Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Kurt waited impatiently at the gate of which Blaine could arrive any minute. His plane landed 20 minutes ago. He went over and over again in his mind how to tell Blaine that he wanted to get back together. But every attempt sounds lame. Telling Blaine that he loved him wasnt the only thing, he had to tell Blaine about the cure, that it existed. That there was a possibility that Blaine could be normal. Even when Kurt didnt know how to make it he would find a way if Blaine wanted it. If his mother could find a cure, he would find something.
Kurt took a deep breath calming his racing heart and the pain in his belly. The baby was acting up for some unknown reason. Kurt suffered from headaches, stomach cramp that never seem to stop, but he refused to take any painkillers. He knew the danger of getting addicted. So he suffers in silence.
Finally Kurt saw a familiar figure with a black hoodie and jeans and big sunglasses appear. It was way too hot to wear clothes like that but nobody really paid attention to him. Kurt waved and when he saw the figure walking over he knew it was Blaine for sure. His smile faded when he saw Jeff tagging along after Blaine. Great there goes my plan to express Blaine my love right away.
Kurtie! Jeff rushed passed Blaine and gave Kurt a bone crushing hug.
Kurt gasps for air and Blaine quickly pulled Jeff away from Kurt. Kurt swayed in his feet, feeling dizzy. Blaine hold him up by his arm. Are you okay?
Im fine, just a little bit crushed. Kurt said glaring at Jeff, who looked guilty and mouthed sorry.
Its my fault. Blaine said. I shouldve pushed the animal shelter employee harder to keep Jeff. Kurt stared at him in shock. They didnt want him.
Jeff pouts. I pouted and it worked. He smiled, pulling Blaine close. Now I can keep B save.
Ill be fine on my own, I told you. Blaine scowls.
Jeff waved him off, he was tired of arguing. He looked at the Starbucks shop. Lets grab some coffee.
Blaine and Kurt couldnt argue with that, it was only 7 AM and Coffee was just what they needed. Kurt leans closer to Blaine while they followed Jeff inside. You wanted to put Jeff in a animal shelter? Blaine, hes your friend!
Blaine shrugs. Friend is a big word. Kurt, you dont know how it is with Jeff. He and Cooper both drove me insane. Blaine offered to order the coffee so Jeff and Kurt found a place to sit.
So how was Lima Ohio? Jeff asks.
Its a long story, I rather tell it when were back in the loft. Kurt said.
I dont see Harris anywhere?
I told you, its a long story.
Jeff studied his friend for a minute before turning his attention back to the counter where Blaine was talking to a attractive brown haired man. He smiled. He couldnt let this opportunity pass. Looks like Blaine will be gone for awhile.
Kurt looked up and saw the man talking with Blaine and even touching his arm. He glared. Who is that?
No idea, but Blaine doesnt seem to mind so why do you? Jeff teased, leaning closer to Kurt.
It doesnt bother me. Kurt said with clenched fist. Blaine has every right to flirt with a random guy. We arent together. But it still... hurt.
Ah, it hurt doesnt it? Jeff kept pushing.
What are you trying to say? Kurt said annoyed.
Kurt stared at Jeff, it was obvious the blond had trouble keeping his mouth shut.
Okay fine, you dont have to torture me to get it out of me. Jeff said dramatically. Blaine has watched for weeks how you and Harris were all cuddly and boyfriend like... You may not noticed it but it hurt like hell. It broke Blaines heart.
But... I... Kurt stared at the man and Blaine exchanging phone numbers and he could feel his heart break a little. ... I know what you mean.
Jeff hums.
Jeff, do you think I still have a chance?
Thats not up to me to decide. You and Blaine need to talk.
Blaine walked over to their table with the coffees in his hand. He sat down with a big smile. What did I miss?
Once they arrived at the loft, they started to unpack their stuff. Jeff smiled widely. Looks like well be sleeping together tonight, Blaine. Unless you chose the couch.
Blaine looked in horror at Jeff, Kurt smiled at the adorable look on Blaines face. I chose the couch.
Oh come on, Im like a angel when I sleep. Jeff exclaimed. Besides your back hurt like hell after the weeks you spend on the couch.
