The Beast Within Me
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 16

E - Words: 5,256 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
178 0 0 0 0

Blaine woke up with a start. He could feel someone lie next to him but when he saw Kurt, he relaxed immediately. He sniffs the air and sighs happily. Kurts scent consumed him and he shuffled closer to the warm, sweaty body. Kurt was adorable when he slept. He looks so much more at peace. When hes awake hes always on the edge but hes doing better. Blaine sighs, looking at the peace full sleeping angel next to him. What happened to you that made you like this?

Blaine looks at the clock, it was noon and he decided to let Kurt sleep for awhile. He walks into the bathroom to take a quick cold shower. The thought about Kurts past crossed his mind a lot. I want to help Kurt but how am I suppose to do that when he wont open up to me at all? Blaines been through bullying for years, not physical but words could cause a lot of damage.

When Blaine met Nick for the first time, he recognized the same problems immediately. Nick was jumpy and didnt trust anybody. Also Jeffs flirty behavior didnt help either. Blaine was proud of Nick that he has come so far, found love and even has plans to become a doctor. He turns off the shower and wraps a towel around his waist, looking at Kurts still sleeping form.  Just let me help you.

Because Kurt was still sleeping, he decided to release some tension and run for awhile. Blaine quickly put on some clothes and inspected the house. He was curious how everyone was doing after last night.  Jeff was sitting against their bedroom door singing Lonely from Akon, because Nick still didnt let him in. Nick and Becky were probably taking care of Jackson. His mother was sipping coffee and his dad was at his work. Blaine couldnt smell Sarah anymore so shell probably went home to catch some sleep.

Blaine walked outside, further into the woods, into the shadows. He sniffs the air to make sure no human was around. He stretched his body and did a quick warm up.  Then he did what he every morning did since Kurt and he had that talk about taking things slow and waiting with sex: He ran. He ran through the forest at wolf speed. This way his wolf side could lose some energy. It worked, Blaine had more control around Kurt since he started it. 

After a half hour he came back, greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek, grabbed a toast and made his way upstairs to get rid of his sweaty clothes. He noticed Jeff was gone, so Nick probably forgave him... finally.

Blaine quickly changed his clothes and made his way to Kurts room. He rolls his eyes when he saw that the door was still closet. Kurt was such a sleepy head. Its almost 2 PM. Time to wake him up. Blaine reached for the doorknob when he heard Kurts panicked voice. He quickly opened the door and stormed in, prepared to fight the person who was harassing Kurt. He stopped when he saw nobody there.

Kurt was thrashing around on the mattress, pushing the blankets away in which he was strangled in. He kept screaming: Stop!

Kurt had a nightmare. Blaine quickly walks over to help get the blankets of off him and wake him up. Kurt.... Kurt lashed out and Blaine could manage to avoid the punch just in time. Kurt! Wake up!

Kurt kept attacking, his eyes still closed. Leave me alone!

Blaine groans when Kurts fist connect his jaw. He didnt get really hurt, he was used to fights with werewolves and Kurt was just human, but damn. Kurt really could throw a punch if he was mad. Of having a nightmare. Blaine pinched Kurts arm above his head, and Kurt tried to kick him off. No! Kurt kept mumbling.

Kurt sweetheart, wake up! Blaine tried gentle. He didnt know what to do. He couldnt push him of the bed like he would do with any of his friends. At this point Kurts heart was racing way too fast to be healthy so Blaine let go of his hands, gently lifted him in his arms and placed soft, gentle kissed on his temple. Please, Kurt, wake up. Youre going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. Its me, Blaine...

Kurt stopped moving and Blaine started to fear the worst when Kurt fluttered open his puffy eyes. Blaine? His breathing still too fast, as if he had run a whole marathon chased by 100 dinosaurs. Tears started to roll of his cheeks. It... it seemed so real.

