The Beast Within Me
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 11

E - Words: 3,701 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I have to admit this chapter was so hard to write and It almost made me give up on this story completly. I was on the point on deleting the story when I read through all your lovely reviews so far and I just couldnt do it. So I rewrote a lot about this chapter, I hope youll like it. 

I  have a lot planned for this story and as long as someone likes it I keep on writing. (unless the PC crashes then Im done obviously;))

I could use some feedback, I love to read what you thought of this chapter, it also keeps me motivated.

Were so happy for you, Kurt!  Mercedes squealed, her smile widened when Kurt told her the news.

Did you bang him yet? Santanas voice in the background.


You know, Hummel, have sex? Santana pushes Mercedes away to take her spot in front of the cam.

Kurt gasps horrified. Of course not!

Oh dont act like such a prude, Kurt, Blaine expects sex at some point in your relationship. 


Santana rolls her eyes. Hes a seventeen year old boy, Kurt. His hormones are everywhere. Look at me, I banged half the guys in school because they couldnt get their hands of my delicious body.

No because youre a slut! Rachel appears on screen, glaring down at Santana.

Dont get in my grill, Santana snaps.

Girls! Mercedes interrupts. We suppose to be happy for Kurt and give him advise. Stop fighting.

Advise?  Kurt asks. What kind of advise?

Its sad but I have to agree with Santana, Kurt, Rachel pushed Santana off the chair and sat down. Shes right. All boys at the age of 17 are horney. Finn cant keep his hands of my boobs. Theyre not big but...

Girls, Blaine is different,  Kurt interrupts before this conversation could get out of hand. He didnt call them to talk about Rachels boobs. We just got together yesterday, I dont think hes thinking about sex at the moment.

Santana quirked a eyebrow, Rachel frowns and Mercedes giggles. Kurt glares at the three girls. What? He snaps irritated.

Sweet, innocent Lady face, of course hes thinking about sex! Santana said. I know you want to live in a save bubble for the rest of your life but youre seventeen Kurt and Blaine is your first boyfriend. Soon you want to experiment with each other, its normal. 

Kurt blushes and swallows. Maybe youre right... but Im not ready. Hell I had my first kiss a few weeks ago. I want to stay in my save bubble for awhile. His thoughts went to Blaine. Was it true what the girls said? Blaine is more experienced than me. He actually had boyfriends and he experienced with girls.

Damn! Mercedes mutters, staring at the screen in shock.

Rachel scraps her throat to get attention. Just talk with Blaine once youre ready. We shouldnt be so pushy, you got a boyfriend only yesterday. Youve got time. Dont let Blaine talk you into anything you dont want too, okay, Kurt?

He wouldnt do that.

Sure, but hes more experienced. I almost slept with Puck under the pressure of losing my virginity.

And I slept with Finn. Santana said.

Rachel glares at the Latina but decided to let it slip and turns to Kurt. Puck talked me into it and I almost gave in. Just watch yourself okay? 

Just make boundaries, youll be fine! Mercedes chimed in. I cant wait to meet this Blaine of yours, Kurt.

Wait, what? Kurts eyes widened. Suddenly feeling extremely nervous about Blaine meeting his friends. What if they didnt like him?

A knock on the door and Kurt almost falls out of his chair, the girls laughed. Kurt? Can I come in? Blaines voice.

Rachel almost pressed her face through the screen when she heard the male voice. Who is that, Kurt? Is that Blaine?

Open the door, Lady face, I want to see your man! Santana demanded.

Kurt groans, no way theyre gonna meet Blaine this soon. Call him selfish but he wanted Blaine for himself for a little bit longer. Also Kurt could imagine his friends telling Blaine all his awkward moments hes been through. He didnt want to lose his boyfriend after one day. See you girls later, gotta go. Bye. He broke the cam contact under loud protest, he grins when he could hear Mercedes scream "hell to the no!" .

Kurt stood up and walks to the door. What if he dreamed last night? What if he made a fool out of himself in front of Blaine? It wouldnt be the first time. Kurt opens the door to be greeted by a wide grinning Blaine, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and his swimming trunk. Kurt couldnt help but smile back, he could feel his knees start to shake when Blaines eyes roamed over his body. Eh..hi?

Blaine pulls Kurt in his arms, Kurt let out a  surprised squeak at the sudden movement. Good morning, Beautiful. And Blaine leaned in to plant a bittersweet, soft kiss on Kurts lips. Kurt melted immediately. He almost fell when Blaine let go and walked into the room.

