The Beast Within Me
Chapter 39 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 39

E - Words: 7,022 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Kurt was soo close to discovering what Project X was, if only he picked up that file and read it. Oh I feel so mean:) Also sorry for not letting Burt found out about the pregnancy, I promise theyll will find out the truth:)

About the cure thing, I think thats finisned up for the story. The message is "be happy in your own skin" besides I want Blaine to stay werewolf. Also hope that this also clears things up about Kurts mom, maybe you thought too that she was against werewolves. All she wanted was to help.

Am I the only one loving Harris in this chapter? Amazing supportive boyfriend, but his time is up. ITS KLAINE TIME!

Hope you liked it. Let me know:)

Kurt walked into the living room, it was too early to be awake but he couldnt sleep with the noise coming from the living room so he decided to check it out. Wes, Jeff and Blaine were all awake and packing their suitcases. Youre leaving?

Wes looked up. Oh I hope we didnt wake you. Yes were going. My plane to Westerville leaves in a couple hours and Blaine and Jeff need to catch their plane back to LA.

Kurt looked at Blaine, who had his back turned towards him busy packing his stuff. Oh you didnt mention youre leaving?

Really? Because I said I still had some things to finish up in LA. Blaine said, sitting down on his suitcase so he could lock it up better.

Oh. How long will you be gone?

Two weeks. Blaine finally looked up. But if there is anything you can always give me a call. I want to stay updated on how the babys doing.

Kurt nods but said nothing. Since they left the hospital for the echo things have been... distant. Despite his renewed relationship with Harris Kurt tried to involve Blaine as much as possible. But every time Kurt wanted to go out to grab a bite, go to movies or do some window shopping Blaine declined. Also their movie nights were off. Blaine was mostly asleep. Or pretended. Kurt kept wondering what he had done wrong.

Well of course you can never know with LA. Jeff said, scrolling through his phone. His agenda is booked for two weeks in LA, after that hes coming back but Hollywood changes faster than Taylor Swifts lovers. But dont worry, Kurt, I keep Blaine safe. Blaine rolls his eyes, grabbing his suitcase. No need, B, Ill carry your suitcase. You shouldnt hurt your precious fingers since you still need them to play your guitar. He grabbed both his own and Blaines suitcases. Come Wes, lets call for a taxi so that those two can have their goodbye sex. Jeff left the room. A minute later they could hear the suitcase landing with a loud bang at the end of the stairs.

Will he ever stop with those comments? Kurt rolls his eyes.

Wes sighs. Im afraid not. Just be happy you have two weeks without Jeff. He hugged Kurt goodbye. Ill keep in contact, Kurt.

Say hi to Sammy Jo from me.

Will do. Wes grabbed his suitcase and left the room.

Blaine and Kurt stared at each other awkwardly.  Blaine broke the silence. Any plans within the weeks?

Im going to visit my dad and Carole. Kurt said, he had called his dad to confirm his visit. Burt had finally taken his time to talk longer than ten minutes to him. Its progress. Kurt left out the part that Harris was coming too. Burt really liked Harris and had welcomed him into the family the first time he met him a few months ago.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Blaine said. Awkward silence. Blaine grabbed his guitar. He had to go. He stared at Kurt. Should I hug him? Shake his hand or...

Rachel Berry walked into the room, checking out the living room. She noticed that the suitcases were gone. Youre leaving? Blaine nods. Rachel walked over, pushed Kurt aside and hugged Blaine closely. Blaine looked confused at Kurt who rolled his eyes. This was typical Rachel, always the drama queen. She barely spoke to Blaine since he was here, too much wrapped in her own head. Im gonna miss you so much, Blaine. You were amazing. Dont forget you have my number. Rachel let go, smiling widely at Blaine. Call me when you want to record a duet. Our voices would be perfect with each other.

Blaine fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of course Rachel had a motive for being so dramatic all of the sudden. I will.

Rachel gasps, clapping her hands. You will?


Rachel turns around to Kurt. Did you hear that, Kurt?

