Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
We need to get up.
But you smell so good. Blaine whines, pulling Kurt closer, which was almost impossible.
Babe, we need to talk, grab my stuff and move into my new room. Kurt managed to slip out of Blaines grip with a lot of protest noises from Blaine.
You dont need a new room, you can stay in my bed. He winks.
I wish but somehow I dont think Nathan would appreciate it.
Who cares? Come back. Blaine pouted, patting the empty space next to him.
You have no idea how much I want that. Kurt sighs, looking sad. I had hoped we could be roomies. Is there a way Nathan would switch?
Blaine thought about it but shakes his head. No, sorry. Its one of those stupid rules. They allow humans on Dalton because most of them have a rough time in the past, they want to protect them by putting them in separate rooms.
But they allow classes? That doesnt make sense.
Blaine shrugs. Apparently most "Accidence" - He air quoted - happens in their rooms. But we could always snuggle before bed time.
Better than nothing, I guess.
Thats all you want to talk about because Im sure if thats all Nathan wont mind waiting a little longer so we could make out again? Blaine asks hopeful.
Kurt almost wanted to give in but he needed to be strong. He needed to know the truth between all those rumors and gossip. He wanted answers. You have quit a reputation on Dalton.
Blaine smirked. So they talk about me huh? Well I hope you only heard good news about me.
Kurt took a deep breath. He didnt know how to start. Well...
Oh oh. That doesnt sound good. Blaine sat up straight, looking a little worried.
Did you.... You loved Jeremiah right?
Blaine nods. I thought I did but then I met you and learned what real love is.
Kurt blushed and his insides were melting. Damn Blaine and his smooth talking. No he needed to be strong. You can do this, Kurt. Just dont look at him. He started pacing. But you were in love right? Blaine nodded, wondering where this was going.
Why did you sleep around with other boys if youre in love?
Blaine frowns. Who told you that? He hoped that would be kept a secret for Kurt. Not that he was ashamed or something like that. But all that talk about his past would only make Kurt insecure and their relationship was moving forward. Blaine didnt want to take two steps back again.
Kurt bit his lip. It isnt true then? His voice a little too hopeful.
Blaine sighs, patting the space next to him for Kurt to sit down. Kurt sat down. It is. I wasnt faithful towards Jeremiah. Kurt... before I met you I didnt even believe in committed relationships. You have to believe me that what Jeremiah and I shared was more physical. I confused that with love. What I feel for you is so much more. He saw Kurts skeptical look. I dont know how I can convince you. Ill never cheat on you. I was miserable when you left. You heard Wes and David.
Kurt sighs, laying one hand on Blaines. Only time will tell I guess. Its okay. We wont let your past get between us. He smiled when Blaines face light up. Im sorry for freaking out.... again. Im such a drama queen.
Blaine pulls Kurt closer. At least your mine Drama queen. He connected their lips.
Kurt was nervous. Blaine squeezed his hand to encourage him to knock on the door, with the other hand he was pulling two suitcases. Theyre standing in front of Kurts future dorm room. They heard voices. I hear five voices, Blaine whispers.
Kurt swallows. What if they dont like me?
Why wouldnt they like you? Youre amazing. Theyre going to love you.
My dad was right. I just should go home and spend the night and return in the morning. Kurt wanted to turn around but Blaine stopped him.
Come on Kurt, I cant cuddle with you if youre in Lima. Blaine whines putting his biggest, most adorable pout on his face.
Fine, Kurt giving in. He was no match to Blaines pout and puppy eyes. He knocked.
A familiar face opened the door, Austin. He smiled when he saw Kurt but his smile faded when he saw Blaine. He turned scarlet and looked a little guilty. Kurt knew he regretted the things he said about Blaine before. But now was not the time so Kurt put on a friendly smile. Hello, Austin. Or should I say roomy?
Austin smiled, still looking cautions over Blaine but he opened the door and stepped aside to let them in. You can say that. Were just picking the beds... Kurt and Blaine followed Austin inside. Four boys were unpacking their luggage, claiming their beds or exploring the room. Theyll looked up when they walked in. Guys, this is Kurt. Hes staying here too. And Blaine is his mate. The boys smiled friendly and said in chorus Hello. As if theyre used to getting new roommates.
The only blond, slim guy - Attractive, Kurt thought - stepped forward with a big smile, shaking Kurts hand. Im Adam Crawford, Kurt. Nice to meet you. Oh British accents, I love British accents! Adam squeezed Kurts hand slightly and Kurt couldnt help but notice how soft his hands were. When Blaine started growling because they were shaking hands for way too long, Adam quickly pulled away, smiled apologetic at Blaine and quickly retrieved to his own suitcase.
