The Beast Within Me
Chapter 29 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 29

E - Words: 5,276 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Sebastian deserved that, well done Blaine!

Welcome back, Niff!:)

As always let me know what you think of the chapter.

Blaine could feel the first sunshine on his face and turned around, searching for that source of warmth that had held him all night. But nothing, the side next to him was cold, his eyes opened. No Kurt. He looked around and saw Kurt sitting in front of the mirror doing his morning routine.

Kurt noticed the movement, he turns around and smirked. Blaine really looked adorable after waking up, his curls were a mess, his eyes alert but still a little sleepy. Morning, sleepy head. I didnt know sex made you so lazy.

Blaine yawns, falling back in the pillow. He was relieved that last night wasnt a dream. Its been a week, Kurt. Let me get back in shape first.

Kurt rolls his eyes, turning back to the mirror to finish his morning routine. What were you doing anyway this weekend? I dont have to be a werewolf to know that youve been drinking. Even a human could smell that.

Blaine groans. Dont remind me.

What happened?

Went to Scandal with a couple of guys, you know to, set my mind off of you. Blaine lied. He hated it but knew it was better than the truth.

Kurt made a face, clearly he wasnt happy that Blaine went out while theyre struggling. He had stayed in his room mostly, the only time he went out was to meet with Mercedes and to go to the hospital. But everyone handled a fight on their own way... Met any cute guys?

As if I was even looking at that. Blaine snorts, turning his big brown puppy eyes on Kurt. I have the most beautiful boy as my boyfriend, why would I even look at others?

Kurt nods, satisfied. So... why did you went?

It was  just drinking and dancing, Kurt. I needed to take my mind off of things.

I spoke to your dad. Kurt put his crèmes away and walked over to the bed.

What? Where?

Promise to not get mad.

What happened?

Kurt sighs. Karofsky is awake, hes a werewolf. He had expected for Blaine to explode but all he did was sigh in relieve.

Thank god, I thought something was wrong or something.

Kurt frowns. You knew and you didnt tell me?

Babe we were fighting, even if I had texted you would youve read it?

Ive read every messages and every voice mail message. Kurt sat down. So everybody knew except me. He glares at Blaine. How could you keep something like this from me?

Look, its no big deal, my dad is taking care of everything.

Kurt stands up. How can you say this is not a big deal? Because of me hes a werewolf now, Blaine. If I havent told you anything he would still be a human.

A horrible human. Blaine didnt understand what was so important about Karofsky. He had hoped he had died yes, but maybe a werewolf was a worse fate for him. He felt no sympathy for him what so ever. So why should Kurt?

Yes, a horrible person who turned my life in a living hell has now superpowers. What do you think is going to happen? Kurt asks in panicked voice. What if he comes after me?

Blaine growls. Hes not going to hurt you, Kurt. I protect you, he wont come near you ever again.

Kurt sniffs. You cant promise me that. You wont be around always. What if I go back home in the weekend and hes waiting for me? Ill be complete helpless.

Blaine growls louder, the thought of Karofsky hurting Kurt was unbearable. He wanted nothing than to go to Lima and rip Karofskys throat out but his dad had said to stay put. You dont just ignore a order of a Alpha. Blaine got up, slowly walked over to Kurt and took him in his arms. Ill do what I can to keep you safe, Kurt. I promise. Dont you worry, Karofsky is miles away and everybody is keeping a close eye on him. There is no way he comes near you.

Kurt melted into the hug and took in every word Blaine said. He wished he could believe him, he wanted too. But if anything he learned in his past was that Karofsky always found a way to get to him. He pulls back to give Blaine a deep kiss.

Blaine picks Kurt up and laid him down on bed, fumbling impatiently with Kurts outfit. Blaine, I just got showered and dressed.

Dont care. Blaine mumbles, covering Kurts exposed skin with kisses.

Suddenly the door opened and Austin stepped inside with his bag in his hand. Kurt pushed Blaine off of him, his cheeks burning. Oh... sorry... I didnt want to interrupt, I just go.

Dont be silly, Its your room, were done anyway. Kurt said, while Blaine glares.

We werent.

