Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked it, its a bit long, ill try to make the other chapters shorter. So, any ideas what Blaine might be?
When Kurt walked down to the kitchen the next morning he could feel a odd tension in the whole house. He saw Nick, Jeff and Wes sitting around the kitchen table, but it was silent. Kurt wondered if someone died and when he didn't saw Blaine anywhere he feared the worse. ‘What's going on?'
Everyone turns around to look at him. Nick put on a fake smile. ‘Hi, Kurt. We're waiting for you.'
‘For me?' Kurt frowns. ‘Why? Did something happen? Is my dad okay?'
‘calm down, for all I know you're dad is fine,' Nick said calm. ‘Do you want toast?'
‘Eh… no..'
‘You need to eat something.'
‘I'm not that hungry.' Kurt sat down next to Nick. ‘What's going on?'
Wes sighs, leaning his head on his arms. ‘Blaine and David got into a huge fight last night.'
‘About what?'
‘Sarah.' Jeff answered.
Kurt felt guilty immediately, he was in Westerville for 2 days and he already caused a fight between two friends. ‘Oh.'
‘It's not your fault, Kurt. You didn't say that Blaine and David needed to be stubborn and fight about it.' Nick said softly.
‘But if I wasn't here they would never fight over it.'
Jeff shrugged. ‘You are here and you're 10 times more fun to hang around then that Sarah girl is. She was horrible.'
‘Guys, let's not back stabbing each other okay?' Wes said firm. ‘Sarah was a part of our group for the last three years and David was crazy about her.'
‘He's better off without her,' Jeff said. The two boys glared at each other.
‘Not you two too,' Nick sighs. ‘Let's do something fun.'
‘I'm not moving till Blaine gets back,' Wes huffed.
‘Where is Blaine?' Kurt asks.
They all looked at him like he was crazy. ‘Like we said, he got in a huge fight with David last night,' Jeff said.
‘Yeah, last night, where is he now?' Kurt frowns. ‘Oh my… he's in the hospital isn't he? Or…. Even worse… dead and you don't want to tell me. I can handle the news, I've been through it with my mother.'
‘Is he for real?'
‘Calm down, Kurt, Blaine is fine,' Nick said, ignoring Wes and Jeff. ‘I mean, I'm sure of it. Blaine can handle himself. David is maybe bigger and angry but he would never truly hurt Blaine. They're friends, they just need time to work it out.'
‘A whole night?'
Jeff shrugged. ‘It happens a lot. We all have big ego's.'
‘Oh.' Kurt sighs. ‘I still don't want them to fight over something stupid, maybe I can look for them.'
‘No need, Kurt, they'll be back. Let's do something fun. I'm bored,' Nick pouts at Jeff.
Jeff wraps a arm around Nick. ‘What do you want to do, babe?'
Kurt perked up at Nick's words. He loved shopping.
‘The shops are closed because of the festival tonight.' Jeff pointed out. Nick sighs. ‘Don't be sad, I can entertain you in our room. I'll show you the clothes I'm wearing.' He winked.
Wes quickly looked away, suddenly interested in the table, Kurt blushed and avoided Nick and Jeff too. Nick blushed but took Jeff's hand and they disappeared upstairs.
‘Young love,' Wes muttered.
Kurt nods understandingly as possible, even if he didn't have any experience in the love department. He didn't want to sound as a complete loser in front of someone like Wes. Wes looked like he was someone in control and that he loves control. With Blaine, Jeff and Nick Kurt felt a little bit more comfortable, they just had a little bit more fun attitude.
‘I'm going to find David and Blaine and bring their asses back before tonight,' Wes stood up. ‘You really need to loosen up a little bit Kurt, we're not going to hurt you. Also you should eat something.'
Kurt didn't really know how to react but Wes wasn't waiting for a answer as he left the kitchen. Kurt was still progressing why everybody around here was so nice to him. He wondered if Blaine told them anything about his past or his sexuality. Would they care? Jeff and Nick seemed to be completely accepted so that wasn't a big deal around here. I hope. Kurt opened the fridge because his stomach was demanding some food. He found some cornflakes and ate it slowly. Then he walked back to his room, it already was his safe place in this house. He scrolled through his messages, mostly Mercedes about how he was and if he and Blaine were a item now. He scrolled through his phone list and paused at ‘Dad'. He really wanted to call his dad and talk to him, like he talked to Blaine. But then he thought about Burt's heart attack and he decided against it. Maybe tomorrow.