A boy with brown hair and a shy smile stepped forward, introducing himself as Mark Brown. He looked nice.
The next boy stepping forward was someone with a bright playful smile plastered on his face, brown slick hair, he was wearing his Dalton uniform with proud. He introduced himself as Stevie Evans and promised Kurt to give him a tour around school later on, claiming he knew all the secrets and newest gossips.
The last boy who introduced himself as Elliot Star child. He was wearing eye liner, his hair was perfectly coiffed, his nails were painted black, he was wearing a leather pants and a shirt with "Rock star" on it. With a last wink at Kurt which made him blush and Blaine growl, he made his way to the bathroom door.
Kurts bed was the closest bed to the door, the two beds at the window were already taken by Adam and Elliot, the closest door at the bathroom was taken by Austin claiming he had a weak bladder, and Mark and Stevie had to two beds in the middle of the room. The room was small but all things were there. Kurts first panic attack was when he discovered that there only was one bathroom and he needed to share it with five boys he just met. He was used to some privacy and there was no way he would get any. He made a mental note that they needed a bathroom schedule. His second panic attack came when he discover he had only one shelve to put his stuff and clothes. One shelf?
Blaine put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer. Breath, Kurt, breath. Your heart is racing.
I.. I cant, Blaine. Kurt managed to choke out. I cant stay here. There is only one shelf to put my clothes. My dad spend a lot of money on this school and this is what I get!
Austin notice the distress and walks closer. He shoved some of his clothes aside. Dont worry, Kurt, Ill just shove my stuff aside.
Kurt immediately felt guilty. Just because he was acting like a diva Austin sacrificed the half of his shelf. Austin, dont. I just overreacted. I do that sometimes... Blaine snorts and Kurt glares at him before turning back to Austin. Anyway, just keep your half, Ill survive.
Austin shrugs. I dont mind. I only have one bag.
Kurt gasps in shock, while Blaine rolls his eyes at his boyfriends behavior. One bag? How do you survive?
Adam chuckled. There was no room for private conversations, everyone can mangle in. I dont understand either, Kurt. I need at least two bags of hair products to even remotely look like I look now.
Obviously, Blaine mutters, glaring at the blond guy he just didnt seem to like. Luckily Adam seemed to busy looking in the mirror to hear Blaines comment. Kurt sighs in relieve. He didnt want Blaine to cause any problems with his new roommates. He needed to spend a whole year with them, he didnt want to live in a tense environment.
Blaine helped Kurt unpack when his phone rang. It was Wes.
"Warbler Meeting in the music room! NOW!"
Blaine sighs, pocketing his phone without answering. It was no use to answer now, Wes just expected everyone to show up. Otherwise youll be dragged to the music room. I need to go.
What? Kurt raised his eyebrows in surprise. School started tomorrow and he wanted to spend every free minute with Blaine. He also wanted to talk to Blaine about Friday night dinner. I had hoped that we could spend this day together. I still have something to talk about.
Later okay? Ill pick you up and we can eat dinner together. Blaine leans closer. Outside of campus.
You want to sneak out already? School hasnt even started yet.
Blaine nodded. Campus food is not good enough for my love. You deserve something better.
Kurt seemed to think about it. Okay, but not too early okay? I still need to unpack, shower and get dressed before were going out.
Pick you up around 6?
Make it 7.
Seven it is. Blaine gave Kurt a kiss, gave Adam one last glare and left the room. When Blaine closed the door Kurt could feel 5 pair of eyes on him.
You need to learn me how you do it. Mark gaped at him in admiration.
What? What did I do?
How do you control your mate like that? Elliots eyes was also in a kind of admiration.
Kurt huffs. Its not that hard.
Austin gasps. No serious, Kurt. I could never tell Peter what I want. Youre bond with Blaine is... unique. Tell us how you do it.
Kurt shuffles nervously on his feet. He had no idea it was that unique. Their bond is like this from the start.
Blaine was so happy Kurt had transferred to Dalton. He was finally save and Blaine made sure Kurt was going to love Dalton. Nothing was going to happen to Kurt, he would make sure of it. Blaine couldnt wait for the Warbler meeting to be over so he could murder Wes for interrupting their moment together.
Blaine was too wrapped in his own thoughts to even notice or smell him. The only moment he finally notice him was when he could feel a hand slip in his own. Blaine was ripped out of his thoughts. Sebastian?
Sebastian Smyth smirked. Hello, sunshine. Missed me?
What are you doing? Blaine pulled his hand back.
Missing you. Sebastians eyes roamed over Blaines body, he licked his lips. Youve been working out? Damn you look delicious. We should go back to my room.
