The Beast Within Me
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 19

E - Words: 5,362 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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When Elise Anderson got home and saw what was going on, to say she was angry was a understatement. She was beside herself with rage. Kurt had never see this side of the always nice and calm mom, and hides behind Blaine because a pissed off Elise was a scary Elise.

Blaine pulls Kurt only closer into his side, he didnt mind it at all. Now you understand why Cooper and I are so well raised.

I also know of who you got that hot temper of yours.

Nick was loaded into the ambulance, Becky was also taken into a ambulance to make sure she had no severe head injuries, Jeff joined Nick in the ambulance for comfort. Hunter was still unconscious and he was placed into the back of a police car. The three police man looked taken aback when they saw it was the son of the Mayor, but they placed silver handcuffs on him anyway and assured the Anderson that he will spend a couple of months in jail and will be charged for this crime.

I wonder how much money  itll take his dad to buy him out and then he can terrorize more innocent people. Elise ranted.

The police officer looked at her annoyed. Please, maam do I look like I can be bought?

It wont be the first time! Elise snaps. The police officer looked really offended. Kurt shook his head. He felt pity for the poor man. The man probably stood up that morning, thinking he was just having to deal with a few crimes like robbery and keep the people in place at the park so that things doesnt get out of hand. Now he was dealing with a mother full of rage. But that didnt take away that Elise had a point. Kurt could only hope that the officer took pride in his work and couldnt be bought with money. He was shaking out of his thoughts by a still ranting Elise: He attacked a innocent human being. What needs to happen to lock him away for good? Do you really want blood on your hands, officer? Because that boy in the ambulance might not even live through it.

Maam calm down, we do our best... The officer said in a small voice.

Lets go. Blaine gently leads Kurt to his car. Kurt didnt need to ask where theyre going. Theyre going to the hospital. Again.


It turned out that Nick had two broken legs, a broken arm, a small head injury that didnt cause to much damage and he lost a lot of blood, but he was going to be fine. The doctor said he needs to stay in the  hospital for 6 weeks. After that he had still a month of recovery so he was going to miss the first semester of school. The doctor said that Nick was very lucky to survive a brutal attack like that.  They kept Nick asleep for the night so his body could heal.

They finally were allowed to be left in the same room with Nick. Jeff immediately run up to his boyfriend broken body and laid down next to him, whispering sweet words even though Nick was fast asleep. Kurts heart broke when he saw Nicks broken body laying there. Even when Nick woke up he wouldnt be able to move much due of two broken legs, head injury and his broken arm.  Nick didnt deserve this, he just wanted to protect Jackson.

Kurt took the nearest chair and sat down next to the bed, David, Wes and Blaine all did the same. Nobody knew what to say, what was there to say? Nothing. It felt like they sat there for hours in silence, all lost in their own thoughts. 

Becky had a quick check up but both she and Jackson were fine, so they left the hospital with Elise. Hours later. Jeff decided to stay in the hospital, so Kurt and Blaine arrived with just the two of them just around midnight back at the Anderson Mansion. The lights were still on and when they entered the kitchen they almost tripped over a grey suitcase. 

What the hell? Mom! Blaine yelled.

Elise walked in the kitchen. Oh youre back. Hows Nick?

It takes months to recover but hell live.

Elise sighs in relieve. Thank god.

Whats this all about? Blaine points to the suitcases.

Becky, shes leaving.

What do you mean? Kurt asks.

She called a aunt in California and she can stay there with Jackson.

Kurt gritted his teeth in anger. Shes leaving after everything weve done? Nick is in the hospital because he tried to save her son! He couldve died tonight!

Kurt... Blaine said in his calm voice.

Dont! Kurt ran upstairs, almost bumping against Becky and Jackson on his way to his room. The girl looked exhausted, clamping Jackson desperately against her chest. She looks unsure towards Kurt, she probably heard him yell. Kurt sighs. He couldnt really blame Becky for leaving. She only wants to protect her son. 

Kurt... I just.. I need to protect my son.

There is no saver place than being in a werewolf pack, Becky. We can protect you. Running away is not the solution.

