The Beast Within Me
Chapter 38 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 38

E - Words: 4,969 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Hope you liked the new chapter!:)

Up next: Kurt visits his family and discovers he isnt the only one whos keeping secrets.

Anyone wonders what really happened to Kurts mother?

Anyway, review, I can use some motivation:)

A week past by and life goes on. Kurt went to college and his work. Blaine wasnt so happy that he was so busy and stressful. But Kurt said that it was only a few weeks and then he would have summer vacation. Blaine spent his time writing new songs. Hed to get back to LA soon to record his second album. He cancelled the summer tour to be there for Kurt and the baby. Luckily his management hadnt announced the tour to his fans so there wasnt much damage done.

Jeff and Wes settled in perfectly. They spend their days checking on fan mail and keeping Blaines site updated. If they werent busy with that, they go outside and do some sightseeing.  Blaine didnt risk going out, afraid someone would recognize him and call the paparazzos. He didnt want this situation to leak out, it was already complicated without the media. But the most important reason was that he didnt want the paparazzo finding out Kurts identity. He could only imagine the damage it will do to both of them. Kurts life would be over if the truth comes out.

As for the relationship between them. There was no progress what so ever. They woke up to Jeff taking pics of them and cheering how cute they were. Kurt had chased him out of the room while Wes smiled sympathetically to Blaine and started making breakfast. The next days Kurt slept in his own room and Blaine took the couch. As for how to take care of the baby they both agreed they would do it together. But it became clear to Blaine that Kurts mind was still with Harris, he saw him glance at his phone every so often if Harris had contacted him, but no such luck. Blaine hold his tongue and clenched his fist in annoyance. How stupid can Harris be to leave a guy like Kurt? To hurt him like this?  Blaines heart literally hurt when he saw Kurts sad face every time he found out that Harris still hasnt called back.

Blaine had to cheer Kurt up somehow. But he had no idea how. He wanted to do something special. On a hot Saturday Blaine woke up to a empty loft. Rachel and Kurt were at work, and he didnt really want to know where Jeff was. As long as Wes was with him he wont get arrested so Blaine let that ease his mind. He made a cup of coffee and sat down on his note book and scrabbled  down some lyrics.

The door opened and a distressed Kurt walked inside. He was still wearing his work clothes, he paced around fuming in anger.

Kurt, whats wrong? Blaine immediately laid down his stuff and was at Kurts side, ready to hurt the person who made Kurt so upset.

Kurt sighs. Its fine, Blaine. Im okay. He sat down, waving his hands through his hairs. Blaine noticed that he wasnt fine, Kurt would never touch his hair if he was okay. Blaine sat down and said nothing. Okay, okay. I just.... Kurt bit his lip nervously. I quit my job. He stands up and started pacing again. I just couldnt take it anymore, the shouting rude costumers, the under paid salary, the disgusting food and dont even get me started on this outfit. He looked down at his outfit in disgust. Im gonna burn this.

Kurt glanced at Blaine, who still sat in silence listening. I know its a bad time especially now with the baby and all. There is no way I can afford new baby stuff. But you have to understand, I... I want something better than working in a dinner.

I do understand. Blaine nods. You are so much better, Kurt. Life is short, you should focus on your study.

Yeah right, say that to Rachel. When I walked out she made a scene. Ive no idea how Im gonna help pay the rent.

Kurt, money wont be a problem. Ive plenty. Our baby will be fine and Jeff, Wes and I are staying too. We pay the rent, it wont be a issue. Blaine reassured.

Blaine... I cant let you pay for my stay in New York or for all baby stuff.

Blaine shrugs. Why not? Kurt, youre doing enough. You should completely concentrate on the little one. Lets see it like I finally do something too.

Kurt still didnt look convinced but eventually accepted it. Im gonna take a shower. Do you think Jeff has something that can burn this outfit?

Hmm.. we could buy some light matches? Everything is saver than using any of Jeffs stuff.

Kurt couldnt agree more and left the room to take a shower.


