Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
I really begin to like Sarah. What can I say? I have a weakness for bitchy, yet powerful charactes;)
I hope I didnt make to many spellings mistakes, I had only time to quickly glance it over before updating. Hope yll like it!:)
Kurt pulled out his phone. He was waiting for 15 minutes now and how longer the wait the more he had a feeling Jeremiah had tricked him. He should just call Blaine or the Andersons to pick him up. It was getting colder and the street he was waiting started to make him more uncomfortable with the minute. Its like waiting for something bad to happen.
Kurt unlocked his screen, searching for Blaines number when he saw that he had no range. He cursed. Typical. Doesnt this happen all the time in those horror movies? A naive blonde girl always forgets her phone, before she walks off in a dark alley and gets murdered. A shiver ran down Kurts spine. Im that girl. He shook his head to calm himself. I really should stop watching movies with Finn. This isnt a damn movie, those things just dont happen in real life. Im completely safe.
Kurt almost jumped when he heard a sound behind him. Like someone had tripped over a garbage can. Kurt stared into the dark alley behind him, he took a deep breath to calm himself. Hello? Someone there? Wow since when did my voice get so high and squeaky?
Youve got to be kidding me! A familiar voice sound, followed by the sound of high heels clattering loudly on the asphalt. Kurt turns around to see Sarah walking towards him with a big bag in her right hand and a cigarette in her left. He let out a sigh of relieve. He would never thought he would actually be happy to see Sarah Jones. He even felt hugging her but held himself back when he saw her face glaring at him. What the hell are you doing here? She demanded.
Kurt rolls his eyes. Shes still a bitch, but its better to be alone here. His eyes glanced at the bag in her hand. I can ask you the same thing. Being night shopping?
Sarah glares. Its none of your business. Whatever. Why do I even bother? She shakes her head, walking past Kurt before Kurt could turn her around an beg her to take him home, she stops. She narrows her eyes, taking in Kurts outfit. What are you doing here? Where is Blaine? Dont tell me you two are already broken up.
Im... Wait how do you know Blaine and I are together?
David tells me everything. Sarah shrugs, she puts her bag down. Okay, here is the truth. I dont care what youre doing here and how you get here. Its not safe here, especially at night. You need to go.
I already figured that out.
What gave it away? The fact that there is no human outside on a Saturday night? Sarah sneered.
I didnt volunteer to end up here, okay? Kurt snaps, taking a step towards Sarah but the girl didnt look impressed. Blaine ended up in a bar fight and ... Jeremiah brought me here, saying he would bring me back.
Sarahs eyes widened, leans back and laughs. It almost sound like barking. Oh my god, how stupid can you be? Seriously, dont speak anymore I might die of laughter.
Kurt glares. He was wrong, it was better to wait all alone till the bus would show up to take him to the Andersons house. Everything was better than waiting with Sarah. I hope you choke on it. He wraps his arms around his chest and turns his back on Sarah.
Sarah wipes away her tears of laughter and took a deep breath. She grabs her bag. Okay, pretty boy, Ill take you to the Andersons. My car is two blocks away. Come on. She turns around, knowing that Kurt would follow her. She smiles when she could hear footsteps following her.
Why is your car two blocks away? Kurt asks.
Sarah quirked a eyebrow and looks at Kurt in surprise. Are you kidding me? You dont know?
What should I know? Kurt looks confused.
You really are a newbie. You know about the line between West and East? West is Claringtons area, East is Andersons. Were in West area. I dont belong to a pack, Hummel, but Im not a real treath for Clarington but I dont want to take the risk so I parked my car at the edge of East.
Kurt stops. Wait, are you saying youre a ...
Sarah stops too, turns toward Kurt and looks sadly. A werewolf? Sadly yes. Its not that I asked for it but Im born this way. There arent many females, thats why we need humans to survive. Sarah began to walk again, Kurt followed. He noticed that Sarah began to walk faster but Kurt wanted to know more. The whole male pregnancy thing still freaked him out.
But how is it possible that a man can get pregnant?
