The Beast Within Me
Chapter 34 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 34

E - Words: 6,112 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Oh Burt what are you doing?

Please dont hate me!! I do really believe in happy endings!

The next chapter has a timejump, I think both our boys need to grow up a little bit. (especially Blaine) So we say goodbye to Dalton and Sebastian!

Ready for the last fase of this story? Im pretty exited about the next chapter!

(fase 1 was Summer, Fase 2 was Dalton, Fase 3...)

Please stay with me? I promise we have the biggest drama behind us.

Kurt woke up at the noise of the alarm clock: 7 AM. The show would start in three hours. He got up, saw that everybody was fast asleep, grabbed his clothes he had chosen to wear  for this important event yesterday, and made his way to the shower.

He let the hot water wash away his nerves and he tried to relax his muscles. But it was no use. He was too nervous, his heart was racing. Today was the day he could change his whole future. He could finally make his dreams come true.

Kurt dried himself, got dressed and started his morning routine. The others slowly woke up, got dressed or took a shower. After Kurt made sure that his hair was perfectly he made his way to the canteen with Nick and Austin deep in conversation. Kurt only grabs a coffee, he couldnt eat. Nick glanced worriedly at him but said nothing. Wes, Jeff and David showed up but Blaine wasnt there. Hell probably was still in bed,  it was late yesterday. After eating their breakfast they walked with Kurt to the back room to help finish the last touches.

Kurts heart was in his throat when he approaches the back room, which was already crowded with the other contestants. They werent working, they were whispering, talking and pointing at something in the middle. Kurt frowns, a bad feeling rises in the pit of his stomach. Whats going on?

David lifts his chin to look over the crowd, he was the tallest of them all, but he shrugs. Cant see it. What can be so important about clothes?

Kurt and Nick both glared at him. Jeff steps forward. Wait here, Ill go look. Be back in a second. And he was gone within a blink.

Kurts jaw drops. How does he do that?

Wes shrugs. Thats what everybody still trying to find out.

When Kurt turns back again, Jeff stands before him. He screams, jumping back. While Kurt tried to push his heart back in his chest Nick steps forward, grabbing Jeffs hands. Whats going on?

Well... Jeff bit his lip.

What did you do? David glares.

I did nothing. Jeff turns to Kurt. Im sorry, Kurt.... Your...

Kurt swallows, the sad look in Jeffs face said everything. He knew what had happened. He pushed roughly through the crowd to see with his own eyes. His outfits were shattered out on the floor. Well, what was left of his outfits. Tiny bit of fabric pieces were sprawled everywhere. Everything was gone.

Kurt fell to the ground on his knees, desperately grabbing the fabric pieces together. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldnt believe this. He was so damn close. He could feel all eyes on them, nobody was talking, everybody stared at him with... pity, sympathy, shock. Kurt saw Elliot staring in shock at the ruined outfits.

Whats going on? A familiar figure pushed his way through the crowd. It was Blaine, sleepy eyes, curly untamed hair, in his Dalton outfit. He stopped when he saw the pieces of fabric and Kurt sitting in the middle with tear streamed eyes. Kurt....

Kurt glared at Blaine, standing on his feet, shaking with anger. Nick quickly made his way to his side because Kurt looked close to collapsing. You... Why?

What? Blaine looks confused. He could feel the stares turning towards him, most people even stepped away from him.

How could you do this to me? Kurt gestured to the room widely with his arms. How?

You think I did this?

Well obviously. You were the last person who was here and you didnt want me to go to Paris. Kurt snaps.

Can you just calm down? I didnt do this.

Kurt scoffs. Yeah right. So you want me to go to Paris?

Of course I dont want you to go to Paris. You know that. But I would never do this to you. I know how important this stuff is for you.

Stuff?! Kurt shrieked. He shakes his head. I shouldve known. Stupid me to trust you.

Have you lost your brains or something? Blaine frowns.

Who else couldve done this? You were the last one to lock up, Blaine. I gave you the keys. Did you lost the keys?

No, I closet the door and locked it. Blaine snaps. Im not stupid.

So you admit you were the last one? Wes interrupting the shouting match.

Yeah... but I would never...