Its okay, its just a nightmare. Im here, this is real and nobody can hurt you! Youre save. Blaine pulls Kurt closer on his lap and Kurt melted into the touch, his head resting on Blaines shoulder. When Kurts heart was calmer, Kurt pulls away. Blaine looked at Kurt, ready to talk but instead he saw Kurt blush shyly ducking his head. As if the boy just realized in what position he was. Kurt was really adorable. Wanna talk? Blaine already knew the answer but he still wanted to ask, show Kurt that he was here to talk.

Kurt shakes his head, pulling away from Blaine completely. Blaine tried not to whine about the lost of contact. No. Im... Going to take a shower. See you downstairs?

Blaine nods, not trying to show any disappointment about Kurt pushing him away again. Okay. Ill be at the swimming pool, annoying Jeff.

Kurt smiles, nods, disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. Completely shutting Blaine out.


In the next few days things went back to normal. Theyll laughed when Wes came over and discovered Jackson laying in Beckys arms. They laughed more when Wes accused David, who was fed up with all the accusations and just attacked him. Which led to a wolf fight. Sarah came over more often but only to support and help Becky, which was completely useless because Nick was taking care of that job. So Blaine suspected that Sarah came over for David. The two of them seemed closer, relationship close.

Nick was glued to the babys side, he was obviously really crazy about the baby. It wasnt hard to fall for Jackson. The boy loved attention, his brown eyes were captivating and even James melted eventually. He even bickered with Nick about whos turn it was to feed the baby. Becky was glad with all the extra help, though she kept her eyes open and she still didnt seemed to relax completely in a house full of wolves. Becky only seemed to relax when Kurt or Nick were in the room.  Kurt couldnt blame her. After what shes been through, it was a miracle she even came to the Andersons residence.

Kurt was afraid Blaine would keep pushing about the nightmare but he didnt. Instead he made sure Kurt laugh as much as possible.  He made funny weird faces during dinner, wrote down ridiculous things on Kurts cast and was extra affectionate in public. He made sure Kurt felt loved. And he did. He just wasnt ready to talk yet.

What also changed was their bed routine. Blaine never returned back to his own room. Since that one night, Blaine didnt want to move from Kurts side, not even in his dreams. He wanted to protect him from bad dreams. They tried sleeping separate again, the first night after Blaine returned to his own room now Jeff and Nick made up. Kurt was in his room in a few minutes, a heavy blush on his cheeks.

Kurt? Blaine had asked in surprise.

I... uhm.... would you... Never mind this is ridiculous. Kurt fumbled nervously with the hem of his shirt.

Tell me.

Youll laugh at me.

Never. It sounded like a promise. For Blaine it was. He would never laugh at Kurt, maybe tease him but he would never think hes stupid. Has it something to do with flying elephants?

Kurt frowns. What? No. Youre terrible at the guessing game.

Luckily Im really good in other games. Blaine winks making Kurt blush more. He chuckled. I cant help myself, making Kurt blush is my new favorite thing. Sue me.

Kurt took a deep breath. Would you sleep with me again? Blaine frowns. I just... feel saver when youre with me.

And thats that. Blaine was over the moon with the development, but that also meant more cold showers and more work outs. But he didnt mind to wake up two hours before everyone. It helped Kurt and thats all what mattered.

On Friday the friends decided to have a movie night, it was the night before full moon, the night before Wes and Sammy Jos bonding. Kurt and Blaine took over the whole (new!!) couch, Kurts head in Blaines lap and Blaine leaning against the armrest.

 Everybody noticed the two have become a lot closer, they seemed... complete. Jeff and Nick were cuddled up in the same chair, lip locked. Wes and Sammy Jo sat in another chair and David sat on the ground. He didnt mind, it was his time to chose the movie.

David chose Blade. Wrong choice. Kurt commented about the fashion in the movie.

Let it go, sweetheart! Blaine sing sang.

I just cant! Kurt pouts.

After Kurt saw Blade and asked: Why is he wearing sunglasses at night? Its NIGHT!  and Wes muttered: He has a point. Everybody just gave up on the movie and went to bed.