Kurt looked at the clothes scattered around the room and cursed at himself. Great, I always keep my room clean and the day I dont, my first ever boyfriend just walks in.  What would Blaine think? What if hes breaking up with me because I obviously cant even..

Penny for your thoughts? Blaines voice interrupted Kurts thought and the boy looked up.


You know, Kurt, you think way too much. You need to relax, you need to go with the flow sometimes and let go. Sometimes youre so stiff, it seems like you forget to live and only try to survive.

Well that was right at the point. Kurt blinks a little bit shocked at Blaines accurate observation. He was great at hiding his true feelings, he didnt have a choice. When youre bullied, you dont show any more weakness. Kurt huffs, wrapping his arms in front of his chest. Im not stiff. Just so you know I was talking with friends. I had fun.

Defense was also a protection move but Kurt didnt care that he snapped. He wasnt ready to tell Blaine everything yet.

I heard! They sound nice.

Kurt froze. They... you heard?

Blaine chuckles. Werewolf remember?

Kurt blushed. He forgot that Blaine could hear everything, inclusive the sex talk he just had with his friends. He looked down, hoping that if he stared hard enough at the ground that it would swallow him. He felt a gentle tug on his back and he could feel Blaines strong arms wrap around him. Kurt didnt dare to look at him.

I really want to know whats going on inside your head. I hope one day youll be able to tell me. I dont judge. Ive been there where youve been and I think its great that your friends support you. I know were not at that level yet but I have a question. Blaine lifted Kurts chin gentle so that their eyes locked. Why didnt you want me to meet your friends? Are you ashamed of me?

Kurts jaw dropped. He had imagined all embarrassing questions and Blaine just asked one simple thing. Of course not. I just.... want to keep you for myself. My own personal happiness, I just want to keep it a little bit longer. Now you think Im a selfish controlling jerk.

Youre adorable, Blaine smiles. I was afraid you would, I mean telling your friends youre dating a werewolf can be a big shock for them.

Oh shit, I didnt think about it that way. How would his friends react when they found out what Blaine was? What would his dad think? Oh... Kurt frowns. But I thought that there are more werewolves whore dating humans..

It depends on how accepting Ohio is and you never knew about werewolves before you moved here, so I guess, its not much. I bet Ohio is invested too

Kurt thought about Blaines words. That explains a lot. He starts to shiver, when he thought about all the bullying, jocks pushing him against lockers, the dumpster tossing. He tried to fight them off over the years but they were just too strong. Damn I was fighting with werewolves all these years and Im still alive?

Blaine saw Kurt shake, and gently grabbed his hand and led him to his bed to sit down. You okay?

Kurt nods. Just a realization.

Blaine frowns but Kurt ducked his head staring at their hands intertwined. Blaine decided to move on. Well we dont need to take that step, lets just take it one step a time. Lets focus on us. I want to spend as much time with you as possible before the summer ends. 

Kurt sighs. I dont want to go back. I wish this could last forever.

Im not planning to end this when the summer ends.

Were just together, you dont know how things work. You cant see the future. Long distance relationships never work. Kurt sighs.

Youre right, I dont know where this will lead too but I hope it leads to forever.

Youre so sappy.

You love it.

I do.

They grinned at each other and Blaine pressed his lips gently on Kurts. When they pulled away Kurt was a little flustered and out of breath. So you came down here to spend time with me? Kurt gave Blaines outfit a once over. In your swimming trunks?

The guys are in the swimming pool and I wanted to ask if you want to join us. When Blaine saw Kurts look, he stands up. Sarah isnt here... You dont have to swim. Just sit on the edge so I can look at my beautiful boyfriend sitting in the sun. To convince Kurt completely Blaine pouts, putting on his best puppy face and stretched his hand towards Kurt.  Come?

Kurt rolls his eyes but accepted Blaines hand with a wide grin.  How can I say no when you give me a face like that?


There they are, Finally! Jeff grins, his head peeking out over the edge of the swimming pool. What took you so long? He gave them a look.

Kurt blushed but Blaine rolls his eyes. Shut up, Jeff, were not all like you.

Really? Last time I checked youre still a werewolf!

What does that mean? Kurt frowns but Blaine led him to a chair in the shadow next to a chilling Nick.

Nothing, hes Jeff. Something to drink?

Eh... sure, water is fine, Kurt said.

Be right back! Blaine said and ran away.

So whats that all about? Kurt asks, turning towards Nick.