Kurt eyed Blaine who shakes his head once Rachel turned around, he smiled and decided to play the game. Of course, why not, Rachel? Youre the most talented singer I know.

I know! Rachel exclaims. I need coffee after this. She walks into the kitchen.

Blaine sighs relieved that shes gone. Kurt giggles. You know that shell never  forget this? Shell be stalking you till the end of the earth till you finally give in.

Blaines eyes widened in panic. I better run... I mean, go before she comes back.

Kurt walked over and gave Blaine a firm hug. Blaine was stunned. Kurt pulled back. Now, go before she comes back and force you to stay. Have fun in LA.

Blaine found his legs barely work after that hug, he didnt expect it. Eh. yeah, you too with your dad and all.

Kurt nods. Ill be fine. Bye.

Bye. Blaine opened the door. He didnt want to go but when he heard Rachel footsteps coming from the kitchen  and quickly closet the door behind him.

Hes gone? Rachel said, disappointment. She was holding a trade with coffee and cookies. She turns around at Kurt who was still staring at the door. She smiled, putting the trade down. Ah... I know that look.

Kurt blinked, turning to Rachel. What look?

Youre in love. Dont deny it. Ive seen it tons of times in glee club.

Kurt grabs one of the coffee cups and took a sip. Rachel, Is it possible to love two guys?

Of course not. Rachel said fiercely. Kurt looked up, he had never heard Rachel talk with a tone like that. Remember the whole Jesse and Finn situation? Kurt remembered, Rachel was dating Jesse St. James for a few weeks, Finn couldnt stand the guy and the whole thing blew up in Rachels face eventually.  Well, I thought I loved Jesse and I didnt want to listen to Finns warnings. Jesse used me. Then I began dating Finn. Finn broke up with me because the whole Santana thing and then Jesse returned. I really thought I still felt something for him so I agreed to go to Prom with him. When I saw Finn dancing with Quinn I knew I made a mistake.

Can we get to the point?

What Im trying to say is: Thinking you love someone is totally different then actually loving someone with your heart. I chose Finn.

Kurt snorts. Yeah and we all know how that worked out. You two are separated.

Thats beside the point. Yes, Finn and I are broken up but do I regret it? No. He has still a special place in my heart but its better this way.

Well, I cant exactly screw around, I have a baby to think off. Kurt said, placing his hand on his belly.

Exactly, so when are you going to dump Harris? Rachel asks.

Kurt glared at her, stands up and walked away without a second glance at Rachel.


Kurt spend his days window shopping, reading or sketching. Without school life was boring. Harris was on work since he was taking a few days of to visit Kurts parents he wanted to finish up the lasts things. Kurt knew Harris was a work a holic but he never notice how boring it could be. The rare moments they spend together Harris only talked about work, work and work. Kurt was bored. The only entertainment was texting with his friends Mercedes, Santana and Brittany. He skipped through his phone list and always stopped at Blaines number. He wanted to call him, just to talk but had no idea what to say. He didnt want to bother Blaine so he didnt call him.

A few days later it was time to take the trip back to Lima. Kurt couldnt hide his excitement at being back in Lima Ohio. Yes hes been through hell in this place but it still feels like home. Harris smiled at seeing the excitement on Kurts face, he looked absolutely adorable. Harris parked the rent car in front of the Hudmel home and Kurt opened the door and jumped out, running to the front door where he was greeted by Carole. Harris unloaded the car, locked up and gave the nice woman a hug.

Is  dad home? Kurt looked behind Carole but there was nobody.

Hes in his office, upstairs. Carole said. She eyed Kurt in suspicion. Something was different about her step son but she couldnt quiet put a finger on what was different.

Kurt looked surprised. He made a office in his home?

Carole sighs, looking sadly. Im afraid so. Hes away a lot for work, but when he came home he used to be able to let go of work you know? Well when he isnt away from work he is here to work at home.  She shakes her head. I have no idea whats gotten into him. He should be thinking about his own health and thinking about retirement not more work. Every time I ask whats so important he just shrugs. Maybe you can talk some sense into him? She looks hopeful at Kurt.