Kurt sighs. Yes he was a coward, he was running from his problems all his lives. Blaine could tell him anything but it wasn't as easy to just stand up and change his whole life around. Instead of calling Burt he dialed Mercedes number.
‘Hey boo!' Mercedes voice.
‘Hey Cedes!'
‘Okay, wait a moment, I need to sit. Sam move over!' She yelled and Kurt heard mumbling and rushing sheets. Since when brought Mercedes a boy over? She was a worse prude then me. ‘Okay, talk to me.'
‘Sam he?' Kurt couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointment and she hasn't told him yet. They always tell each other everything.
‘eh… yeah… he's helping me with some studying.'
Kurt didn't really know what to say. It was summer, no way Mercedes was studying. He never expected her to lie to him like that. ‘It's summer, Cedes. I… why do you lie to me? I told you about Blaine and we're not even dating.'
‘I'm sorry, Kurt.' Mercedes sound sad. ‘I just don't want anyone to know yet. It's too soon.'
‘well, I'm not telling anyone because I'm sitting here alone with people I barely know!' Kurt snapped, wiping the sweat of his forehead. Damn, why was it so hot?
‘They aren't mean to you are they? Or I'm coming over right now and I'm slapping them until they can't speak!'
Kurt smiled at the protective behavior of his best friend. Everyone should run when Mercedes Jones was in a rage. ‘No they're really nice and they try to make me feel at home.'
‘Good. So…. How are you doing and why don't you sound happy?'
‘I'm bored. Blaine is out, nobody is home. We're going tonight to a festival.' Kurt took a deep breath, trying not to sound to happy. ‘He asked me!'
‘I'm not lying, Cedes. We talked yesterday and I didn't embarrass myself and besides hot, Blaine is actually nice to me.'
‘Wow, he must be a Prince Charming or something. Send me a pic.'
‘Does he have Facebook?'
Kurt frowns. ‘I don't know.' I didn't even think about that, I could totally cyber stalk him. Stop it you sound like a creep. He could hear Mercedes typing.
‘No Blaine Anderson on Facebook. How can he not have a facebook? It's 2014!' She sighs, full of disappointment and Kurt couldn't agree with her more. ‘Okay what did you talk about yesterday?'
Kurt told her about his almost drowning (‘let me slap that bitch!' Mercedes exploded), how Blaine carried him inside, how he woke up with him besides the bed. He didn't tell Mercedes about his bruises. ‘… and I told him I'm gay.'
Mercedes gasps. ‘What did he say?'
‘Well, he didn't beat me up and he said he didn't care.' Kurt couldn't help but smile. It was the millionth time he wondered how Blaine could be real.
‘Is he gay too?'
‘I don't know.'
‘Boo, he's totally flirting with you. It's quite obvious if you ask me.'
‘I can't ask him if he's gay.'
‘Why not? You revealed it to me when I was in love with you. I don't understand why you can't do it. Blaine doesn't seem a guy who would laugh in your face, Kurt. What I hear from you about him, he seems cool.'
‘yes but what if he's straight? I mean I can't handle another heartbreak and I don't want to smash his car window.' Kurt laughs because he knew his friend was rolling her eyes at him right now. ‘He's perfect, Cedes and I'm not. I have baggage.'
‘everyone has baggage. We saw Rent a millionth times. Listen, Kurt, nobody is perfect. You really need to take a chance on Blaine, you deserve love, if you like him, you should ask him out. The worst thing is that he says “no” and then you can move on to the next hot piece of ass.'
Mercedes was right, but I'm a mess with romance. I've never been in a date or interested enough in a guy to ask him out. It would be so awkward if Blaine said ‘No'. They needed to spend weeks in one house. Kurt groaned. There was too much at stake, he couldn't live for weeks in a tension filled house.