Really? Kurt interrupted. Why didnt you say that?
Blaine shrugs. I didnt want to bother anyone.
Dont be silly. You can sleep in my bed.
Blaine and Jeff both stared at Kurt and stopped doing what theyre doing.
What? Its not like weve never slept together. We used to do it all the time and my bed is big enough and more comfortable. Kurt said.
Okay, you sure you dont mind? Blaine asks.
I wouldnt suggesting it if I didnt want to. Kurt said. His phone rang, he glanced at the ID caller and when he saw it was his dad he pushed it away. His dad been calling him since he left Lima. Kurt knew he had to talk to him eventually but he just needed space for a unknown long time.
Everything all right? Blaine notice the sad look on Kurts face. Maybe he had problems with Harris again.
Its my dad. Kurt sat down. There is something I need to tell you...
Kurt told them everything. About his mothers diary, his dads strange behavior, Project X, and Mr. Hucherson which brought the topic to the cure. He told about how his mom find or made a cure and gave it to Mr. Hucherson but got killed before she could make more. After he told everything Blaine and Jeff both stared at Kurt, both deep in thought. Kurt couldnt take the silence for too long, this was exiting news. Why wasnt Blaine jumping up and down out of joy? So what are you thinking? This means hope right? If my mom could make one, I can maybe find a way and make one.
Blaine stared at Kurt. Dont. You dont need to make one.
How old did you say Mr. Hucherson was?
80 or 90.
And he was a young dad with three kids when he met your mother?
Kurt nods. About 12 or 13 years ago... He stopped when realization hit him. He stared in shock. But... he... do you think that the cure speed up the aging process?
Blaine nods. That or its all a lie and youve been tricked.
Kurt shook his head. He seemed sincere. He had photos of his kids and one with mom. I cant believe this. He said nothing about that.
Maybe he preferred a short life without guilt then a long life with guilt. Jeff said. It looks like the cure wasnt so perfect after all. There is one big catch. You might get rid of the wolf side but you also give in years of your life. Well, I aint gonna take any cure. I love myself to much.
Me neither. Blaine said. He looks over at Kurt who looked betrayed. He leans closer to Kurt. This isnt your mothers fault, Kurt. She wanted to help, she didnt know. She died before she saw the consequences. All she did was wanted to help, she did the right thing at the time.
Maybe. Kurt wasnt convinced but he let the thought of a cure go. It would go nowhere, Blaine didnt want it anymore. It would only cause him headaches and unnecessary stress.
Its better this way.
Jeff sighs. I wish Nick was here. He knew what to say. He always say smart things you know? Kurt and Blaine looked up. This was the first time they heard Jeff talk about Nick in weeks. If anyone could make a cure without the whole aging thing it would be him.
Well, you could call him and tell him what we know. Blaine encouraged.
Jeff shakes his head. Im going to take a shower. He stands up and walked away with his head down.
We really need to get those two back together. Kurt stated.
Blaine nods. Agree. I never thought I would say this but I really miss the old hyper Jeff.
Me too. Kurt admits.
There was a awkward silence, while Blaine thought about making another cup of coffee or start unpacking and where Kurt thought about what was the best way to start the conversation he wanted since he saw Blaine again.
Blaine, there is something I want to talk to you about.
Blaine looked down, sitting back down. He just wanted to grab a cup of coffee.
Harris and I... we broke up.
Oh. Blaine wasnt sure what to think or say to this. Why is Kurt telling me this? Blaine tried to calm his racing heart. Get a grip, Blaine. He just broke up with his long time boyfriend. Hes not ready to start a new relationship. Just be his friend... again. Im sorry to hear that.
No youre not.
Blaine stared at Kurt thinking he was mad at him, but his voice was soft and there was a smile on his lips. Blaine relaxed. Fine, Im not. He was a brat and you deserved better.
Kurt rolls his eyes. To be honest it didnt came as a surprise. Harris and I... hes a good guy but we were more friends than boyfriends. His phone rang again but he ignored it. My dad probably knows it too by now. He gestured to his phone.
Oh... your dad knows Harris?
Kurt nods. He adores Harris, he thought he was the perfect son in law.