My dad is always stubborn but Ill talk to him, Carole. Nothing is more important than your own health.

Agree, I made some Muffins. Want some? Carole gave them her warm smile and guide them to the kitchen.

Kurt notice the difference immediately. Carole had down some remodeling. Not only the kitchen was new also the living room had new furniture. Nothing looked like the old house Kurt grew up in. The wedding photos of Burt and Caroles wedding was hanging on the walls, photos of Finn and of Kurt from years back. All photos of his mother have been removed as if she never existed.

I changed a few things, hope you dont mind? Carole saw Kurt walking through the house. Dont worry, your room is still the same and both your beds are made up.

It takes some time to get used to but... I like it. Kurt lied, putting on a polite smile. It wasnt horrible, it just didnt feel like home. Carole had every right to change a few things to make it more their own.

Weve stored everything up in the attic, if you want something you can pick it up and take it with you. Carole said. Everything else well give it to a charity that still could use it.

Thats a great idea. Harris said. There are so many people with nothing.

Kurt was grateful to Harris for distracting Carole, while he glanced around in the living room. He couldnt help but smile when he saw Carole had put the favorite chair of Burt away. How the hell did she manage to convince my dad of doing that? Hes practically glued to that chair for 20 years.

But after drinking a cup of coffee and eating a muffin Kurt had to admit it felt warm and homey, it was something typical Carole. After the coffee Kurt and Harris went to Kurts old room which stayed the same, instead of a bed there was double mattress on the floor already made. Kurts old bed was in New York. While Harris chatted happily and testing the mattress Kurt couldnt help but miss his bed.

After unpacking they made their way downstairs and Kurt could hear the familiar voice of his dad. He practically ran the last steps of the stairs and jumped into Burts arms who was completely taken by surprise. Kurt! I didnt expected you so soon.

Kurt let go, studying his dad. Burt looked tired, there were dark circles under his eyes and it looked like he lost some weight. I just couldnt wait. I missed you too much.

Burt smiled, pulling Kurt in another hug. Missed you too, son. He looked up to see Harris standing there. He let go of Kurt and greeted Harris warmly. Nice to see you, Harris. Still busy with work?

Harris nods. As always.


Lets not talk about work, you promised me something, Burt. Carole said firmly.

Yeah, yeah, no work when we have house guests. Burt rolls his eyes. I just cant shut my work off, Carole. Its too important.

Really, whats it about? Kurt asks.

Just work stuff, Kurt. You wont understand anyway.

Kurt quirked a eyebrow. Try me.

Burt sighs. Kurt...Not now.

Another cup of coffee? Carole interrupted the tense mood.

Actually, Ive planned something for us to do. Burt said. Harris and Kurt both looked at him. Lets go to the pond and fish a few hours.

Kurt groans. He hated fishing. His dad had loved it since forever and always dragged him along but he was already bored after a few minutes. He went with it because Burt claimed it was their special "Father-Son" thing, but he didnt travel all the way from New York to Lima to go fishing. Harris on the other hand, looked exited, he was already pulling on his coat. Ill sit this one out, you two go while Ill help Carole with dinner.

Burt looked disappointed but shrugs. He knew how much Kurt hated fishing even when he never actually expressed it with words, the look on his face was enough. He grabbed his fish gear and smiled when he saw Harris saying goodbye to Kurt. He was right about Harris. He was a good boy. Perfect for his son. So much better than that Anderson Kid. Burt clenched his fist in anger, quickly loaded the fish gear in his car. He couldnt forget the day he saw his only son so broken laying in a hospital bed because of that monster. Burt had made a vow that day that he would never let Kurt anywhere near him again.

Mr. Hummel, are you okay?

Burt shakes his head to clear his thoughts. Harris was looking at him. Im fine. Lets go. He turned to look at Kurt who was standing in the doorway. Well be back before dinner.