‘I need to go, Kurt,' Mercedes said. ‘Have fun tonight and I need to know details if Blaine is a good kisser. Bye!' She quickly hang up.
At 4 PM someone knocked on Kurt's door, Kurt was happy with the distraction because he was bored to dead. ‘Come in!'
Nick poked his head inside. ‘Are you almost ready? Wes texted me that Blaine and David are on their way to pick us up.'
Kurt blinks. ‘What? Now?'
Nick nods. ‘They should be here in 10 minutes.'
'10 minutes?!' Kurt jumped up and ran to his closet. ‘I need to sort out my clothes, my hair is a mess.' He sniffs. ‘And I stink, I need a shower.' He ran to the shower and closed the door.
Nick chuckled. ‘You're going to be fine, Kurt. I'll help you pick up some clothes. We'll be done in a half hour.'
Two hours later Kurt and Nick finally made their way down. Kurt was wearing a blue tight shirt and tight jeans, his hair was perfectly styled and he went through his skincare longer then necessary. He just wanted to look perfect. If Mercedes was right and Blaine was interested, Kurt would notice with this outfit. He just needed a sign and he promised himself he would go for it.
Blaine and David were laughing sitting at the kitchen table, Wes stood leaning against a wall and Jeff was impatiently waiting for Nick.
Elise looked up when both boys walked down. ‘wow, Kurt, you look hot.' She winked.
Kurt could feel his cheeks heat up immediately. Great, I'm making a good impression by blushing at every compliment I get. ‘thank you.' He glanced over at Blaine, who looked absolutely delicious in just a simple white tank top, black jeans, curls hanging lose, but he only smiled.
‘ready to go?'
Kurt tried not to show disappointment because Blaine didn't react at all. Yes he quickly roamed his eyes over his outfit but everyone did that after Elise's comment. Instead of sighing heavily and running back to his room to cry dramatically, he put on a fake smile and nods. ‘I'm ready.'
The drive to town was filled with chatter, singing (mostly Jeff and Nick casually bursting out in love songs), Wes shouting because of their behavior, David trying to calm Wes down and Blaine humming to the radio. Kurt sat silently next to Blaine in the front, Blaine was driving.
‘You okay?' Blaine asks softly, looking at Kurt.
‘I'm fine.'
‘Okay. You know you can talk to me about anything okay?'
‘I know, but some things you can't fix for me.' It was out of his mouth before Kurt realized. His mission of the night was that he would ignore Blaine the rest of the night so he could forget how hot he looked in his outfit.
Blaine shrugged and put on his bright smile. ‘I can try!'
Kurt smiled, before he could respond back Wes leaned forward. ‘Kurt, do you know about Blaine's Jibber Jabber dance?'
‘Blaine's what?!'
Jeff laughs. ‘he'll show you.'
‘His Jibber Jabber dance is legendary.' David agreed.
‘What's a Jibber Jabber dance?' Kurt asks, glancing over to Blaine who was blushing bright red. He could see that Blaine wanted to disappear.
‘Blaine made it up and he's the only one who can pull it off,' Nick said. ‘If we get him drunk enough tonight he's going to do it.'
‘I am not going to do that dance, guys!' Blaine snapped, glaring quickly at his friends before concentrating on the road ahead.
Wes pulled out his phone. ‘I have it taped somewhere, Kurt. Wait a minute.'
Luckily for Blaine, they have arrived. The music and people overwhelmed Kurt a little. Blaine parked the car and they stepped out. ‘We'll meet here again after midnight, guys. My dad needs the car tomorrow morning for work.' They all nodded and disappeared.
Kurt waited till someone invited him along but Wes saw Sammy Jo with a couple of her friends walking by, David goes straight to the bar and Nick and Jeff were gone before he could blink. The only one left was Blaine, who was bend over to back trunk of his car. Great!
Blaine pulled out a leather jacket and locked the car. He turned around and smiled when he saw Kurt. ‘So it's just you and me.' Kurt nods. ‘Come on, I'll show you the good things.' He grabs Kurt's hand and walks to the heap of people. Kurt stared at their locked hands and tried hard not to faint. How could Blaine be real?
