Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Poor, poor Kurt!
Thanks for the support so far, its always good to know that people actually like what youre writing. Love to hear what you think of this chapter.
Blaine and I are dating for two weeks now, and things couldnt be better, Mercedes! Kurt exclaimed over the phone to his best friend. He hadnt talked much to his friends in the last two weeks, because he was gone most of the time. The election had began and there was always something to do in the town. Blaine showed him more of Westerville, they hang out with Jeff, Nick, David and Wes a lot.
Kurt had to admit that he was a little bit nervous the first time they went to the mall together. He didnt know how to act with his boyfriend in public, he didnt know what Blaine wanted. But when they past the first giggling group of girls almost drooling over Blaine, Kurt took his hand and pulled him away from the girls, throwing them his best - "Bitch Please, hes so gay and hes so out of your league" -face. Blaine chuckled, wrapped his arms around his waist and gave him a deep kiss in front of the girls, who walked away with disgusting faces. Blaine just shrugs, squeezed Kurt hand and they walked through the mall all day, without letting their hands disconnect.
Kurt sighs happily when he thought about that memory. Yes he had the best boyfriend ever.
Im going insane! Blaine whines, letting his head fall on the table with a loud thunk!
Jeff looked up from where he was sitting, opening his mouth but Nick shook his head and shot his boyfriend a warning glare. What? Why cant I say it? Jeff groans. He made it so easy.
Nick ignored him and turns to Blaine. Spill it, I thought you and Kurt are happy?
We are. Blaine sighs. Everything is perfect. We cuddle, we kiss and we even go further... Jeff wolf whistled, Blaine kicked him in the shin. Not that way, Jeff. We have a make out schedule.
Jeff laughs. What?
Blaine blushed. Its Kurts idea.
Why? Jeff giggles. Blaine shrugs. Damn youre whipped.
Nick glares. Whats wrong with suggesting things in your relationship? I know Im human but I have something to say too.
Is this about last night? Jeff turns to his boyfriend.
No. Nick turns fully towards Blaine, ignoring Jeff completely. Okay spill, why are you going insane when everything is perfect?
Were dating for two weeks now and Im proud to be Kurts boyfriend, Blaine said. But hes driving me insane. Heavy make out session is all we do. Kurt wont put out. Every time I want to go further, he pushes my hands away. He sighs.
Its not that weird, youve only been dating for two weeks and Kurt has zero experience with guys, Nick said. You have to be patience and not push him.
I know, okay? I dont want to ruin it but it gets harder every day, Blaine admits. The way he sways his hips when he walks, or the way he eats a ice-cream, the way he smiles.... Im taking three cold showers every day, I dont know if I can hold up much longer. I didnt know it was this hard to be in a commitment relationship. How did you two do it?
Well... We had a rocky start too. Nick admits. Jeff was ready for sex, well... as soon as we started dating... Jeff winks, grinning proudly. But Im not and we talked a lot about it. We decided that Jeff could pick up one night stands to calm his instincts.
Blaines eyes widened. I didnt know... wow.
Hey, believe me, I felt horrible. Jeff said. But it helped a lot and once Nick was ready, Ive never wanted to be with another human or wolf. He reached for Nicks hand and squeezed gently.
I cant do that to Kurt, Blaine said. it would break his heart, and to be honest I dont want that. I cant do that to him.
Suit yourself. Jeff shrugs.
Blaine sniffs and he froze.
Whats wrong? Nick asks worriedly.
Everything smells like Kurt! Blaine whines, letting his head fall in his hands. He smells so good. I dont know how long I can control myself.
Jeff chuckles. Stop being a drama queen, Blaine. If you really want this then you need to keep yourself together. I see it as a good thing that you only see Kurt and not other boys.
Blaine frowns. Of course I only see Kurt, why would I see someone else? Kurt is gorgeous.
The door opened and Wes walks in, entering a silence house. Wow, who died?
Nobody, Jeff said. There is trouble in paradise.
There is not, Blaine glares.
Wes walks over, sitting down next to him and gave him a concerned look. Whats wrong?