Blaine couldnt help but to feel a sting of hurt. He had done everything to have Burts acceptance and approval but he never got it. Even if the attack didnt happen he would doubt that Burt wouldve ever given him and Kurt a honest chance.
Anyway, the reason Harris and I broke up was because I wasnt in love with him. Kurt continued. I am in lo-
The door opened and Rachel Berry stepped inside. She smiled when she saw Blaine. Blaine! She ran over and almost choked Blaine with a hug. Kurt groans. He was so close. If Rachel just waited a couple more minutes... But Rachel was always good at ruining moments and turning the spotlight on her.
At first their new bed routine was awkward but soon they got used to it. Kurt went to bed early, Blaine would watch a movie on TV till late, Kurt was always fast asleep when Blaine entered the bedroom. Blaine noticed that Kurts pregnancy was taking its toll on Kurt. He looked exhausted. It was like how faster the baby was growing how weaker Kurt became. Blaine felt helpless, all he could do was make sure Kurt ate enough.
The whole situation about his mother and his dad was bothering Kurt too much. Not to mention he had to step out from school for the new year began, after the baby was born he planned on picking up his study. The summer heat wasnt helping either. Kurt hadnt spoken to Blaine again about their feelings. Rachel or Jeff were always around. The only time they had time to talk in private was at night and Kurt was too exhausted.
A week after Blaine and Jeff were back Kurt called the doctor to make a appointment. Only Blaine went with him.
The baby seems fine. Wendy said, after running some tests with Kurt. But you arent. She looked at him worried.
Whats going on, Doctor? Kurt asks, he could see Blaine tense at the words that he wasnt fine.
Your blood pressure is too high. Wendy said, looking down at Kurts medical file. We cant perform surgery if the...
Wait, what surgery?
Male pregnancy are always done with a C section, Mr. Hummel. Its the safest way.
Kurt stared at her. You mean youre going to cut me open? He swallowed, he always had a dislike for hospitals, needles and he wasnt really looking forward to a surgery. Somehow he hoped he would be able to deliver the baby the natural way.
I can assure you that you wont be the first man I helped with a delivery, Wendy said calmly. Dont worry.
Kurt glanced at Blaine who was staring from Kurt to Wendy a little unsure of how to react. He probably knew about the C section, Kurt realized.
Wendy began giving a speech about the difference of woman and man pregnancys but Kurt wasnt really paying attention. He glanced at Blaine, who listened with interest at what Wendy was telling. Kurt swallowed, suddenly he saw his future with Blaine splash against a brick wall. After the C section Ill have a huge ugly scar. Blaine deserved better than someone so damaged and ugly.
Blaine interrupted Kurts thought. Doctor, are there any solutions to lower the blood pressure?
The high blood pressure is caused by stress, so I can suggest to do only things that doesnt involve stress. Wendy said.
Kurt snorts. A life without stress, yeah right. Thats not possible, Doctor. I have a lot on my mind at the moment.
Wendy bit her lip. Try to relax, Mr. Hummel. I dont know. Go to the movies, out of dinner, something like that. Blaine and Kurt both didnt look convinced. Physical contact might help too.
Physical contact, you mean?
Sex. Wendy said, Blaine and Kurt both stared at her in shock. It relaxes the brain, its a proven fact. She stared at the unmoving faces of her clients, who didnt dare to look at each other. What? Its not uncommon for a couple....
Were not together. Kurt said.
Oh. Wendy coughs. Sorry about that.
Its all right. Blaine said, recovering from what the doctor just suggested.
Okay, well, I want to see you in two weeks, Kurt. Wendy said. I know its sooner than our normal appointments but because your blood pressure is so high I want to take a extra eye on you.
What can happen exactly, doctor? What are the risks?
Youre far enough to not miscarry... Wendy said and Blaine and Kurt both sighed in relieve. ... but there is no guarantee that the baby survives. Everything looks good so far. Its time to focus on your own health. Kurt, this could end horrible if you wont.
Blaine growls. I wont let anything happen to my child or Kurt.
I am not sayng it will, I am just saying youll need to be aware of the risk. Wendy said, tensing a little as she notice Blaines eyes begin to glow.