Blaine rolls his eyes. He almost forgot that Sebastian was such a flirt. But he wasnt in the mood, he had Kurt now. Wes would kill us. Just say you have a boyfriend, Blaine, it isnt that hard.
Sebastian grabbed Blaine by the arm and pinned him to the wall. His eyes full of lust. It never stopped us before.
Blaine growls, showing his teeth. Let me go! Now!
Sebastian stepped back and let go. Geez, whats wrong with you? Why are you so tense?
None of your business, Sebastian. Blaine walks further down the hall. He could smell what Sebastian wanted from him and it was making him crazy. He wanted sex. Blaine was fighting his own instincts to give in, after months of no sex his body was about to explode. He needed to get to the music room quickly.
You know I could help you release some of that tension, you look like you could use it. Sebastian followed Blaine.
Stop it, Sebastian, Im not interested.
Sebastian finally managed to walk next to Blaine, eying his friend curiously. Dont tell me its true.
That your dating a human? Sebastian smiled when Blaine stopped. Bingo! So its true?
Blaine sighs. Sebastian was getting on his nerves. Yes its true. His name is Kurt, I met him over summer.
Summer? Sebastian laughs. Come on, Blaine. Ive never thought you would do summer love and especially a human. You can do better.
Kurt is special. I love him.
Really? Where is he now then?
In his room, meeting his new roommates. Blaine smiled satisfied when he saw Sebastians smirk disappear.
Hes here? You brought him here?
Blaine nodded. Sure. Why not? Hes my mate after all.
But what about us?
What do you mean? Blaine turned the corner, relieved when he saw the familiar brown door of the music room. Almost there.
What I mean? Sebastian roughly grabbed Blaines hand and turned him around, his eyes glowing. Blaine wasnt impressed, Sebastian has a hot temper and it was easy to rile him up, but he wasnt stronger than him. He could easy take him if Sebastian would attack him. I mean the months we spend together last year. Months, Blaine! I told you everything. We shared everything. You said we could be mates after summer.
Blaine sighs, guilt washing over him. He did say those things to Sebastian. He liked Sebastian, the werewolf had a special place in his heart. But it wasnt love what they shared. Hell, he didnt even know what love was before he met Kurt. Im sorry, Bas. I just.... I dont feel anything for you than friendship. Blaine turns away, opened the door and was met by loud cheers of his fellow Warblers.
Sebastian stood frozen on his spot. He couldnt believe that he was dumped by Blaine because he preferred a human over him. He clenched his fist. He turned away from the music room, retrieving to his dorm. It was time to make a plan to get rid of this Kurt guy.
There was no time for Kurt to day dream about Blaine and moping about missing him, Stevie Evans made his promise come true. He gave Kurt a tour, Austin, Tim and George followed them. Austin, Tim and George apologized to Kurt about the things they said about Blaine, Aaron and Daniel were just too ashamed of the things they said to follow them along so they stayed in their rooms.
Stevie had no clue about what theyre talking about and chatted happily on his own, showing Kurt the entertainment rooms, the toilets, the library, the kitchen, the teachers room, canteens, they quickly walked through the class rooms, they finished their tour at the hospital wing.
Why is there a hospital wing? Kurt asks.
Just for safety when things get out of hand, Austin said.
Like what?
Its a werewolf school, Kurt, not a month goes by without a fight. Tim said, snuggling closer to Georges side. Its impossible to keep peace when hormones are racing through the school. He sniffs. This school just smells with sexual tension. Most fights break out when someone is trying to take away someones mate or when two wolves fight over one. Damn, thats just bloody.
But... why would someone take someones else mate or boyfriend away?
George shrugs. Just the way it is. You should always carry silver with you. Humans are more fragile and a easy target. Some werewolves dont think theyre important and use them as a sex slave. Kurt paled, Blaine never said anything about this.
Remember Andy Cleveland? Stevie said, a shiver went through the group and theyll looked at the hospital beds.
He spend nine months in here. Austin swallowed.
Whos Andy Cleveland? Kurt asks.
He was a human, entering Dalton three years ago. Stevie said in a small voice. He was a excellent student and a bright person. Everyone liked him, teachers, fellow humans and werewolves. Andy was dating Kevin McCloud, a werewolf, lead singer of the Warblers and captain of the football club. Theyre crazy about each other. He shook his head sadly.
What happened?
They didnt have sex, Andy wasnt ready yet. Tim continued when Stevie didnt say anything. He gave Kevin permission to fool around a little because he knew how hard it was for a werewolf. But Kevin refused. He waited. And when Andy was ready, Kevin was filled with tension and hormones and he just exploded.