Nothing I can deal with, dont worry.
Great, because its time to bring out our votes for the election today. Wes stands up, wiggling his car keys in front of their faces. Grab your stuff and lets go.
Go to what? A angelic voice sounds from behind them, Kurt walked into the kitchen. Blaine glanced over his body. Kurt was wearing a blue skinny jeans, a tight blue shirt and his hair was perfectly coiffed. Kurts smell almost overwhelmed Blaine and he needed to grab the edge of the table to not run over, sweep Kurt off his feet and make him his forever. I dont even care if we have a audience... damn it Blaine, get a hold of yourself.
Kurts eyes locked with Blaines, and he could see the lust in his eyes, Kurt blushes and looks shyly away. I am ready to take the next step, Blaine knows that but his actions during their make out schedules didnt stop, it only seemed to get stronger. We need to talk, but if its gonna be just as awkward as having the sex talk with my dad, then I postpone it until I cant avoid it anymore.
Kurt turns to Wes. Well, whats going on?
were going into town to vote. Wes explains. Also the Mayor is gonna make a speech. It should be interesting.
Okay, Ill grab our stuff and well go, Nick said, disappearing upstairs.
Kurt walks over to Blaine, quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. It became a ritual to do that since theyre dating, and Kurt loved it. Morning.
Uhuh, Blaine mumbles. He took a deep breath. Im gonna take a quick shower and Ill be right back. He quickly jumps up and runs upstairs, causing Jeff and Wes to laugh.
But... I thought we were leaving? Kurt frowns confused. Why are you two laughing? It only made Jeff and Wes laugh harder.
The town was packed with people, everyone wanted to vote. It was hot (again! Kurt thought irritated) and Kurt didnt feel like standing in a long line to vote. He wasnt a citizen anyway so he didnt have a right to do it. He waited on a bank in the park while Blaine, Wes, Nick and Jeff waited in line to vote.
The longer the wait the more Kurt felt like a outsider in this town. Everybody walks and talks in little groups. He saw some weak attempts of boys trying to seduce a group of teen girls, a group of middle aged woman gathered around a small stage to gossip about the election, while their husbands grab a beer in the local pub.
Suddenly he saw a familiar face and recognized David and Sarah arguing. David looked annoyed and Sarah was just angry. Will David finally see how evil Sarah is and just dump her? Kurt hoped so, there was something about that girl that was just... evil. David deserves better. Kurt tried to get Davids ad tension so that he had something to talk to but David was too focused on Sarah to notice Kurt at all. Soon they disappeared into one of the small alleys, still arguing.
People were shoved aside to make a clear way to the stage. A black SUV stopped in front of the stage, two body guards stepped out and opened the doors. Kurt immediately recognized The Mayor. He was wearing a black Armani suit, his hair was neatly gelled back, he was smiling widely at the people who were giving him a applause. It was obvious the Mayor was popular. A blond woman in a white short dress stepped out. Her eyes are cold, she wasnt smiling and was holding a small suitcase in her hands. She took The Mayors arm and quickly made her way to the stage. The Mayor looked annoyed by her behavior but didnt say anything. It was obvious they didnt share a romantic relationship even though Kurt expected that a man like the Mayor wouldve a woman like her at his side.
The last person who stepped out the car was Hunter Clarington, nice in suit and tie. He gave the audience a big smile which was rewarded with giggling teenage girls, he followed his dad to the stage with a bored expression on his face.
The crowd surrounded the stage and the Mayor began his boring speech about how he would improve Westerville. Kurt decided that enough was enough and he walks over to find Blaine somewhere. He glanced over at the stage and he could swear Hunter was looking right at him. Kurt stops in surprise. Did Hunter recognize me from that one time we met? Thats impossible. There are hundreds of people here.
Hey, you all right?
Kurt jumped at the contact on his shoulder and quickly spun around. He let out a breath, he didnt even notice he was holding his breath, when he saw the familiar hazel brown eyes. Blaine!
You all right, nobody is bothering you right? Blaine glares at the closest group of teens, clenching his fist.