Jeff burst into the room, with Wes following him like a shadow. Jeff smirked widely when he saw Kurt and Blaine making a lunch for themselves. Hes been teasing the two since the first day. Are we interrupting something intimate?

Blaine glares at Jeff, Kurt rolls his eyes. If you think making lunch is a intimate thing you need your brains checked, Jeff.

He needs to check his brains anyway. Blaine said.

There arent any. Wes said.

Hey! Im standing right here! Jeff shouted. Silence. Anyway... Jeff continued. ... I do understand that your mood is so foul, my dear Blainey days. He wraps his arm around Blaines shoulder, Blaine growls annoyed. Youve been stuck here while its been beautiful outside.

Kurts head snapped up. You havent been outside?

Blaine shoved Jeff away. I cant exactly go outside. People might recognize me and I cant risk your privacy.

But you have to go outside, Blaine, you cant hide here forever because of me.

Uhuh, Exactly what I am thinking, Kurtie! Jeff said. Lets go outside.

Blaine and Kurt both narrowed their eyes at him. Why do you want us to go outside so bad?

I swear if you planned something... Blaine growls.

I did nothing. Tell him, Wes. Jeff shuffles Wes forward.

He didnt. There is a festival outside, its two blocks away, near Central Park. Wes said. There are food stands, music. We just thought it would be a good way to lose some steam. Besides there are so many people, nobody would look at you, Blaine.

Blaine bit his lip. It sounded tempted. He wanted to feel the sun on his skin and just be outside. Kurt couldnt agree more. Lets go.

What? Really? Blaine asks in surprise.

Why not? I can finally give you a tour through New York.

Okay, just let me change into a outfit. Blaine said, searching through his suitcase.


So this is Central Park? Blaine looked around in awe.

Kurt stared at him with a big smile on his face. Youve never been here?

Ive only saw it in movies. Blaine said, staring with great interest at the first tree he saw since he arrived in New York. Everything in New York existed of concrete.

Seeing Blaine so exited made Kurt also exited. The sun was shining, people were happy and friendly, everything was good. Kurt could use some fresh air and some distraction, to get his mind of Harris. Even Blaine ridiculous disguise wasnt going to put his mood down. Blaine was wearing yellow pants and a navy stripped bleu tank top. Kurt tried his hardest to ignore the biceps. Blaine wore a fake mustache and glasses that actually looked really good on him. The glasses, not the mustache.

What? Blaines voice interrupted his thoughts.


You were staring at me?

Oh. Kurt could feel a blush coming up and quickly averted his stare. Damn those tight pants and those biceps.  Do you think that disguise will be good enough?

Blaine shrugs. Well see.

They followed Jeff and Wes to the small festival. The music was welcoming them and they made their way through a small crowd, which was mostly young adults and teens. Nobody spared a glance at Blaine, so Kurt slowly relaxed.

They stopped in front of a shooting stand. Blaine grinned at Kurt. Shall we? Kurt smiled as the memory of the big Blaine-bear came up in his mind. Do you still have the bear?

Eh... somewhere in Lima. Kurt said. Kurt left out the fact that he still had the bear, hiding in his closet. After the breakup he had brought him along to everywhere. He couldnt sleep without it. It was the only thing he kept from Blaine. After he met Harris he had put the bear away, but still had it somewhere close. 

Blaine! Jeff yells, running towards them.

Kurt glanced around, if someone notice what Jeff had yelled, but everyone was busy with their own stuff. He glared at Jeff. Why dont you scream a little louder?

Sorry. Jeff said, without meaning it. Come, you have to see this. He grabbed Blaine and dragged him along. Kurt followed.

Blaines jaw dropped. In front of him was a small stage, a group of teens and a table with boring looking people. On the side there was a board with "Look - A- Like Contest". And written underneath was his own name.

Blaine Anderson.

No way! Blaine stared in shock at the board filled with names.

Its starts in a few minutes. Wes said.