‘If you're cold, just say it, you can put on my jacket,' Blaine said.
‘Okay, I'm fine.' Kurt blushed.
‘It will cool down tonight.'
They walked past eat stands and the food smell almost overwhelmed Kurt. Blaine easily pushed past the people with a big polite smile and Kurt tugged along because Blaine still hold his hand. The people smiled back at Blaine and some shook quickly his hand and asked how his dad was doing. Blaine quickly answered back but nobody really paid attention to Kurt, which he didn't mind. The change he would remember the names of all these people was near to impossible. Finally Blaine could get away from a group of girls and tugged Kurt away to a quitter area.
‘So you're quit the popular guy. Everyone seems to know you.'
Blaine shrugged, looking down to their locked hands and quickly let go, Kurt almost whined at the lost of contact. ‘Popular is a big word.'
Kurt looked back at the giggling group of girls Blaine just talked to. ‘The girls seem to think different.'
Blaine rolls his eyes but didn't continue the topic. ‘Want something to drink or eat?' He looked at a ice cream stand. ‘Want a ice cream?'
Kurt looked over at what Blaine was looking at, he knew a ice-cream was bad for his diet but they looked delicious.
‘They have the best ice in the world,' Blaine said, as if he could read his mind.
‘Good,' Kurt searched his pockets for his wallet but Blaine stopped his hand.
‘It's on me, Silly, I asked you, I pay.'
‘Oh but….'
‘Strawberry?' Blaine asks, already walking to the ice cream stand.
Kurt nods. It was his favorite. How did Blaine know?
Blaine quickly returned with two strawberry ice creams, he handed one to Kurt and found them a seat against a tree. ‘What do you want to do? We could go to the mirror labyrinth. It's pretty awesome.'
‘But… what if I get lost?' Kurt said, trying not to pay too much attention at Blaine licking his ice.
‘I'll find you.'
‘What if you get lost to?'
‘Then we're lost together, it's better than alone.' Blaine quipped back. They ate their ice in silence for awhile, so Kurt had a chance to look at the people. They all seemed to know each other and Kurt felt kinda left out. He wished the New Directions could be here, at least he knew more people. ‘So Mirror Labyrinth?'
Kurt nods and follows Blaine until something caught his eye. A big Ferris wheel. ‘Oh my gaga… I've always wanted to be in one!' He walked towards it but noticed Blaine didn't move with him, he turns around to look at his friend. ‘What's wrong?'
Blaine shifted nervously on his feet. Was that a blush? ‘I… I'm afraid of heights.'
Kurt blinks. Blaine just ruined the image that Kurt had of him, like that of a superhero who wasn't afraid of anything. ‘What?'
‘Don't laugh at me. I just… I like to stay with my feet on the ground.'
Blaine nods. ‘But if you want to go, I'll wait here.'
Kurt looked back and forth between the Ferris wheel and Blaine and the decision was easy. He walked back to Blaine. ‘It seems lame anyway, come on let's go to the mirror Labyrinth.' Blaine smiled his bright smile and Kurt almost melted.
Kurt entered the mirror labyrinth first and a creepy uncomfortable claustrophobic feeling crept on him immediately. He kept on walking though, he didn't want to sound like a loser in front of Blaine. Especially after everything that had happened. At least I can check if my hair is still good.
Kurt followed a couple of girls who were a giggling mess. He recognized Sarah as one of them but luckily she hasn't seen him yet. He quickly made a right turn so he wouldn't run into her for sure. Kurt kept walking and walking and it felt like he was walking around for hours. Soon he was surrounded by mirrors and was lost. Great, Blaine was probably waiting at the exit by now.
His own reflection was surrounding him and he tried to stay calm but he just couldn't find a exit. Before he could have complete panic attack he heard a familiar voice.
Blaine. ‘Eh…. I'm here… somewhere.' Kurt looked around to find the source of the voice. Silence and he could hear footsteps from the right and he saw Blaine walking his way.
‘There you are! You okay?'
‘Yes just a little bit lost.' Kurt quickly followed Blaine to the exit. He just wanted to get out of here.
‘Well nobody goes to the center of the labyrinth, it's almost impossible to find you there,' Blaine explains.