Oh no, I... Im fine, Kurt stammers, glancing at the stage quickly. But Hunter was looking away as if nothing happened. What was going on? Stop being so paranoid, Kurt. Hunter probably looked your way because Blaine was approaching you. Those two have a stupid feud for whatever reason for years now. Besides Hunter doesnt even know you. But still that look Hunter gave me..
You sure? You dont look fine. Jeffs voice shook him out of his thoughts.
Its nothing, Kurt waves it off and turns fully towards his friends. So are we done?
We voted, Blaine nods.
The Mayor was done talking and walking down the stage, the blonde woman took over the microphone. Hunter didnt move.
Who is that? Kurt asks curious gesturing to the woman.
Wes shrugs. Amanda Vines, shes The Mayors campaign manager. Shes a cold hearted bitch who hates werewolves. She wants them gone but The Mayor refuses it... He nods towards Hunter. ... because his son is one. Even though I doubt he really cares about that.
What? Why not?
Tough relationship, besides that man is incapable of love. Now, lets get something to eat. Im starving. Jeff whines.
Youre always hungry, Nick complains.
I never heard you complain, Jeff winks. Nick blushes, looking down shyly. Jeff grabs Nicks hand and they made a way through the crowd.
Youre really okay, right? Blaine asks. You know you can tell me everything. If someone is harassing you, I want to know.
Im fine, Blaine. I swear. Its just so hot and Im kinda hungry. Kurt admits.
Good, lets eat, but first I want a kiss. Blaine pouts.
Kurt looks around, theyre surrounded by people. Their main focus was on the stage, but still.... only one homophobe could turn a crowd against them. Before he could over think anything, he felt soft demanding lips on his own. He gasps in surprise but when he realized Blaine just didnt care, he wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him close. Nobody came after them, they just ignored them.
You have no idea what you do to me, Blaine whispers, when Kurt pulls away with flustered cheeks and looking down shyly. They walked hand in hand following their friends.
They didnt know Hunter had seen everything and smiled. People seem so easily to forget that a werewolf is a predator and Hunter Clarington just found his new prey.
Saturday night was spend for the TV, watching a old Indiana Jones movie. Kurt didnt care so much but Blaine, Jeff, Wes and Nick were big fans and quoted the whole movie.
There you guys are! David walks into the room, giving the TV a irritated look.
Go away, David, I dont want your girl drama! Jeff said.
I have no girl drama! David snaps. His outburst caught everyone s attention. Ok, I might have a fight with Sarah.
What happened? Nick asks, taking a sip of his Diet coke.
First, she asks me for my help but now... she wants me out.
Out of what? Blaine ask.
I dont know, David sighs. Girls are so weird. We need a boys night out!
We? Wes quirked a eyebrow.
Yes, look at you guys! David gestured around the room. Since when do we sit at home on Saturday nights like old man! Were 17, we should be going out!
Says the man who refused to leave when Sarah was with him in the weekends, Jeff yawns.
Come on guys, itll be fun to dance, drink. What could go wrong?
The last time you said that, I lost my pants, Blaine pointed out.
Blaine, you made a homeless guy happy that day. I cant believe that youre being selfish about this. David shook his head in disbelieve. We could go to the Viper.
Were underage, we never get in, Wes said.
Jeff sat up. We could go to my work, Im free but I could get some free drinks. My boss doesnt care.
Good idea, David agree.
Jeff has never a good idea. Wes said.
Oh come on, Wes. Dancing, drinking, singing. Its better than sitting here.
Blaine looked at Kurt who watches the whole scene with a amused smile. What do you want, Kurt? We could stay here if you dont want to go.
Why wouldnt I want to go? Kurt asks. I think its a good idea. I had a good time last time we went to the Karaoke bar.
Lets go! Jeff jumps up.
Wait I need to change clothes! Nick and Kurt both spoke at the same time. They both jumped up to head upstairs.
Kurt wait! Blaine stops Kurt before he could go upstairs. Do you still have the silver necklace from your mother?
Kurt nods. Of course. Why?
On Saturdays the clubs are packed with werewolves. I want you to wear the necklace. Its much saver.