Blaine, dont be rude. Just come in, Austin, Kurt said friendly.

Austin sighs, placing his bag on his bed. I have to say that Im relieved that its just you two. I was afraid Mark and Stevie were at it again.

Kurt gasps. What? Mark and Stevie? He barely saw Mark and Stevie, they followed their classes and usual appeared late back to the room. He thought theyre hanging out with their mates after classes like everybody does. He was shocked.

Blaine throws off the last bit of blanket covering his naked body. Im going to take a quick shower. He gave Kurt a kiss and walked to the shower.

Austins jaw dropped, his eyes following a naked Blaine to the shower, Blaine closed the door. Wow.... Austin blushed. Wow... Kurt... Hes huge. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. His cheeks were on fire. I mean... I wasnt looking. He quickly turned around to start unpacking.

Of course you werent. Kurt smirks. He walks over to the mirror to fix his hair again. It was almost time for breakfast and even if he didnt have anything to say about what he was wearing, his hair was one thing he still had to say something about. Austin, what was that about Stevie and Mark?

Austin shrugs, ducking in the closet to put his clothes on his shelf. I... Its not mine to tell. Kurt gave him a look. okay, but dont tell anyone okay? If this comes out... well war breaks out at Dalton.

Kurt nods. I wont tell anyone.

It happened a few weeks back. It was on a Friday and everybody was already at home but I was late because I still needed to make a essay. So I thought everybody left, thats when I opened the door and I saw them... together.

But, theyre both dating a werewolf right?

Austin nods. Well. yeah. But you know... Its not always easy to date a werewolf. They can be very... He leans closer, his eyes on the bathroom door. .. really possessive. Mark and Stevie were always close but now I always see them together. I just hope that they be careful with their relationship. It doesnt end well if their boyfriends found out.

What would happen then?

Before Austin could answer the door opened again and Mark and Stevie entered with their bags and a suitcase. They greeted and Kurt greeted back, keeping a close eye on them as they made their way to their beds. This news changed everything but if Mark and Stevie really have a romantic relationship than theyre really good at hiding.

The shower stopped and a few seconds later Blaine appeared, wearing Kurts clothes. The only clothes of Kurt that fitted. Blaine wears even my own clothes better than me. Kurt thought.

Mark and Stevie were shocked to find Blaine in their room but soon theyre busy with unpacking again, whispering something to each other.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurts waist and said loudly: Wow, the sexual tension in this room, babe, and this time it isnt from us.

Kurt gasps, slapping Blaine on his arm. He couldnt believe Blaine said that out loud. He saw Mark and Stevie freeze, both a deep blush on their cheeks. Kurt quickly dragged Blaine out of the room. He closed the door. He glares at Blaine, his hands on his hip. Bitch mode. I cant believe you just said that. Blaine shrugs. I knew you were eavesdropping. Kurt shakes his head, starting walking towards Blaines room. Blaine needed to change into his Warbler outfit.

I cant exactly help it. Your voice is music to my ears.

Kurt rolls his eyes, tried to ignore the butterflys in his stomach but failed miserable when he could feel his cheeks burning. He was a sucker for sweet words. I hope they work it out though. I dont approve of cheating behind someones back. They should tell their boyfriends and just break up. He intertwined their hands. Blaine? What would you do if I have a relationship with another human behind your back?

Blaine tensed, growling, his eyes already glowing.

It was figurely speaking, Blaine. Im not with someone else. Calm down. Kurt waited for Blaine to be calm enough and asked: Would you hurt me?

Blaine stopped, looking intensely in Kurts eyes. Of course not. I could never hurt you. I just kill the other person.

Kurt winced. It wasnt the words Blaine said that shook him, Blaine has threatened numerous people, but it was the way he said it. As if it was the most normal thing in the world. What?

Dont make a big deal out of this, every werewolf would do it. Blaine walks again, they were almost at his room and Kurt follows.

So, youre saying that if Mark and Stevies mates found out they....

Both be dead. Blaine nods. He stops in front of his room and opened the door. There was music playing and Kurt could hear Nathans voice. Kurt waited outside, leaning against the wall, deep in thought.


