to get rid of the loose cannons, not innocent teenagers?'

‘That doesn't change the fact that he's a werewolf,' Roger snaps.

‘I made a contract to secure the safety of the towns people from werewolves who are dangerous. You signed that contract. As long as he hasn't harm a human, you can't do anything.' The mayor raised his voice. ‘Do I need to remind you, Mr. Walsh?'

‘No, but if a accident happens because of him, don't come running to us, Mr. Mayor.'

‘Is that a treat?' The mayor whispers, but the four teenagers and Molly, who shifted nervously on her feet, could still hear him. ‘Because it looks like you got more to lose than me. How is Becky, Molly?'

Molly swallows and sniffs. ‘She…. She ran away last night, sir. We can't find her anywhere. That's why we came to the village. We wanted to hang some flyers.'

The Mayor's eyes softened a little, he put a hand on her shoulder as comfort. ‘Come to my office at 7 PM. I have a important meeting to go too but we'll talk about solutions afterwards. I promise to do everything I can.' He straightened his back. ‘Now split up you'll. Nothing to do here. Roger, come with your wife to my office. I want to talk to you about the rules of this town. You seem to forget.' He put on a winning smile, people started walking again, Molly tugged Roger on his arm to the car. The mayor gave the teens a glance over, barely looking at Kurt, his eyes stayed on Blaine. ‘Be careful, young Anderson, I don't want accidents before the elections begin next week. Have a nice day.' He straightened his suit and walked towards a big limousine, followed by his bodyguards.

Jeff shivers. ‘That man still gives me the creeps.'

‘He just saved our sorry ass,' Nick said. ‘Be grateful, Jeff.'

Jeff shrugs. Hes the real monster in town, not us. I only be gratefull when he retires and leaves this town for good. I even volunteer to walk him out of this town. He looked at Blaine and to his relieve he saw Blaines normal face. The wolf was still a little bit shaken so he quickly walked over to Blaine. You okay?

Blaine nods, glancing over to Kurt. The boy studied Blaines face again but said nothing, his face unreadable.

You two go home with Blaines car, I take Kurt home in Jeffs car,  Nick spoke up, offering Jeff his hand for the car keys.

Jeff gave him his keys and grabs Blaines arm. Come on.

What if Nick cant convince Kurt to come back to the house? 

Jeff huffs. You underestimate my amazing boyfriend. Its Nick, Blaine. He can reassure and convince everyone. Besides we need to get you checked over, Blaine and tell your dad about what happened. Blaine had to agree with Jeff and let himself guide towards his car.

Nick studied the boy in front of him. Kurt seemed to get over his biggest shock but he was still a little shaken, like Blaine. Kurt? The blue eyes turn towards him. I know this might be a big shock but you dont have to be afraid. Nobody means any harm. Blaine...  He stops, he didnt know what happened to cause Blaines wolf to come out. Blaine only lost control when he had pain or was really angry, but the signs were always there so that his friends could stop him from half transforming. Like Blaines body shaking in anger when they run into Hunter at the festival. They turned almost to wolfs hench the missing clothes. Kurt was lucky that Blaine could keep his wolf back just in time before he ripped out of his clothes.  He was so lost in thought about what couldve happened that he gasped when he felt a cold metal material strike against his skin. He pulls back.

Kurt stands in front of him with a silver necklace in front of him, his eyes widened at Nicks reaction. Youre one of them.

Nick knew what happened when he saw the silver necklace. Poor Blaine, he mustve been in a hell of pain. Damn Kurt is lucky to still be alive. Im not, Im human, Kurt. Just like you. Care to tell me what exactly happened?

I... Kurt looks down at the necklace. Blaine, touched my necklace... suddenly he screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. It was horrible.... Then he... I saw his face.

Silver is a werewolf weak point, a silver bullet kills him, a object made of pure silver causes a lot of pain, Nick explains calm. Im not a werewolf so I cant describe the feeling exactly. He saw Kurts eyes narrow, he still didnt really believe him. We should take this to somewhere private. I can book a room in a hotel and we can talk. Or ... I can take you back to the Andersons. Kurt shook his head. They wont harm you, Kurt. Theyre nice werewolves.

How am I supposed to know? Kurt chokes out. I discovered werewolves only yesterday, now I found out my boyfr.... friend is a werewolf. Excuse me but its a little hard to take in and I cant use a house full of werewolves right now. His voice high and panicked.

Lets go then, Ill rent a room, get some of your clothes and well talk, Nick said. But promise me you dont run away.

Kurt nods. I dont know if Im ready to talk about this though.

