The Beast Within Me
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 17

E - Words: 4,722 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

It took me a hour (!) to update this chapter because we have a new pc but this site doesnt seemed to work so I needed to go back to my old Pc. *sighs* Anyway a new chapter is on! The only reason why I still keep doing this is because of all the lovely reviews so keep them coming!

So well probably see Karofsky at some point again ( i havent figured that out yet), well def see Cooper at some point. Only 2-3 chapters left of summer and then well move on with the next part: school.

Hope you liked it and keep holding on with me:) Its still a really long ride till the end.

Kurt woke up early the next morning by a annoying beeping noise. He grabbed at his phone, saw that Mercedes tried calling him. He frowns. Mercedes never called unless there was a sale in the mall. She preferred texting or skyping. Kurt looked at the clock. 6:30. Why the hell would Mercedes call this early? Its probably a fight with Rachel or a break up with Sam. Kurt remembers comforting Mercedes after she discovered that the guy she was dating, was also fooling around with her sister. She was devastated and it took Kurt three days to calm her down. Kurt decided to ignore her calls. If it really was a break up he could use some sleep before he deals with her. He yawns tiredly and wraps his warm blanket around him, closing his eyes again in hope to sleep some more.

No such luck. He could hear a baby crying,  a voice on the hallway and running footsteps. Kurt groans, unwraps himself and grabbed his rope of the wall and stormed at his door, planning to yell at all the noise. what was wrong with these people? Making so much noise at 6:30 am in the morning.

Kurt almost bumped into a exiting Nick, he needed to blink twice to recognize the always neat looking Nick. The boy was wearing a tank top and sweat shorts, his hair was a big mess, his eyes were surrounded by dark circles. It looks like Nick havent slept at all, and knowing Nick he probably didnt. Nick? Why are you running down the hall?

Oh, Kurt, my shampoo is gone. Can I borrow something? Nick sounded out of breath.

Eh... sure. Kurt frowns, but retrieved towards the bathroom to grab some shampoo. He had five different shampoos. Why are you up so early, Nick?

Are you not exited? Nick basically grabbed the shampoo and bounced on his feet. Jeff is coming back!

Sure? Why wouldnt he?

Oh my McQeen! Youre so new at this! Nick smiles. I forget that sometimes. I cant wait to hold him in my arms again and kiss him.

Kurt frowns, looking at his friend with a careful eye. Nick seemed fine, he just looked like a zombie and acted like he was high on coffee or crack. I dont understand? Why are so happy? You kissed him yesterday.

You dont understand, Nick grabs Kurts shoulders and shook him a little, as if he was trying to shake some sense into him. Hes coming back to me, I can feel it. This means, Kurt, that he hasnt found anybody else.

Finally it hit Kurt. Oh. Suddenly it also hit him that Blaine had spend the night out there too. How can I know if Blaine has found anybody? Nick seems so sure. What if Blaine has found someone? He started to panic.

Breath, Kurt, breath. I know its exited to see Jeff and me reunite but please calm your nerves or I might faint! Nick sighs dramatically.

Kurts jaw drops. Nick was insane. Nick, are you always like this after the full moon?

Nick shrugs, twisting the shampoo in his hands. I dont know. Im usually alone with this.

Kurts face softened immediately. It must be really hard on Nick to wait for years alone, just waiting to see if Jeff would come back to him or if Jeff comes back with another wolf. He didnt want to feel it, but Kurt felt pity. How can someone live like this? Most importantly, can I live like this? Oh god, I probably end up in a crazy home. How can you feel it if Jeff returns to you? I cant... feel Blaine. He blushed at the word choice. Geez, get a grip, Hummel.

You just know. Nick said vaguely. I really need to get a shower, they can be here in a hour. Thank you for the shampoo, Ill return it. And he skipped down the hall. Skipped!

Kurt stared after Nick, till he was gone, making a mental note, to never ever end up like that. Till the true words of Nick sink in and he ran towards the bathroom, slamming the door. He had only a hour to get ready for the arrival of Blaine.


Theyre here! Nick squealed, Becky quickly took over Jackson from Nicks hands and Nick ran towards the door.

Kurt slowly walked behind him. He would lie if he wasnt exited to see Blaine again. He had really missed him and sleeping without him... well it strangely felt just wrong. But he also was really nervous.  What if Blaine wouldnt return?

There they are! Nick squeaked, pointing at the edge of the forest where Jeff, David, Wes, Sammy Jo, James and Elise appeared. Nick ran into Jeffs arms giving him a kiss. 