Kurt helped Carole to prepare dinner. It was almost done and Burt and Harris still hadnt returned and there was no sign of Finn arriving with his new girlfriend. Carole is it okay if I use the computer for a second? I want to check my mail but the battery of my phone just died.

Sure, honey. The computer is in the new office, also known as Finns old bedroom.

Kurt nods and made his way upstairs. The office wasnt locked. There was a desk with a computer, a chair and two closets filled with books. Kurt turned on the computer and was relieved there wasnt a password. He checked his mail and his face book. But no news. Because he still had time to kill Kurt decided to find out with what his dad was so busy.

Kurt opened a few drawers but found nothing important, a lot of paper work and bills. He quickly closet the drawer, he couldnt help but feeling like a spy. A terrible spy at that. He hated doing things behind his dads back but he wasnt going to get any answers from him so this was the only way. 

Kurt opened the last draw. There was only one file in it with the name: Project X. Kurt stared in shock. No way, it really exists? All this time Kurt thought it was a lie... Project X really existed. He reached out to grab the file but stopped halfway. This isnt right. Dad is right, his work wasnt any of my business.

Kurt stared at the file. For some unknown reason he couldnt look away and close the drawer. He just had to know what Project X was about.

Kurt! Are you here? Were home and dinner is ready! Burts voice, his footsteps nearing the door. Kurt quickly closet the drawer, standing up. Burt opened the door and poked his head inside. Everything okay?

Absolutely. Kurt said too quickly. He walked toward Burt, who closet the door and locked it. Kurt frowns. Youre locking the door?

Burt shrugs but said nothing. That only confirmed for Kurt that Burt was keeping secrets.


It turned out that Clara Hamilton, Finns new girlfriend, was blond, tall and looked like a model. The only difference was that she ate for two and was nice to talk too. She studied Entertainment and Media. She wanted to become a TV presenter or a actress. Harris gave Kurt a pointed look that said "If she knew that your ex was the most famous singer at the moment she would freak". Kurt smiled at the image of Clara losing her mind.

Finn studied to become a teacher. Kurt had never seen Finn so calm and mature. He could easily see why Clara fell for Finn. Not that it was impossible he himself had quit a crush on Finn before he met Blaine. Clara and Finn looked like the perfect couple, steeling glanced and holding hands under the table. Kurt sighs deeply. He couldnt help but think about Blaines first visit to the Hudmel home. He looked at the silver cutlery on the table.  He smiled. He grabbed his phone and made a photo of the delicious food and the silver cutlery.

Kurt posted the photo on face book with the comment "Back in Ohio, enjoying a family dinner". After dinner they all helped cleaning the table and doing the dishes. After that they all gathered to the living room to talk. Soon Finn and Clara said goodbye, they would return again in a few days but they both had taken a summer job to earn some extra money.

Kurt, can I speak to you for a second? Burt asked.

Sure. Kurt said, following his dad into the kitchen. Burt gestured for Kurt to sit down while he grabbed a small bag with something in it. What is this?

Im sorry I couldnt visit you on your birthday, Kurt.


Burt waved Kurt to silence. No, skipping your birthday is unforgivable I know. Your mother wouldve killed me if she knew. She didnt care about her own birthday but she celebrated your birthday as if its the most important day of the year.

I remember. Kurt said softly. He felt his eyes tear up at the thought of his mom. He still missed her.

Im really sorry, Kurt. Work has been crazy busy but soon itll be all over and I have more time to visit you in New York.

Its okay, I understand if you dont want to talk about work with me but dad, please take care of yourself. You need at least 8 hours of sleep and eat enough.

Burt snorts. That would be exactly what your mother would say. Youre just like her, has anyone told you that?

You did once. When I was 13 and you spilled coffee all over my favorite outfit. Kurt scowls, he still wasnt over that accident.

Burt chuckles. You didnt speak to me for two months.

You deserved it.

I did. Burt said. But anyway.... I didnt gave you a birthday present and to be honest I didnt have time for shopping. So... I want you to have the only thing I still have from your mother. He pulled a small book out of the bag and laid it in front of Kurt.