And I dont know if I can give you all the answers,  Nick said honestly. He offered him his hand and Kurt hesitantly took his hand. They walked out of the park.


James was enraged when Jeff told him what happened. He immediately called Rogers phone and they could hear him raging on for hours. Blaine didnt say anything, the shock on Kurts face never leaving his mind. He was making himself crazy. Nick came over to pack some clothes for Kurt, he said that Kurt needed some time but that was it. Nick left to spend time with Kurt, Jeff wasnt happy about it but accepted Nicks choice. Right now they needed to help Kurt. And Kurt could use a friend right now.

Blaine couldnt take it anymore, he grabs his bike and drove into town. Noticing it was already getting dark but he didnt care. He needed a drink. He needed something to forget Kurt. It was over before it even had began. He really thought Kurt could be the one. He felt tears roll of his cheeks and he quickly wiped them away.

Blaine smiled when he finally saw the town came into view. He quickly made his way to his destination: Maureens Bar. He walks in, greeted a few people he knew from face but not by name and walked straight to the bar.

Blainey Days, I didnt expect you here this early, Maureen walks over, chewing on a gum. She hugs him and sat down next to him.

Beer please,  Blaine said to the bar man, who immediately obeyed.

Beer?  Maureen raised a eyebrow.

Blaine said nothing, when his beer arrived, he took a large sip. The glass was empty in no time. Another!  He growls at the barman, the man reviled his class.

Let me guess, its about a boy?  Maureen pushed.

I dont want to talk about it, Maureen,  Blaine snaps, tumbling his finger impatient on the bar while he watched the barman do his job.

Maureen squeals. So it is? Who is it? Blaine growls and drank his beer till the glass was empty. Is it that bad?


Oh baby.

 Blaine want to order another beer but Maureen shook her head to the barman and the man quickly walked off to help another customer. Blaine glares at her. I wanted another beer.

Youre underage. Im not supposed to give you any alcohol. Maureen points out.

Since when does that matters?

Since you trying to hide your pain by alcohol, that way alcoholism is born and that way it becomes a addiction.  Ive been there with my dad, remember? Maureen couldnt help the bitter tone in her voice. Talk to me, Blaine, alcohol isnt the answer.

Blaine let his shoulder slump and Maureen felt pitty towards the young wolf. She knew Blaine for years now and she never saw him so sad, not even when  Jeremiah and he broke up. She took his hand and leads him to her office. Maureen opened her office, put Blaine in a chair and sits down on her desk.

Okay, spill it. Nobody can hear you here.

There is this boy...

Maureen smiles. I knew it. Is it that cute boy that looked jealous when we sang together at karaoke night a few nights ago?

Blaines eyes widened. Jealous?

Damn, if those eyes could kill I would be six feet under now, Maureen jokes. I could feel something in the air that night, I just didnt know it was the weird sexual tension between you. Tell me everything.

His name is Kurt. He stays with us for the summer, my parents and his parents used to be best friends.

Used too?

His mother died. She drowned.

Maureen nods sadly but nudges on for Blaine to continue.

Kurt is amazing, hes smart, funny, sassy ...

I can feel a but coming up.

Blaine swallows. Hes been bullied, badly.

As bad as you?

Worse. He doesnt talk about it, I found out on accident when he was changing clothes. Maureen gave him a look. I didnt do it on purpose. His back was covered in bruises. He tried to hide it but he told me that he gets bullied everyday at his school. I know there is more too it but he shuts everyone out.

Blaine told her everything from the moment they became friends till the moment theyre now.  ... and now I dont know. I really thought we had a future but I probably ruined it.

Maureen huffs, wrapping her arms around her chest. Dont be so quick to judge, Blaine.

Blaine looked up. What do you mean?

I think Kurt might surprise you. He looked absolutely smitten about you the first time I saw him and something tells me that doesnt disappear in one night.

You really think that?

Yes. So whipe that sad look of your face and be your charming self.

Any advice? Blaine stood up.

Be yourself, also I think you need to explain things to him... and with things I mean everything. Show him what it means to be a wolf. Yes its dangerous but a lot of wolf and human pairs live in peace and happiness. Show him that he can thrust you.  If you want a chance at happiness, you need to show Kurt and the world that youre worth it.

Blaine pulls Maureen in a big bear hug. Thank you so much Maureen.

Does this mean I win the bet?

Blaine pulls away. What bet?

A bet called "Who runs to the other first after breaking down".

We never had a bet like that!

We did. I made the bet the moment you walked in. 200 dollar, please, Blaine.

Blaine groans. Youre unbelievable.

You can bet on that.  Maureen winks.