Okay. Ill be down in a minute.
You mean in a hour.
Kurt gasps in shock. Dont mock me! With one last glare at Blaine, he ran upstairs. Blaine was right, it would take at least a hour to get ready.
They finally arrived at the bar two hours later. Blaine was right the club was packed with people. Kurt looked around at all those people dancing, drinking, laughing, singing. Blaine had told him that most of them are werewolves but they all looked human to him.
When they found a table, Jeff went to get some drinks. Ah you two are just the cutest! Someone screams. Blaine and Kurt both turn to see Maureen walking towards them with a glass of beer in her hands. It was obvious she was drunk.
Thank you, Maureen, and we know! Blaine teased.
Oh, stop it you, Maureen leans on their table with her elbows.
Maybe you should stop drinking!
Maybe you should start, Blaine, come on!
Jeff came back with alcohol and the boys all grabbed a beer, only Kurt didnt. He knew what alcohol did last time to him, he didnt plan on having a hangover again. The music became louder, the boys drank more and more.
Blaine was talking with Maureen, David with a unknown blond woman, Wes was arguing with Jeff and Nick just sat there. The stage was empty and through the speakers its announced that there was time for one last act to sing, before the DJ will start. Nick leans close with a knowing smile. Wanna sing?
Bring it, Duvall! Kurt was already on his feet. He wanted to tell Blaine he was going to the stage but Blaine was still talking with Maureen and didnt even notice him.
Maureen left when she saw a friend enter the bar, but Blaine wasnt alone long. He could smell him before he saw him.
Hallo Blaine! The voice whispers near his ear. Blaine shivers. Damn that voice still had a lot of control of him.
The blond man smiled, hopping down on the chair next to him, where Kurt used to be. Missed me?
Hardly, Blaine mumbled taking a sip from his beer, searching the crowd for Kurt. When he heard the angelic voice sing his head snaps up to the stage. Kurt and Nick sang "Ive got nothing ".
Jeremiah followed his stare and grinned. Got your eyes on a human now?
Hes my boyfriend.
Jeremiah laughs. Boyfriend? I always thought you werent a man for commitment relationship.
I just havent met the right man. Blaine shrugs. He was getting more annoyed with Jeremiah, also the alcohol started to kick in.
Jeremiah looked Blaine up and down. Obviously. You must be really desperate to pick a human. Youre a good-looking wolf, Blaine. Im sure you can do better. When was the last time you had sex? Blaine tensed. I already thought so.
Blaine glares. What do you want, Jeremiah?
Maybe I can help you release some tension? Jeremiah winks, leaning closer.
Stop! Blaine jumps up and steps back. Im taken. I dont need a skunk like you.
Suit yourself, but everybody can smell the sexual tension from you. You cant control yourself forever, Blaine. One day you explode and your precious boyfriend is gonna be the one who gets hurt.
Whatever, youre just jealous. Blaine growls, turning away, walking straight to the bar to order more beer. He needs more alcohol.
When Kurt and Nick left the stage, the DJ came. The bar exploded. People dancing, grinding against each other. Blaine, Wes, Kurt, Jeff, Nick and David danced but soon Kurt was tired and took a seat. He was stepped on his feet a million times. The dance area was just too small for so many people.
It was hot and it smells like sweat and alcohol. Kurt wanted nothing more than to go home. He tried to find Blaine somewhere. He pushed a few people away, to get closer. He saw Blaine dancing with a few man, it was obvious that they wanted more from Blaine. Blaine seemed clueless, just bobbing up and down with the music. Something snapped inside Kurt when he saw more man turn their eyes at Blaine with something Kurt recognized when Blaine looked at him sometimes. Lust.
Blaine, Im tired, lets go home! Kurt yells over the loud music, placing a hand on Blaines shoulder to get his attention. Blaine leans closer with a confused expression, Kurt could smell the alcohol on Blaine, it was almost overwhelming. Come lets go! Kurt grabs his hand to lead Blaine out of the crowd. A brown haired boy stopped him. He looked 20 and was much taller than Kurt.