They made their way to the canteen together, their hands firmly locked. Kurt could feel the eyes on him and Blaine, he would never get used to the stares that apparently goes with being in a relationship with someone so popular as Blaine. Kurt could hear the whispers, he glanced at Blaine who didnt seem to notice at all. He was busy filling his plate with food. Kurt sighs, sometimes he wished he was as carefree and just doesnt give a damn about what others think like Blaine.

They made their way to their usual table and sat down. Wes and David didnt even look up theyre in a discussion. Kurt and Blaine both ignored them and enjoyed their breakfast in peace. That was until Elliot came running into the canteen, straight to Kurt, he was holding a flyer in his hands.

Kurt, Blaine! Elliot greeted, he sat down opposite of them, which was unusual. Elliot always sat with his boyfriend.

Hi, Elliot, where are you so happy about? Kurt asks curious.

You wont believe whats going to happen soon, Kurt. Elliot smiled widely. A miracle is going to happen. The queen is going to arrive. He handed the flyer to Kurt who started reading.

The Queen from England? Blaine asks confused, taking another bite of his sandwiches. Even Wes and David stopped fighting and turned to listen.

Kurt gaped for air, waving one hand for his face as if he was trying to calm himself down. He opened his mouth but he no sound escaped him.

Blaine grabs the flyer and frowns. Isabel Werth is coming 20TH November.... uhm.... whos Isabel Werth?

Elliot and Kurt both gasped in shock, they stared at Blaine like he just killed a puppy in front of them. Blaine glanced at Wes and David unsure but they seemed just as lost as him.

Isabel Werth is the queen of fashion, Elliot spoke. Shes a designer for the biggest fashion houses and designs dresses for Beyonce, Lady GaGa.. Do I need to go on?

Also dont forget that shes the new boss of VOGUE magazine. Kurt exclaims. His eyes shining with excitement. She going to give Dalton 10 master classes, the winner can win a Intern ship at VOGUE. Im going to attend those classes! That internship is mine!  His eyes blazing with a new fire and determination.

Get in line, Hummel! Elliot said. There is already about 100 names on that list to attend her classes, she only picks 20. That intern ship is mine!

 Blaine stared at them in fascination. How fast friends could turn into enemys over clothes? He knew how much fashion means for Kurt and he hoped that Kurt was one of the lucky ones. Hell fully support his boyfriend in this. He knew how much Kurt wanted to get into the Warblers and have that musical role. Kurt deserved this. Its been awhile since Blaine saw that fire back in Kurts eyes.

Kurt scoffed. Youve never seen me in my normal clothes, Star child. Ill blow you away.

Elliots eyes burns, he stand up. You never saw me in my outfits, either, Hummel.

Where is that list?

In the hallway.

Kurt and Elliot stared at each other intensely. Blaine took another bite of his sandwich and he could hear Wes and David make bets who of the two would first burn in flames by the intense look on their faces. Suddenly Kurt and Elliot both run out of the canteen to write their name on the list.

Wow... that was intense. Wes whistled.

Blaine shrugs. I just hope Kurt will get in. Its been awhile since I saw him like that. He finished his breakfast. Ill go see where Kurt is and then I go to Mrs. Schuffers.

In trouble already? Classes hasnt even started yet. David asks.

No just a miss communication. Blaine got up and made his way to the hallway. He frowns when he saw Kurt and Elliot talking with a big smile on their faces.  Blaine didnt understand anything of their weird behavior. How can they declare war the next second and the next minute be laughing together again? Humans...

Kurt looks up when he saw Blaine walking towards them.  He points at the list. My name is on there. I need to start making some examples so that I sure make a chance.

Dont worry, Kurt, most boys here just wrote themselves in because Isabel is a girl. Elliot explains.


Well, not everyone is gay. Some boys are desperate for some woman interaction. Elliot rolls his eyes. We basically got this in the pocket already.

Cant argue with that. Dont get so stressed babe, just send some copys of your sketches to her and youre in. Blaine said. Im going to pay a visit to Mrs Schuffers office. He gave Kurt a pointed look.

Are you sure? You dont have to stop because of me. I only feel bad about it if you do it for the wrong reasons.