Kurt took a long shower till the hot water turned into cold water. He slowly dried himself, throws the towel in a corner and slowly dressed himself. He thought about the moment he met Blaine. He looked so damn perfect that it wasnt human. How many times did I think Blaine was just a dream? About 1000 times. Hell I even dreamed about him changing into a... monster. But when I saw Blaines face today... He wasnt a monster, he was still human. Ive heard voice, it was still Blaines, but rougher. Kurt sighs. He didnt know what to think anymore. He looked in the mirror but quickly turn away. Typical something for me to fall for a werewolf. The only guy who is nice to me and told me he loved me happens to be a werewolf.

Kurt?!  Nick knocks on the bathroom door. You okay? Its been a hour. I brought food.

Kurt opens the door and walks over to the small table. The whole room smelled like Chinese and he thanked Nick. He was starving. They ate in silence.

How are you feeling? Nick asked after awhile.

Im trying to get used to the idea of Blaine being a werewolf, Kurt admits. If I think about it, there were signs.

What gave it away? His growling, his strength or the nakedness on the festival? Nick jokes, but looked at Kurt curiously.

Kurts eyes widened when he realized what had happened. Damn how can I be that stupid? I shouldve known when I couldnt find Blaine in the forest the other night. That also means that Jeff, Wes, David are... Oh gaga, how could I be so stupid.

We had hoped that Blaine would tell you and he wanted too but after that night in the forest he didnt want to scare you more.

Im not scared. Im more shocked. Kurt said and he meant it. Nick frowns. I never been scared. Its Blaine, hes probably the nicest guy Ive met. Thats why it shocked me so much.

Most people would be scared. Especially if you didnt know werewolves existed. I want to explain you things but I think Blaine can explain it better if you gave him a chance.

I need some more time. But... tell me your bond with Jeff. You are human and Jeff is..

Nick sat down on bed and crossed his legs. A werewolf. A relationship between a human and werewolf is still rare. But when I met Jeff, I just knew hes the one. I dont care if I lose him once a month to the full moon.

How is it to be in a relationship with a werewolf?

Pretty normal. Jeff is just a little bit more possessive and jealous. And of course their sex drive is a lot higher then with a human.

S-sex drive?  Kurt stutters, his face turned beat red.

Nick chuckles. Its instinct, the animal side of them is reproduce. Of course we dont want kids yet but maybe someday.

So Blaine isnt...

Jeremiah and he had a relationship but it was more about sex I believe. I dont know details but... Jeremiahs was Blaines first. Jeremiah is a wolf and like most wolf they arent really faithful to each other, Blaine wanted Jeremiah to be the only one. They fought and they broke up. Blaine took it harder than well thought.

So Jeff has other boyfriends?

Nick shook his head. No, what Jeff and I have is special. A wolf can commit to one person or wolf, they call them their Mate. Nothing can compare to that person. Of course Jeff can slip up,especially during the full moon when theyre fully driven on instinct. Thats why they go to the forest to hunt on small animals so they can keep the drive to reproduce under control.

What if Im like.... nothing special for Blaine. I dont want that. How do I know?

Youre asking me that? I think you already know that that isnt true. You really need to talk to Blaine. If you dont you might regret it.

I will. Kurt couldnt avoid Blaine forever and that wouldnt be fair towards Blaine or himself. He needed answers. So whats up with the Mayor?

What do you mean?

That man gives me the creeps. I know two things about myself, I have a awesome fashion sense and  because of my past I know which people to avoid and cant be trusted. But I dont know why the Mayor gives me the creeps. What do you know about him? Kurt asks curious.

Nick shrugs. Not much. He made a contract to make sure the wolves and humans live in peace so we let him do his job and he leaves us alone. You might know his son... He gave Kurt a knowing look.


Nick nods. Hunter runs the other pack in town.

But he said when my dad is mayor but his dad is the mayor? Kurt asks confused.

New elections next week, the Mayor has some heavy competition that wants to bring humans and wolves closer. They want the barrier gone. Hunters pack rules the west side, the Anderson pack the east. If one pack member crosses the other, it means war. Only with special feasts are they allowed to cross the line. So far the Mayor did a good job but James dont thrust him. Who knows what changes the Mayor wants to do when hes voted for Mayor again. He made it clear he wanted the Andersons gone a few months back.

Lets hope he loses the election.

He has a lot of followers, Kurt. I dont think anyone can stop him, but well see.

Kurt huffs, looking at his hands. This town is invaded by werewolves but I have a feeling the Mayor is worse.