Youre the only one with a motive to do so. Kurt said. You dont want me to go. He let the last pieces of fabrics fall out of his hand. Without a outfit to show the jury Im disqualified. Happy now?

Kurt, Blaine reached for Kurts hand but Kurt steps away.

Okay everybody who has still their outfits leave. Wes ordered. Everybody left except Kurt, Jeff, Nick, Blaine, David and Wes. Wes paced around the room. We need a solution, guys and fast.

Dont bother, Wes, its too late. We dont have enough time to fix this. Kurt stared at the damage and swallowed away the tears. All the hard work, all those hours, days and weeks spend into this, has been for nothing.

I might have a idea. Nick said. Everybody stared at him. Youll know that I love fashion right? Theyll nodded. And youll know that I want to become a doctor and not a designer right?

Cut the case, Nick, we dont have much time. David said.

Jeff growls at David, wraps his arms protectively around Nick and said. Take your time, babe. He glares at David.

Well, I like to draw and to design outfits in my free time. Nick explains. It relaxes me. I made 10 outfits, not for this show but we could use them. Theyre in my room.

Youre amazing! Wes exclaims, clapping his hands.

We cant do that. Kurt said. I... it doesnt feel right to steal your outfits you worked hard on for this, Nick. I cant accept it.

Nick shrugs. I dont use them anyway. We still have two hours to make the outfits your own, Kurt. Its the only option you have. Kurt bit his lip, deep in thought. Nick steps closer. I dont mind, Kurt. Theyll waste away in my closet otherwise, covered in dust, I think its time that they see the light and shine.

Wes and David glanced at each other. It was creepy how Nick talked about clothes as if it where his kids but the most creepy part is that Kurt seemed to understand.

Dust huh? Kurt said. Nick nods. Okay, good. Ill use them, thank you Nick. You basically save my life.

Within minutes Nick and Jeff returned with new fabrics and the outfits. Kurt glanced them over. It wasnt exactly his style but already 1000 new ideas filled his mind to make it his own. Okay lets get started, we have only two hours.

Kurt ordered everybody to do some little things, he send Jeff and David away when they started fighting. Blaine tried talking to Kurt again, he was standing in the way but he just wanted to make things right. Kurt, please. Talk to me.

Not now, Blaine, Im busy. Kurt turned his back on him to concentrate on the mannequin before him.

Our relationship is more important than a fashion show! Blaine spat, wanting to rip that mannequin apart. I didnt do this.

Blaine, not now! Kurt snaps. I need to concentrate. We can talk after the show.

Blaine narrows his eyes. Fine! You know what? Screw this! He picked up one of the mannequins and threw it against the wall, Nick quickly jumped aside otherwise he wouldve been beheaded. The last thing Blaine saw was Kurts shocked face before he left the room and closet the door with a loud bang.

Jeff and David both stared at Blaine, when he pushed through the crowd. Everybody was preparing for the fashion show. Stupid fashion show. If it wasnt for this stupid show than Kurt would come with me to LA. We wouldnt be fighting at all!

Hey Blaine, wait up! Jeff stumbled after him. Blaine sighs, he really didnt want the hyper blond around him at the moment. Whats going on? The Fashion show is that way.

I am not going to the fashion show! Blaine growls, fist clenched.

Jeff stops. What? You arent going to cheer Kurt on? Support him? This is a huge deal for him, Blaine.

Ive nothing but supportive of him, Blaine stops. He could feel his anger boiling. I admit that I dont like it that he wants to go to Paris for a year. But I accepted his dream, I supported him, trusted him to make the right decision. He scoffs. Trust is a big word. Jeff, do you think Kurt really forgave me for that kiss with Sebastian?

Jeff looks confused. Of course he forgave you. You two are back together.

Of course but when one thing goes wrong the first person Kurt blames is me. No matter what I say.

Well you were the last one who... Jeff stops when Blaine glares at him, his eyes glowing. Look, Blaine. Kurt is under a lot of stress right now, he loves you and you love him thats what matters right? After the show you two talk and everything will be all right.

I love him more than anything. I know hes the one for me, but I dont know if I am the one for him.

Blaine, thats bullshit.