Are you thinking what Im thinking? Jeff said to Blaine.

Nobody knows what youre thinking, Jeff. Blaine responded.

Write your name on it, come on! Jeff pushed.

Have you lost your mind? Im not gonna expose myself. Blaine said, glancing at Kurt.

Oh come on, B. You dont have much to lose. Nobody thinks the real Blaine will show up here. Jeff pouts.

Kurt shrugs. It could be fun.

Fine. Blaine grabbed the pen next to the board and signed himself in.

Soon the contest started and Kurt had never laughed so hard in his entire life. First the five contestants, a fifteen year old boy with a big nose, a 27 year old student with blond (!) hair, a 30 year old with big eyebrows, a 50 year old man with curly hair and a mole on his nose and the last was Blaine himself. In disguise.

The contestants needed to answer a few questions only a real Blaine fan knows. Whats his favorite collar? His favorite food? Even if Blaine answered all his questions correctly it was being denied by the jury who said they never saw Blaine eating any sushi or wearing purple. Blaine was growing more annoyed with everything, the fact that Jeff, Kurt and Wes doubled over from laughter didnt help either. The fifteen year old boy won.

The second assignment was to copy Blaines signature as best as they could. Blaine just signed his normal signature but that was ruled by one jury member as Not even remotely close. Kurt, Jeff and Wes roared with laughter and wiped away their tears. All Blaine wanted to do was to choke that jury member on his signature note. The 30 year old man won.

The third assignment was measuring their heights. Blaine was noted as Too small and "more like a hobbit". The man who was twice the height as Blaine won this assignment. Blaine scowls.

The last assignment was to sing a little bit. Blaine was confident he would win this assignment. After all, he was Blaine Anderson. Nobody could sound as close as himself, right? Wrong. Blaine had only sang one lyric when the jury stopped him and said his voice was too "flat" to ever compare to the real Blaine. Blaine had no words, he stared in shock at the jury.

The blond man won the "Blaine Anderson Look A Like contest". That was it. Blaine ripped off his mustache and glasses and yelled: I Am The Real Blaine Anderson!

Silence. The crowd stared at him like he was crazy. The jury blinked. One jury member took of his glasses.  Boy, youre not even close to the real Blaine Anderson!

With that Blaine left the stage grumpy and defeated.

What did they mean with my voice is too flat? Im never flat. Blaine snaps. Jeff and Wes were still in a fit of giggles. Im serious, guys. I have a identity crisis. He turns around. Wheres Kurt?

Jeff shrugs. I cant believe you lost a contest about yourself. You suck at being you.

Blaine didnt pay attention. He had to find Kurt. He couldnt just disappear into thin air. Something bad had happened. He could feel it. He heard a cough right behind him and turned around.

There was Kurt, holding a big Purple Stuffed Unicorn, he gave it too Blaine. Here, I shot this for you to cheer you up a bit.

Blaine stared in awe at the stuffed Unicorn. Suddenly it was the best gift he ever got. It was so soft. But most important it was purple. Everyone knew how much Kurt loaded the collar and how much Blaine loved it. Kurt did this specially for him. He hold it close to his heart. Thank you.

Kurt blushed. No problem.

Oh you got a Unicorn? Jeff cheered, wanting to grab it but Blaine growls, holding it closer to his heart and mumbles Mine!". I want one too.

Come on! Kurt led them to a shooting stand, filled with big fluffy animals. Jeff got in line.

Where did you learn how to shoot? Blaine asks, glaring at everybody who came close to his Unicorn.

I wanted to learn how to defend myself after I left Dalton. For once my dad didnt disagree and learned me everything he knows about weapons. Kurt said. I can handle my way with a gun.

Oh. Blaine didnt know what to say. Hed never expected that the overprotective Burt would learn his only son how to handle a gun. He thought Burt would keep Kurt far away from anything danger. Why is Burt doing this? From who is he trying to protect Kurt? Was Kurt in danger?