Nick shrugs. Probably a wolf thing, I dont understand them all the time and Im dating Jeff for 1.5 years now. Just relax, enjoy the heat.

Kurt sat back but regretted sitting outside already. It was 40 degrees at least and the swimming pool became tempting. Nick yawns and Kurt turned back to him. Why are you so tired?

Nick give him a smile. Jeff kept me up most of the night.


Nick laughs. Youre so innocent, Kurt. Its cute.

Kurt frowns but when it finally hit him he formed a silent Oh and sat back, ducking his head, heavily blushing. Luckily Blaine came back and handed him a glass water. You okay? Kurt nods, not daring to speak. These guys arent ashamed for their sexuality and coming from a closet off place like Lima, well it takes time to get used to being so open.

Okay. Well Im going for a dive. Blaine tossed his shirt on the chair next to Kurts.

Kurt tried not to drool too much. He already seen Blaine shirtless but that doesnt mean he couldnt enjoy the sight before quickly looking down.   He hoped nobody saw him drool but when he heard Nick giggle he knew he was busted. He gave him his best glare. Shut up. That only caused Nick to laugh harder.


Look who finally decide to show up! Jeff said, laying lazily next to Nick in one chair, when he saw Wes and Sammy Jo enter the property.

Missed me, Sterling? Wes shot back.

Of course not, he missed me, Wes, Sammy Jo teased, running into the waiting arms of Jeff, she kissed him on the cheeks. Im sorry, Jeff. We were busy.

Jeff gave them a look. I dont need to know that.

Its not with that, you perv! Wes snaps. Sammy Jo put a calming hand on his shoulder and he took a deep breath.

Okay, whats going on? Blaine asks, curiously. He sat behind Kurt, who was leaning lazily against Blaines chest reading a Vogue magazine.

We want to get Mated officially, Wes announced. With the next full moon we want to take the ceremony.

Before Kurt could even asks what a Mating Ceremony was about, Blaine jumps up and runs towards Wes and Sammy Jo to embrace them in a bear hug. Even Jeff and Nick stand up to congratulate the young couple and if Kurt didnt know better it was like they just got engaged. What is a Mating ceremony?

Just a werewolf thing, Nick explains after he releases Sammy Jo. You know a werewolf only thinks of two things right? Kurt nods. Producing and food. Well, when two werewolves are in love they can do the Mating ceremony. I dont really know what happens, Jeff never lets me near when it happens.

Jeff pulls Nick close and gave him a peck on the cheek. It happens on full moons, surrounded by the pack. Its just a lot of showing off, growling. The two wolves show the pack that they belong together. Its...

Magical,  Blaine said softly, his eyes lightning up a little bit. Then the two finding a place to rekindle with each other, to bond their souls forever.  Kurt  gasps, it sounded ... romantic. And looking at Blaines face it was obvious that he wanted to do that too someday. Its nice to know that you have someone there, who always has your back. Who loves you no matter what. Once you have taken the ceremony you can never find another mate, if your mate dies, you suffer for the rest of your life. He looks at Wes and Sammy Jo, their hands intertwined. Thats why a lot of wolves dont do it anymore. The future is unsure here in Westerville with the Mayor ruling this town. Are you two sure, Wes, Sammy Jo?

They both nodded. Ive never been so sure about anything than this, Wes said, pulling Sammy Jo close.

Ill let my dad know, Blaine nods.

Jeff lets go of Nick and wraps his arms around the two lovebirds. You know what this means right? Wes and Sammy Jo both looked suspicious. A newlyweds dive! Jeff pushed them both in the pool, laughing hysterical.

Sterling Ill kill you! Wes growls, jumping out of the pool with a lightning speed, running after Jeff. Sammy Jo following behind.

Kurt walks over to Blaine, who seemed lost in thought. You want that too right? A ceremony?

I used too, Blaine admits. I dreamed of it since I knew I was different. I wanted to find someone who was the same and would understand me and my conditions.

And you find me.

Thats right. Blaine smiles weakly, his smile not reaching his eyes. He looked sad.

We could take the ceremony before I go back to Ohio. Kurt suggested.

Blaine turns towards him with wide eyes. What? Were not taking the ceremony!

Why not?

Its not done, Kurt, thats why! Nick interrupts. A human and a werewolf cant take the mating ceremony. We can get married and have children together. But taking the ceremony is too dangerous.

Why? Has anyone ever tried?

