Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
I told you I would be updating soon. Hope you like it, im not a lawyer or a doctor but tried to describe it as best as I could.
Only One last Chapter, which should be up soon, Give me a day or two;)
Please review:)
A few hours later Jeremiah got the sign that it was safe out there to travel. They took all the wounded to the hospital. Nick and Elise followed Jeff and James to the hospital. James was stable but still unconscious. The people were exhausted and in desperate need for food and a bed. Luckily there were good towns people who took in a lot of people to give them food and a place to sleep.
Jeremiah informed Blaine and Kurt that the Hunters are disarmed and in prison so there was no threat from them anymore.
Who is the hero who arrange all this? Cooper asks.
Detective McCoy.
Kurt had heard of that name before but he couldnt remember from where. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. You need to sleep.
I cant, Harris can be here in a few hours. Kurt yawns. I need to get ready.
No youre not. You need to think about yourself. Blaine leads Kurt to one of the beds. There was no privacy since there still were a few people left behind, but Kurt couldnt be bothered he was exhausted.
What about you?
Ill be fine. Ill go to the hospital with Coop to check on dad and after that Ill be right back.
Let me go with you.
Blaine shakes his head. You need to rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
Kurt sighs, finally laying down under the covers. Fine, but be back soon.
You wont even notice that Im gone. Blaine said, leaning down to give Kurt a kiss. Goodnight, Kurt.
Kurt yawns, closing his eyes. Goodnight, Blaine. And he was off to a deep sleep.
The next day Kurt, Cooper and Blaine made their way to the courthouse. The Marketplace in front of the courthouse was packed with people, everyone wanted to see The Mayor be convicted. They were finally standing up against The Mayor now he was locked up. Better late than never, Blaine thought bitterly.
Cooper entered the courthouse because he was going to witness against the Mayor for his father. James had finally reached conscious, he seemed to suffer from amnesia but other than that he was fine. Kurt and Blaine waited on the side for a taxi to arrive with Harris in it.
Hes late. Blaine mumbles.
Hell come.
The trial is in four hours. Blaine was distracted when he saw David and Wes walking through the crowd greeting them. Where have you two been?
Like everyone else, hiding. David says.
A couple of Hunters broke into my house. Wes said. I grabbed Sammy Jo and ran. He clenched his fist. I hope they get what they deserve. All of them.
What are you waiting for? David asks, looking at the empty road.
A asshole. Blaine spat.
You mean the man whos going to safe us all and put the Mayor behind bars forever? Kurt corrected.
I wanted to say that.
Uhuh, sure you do. Kurt stepped forward when he saw a yellow taxi arrive.
David leans over to Blaine. Kurts ex?
Blaine nods. Hes horrible, a selfish brat...
Harris stepped out of the taxi with a bag in his hand. Kurt! He hugged Kurt warmly, then he turned to Wes and Blaine and greeted them with a nod and a bright smile. He looked at David curious. You must be David, so nice to meet you.
David glanced at Blaine before returning the handshake. Nice to meet you too, Harris.
Harris looked around. So this is Westerville?
Eh, normally it looks... better. Wes said, glancing at the burned houses.
I say, this looks worse than any X men war scene Ive ever seen.
Blaine perked up. You like X men?
Yeah, Im a huge fan. You?
No. Blaine lied. Kurt rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. Blaine was a huge fan of anything related to X men and owned all DVDs.
Oh. Harris looked disappointed, but turned his back to walk to the courthouse.
Blaine leaned closer to Kurt. Remind me to burn all my X men stuff.
Really? Also your Wolverine Poster? Kurt quirked a eyebrow.
Damn it, I love that poster. Blaine scowls at Harris back, as if everything is his fault.
Kurt squeezed his hand. Calm down, Blaine. Harris is here to help.
He hugged you. Blaine said.
There is absolutely nothing between us other then friendship. You just have to trust me.
I do trust you. I dont trust him. Blaine said.
Please be nicer to him, Blaine. He always treated me with respect and even told me to get back together with you, he even accepted the fact that I didnt want sex with him during our relationship.
Blaines eyes widened. You two never had sex?
Kurt shrugs. I just couldnt do it. And he respected that.
Blaine eyed Harris curiously, as if he saw him in a new light. I like him. Lets show him the courthouse. The news that Kurt and Harris never had anything intimidate reassured the wolf inside him and it was like a heavy weight lifted off of him. Kurt was his. Harris never even had a chance.