Blaine woke up again, untangled himself from Kurts limbs, got dressed and repeated his morning routine like he always did. He took a hot shower and gets dressed. He could hear footsteps in the bedroom. Well that was new. Kurt has never woke up before he takes a shower. He walks into the room and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Kurt was going through his morning routine. He was wearing tight black jeans that looked painted on, he was wearing a blue white navy shirt that looked way too good on him. Blaine sniffs the air. Damn he smells delicious.

Kurt smiles up when he saw Blaine. Hi! He looked really chirpy today.

Blaine frowns but didnt ask why. Kurt was doing great lately, no more nightmares or anything. Good morning.

Ive missed you, Kurt pouts, putting his stuff away, checking his hair one last time in the mirror. Where were you?

Just running, doing some workout so I dont become fat, Blaine jokes.

Kurt laughs. Uhuh, as if thats ever going to happen.

So youve missed me?

Kurt blushes, biting his lip but nods. He slowly walks over and pulled Blaine flushed against his body. Kurt bit playfully on his bottom lips and Blaine lost it. He pushed Kurt on bed, hovered over him, pressing him on the mattress.  The strong urge of need and want was taking over. His hands wondered over Kurts body. Oh god, Kurt. He moans, he managed to pull away to take a breath, before attacking Kurts neck. He bit and nipped gently, when Kurt moans Blaine roughly put Kurts hands above his head. Kurts eyes widened in surprise but Blaine was too busy attacking Kurts neck. He needed to feed his need to claim what was his, it was too strong to ignore. He pulled at Kurts belt.

Blaine! Kurt tried to struggle free. Blaine Im not ready for this. Let me go! But Blaine wasnt listening, he was grinding against his hips, growling frustrated when he couldnt pull the belt free. When Kurt could feel Blaines hardening dick against his tights he went into full panic. Screaming didnt help, it only made Blaine stronger. Kurt swallows, trying not to let his tears slip. He tried a different tactic to calm Blaine down. When Blaine ducked his head to continue his love bites, Kurt whispers: Blaine, please.

That seems to put Blaine of immediately and he quickly jumped of Kurt, moving away till his back hit  the wall, far away from Kurt. He let himself slide to the floor, breathing heavily, trying to calm his hormones... his beast. Damn what is wrong with me? I almost raped Kurt. He started shaking. I almost raped my boyfriend. I let the monster take over for one second and it couldve ended way worse if Kurt hadnt....  Blaines head snaps up to look at Kurt.

The boy quickly dressed himself properly again, checking his face and neck in the mirror. There were marks everywhere, it didnt seem to cause pain. Just marks of what was Blaine's. But it still looked awful.

Im sorry, I just.... You smell so good and.... I lost control. Blaine would beg for Kurts forgiveness if necessary. He just couldnt lose Kurt. Hed means too much.

Kurt turns towards him, still looking pale. He took in Blaines wrecked state and walks over but kept a distance. Blaine, you need to calm down. Youre sweating and... shaking. Do I need to get Jeff or your dad? 

Blaine just shook his head, trying to calm himself down. He wanted to shake Kurt and yell at him. How could he stay so calm after what just happened? Are you okay? Kurt nods. Dont lie.

Im fine.

Kurt... I almost...

You didnt.

How can you stay so calm when I cant even stay calm? Blaine snaps.

The most important thing is you stopped, Blaine. Kurt turns away from Blaine, sitting down on bed. Blaine saw tears in his eyes, and his heart broke. Some people dont.

Blaines jaw dropped in shock. Kurt wipes away his tears. What? Kurt refused to look at Blaine. Blaine walks up to Kurt, turns him around and cupped his chin. Their eyes locked. Please tell me.

It wont change anything.

It would. Just please... Blaine begs. He needed to know who had touched Kurt, he needed to know who he should kill for it. But he remained calm from the outside. He didnt want Kurt to know what he was planning. Kurt wouldnt agree with him despite what hes been through.

Kurt sighs. Promise not to tell anyone? Blaine nods. Kurt took a deep breath. Ive been bullied my whole life. I can handle that, I know theyre ignorant and brainless. I learned to deal with it, I learned to live with all the shit they throw my way. But... there is this guy that makes my life a living hell. Blaine growls, his grip on Kurts hand tightened. At first he was just like the other jocks, that was till he made it personal. He never let a chance go to push me against the lockers, call me "gay-face", or throw me in the dumpster.

