Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
I feel mean to let Nick/Kurt sing Come What May But atleast there is Klaine progress in this chapter.
Untill next time. (writing like crazy)
Of course Blaine attracted girls attention immediately when he stepped into the shop. Kurt could only glare at the girls obvious attempt to get Blaine's attention. He couldn't even blame them because he was the same. Kurt glanced at a group of teen girls nearby with their cheap clothes. At least I know how to wear clothes but other than that we should make a Blaine Anderson fan club where we all can fan girl over the perfection that is Blaine. The girls glared at him when Blaine took Kurt's hand again and led him to the back of the shop. Or maybe not…
Kurt didn't thought he could find Blaine any cuter than he already was but he did. Blaine's eyes light up when he saw the bowtie collection. Kurt had to admit that he didn't care much about bowtie's but Blaine talked about it passionately and suddenly it was his favorite thing in the world. Until Kurt notice something else, he saw Blaine staring at two bowties. He actually had heart eyes. And it isn't directed at me. Kurt thought with a slight pang in his stomach.
‘I can't believe it.'
‘What?' Blaine asks, holding two bowtie's up to compare them.
‘I never expect this from you.'
‘What?' Blaine looked at Kurt now, confused.
Kurt smirked. ‘You're in love, Blaine.'
‘I…. what?'
‘It's obvious. Just take both if you can't choose,' Kurt points at the bowties in Blaine's hand, and the boy seemed to snap out of his confused daze.
‘Oh… yeah.' Blaine blushed slightly and walked to the counter.
Kurt frowns, but follows him. ‘Did I say something wrong, Blaine? I'm sorry, if you don't want them, don't buy them.'
‘I love them.'
‘Good, I don't want you to force it. I was just joking.'
‘It's okay, Kurt, really I love them.' Blaine said with a smile that didn't really reach his eyes. He placed the bowtie's on the counter and smiled at the sales girl who melted… of course. Blaine ignored her flirty remarks and quickly pays for the bowties and exited the shop.
Kurt follows but didn't say anything. He just hoped that Nick and Jeff quickly caught up with them. Blaine was by far the most beautiful boy he ever met but also the strangest boy he ever met. Suddenly Blaine turns around and Kurt almost bumped into him.
‘I'm sorry, Kurt. You didn't do anything wrong… I…' He bit his lip. ‘I had a long boring day at work and just compare me with a girl on her period.'
Kurt gasps dramatically. ‘Is it that bad?'
‘Worse.' Blaine sighs dramatically. ‘I've been through hell.'
Kurt giggles. ‘Sure. You keep surprising me, Blaine. '
‘Me? Little old me?' Blaine asks innocent, making his big puppy eyes wider.
Kurt nods. ‘I never expected that you would love bowtie's and you can be a real drama queen. Your worse than me. I mean… I can only handle that much.'
Blaine chuckled. ‘What can I say? I love my bowties.' He winks playfully.
Kurt jaw fell open but Blaine already moved forward to walk further. Blaine just winked. Wait, did he just flirt with me? Did I flirt? What was happening?
‘There you guys are!' Nick and Jeff finally caught up and Kurt shook his head to wake up. Come on Kurt as if a guy like Blaine could ever fall for a guy like you.
‘New bowties?' Jeff grins at Blaine's hand.
‘Shut up.' Blaine scowls. Tightening his hands over his beloved bowties.
‘I'm going to Jeff's work tonight, it's karaoke night, wanna join?' Nick asks. ‘I already called David and Wes and they'll agreed so you can't say no.'
Kurt froze up at the thought of singing in front of a audience. It was one thing that they all excepted his hideous, high pitch sing voice but … he didn't think other people would accept something different.
But Blaine nodded. ‘I'll be there.' He turns to Kurt with a charming smile. ‘You too Kurt?'
Kurt could only nod because how could he ever say ‘no' to that smile? Weak. Blaine Anderson was his kryptonite.
Kurt checks himself over and over again in the mirror. He didn't know what to wear to a karaoke bar. He didn't want to stick out because he didn't know what people thought about openly gays. Nobody harassed Jeff, Nick and Blaine because they lived here and everybody knows them. Nobody knows Kurt.
Kurt sighs. He wished he could get over his insecurities but being talked down for years, he started to believe all the lies. He didn't see what Blaine, Jeff, Nick, David and Wes in him saw. Why are they being nice? He decided to change clothes one last time.
‘Kurt? We're leaving in 5 minutes!' Blaine knocks on his door but didn't enter.
‘I'll be done in four,' Kurt tried not to sound panicked. He felt like his clothes came towards them and struggle him.
‘Are you okay?'