‘If it was impossible then how did you found me?'
‘Your scent.'
Kurt frowns, sniffing his armpits. I don't stink. ‘Are you saying I stink?'
Blaine's eyes widened and he turns to see Kurt's hurtful face. ‘No… of course you don't stink. I … just.'
‘Never mind, just let's get out of here,' Kurt past him and took a deep breath into the cool air. He shivered. It was getting cold and Blaine's comment didn't help either.
‘Kurt, I really didn't mean it like that. You don't smell bad, you smell delicious.' Blaine sighs, stopping behind him. ‘Everyone has a scent and you just stand out.'
‘This doesn't make me feel better, Blaine.'
‘It should because I never smelled someone as good as you,' Blaine moved in front of him and pouts. ‘I meant it as a compliment.'
Kurt frowns but he could feel his heart melt at Blaine's adorable pout. ‘It's a weird compliment. Does everyone around here remembers someone's scent?' They looked at each other and laughed because this whole situation was ridiculous.
‘I guess it's just me,' Blaine shrugged.
‘I thought you were pretty much perfect,' Kurt admits. ‘Guess I was wrong.'
Blaine smirked. ‘You think I'm perfect? Nobody is perfect.'
If it existed you came pretty close to perfection. ‘I know. It was just a joke,' Kurt looked away.
‘we're okay, right? I don't know why I made a comment about your smell, It's stupid.'
Kurt shrugged. ‘It's weird, not stupid and you said I smell delicious so I can take it as a compliment. We're good, Blaine.' He walks toward the eat stand and Blaine fell in step next to him. ‘You must have a great sense of smell if you can smell me through all the mirrors.'
‘I guess,' Blaine shrugged. ‘If you want we'll go into the Ferris Wheel.'
‘Are you sure?' Kurt eyed him curiously. ‘Because you look like you're about to throw up only because you mentioned it.'
Blaine sighs and shook his head. ‘I can't do it, sorry.' He stopped in front of a shooting stand. ‘Let me shoot something for you to make it up.'
‘Oh, but I already told you that it was okay, I'm over it.' But Kurt saw the enthusiasm in Blaine's eyes as he was looking at the stuffed animals you could win and he sighs and looked over to the stuffed animals.
Blaine leaned closer. ‘Please pick the big bear.'
Kurt frowns, looking over at his friend who bounced on his feet and points to the biggest stuffed animal bear Kurt has ever seen. How can Blaine be so serious and child like at the same time? He was adorable. ‘Okay the big BROWN bear, Blaine. The Black one doesn't go well with my complexion.'
Blaine grinned, like a two year old. ‘One bear coming up.' And he walked over to the stand.
A minute later Kurt walked around with a big bear in his arms, he almost tripped a few times over it. ‘I can't believe you won a bear.'
‘I told you,' Blaine trying to look behind the bear to see Kurt.
‘Well, it's not common for people to say I'm going to win that bear and actually do it. Can you say I'm going to be a millionaire?'
Blaine rolls his eyes but couldn't hide the smile. ‘It's not that weird, my dad took me to the festival since I was little. I'm a pro.' He looked at his phone. ‘We need to get back.'
Kurt looks around the huge crowd. Is it just me or is it getting busier with the minute? ‘Eh…. I have no idea where we are.'
‘Come on,' Blaine grabs Kurt's hand again and led them through the crowd.
Kurt saw girls looking at them while they passed by. Their looks said enough but Kurt was still confused. Blaine obvious didn't have any problems with physic contact with someone who was gay. Maybe it was time to do what Mercedes said, in few minutes they would be meeting the guys and Kurt knew he wouldn't get another change like this. But before Kurt could say anything Blaine quickly pushed him behind a stand. ‘What's wrong?'
‘Sssh, my ex!' Blaine hissed, pushing the bear on top of him so he was completely invisible for the crowd, but it also made Kurt look ridiculous and pathetic. Hiding behind a stand with a bear. Kurt tried to peer over the stand to glare at Blaine's ex. But he had no idea which one could be Blaine's ex. There were hundreds of girls out there. ‘Is he gone?'