Hoo, not my place to tell, Hummel. Sarah made a face. Im not the one who can get you pregnant if you want. She quickly glanced at Kurt, noticing his blush, she smiled satisfied. Come on, they are probably not in this area right now. Im not in a pack so Im not in danger and youre just a human. The problem is that you smell like Anderson. Hunter would notice.
Kurt sniffs, trying to smell Blaines scent but nothing. Sarah rolls her eyes at the attempt. You dont really think they would do something right? Blaine isnt with me, they cant just attack a innocent human.
You want to know what I think? Sarah turns left, into a dark small alley.
Kurt followed her, almost jogging to keep up with her. Spill it.
I dont think its a accident you ended up here tonight, all alone. Theyll plant this, somehow.
Kurt swallowed, that thought had crossed his mind but he shoved it off because.... but... why?
Sarah opened her mouth to gave him a answer, when she froze and sniffs. Another time. Theyre coming! She grabs Kurts hand and pulls him after her. Run!
Kurt was surprised by Sarahs abrupt behavior but when he heard howling behind him, he didnt hesitate and ran.
Wes stops the car in front of Jeremiahs apartment, before he could turn to his friends to make a plan of action, Blaine was already out of the car storming at Jeremiahs front door. Holy shit. Blaine has gone insane.
I really hope Jeff has called James and theyre here before Blaine rips off Jeremiahs head! David mutters, jumping out of the car, following Blaine. Blaine, knock.... But Blaine kicked in the door who falls with a loud bang to the ground, destroyed. ...or not.
B-Blaine? Jeremiah tumbled from the couch he was laying on in shock. His eyes widened.
Blaine yanked him on his feet at his color and pinned him against the wall. Where is he?
Blaine slammed Jeremiahs head forcefully back to the wall, the werewolf let out a groan. Dont play dumb with me, Jer. You have 10 seconds to tell me where Kurt is or I rip out your throat.
Blaine... just calm down a bit! Jeremiah couldnt hide the shiver in his voice. His eyes glanced at David and Wes, pleading for help. They both give him a Sorry Not Sorry. - face. Jeremiah swallows, just when Blaine wanted to strike again he quickly spoke. They have him!
Blaine stops. Who has him?
Jeremiah gulps. He never saw Blaine so angry. H-Hunter. He... He said I can join his pack if I did one thing. Blaine, you have no idea how lonely Im since your dad kicked me out. Its horrible. Everyone is threatening me like scum.
Maybe thats because you are a scum. Wes interrupts, glaring down at Jeremiah. If Blaine didnt kill him, he might do it. You deserved to kicked out and you know it.
Were wasting time! Blaine growls, throwing Jeremiah in a corner, turning away to leave.
Wes stops him. Wait, Blaine, just lets think for a second.
Wes, were wasting time. Didnt you hear him? Who knows what Hunter is going to do with Kurt.
I know that! But how are we going to find Hunter? Kurt could be anywhere.
Guys, we have the solution right here! David pulls a fearful Jeremiah on his feet, the werewolf let out a frightened whimper. He knows where Hunter is.
Are they gone? Kurt whispers, he barely dares to breathe. His entire body was shaking and his sides hurt from running. Currently they were hiding behind a large trash can, pressed against the wall. He wouldnt be surprised if his heart would stop at any minute. He could feel the tension in the air, it was suffocating.
Sarah didnt say anything, but she moves her head slowly in different direction as if to catch any sound, she sniffs again and nods. Lets go, my car is out of this alley! She stands up, tugged at Kurts hand to follow her and walks forward.
Suddenly a arm pulled Sarah in a hard grip, she growls at her attacker. Sarah nipped and bit at her attackers, who was twice her size, neck. Kurt felt completely useless but what could he do? He was just human and interfering a fight between two werewolves sound suicidal to him. Sarah lost her bag and the content falls out.
Kurt gasped in shock. Diapers! Why is Sarah walking around with a bag of diapers? Oh my gaga... shes pregnant! Kurt was so lost in thought that he didnt hear the man behind him. A strong arm snaked around his waist, he yelps in surprise and he got yanked backwards.