Jeff wasnt handy with a gun and soon he pouted at Kurt to take over. Kurt sighs, giving in at the adorable pout and took over, bending slightly over the stand to focus on the target. Blaine was easily distracted when he saw Kurts ass in his tight jeans.

Wow, Kurt is really good. Wes said, standing next to Blaine. He stared at his friend, obvious aware that Blaine didnt pay any attention to Kurt shooting. Blaine was almost drooling.

Blaine hummed.

Wes rolled his eyes, pushing his friend aside so he could snap out of his state. Get a grip, Blaine. Or just tell him what you feel for him.

Yeah right, he just broke up with his boyfriend. A relationship with his ex is the last thing he wants right now. Blaine scowls as a little girl blocked his view from Kurt.

You might be mistaken.

What do you mean?

Hes staring at you the same as you stare at him, like a love sick puppy. Its so obvious.

Youre delusional, Wes. He loves Harris. He thinks Harris is his soul mate.

Wes snorts. Yeah right. You two are both to stubborn to admit your true feelings. Kurt has been hurt and will probably be in denial for awhile. He doesnt know it but hes using Harris as a distraction.

Blaine stared at Wes. Since when do you know so much about this?

Wes shrugs. I miss Sammy Jo. I return to Westerville to wait for her, Im not going back with you to LA. She said shell be back this summer. I quit my job as a PA.

Blaine nodded, he understood. Wes shouldnt spend his life following him, he should live his own life and start a family, like David was doing in Westerville. Suddenly realization hit him. Wait, does that mean Im stuck with Jeff? Wes grinned widely and nodded. Blaine looked horrified. I... I cant do that. You cant do this to me.

Good luck. Wes chuckles.

Ill just send him back to Nick.

Theyre fighting over the phone yesterday, Jeff was crying. They might end at a breaking point.

Blaine looked shocked. He knew Jeff and Nick had some difficulties but he didnt know it was that bad. I always thought theyre forever. They used to be my relationship goal.

Mine too. Wes admits.

Jeff ran over to them with a yellow unicorn. Look what Kurt got me!

Blaine couldnt help the feeling of jealousy burning up. He walks to the shooting stand and looked at what he should get Kurt. He saw a big stuffed tiger and grinned eagerly at Kurt.

Oh no, Blaine I dont need one. Kurt said quickly, but Blaine was already on the move. Kurt sighs. That tiger is never going to fit in the loft.

A few minutes later Kurt was walking around with the biggest stuffed tiger ever. He could barely see where to put his feet and he kept bumping into people. I cant believe you did this.

Blaine grinned proudly. Youre welcome!

It wasnt a compliment. Kurt responded. Blaine pouted and Kurt felt himself slowly weakening. Damn I still cant resist the pout. But thank you, Blaine. Blaine smiled widely, Kurt tried to ignore the butterflys rising in the pit of his stomach. Oh no not again. I cant fall in love with Blaine again, I have Harris now.

Kurt quickly averted his gaze and concentrated on walking without tripping over the giant tiger. Blaine frowns confused. Did I do something wrong?

Come on lovebirds, I smell food! Jeff yells.


The last few weeks of school past by quickly. Kurt followed his classes and couldnt wait for summer. He would spend a few days with his family. Even Finn and his new girlfriend would be there. But he still had a few days to go. Blaine was the one who pulled him through. He picked Kurt up every day from school and then they went shopping, out to the movies or just drink something. They went shopping together because Kurt needed new clothes. His belly was growing slowly and he didnt want everybody to know just yet. Especially his dad when he visited him in a few days. He couldnt bare the rejection of his dad. So Kurt bought bigger, wider clothes to cover it up.

His size wasnt the only thing that was changing. The urge to eat a lot of meat was overwhelming and he was basically horny 24/7. He couldnt stop his thoughts swirling around his head. Especially at night. Blaine and Kurt would always watch a movie together and then Kurt would retrieve to his own bed room, the last person on his mind was Blaine. And that would stay the whole night.