Blaine pulls him closer and gave a small peck on the lips. You are not a wrong reason. I already made up my mind and Im fine with it.

Ok, I need to deliver one of the books back to the library, so see you in front of the first class?

Blaine nods, said goodbye and made his way to Mrs. Schuffers office while Kurt went off to the library. The conversation was short. To say that Mrs. Schuffer was unhappy was a understatement.

Blaine, this musical is really important to our school. Parents will come and see how good their kids are doing, how talented they are. Besides it will look good on your resimade. You are the most talented member of The Warblers, Blaine. youll get easy in every school you want. What could possibly be more important than your future?

My relationship with Kurt is more important than anything! Blaine said annoyed. Mrs. Schuffer opened her mouth to argue but closed her mouth after Blaine gave her a glare. Blaine stood up. I think were done here, Mrs. Schuffer. She just nodded and Blaine quickly left the office.

Well, that went better than expected.


Kurt brought back the book and decided to sniffle around a little longer. The books in the Andersons house didnt have answers to why Blaine changed after a attack. Maybe he could find the answer here. There were so many books that he didnt even know where to start. Kurt decided to start in the back and work his way back to the front. He turned the last corner and hit something hard. He fell on his back with a loud smack.

Cant you watch were you walk...? Oh its you. A voice snapped.

Kurt looked up and saw Sebastian standing there with two thick books in his hand. Great. I didnt see you, Im sorry. You dont need to snap. Kurt scrambled on his feet, hating to say sorry to Sebastian but it was the polite thing to do.

Sebastian shrugs, walking past Kurt. Can you just shut up? Your voice gives me a huge headache, which I dont need.

Kurt clenched his fist. He was done with Sebastians rude behavior. What the hell is your problem? You dont even know me but youve been a bitch to me from the start.

Oh please, youre not even worth it. No idea what Blaine sees in you. Sebastian gave Kurt a disgusting look and walked away.

Dont you walk away from me. Kurt snaps, grabbing Sebastian sleeve to stop him. He wanted to talk it out for once and for all. Sebastian needed to back off.

Sebastian pulls back his arm but stopped and turned around. Dont touch me, Hummel. Now my clothes are covered in your disgusting germs. Do you have any idea how much it costs to clean it off at Dalton?

Oh please, you cant even pull of that outfit. It should be burned anyway.

Sebastian growls, latching forward but Kurt quickly pulled out his silver broche and Sebastian stepped back. Still growling at the broche.

Kurt smiled satisfied.  His phone went off and he pulled out his phone. Its a text message from Blaine. "Where are you? I miss you xx" Kurt pocketed his phone. I hate to break of or conversation but I have someone waiting for me.

Sebastian frowns, cocking his head to the side. Really? Still going strong? Wow... Kurt brushed past Sebastian, wanting to ignore him completely. ... I have to admit that you two have a strong relationship. I mean, if you even can forgive a kiss like that. Kurt froze. Sebastian smiled satisfied.

Kurt slowly turned around. What kiss?

He hasnt told you? Oops, and here I am thinking that a relationship is build on trust and loyalty. Sebastian said. Stupid me.

Dont play games with me, Sebastian.

I dont play a game. Ive been told a lot of things in my life but I never lie. Sebastian saw Kurts face staring at him in shock and disbelieve. Someone should have a talk with their boyfriend, and someone else should stop lying.

Kurt narrows his eyes. Whatever, Sebastian. As if Blaine will ever kiss you.

Sebastian shrugs. Fine, then dont ask him. Have a good time living a fake relationship.

Kurt made his way out of the library. Furious. He couldnt believe that Sebastian would say something like that just to piss him off. That man was just pure evil! But Kurt couldnt ignore that one bit in his mind that doubted Blaine. And he hated himself for that. Yes Blaine had been clubbing and he still smelled of alcohol the next day. But he cant be that wasted to make out with Sebastian, right?

Kurt made his way to the main hall where everybody waited for their classes to start. It was crowded and Kurt searched for Blaine, Wes and David, pushing his way through the crowd. Someone snapped at him but Kurt just walked further, ignoring the boy completely. Finally he found Blaine, Wes and David who watched with curiosity.