Got ya! A voice that send cold shivers down his spine, said. Kurt got turned around, pinned against the wall, he looked right at Hunter Claringtons face. At first I thought my instincts were wrong. I couldnt believe that Anderson was fucking a human. He smirked when he saw Kurt tense up at the choice of words. But then I saw you two kissing at the park the other day. Believe me, I wanted to scratch my eyes out after that. I really thought Anderson had better taste but I guess I was wrong. He grinned at Kurt, showing his teeth threateningly at the shivering boy. He could smell the fear coming off the boy and it was driving his instincts insane. You want to be a part of this world? What about Ill make your biggest wish come true and turn you?
Kurt struggled against Hunters firm grip but it was useless. Hunter was just too strong. He got roughly shaking out of his own self-pity when Hunter started to shake him violently.
I asked you a question, Human! You really have a death wish dont you?
Once the shaking stopped, it was like a boost of bravery was shaking into Kurt. Hes been bullied and shoved around his whole life, he refused to get shoved around in his last minutes alive. Youll never understand what Blaine and I have! Ever heard of love? Youre just jealous.
Hunter laughs. Oh come on, thats it? Im not stupid. Im disappointed I thought you would put up more of a fight instead just snarky words and talking about love. The other boys laughed. I could turn you, but the message would be much more powerful if I just kill you. His hand wrapped around Kurts throat.
Kurt gasped for air. Suddenly he was released and was sliding against the wall, his bump hitting the dirty ground. He looked up to see Sarah standing in front of him, Hunter was lying on the ground. Kurts jaw dropped. How?
Later! Run! Sarah pulls Kurt on his feet and pulled him through the growling werewolves. She pushed them aside fast, Kurt was amazed by the speed and the strength of Sarah. How can a girl beat down a group of werewolves almost twice her size?
Sarah turned left and Kurt had trouble keeping up with her. He could hear that Hunter and his pack are following them and theyre getting closer. Sarah stops and Kurt almost bumps into her. He immediately sees why Sarah stopped. A huge fence was what stopped them. Sarah turns towards Kurt and gave him a knowing look.
Kurts eyes widened. I cant get over that.
You need to! Sarah points at the opposite side of the fence, a street light lights up the cars. It looked like heaven compared to where they were now. When youre over the fence, youre safe. That road is the cross line between West and East. Come on Hummel, move your ass.
What about you?
I hold them off as long as I can. I can take them. Now go!
Kurt nods, wanted to walk off but it just wasnt right to not thank Sarah for saving him and basically sacrificing herself. Sarah was already turned towards the sound of running werewolves coming closer. He quickly wraps his arms around her in a tight hug. To his surprise Sarah hugged back. Thank you. Kurt pulled back, he feels a strange thick liquid on his hands. When he looked down he saw blood... He looked at Sarah. Thats when he saw Sarahs right side was covered in blood, she had a huge slice in her right side.
Its nothing, go! Sarah said, stepping away.
Sarah, youre hurt, you cant fight like this. You wont survive against 12 werewolves on your own.
Dont worry about me. I heal fast.
Not fast enough. Kurt argued.
Damn it, Hummel! Sarahs eyes starts to glow. Kurt recognized the signs but didnt step back. Sarah was preparing for a fight. Why are you so stubborn?
I cant let you die.
Who says Im dying?! I bet Blaine is on his way, I know he isnt the smartest bubble of the group but I think he already figured out where you are. Dont underestimate a werewolf. They can smell your fear from a mile away. Hunter and the other werewolves came into view and Sarah pushed Kurt towards the fence. Now get your ass up there, I try to hold them off as long as possible.
Hunter didnt waste any time when he was close enough, he latched out at Kurt. Sarah pushed Kurt aside, gave him a look and concentrate on the 12 werewolves. Kurt turns around to do what Sarah told but when he heard a painful cry coming from Sarah he turned around.
Sarah lays on the ground with four werewolves on top of her, biting in every inch of her body. She screamed out in pain. Kurt didnt hesitate, he just couldnt leave Sarah like this. She saved his life. He owed her. But what could he do? He was just a human. He ran towards Sarah but got tackled on his way. He could feel something on the side of his neck, something silver.