Kurts eyes widened. It was his moms diary. He had no idea she had a diary. Dad...

You should have it, Kurt. You dont have to read it or anything. Its just something to remember your mother.

Have you read it?

Burt shakes his head. It didnt felt good. I know shes gone for a long time now but ... it still doesnt feel right to read her private thoughts. Besides... Im sure she only talked about you in the diary. Your birth, your first steps etcetera.

Thank you dad. Kurt gave his dad a hug.


Burt was right, Elizabeth mostly talked about Kurt in her diary. For Kurt it was like a walk down memory lane, some things he had forgotten and of course he doesnt remember the things he did before his fourth birthday. It was obvious that he meant the world to his mother.

But things changed when Kurt came near the end. Elizabeth was talking about her troubles with Elise and the discovery that her best friend was a werewolf. Kurt notice that his mother wasnt mad at Elise because she was a werewolf she was more mad at Elise for keeping a secret and lying to her. The hurt Elizabeth was feeling was so big Kurt could almost feel it.

Kurt was surprised. His mother gave him the necklace a few months before she died, she changed the cutlery in silver and made sure she was there to bring Kurt everyday to school and she was there to pick him up and bring him home again. She always said that he never should talk or go with a stranger. His mother seemed scared of something the last few months of her life. Kurt had thought about it a lot and figured his mother was scared of werewolves. But apparently his mom wasnt too upset about the werewolf part and was more upset with Elise.

Kurt skipped through the pages and stopped at a page when something caught his eyes.

"Ive met a lovely family today, the Family Hucherson welcomed me with open arms and answered any questions I have. I hope they can help me to understand. I want answers."

Kurt frowns at the lack of words and turned the page.

"I just had a call with Mr. Hucherson and I just have to help him. There has to be a cure." Kurt blinked his eyes, not trusting what he just read. A cure? His mom was searching for a cure to help Mrs. Hucherson.  

Kurt sat straight up. It was 2 AM and Harris was a sleep on the mattress. Kurt was still sitting at his old bureau, reading the diary with the light of his phone. Kurt couldnt stop now, he had to know if his mom had found a cure. He turned the page.

"Off to Mr. Hucherson. Time to find out if my searches have paid off."

That was it. Kurt groans in frustration, turning empty pages. It was the last thing his mom had written. He notice the date. This was one week before her death.

Kurt closed the diary, stunned at what he had discovered. His mother had find a cure, that was huge! He had to know if his mother had succeeded. He had to find the Hucherson family. The only problem was that he had no idea where to find. He almost fell of his chair when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. It was a tired looking Harris.

Honey, please come to bed. Its 2 AM. Harris glanced at the diary. You really need some rest. Ill help you with whatever you want to know tomorrow in the morning. Come. Kurt reliantly gave in. Harris had a point, it wont do anybody good if he fell down because of exhaustion.

Kurt laid down next to Harris and fell in a restless sleep.


They found out there was only one Hucherson family in Lima. Harris insisted in going with Kurt, he didnt want Kurt to go alone to a house full strangers.  They stopped in front of a old house at the edge of the forest. The house looked abandoned.

Harris glanced at Kurt. Ready?

Kurt nods, his heart was racing. He was holding the diary to his heart. If the Huchersons were denying any knowledge he could show them the diary. They stepped out of the car and Kurt knocked since they couldnt find a doorbell.

They could hear footsteps and a man yell: Whos there?

Im Harris Davids and this is.... Harris began.

Go away! Im not buying anything! 

Were not here too...

I sais go away!

Kurt decided to try. Sir, my name is Kurt Hummel and...

The door opened. A old, grumpy man appeared. He took in Kurt and Harris with suspicion. You said Hummel?

Kurt nods. My mom was Elizabeth Hummel, she died...

I know. The man said, looking sad. Come in. He stepped aside to let Kurt and Harris in. Everything in the house was old and covered in dust. It was obvious it hasnt been cleaned for years. Kurt wasnt surprised the man looked like he was about 80 maybe even 90. The man sat down in a chair at the window and gestured to Kurt and Hunter to sit down, they obeyed. I dont have coffee or tea. My daughter should come by today with grocerys if she hasnt forgotten. He looked sadly.