‘Yes, I'll see you in 3 minutes. I need to do my hair and if you keep it up I look like a mess.' That was a lie. Kurt's hair was already styled into perfection.
‘Geez, calm down, and you said I'm the drama queen in this house,' Blaine laughs but Kurt heard the retrieving footsteps.
A few minutes later Kurt finally made his way down . He had chosen for skinny jeans, a black v neck shirt that hugged his weak attempt at muscles and his hair was perfectly coiffed, even if you still could smell the hair spray. He was happy with what he had accomplished in 3 minutes.
Kurt could feel all eyes on him and he shyly nodded a greeting to Wes and David, who smiled. He locked eyes with Blaine and wondered what the boy was thinking. Nick totally broke the moment by yelling that he really needed to see Jeff, who already left for work two hours earlier.
They drove a half hour before they got to the bar. ‘Unlimited' was the name and Kurt cocked his head slightly. What does that mean? He follows Nick, Wes, David and Blaine inside. The bar was crowded and it was hot.
They sat down and listened to a girl taking over the mic on a small stage. Wes ordered drinks, Blue Malibu and Kurt almost spit it out when he tasted alcohol in it. He never drank alcohol, he was still underage but the others don't seem to mind that. The employee's neither, they kept serving everyone alcohol. Kurt decided he didn't care, it wasn't that bad and for one night he would let his guard down.
Jeff walks around with a plate and once in awhile he winks at Nick or kissed him on his cheeks. Wes and David rolled their eyes every time.
‘Hello, boys, Kurt!' Sammy Jo appeared and give Wes a long kiss on his mouth. They all nodded in greeting. ‘Blaine, I should warn you… Maureen is on her way.' She winks at Blaine.
Blaine rolls his eyes and grins. ‘Bring it on.'
‘Oh you don't know what you wish for, Blaine, she's on a roll,' Sammy Jo giggles.
‘Who's Maureen?' Kurt asks, curious about the girl who had Blaine's attention. He tried to be not to jealous, because Blaine said he was gay but he was still allowed to hope that this Maureen girl was really ugly, right?
‘She's Blaine's, Blaine's her,' David said. ‘They've been at it for years.'
‘At what?' Kurt frowns.
‘We have a healthy competition drive,' Blaine explains.
‘They have eating competitions,' Nick made a disgusting face.
‘Which I win every time,' Blaine says proudly.
‘They play pool.'
‘Which she… wins.'
‘They have sing competitions.'
‘Which I win!'
Kurt sighs in relief. ‘Oh, okay. Can't wait to meet her.'
‘You'll love her, she is a little strange but nice,' David said.
The music changed and Sammy Jo pulled Wes up. ‘This is our song, come on Wes, it's our turn.' She drags him to the stage when the first tunes of ‘Time of our lives' began to play and everyone groans and yelled ‘not again.'
Sammy Jo's and Wes voices filled the room. They sounded perfectly together. Kurt was amazed by the talent. How can I ever sing against that? He almost fell of his chair when someone touched his arm. His eyes met hazel brown eyes.
‘Want to sing a song with me?' Blaine asks.
‘No I'm not singing tonight.' Kurt looked at the pretty big crowd, no way he was performing tonight.
Blaine pouts. ‘Please? You can choose the song.'
Kurt wanted to give in because really how could he say no to that pout? But before he could answer, Blaine got attacked by a woman. Well, ‘attacked' with her mouth. She kissed him right on his lips, it looked more like she was trying to swallow him. Kurt's jaw dropped.
Blaine finally managed to pull himself out of the grasp of the girl and pushed her away from his lips and he laughed. Laughed?! Kurt narrows his eyes at the two. He was just seconds away to slap that girl. This was rape… face rape, mouth rape? What is it? Anyway it was wrong.
‘Geez, Maureen, trying to strangle me because you're too afraid to have a sing battle with me?' Blaine laughs. Kurt still glared at the girl and took in her outfit. She was tall, thin, green eyes, freckles, a bright smile, red curly locks that hang loosely over her shoulder. Okay she was hot, if Blaine was actually straight she would stand a chance. Hell she would stand a chance with me. But Blaine was gay. Kurt tried to say to himself. Blaine had confessed it to him so why would he lie about it?
‘Don't flatter yourself to much, Anderson,' Maureen grins. ‘I had better.'
‘Oh sure…'
Nick leans closer to Kurt and whispers. ‘And so it begins.'
Kurt frowns but soon he saw what Nick meant. Maureen and Blaine were bickering and challenging each other. But it soon came clear that they're just friends. When Sammy Jo and Wes were finished with their song, Blaine and Maureen climbed on stage and they began to sing ‘Don't you want me, baby?' They circled around each other and even humped each other, that was cheered on by the crowd. And Kurt felt jealous again.