Many wolves tried, but they all end up with the dead body of their loved one in their hands the next day, Blaines voice broke a little. A human isnt capable of handling the strength and power. He took Kurts hand in his hand. Im not doing that too you. Im not gonna kill you. We can never do the ceremony.

Okay, Ill understand, we wont. Kurt didnt understand why Blaine got so worked up about it but decided not to argue as he lost feeling in his hand, Blaine was holding to tight.

Good. Blaine lets go of his hand and relaxes slightly. Im going to let my dad know about Wes and Sammy Jo. He turns and leaves.

Kurt sighs, sitting down in the chair. He wants to do the ceremony doesnt he?

Nick smiles sadly, sitting down next to Kurt. All wolves want that at some point. Humans still have a fantasy that werewolves are cruel monsters that doesnt care at all, but when they found the one they want it all.

Did Jeff want it?

Yes, but we cant. I said I can take it, but hes afraid of losing me.

But, you dont need it right? You two are happy?

Of course, but a relationship between a human and wolf is different than between two wolves. Its rougher, in tenser, more in tune. The connection is deeper because theyre from the same species. Also they have the same strength, instincts and drive. A relationship between a human and wolf, its complicated. There always be some kind of distance, a wall where you cant break through.

So youre saying the bond between two werewolves will always be stronger than between a human and a werewolf? Kurt asks.

Nick nods. But that doesnt mean its not worth it. I cant imagine a life without Jeff and I know he never betrays me. But when its full moon and their instincts are heightened... I would be lying if I wouldnt be worried Jeff finds another wolf one day and leaves me. But thats a fear all humans who date werewolves have.

Kurt wasnt surprised, he saw how happy Jeff and Nick are and believed Blaine and he could be like that. They just started. Theyre will be some bumps in the road but Kurt was convinced theyll come out of this together.


Blaine returned home late, it was past 9, he greeted his parents. Elise gestured upstairs. Kurts been there after dinner. Had a fight?

No, I just needed some space to think. Blaine admits. Im going to see him now. He gave his parents a quick hug and walked upstairs. He stops in front of Kurts door, took a deep breath and knocked.

Whos there? A angelic voice sounded and Blaines heart made a jump hearing that beautiful sound.


Silence then... Come in.

Blaine opened the door, his eyes landed on Kurt sitting in front of the mirror. He was in the middle of his daily moisture routine. Hi.

Kurt gave him a quick glance. Hi. Before returning to his routine. Im sorry I suggested a Mating. I dont really understand whats it all about, I just know its not save. I wont mention it again, but I want to learn more so I wont make any more mistakes.

You didnt know, it wasnt your fault, Kurt, I dont want to hurt you. Blaine sighs. I want to keep you far away from my wolf side.

I understand that, but were dating, Blaine. How are we going to do that? Kurt asks, finishing his routine and turning towards his boyfriend. I heard what the ceremony means to a wolf, its impossible to have that with me and I saw how much you want that...

Wanted! Blaine corrected. The minute I saw you everything changed. Im fine with being boyfriends. He smiled warmly and Kurt melted. I mean it, youre everything I want. No wolf could compete with you. Kurt blushed. I heard Bridget Jones Diarys is on TV. Want to watch it together?

Why didnt you say that? Kurt was already on his feet, grabbing Blaines hand and pulling him downstairs.

So I guess you like it? Blaine chuckled, letting himself being pulled around.

Its one of my favorite movies.

Mine too.

Their eyes locked, they both grinned, they intertwined their fingers together walking towards the living room where Nick, Jeff, Wes and Sammy Jo already sat. Theyre ready to spend a lazy evening in front of the TV, with their friends. 

Blaine sat down in a comfy chair and pulls Kurt, who squeals in surprise, on his lap.


 I want you really close. Im cold.

Its still 20 degrees outside and youre a werewolf!

Blaine pouts. Only once a month. I need body heat like any other human.

Kurt rolls his eyes. Blaine could be such a drama queen. But he gave in, making himself comfortable and put his head on Blaines chest. Listening to his heartbeat. The movie began and all eyes turned towards the screen.

Blaine wraps his arm around Kurt and pulls him even closer and Kurt nuzzled into his neck, content, happy. He silently wondered what a guy like Blaine saw in someone like him, but he tried to not let his thoughts take over. Yes maybe someday Blaine would meet a werewolf and dump me, but till that day...I will enjoy every minute of it.  One thing Kurt knows for sure, hes wont  let Blaine go without a fight.


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