Blaine shrugs. I dont even know whats real or not. I dont even know if he loves me. He sighs. I just dont know anything anymore, Jeff. He shakes his head. Everything is so fucked up. He blinks away his tears, suddenly he felt exhausted. I feel like I am the only one fighting for our relationship, Im so tired of fighting. Ive fought against my bullys, I fought numerous times against Hunter, Ive fought for my place in the pack, Ive worked hard for my place at Dalton. All I want is to spend my life together with Kurt, hearing that he has different plans is weighting down on me harder than I thought. I dont know what to do anymore.

If we learned anything is that you cant plan life, life is a rollercoaster, when you want to go right it goes left. Jeff said. You of all people should know that by now.

So I shouldnt make plans at all and live in the moment?

Exactly! Jeff smiled brightly. Blaine, my only advice is to talk to Kurt. Im sure you two can work things out. Now lets get back and make up. I miss my Nicky. He pouts.

Blaine shakes his head. Im going for a walk, I need to cool off for awhile. See you later. Jeff nodded and turns around.


Blaine walks over the school grounds back to his dorm room. He wasnt aware of his surroundings, he wasnt thinking, he was just walking. Emotions racing through his body. He was angry, disappointed, sad, all at the same time and it was just too much. And the fact that he hadnt had sex for a week now wasnt exactly helping at all.

Blaine slowly made his way to his dorm room. The hallway was empty, everybody was on their way to the fashion show. Blaine briefly wondered how Kurt was doing. Hes probably a nervous wreck, hopefully Nick can calm him somewhat down.

Blaine was so deep in thought that he almost bumped into someone again. Sebastian? What are you doing here?

Sebastian shrugs. Just out for a walk. I know I always look fantastic but Im not so much into fashion. So I skip the show. He frowns. Shouldnt you be there to support your boyfriend?

Blaine shrugs. Im not so much into fashion either.

You okay? Sebastian looked at Blaine intently.

Blaine shook his head. Far from it.

Want to talk? Sebastian asks.

Blaine looked up, their eyes locked. I dont want to talk.

 The sexual tension was between them was so thick that Blaine could hardly breathe. Blaine steps forward, quickly opening his dorm room and pulling Sebastian inside.

Blaine, what-?

Blaine pinned Sebastian against the door, closing it, and smashed their lips together.


Kurt was satisfied with his creation. They really manage to make it like him. At the end even Tim came to help. Wes tried to help but he was put out by the three fashion experts, Nick, Kurt and Tim. Wes sighs in relieve when he saw that Kurt seemed happy when he came back to check on things. Guys, the models are here, its time to get them dressed. The show starts in 15 minutes. They look so hot.

Thank you, Wes. Kurt said, staring at his outfits.

Euhm... I didnt mean... never mind. Wes rolls his eyes. Ill go find David and Jeff before they destroy everything. He disappeared again.

Kurt nodded absent, his palms were sweaty and his body was exhausted. He hadnt slept much or eaten anything today all for this moment. He looked at Nick and Tim who started to get the models dressed. Kurt missed the presence of Blaine, he always manage to calm him down. Kurt thought about the fight and regretted saying all those things to Blaine. Of course he wouldnt do this to him, but all the pressure and stress just became too much. And he rejected it all out on Blaine. Kurt made a mental note to make it up to him later, when this was all over.

Kurt helped the models get dressed, took a step back to admire his work and gave his permission that everything was perfect. The designers and models were called back stage and Kurt said goodbye to Nick and Tim, who would take their place in the audience.

Kurt paced around nervously, he quickly glanced behind the curtains, the auditorium was packed with people. He knew Burt and Carole are there too support him. He just wished he could see Blaine just a second before the show started. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to make Blaine proud, he wanted to show Blaine his dream. He couldnt see Blaine with Nick, Jeff, Wes and David who took their seats last row. Where was Blaine?

Kurt swallows back the lump forming in his throat.  Blaine isnt coming.

The music started. Showtime.

The show went by so fast that Kurt almost forgot to enjoy himself. The show was a big success and everybody was greeted with a loud applause.  Even when everybody had done his best it was obvious that the designs of Kurt and Elliot were so much better than the others. The designers were invited on stage and Kurt could hear his dad yell and he saw Nick and Jeff bounce up and down.