Blaine growls louder, letting go of Kurts hand, pacing around. How can the school just let him get away with this? They should expel him.

This isnt the worst part, Kurt spoke softly, Blaine looked at  him.

What happened?

I always thought the guy was homophobic till that one time in the changing room after gym. I was the only one behind. I always stay behind so that nobody would harass me or so that I cant spray my gayness, like they love to say. I was just getting dressed when strong hands grabbed me and slammed me against the wall -Blaine growls, eyes glowing dangerously - It was him. I thought he was  just pushing me and would leave. But that wasnt it.

Did... did he rape you? Blaine manage to say. Kurt shook his head and Blaine took a breath of relieve. What happened?

He kissed me! I pushed him away!

Did he do anything else?

Kurt shakes his head. He tried but Ive managed to fight him off..

What did the school do? When Kurt didnt say anything, Blaine lifted up his head to look in his tear stained eyes. You did go to the principal about this right? Or your dad?

I couldnt. He threatened to kill me if I say anything.

He did WHAT?! Blaine growls, eyes glowing, he could feel his body wanted to shift. His wolf wanted to come out to teach this son of a bitch a lesson. He calmed down somewhat when he saw Kurt flince away from him. Im sorry. Blaine took a deep breath to calm himself and his wolf down and stepped closer, relieved when Kurt didnt move away. He finally understood why Kurt was so afraid of intimici and he felt like a complete ass for what he was about to do if Kurt hadnt begged him to stop. God, Kurt, Im so sorry for what I did. I just.... let myself go. Ill never hurt you or do something you dont want to. Thisll never happen again.

I know, Blaine, I trust you, Kurt said softly. You stopped. Youre nothing like him. He gave Blaine a small peck on the lips. Im not ready for anything sex related, but if Im I hope to share it with you.

Blaine smiles his 1000 watt smile and hugged Kurt close. Youre save now, I wont let anyone hurt you. He could feel Kurt relax again and he let him go. He needed to know more. Did the guy ever harass you again?

My dad had a heart attack a week after it happened. I was mostly at the hospital so he didnt had a chance to hurt me or come after me again. When my dad recovered he wanted to be in the governor business and I focused on Reginals with my Glee club. Ive never spoken to him again. Kurt sighs. Senior Year would probably be horrible. What if he acts out again? Or do worse, to make sure I keep my mouth shut? Im scared, Blaine and I dont know what to do.

Transfer, at least talk with your dad about it, Blaine said when he saw the look on Kurts face. As for the guy hell never harass or comes near you again, I promise you that.

What do you mean by that? Kurt narrows his eyes.

Whats the guys name?

Blaine, youre not gonna do something. He lives in Ohio for god sakes.

Its only two hour drive away, Blaine thought but said nothing. He kept his stare firm on Kurt, this wasnt even up for discussion in his eyes. The most important thing is Kurts safety. A name, Kurt.

Kurt stared back, crossing his arms in front of his chest. It always worked with his dad when he talked about a topic Kurt refused to talk about. His dad let it slip but Blaine didnt even blink. Dave. Kurt whispers, hoping Blaine didnt hear it.

But of course he had. Dave? Any last name?

It doesnt matter.

It does! Tell me his name or Ill call one of your friends to spill it for you.

Kurts eyes widened. He hadnt told anyone about what happened with Karofsky and him. He was to.. ashamed. Karofsky. His name is Dave Karofsky. Blaine took in the name, turns around and walks over to the door. Kurt was on his feet immediately. Blaine, where are you going?

He needs to pay for what he did to you!

No, Blaine! Kurt blocked Blaines path. Ill be fine, I have my friends and the glee club to survive senior year. Please, promise me that you wont hurt him.

Like he hurt you? Blaine snaps. Look at you, Kurt. You are afraid of him. He tormented you for years. He deserves to be punished for what he did to you.