They walked through the crowd, Blaine made sure people made enough room for Kurt to pass . Kurt was embarrassed but also grateful because the baby was still making a big fuss inside his belly and he bit through the pain. First the Mayor, then he would focus on himself.
Harris looked around the still empty courtroom. So this is how a courtroom looks like. Wow its bigger than I thought it would be.
Blaine and Kurt stared at each other before turning back to Harris. Harris, what do you mean with this is how a courtroom looks like?
Have you never been in a courtroom? Kurt asks.
Harris shrugs. Sure, I have when I was in college. But this is my first real trial. You have no idea how boring being a Lawyer can be. Its mostly paperwork.
Blaines jaw dropped. Youve gotta be kidding me. He looked at Kurt, who stared also in disbelieve at Harris. Hes the one who has to put The Mayor behind bars? Kurt, this is hopeless. Its his first trail.
Just calm down. Harris, you need to prepare yourself for this. Kurt said. Its too important. You cant lose or thousands of lives are in jeopardy. The Mayor has already destroyed to many lives, dont let him win.
The Mayor? You mean the man who controls this town? Harris swallows.
Can you do it or not? Blaine asks.
Harris nods. Just give me all the evidence you have.
A agent appeared. Is one of you Mr. Davids? Detective McCoy is looking for you, to talk through the evidence.
Im Harris Davids. Harris introduced himself, nervously.
Follow me, sir. The agent guides Harris out of the courtroom.
Were doomed. Blaine sighs. Kurt couldnt agree more. All his hope of putting the Mayor to justice has disappeared.
A few hours later the trial started. Kurt sat in the back with Nick, they were both called to the stance to talk about the attack Hunter made years ago. The Mayor just smiled smugly at them because that only proofed to people that he was in his rights and that werewolves were dangerous. The lawyer of The Mayor, Mr. Brandt, asked them many questions and turned to the judge that werewolves were indeed too dangerous and that Mr. Duvall almost died because of one.
Then it was finally time for Harris. He didnt seem nervous anymore and was only confident and calm. He walked over to Kurt who sat in the witness stand. Mr. Hummel, is it true that you and Mr. Anderson are in a relationship? I mean... sexually?
All eyes turned to Kurt, who blushed. Yes.
Where did you two meet?
In the summer, 2014.
Was it love at first sight?
For me it was. Kurt said, his eyes searching for Blaine, who sat in front row. Blaine winked. It was equal.
So, he never forced you to do anything?
What has this to do with anything? Mr. Brandt hissed.
Mr. Davids, please proof your point. The judge said.
I just wanted to say that if a powerful creature like a werewolf was so dangerous. Why didnt Blaine just take what he wanted and throw him away? This only proofs that werewolves are no difference than humans and that The Mayor acted out of rage or jealousy and attacked thousands of people and his own son.
The trail goes on. Cooper, Nick and a couple of people also went to the witness stand. Even Burt Hummel was called to testify. He told everything what he knew, about the plans to destroy the werewolves, the money, the weapons, everything. Kurt hadnt seen his dad after he ran after Blaine. The regret and the guilt was still visible in Burts eyes but Kurt didnt know how to feel about his dad anymore. He hurt to many people.
So you are saying that Mr. Clarington did this all on purpose? Harris asks Burt.
Burt nods. He planned it for years.
Oh please, this only proofs that Mr. Clarington wanted to defend this town before more people were hurt. Mr. Brandt objected. The safety of this town was his first priority.
His son should be his first priority. Harris argued.
Mr. Brandt shrugs. He became too dangerous.
Really? Harris raised his eyebrows. I want to call Becky Walsh to the stand.
All heads turned when the door opened and Becky Walsh walked in. She nodded a greeting at a stunned Nick, Blaine and Kurt. Becky swore to speak the truth and sat down.
Mrs. Walsh, is it true that you had a romantic relationship with Hunter? Harris ask.
Yes, sir.
How long?
About a year.
Why did you two break up?
I became pregnant, his dad didnt want Hunter to keep the baby. Becky glanced nervously at The Mayor who glared at the woman, before quickly looking back at Harris.
Mr. Clarington wasnt happy?
No, he forced Hunter to break it off. So Hunter did.
Hunter never contacted you again?
He did call me a few months after I left Westerville. He told me he wanted me back, he missed me and that he wanted to be there for our son.
You believed him?
Becky nods. He wasnt someone who broke promises and he seemed sincere.
So, you picked up your relationship?