Wait “he”? Kurt jaw dropped staring at the bear/Blaine. ‘eh…'
‘Blond curly hair, cocky head?' Blaine described him, not noticing Kurt's shock.
Kurt looked again and saw the only guy with blonde curly hair just turning around and disappear into the crowd. ‘He's gone.' Blaine stands up and sighs in relief. ‘So, I assume it was a bad break up?'
‘You can say that, it was like a horror movie,' Blaine gave Kurt's bear back. ‘at first it was amazing, but Jeremiah was bossy and we're just grew apart. I broke up with him a year ago and every time he sees me he throws a fit.' He sighs. ‘It's never fun to break up with someone you still love.'
‘you still love him?' Kurt felt his heart slowly break.
‘No, like I said it was a year ago, I'm over it. I know now that we were never meant to be. I'm still waiting for the one, like everyone.'
Kurt nods. He understood, well not exactly he was waiting for a guy to notice him. ‘Why are all the girls staring at you if you're gay?'
‘I had my straight period, the time I didn't know who I was,' Blaine explains.
Kurt smiled. He had that with Brittany. ‘Oh me too.'
Blaine frowns. ‘Really?'
Kurt saw something else in Blaine's eyes but couldn't figure out what. It looks a lot like jealousy. ‘eh.. yes. Her name was Brittany, she is my friend. We made out one time, that's it. We didn't you know….' Kurt blushed. Oh stop it Hummel. You can't even say ‘Sex' without blushing what is Blaine suppose to think of you? That you're a virgin? Well that's true.
But Blaine only nods and walked further towards the parking place. Kurt followed and was amazed how quickly the mood could change between them. He didn't know what to think about Blaine. He was more mysterious then he thought. Well at least you know he's gay too.
How further they walked away of the huge crowd how colder it became. Kurt couldn't help but shiver. Blaine noticed it too and handed him his jacket. ‘Here'
Kurt glanced over at Blaine with his tank top. ‘don't you need the jacket yourself?'
Blaine shrugged. ‘I'm fine. Otherwise I wouldn't offer it do I?'
Kurt need to admit he had a point and he put on the jacket, who obviously smelled like Blaine. ‘Thank you.'
Before Blaine could respond his path was blocked by a tall man with chest nut brown hair and a big grin on his face, he had four equally big guys standing behind him. Kurt knew immediately that this guy means trouble and he almost squealed of happiness when he saw David, Wes, Nick and Jeff making their way to Blaine's car. Blaine and the guy had a stare down, it was as if they're waiting for the first one who looks away, but Blaine didn't even blink. Kurt couldn't help but feel proud. He probably would've run away from a guy of that size, Blaine wouldn't stand a chance in a fight.
‘Hunter is there a problem?' Wes spoke up and the guy turns his eyes towards Wes. Blaine didn't even move his eyes and Kurt took a deep breath ( he didn't even notice that he was holding his breath).
‘Not at all, I just didn't even knew they allowed scum like Anderson back in town!' The guy glared at Blaine.
‘He is allowed here, this is a public place,' Jeff said.
Hunter scoffed. ‘Not long now. When my dad is mayor of this town, you'll need to pack your stuff. Only one can rule over Westerville.'
Kurt raised his eyebrows. ‘Only one can rule over Westerville? Are you born in the late 20's or something? Don't be so ridiculous. Blaine has the right to walk in town just like you.'
Hunter looks at Kurt now. Kurt couldn't help but take a step back. Damn this guy was scary. Hunter smiled. ‘New friend Blaine? Did you claim him yet?' He wanted to take a step closer but Blaine quickly stepped in front of Kurt.
‘He's not one of your biggest concerns right now, Hunter.'
‘Is that a treat?' Hunter mocked and his friends grinned. ‘Is little Blainey upset?' Hunter circled around Blaine. ‘Have you already told your new friend about your secret? Or are you waiting just as long until he'll get hurt like innocent Jeremiah…'
Blaine growls. Kurt stepped away. This time he really could hear it clearly. Blaine was growling and his body started to shake with anger. Let this be a bad dream, let my day start over and see the perfect Blaine I met two days ago, Kurt chanted to himself. He got shaking out of his own thoughts by Hunter, who stood in front of him.