Okay, what if I promise to talk to my dad and the school when summer is over?  Kurt said in one breath. Karofsky was a ass, yes. But the way Blaine was acting, he was in a state that he could kill Karofsky and he didnt deserve that. Nobody deserved to be killed.

Blaine looked at him and Kurt felt extremely self-conscious at that look. It was as if Blaine was staring right into his soul and judging him. Not believing him at all. Kurt however kept his face straight as possible and tried not to blush too much. He was a terrible liar.

But Blaine nods. Okay.

Kurt squeals and pulls Blaine into a bear hug like his dad always used to do. Thank you so much, Blaine, youre the best boyfriend ever!

Blaine couldnt help but smile at his boyfriends happy squeal. Kurt didnt need to know what was going on in his mind. Dave Karofsky was going down.


You sure youll be okay? Blaine asks for the millionth time. They just had dinner, it was time for the boys, James and Elise to head back to the forest for the change.

Blaine, Ill be fine. Kurt rolls his eyes at his boyfriends concern but secretly loved it that Blaine cared so  much. This time I am not alone, Nick, Jackson, Becky are here. Stop worrying.

No wondering of in the forest right? Blaine teased.

Ive learned my lesson.

Good boy.


Blaine pulls Kurt in a tight embrace and gave him a long deep kiss before separating. I love you.

Love you too. Kurt breathed. Blaine pulls out a bag from under the kitchen sink. Kurt frowns. Whats that?

Clothes, you know... from when we change back. Well be completely naked.

Oh ... yeah. Kurt tried to shake of the image of a very naked Blaine out of his head.

Unless you want that of course, Ill leave the bag here. Blaine teased. Kurt ducked his head, a small blush on his cheeks.

Okay, love birds, lets go! Wes interrupted. I cant wait to be mated.

Were not the only ones. Kurt said, pointing at Nick and Jeff who were lip locked leaning against the kitchen counter.

Already on it! David walks into the kitchen, grabbing Jeffs arm and yanking him free from Nicks grip with force.

Let go of me, David. I need my kisses! Jeff growls.

You get your kisses after we survive this night.

James appeared, giving Nick one last instructions then he gave the commando to retrieve. Nick, Kurt and Becky watched them go before locking all windows and doors.


Once theyre out of side Blaine walked back to the front where he had hidden his car out of view for Kurt. The pack noticed immediately of course.

Where are you going?! James asks.

Ive some business to take care off. Blaine shrugs, throwing the bag in the backseat.

Not tonight you dont! Blaine, its full moon! James growls, everyone looked at Blaine in shock. A wolf never leaves his pack during the full moon. It was dangerous.

Thats why Ill do it tonight! Blaine said.

What are you going to do tonight, honey? Elise asks.

Dont worry mom, Im back before sunrise.

No you arent! James said. Does this have anything to do with Kurt? Blaine said nothing but James knew enough. Whatever it is, Blaine, it can wait.

It cant! Blaine growls, eyes glowing. Im doing this tonight. Its my duty to protect him.

Its too dangerous to leave the pack with full moon, what if you run into another pack? Theyll kill you.

Whatever! Blaine opened the door and sat behind the steering wheel. His mind was set, there was nobody who could change his mind. Well there was one, but he was safely inside probably watching a movie with Nick and Becky.

Blaine! James warned. Blaine could feel the power of the Alpha trying to call his wolf back but he only turns his head.

Dont tell Kurt anything. Ill be back before sunrise.

And Blaine was gone, leaving a small pack of friends behind in confusing.


Hours passed, Nick, Kurt and Becky watched some TV till Becky decided to head upstairs to check on Jackson. It was 10 PM. Kurt tensed when he heard the first howling.

You okay? Nick asks, looking with worried eyes at Kurt.

Kurt nods. Just... flashbacks from last time.

Youre save here, you know that right?

Has a wolf never tried to enter this house with full moon? Its at the edge of the forest.

Nick shakes his head. Theyre way too busy with hunting. The forest is filled with deer's and rabbits, it keeps them busy enough. He reached for something behind him. Kurts eyes widened when he saw the gun. If they try we still have three tranquilizer guns and four guns with silver bullets. Just in case.