Kurt greeted the wolves who were more focused on Nick and Jeff and Wes and Sammy Jo seemed to busy staring into each others eyes then paying attention to Kurt. Kurt focused his attention on the edge of the forest. Where was Blaine? Why is it taking so long?  Where is Blaine?

There fell a awkward silence. Everybody shared a glance at each other but not daring to speak. Nick frowns in confusion too, whispers something at Jeff who just shook his head. Nick gave Kurt a sad look. Finally James steps towards Kurt, laying a hand gently on his shoulder. Im sorry, Kurt... Blaine is...

Im here!

Everybody turned around to the edge of the forest where Blaine was leaning casually against the fence, smiling widely. He looked tired, his hair was a mess, he had scratches (what wasnt weird because everyone was covered in a few scratches). What put Kurt off was that Blaines smile didnt reach his eyes. Something was wrong. 

Blaine walks over, stops in front of Kurt and opens his arms. Missed me?

Kurt smiles, pulling Blaine in a firm hug. You had me worried for a second.

Blaine gave him a soft kiss on the lips, but their lips barely touched. Ill always return to you, remember that. 

Blaine! James interrupted their reunion. I need to talk to you immediately.

Please dad, Im tired, I want a shower and some coffee first. Blaine brushed past James. Well talk later, but for now I just want to share breakfast with my boyfriend.  He grabs Kurts hand and leads him back to the house.

Kurt saw James glare firmly on Blaine and the rest looked extremely tense. Something was definitely wrong. He looked at Blaine. You okay?

Blaine nods. Why wouldnt I? I have my most favorite person in my arms again. He winks playfully. Kurt couldnt help but smile and when Blaine wraps his arms around his waist and gave him another kiss he couldnt help but to melt away in his arms.


While Blaine took a shower, Kurt decided to call Mercedes back. Mercedes picked up immediately. Omg Kurt where have youve been? Ive tried to contact you all night.

Kurt rolls his eyes at the drama side of his best friend. Whatever it was, it can never be possible that it was so important that Mercedes would miss her so called beauty sleep. She always overreacted if she had the newest gossip or if a boy broke up with her. Ive been busy sleeping. You know what that is, Mercedes? Something you cant live without, same as singing, coffee and fame? Its your rules.

The girl look taken aback by Kurts snappy tone. Whatever, Kurt. Something horrible happened.

Kurt stopped teasing the girl and his heart immediately filled with ice. Mercedes never used this tone with him, unless something was really wrong. What?

Dave Karofsky has been attacked last night!

Kurt froze. What?

They think it was a bear.

A- a bear?

Yeah I know, right? There are no bears in Ohio. Kurt could imagine Mercedes roll her eyes at this point.

How is Karofsky?

Mercedes let out a breath. I dont really know. Hes been found in the park. His body was covered in blood. Sams been friends with one of Daves and they say he has broken both his legs, arms and his rib has punctured one of his lungs. Hes in a coma. It... it doesnt look good, Kurt.

Kurt didnt even know what to think about this news. Dave was attacked and fighting for his life. Yes that man had made his life a living hell but he didnt deserve something like this. Bears doesnt exist in Ohio, but who could do this?

Apparently he was thinking out loud again because Mercedes answered. I dont know, Kurt. The police are confused, people are really shaken about this brutal attack. They interview everyone. I cant believe any human would be capable of doing something like this. Karofsky is a dick but he doesnt deserve this. I dont believe the bear story but it must be a monster what else could cause so much damage?

Kurt tensed when a idea struck him. He thought of Blaine not being with the group, James angry face, Blaines anger when he told what had happened between Karofsky and him. Oh no Blaine you didnt. Kurts insides turned cold when he realized that Blaine probably did it. Who else couldve done it? Then another realization hit him and he felt the need to throw up. If I didnt tell Blaine anything Karofsky would still be save. Its all my fault.

Kurt? Kurt, are you still there? Mercedes voice snapped him out of his own thought.

I need to go, Mercy, speak to you later! Kurt quickly hang up, ran to the bath room and emptied his stomach.


Blaine put on some pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and something against the head ache. He was still on edge from the night before. He couldnt remember much. He woke up on the side of a high road near Ohio, covered in blood. He had managed to wash the blood away in a creek nearby, picked up his car where he left it and quickly made his way back to Westerville.