No, he wanted to take care of things first. Becky said. I dont know what he was talking about but his dad has always talked down on him. I figured he might want to talk things out with his dad and make things right. The phone call is the last thing Ive heard from him.
What is the point in this? Mr. Brandt said bored, even though his client looked worried.
My point is that Hunter probably discovered the plans of his dad and Mr. Clarington saw no options then to kill his own son. He was probably glad to get rid of him. Harris said.
Thats just guessing.
Lets ask Mrs. Walsh, she dated Hunter for a year and if anyone was close to him, its her. Harris saw all color drain from The Mayors face and Mr. Brandts face was red from anger. Mrs. Walsh, how was the relationship between Hunter and his dad?
Becky rattled off about all the things she witnessed while dating Hunter. Kurt and Blaine both smiled when they saw Mr. Mayor shooting daggers at Becky with his eyes.
One last question, Mrs. Walsh. Would Hunter have attacked Mr. Duvall if you two had stayed together and both raised your son?
Absolutely not. Hunter was a good person, he was just trying to make his father proud. Yes, he had a hot temper but deep down all Hunter wanted was the love of his dad. He never spoke about it but I saw it. Becky sniffed, tears rolling from her cheeks. She had truly loved Hunter. If his dad hadnt told Hunter to dump me he wouldnt done it. I was forced to take cover in the Andersons pack so close to the pregnancy. When Hunter found out he flipped and hurt Ni- I mean Mr. Duvall.
Thats all, your honor. Harris smiled smugly at Mr. Brandt.
The next witness was Jeremiahs dad, who told what he saw that night. The evidence was too much that Mr. Brandt called for a time out. But the judge wanted to continue. The next topic was breaking the rules of the contract made between werewolves and humans years ago.
The Mayor never took the stand to defend himself, he just watched as he saw evidence after evidence against him.
After a hour the jury left the court room to deliberate. Everyone took a break to get something to drink, use the bathroom or get some fresh air. Everyone was tense. This was it. If the Jury would say Guilty then the Mayor would be locked up for the rest of his life.
The verdict was: Guilty. He was sentenced to death row.
Everyone broke out in loud cheers and applause. The Mayor was led away, glaring at everyone. Harris was a local hero and when he stepped outside the crowd went crazy.
Kurt was separated from Blaine and the others and pushed against the wall. He took in a deep breath and tried to push the people away from him to protect the baby but the crowd barely notice him and kept pushing to reach Harris.
Where is Kurt? Blaine turned around to the crowd.
He was just right behind me. Cooper said.
Kurt?! Blaine yells, pushing through the crowd. Kurt! He sniffs the air but it was difficult to pick up Kurts scent with so many people. Finally he picked up a familiar smell and pushed his way through the crowd. He heard a faint: Blaine. and saw Kurt pushed against the wall. He growls, pushed the people away roughly. He saw Kurt faint, hitting the concrete. He pushed a couple aside, and didnt care that the red haired woman fell down, hitting her head on the concrete.
Nick and Cooper were the only one who saw the woman fall and rushed towards her. Cooper turned to Blaine but he was too caught up with Kurt that he didnt notice the world around him.
Blaine holds Kurt in his arms. Kurt. Please, babe, Im here. Open your eyes. But Kurt didnt respond. His skin was paler than usual and his hands was clutched to his stomach. The baby. Blaine turned around with Kurt in his arms and made his way through the crowd. He needed to take Kurt to the hospital. Something was wrong. For god sake, people, move! Blaine screamed. The people made some room and Blaine ran.
He was stopped by a red truck, the door opened and it revealed Burt Hummel sitting behind the steering wheel. Get in. A car is always faster than two legs.
Blaine wanted to argue but this wasnt time to argue, Kurt needed help. So he climbed into the car, and closed the door.
They were in the hospital in no time. Kurt was taken to the emergency room and Blaine wasnt allowed to enter. But Im the daddy. But his protest was unheard as he saw doctors and nurses rushing to help Kurt. Blaine paced around, Burt sat down his face in his hands. Both man were praying for the best.
Nick found them in the waiting room. There you are. Where is Kurt?
In the E.R. Burt answered numbly.
Oh my.. What is going on?
We dont know, the doctors wont answer anything. Blaine growls.
Something with the baby?
Blaine sighs, sitting down. I shouldve notice something was wrong. He hasnt eaten anything and he complained about pain a few weeks ago. This is all my fault.