The Necklace! Oh my god how can I be so stupid to forget my biggest weapon? Blaine suggested it for my own safety and I completely forget. Kurt cursed at his own stupidity. Hunter smiled down on him, showing his teeth in threat. Before Hunter could bite down his neck, Kurt snapped his necklace from his neck and held it in front of him. The necklace touched Hunters cheek. The werewolf jumped up, screaming in pain. That got the attention from the other wolves and they immediately turned towards their leader, making sure hes okay.
Kurt jumped on his feet, ran towards Sarah, who looked stunned. How did you...? Kurt smiled, showing her the necklace. She hissed, backing away.
Sorry, I forgot. Kurt quickly put the necklace behind his back, out of sight. It was Blaines idea.
Sarah smirked. Oh come on, you cant convince me that Blaine actually has brains. She stands up. Come on, lets go!
Kurt rolls his eyes. Even after everything Sarah couldnt help it to insult me or Blaine. Shell never change. She reminds me of Santana. He held the necklace close to his chest, his eyes on the werewolves, to keep them at a safe distance, while Sarah climbed the fence. His head was filled with Sarah and Santana meeting each other. Would they like each other? I hope so, if they hate each other itll be world war III and nobody would be save.
Come on, Hummel! Sarahs voice interrupts his thoughts. She was standing at the oppisite of the fence.
As soon as Kurt turns his back and began climbing, there was commotion, but when he showed the wolves the necklace again, they backend away.
Hurry up, Hummel! Sarah said impatient.
Kurt was almost over the fence when he felt a hard tug at his leg. He slipped down, holding the silver necklace in front of him to protect himself. Hunter reacted fast, he grabbed Kurts wrist and twisted it. Kurt could feel his wrist break and screams out in pain. The necklace fell to the ground. Kurt backed away, with his other arm secured on his broken wrist.
Hunter stands between Kurt and the necklace with a huge smile on his face. Looks like someone is trapped. Please, give me your best shot. Its been a long time since I laughed.
Kurt! Sarah tried to climb back, but the other wolves made sure she couldnt jump over the fence. They blocked the way.
Hunter smile grew only wider when he saw Kurts panicked face. No? I already thought so.
It all happened too fast for Kurt to even see it. Before Hunter could attack, he was lying on the ground. Blaine was on top of him, straddling him and punching his face over and over again. Kurt wasnt the only one who was frozen by the sudden change, it took a while before Hunters pack took action. Theyll attacked Blaine.
You okay? Wes stands beside him. Kurt was to shocked to response. Come on, lets get you out of here.
But... Blaine! Kurt managed, looking worriedly over at the heap of werewolves. He saw David pushing werewolves away to reach Blaine. The worried look on Wes face didnt comfort Kurt at all. He steps forward to help but Wes stopped him.
dont.... just step away, there is help on the way!
Before Kurt could ask who, a van stopped at the end of the alley. He covers his eyes against the light. A man steps out, runs towards the werewolves and pushed them apart easily. It took a while before Kurt recognized James. He always saw Blaines dad as a friendly, protective dad. This version of James was scary. His eyes were dark, his body was covered with black fur, but he was still recognizable as a human. To say he looked angry is a understatement. He pinned a struggling Hunter against the wall, while Blaine was being held back by David and Jeff.
What the hell is going on?! James eyes glanced at Kurt and saw his broken wrist. Attacking a innocent human, Hunter? I didnt think you are that weak.
He was walking on my area at night! This is not your business. I can do what I want on my territory. Hunter growls.
Attacking a human is illegal! I report this to the police... Hunter didnt seem to be effected by James words at all, but James wasnt done.... and your dad!
Hunters eyes widened. You wouldnt.
Hell I am! He wouldnt be too happy with you when he hears this, during his election! Leave, Hunter, next time you decides to do something stupid I wont be so nice! James growls, letting Hunter go. Hunter glanced one last look at Kurt but quickly turned around and left with his pack on his heels. James turns to Kurt. You okay? How is the wrist?
I think hes broken, Kurt said softly. He felt really small next to James, like a little kid that had run away and got into trouble. And seeing the look on his friends and Blaines face, theyll felt the same. Kurt took in Blaine, he had a broken lip and some bruises on his face but to his big relieve he seemed fine.
Lets go to the hospital to lap you up. James turned to Sarah. And you too.