Isabel came on stage and held her small speech. Kurt and Elliot glanced at each other and smiled. May the best man win.

... and the winner is: Kurt Hummel!

Kurt was pulled out of his state of shock by a hug from Elliot, soon he was hugged by all of his friends and his dad kissed him proudly on his cheek, letting everybody know that Kurt was his son. Kurt couldnt stop smiling, he texted Mercedes, Santana and Brittany and let even Rachel know what happened.

Kurt couldnt be happier, the only thing missing was Blaine. He walks over at Jeff and Nick. Guys, have you  seen Blaine? I want to apologize for my behavior.

Nick shakes his head but Jeff answered: I saw him after your fight, he wanted to take a walk. I havent seen him since, but I think hes probably in his room.

Thank you. Kurt turned around but was stopped by Jeff.

Kurt, he was pretty down. Ive never seen him like that. You two really need to talk.

I know. Kurt nods. Thanks Jeff.

No problem, if you two need some counseling come to me. In Egypt they call me not for nothing "Doctor Love". Jeff winks.


Its a long story, it involves Jeff, camels and a crowd of angry man with guns... Nick encouraged. Just get your man back, Kurt. Ill try to keep Jeff of the sugar.

Kurt grins, gave them both a quick hug and made his way through the crowd. The hallways were empty and Kurt ran to Blaines dorm room. He couldnt wait to tell Blaine the good news. He stopped for his door, checked if his hair was still okay and opened the door. Hey, Blaine -

Kurt froze. All air was knocked out of him when he saw the sight in front of him. Blaine was lying on bed, completely naked and next to him lies Sebastian also completely naked.

 Blaine wipes away the sleep out of his eyes when his eyes landed on Kurt. He immediately sat upright. Kurt... He saw the hurt in Kurts eyes, he stared at Sebastian who was next to him with a big grin on his face. He turns back to Kurt, but Kurt was gone. Shit!

Blaine jumps on his feet and ran after Kurt but he was already out of the hallway. He cursed, ran back to his room and sorted out his clothes. Fuck!

Whats the problem? Sebastian shrugs. Now he finally sees how things are. Blaine, babe, come back to bed. Im ready for some more.

How things are? Blaine snaps, struggling to get his legs in his pants.

Well, yeah. I love you Blaine and you just showed me that you love me too. Now Kurt is finally out of our way we can be together.

This isnt love between us, Sebastian! This is just lust. Sex. Which means nothing without love. Blaine searched for his shirt. I let my instincts take over and made the biggest mistake of my life. Fuck, how could I be so stupid to ever sleep with you?

Hurt crossed Sebastians face. He grabs his underwear. You know what? Im done with you. I gave you everything and you just used me. Making promises to me, giving me hope every time...

Bullshit, I told you from the start of my relationship with Kurt that I chose Kurt. Itll always be Kurt. Blaine wrestled himself in a shirt he didnt even know if it was his, he didnt care, he had to make things right with Kurt.

Blaine ran down the hall to Kurts room. He didnt even make it when he was caught by his wrist by Wes and David who looked pissed as hell. In front of the door Nick waited with a shot gun, Jeff standing next to him. They knew what had happened and wouldnt let him near Kurt. Of course they knew, Blaine thought bitterly.


Kurt made his way through the snow, his bag in his hand. He wasnt leaving for a weekend, he was leaving Dalton for good. He couldnt suffer anymore heartbreak.  If he stayed his heart would break every time he saw Blaine and Sebastian together. He couldnt survive that. He didnt even know if he could survive what he had discovered a few hours ago.

Kurt had locked himself in his room, cried his heart out, made a decision and started packing. It was dark. His dad was finishing things up with Isabel. It was Friday, Kurt would tell his dad that he would be leaving Dalton tomorrow.  Kurt walked over to his car when he heard footsteps behind him. He didnt turn around, he wasnt ready to deal with Blaine.

You know we are a lot the same you know? A voice sneered. Kurt span around and stood eye in eye with Sebastian Smyth. Bullied, not accepted by anybody, different, talented, running after one man who just uses us for his own pleasure.