Kurt felt pity for the old man. It looks like he was all alone and that the world had forgotten about him.

So how did you find me and how can I help you? The man said.

My dad gave me a diary for my 20th birthday. Its my moms. Kurt explains, the man nods but said nothing so Kurt continued. She wrote about how she met the Hucherson family. She seemed to care about them a lot but she never spoke about them to me or my dad.

Ah looks like your mom held some secrets for you. The man glanced swiftly at Kurts belly. Kurt automatically moved his hands towards it. But it seems she wasnt the only one huh boy?

Kurts eyes widened. How did you know?

You are not the only pregnancy Ive seen, Kurt. The man said calmly.

You are...?

My name is John Hucherson. I met your mom a few months before her tragic death. John said. She was the most caring person Ive ever met. She saw me with my kids play in the park. My wife died a long time ago.

May I ask how she died? Harris asks.

John looked at him as if he had forgotten Harris was there too. Sure. She died after giving birth to our youngest son. I have three kids. He pointed to the wall, there hang a large framed photo of three teens.  Two sons and a daughter. I raised them all by myself. It wasnt easy. I missed my wife Mary like crazy, there was a time only alcohol would keep me going. I am not proud of it, believe me. I wish I had the courage to get over it and be there for the kids. The oldest was 7 and the youngest just a baby. Of course I got help from Marys family, but eventually even the child service had to step in. I went away to get myself clean and returned after a year. He sighs. I got a job and took care of my children. I were a werewolf and knew my kids would turn werewolves at the age of 12.

You were a werewolf? Kurt asks.

John nods. Im human.

Kurt gasps in shock, even Harris was stunned. So it worked? My mom found a cure?

John swallows. She did.

But this... this could change everything. Kurt said, immediately thinking about Blaine. He remembered how much Blaine hated being a werewolf.

John nods sadly. There was a cure.

What do you mean "was"? Kurt felt all hope vanish.

My kids were  between 7 and 13 years old when I met your mother. She introduced herself and saw how much I was still struggling with the kids. We talked for hours, she was a really curious woman. John gave Kurt a pointed smile. She wasnt too shocked to find out about my true identity. Now comes the hard part. I am a born werewolf, both my parents were werewolves. I used to be a cocky young boy who thought he ruled the world. I saw humans as toys, to play with for awhile and then toss them aside. That was till I met Mary. I was in love and luckily she felt the same. After graduation we moved in together and I couldnt hide my secret. I told her everything and strangely enough she accepted. I was always confident with being a werewolf till I saw how much it affected my wife. I couldnt control my instincts to mate, it was taking a great toll on our relationship. Mary didnt want to give up and suggested we got married and began our family life. All three pregnancys were taking its toll on Mary even the doctors suggested to not have children. Mary was sick a lot. We were lucky the first two pregnancys but during the third... There was a complication and Mary died but they managed to save my son. She was everything to me. John sniffs wiping away his tears. Even when I got clean and took care of my kids I couldnt get over her death. I blamed myself, me and my wolf. I didnt want to be a werewolf anymore. After all, a werewolf baby takes more strength from a human then a normal baby.

What happened next?

Elizabeth saw my misery and wanted to help me. She wanted to make a cure. Of course there are rumors for centurys and most of them are fake. We followed a lot of clues and asked around in werewolves packs. They werent too happy at all. Theyre quite proud of their being. They didnt talk and wanted to stop Elizabeth for continuing. But she was too stubborn to give up but made sure to keep her family save for any attacks.

Thats why she changed the cutlery and gave me a necklace. Kurt said.

John nods. A few weeks later she called me to meet, she found a cure. I have no idea whats exactly in it or how. But I was so happy that I didnt ask questions. Kurt looked disappointed. He wanted to know how his mom manage to make a cure, so he could help Blaine or other werewolves. I took a cup, drank it  and everything went black. I woke up a few days later as a human.