Ill drive her, Im right behind you. David jumped over the fence as if it was nothing and Kurt couldnt help but to be jealous at that.
Blaine guides Kurt gently to the van, with a silent James and Wes following. Jeff and Nick both hugged Kurt but pulled back when he winced from the pain.
Kurt opened his eyes, he frowned when he looked around the white room. When he tried to move he felt a big weight on his stomach and he looked down. His wrist was in a cast. Hes been operated. Im in a hospital! His heart started to beat faster. He didnt do well in hospitals, it reminded him too much of his dads heart attack. Hes been through hell.
Guys hes waking up!
Kurt turned his head to the other way and smiled when he saw David, Wes, Sarah, Nick and Jeff sitting by his bed. Where is Blaine? He couldnt help but be worried.
James is pissed off that Blaines been drinking so he forbid all of us to go out without his permission, Jeff rolls his eyes. I think its a bit overreacted, but Blaine is fine... You know how he is, he blames himself for all that happened to you.
Which we all wonder, what exactly happened to you? Wes said, curious, shoving his chair closer to Kurts bed.
Kurt told them everything. He stopped when he described what happened in the alley by the fence. He looks at Sarah. She looked healthy and good. How are you? Where are your wounds?
I already told you that I heal fast, Sarah shrugs. Im fine.
Kurt wanted to let it go but then he remembered something. Hows the baby?
What baby? Sarah looked confused.
You were dragging a bag of diapers with you before we got attacked!
Youre pregnant?! David squeaked looking at his ex in disbelieve. Im not feeling well, guys.
Im not pregnant! Sarah snaps, standing up. Theyre from a friend of mine. Oh whatever, Im done here anyway. She turns around and left the room in a hurry, she pushed past Blaine who just walked into the room with cups of coffee.
Whats gotten into her butt?
Not David! Jeff laughs at his friend, David glared, Nick made a face like he wanted to throw up again. Since that night out his stomach still wasnt settled.
Look whos awake! Wes stepped aside so that Kurt was visible for Blaine.
Youre awake! Blaine ran towards the bed, pushed the cups of coffee in Nicks hands and hugged Kurt tightly.
Ouch, hurts, Blaine! The coffee is too damn hot! Nick cursed, Jeff quickly took over the cups.
Lets give those two some privacy. Come on, guys. Wes shoved the boys out of the room and closed the door.
I missed you, Blaine nuzzled Kurts neck. A pleasant shiver ran down Kurts spine.
Wait, how long was I out? Kurt ask, slightly panicked.
Its 4 AM, its Sunday. The attack happened a few hours ago. Blaine sniffs, trying to catch Kurts scent but made a face. You smell like hospital.
Kurt rolls his eyes. Thats impossible.
Blaine chuckled, gently pushing Kurt aside, pushed his body on to bed and pulled Kurt close. He gave a small kiss on his temple. Kurt blushed. He never laid into bed with a guy. Okay it isnt the most romantic circumstance but give me a break. Im so glad youre okay. I was so worried, I was going insane.
Its not your fault, I shouldnt be so stupid to believe Jeremiah.
Blaine shook his head. I shouldve paid attention to you, instead I let that ass get to me and reacted out. I shouldnt be dancing with strange guys when I should be dancing with you. Im the worst boyfriend ever. He turns his body so that he could look Kurt in the eye. I promise to make it up to you. Ill never leave you out of my sight.
And Hunter?
Blaine tensed. What about him?
You arent going after him once Im out of the hospital? Kurt gave him a knowing look. They met each other not so long ago but it feels like Kurt knew Blaine his whole life.
I want that but its no use. Blaine pouts. If I attack Hunter itll look like Im the bad guy and I dont think his dad would let his precious son get hurt. But dont worry, Ill never let you alone. Youre completely save.
Thats the thing. You cant protect me forever, Blaine. Im not talking about only last night. Im also talking about when I move back to Ohio. Ill be right back at the hell hole of McKinley High, you wont be there when I get pushed against the lockers or shoved into a dumpster.
Come to Dalton! Blaine suggesting.
I cant. I still have friends there. I cant just leave them.
You have a new family here.