Blaine studied his reflection in the mirror.  His hair was still a mess of dark curls, his skin looked slightly darker and his pupils have a dark edge to it. That didnt completely freaked him out, the only thing that he was concern about was that he felt different. On edge, angry, scared, confused and strong. It was like his wolf, the dark side, wanted to take over again. That never happened, only once a month. What the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember is stepping out of the car, following Dave Karofsky. All I wanted was to confront him with his deeds towards Kurt and tell him to leave Kurt alone.

I havent been in your room since you were 8.

Blaine turns around. His dad was looking around. Not that he finds anything interesting but James acted like he had found a interesting treasure. He always avoided eye contact before he was going to explode. Blaine sighs. Here we go...

Mind to tell me what you did last night? James finally asked, leaning against the wall, his eyes firm on Blaine.

I... I dont remember, Blaine could hear his voice crack but he refused to cry. He wasnt a baby anymore.  

I know what you did.

You do?

James nods, gesturing for Blaine to sit down. Blaine obeyed and sat down on his bed. The Ohio pack called me just a hour ago. A boy was attacked last night. His name is Dave Karofsky. Ive found out he wasnt exactly a nice person and bullied a lot of people. Let me guess he bullied Kurt?

Blaines jaw tensed. I wanted to confront him. Tell him to leave Kurt alone.

The boy is in a coma. Hes fighting for his life.

Blaine sighs in relieve. Hes still alive, he might even survive it. Ive never meant for it to happen, dad. I... I needed to protect Kurt!

You didnt think! James snaps. This was reckless and dangerous, Blaine. You can not only give Kurt a lot of trouble now but you can also put our pack in danger. You know the rules! You shouldve stayed and let the school and his dad handle this.

Blaine huffed. They dont care. Kurt is screaming for help for years. I needed to do something! You wouldve done the same for me or mom!

The difference is that your mom isnt selfish! James growls, eyes glowing. She thinks, shell always puts the need of the pack first. You and your mother means everything to me, Blaine. But I cant help you with this. You should use your head instead of acting on emotions.

I dont regret it, he deserved it. Blaine growls back. Even though Im happy I dont remember anything.

You say you do it for Kurt but thats not true. You led yourself lead by the full moon and by your instincts to kill. This can have horrible consequences for Kurt.

What do you mean? Blaine asks confused. He didnt think of any consequences for Kurt, he wanted to remove the threat. And he did. Kurt was supposed to be safe.

What do you think will happen when Karofsky survives? Youve bitten him right? James saw his sons face pale immediately when he realized what happens if Dave survives this attack. Dave would be a werewolf. When the change is complete and hes used to his new abilitys its curtain hes going after the one he most wanted but couldnt get.


You know how driven a new bitten werewolf can be. James continued.

I can beat him. Ill do anything to keep Kurt safe.  Blaine couldnt believe his own stupid fault. He didnt remove Karofsky out of Kurts life forever. If he survived the attack, he had given the enemy a weapon to take revenge. He would almost be invincible.

James sighs, looking exhausted.  Lets hope it doesnt come to this. The Ohio pack demands a meeting. Ill leave in a hour.

I didnt leave any traces! Blaine protested.

Its gonna be a investigation of all packs and when the Ohio pack figures out whos behind this brutal attack, hell be punished. James eyes turned cold. They both knew what the punishment was going to be: a hunt that ends up in a fight for live an death.

Blaine jumps up. So thats it then? You wont cover for me or anything? Are you gonna tell them that it was me? Are you going to tell on me? Or are you going to tell me to leave like you did with Cooper?

James tensed. Blaine immediately regretted mentioning Coopers name when he saw the hurt in his dads eyes.  He didnt meant it, but his emotions are all over the place. Ive never sent Cooper away. I tried to help him. But he didnt want any help.

Bullshit, hes screaming for help for years now.

James eyes widened. Hes.... You two have contact?

Blaine nods. We try to call each other once a month.

Hows he doing?

Better than hes been but hes far from okay. Blaine spoke softly, his tone dropping when he saw tears in James eyes. Hes finally making a name for himself in LA. Scored his first movie role. But the drugs and alcohol are destroying him. Ive tried to send him to rehabs but he just wont listen. Hes a stubborn ass.