Self pity wont help us. Burt mumbles.
Its more than youre doing! Blaine snapped. You just sit there like... you dont care.
Dont you dare say that to me! Hes my only son!
Okay, guys, fighting isnt helping Kurt! Nick yells. Burt and Blaine both stopped yelling because Nick was right. Im sure well want Kurt to be okay.
A few hours passed and the waiting room was getting crowded as Cooper, Elise, Jeff and James both in a wheelchair, Wes, Sammy Jo, David and Sarah arrived. They all came to support Blaine. Blaine grew more restless with every minute. He just couldnt imagine a life without Kurt. Kurt cant just leave me like this... The Mayor is finally gone, we were so close to a happy ending.
The door opened and a doctor stepped through. Blaine quickly wiped away his tears and ran up to him. How is he, doctor? Can I see him?
Youre his partner? The doctor asks. Blaine nods. Congratulations. Your son is in great health and is checked over by nurses and then you can see him.
And Kurt? Burt asks.
The doctor sighs sadly. Im sorry, sir. Mr. Hummel has slipped into a coma. He has lost a lot of blood, only time will tell if hell ever wake up.
Blaine could feel his knees weaken and he was caught by Cooper before he hit the ground. His world just ended.
His son was beautiful. It was the most perfect little thing Blaine had ever hold. He gently rocked the child, his child. The baby giggled, making grabby hands at his dads curls. The baby had already a mop of black curls on his head, tan skin, and bright blue eyes. Those eyes reminded Blaine of Kurt.
A week has gone by and Kurt still hasnt woken up. Blaine never left his side, he had a extra bed next to Kurt and there was a mini bed for their son. He knew that how more time passed the chance that Kurt would wake up vanishes. Still everyone held hope. When Blaine was sleeping Cooper, Elise, Burt, Wes, David or Nick would keep a eye Kurt instead.
Blaine gently laid down his son in his bed. He still hadnt named the child. He couldnt do it without Kurt. He turned to the bed were Kurt was hooked to some machines. Blaine swallowed back the lump that was forming in his throat and sat down next to the bed and squeezed Kurts hand. He always hoped that Kurt would be squeezing back, but till this day it didnt happen.
Come on, Kurt. You dont want to miss your son growing up. Hes the most perfect kid. I cant do this without you. Blaine felt his tears roll of his cheeks but he didnt care. Please, return to me.
Nothing happened. Blaine sighs, wiped away his tears and got ready to get to bed. Suddenly he heard a sound that he never heard from the machines and he turned around. He saw Kurt move. Nurse! Blaine ran back to bed. Kurt. Im here, babe. Were all here.
Kurt opened his eyes, blinking a few times. B-Blaine? His mouth was dry.
Suddenly the door opened and a doctor and nurse came inside, followed by Burt, Nick, David, Wes and Cooper who were waiting outside. Blaine let the nurse and doctor check up on Kurt but his heart longed to be closer again, so he couldnt help the growl when it took too long.
This is a miracle! The doctor mumbles, taking off the machines.
I saw mom. Kurt said, looking at his dad. Burt tears up. Shes pretty mad at you.
I figured. Burt smiled, hugging Kurt quickly before pulling off. He didnt want to hurt Kurt. What did she say?
That it wasnt my time yet. Kurt said, he stared at Blaine. She said that there was a really hot guy waiting for me. I still havent figured out who she meant by that. Blaine growls, then figured he probably looked like a mess. Kurt smiled weakly, pulling Blaine close. She meant you.
She called me hot huh?
Ew, shes my mom. Kurt said in disgust.
Blaine shrugs. Now we know where your taste for hot man come from. He leans closer. Can I?
Kurt nods, but then turned shyly to all the people in the room.
Well leave you two alone. Burt said, he quickly left the room.
Happy to have you back, Kurt. Ive missed you. Nick quickly gave Kurt a hug, then left the room. The doctor and Nurse followed.
David was a sobbing mess on the floor, claiming he was too emotional relieved to move, so Wes dragged him out of the room by his feet. Cooper closed the door behind him. Ouch, that was my head, Cooper! David screams.
Sorry. Cooper said not really sounding like hes sorry.
Finally. Blaine said, he leans over and closet the gap between them. He couldnt describe the feeling when he finally kissed Kurt again. He almost lost hope in ever kissing Kurt. They broke the kiss and Kurt gasped for air. Sorry.
Its okay, Im just thirsty and hungry and... Kurt said.