You okay, Kurt? Blaine stepped forward, he leaned in to give Kurt a kiss but Kurt stepped back.

No, I am not okay!

What happened? Blaine asks, immediately scanning the crowd so that if Kurt said who made him upset he could punch the one responsible for Kurts foul mood.

Sebastian happened.

Wes and David jumped up. What?

What did he do? Ill punch him! David growls.

Blaine growls, scanning Kurts body to see if he had any scratches. He didnt touch you right? Or else...

You do what? Kiss him? Kurt snaps. He hoped that Blaine would deny it immediately and take him in his arms but he did none of that. Blaine froze, his eyes wide and his face went pale. Kurt shook his head, tears already forming in his eyes, he could literally feel his heart break. Tell me you didnt.

I... I... Blaine stammered. How did Kurt find out? He could feel more people turning around to see what was going on. Even Wes and David stared at Blaine in disbelieve and... hope. Hope that Blaine didnt kiss Sebastian. Sebastian and I.. we kissed. Wes and David both gasped in shock.

Kurt stepped away from Blaine, he felt like he couldnt breathe, he shook his head in disbelieve. How.. how could you?

Kurt, I .. It didnt mean anything believe me. Blaine stepped closer.

Kurt scoffed.  Tears running down his cheeks but he didnt even bother wiping them away. All eyes were on them. Believe you? How can you even say that?

I was drunk, I was so wasted that I... It didnt mean anything, I swear.

Kurt tensed. You were drunk when you kissed me for the first time, remember? So our relationship doesnt mean anything to you, either?

Blaine could slap himself for his head because of his stupid attempt at explanation. He screwed up, Sebastian began but he kissed back. He just got Kurt back, he couldnt lose him again. Of course not. You mean the world to me, Kurt. What happened between Sebastian and I... it was a mistake. I missed you so much, I was miserable.

I was miserable too, but I didnt kiss anybody. Weve been a week apart, Blaine. Only a week! Kurt sniffs, he could feel that a break down was coming up. With him of all people Blaine. And then you lied about it, just when we agreed to be honest to each other.  He turned around to run away.

No, dont walk away, Kurt... Blaine grabbed his hand.

Dont touch me. Kurt pulled away. Were through!

Kurt, please... Blaine reached again for Kurts arm to turn him around.

Kurt span around and slapped Blaine hard across his face. The sound echoed through the hallway and Kurt could hear gasps and whispers all around him. Leave me alone! Kurt turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Blaine was too stunned to even follow him. His cheek was burning.

Damn, who knew Kurt had it in him? David said, proudly.

Wes ignored his friend and glared down at Blaine. But before he could slap some sense into Blaine, Blaine was already gone, growling and snapping at everybody who got into his way. Wes frowns. Where is he going to? 

David was distracted by something else and poked Wes on the arm.

Not now, David....

David didnt say anything but poked him again and finally Wes turned around, he let out a surprised squeal. 

Before them stood Jeff Sterling and Nick Duvall, their hands firmly locked together, in the other hands they were holding suitcases. Both smiled brightly at them.

Wes groans. Tell me this isnt true.

Sssh,  maybe they wont even notice us if we dont move. David hissed.

Jeff and Nick glanced at each other before turning back. Jeff put on his innocent smile. Hello, David, Hi Wes. So nice to see you two.

Damn it, David cursed. He slapped Wes arm. I already told you that youre breathing too loud. Wes glared at him.

You know, it looks like you two arent happy to see us. Jeff said.

You wont say, I still hope this is a nightmare and that I wake up every minute now. Wes drawled.

Jeff rolls his eyes. No such luck, my friend. He wraps a arm around Wes shoulder and pulls him close. So, where are my welcome back presents?

You arent getting any presents.

What? Why not? Jeff whines. I should get a present for every class I attend this year.

Well, if we knew you were coming we couldve bought something. David said, hugging Nick. He liked Nick, Nick was normal and still had some common sense, Jeff was the crazy one. Especially at Dalton.

Jeff pouts. No presents?

Nick rubbed his boyfriends back to comfort him, Jeff happily leaned into the touch. He looked at Wes and David. So what did we miss?