It really worked? Kurt exclaims.

I am still human today.

Was it worth it? Do you regret anything? Harris asked.

John shakes his head. I dont regret turning human, I wish I did it sooner so that my dear Mary was still at my side. He sighs. But sometimes it does feel like a piece of me is missing. At that time it was the right decision.

Kurt bit his lip. It was a lot to think of. To take everything in. And there was a thing that bothered him. Is there more cure?

Your mom wanted to make more but when I wanted to visit her a few days later.... shes death.

The werewolves.

John shakes his head. It wasnt the werewolves who killed her. There were more people who didnt want a cure. The hunters.

Kurt frowns. But I dont understand. If you can cure a werewolf, why would they be against it?

Because they didnt believe it. Harris spoke before John could. Kurt looked at him. Lets face it, nobody ever could find a cure. Then this woman makes some or finds some from wherever. They didnt trust it, they thought it was too dangerous.

John nods. I told them everything after her dead, how save it was. But nobody would believe me. Because Ive been turned in a human I couldnt proof I was a werewolf. They said Im crazy and Im still known to be the crazy old man.

Well, youre not. We believe you. Kurt said. I just wish there was still something left from the cure.

Maybe its better this way. John said. There is more trouble ahead.

Trouble? Harris asks.

Cant you feel it? Were on the edge of a war.

Before Kurt could say anything his phone was ringing. A text message from Carole that they want to go out for lunch with the whole family. We need to go. Its nice meeting you, Mr. Hucherson.

John walked them out, grabbed hold on Kurts arm to stop him from following Harris to the car. Good luck with the baby, Kurt. Elizabeth would be proud.

Kurt thanked him and walked to the car. HIs mind still racing with what he had just discovered. The most important thing was that his mother hadnt hated werewolves, she wanted to help and as far as Kurt knew she was the only one who ever managed to make a cure. But maybe John was right. Maybe it was better to just leave things the way they are.


Burt picked up his work despite Caroles protests. He was mostly in his office and only came down for the mail. He literally ran downstairs to fetch the mail, just to be disappointed every time. Kurt found it quiet amusing but it was disturbing how focused Burt was on the mail.

Bills again! Burt mumbles.

Expecting something dad? Kurt chuckles. Burt would only mumble something and went back upstairs. Kurt hadnt told his dad about his discoverys about his mom. Mostly because Burt was too busy.

It was on the last day of their staying that Burt came back from the hallway with the mail, a happy smile on his face. Kurt sat down at the kitchen table and glanced at the mail. The only thing he saw was the letter marked with a strange symbol.  Burt quickly went upstairs.

It wasnt until later that day that things exploded. Finn and Clara were visiting again and theyll were watching MTV when Blaines new video clip came on. Burt glanced at Kurt who tensed slightly but showed no emotion. Ooh hes so hot! Clara cheered. I bet hes amazing in bed.

Ask Kurt. Finn said, sipping his beer. He was a little bit tipsy. The atmosphere changed immediately. Burt tensed, and the whole air seem to get cold.

Clara turned to Kurt. No way. You slept with him?

Eh... hes my ex. We used to date.

How long? How was he? Clara fired one question after another and didnt wait for a answer. Is he a good kisser?

Enough! Burt screams. His face red with anger. No more about that ... monster. He grabbed the remote and switched channels. Whatever that thing was he used my son for its over, Clara. Thats all you need to know. The blond girl backed away, shocked at Burts reaction.

He didnt use me! Kurt wasnt done. He was fed up with his dads behavior.

Not now, Kurt.

All he did was love me. Kurt didnt stop.

Burt turned his attention to his son. Loved you? Kurt, he hurt you. He bit you, he almost killed you.

He protected me that night! Kurt raised his voice, standing up. All Blaine did was making sure I was save, happy and loved.

Oh please, he isnt capable of love! Burt yells. Hes a monster!