Well see, Nick turns on the TV and sat down next to Kurt. Movie? Kurt nods. His head was running  with thoughts so a good movie was a nice distraction to get some rest.


I reassure you, Molly that I put my best man on this case, The Mayor said to the crying woman in front of him. Well find your daughter, even if I have to turn every stone myself.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor, Molly sniffs, wiping her tears away with Kleenex.

Roger stands up. We should go, its almost 9 Pm. Molly, we should rest and I think the Mayor needs his rest too. He pulls Molly up in his arms.

Youre right, Roger. The mayor walks to the door to open it for the couple. Busy weeks ahead. Do we understand our agreement, Mr. Walsh?

Roger nods. I understand Mayor. Good luck on the elections. You have my vote.

They said goodbye, the Mayor closed the door behind him and sat behind his desks. He looks furious. Hunter come here!

A large Painting moved aside, the Mayor didnt look surprised he looked more like he expected it, and Hunter stepped out. Looking down as if the floor was the most interesting thing in the world.

You can come out too, Becky. The Mayor growls. The blonde, pregnant teenage girl appeared behind Hunter, her hands protective on her pregnant belly.  The Mayors eyes roamed her body with a disgust glint in his eyes. Is it yours?

Hunter nods. Yes, sir.

The Mayor slammed his fist on his desk and Becky hides behind Hunter. Damn it, Hunter. How could you do this?

Shes my girlfriend for months, dad. We want to keep the baby.

I dont care about the baby or the girl. The mayor screams. Hunter, youre my son, you should be focusing on your pack.

I do, dad. You dont know how it is to be a wolf. We need to reproduce. Hunter growls.

Yes but not with her! Shes just human. I want strong born wolves in the pack that are under my control. Not a bastard. 

Hunter couldnt hide the hurt in his face. But... Im not a borned wolf. Ive been bitten.

Dont remind me of that, son, The Mayor started pacing behind his desk. You werent meant for this, you ruined your mothers live when she found out. She died of grieve over a freak like you. He looks at his son in anger. Dont look so surprised you knew you were unwanted. The only reason why I havent killed you yet is because wolves respect you. You even managed to get your own Pack.  You need to order your pack to vote for me. And convince other wolves to vote as well.

Becky grabs Hunters tensed arm. Lets go.

The Mayor turns towards the girl. Ms. Walsh. He opens a drawer and gave her a ticket. A bus ticket out of town. Your parents arent giving up till they found you. I assume the reason you left is the baby? Becky nods. Well, there is no place for you in Westerville. This bus ticket goes to Chicago. Im sure youll be fine there.

I dont want to leave, Becky said. Westerville is my home. Besides Hunter...

Like I said, there is no place for you in Westerville, the Mayors voice was cold. Leave my office and my son or Ill let you be removed the hard way.

Ill let her out, dad, Hunter said.

The Mayor nods. Think about your own future, Hunter, before you decide to do something stupid. With that the two teen left the office.

You dont take that serious do you? Becky asks when they walked outside.

I dont have a choice, Becky. You should leave.

Are you crazy? Im pregnant of your child.

Which is a bastard. My dad is right. My pack wont accept it.

Beckys eyes fills with tears. Dont say that. Hes your son. Hunter, come with me.

Are you deaf? Hunter snaps. I cant go. You need to leave this town. Its saver that way.

I wont leave.

Hunters eyes glow in anger. What will you do then? You cant stay here, if a pack smells that your child is from another Alpha theyll kill it. You know that.

Becky knew Hunter was right but she also knew it doesnt have to be this way. If she only could find the boy who stood up against his father, if someone would protect her from her parents and other wolves, she and her baby could stay in Westerville. It doesnt have to be that way. I know someone who could help me. Us.

Hunter narrows his eyes. Sure, so whos this other wolf? Your savior?

Becky bit her lip. I think hes human.

Hunter laughs. Yeah right. As if a human could protect you from a pack of wolves. Damn you must be real stupid.

Becky glares at him in anger. Suddenly she saw the resembles between father and son. I was wrong about you. Youre just like your father.

Hunter growls. My dad gives you a way out, be grateful and run, Becky. I dont think you can find your savior within three weeks! His eyes glancing over her baby bump. But something tells me you dont have three weeks anymore. Good luck finding your angel but dont come back to me when you fail. With that he turns around and slammed the door in her face.

Becky quickly leaves the Mayors property, wiping away her tears. She needed help, a place to stay. She grabs her phone and dials the number of the one person she could always count on. Jessica? Its me Becky.... Can I stay with you a couple days? I ran away and Hunter just kicked me out.... Thank you... Ill see you in a hour.


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