Sebastian was  changing himself into his Dalton outfit before the classes start when his door slammed open and a angry Blaine walked in. Geez, have you people never heard of knocking? This is privacy.... Before he could finish his sentence he already got the first blow, he could hear his nose break, he stumbled to the floor. His head spinning. For god sake, Blaine, you broke my nose. He wanted to get up but Blaine put a food on his chest. Sebastian looked up.

Blaines eyes were glowing, his teeth were showing and even his claws were visible. Sebastian stopped moving, if he made the wrong move Blaine would easily rip him to pieces. Hed never seen Blaine so pissed. Why did you tell Kurt about our kiss?

Well, for one, Im a terrible liar, for two, I thought you told him already. A relationship is build on honesty and all that crap.

It wasnt even worth mentioning it. Blaine put some pressure on his feet, and Sebastian gasped for air, blood dripping out of his broken nose.

Sebastian gathered his strength and pushed Blaines food of off him and got on his feet. He stepped away as far as possible in the small room. Not even worth it? A small reminder that you didnt protested at all.

Blaine narrows his eyes. I was so drunk, I kissed you because I thought you were Kurt. When you said your name I jumped off. I bet you didnt say that to Kurt didnt you?

Sebastian shrugs. I forgot. But it doesnt matter, you cant blame this on me completely. I didnt force you to go out with me Saturday.

Youre right. Blaine nods. His face went slowly back to human, he calmed down. I screwed up. And I need to make things right again. However... He slowly walked towards Sebastian, Sebastian backend away till his back hit the wall and he was trapped. I can do without your interference. Listen closely because I only say this once... Blaine stopped walking. Their noses were inches apart. Blaine could feel Sebastians breath on his cheek and this time it made him want to throw up. ... From now on you leave me and Kurt alone, you wont stare at us, dont talk to us, not a single peep out of you, if I see you anywhere near Kurt... Ill kill you. Understood?

Sebastian gulps. Y-you wouldnt.

Blaine leaned closer, his eyes glowing. Try me! He lunged out with his fist, Sebastian ducked away quickly and Blaines fist went right through the wall. He pulls back his hand which was covered in blood because of the hard blow but Blaine didnt even wince, he locked his eyes with Sebastian. Are we clear?

Sebastian nods, his heart racing and his nose aching in pain. Blaine turned around, walked away and closed the door, leaving a shaken Sebastian behind.


Nick had heard what happened and he couldnt imagine the pain Kurt went through. Sure Jeff and he had hit rock bottom a few times but they always managed to get out of it stronger. He hoped Kurt and Blaine could still make it work, it will take some time. But it was obvious theyre soul mates. They just had to make things right, eventually.

Nick knocked on the door, he could hear some sniffing. He tried the doorknob and it opened. He stepped inside, his heart broke when he saw Kurt curled up under the covers, crying. Kurt?

Go away!

Its me, Nick.

Kurt peeked his head from underneath the covers. Nick! He made a attempt to get up but got tangled in the covers.

Nick quickly made his way over to the bed and hugged his friend. I heard what happened today. He could feel Kurt stiffen in his arms and eventually Kurt pulled back.

How can he hurt me so bad? I dont understand. Kurt sniffs, wiping away his tears. My tears dont even seem to stop.

Oh come here! Nick pulls Kurt in another bear hug. Everything is going to be okay.

I wish people would stop saying that to me, because nothing is okay. Kurt sniffs. He sat down back on bed and Nick followed.

Believe it or not Jeff and I went through what you and Blaine are going through. And look at where we are now.

Well, you didnt have a Sebastian to deal with.

Nick grins. Dont worry about Sebastian, leave that up to Jeff.

Kurts eyes widened. You mean... hes here too?

Nick nods. We both are back at Dalton.

Kurt grabbed Nicks hand. Please tell me that youre back for good?

Im not planning on going anywhere. Well unless Jeff does something stupid and we get expelled of course. Nick rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Werewolves.

Kurt hugs Nick again with a big smile, even though his eyes were still wet. Im so happy youre back. Ive missed you. Both of you.

Nick smiles. He was happy that Kurt was still able to smile. All was not lost. Missed you too.


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