Kurt had never taken so many cold showers in his whole life, Rachel began to complain about the water bill.

Blaine had his own problems. When Kurt would go visit his family he would return for two weeks to LA to record songs for his new album. Writing wasnt so easy, the only thing on his mind was Kurt. Kurt was always beautiful in Blaines mind but now he was carrying his child he was just glowing. Blaine noticed the eating changes of Kurt, the sandwiches with meat was something the old Kurt would never thought of eating.  It was all the little babys doing. A werewolf needed meat to grow and stay healthy.

Blaine couldnt help to fall deeper in love every time he and Kurt spend time together. He knew he had to do something about his feelings, he couldnt keep it hidden for long. He had no idea how Kurt felt about him. He saw him sometimes glance his way but every time he looked back Kurt quickly averted his gaze.

When Kurt announced that he made a appointment with the doctor to make a second echo to see if the baby was alright, Blaine jumped up in excitement. Hes finally going to see his baby. Of course Jeff and Wes offered to go with them.

But first there was the full moon to deal with. Rachel took the boys out to a space were more werewolves gathered at full moon. Kurt stayed behind, saying he would be asleep soon. But he stayed up all night, wondering if Blaine was all right. The boys arrived back early with dark circles under their eyes but for the rest they looked fine. Kurt was relieved and made coffee and a light breakfast.

Kurt, did you know Im good with children? Jeff asks. I can babysit once the baby is here, while you and Blaine make love.

Kurt ignored Jeffs last comment, Jeffs been this way since he arrived in New York. Really? Youre good with children?

Jeff nods. I used to baby sit my younger brother tons of times. I only dropped him twice.

Kurt gasps in shock, waiting for Jeff to laugh. But Jeff looked deadly serious and there was a glint of proud in his eyes. Kurt made a mental vow to never ever let Jeff near his child. Kurt glanced around the table. Are we ready to go? The appointment is in two hours and I wanted to do some grocery shopping before we go to the doctor.

Lets get us into more fitting clothes. Wes said, standing up.

You dont have to go with us. Blaine said.

Of course we do, B, its kinda our baby too. Jeff said, and Wes nodded his head along. They stood up and quickly went to their room.

Kurt leaned over to Blaine. If we go now, we might avoid them. Hurry grab your coat. He joked before turning around to clean the table.

Blaine couldnt take it anymore. He had to tell Kurt now how he felt. Kurt, uhm... now were alone. I want to tell you something. He gestured to the chair opposite to him and Kurt sat down. This last few weeks were.... well good right? Kurt nods but said nothing. We have fun, going out, doing things couples would do. I.. I love you, Kurt.

Kurt stared at him in disbelieve.

I.. I want to know where I stand. If we still have a chance. Blaine looked up at Kurt.

Kurt finally found his voice back and said: I dont know, Blaine. We have fun and I like to hang out with you. But if I think about it... He sighs. ... I dont think its a good thing to repeat the past, Blaine. I know youve changed, were both grown up but that doesnt mean it can work this time.

You dont know if you dont try. Blaine said. Ive tried to move on but all I could think about is you, and now were living together I just know that youre the one for me, Kurt. I dont think I can find someone else to fall in love with.

Dont say that.

Its the truth.

The footsteps of Jeff and Wes interrupted them. Were ready.

Good. Kurt gets up, walks to the door to grab his coat when a knock almost made him jump. He opened the door. Harris?

Harris stands before the door, looking around the room. He looked like crap. Dark circles under his eyes suggested he hadnt slept for days. Kurt. Can we talk in private?

Were about to leave.... Jeff said.

Sure. Kurt stepped aside to let him in. He turned to Blaine, Wes and Jeff. Guys can you already grab some grocery? Ill meet you at the hospital.

Sure. Blaine said, grabbing his coat and pulling Jeff and Wes with him.

Once theyre on the street Jeff wrinkled himself free. What the hell is wrong with you?

Blaine sighs, he had expected this. Nothing.