I think Blaine wants to stay here. Get lost, kid. The man pushed Kurt aside, harsly.
Blaine was at Kurts side immediately, holding him on his feet. You okay?
Yes, just lets go, Kurt said.
Wait, he cant do this to you! Before Kurt could do anything, Blaine was already threathening the man. The man pushed Blaine away.
You okay? Kurt ran up to Blaine, who nods. Lets go then.
Are you kidding? The party just gets started! Blaine shot the man a dark look, freed himself from Kurts grabs and hit the man right in the face.
All hell broke loose. People began to fight, other people ran to the exists. Kurt got pulled back, away from the fight. When he looked up at his savior, he noticed it was Wes.
Go outside, it can get pretty bloody with a werewolf fight...
But.. Blaine..
I get him, just go and wait by the car! Wes walked into the fighting crowd, mumbling something about being the only normal werewolf in the world.
Kurt avoided a few punches and flying bodys, before deciding that Wes was right and left the bar. He leans against the wall, were more people were waiting. He sighs. This night didnt go well...
Need a ride home?
Kurt turns, seeing a blond curly haired man leaning next to him. My name is Jeremiah. The man said, smiling friendly.
Oh... So this is Blaines famous ex? Im... Kurt.
Youre Blaines new boyfriend right?
Eh.. yes. Kurt eyed the man suspicious, Jeremiah seemed to do the same. His eyes scanned over Kurts body. He didnt seem impressed. And youre Blaines ex. How do you know Im Blaines boyfriend?
Blaine told me.
Kurt was surprised. You still talk to Blaine?
We talk almost every day. Were close friends.
Kurt narrows his eyes. Blaine said something else. I met his closest friends already.
Jeremiah ignored Kurts questions. Well, those werewolves fights can take hours, Im willingly to take you back to the Andersons. Its getting cold. Deal or no deal?
Kurt huffed, wrapping his arms around his chest. Does Jeremiah really think I am that naive? Every child learns to not step inside a car with a stranger. Jeremiah seems nice enough but I dont even know him. I just wait for Blaine.
Jeremiah shrugs. Suit yourself, be careful, with whats happening inside everyone is on edge. Watch out for werewolves, they want to let out some steam after a fight. Usually they pick a weak human.
Ill watch my back. Thanks for warning me. Kurt said quickly, he just wanted to get rid of Jeremiah at this point. He was getting on his nerves. Jeremiah nods, turns around and walks away.
The moment he disappeared Kurt felt strangely alone. People left, a cold chill ran down his spine. He waited impatiently for Blaine, but the minutes ticked by. Damn Jeremiah wasnt kidding, this takes forever! Kurt started pacing. Where was Nick anyway? If he is in there, he is in a lot of risk of getting hurt.
Kurt runs to the door and opened it. What if Im too late? How could I be so selfish? I need to find Nick and get him out of there.
Before Kurt could enter, he got thrown against the wall where he was talking to Jeremiah just a few seconds ago. He gasps for breath. His eyes focused on a man with black hair, cold dark eyes, he was wearing a black jacket.
Finally I can lose some steam! The mans eyes changed to a gold glint and a firm hand grabbed Kurt by his throat.
Kurt tried to struggle free but the grasp on his throat only strengthened. His head was getting dizzy cause the lack of oxygen. Soon hell pass out and Kurt only hoped he would die without pain. Suddenly he could feel the grasp on his throat loosen and his knees gave up, he slips down to the ground, gasping for air, rubbing at his sensitive throat. He looked up at his savior.
Jeremiah pushed the werewolf down, there was a short wrestling before the werewolf stayed down, he was unconscious. Jeremiah turns towards Kurt, looking worried. You Okay?
Kurt nods, not trusting his voice right now.
Come on, Ill take you home. Its not safe to stay here. Jeremiah helps Kurt on his feet and guides him to his car.
After a long silence in the yellow Mercedes of Jeremiah, Kurt couldnt hold it back any longer. He turns to the driver. Why are you helping me?
Jeremiah looked a little taken back by Kurts question, then a smug smile appeared on his face. Is there a reason I shouldnt?