Kurt scoffs. Yeah right, Ill never sink so low that Ill be following a man around whos already taken. Ill never be that pathetic. He turns his back to Sebastian.

Dont you dare walk away from me! Sebastian growls. Kurt ignored him and walked to his car. Sebastian leached out and grabbed Kurt by the throat pinning him down against a car. The bag fell to the ground and Kurt tried to wriggle his way free but Sebastian only tightened his grip. Kurt gasps desperately for oxygen. Sebastian grins at the panicked look on Kurts face. I shouldve done this a long time ago. I just shouldve killed you when I drugged you. Kurts eyes widened. Sebastian leans closer, a wicked smile on his face. Want to know another secret?  He leans close to Kurts ear. I destroyed your clothes!

Kurt tried to kick him or use his arms to get free but Sebastian was just too strong. Sebastian squeezed harder. Too bad nobody will know the truth now. Bye, bye, Kurt.

Wrong, I heard you! A familiar voice.

Sebastian turns around in shock, losing his grip on Kurt who fell hard in the snow gasping for air. Blaine was standing there, eyes glowing, his teeth bared, his claws clenched into fist. Blaine... I...

You where the one who drugged him?

Sebastian swallows.  Eh... yes but I can explain just listen to me...

But it was too late. Sebastian didnt even get a chance to run or take a breath before he was attacked by Blaine.

Kurt shakes his head in a attempt to stop the dizziness. Blaine and Sebastian were rolling around, blood was dripping from Sebastians face. Blaines skin darkened again, his eyes were pitch black but he didnt notice. The only thing on his mind was to kill.

Kurt got on his feet, planning to run to his car and hide till it was over. He looked at the fight and knew he had to stop this. If Blaine killed Sebastian he would change. Despite everything, he couldnt let that happen. Blaine, stop! Blaine didnt listen and kept hitting Sebastian everywhere. Kurt could hear something break. Blaine!

Blaine looked up, his face covered in Sebastians blood. Sebastian took the opportunity and threw Blaine of off him. He wanted to flee but Blaine was faster, grabbing him by his color and throwing him against a car. He slowly walked over to the unconscious body to finally kill him off.

Kurt jumped in front of him. Blaine, please. Stop! Hes not worth it. Blaine turned his pitch black eyes on Kurt. Kurt swallows. Blaine didnt even seem to recognize him. He tried to brush passed Kurt but Kurt refused to step aside. Blaine growls annoyed, grapping Kurt roughly by his chin. Kurt gasped in shock as teeth sank into his neck. He couldnt make a sound, not call for help as he could feel the teeth sinking even further. He heard screams, but they were too far away, they would be too late. Kurt could feel his blood dripping, the pressure on his neck loosened and he stared in those hazel brown eyes he once loved so much. Blaine...

Then everything went black.

Oh god, Kurt! Blaine spit out the blood, shaking Kurts unconscious body. Im so sorry.

What did you do? Nick was by his side immediately, out of breath. He had seen the fight between Sebastian and Blaine, he had warned Jeff, Wes and David and then made his way over. Blaines shirt was soaked with blood and Nick glanced at the gaping wound. He stared in disbelieve. You bit him! I cant believe this. Let him go!

Wes, David and Jeff arrived and gasped in shock at the sight in front of them. Blaine let go of Kurt. Nick immediately pulls of his jacket and hold it against the wound. We need to bring him to the hospital wing. Now!

Jeff picked Kurt up bridal style and ran, followed by Wes, David and Nick.


He did what?! Burt shouted in anger.

Please Mr. Hummel calm down, panicking wont help anybody. Mrs. Schuffer said, trying to reassure the people around her and herself. In the 20 years she worked for Dalton, shes never seen such a brutal attack.

Burt turns around and glared. Carole was by his side, tears in her eyes. Burt, shouting wont help Kurt at all.

I know Carole, its just... Burt stared through the window at the hospital wing. Kurt lay there unconscious for  hours now, his face bruised and pale, his neck was covered in bandages.  Burt clenched his fist. He made a promise to Elizabeth a long, long time ago. He would keep his son save, always. And now he end up hurt again. Hes my son, Carole.