 James smiles at this. That was his oldest son, still as stubborn as he was when he was a little kid. He really thinks I send him away? Blaine gave him a look that says Yes and you know you what you did. Ive never meant it. After the dead of that little girl.... There was chaos in town, everyone was scared and hunting for some beast. He said that last word with a face of disgust. That beast was my son. He was just 14. It was a accident. That girl wasnt supposed to be there. Who lets out a five year old girl with full moon? I was too late to keep Cooper away from the girl.

When they found her body it was a big shock to everyone. The whole town was mourning and in a deep rage. They swore revenge on the one who did this. Blaine, you need to understand that I didnt have a choice. I had to send Cooper away to my sister till things calmed down a bit. In order to protect him. Ive never wanted it to be 10 years. Hes always welcome. Tell him we miss him next time you speak to him.

Blaine nods. But maybe you should tell him yourself? We could go visit him in LA. I have his address.

James smiles. I would love to. Oh but keep it a secret too your mother, shell be devastated if Cooper doesnt want to have contact with us. She still blames herself for it.

She shouldnt. And you shouldnt either, dad. It wasnt your fault or Coopers. It was a accident.

Thank you, I try. James nods, but his eyes are still sad. I should be going. Ill try to set them on a fake trail. Lets hope theyre not so driven to catch the attacker.

Thank you.

No problem, I was worried last night. Dont ever do that again, Blaine. James pulls Blaine in a tight bear hug. You scared me.

I promise. Blaine lets go and James walks out of his room. Blaine returned to the mirror, noticing the changes. He was changing, his wolf was changing. Growing stronger. Thats when Blaine realized his true fear.  Im scared of myself.


Kurt couldnt find Blaine anywhere. They needed to talk, he needed to confront Blaine. He needed to make Blaine understand that he couldnt just beat up people... or  kill them. Kurt quickly shoved that thought aside. He couldnt imagine Blaine hurting anyone, but it happened. And its all my fault. He found Nick and Jeff in the living room, curled up together on the couch watching a movie.

Hi. Have you seen Blaine somewhere? I cant find him.

He went into the forest a hour ago, claiming he wanted to be left alone. Jeff yawns, pulling Nick closer on top of him. Nick blushed shyly.

Kurt felt like he was interrupting something intimate so he quickly said his goodbyes and made his way over to the edge of the forest.  Kurt tried calling Blaine but he was send to voicemail. How am I suppose to find him now? This forest is huge.

Kurt took his changes and began to walk, calling Blaines phone every 10 minutes but nothing. He heard some leaves and branches break, he froze. A cold chill ran down his spine and flashbacks of the night he got attacked by werewolves flashes before his mind. Dont be so ridiculous, it isnt even full moon. There are no wolves, Im completely safe. Kurt tried to calm himself down. I hope so.

The only path Kurt remembered was the path to the small river so he made his way over and couldnt believe his luck. Blaine leaned against a tree close to the river, his head in his hands, knees pulled up. Blaine?

Blaine looked up, it was obvious that hes been crying. His eyes are puffy red. Kurts anger disappeared. How did you found me?

Ive been trying to call you, I only remember this path so I guess I was just lucky. Kurt walks over, checked the dirty ground and walks over to a large rock nearby and sat down. Blaines lip twitch up. Typical Kurt to still think about his clothes. Blaine... tell me you didnt do it. You didnt attack Karofsky tonight.

Blaine didnt deny it, he looked down at the streaming river not daring to look in Kurts eyes. He knew what he would see in those eyes, disappointment. He couldnt handle that right now. Kurt should never be disappointed in him, he should be proud, feel safe, be happy.  How did you found out?


I only wanted to confront him, to tell him to back off.


I dont regret it, Kurt. What else am I suppose to do? I want to protect you.

I dont need protection! Kurt said. I survived 17 years on my own, Blaine. I can handle the bullying.

You cant. Its destroying you.

Its only for one more year. Kurt sighs. Blaine, you cant beat up people whenever they insult you. Its wrong.

Blaine looks up in Kurts eyes intently. I dont care about myself. I did it for you. Kurt, you need to be safe. I dont regret attacking him. He deserved it.

I cant believe youre saying this. Kurt jumps up, to agitated to sit down, and started pacing. Its all my fault. What if he dies? I ... Im responsible for this. His breathing became erratic and he knew he was close to have a panic attack but he couldnt calm himself down.

No youre not. Blaine reached for Kurts hands to stop him but Kurt moved away.