Would you be able to shoot at Jeff? Kurt swallows.

Lets hope it never comes to that. Nick turns of the TV, walks over to the window and stared at the dark forest.

Youre not gonna sleep? Kurt asks.

I always wait for awhile and just hope hell return to me in the morning.

Kurt walks over to the other window. Wondering what Blaine was doing now. Their relationship will always be fragile, when Blaine took a interest in another wolf it was over. Simple as that. Kurt stared at the dark forest and wondered what was going on. He thought one thing before closing the curtains: Return to me.


It wasnt hard to find Karofsky. When Blaine arrived in Lima he almost bumped over the large building in the middle of town with the name: "Karofsky & Co, Lawyers." Looks like daddy is filled with money. There was only one car left in the parking lot and when a bold man with beard and a nice Armani suit walks over Blaine knew that must be Karofskys dad. His suspicion was confirmed when the man made a phone call. His name was "Andrew Karofsky".  He followed Andrew home on a safe distance. Andrew stopped in front of a small mansion.

Blaine parked the car a little further away, stepped out and waited in the shadow. He hoped Dave Karofsky would show up. It was a Saturday night, a teenager would sneak out to hang out with some friends right? Blaine could feel the full moon on his skin and his wolf wanted to come out. He couldnt hold him off much longer so Dave really needed to hurry up.


Dave Karofsky was agitated. He needed to get out, his friends are waiting at Amizos house for their gathering. Mom!

His mother turned around. What?

Im going out.

No youre not! Wait till your dad is home. Im not waiting home alone with four kids just to get raped and murdered when nobody is here to protect me! To say that Mrs. Karofsky was paranoid was a understatement. She saw danger on every corner.

The front door opened and Andrew stepped in. Im home!

Im out! Dave said, grabbing his jacket.

How is she? Andrew blocking his way out.

The same as yesterday dad.

Its getting worse.

No more doctors or something, dad. Its not helping.

I have to help her.

Well think of something else. Dave opened the door. Bye. And walked into the cool night air, closing the door behind him.

It was only a few blocks away so Dave decided to walk. He took a shortcut through the park. Dave looked around him but couldnt see anything. He couldve sworn that he was being followed. Dave smirked, shakes his head and walked on. He was getting just as paranoid as his mom. Nobody would ever dare to attack him. He was the most popular guy on school and he was strong. Everyone who would even think about attacking him, is crazy.

Dave froze when he heard growling behind him, he turned his head. Nothing. Im going crazy!  He turned back around and froze. In front of him was a huge..... Monster? Yellow eyes are glowing down on him. It looked like a dog but he was way too big to be a dog. A wolf? Dont be stupid, Dave, there arent wolves in this town. Its impossible.

Dave couldnt think about it much longer as the beast jumped at him and he turned and ran as fast as he could. Silently thanking Beiste for the hard football training, he had a excellent condition and was one of the stars of the football team. But no matter how hard he ran he could feel the beast getting closer and closer.

Suddenly a hard tug at his leg and he fell down with a hard smack.  Dave tried to crawl on his feet again. Teeth sank in his leg, he could hear fabric rip, his could hear his flesh tear apart and he could even hear his bones break. He screamed out in pain. Tears streamed down on his cheek. The beast made a circle around him, as if thinking about his next move. The monster stopped in front of Dave and looked in right in the eye. At this point Dave was shaking with fear. He knew he was going to die. This thing.... was going to kill him.  The beast leaned forward and attacked once more.

Dave screams again when he could feel the teeth bite through his flesh and bones. He screams again. Why is nobody helping me? Sure somebody could hear me scream.

The beast ripped at his other arm, moving on to his other leg and at this point Dave was barely conscious. The only thing he could see was blood. Yellow eyes stared down at him, blood dripping from those teeth. Suddenly a loud howling coming from a small distant. The beast stepped back, looking around, then with one last glance at him, it ran away, disappearing into the night.

More yellow eyes appeared, Dave groans in pain, he could feel thick slime coming out his mouth: blood. He looked at the yellow eyes. Not again...

 Then everything went black.


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