Carole squeezed his arm. I know, hes just as much as my son. Kurt is strong, hell get through this.

The door opened and James, Elise and Blaine entered the room.  Wes and David both needed to jump up to prevent Burt from attacking Blaine. How dare you show up here? Burt shouted.

We know what happened, Burt, we all care about Kurt and want to know how he is. James said calmly.

Thats none of your business! Burt snaps. He narrows his eyes when Blaine walks up to the window to take a look.

The door of the hospital opened and Mrs. Hampfry appeared. Nick, Jeff, Wes and David also stand up and soon the whole room was surrounding the petite nurse.

How is he? Will he live? Burt asks, his voice shaking.

Most definitely, Mrs Hampfry nodded, smiling friendly. He lost a lot of blood but he should be on his feet in a few days. All he needs is lots of rest. She nodded at Nick. If Mr. Duvall hadnt found him and took immediately actions... well lets not think about that.

Does he.... ehm... does the bite... Is my son turning into a werewolf now?

That only happens when a werewolf is fully transformed, only with full moon, James answered.

Burt glared at him, turning to Mrs. Hampfry again. Can we see him?

Only two people at the time can visit him. Mrs. Hampfry said. I suggest family first, later  friends. Hell wake up soon. She walks to her office, followed by Mrs. Schuffer who started asking questions about Sebastian.

Burt and Carole walked into the room, leaning over Kurts bed.

Come babe, you need to rest. Jeff pulls Nick on his feet. Nick hasnt said anything since the attack and Jeff was worried about him.

Nick shook his head. I need to stay here. Kurt needs me.

Kurt will be here for a couple of days, we cant do anything for him at the moment and you need to rest. You know that Kurt will only worry if he wakes up and you look like a zombie. Its not helping anybody. Come.

Nick sighs, finally giving in and leaving the room with Jeff. Wes and David quickly followed.

Okay, lets go too. James stands up.

Im not going anywhere. Blaine said, still staring at the unconscious form of Kurt.


No, its my fault. I need to talk to Kurt.


Ill start the car. Elise said, giving Blaine a hug and leaving the room.

You know what to do dont you? James asks once Elise was gone.

Blaine nods. But I love him.

I know and he loves you, everybody can see that. James said. But its too dangerous. If you continue like this he might not survive it, or you. You put yourself in dangerous fights that could be fatal for you.

I want to say goodbye, dad. I need to say goodbye. I need to make things right.

James nods. Promise me youll come home when youre done. Mom and I expect you home by midnight if not... Ill drag you out of here personally, understood?

Blaine nods. James gave him a hug and left the room.


The first thing Kurt saw when he opened his eyes was Burt and Carole. He could feel a sticking pain in his neck but the nurse reassured him that would be over in a few hours.

This is it, Kurt, Ive reached my limit. Burt began. Ive talked to Mrs. Schuffer and Im taking you home. Youre not going back to Dalton and youll never see him again, understood? To Burts surprise Kurt nods. Burt sighs. I know you love him, Kurt but this has gotten out of hand. Its too dangerous.

I know, dad.

But Burt wasnt done yet. Ill make sure you get homeschooled properly. Nobody can hurt you when youre at home, Ill make sure of that. Dont worry, youll get your degree at the end of the year. Burt looks sad. Im sorry its not the big moment you always dreamed off.

Kurt shrugs, winced when pain shot through his neck to his spine. Damn it hurts. Dreams change.

Burt and Carole both nodded.



Im still allowed to go to Paris for a year right?

What? No!

Ive worked hard on this and I deserve this.

Not without any protection you are!

Burt, please! Carole placed her hand on Burts chest to calm him down. Kurts right, he worked hard on it and he has talent for it. I think he should at least get a chance to chase his dreams, dont you?

Burt mumbles something but eventually nodded. Okay, you can go.

Thank you dad. Kurt gave him a awkward painful hug. He yawns. Im so tired.

Were getting the hint. Burt teased. Sleep,  Carole and I are sleeping in guestrooms a little big further down the hall.

Really dad?

Im not letting my son alone like that. If I did I would be the worst dad ever wont I?