Really? Would you attack Karofsky if I havent told you what he did to me? Kurt said, turning his body away from Blaine, his arms in front of his chest.

well, no but you didnt tell me to attack him. Blaine said calmly. How could you know that I would do that? Kurt this isnt your fault, it was my decision. You even told me to not confront him didnt you? Kurt turns around, his eyes narrows but eventually he nodded. Im sorry I caused you so much distress. All I want is that youre happy and safe. He reached out his hand for Kurt to grab. Please forgive me?

Kurt slowly let his hand slip in Blaines and sat down next to Blaine, not caring for any dirt. I forgive you, Blaine. But promise me you wont attack anyone ever again. I can take care of myself, Im doing it for years. You need to let me fight my own battles.

I cant promise anything, Blaine bit his lip. Kurt frowns, then he noticed something was different. Something had changed.

What do you mean?

I cant control my wolf. I meant it when I said that I didnt want to hurt Karofsky, I only want to scare him a little. I cant remember much, but I remember the feeling when I bit him and when I saw and tasted the first blood. Blaine could feel Kurt tense and he saw that his face was paler than normal. I cant explain how it felt exactly. But I could feel the beast within me take over, it wanted to kill Karofsky. It felt right. As if its born to kill. I couldnt stop him.

Why did you stop?

The Ohio Pack came and I fled. Blaine sighs. If they didnt... Karofsky would be dead by now.

Kurt didnt know what to say. What could someone say after this?

I dont know what to do. I dont feel the same. It doesnt even feel like my own body. This morning my wolf wanted to come out. But that isnt normal right? Full moon is over. Its done. Blaines voice panicked. I cant control it anymore. What if I hurt someone I love? What if I hurt you?  He looked at Kurt in desperation, but he didnt know what to do. Kurt saw fear in Blaines eyes and that scared him too. You should leave, before I end up hurting you, Kurt.

That seemed to snap Kurt out of everything. Its time to man up and help Blaine get through this, like he helped me many times before. You wont hurt me, Blaine. I trust you.

Blaine looked at him in disbelieve. Didnt you hear me? I almost killed someone, Kurt! A stranger, what says I wont do it to someone close to me.

Because you said you love me, Kurt spoke softly. I believe our love is stronger than whats inside you. We can get through this, Blaine. We need to take things easy and focus on getting you back on track. You need to take over the lead before it makes more victims. Youre gonna be okay.

Blaine squeezed Kurts hand and gave him a sappy smile. Thank you for not giving up on me.


Your speech about love though....

Was it a bit too much? Kurt asks worriedly.

Maybe... Blaine said but when he saw Kurt narrowing his eyes he quickly added: But I love it. And I hope youre right.

I am always right.

Blaine rolls his eyes at the teasing tone but was really pleased that Kurt was so confident. What happened to the shy boy I met a couple months ago? I miss him. Kurt slapped him playfully against his chest, Blaine took that opportunity to pull Kurt in his lap. Kurt blushed at the new position. Aw there he is. Blaine teased, quickly closing the gap between them and gently put a kiss on his lips. Kurt pulls him closer and deepened the kiss.

There make out session was interrupted by a text messages. Kurt pulls away, Blaine couldnt stop the whine escaping his mouth, and read the text. His eyes widened and he led out a exiting squeal. Nick just texted that there is a Runaway marathon on TV. Blaine frowns, it was obvious he wanted different things then watching TV. Kurts face falls at Blaines reaction. Or... we could just sit here and talk?

Blaine chuckles, gets up and wipes away the dirt of his clothes. Kurt, my love, do you want to see the Runaway Marathon? Kurt bit his lip but eventually nodded. Come, were going to watch Runaway.

Kurt squeals and hugged Blaine firmly. Youre the best boyfriend ever!

Yeah yeah, just climb on my back and I run.

Kurt frowns. What?

Come on, well be much faster that way. Wolf speed, remember?

Im not climbing on your back, Blaine. Besides youre shorter than me. What if we run into people? It might look weird..

Weirder than dating a werewolf? Blaine teased. Come on. There is no one here.

Kurt thought about it. Blaine has a point. Besides season 4 of Project Runaway is on and its my fav season. He nods and climbed on Blaines back, it looked ridiculous and Kurt felt like a idiot.

Hold on! Blaine warned. Kurt wanted to roll his eyes dramatically because really, how fast can a werewolf go? Not that fast right?

Well he was wrong. Blaine started to run, he avoided trees like he was born into the forest, while Kurt couldnt even see any trees. His vision became blurry and his head was spinning. He tightened his grip on Blaines shoulders trying to hold on for dear life.


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