Living in a werewolf house is like sitting on a time bomb. Becky sighs. I dont have the advertence you have, Kurt. Im not dating one. We both know they tolerate me and Jackson because you and Nick like us. I cant live like this any longer. She sniffs, blinking away her tears. I dont want to live in fear the rest of my life.

What will you do when Jackson turns 12? Hes a werewolf, Becky. How is he going to learn to be one without a pack?

Well figure it out when the time comes. I cant stay here. We both know Hunter will be free within days. Probably tomorrow. He will come after us till he has Jackson. Its not save. I wish I could stay but... please try to understand. Becky looked at him with big bleu puppy eyes and Kurt couldnt stay mad at her. She had a point after all.

Kurt gave her a quick hug and tickled Jackson gently, the baby made grabby hands gestures. Im going to miss the little guy. Hes amazing. Youll be a amazing mom, Becky. Are you going to visit Nick?

Becky shook her head. My plane leaves in 3 hours, we dont have time.

Itll break his heart to not say goodbye to Jackson. Hes crazy about him.

Ill call him when Im in California. We keep in touch okay?

Kurt nods. They both walked downstairs. Blaine helped them loading the car. A quick hug goodbye and they saw Becky leaving, driving to a new life.

You okay? Blaine asked softly.

Kurt nods. Lets just get to bed, okay? Im exhausted.

Kurt didnt sleep, he kept tossing and turning. Thinking about the events that happened today. Hunter deserved to be punished but they all know he would be out in no time.


The Mayor didnt like it when things didnt go as he wanted. He just got rid of Mr. Walsh, and a annoying reporter who claimed there has been attacks by wolves on innocent people when he got the call. He yelled at his butler to get the car ready to leave. He was in prison in no time. It seemed that the only problem in his perfect laid plans was his own son. He had enough. He couldnt afford failure now. He was too close.

Hunter  looked up when his dad entered. He walks to the door for the cell to open but when nothing happened he narrowed his eyes through the bars. What are you doing? Open up the door!

I dont think you are in a position to make any demands, Hunter. The Mayor said, his voice filled with anger.

Hunter growls, eyes glowing. What do you want?

Ive warned you. This is your second attack on a innocent human. The word will be out in no time. The people will know about what youve done. We both know that The Andersons are really stubborn people who have a incredible sense of doing the right thing. They cant be bought.

So what? They have my son! Hunter snarls.

Your bastard son? Come on, Hunter. Hes not even worth fighting for. The Mayor huffs. I shouldve killed that girl while she was still pregnant and in my home. The mayor turned around to leave.

Where are you going? Hunter growls. Let me go!

The Mayor turned his cold eyes to Hunter. I think you are where you belong. Im fed up with your behavior. I cant have any loose cannons flying around.

What? You cant let stay here! My pack will come for me!

Good. They can get locked up just like their leader. I dont need you anymore, Hunter. Prepare to spend your days in prison.

Hunter growls. Im your son. You cant do this to me!

The Mayor huffs and put on his big smile. On the contrary, you gave me plenty of new ideas. Dear son, I think its time to get rid of monsters like you. After all.... Safety is my number one priority. Dont you agree? He gave his son one last wicked smile, before turning away. If you excuse me, I have new plans to make!

If I ever get out of here Ill kill you! Hunter snarls, pulling at the bars. But his father didnt hear him as he slammed the door with a loud bang. Hunter fell onto his knees. Hes making a vow to himself that if he ever got out of prison hell destroy his dad completely.


James returned the next day, hearing what happened and calming down a distressed Elise. He told Blaine that the Ohio pack believed him when he had said that nobody of his pack attacked Karofsky. Blaine was relieved but he could feel Kurt tense next to him. Karofsky was still a sensitive topic.

Kurt and Blaine visited Nick every day. Jeff had confessed that it was his fault that Hunter went to the Andersons House. But Nick didnt blame him at all, he stated that Hunter was going to find out some day. Their relationship looked as strong as a rock again. Nick talked to Becky everyday but he really missed Jackson. Jeff tried his best to distract him. 

It was the last day of summer at the Andersons house and Kurt was packing his stuff. He couldnt believe he would see his dad tomorrow. He really missed him. He couldnt wait to see him. But this also means he needed to say goodbye to Blaine.