‘That could've been you, you know?' Nick looks at him.
‘What?' Kurt quickly sipped from his drank, trying to hide his blush that he had been caught staring at Blaine.
‘Just so you know that Blaine asked you first to sing a duet with him.'
Kurt looks at the stage and saw Blaine and Maureen really close. ‘Well, if it's like that. No thanks.' Nick's face fell. ‘I mean… I'm not like that. You know? I don't show affection in public. It's not that Blaine is hideous or something, it's just not me.'
Nick nods. ‘I understand.'
‘So how long do they know each other?' Kurt points to the stage. ‘They seem close.'
‘I think since they were little kids. They're close, they would be a great couple if…'
‘Blaine was straight,' Kurt finished. He looks over at the stage again, the song ended and Blaine and Maureen both bowed and took in the applause. They would make a great couple, even I need to admit they have a lot of chemistry.
‘Come on, let's sing,' Nick grabs Kurt's hand.
‘Why not? Nobody cares, Kurt. You need to have fun. You have a amazing voice and it would be my honor to sing a duet with you.' Nick sighs when he saw Kurt's face. ‘Okay, this is the real reason, Jeff hasn't looked at me the whole night…'
‘What are you talking about? He's looking at you every 10 minutes.'
‘Yes but I want him to look at me every 10 seconds,' Nick grins. ‘Please, do it for me.'
Nick jumps up and led Kurt to the stage. Blaine frowns when he saw the two walking past him to the stage. Nick fills in a song. ‘Come what may?'
Kurt nods. I can do come what may, I love Moulin Rouge. The music starts and Nick gestured Kurt to begin. Kurt swallows nervously. He was used to be a back ground singer for Rachel and Finn but now all eyes were on him, even Blaine. He panicked , looked at Nick, who got the hint and started singing. Everybody cheered and clapped, Kurt saw Jeff winking at his boyfriend. Nick made a few slip ups and weird faces but nobody seemed to really take this too serious.
Kurt relaxed and sang the next chorus flawless. He even danced with Nick and nobody called them names. They only cheered, sang along and laughed.
‘Anyone want a drink?' Jeff walks over to David, Blaine and Wes.
‘No, but Blaine needs a bucket before someone slips and breaks his neck over his drool!' Wes eyed his friend, who was watching Kurt swaying his hips mesmerized.
Blaine snaps out of it and slaps Wes on his head. ‘I'm not drooling.'
‘Sure,' David rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his drink. They all looked at Blaine. ‘When are you going to tell Kurt everything? It's obvious you like him.'
‘I don't…..' Blaine sighs. ‘He's special, that's all.'
‘Oh no.' Wes groans. ‘I swear if you treat Kurt like one of your special friends I'll kill you myself. I won't allow you to hurt Kurt, he's a good guy.'
‘That's the thing, I will hurt him eventually.'
‘Since when did you became such a optimistic?' Jeff's voice was dripping from sarcasm.
‘Something happened guys.' Blaine spoke softly.
‘damn, Jeff, get me a beer!' David leans closer to Blaine to hear what happened. Jeff quickly ran away and came back with 3 beers within seconds.
‘Today at the mall….'
‘Are you talking about the minutes you two disappeared? You made out didn't you?' Jeff rambled. David hit him on his head to shut him up.
‘No, it's nothing like that. He's just my friend.' The trio rolled their eyes but they let Blaine continue. ‘I was staring at these bowties…. Suddenly Kurt said I was in love.' They gasps dramatically.
‘What happened next?' Wes asks. ‘And hurry up the song is almost done.'
‘I.. I got scared,' Blaine admitted. ‘I cut Kurt off and paid for the bowties because…. I think he's right. I'm falling for Kurt.'
Jeff squeals, spilling his beer over David's jacket. ‘This is great, Blaine. You finally found your Soul mate. I knew it was Kurt… Why aren't you happy?'
‘I don't know what to do.'
‘well first talk to Kurt, explain your special condition,' David advised.
‘He's human, David, I can't just tell him.'
‘We all did,' Wes said.
‘Nick is human too, Blaine.' Jeff said.
‘How did you do it?' Blaine turns towards his blond friend.
‘Well it wasn't a secret was it? He knew before he came to Dalton. I just told my feelings and that's it.'
Blaine sighs. ‘It won't be that simple.'
‘Try it. Kurt might surprise you,' Wes said. ‘Besides it's not like you can avoid him, if it's meant to be, it always comes together.'