Kurt, I hate seeing you in pain! Let me help you. You can see your friends in the weekends and in the holidays. Blaine sighs, Kurt was surprised to see tears in his eyes. Youre too important to me, Kurt. You have no idea how much you mean to me and it kills me to see you like this. He glanced at the cast around Kurts broken wrist.
I think I have a idea. Because you mean everything to me. But its impossible to protect me for everything, there will always be ignorant people. When I graduate and move to New York, there will always be people who dont like how I dress, how I look or who I am. Im not letting them get to me and you shouldnt either. Theyre not worth it. Kurt intertwined their fingers together and squeezed Blaines hand.
Youre right, Blaine nods. I dont understand why people wouldnt like the way you dress or the way you look, you have amazing fashion sense and you look hot. He winks, smirking when Kurt blushed. Lets focus on us and nothing else.
They both leaned back in the huge pillow. After a short silence Kurt asked: What happens to Hunter now?
Blaine shrugs. My dad takes care of it.
You beat him up pretty bad! Kurt smiled.
Youre probably the bravest man that ever took on a werewolf.
Nobody would take on a werewolf.
Thats true. But you had no choice. He attacked you and could easily kill you. But you fought him off. Im so proud of you. Blaine gave Kurt a small peck on the lips. Get some sleep now, baby. Ill take you home when the sun rises. He yawns and closed his eyes. Not moving his place, but wrapping his arms securely around Kurt. He wasnt joking when he said he wouldnt leave Kurt alone, hell protect him always.
Kurt couldnt sleep however. Blaines words were taunting his mind. "He attacked you and could easily kill you." But Hunter didnt kill me. Blaine was right, he couldve finished me off within 10 seconds. Instead he chose for a hunt, treated me like a toy to play with. But why?
He had a feeling there was so much more to Hunter Clarington than meets the eye. But he didnt think they would ever find out what drives Hunter to such measures.
Call my son in and bring me some coffee! The Mayor snaps at a butler, who had the morning shift. The mayor had woken up to a call from someone unexpected. James Anderson. He called him in a rage and told him about a attack towards a human. The mayor had hoped to catch some sleep tonight, but no such thing. His damn son had to ruin his bed time and hell pay for it.
The Mayor sat down behind his desk, patiently waiting for his son to enter. Seconds later the door opened and a tall figure stepped inside with slummed shoulders. Since when is Hunter so tall? Its almost as if he grows taller everyday, The mayor thought.
You wanted to see me? Hunter asked, in a almost bored tone.
James Anderson called. He said you and your pack attacked a innocent human.
Hunter huffs. Innocent, my ass. Hes fucking a werewolf.
The Mayor raised his eyebrows at the tone in his sons voice. Hunter never spoke up when he was here, but he still seemed agitated. So? I thought your species always hook up with humans.
Hook up, yes! Hunter snaps. But that boy has too much control over his werewolf. They even made it official and are boyfriends. Ridiculous, a human shouldnt be in power, werewolves should be in power. Were stronger, better, faster... He glanced at his dads desk.
The mayor didn't look too impressed by Hunter's outburst. Hunter, we need to do this together, you understand that right? I need to be elected Mayor to make some changes for the better.You cant attack another human again. This can cost me votes if it gets out.
So? Just bribe them. You have enough money. Hunter shrugs.
The mayor slammed his fist on his desk, Hunter looked up. This isnt about the election. I need a clean cut reputation! Nobody follows a leader if there are doubts! You need to keep yourself and your pack under control. Otherwise Ill be forced to take consequences.
Hunter tensed. You wouldnt! I'm your son!
Ill have no choice! The mayor said calm. I can't allow wild werewolves in my town attacking innocent people. I'm not warning you again, Hunter, this is your last chance. Clear?
Hunter nods. Fine. Ill stay out of everyones way and show up at election things. Dont tell me what to do, Im willingly to work with you because we want the same thing. Ill behave.
Good. The Mayor relaxes in his chair. Now catch some sleep. Hunter nods and walked away, closing the door behind him. The mayor frowns. Something was off with Hunter. He was used to Hunter crawl into himself out of fear for him. But none of that happened. There was a weird kind of proud, determination inside Hunter that he never seen before. And it worried him.