Blaine stands up. Lets go, Kurt. Ill arrange the best doctors and hospitals I can find to help you. Were going to the best of the best. Blaine walked to the door and was already in the hall way. Kurt mouthed a apology at Wendy and stands up to follow him, but Wendy stopped him.
I do understand, Kurt, if you want to search from another doctor but... please take my advice serious.
I will, thank you, doctor. For everything.
Youll be fine then. I... I am not a lawyer but maybe you two should arrange some legal things before the baby comes. Like the custody. If something might happen, which I hope wont. You can make sure that the baby end by either you, Blaine or another relative. Wendy guides Kurt out of the room. Just to make sure.
Ill think about it, thank you again. Kurt said, he said goodbye and followed Blaine outside in the hot summer weather. Wendy was right. It couldnt hurt to make sure Blaine would get custody over their son if something was going to happen to Kurt. Blaine would be the best option, if not then he would ask Nick and Jeff, he couldnt exactly ask his dad for help since he didnt even know.
Because they both were a little depressed/agitated they took a taxi to the mall to do some window shopping. They ate ice cream and saw couples in love everywhere. Kurt decided to break the silence. So....Wendy knows a way to break the mood of this lovely sunny day huh?
Blaine nods. Dont worry, Ill take care of it. Ill make sure you have the best medical care in the world.
No, I was serious back in there. Blaine said, looking Kurt in the eyes. I wont let anything happen to you. Or the baby.
Kurt melted at the sight of the hazel brown eyes staring at him with so much concern, worry and love. Good. But nothing is going to happen to me.
Blaine relaxed slightly and leaned back on the small bench theyre sitting. You know, about the relaxing bit. I can help you with it...
What? Kurts head snapped up.
With sex. Blaine said casually.
You want to...
Why not? Blaine asks. Its not like weve never done it before.
Yeah but thats different.
Why? Kurt couldnt believe this, he stands up. Look at me, Blaine. I look like a freaking whale.
Youre beauti-
Dont. Kurt interrupted.
Blaine sighs. Kurt I really dont see a problem here. Let me help you out. I assure you that I really dont mind. Im ready.
Blaine dont... Kurt stopped when Blaines words hit him. His jaw dropped. You mean, now?
Blaine shrugs. Why not? I dont see a problem here. Do you rather have a stranger? He growls at a guy who past by too close to Kurt for his liking.
What no! Kurt said in horror. I.. Blaine this isnt about sex. I.. I just dont feel comfortable like this.
Blaine frowns. I dont understand.
Kurt sighs. He knew Blaine wouldnt understand it. He wanted nothing more than to have Blaine but his insecuritys were just too big. Just lets go home.
So what are we going to do this fine evening, Kurt? Jeff sat down on the couch, Kurt was reading Vogue and trying his best to relax.
Rachel appeared, dressed in a tight green dress. Im going out. Dont wait up for me, I probably wont sleep here.
Kurt frowns. Where are you going to spend the night, Rachel? Dont hide any hot boyfriends from me.
Rachel smiles. Of course not. A friend of mine throws a party and I already made sure that I could sleep at her house so I dont have to walk all the way back. She walks over, kissed Kurt on the cheek and said goodbye.
So, looks like even Miss Witch has a better love life than you. When are you going to ask Blaine? Jeff asks.
Im not his type.
Jeff, theyre gonna cut me open and rip out my baby. Kurt said.
Jeff gasps in shock. What? Who? Wait, Ill grab my sword. He ran to his room and came back with a plastic sword. Okay I admit its not much but I almost choke David with it back in Dalton.
Kurt didnt even want to know that story. Where did you get that?
Halloween, when I was six. Jeff shrugs, he sat back down. But tell me whats going on.
The only way to deliver the baby is with a C section.
Kurt told Jeff about his insecurities and his doubts. He also told what happened at the hospital and in the mall.
When Kurt was finished Jeff was in disbelieve. Kurt, have you lost your mind? Blaine doesnt care that youve gained extra pounds which is natural since your pregnant, or that you get a scar after a C section. Hes crazy about you. Its time you tell him what you feel and work things out.