Their last days were just heaven, they spend their days shopping, talking, making out and Kurt could listen hours to Blaine playing his guitar. They agreed to spend at least one weekend a month together. Kurt knew his dad didnt want Blaine around every weekend because he loves family time with just Finn, Carole and him. Being around Blaine was like... a addiction. How am I going to survive a month without him?

You okay?

Kurt looked up, smiling when he saw Blaine leaning against his doorway. How is it possible to look hotter every day? Sure.

Why are you crying? 

Kurt shrugs, wiping away the tears quickly. I hate saying goodbye.

Good! Blaine blurted out in a way too happy voice that made Kurt suspicious.

Good? Kurt narrowed his eyes, realizing Blaine was holding something behind his back. Whats that?

Blaine laid down a few papers. I did some research of my own. There is all the information to apply for Dalton Academy for Boys. I found out we have one scholarship left and I made a few calls and said you would be interested.

Blaine! Kurt scolded.

What? Blaine put on his innocent face. Think about it, Kurt. It would be perfect. Your grates are good enough, you could transfer immediately. Im sure when you tell your dad everything he would not hesitate to pay.

Wait a minute... Kurt put down the papers, crossing his arms. You did research about me? Blaine blushed, looking guilty. Are you suddenly a spy or something?

Busted, Blaine grins. Im a spy serving for the KKHS.

Kurt raised his eyebrows. KKHS?

Keep Kurt Hummel Safe! Blaine grin only widened, as if it was the most genius idea ever. Kurt rolls his eyes.  What am I supposed to do, Kurt? You avoided anything about Dalton and transferring. Dalton has every classes you have at McKinley and it is 96% saver.

96%? I thought bullying wasnt allowed?

Blaine bit his bottom lip. Well.... it is a werewolf school.

Kurts jaw dropped. Are you kidding me? Dalton is like Hogwarts for werewolves? Blaine... Im not a werewolf.

So? Nick goes there too. There are a few other humans who are dating werewolves or are transferred because Dalton is much saver.

Really? Well this sounds better. I really want to know more people whore dating werewolves and know if its just as complicated as ours.

Blaine nods. Besides this also gives me a change to study my fav subject.

Whats that?

you. Blaine winks.

Kurt blushes, hiding his face in his hands. One day my face will explode because of too much blushing. Blaine shoved his hands away from his face. Kurt glares. Blaine, you need to let my face recover for awhile.. I look like a traffic light.

I like traffic lights.

Kurt gave him a look.

Blaine corrected himself. Especially if they have bright blue eyes, perfectly coiffed chestnut hair, wearing amazingly clothes and have the voice of a angel.

I hope you mean me.

I was talking about Wes. Blaine teased.

Hes Asian! Besides his wardrobe is a big mess, he should get a clean sweep.

I meant totally you! Blaine interrupted, before Kurt could blurt out more things he suddenly hated about Wes. Please think about it?

Kurt sighs. I cant just leave my friends. I also have a live in Ohio. Its senior year, a last chance at winning Nationals...

We also have glee club.


Blaine nods proudly. Its called the Warblers.

Worblers? Why?

Warblers, its called that way for generations. Were pretty good.

You are in it?

Of course. And with you in it we win Nationals. Wes, Jeff, Nick and David are also in the Warblers.

Kurt bit his lips. Dalton sounded more and more tempting. I think about it. But we might need to change the name if I join.

Oh that might be a problem.


Wes is pretty serious about the Warblers, hes in the council. He has a gavel and everything. He isnt afraid to use it.  Blaine jumps up. I have one thing to convince you to join. Wait a few minutes. Kurt give a nod and Blaine disappeared.

Kurt used the time to pack the last things. He could feel movement behind him and knew that Blaine was back. He turned around with a smile, already convinced he loved what Blaine had come up with now. Till he saw the sight in front of him. He screamed. W-what is that horrible thing you wearing?

Blaine was standing in front of him, his chest proudly puffed up, his hands on his hips, his hair trapped in gel. He was wearing a red bleu striped tie and a dark blue blazer, equally dark pants. On his chest he had a red letter logo with only "D". Its our Dalton uniform.