Kurt rolls his eyes but was grateful his dad stayed. It made him feel a little bit saver. They said goodbye and just when Kurt dozed off in a sleep, the door opened and Blaine slipped inside.

Kurt opened his eyes. Blaine walks over, staring at him a little uncomfortable. What was there to say? There was plenty to say, but how to begin?

Im sorry.

Dont. I forgive you. Kurt said, barely a whisper.

Blaine frowns. How? After all Ive done?

Dont question it, accept it. I dont want to spend the rest of my life like a bitter man who cant forgive his ex boyfriend. I refuse to become like that.

 Blaine nods, sitting down in a chair next to the bed. Kurt said nothing. He made it clear. Blaine let his head fall into his hands. I didnt expect it to end like this.

Me neither. Kurt admits. Maybe we both wanted it too much. The relationship to work. Its hard to follow both one dream when we both have different dreams.

What do you want?

My life back. My normal life back, thats what I want most of all.

Blaine swallows, he understood it clear. Kurt didnt want any contact with him or any other werewolf anymore. I understand.

Kurt sighs. I just... I just cant handle this anymore, Blaine. The fighting, the problems, the hospitals, its just too much. One moment youre the perfect boyfriend, the next youre...

.... a beast. Blaine finished. Kurt didnt correct him.

Its too much for me to handle. Im exhausted. I cant go on like this. Kurt swallows. I cant suffer another heartbreak. Its not fair towards me.

Blaine nods. Ill leave you alone. Their eyes locked. This is it.

Yes. Kurt blinks back his tears.

I love you, Ill always love you. Blaine could feel tears dripping from his cheeks.

I love you too, Kurt admits. But sometimes love isnt enough.

Blaine nods, standing up, he glanced one last time at Kurt and left the room.


Kurt stayed in the hospital wings, getting visits from his roommates, Tim and Jeff, Wes, Nick and David every day. They often make jokes about the other person in the room: Sebastian Smyth. He was covered in bandages and looked like a mummy. His recovery would take a lot longer than Kurts, and Kurt couldnt help but feel like justice has served. Blaine didnt visit Kurt anymore.

A few days later Kurt was on his feet, saying goodbye to his friends and he was leaving Dalton forever. Blaine let him go, he had heard that Kurt was getting homeschooled and he wont be returning to Dalton.

Burt brought him home and made sure his son had everything he need. Carole was a nurse and has taken days off to take care of Kurt for the first days at home.

Burt felt safely enough to leave them alone and to turn the car around and head to Westerville.


Mayor, you have a visitor! A security guard yells into the intercom.

The Mayor growls annoyed. He had just gotten off the phone with the Japanese World leader and that conversation didnt go well. Damn those Japanese for being so stubborn.  I dont want any visitors, Anton.

Ehm... he says its important. His name is Burt Hummel, hes a member of the government, sir.

Let him in! The Mayor said. He sat up straighter wondering what Burt Hummel wanted. The door opened and Burt Hummel stepped in. Mr. Hummel, nice to meet you.

Burt nodded, shaking the outstretched hand. He glanced around the expensive office. A little to neat for his taste.

How can I help you? The Mayor gestured for Burt to sit, Burt obeyed.

I heard that you are developing a program to destroy the species called werewolves?

The Mayor nods. You know of their existence?

Burt scoffs. I know yeah, my son used to date one till he end up hurt.

The Mayors eyes widened, finally connecting the dots between Kurt Hummel and Burt. Wait, youre sons name is Kurt?

Burt nods. You know him?

I know his boyfriend and their family.

Ex boyfriend. Burt corrected.

Its about time your son made a wise decision and broke up with that scum. Ive tried to warn him but he didnt want to listen.

Youve really warned him?

Sure did. The Mayor gave him his toothy smile. The Andersons are the worst. They act like saints but dont turn your back on them or they bite.

Burt clenched his fist. I want them gone. Ill give you my support to get rid of them all. I dont care what you need, money is no issue.

We need money to build weapons, Mr. Hummel.

Not a problem.

It takes time.

Again, not a problem. As long as theyre all gone at the end.

The Mayor smiles. He couldnt believe his luck. I think we have a deal, Mr. Hummel.


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