Kurt stepped back, staring in shock at his dad. He had never thought his dad would talk about anyone like that. Really? Why wanted my mom to help so called "monsters" like him? She wanted to make things better and that was what got her killed.

Burts eyes widened. Bullshit. They killed my wife. They dragged her to the lake and drowned her. Your mother was killed by werewolves.

Were there any scratch or bite marks on her body? Kurt asks. Burt said nothing. Exactly. She wasnt killed by werewolves, she was killed by humans. Like you and me. Werewolves arent the real monsters here, dad.

This cant be. Burt said. Youre lying.

Kurt wanted to shake his dad or yell at him again, anything to open his eyes but suddenly he was overwhelmed with nausea and dizziness. Harris was by his side immediately and held him steady. Youre okay? You should take it slow with your condition. Shall I call the doctor?

Doctor? Condition? Burt asks. Whats going on?

Please, grab our bags, were leaving, Kurt said and Harris obeyed, almost running upstairs.

Kurt, whats going on? Carole asks confused.

Nothing, I...

Dont lie. Burt snaps. What is Harris talking about? Why do you need a doctor? Are you sick?

Kurt glared at his dad. Im not the only one whos hiding something, am I dad?

What do you mean?

Whats project X?

Burts eyes widened in shock. How... how...?

I found a file in your drawer. Dont worry I didnt read anything or else I wouldnt be asking you this. What is Project X? Why is it so important to neglect your family? Kurt asks. The last question was what bothered him the most. Burt had always been a family man and now he just neglected them.

I already told you its work. Its none of your business.

Your health is my business. What could be so damn important for you to risk your health? Kurt asks. Burt said nothing. I thought so. He walked out of the living room.

Kurt wait, Burt followed him.

Kurt stopped. Are you going to tell me the truth?

I cant.

Then we have nothing to talk about. Kurt said coldly. He was done with all the lies and secrets.

Kurt... what is going on? Why did you get so upset? What did Harris mean with doctor? Burt asks. Kurt said nothing. Burt narrowed his eyes. You arent seeing Blaine again right? Again silence. Seriously, Kurt! Harris is so much better.

Kurt clenched his fist. Its not about who you think is better, its about who I love! My love life is none of your business. He saw Harris walking down the stairs with suitcases. Lets go.

Harris nods and followed Kurt outside. Burt followed. You cant just go like this.

I dont see a reason to stay. Kurt said, loading his suitcases in the car.

Kurt... Burt wanted to stop Kurt but Harris stopped him.

Mr. Hummel, with all due respect, but its better if you leave him alone. Ill talk to him and call you later okay? Harris said,  he wasnt planning on calling Burt but he had to keep Burt away before things would go more out of hand.


Kurt and Harris didnt say anything, till they arrived in New York. Harris parked the car in front of Kurts loft. He broke the silence. So, this is it?

Im sorry, it didnt went as planned. Kurt said. I cant believe my dad... I always thought he was the most caring person in the world. He accepted me when I came out. He didnt care...

Kurt? Im not talking about your dad.

Youre not? Kurt looked up.

Im talking about us.


I heard you speak up against your dad. You made your feelings pretty clear. Harris looked at the steering wheel.

Im.... Im sorry, Harris. Kurt swallows. I cant deny my feelings, I ... He said he loved me.

Do you love him back?

I do. Kurt said softly. I dont think I ever stopped loving him.


Wait, were talking about Blaine right? It isnt another guy? Harris jokes.

Kurt playfully slapped his arm, smiling. Of course its Blaine. He sighs. Im sorry, Harris.

Im not. Harris said. I really like you Kurt but I know that you can never love me back. Its better this way and I wish you and Blaine all the love in the world. He handed Kurt a note. If you ever need a lawyer, call me.

Kurt rolls his eyes. I will. He gave Harris a hug. Thank you, Harris. For everything.

No problem. Harris smiles.

Kurt stepped out the car, unloaded his suitcase and waited till Harris was around the corner. He grabbed his phone and dialed Blaines number. He couldnt wait till Blaine would be back in New York.


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