‘Wes, look at him,' Blaine points at the stage. The song ended and Nick and Kurt took their bows. Kurt smiles shyly and blushes ducking his head. ‘He's been through hell, he closet himself off and what we see of him are little cracks. How can he accept me if he doesn't even except himself? I don't know what to do. If I tell him how I feel I might scare him away.'
‘I know his life wasn't easy but look at him now! He's stronger because of it. He can handle the truth.'
‘What if he doesn't feel the same?'
‘Blaine, the way he looks at you says something else,' Jeff said. ‘he's absolutely smitten.'
‘If you don't hurry up, Kurt will find someone else,' David points. A boy was talking to Kurt but it was obvious he wanted more. Blaine growls, quickly drank his beer and walks over, pushing people away. ‘How smart is it that we let Blaine drink so much?'
Wes sighs. ‘Not so smart.'
‘What's up?' Nick cuddled close to Jeff when he finally reached them.
‘Oh nothing just matching Blaine and Kurt, and I think Blaine is gonna make his first move,' Jeff says, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. ‘You were amazing up there, baby.'
Uncomfortable was a understatement with how Kurt was feeling when he could feel the boys eyes roam over him and licking his lips. George was his name but Kurt liked to call him ‘Creep'. Would it be rude to just push him away to find the others?... probably. Suddenly George was pushed away and Blaine appeared, Kurt let out a sigh in relieve. ‘Blaine..'
‘You were amazing out there, Kurt.'
Kurt blushed. ‘Thank you, Blaine.'
‘I'm still a little hurt that you didn't want to sing with me, tough,' Blaine pouts.
‘I'm sorry, Blaine… I wanted to but then Maureen showed up. Where is she?' Kurt frowns, he already thought that Blaine and Maureen had taken off to make up another competition. Blaine points at the bar and Kurt turns. He saw Maureen kissing a blond woman, his jaw dropped. ‘She's…'
‘… gay, yes. Maureen and Steffie are together for 3 years.'
‘Does she always goes around kissing boys? Does Steffie know?'
Blaine chuckles. ‘She's just a friend, Kurt. She's a little bit weird and I think she really tried to strangle me during that kiss, nothing romantic going on. Your really cute when your jealous.'
Kurt huffed. ‘I'm not jealous. Why would I?'
Blaine rolls his eyes. ‘sure.'
Kurt narrows his eyes. ‘Anyways, I believe I was talking with… uhm..' He looked around but ‘George' was gone. ‘Where did he go?'
‘Who cares? Come on let's dance. You owe me after you rejected me with the song.' Blaine grabs Kurt's hand and led him to the dance floor.
‘You explained it to me and I'm over it, Kurt, I'm just joking,' Blaine said stopping in the middle of the dance floor. ‘Now, let's dance.'
At first Kurt was uncomfortable but soon he relaxed when Blaine started to show off his weird dance moves and made him laugh with his weird faces. They talked, danced and drank for hours till Kurt was too tired to walk and Blaine too tired to talk. Wes drove them home and Blaine tried to walk up the stairs holding on to Kurt trying not to fall.
‘Blaine, you shouldn't drank so much,' Kurt slurred, his head was duff and he knew he would be screwed tomorrow. He never drank and he didn't look forward to the famous hangover.
‘I needed to beat Maureen.'
Kurt rolls his eyes. Blaine and Maureen had been drinking till Maureen passed out. He had met Steffie and she was actually really nice. ‘You're such a baby. You're lucky you always look adorable' He stops, in shock of his own words. I'm never drinking again. Luckily for Kurt, Blaine was too busy to stay on his feet to pay too much attention to what Kurt just said. Great maybe I should confess everything now I know that Blaine wouldn't remember anything the next day.
They finally reached the corridor and Kurt walks to his room, he stops and turns to wish Blaine goodnight. Blaine almost bumped into Kurt, apologized but didn't move back. Kurt bit his lip. ‘Blaine, are you all right?' Blaine looks intently at his lips. ‘eh… I swear if you throw up on me…'
Blaine leans in and closed the gap between them. Kurt froze when he felt Blaine's soft lips on his. It wasn't the most romantic kiss, he could smell the alcohol but he wasn't complaining. His head became clear and the drunken fog disappeared. Suddenly he could think clear. I can't believe this is happening. He closed his eyes and pulled Blaine closer, deepening the kiss. Suddenly he felt Blaine pull back and he couldn't hold back the whine that escaped his mouth at the loss of contact. He opens his eyes to look at a panting Blaine.
‘I'm… so sorry, Kurt.'
Before Kurt could say anything, Blaine turns around and ran away, leaving a confused Kurt behind. What just happened?