‘You see, Blaine is not what he seems to be, he's dangerous. You see a dapper young man, but he's more like a monster.' Hunter grins. Kurt glared at him. He didn't know Blaine long but he knows that Blaine was harmless. He was the nicest guy Kurt ever met. Kurt wondered what Blaine could've done to Hunter to make him talk like that about Blaine. But before Kurt could say anything, Blaine was on top of Hunter, attacking him.
The hell broke loose, Wes, David and Jeff all got involved into the fight with Hunter's sidekicks. Nick quickly pulled Kurt out of harm's way. The group disappeared into the nearest forest. ‘What was that all about?' Kurt asks, turning towards Nick.
Nick shrugged, walks over to Blaine's car and opened the backdoor. ‘Hunter is a dick, he always wants to rile Blaine up, it's a game they play for two years now. It's exhausting.'
‘I didn't think Blaine was a fighter,' Kurt admits.
‘He isn't, but sometimes… well a man needs to defend his honor right? They'll be back soon.'
Kurt took in Nick calm exterior. ‘How can you stay so calm? Jeff is with them too, he could get hurt.'
‘Jeff can take care of himself, they all can. I just don't think Mr. Anderson would be so happy Blaine got in a fight,' Nick shook his head at the thought of a angry James. You just don't want to see that.
After 10 minutes they saw movement coming towards them and Blaine appears…. Without clothes. Kurt quickly turns away. ‘Kurt are you okay? I'm so sorry about that … Hunter is a…' He stopped talking. ‘What's wrong?'
Kurt blushes still not looking at Blaine. ‘You're naked, Blaine.' Nick laughs and handed Blaine a extra pair of jeans out of the back seat.
‘Oh sorry,' Blaine quickly pulled on pants. ‘You can look now.'
Kurt slowly turns around. Luckily Blaine was wearing a pants but his shirt were gone, his shoes and socks. ‘What happened?'
‘I… he stole my clothes.'
Kurt's eyes widened in horror. ‘W- what? He stole your clothes?'
Nick tried to hold back his laughter, Blaine didn't know how much clothes mean to Kurt but he did. It was probably Kurt's worst nightmare that someone stole his clothes. Luckily for Nick he saw Jeff, Wes and David coming back and he hurried over with more pants for them.
‘Let's get in the car, I don't know how long Hunter will be gone,' Blaine said and walks to the car.
Kurt followed, confused. Am I the only sane one left here? What is going on and what just happened? What's going on between Hunter and Blaine and why does Blaine return back naked. Oh my god… what if the relationship between Hunter and Blaine was like a hate-love thing? They just had angry sex didn't they?
Kurt felt close to throwing up. He sat down next to Blaine, who already sat behind the steering wheel. This whole situation was ridiculous. Something was going on, but what? Kurt got shaken out of his thoughts by Jeff, Nick, David and Wes stepping inside the car and he noticed that they also didn't have a shirt on. Okay, so it wasn't angry sex. But what was it? The mood didn't clear up and everyone was on edge while Blaine drove home. It made Kurt nervous so he tried to lighten the mood. ‘So you'll walk around naked a lot on these occasions?'
There fell a silence but then Wes' laugh filled the air and soon the others were laughing to. Kurt couldn't help but smile too. What else am I suppose to do after today? It was kinda funny though.
‘Any problems with that, Hummel?' Jeff teased, winking at Kurt. ‘You should try it too.'
Kurt blushed because he could feel all eyes on him, especially Blaine's. ‘No thank you, Jeff. I love clothes too much.'
‘Your loss, Kurt,' Jeff smiled.
Blaine turned on the volume of the radio. Kurt shakes his head. ‘Not Katy Perry.'
‘I love Katy,' Blaine smirked. ‘Come on, sing with me. I know you know Teenage Dream.' He started humming, Kurt rolls his eyes but couldn't help but sing softly with Blaine's voice. He couldn't help but notice that their voices fitted perfectly together. But it didn't go completely unnoticed by Wes, David, Jeff and Nick neither, they shared a knowing look at each other before they watched the two sing in perfect harmony.