Kurt gasps. What happened?
Andy ended up in the hospital room, he was nearly ripped apart. Austin said. Covered in blood, he had broken every bone in his body.
What did Kevin do? Kurt couldnt help but wonder what Blaine would do. That situation just really looked like theirs. Hell it is the same situation.
Well, Kevin didnt visit him because he felt guilty and Andy understood. Andy spend 9 months in the hospital wing before send to a clinic to recover. He spend the entire summer there and when school started Andy returned, just to find out that Kevin was mated with a werewolf.
No. Kurts eyes widened in disbelieve.
Stevie nodded. Yes. Andy was devastated, he committed suicide the same day he discovered that Kevin was dating someone else.
George pulls Tim closer in his arms. Their relationship was doomed. No werewolf can go months without sex. Its too dangerous.
Kurt didnt know what to say or do. He needed another talk with Blaine. He didnt want to end up like poor Andy. But he just wasnt ready... yet. He looked to the other boys and then realized he was probably the only virgin in the building. Great.
Kurt showered, got dressed and made his hair perfect. It was 5 over 7 and Blaine was late. His roommates were with their mates in one of the entertainment rooms so he was alone with only his thoughts. Andys story didnt let him go. It was heartbroken and Kurt couldnt understand how Kevin could do something like that. It also made him think a lot about his own relationship with Blaine. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He gave his outfit one last glance and opened the door to greet a happy, smiling Blaine. Your late.
Sorry, Wes kept us locked up because... Blaine pulled a paper out of his pocket. "Auditions for Warblers". ... there will be Warbler auditions next Thursday and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for my beloved.
Kurt melted at Blaines words and studied the form. It would be a great chance to show everybody what he could do. Especially Rachel. He could already see her face when he hit her in the face with his vocals. You know me so well. Kurt gave Blaine a quick peck on the lips. But this all costs you so much time?
Blaine shrugs. Wes was angry that I was late and that Sebastian didnt show up.
This was the second time I hear Sebastians name. If the rumors are true then Sebastian was one of Blaines flirts. Whos Sebastian? A friend? Kurt tried to sound normal.
Its complicated. Ready to go? It was obvious Blaine didnt want to talk about Sebastian.
Kurt let it go. He could use a night without drama. Lets go.
Dinner was delicious and Kurt enjoyed every moment of it. Blaine told everything about the warblers. That theyre like rock stars and one close unite. That made Kurt nervous, he was never a part of a close unite.
So how do I audition? Do I just pick a song or...? Kurt asks, taking a sip of his drink. It was near closing time and they prepare to leave.
Well, yes, but think about group songs.
Group songs?
Yeah, something happy, its not about one person. Your song needs to make clear how much you want to be part of the group. Blaine stands up, thanking the waiters and grabs their coats. But youll be fine. Youre a countertenor, we havent had one in decades. I bet Wes is prepared to kill if someone protest.
Kurt wasnt sure, it was obvious that he couldnt pull off "Mr. Cellophane like he did to get into New Directions. Blaine let them outside and their hands locked while walking to his car. So... you liked diner?
It was delicious, Blaine, thank you. Even though you shouldnt have to pay for it...
Kurt I asked you out, its my treat.
Well, let me repay you by inviting you for family diner this Friday... my house.
Really? Blaine frowns. And this was your idea?
Kurt sighs. My dad really wants to know you better. I accidently spilled that were dating, I managed to convince him to let me board here but he really wants to invite you and have a talk. Be warned though, he has a shot gun.
I know. Kurt blushed, feeling ashamed of his dad. He said he wanted to poke you but I said he couldnt do that. But, Blaine, you really need to keep yourself down okay? Dont let my dad get to you.
Keep myself down?
You know what I mean. My dad already freaked out when I told him were dating, if he hears youre a werewolf hell get another heart attack. I cant lose my dad.
I understand. Blaine sighs, not liking the idea of keeping things from Kurts dad. But... he finds out eventually.
I know, just not now okay?
Blaine nodded but stopped when he realized something. I cant this weekend.
What? Why not?
Its time to howl, Friday night.
Kurt looks confused.
Full moon, Kurt.
But next Friday Im all yours. Blaine quickly said when he saw Kurts sad face.
Okay. Kurt smiles weakly. But... how do I explain my dad that you wont come this Friday?
Tell him that Im on my period. Blaine joked.
Kurt giggles. Dont be so ridiculous. They reached Blaines car and he unlocked it but their hands stayed connected. Im really happy that I transferred to Dalton.
Im happy you did too. Blaine said, closing the gap between them and locking their lips together.