Nothing? Jeff exploded. Nothing! Why did you walk away? Why didnt you tell Harris to fuck off and scoop Kurt in your arms?

I told him.

Oh. What did he say? Wes asks.

He doesnt want me. Blaine said, looking at his feet. He wants Harris and thats it. Lets go get some grocery. He walks away. Jeff and Wes following behind.


Kurt and Harris talked and talked. Harris apologized for his behavior and begged Kurt for forgiveness. He had done some investigation into male pregnancys and wants to help Kurt and even take care of the baby. Kurt mostly listened and was touched by Harris dedication. It was so obvious Harris regretted walking away that day, he looked horrible. Kurt didnt realize how much he had missed Harris. Kurt gave Harris a second chance.

They both arrived at the hospital. Jeff, Wes and Blaine all glared at their locked hands. Wendy appeared, calling out Kurts name. Kurt and his friends all stand up. Wendy blinked. Eh.... Whos the father?

I am. Blaine, Jeff, Wes and Harris all said at the same time.

Wendy stared in shock at the men. Wow... He glanced at Kurt. ... just wow. Kurt blushed. He could imagine what the poor woman was thinking. But he wasnt a whore.

Harris stepped forward. Im not the biologic father but maybe adoption and... Blaine growls, clenching his fist.

Kurt sighs, quickly pulled Blaine next to him. Hes the father. Their hands locked together, Kurt didnt seem to notice but Blaine did and he grinned smugly at a glaring Harris. Blaine tightened his grip on Kurts hand, just to show Harris who Kurt truly belonged too.

Only the fathers are allowed, unless you really want...? Wendy asked Kurt.

Eh...  only Blaine is fine. Kurt said, ignoring the big pout on Jeffs face. He stepped into the room, removing his coat and glanced around. The same table, chairs, a bed and the echo machine were  there. Blaine stared around in awe, not even removing his coat and scarf, hes never been in a room like this.

Blaine? Wendy quirked a eyebrow, she reached her hand out to Blaine. Im Wendy, I guide you two through the pregnancy. I also be the one who helps with the birth.

Blaine shook her hand. Blaine Anderson.

Wendys eyes widened, she let out a squeal in excitement. The Blaine Anderson?

Eh yeah. Blaine glanced at Kurt.

Sorry for my ... my daughter is a big fan of you. Wendy smiled. She even planned her wedding already.

Really? Blaine shuffled uncomfortable. The only one he was planning to marry was Kurt.

Wendy winks. Did you know youre going to get married this summer? She planned everything. Shell be wearing a red dress... Kurt coughs to interrupt her. Wendy turned to him in surprise as if she had forgotten he was there too. She seemed to compose herself fast. Sorry. 

Doctor, can you please not tell this to anyone? Kurt asks. If the media found out that Blaines going to be a daddy...

Oh dont worry. Im not allowed to release any private information of my clients. Your secret is completely safe with me. Wendy reassured. Kurt let out a sigh of relieve and Blaine removes his scarf and coat. Well hop up the bed, so that we can take a look. Ill probably can already see the gender. Do you two want to know?

Kurt and Blaine shared a look and then turned back to Wendy and nodded. Kurt laid down, his heart beating rapidly. He winced when the cold gel was rubbed on his belly. Blaine stands next to him, staring at the screen. He couldnt believe that was his child. The feeling of proud was overwhelming.

Hes growing good, Wendy said, staring at the echo.

He? Kurt gulps.

Wendy nods, staring at the soon to be parents. Its a boy.

Kurt and Blaine stared at each other, both eyes filled with proud. Blaine averted his stare to look at the echo. He couldnt believe it. He was getting a son. Kurt blinked back his happy tears. When Wendy moved the scoop a little they could hear a heartbeat.

Kurt couldnt stop the tears any longer and just let it roll, Blaine grabbed his hand and squeezed. Kurt looked up and saw he wasnt the only one whos crying. Kurt was happy he made the right decision to only let Blaine come in. This is a private moment, between them and their unborn son.


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