This is a fashion crime! Kurt wanted to rip of Blaines clothes and not because of his horny hormones this time.

When Kurt still hadnt say anything but just stared in shock at him, Blaine became worried and walks over and reached for his hands. Breathe, Kurt, breathe. 

But... why? Why would you wear something like this? Kurt managed to croak out. It was barely a whisper.

Blaines face fell. He was used to the Dalton uniform and to him, it felt like home. It felt like he belonged something. This uniform resembles being part of the group, that youre not alone. Everyone wears this. Its a part of Dalton.

Well, that is a reason why I cant transfer to Dalton. I love fashion and what youre wearing is a crime, Blaine. I cant wear that.

It isnt that bad, Kurt. You can wear your own clothes after classes. Dalton is all about being one group and be there for each other. Nobody stands out.

But I love standing out. I love expressing my feelings through my clothes. Its what I am. Kurt stopped when he saw Blaines big pout. He sighs. He couldnt resist that pout. He was too weak. Okay, tell you what. I talk to my dad about it.

Blaines face light up immediately. Really?

Promise. Kurt nods. I guess being with you is more important than that blazer.

Blaine gasps dramatically. Who would ever thought Kurt Hummel would say that?

I said I would talk about it, this doesnt mean Im transferring.

I know, but its better than something. 

Kurt closed his last suitcase. Any plans for today?

Actually... I want to go grab a ice cream in town, go watch a movie and at the end we could go to the hospital to say goodbye to Nick and Jeff. How does that sounds?

Kurt sighs. I hate saying goodbyes. Im really going to miss Nick and even Jeff.

Blaine nods, smiling. I know what you mean, Jeff grows on you after awhile. And when that happens you cant get rid of him.

Hey! He s your friend.

Blaine shrugs, pulling Kurt on his feet. Lets go.


Blaine and Kurt spend the afternoon in town, eating ice cream, doing some window shopping and drinking coffee till their movie began. The waiter at the coffee shop flirted with Kurt, who felt again uncomfortable because it was obvious that he was here with Blaine. Do the people here just dont care about relationships or something?  Kurt quickly managed to whimper the guy off, staring in the angry glowing eyes of his boyfriend.

Thank god, you manage to get rid of him because I was seconds away to bend you over this table and just fuck you in front of everybody!

Kurt gasped scandalized, his face turning scarlet. Blaine!

Blaine shrugs, sipping on his coffee. What? It would show people that youre mine!

Kurt shakes his head. Sometimes his boyfriend just doesnt have a filter. Kurt made a mental note to never introduce Blaine to Santana. Come on, our movie starts in 10 minutes and its still a walk to the bios. He stands up.

Good! Blaine glares one last time at the waiter who swallows nervously, grabs Kurts hand and pulls him out of the small cafe. 

After the movie the two went to the hospital to say goodbye to Jeff and Nick. Kurt promised to keep in touch and invited the two to come spend a few days in his house when Nick was recovered. He would convince his dad... hopefully.  After a lot of tears Kurt and Blaine went back to the Anderson home. They got ready for bed.

Anything you want to do? Blaine asks, looking to the already empty guest bedroom which was Kurts home the last couple of weeks.

Kurt crawls into bed, pulling the blankets over his body. Just... hold me okay?

Blaine nods, laid down next to Kurt and wraps his arms around him like every night. He couldnt help but smile when Kurt leaned into the touch and snuggled even closer. Goodnight Kurt.  He kissed Kurts temple.

Kurt yawns. Goodnight, Blaine.

They fell into a deep sleep, not knowing when they would sleep in each others arms again.



Kurt groans but didnt open his eyes. Why was Blaine awake? Im still too tired.

Babe, its time to wake up. Blaine whispers, trying to unwrap his legs from Kurts.

But Kurt only tightened his grip on Blaine. Still not opening his eyes, he murmurs: How late is it?

10:30 AM.

Its still early, go back to sleep. Kurt yawns and snuggled closer to Blaine.

Babe... your dad will be here in 30 minutes remember?

So? Let him wait.