I wish it was so easy, Jeff. But I dont ... I feel so different and everything has changed so much lately. Kurt said. I dont know how to deal with everything at the moment.
Its better to deal with everything with someone by your side then dealing with everything on your own. Jeff smiled sadly. Trust me, I know. Suddenly he quickly grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV. Kurt frowned at the sudden change, he was about to ask what was going on when the door of his bed room opened and Blaine stepped out.
Blaine was all dressed in a black leather jacket, tight jeans, purple shirt, his hair was gelled back neatly. He walked to the kitchen and came back a second later. Im going out to lose some steam. Dont wait up for me. And he was gone before Jeff or Kurt could even react.
Jeff turned out the TV, looking sharply at Kurt. You know hes going to get something right? Sex I mean. Kurt didnt listen, a new idea popped into his head. Youre too late. Are you even listening?
This is perfect! Kurt said, dropping his book and standing up.
What? Jeff followed Kurt around while he searched through the cabins. What are you doing?
Getting Blaine back. Kurt held up candles. With romance.
A hour later Kurt looked around the loft, it was packed with candles. Sadly It was all he got, the shops were already close so he couldnt buy flowers, but he baked cookies. Jeff looked around in shock, too afraid to move and accidently hit a candle.
So what do you think? Maybe it needs more candles.
No more candles! You might burn the place down.
Do you think its too much? Kurt asks unsure.
Just be yourself, thats good enough. Jeff sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. Kurt walked to the kitchen to prepare his cookies.
Hours passed by and Kurt fell asleep on the couch. He woke up when he heard a car stop outside. Kurt yawns and looked at his watch. 3 AM.
Blaines home. Jeff stared at the window. And he is not alone.
Kurt walked over and saw Blaine talking to the same man they saw him talking to at Starbucks. He.. he brought his date here? Jeff said nothing which only made things worse. He watched as Blaine and the man said goodbye, the man stepped in the taxi and drove off. Blaine made his way inside. Kurt jumped away from the window. Jeff, please help me to blow out all the candles. Blaine can never know about this. He started running around blowing out candles.
Well never get rid of this in time, Kurt. Jeff said.
What are you suggesting to do then? Kurt said, picking up the trade of cookies. The door opened and Blaine appeared. He stared at the candles and the trade in Kurts hand. Jeff quickly past by Kurt, wished him good luck, grabbed a cookie and disappeared to his own bedroom.
Youre baking cookies at 3 AM? Blaine asks, undoing himself from his jacket.
Couldnt sleep. Kurt mumbles. If only Blaine knew how much Ive done the last hours... Did you have a great time?
Blaine shrugs. Not bad. He looked at the candles. Whats with all the candles? Trying to burn the place down?
Only Rachels clothes. Kurt jokes.
Blaine grins. Im going to bed. Goodnight, Kurt.
Actually, Blaine I didnt wait up because I couldnt sleep. Kurt blurted out. Now was the best moment, no Jeff, no Rachel. Seeing Blaine with that other man only confirmed his feelings more. He just had to know if Blaine feels the same.
Blaine turns around and looked at him curious. Youre not?
I waited up because of you. Kurt admits, he could feel his cheeks heat up. I broke up with Harris because of you. My dad is mad at me because I was defending you. I baked cookies in the middle of the night for you because the shops were close to buy flowers, I risked burning the apartment down because I wanted to do something romantic for you. I waited up to tell you I love you... He sniffs, tears burning behind his eyes. ...Just to discover you are with another man. He looked at his feet, didnt dare to see the look in Blaines eyes. I know I am too late but I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I never stopped loving you. Kurt could feel Blaine stepping forward and he looked up. Blaine was inches apart.
Other man? What are you talking about?
The man from the taxi.
He was a taxi driver, Kurt. He offered to show me the hottest clubs but hes married and has 3 young kids.
Oh. Kurt felt really stupid.
He recognized me in Starbucks. I promised to meet up with him tonight so that he wont spread the news. He wants to make it in the music business. There was nothing romantic about tonight. I was just helping another musician out. I listened to him playing the guitar and gave him a card to my manager, theyll deal with him. Blaine explains.