Wait. Blaine ran to the wash table and filled a empty glass with water and gave it to Kurt. It was empty in no time.
Dont. Its normal to be thirsty when youve been in a coma for a week.
A week? Kurts eyes widened in shock. He moved his hands over his flat stomach, panic rising. Where... where is my baby?
Blaine quickly walked over the baby, who was squirming in his crib. Apparently the baby recognized Kurts voice and had responded to it. Blaine saw Kurts face melt when he brought the baby to him.
Kurt let his tears fall when he first locked eyes with his son. He was absolutely adorable. He has your curls.
Blaine groans. He has your eyes.
Hes so beautiful. Kurt laughs when the baby wraps his tiny fingers around his pink.
Hes gonna be a true heartbreaker. Blaine nods.
Whats his name?
He doesnt have a name yet. I wanted to wait for you.
Thank you. Kurt said softly.
No problem, beside if I had named him without you, you wouldve killed me.
True. Kurt admits. He bit his lip. What about renaming him after a hero?
Blaine scowls. Im not naming him Harris.
I wanted to name him Devon.
Blaines eyes widened. You mean me? But, Im hardly a hero.
Youve saved my life millions of times, Blaine. Kurt said. Before I met you I was barely living. Being with you made me feel alive. I dont know if I wouldve survived another year at McKinley if you didnt suggested going with you to Dalton. You saved my life, Blaine. Youre my hero.
Blaine swallows. You saved mine too, Kurt. I was such a asshole back then...
Before you continue Im not naming my son Elizabeth. Kurt warns.
Blaine laughs. Fine, Devon it is. He stared at his son. Its perfect for him.
Devon Hummel Anderson. Kurt kissed his sons cheek.
Devon giggles.
A few days later Kurt and Blaine get ready to leave the hospital. Jeff was still recovering from his wounds but hell be on his feet in a few weeks too. Cooper returned to Westerville to rebuild the Andersons house and to lead the pack till James was back. He was a born leader.
Burt resigned his job and tried to make things right with Kurt. Kurt, can I have a moment?
Kurt looked at Blaine who was packing their stuff. Nick was giving Devon his bottle of milk. Blaine nodded. Ill be fine.
Kurt nods and followed Burt to the hallway. Whats going on?
I wanted to talk with you. Im really sorry for what happened, Kurt. I was hoping that you could forgive me. Burt looked nervous.
Kurt sighs. He had thought about his dad a lot and has come to a decision, and it wasnt something he wanted to say. I cant.
Burt looked up in surprise. What?
I cant forgive you. What youve done, is unforgivable. Maybe someday I can, but I cant now.
But, all I did was for you.
I know. And I also know that you regret it but, it doesnt change anything.
So what now?
I think its best that you stay away from me for awhile.
But... Youre my son. I have a grandchild. You cant do that.
Thats why I need to do this, dad. I need to protect my own family. Kurts voice broke. I cant have someone around my son who wanted to kill him and his species. I just cant.
You dont trust me? Burt stared at his son in disbelieve.
I dont. Kurt admits. He saw the hurt in Burts eyes and the man turned around and walked away in defeat. Kurt turned back to the room, in desperate need for Blaines comfort when he heard Nick scream. He burst into the room.
Nick was in panic, holding Devon close to his chest, his body pressed against the door. He saw Kurt and pointed at the ground. Blaine was laying on the ground. Kurts eyes widened in shock when he saw that Blaine was already half transformed. What the hell happened? Blaine? He wanted to walk closer but was pulled back by Cooper. Blaine!
Cooper quickly pulled Nick out of the room and closed the door. He blocked Kurts way to go back in. No Kurt, hes changing. Its already too late.
But.. what? How? Kurt mumbles. Not even asking where the hell James came from.
Blaines changing without the full moon because he killed someone.
What? Kurt asks in disbelieve.
Nick knew what Cooper meant. The red haired woman Blaine pushed aside to get Kurt to the hospital in time. He quickly gave Kurt Devon and ran to the room the girl was. He had checked on the girl a couple of times just to make sure she was fine. He could see a few nurses panicking and trying their best to keep the woman alive. He saw a curly haired man standing in the doorway looking absolutely heartbroken. His eyes on the heart monitor.
Were losing her, give me the peddles! A doctor screamed. The nurses quickly obeyed.
Nick stared at the monitor, praying that he would see a heartbeat soon. Because that was the only thing that could save Blaine from losing his humanity and living a life as a wild beast.