Blaine waited patiently till his words had sunk into the sleepy Kurt. He didnt have to wait long. Within five seconds Kurt was on his feet, wide awake.  WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME? Oh my god, Ive only got 30 minutes to shower, do my morning routine, get dressed and eat!

Calm down, Kurt. Youre heart is racing like crazy!

Calm down?! Kurt shouted. How can I calm down? My dad could be here any minute and  I look like a mess.

You look fine.

Kurt scowls. you only say that because youre my boyfriend. He looks around for some clothes, finally found a pants, underwear and a t shirt and disappeared into the bathroom.


Kurt had rushed through his morning routine, when he walks down he already found Blaine, Elise and James at table. Kurt sat down next to Blaine who gave him a big smile. They eat while Elise and James informed them about Hunters status. Hunter was still in jail and his trail was next week. The towns people were in shock and finally some people demanded that the Mayor resigned to his status.

I would almost be glad school starts next week, less drama. Blaine commented.

Elise looks sad. Somehow I think whatever happens in Westerville will still have a affect on you. Dalton is still in Westerville. Maybe you shouldnt board this year. You can sleep at home.

Blaine scowls. I want to board, mom. See it as a part of me growing up. Kurt and James both snorted at this. What?!

Nothing son. Elise, just let the boy have his freedom. James turned to his wife. When we were teenagers we didnt want our parents to breath in our neck and watch our every move.

Elise sighs. Hes still my little baby boy...

Mom! Blaine growls, looking embarrassed. Kurt smiled amusing. He didnt get to see Blaine being embarrassed or put out often.

A knock on the front door interrupted their happy morning chatter and James got up. Its probably your dad, Kurt.

Kurt nods, feeling a little bit nervous. He couldnt wait to see his dad. He didnt have to wait long because James came back with Burt Hummel next to him. The man had changed his fancy suits into his normal casual outfits inclusive his loyal baseball cap. Hey kiddo!

Kurt leaped out of his chair and ran into Burts open arms, who pulled him immediately in a bear hug. Damn, I missed you so much, Kurt.

How was Chicago? Kurt asks when he let lose.

Burt shrugs. Same, old boring people. But... there is also good news. Gay marriage is legal in 3 more states. He smiles proudly.

Before Kurt could say anything, Blaine steps forward .Thats amazing! You have no idea how much that means for the gay community, Mr. Hummel. Im gay too and thanks to people like you I can say marry the man I love... He looked at Kurt like he was about to actually propose to him on the spot, Kurt gave him a warning glare. Blaine seemed to get the hint and added: ... one day.

wow, hold on the blabbering kiddo. Burt smiled at Blaines enthusiasm. You are?

Burt, this is our youngest son Blaine. Elise introduced.

Burt jaw drops, eying Blaine from tip to toe. Wow, Blaine. You certainly have grown a lot. The last time I saw you, you were a little toddler. Youre like a man now.

Thank you, sir. Blaine blushes shyly.

Well, you couldve grown a little bit more though. But thats not your fault. Your dad isnt really tall either.

Hey! James glares in offend.

Dad. Kurt warns.

Just kidding, kid. Burt grins. He turns again towards Blaine. So, gay huh? Kurt threw another warning glare toward his dad. He already had a idea what he was going to say. Thats great. Kurt came out to me 2 years ago. Im happy he has someone to finally talk to. You know, maybe give advice or... share your experience.


Dont worry Mr. Hummel, I shared some of my experience with Kurt, Blaine winks at Kurt, who blushed furiously. Kurt quickly ducked his head in the hope his dad wouldnt see him blush.

Burt eyed Blaine with narrowed eyes trying to figure out the meaning of Blaines words when Elise decided to change topic. Coffee, Burt? 

Burt glanced at his watch. Uhm... Okay I have time for one cup. He sat down and looks at Kurt. Better load your suitcases in the car, Kurt. I want to leave as soon as I finish this cup. Carole is waiting for us with lunch. 

Ill grab them, theyre upstairs. Kurt grabs Blaines hand and pulls him upstairs. He dragged Blaine into the room, closet the door and turns the lock. Blaine looked at him in confusing.

Kurt, whats wrong?