You dont know me, Kurt said. Im the boyfriend of your ex. There are thousands of reasons.
Jeremiah rolls his eyes and turns left. Kurt didnt know Westerville and gave up remembering the way home minutes ago. Oh come on, Kurt. I dont know you but I see you are a good guy. And over Blaine... we had a pretty fucked up relationship. Blaine cared too much, I didnt care at all. I was selfish. Blaine is a good guy, he deserves someone like you.
To say that Kurt was in shock was a understatement. Blaine, Wes, Jeff, David and Nick dont seem to have one good word left of Jeremiah. But of course his friends would support Blaine. Kurt would do the same for his friends. But it looked like they were wrong about Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a good guy and he saved him. Thank you. Also thank you for saving me back there.
Its okay. Jeremiah shrugs. He slowly lowered his speed till he stopped in front of a bus stop. So, Kurt heres the thing. I cant completely bring you to the Andersons house.
What? Why not?
Jeremiah bit his bottom lip. Blaine and I went through a hard break up. James still hates me. I wont be safe there. But... this bus takes you right to the Andersons street. The bus comes every 20 minutes and this neighbor hood is the safest one of Westerville. Youll be fine.
Kurt looked out of the window. It was dark, the whole city looked all like a dead city to him at this point. He couldnt find any recognition point. He swallows. Okay, If you think so.
Do you have any money for a ticket?
Kurt felt inside his pocket and nodded. Jeremiah waited, Kurt unbuckled his seatbelt and steps out. Once again, thank you, Jeremiah.
No problem, Kurt. Goodnight. Jeremiah smiles.
Goodnight. And Jeremiah drove off, when he turned to corner, Kurt was completely alone.
Damn Blaine, did you have to beat that guy so badly? David muttered, dragging Blaine outside. Jeff, Nick and Wes following close behind. Nick swaying on his feet, he drank too much.
He deserved it, he was being a dick towards Kurt! Blaine growls.
Well, wait till your father hears of this! Wes said.
Blaine froze, turning towards his friend. You wouldnt dare to tell.
I dont even need to tell, Blaine, you have a bruise on your cheek and you have a cut in you lip. Its quite obvious. Wes sighs. And we dont look any better.
I need to throw up! Nick mumbles, walking to a dark corner to vomit. Jeff holds him on his feet, so that he didnt fall in his own vomit. Gross! Nick groans.
I thought Kurt was waiting by your car? David quirked a eyebrow when he saw Wes car.
Wes cursed, opening the door. Hes not here. Damn it. He looks at Blaine. That boy of yours listen worse than you. I cant deal with two Blaines.
Blaine sniffs, in hope to catch Kurt's scent. Kurts never been here. He grabs his phone, dialing Kurts number. Voicemail. Damn it!
Calm down, Blaine. Losing control wont help Kurt! David spoke calmly. Has anyone seen something strange? Someone who took a strange interest in Kurt tonight?
Jeremiah! I knew it! Blaine runs to the car. That snake has Kurt! I spoke with Jeremiah tonight, I told him I was taken. I told him about Kurt. Its my fault! He was babbling delirious now, he blinks back tears.
But why would Jeremiah have any interest in Kurt? Jeff asks, still holding Nick on his feet.
Well find out, Im gonna kill that son of a bitch! Blaine wrenched open the door, before he could sit down at the steering wheel Wes stopped him.
I drive. Get in the passenger side. David, come on. Jeff, call James and tell him were going to Jeremiahs. Wes gestured towards a pale looking Nick. If therell be a fight its too dangerous for Nick. The boys got in the car, leaving Jeff and Nick behind.
Hunter Clarington waited patiently against the wall of a dark alley. His pack was getting restless. Theyre promised a hunt. They just needed to wait for one phone call. Finally his phone went off and Hunter takes the call.
Hes were you want him, Hunter! Hurry up, Blaine is probably on his way. Hes very protective of the human.
Thank you Jeremiah, well done! Hunter hang up, looking at his pack. The wolves look at him with a deep hunger in their eyes. Its time to send the Andersons a message! Lets hunt!