Blaine laughs. I cant believe you thought I would date another man. Suddenly Blaine closet the gap between them. Kurt could feel his knees weakening a little bit. Its always been just you, Kurt. It will always be you. I love you. He leaned in and gently connected their lips.
Kurt wraps his arms around Blaines neck and pulled him closer, their tongues fighting for dominance. Eventually Kurt disconnected to take a breath. His face flustered.
I thought the whole "Lets have sex" was enough to give you a clue that I dont want another man. Blaine teased.
I just thought it was you being helpful. You know, like the good man you are.
Blaine hums, taking a step closer, Kurt backend away till his back hit the door of his bedroom. Blaine eyes darkened when he let his eyes wonder over Kurts body. Kurt blushed, ducking his head. Blaine lifted Kurts chin with his finger. Youre gorgeous, dont ever think youre not good enough for me because youre the only one for me.
Youre the only one for me too. Kurt said a little breathless that has absolutely nothing to do with the make out session before.
Do you still need help with relaxing or...?
Kurt hums, opening the bedroom door and pulling Blaine quickly inside. Blaine closet the door.
Jeff came running out of his room with a bottle champagne. He had kept it all the time for that one moment that Kurt and Blaine would reunite. I heard a door slam.. guys? Jeff stared at the empty living room. He walked in and thats when he heard the moaning from behind the door. He sighs. Dont need to thank me... He sat down on the couch and opened the bottle of champagne. ... Ill celebrate on my own... all alone. He took a sip from the bottle.
Kurt and Blaine laid in each others arms, both content and happy. Kurt didnt care less about his naked pregnant body fully exposed. He felt stupid that he let his own insecuritys almost ruin this moment of happiness.
Blaine snuggled closer, placing soft kisses in Kurts neck. The fact that he was allowed to touch, kiss and declare his love for Kurt made him the happiest man alive. He saw the distant look on Kurts face and stopped worshiping his porcelain skin. Whats on your mind?
Im scared. Kurt admits. Im so happy. Im afraid to lose it.
Blaine growls. If this is about the baby, Ill arrange the best doctors in the world. Well get through this, Ill be by your side.
Kurt smiled, snuggling closer to Blaine. And thats all I need.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly on his cheek. What about your dad?
Kurt tensed. What about him?
Hes your dad, Kurt. I know you love him, despite everything.
You dont know what happened. Kurt sat up straight. He said the most horrible things about you. He called you... a monster.
Kurt, I have to ask this. When we broke up... did you ever thought of me that way? That I was a monster?
Kurt shakes his head. Never. I was heartbroken, sad but I never ever thought that you are a monster. How could I? Ive never felt so loved by anybody else then you. You want to know how I really felt in France? Blaine nodded, knowing that Kurt need to get it of his chest. I was horrible, I felt lonely. The people really treated me as a outsider, I made a few friends along the way but it wasnt like the close friendship at Dalton. I missed you like crazy, I cant even remember how many times I stared at your phone number tempted to call you. Till I met Harris. Blaine growls, still not liking the lawyer. I kept comparing you and Harris and was driving myself crazy. Then I saw your first performances on TV and decided to move on. You looked happy.
I wasnt. I was just as miserable as you, maybe worse.
Impossible. Are you saying that girls throwing bras at you wasnt tempted, Mr. Anderson?
Blaine looked horrified. Dont remind me. He shivers. Kurt giggles. But I still think you should call your dad, Kurt.
Why? Didnt you hear what I just said?
I can take the insults, I dont give a shit about what your dad thinks of me. Lets face it hes never going to like me. Blaine shrugs. I can live with that. But I cant live with seeing you so unhappy. So call your dad and make things up with him. Your happiness is worth everything to me.
Kurt leans in, kissing Blaine softly. Ill think about it. Im not ready to forgive my dad yet. He laid down, yawning. He cuddles closer to Blaine, closing his eyes. He was exhausted.
Blaine smiled at how adorable Kurt was when he was sleepy. He kissed Kurts temple. Good night, my love.
Goodnight, Blaine. Kurt sighed happily. I love you.
Love you too.
Soon theyre both fast asleep. No matter what the future would bring, they had each other and thats all they needed.