Kurt turns around and gives him his best death glare. Blaine immediately regretted his question. You basically said that were having sex. "I shared some of my experience..." Really Blaine?! Whats my dad suppose to think?

That we just talked about this? Blaine said with big innocent eyes.

Kurt groans. That doesnt sound any better. He walks to his bags and suitcases.

 Blaine blocks his way with a big pout on his face. Dont leave like this. I cant survive if youre mad at me.


This are our last minutes together, lets make full use of it. Blaine walks closer.

My dad is downstairs.

So are my parents. Blaine didnt see any problems. He closed the gap between them before Kurt could protest more and pushed Kurt gently on bed. Kurt lost all will to protest and pulls Blaine closer on top of him, deepening to kiss. God he was going to miss this.


10 minutes later Kurt and Blaine both arrived into the kitchen with flustered cheeks, Kurt with a guilty look at his father, Blaine was grinning proudly like a idiot. Burt raised his eyebrows but didnt say anything as they loaded the suitcases into the car.

Kurt turns to Elise and James. Thank you for the good care. I loved staying at your house. Burt looks proudly at his sons politeness. Elise and James gave Kurt a goodbye hug.

It was our pleasure, Kurt. Youre always welcome. James said,

Thank you. Kurt turns to Blaine, who just looks sad. James and Elise stepped back to say a few words to Burt so that they had some privacy. Im gonna miss you.

Promise me you talk to your dad about Dalton okay? Blaine whispers. Then we will be together within weeks.

Okay. Kurt nods. Have you talked with your dad about your.... He looks around to make sure his dad wasnt ears dropping, his dad laughed at something James said. .... conditions?

Blaine rolls his eyes annoys. Im fine now, Kurt. It was just a after affect.

You almost killed someone, Blaine. You cant put this away as if its nothing!

There is nothing to talk about.


Okay, Ill talk to him tonight!

Were skyping tonight, remember?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

Kurt quirked a eyebrow. Ive made a tight schedule to skype, call and text messages. I left one schedule at your room. You better not forget it, Blaine Anderson.

Blaine smirks. I love it when youre all bossy. Its so hot. Kurt blushed, ducking his head shyly. Blaine was always amazed that one minute Kurt could be so shy and the next minute he could be a drama queen. He leans closer, their lips inches apart. I really want to kiss you right now.

Kurt decided he didnt mind at all, he closed his eyes and leans forward too. Suddenly Blaine pulls away and Kurt opens his eyes, he squeaked when he could feel a hand on his shoulder. It was Burt. Ready, Kurt?

Yes... Eh... bye Blaine. Kurt blushes, wishing his dad hadnt interrupted.


Kurt turns and got into the car, already missing Blaine. Burt said his last goodbyes, stepped into the car, start the in gene and drove off.

Its good to see you and hear that you had a great time, Kurt. Burt smiles, turning up the music.

Theyre really nice. Kurt nods. Burt nods. There was a comfortable silence between them except for the pop music. Normally music would cheer Kurt up but he was still sad. The feeling of lost wouldnt let him go. He suddenly realized he hadnt seen David and Wes and hadnt said goodbye. He made a mental note to call them when theyre in Ohio.

He pulls our his phone and had two new messages. He opened the first one: Mercedes.

"Heard youre back in town today, ladies night tomorrow at my house? Weve a lot to talk about. xoxo"

Kurt quickly typed back: "Deal, I bring snacks." He opened the second message: Blaine.

"I already miss you. Love you xxxxxxx."

Kurt replied: "Miss you more." A new text came in: Mercedes

"Oh hell no, white boy. I aint gonna eat that healthy shit you always bring. I bring snacks."

New text from Blaine: "Thats impossible."

Kurt blushed. He could feel Burts curious eyes on him and he quickly pocketed his phone away. His dad hated texting while there was room for conversation. Kurt felt guilty towards Blaine because he had a point. He was hiding their relationship from his dad and that wasnt fair towards Blaine who was open about their relationship from the start. Blaines friends, family and even his enemys know about him. While Kurts friends only heard about him and his family dont know anything.

Kurt looked out of the window. His dad and he had a lot of talking to do when they got home.


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