May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Im sorry i skipped the clan part. Well meet Blaines clan soon enough. Hope you liked this chapter!:)
Kurt pushed Blaine away from Santana and Quinn. It was obvious that Quinn was dead but Santana was still breathing even if she got weaker and weaker. ‘How could you do this? I thought you wanted to change?'
‘I didn't do anything, Kurt, you have to believe me.'
Kurt turns toward Blaine, hands on his hips and Blaine took a step back. Kurt was really intimated when he was angry. ‘Believe you?! I found you standing over two bodies! There is no one there, one body is dried out of blood and you are the only vampire here. What am I suppose to believe?'
‘It was Sebastian.'
‘Someone who really hates me and wanted to blame me for this. And his plan is working. I swear, Kurt I'm innoce-'
Kurt huffed. 'Innocent, my ass.' Before he could rant further he felt a hand grabbing his ankle and he looked down. Santana looks at him and whispering things, he kneeled down to hear her better.
‘Kurt…. P-please…. i… I don't want to die, help me.' For the first time Kurt saw fear on the Latina's face. Santana wasn't someone who begged, she ruled the school with sassy attitude and Kurt never liked her. But the look in her eyes, hit him right through his soul.
Kurt swallowed. He didn't know how to help Santana, she was dying. Well there was one way, but it was illegal. He could never do that without getting into trouble.
Blaine seemed to notice his struggle because he said: ‘I could change her.'
Kurt just stared at him. ‘That's illegal.'
Blaine shrugged. ‘Who cares? I've done it before, the council already hates me. I've got nothing to lose and I can save a life.'
Kurt couldn't let Santana die when she was looking at him like that. Santana coughs and wipes up blood dripping out of her mouth. ‘Okay, but be quick. I can hear someone coming.' He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and hard breathing. He knew it was Sue Sylvester, she was convinced she could scare people by just breathing.
Blaine kneeled down, bit down his own wrist till it bleeds and offered his wrist to Santana's mouth. ‘Drink.'
Kurt watched with wide eyes, he had never saw someone change a human to a vampire. He just hoped that Blaine didn't lie about that he had done it before. Santana opened her mouth and drank the blood eagerly. Blaine pulled back.
‘what happens now?' Kurt asks.
‘Well, it isn't pretty but it's the fastest way,' Blaine said, grabbing Santana's head and quickly snapping her neck. Santana's body crumbled down on the ground.
‘You killed her?'
‘You need to die before you can change, she'll awake in a few hours and it won't be pretty to see that.' Blaine pulled her in his arms and lifted her up. ‘I'm going to take her to my clan. They'll take care of her until she is used to her new life.'
‘What's going on?'
They both turned around to see Sam Evans standing there, looking confused at the dead bodies.
‘Long story, we need to get going.' Blaine said.
‘where are we going?'
‘To Chicago.'
‘really?' Sam smiled. ‘Eh.. I didn't bring a car or anything.'
‘Borrow mine!' Kurt handed him the car keys. ‘I need the car back tomorrow night.' He glared at Blaine. ‘And I want a explanation about what happened today.'
‘Sure,' Blaine nods. ‘What are you going to do?'
Kurt looked at the security camera's. ‘Trying to figure out how I'm going to safe us. Now go, Sylvester can be here any moment.' Blaine and Sam nodded and quickly disappeared with Santana.
Kurt quickly broke into the security room. There was no one here on a Sunday. It wasn't like this was the first time either. Will, Kurt and Mercedes practiced Mercedes' magic in the choir room and sometimes in halls and there was a time Puck escaped and there was a werewolf in the halls. Kurt erased the evidence, he saw Sue discovering Quinn's body. Kurt needed to look twice because he never saw any emotion on Sue's face. She looks sad, but then pulled out her phone, probably to call the police.
It was impossible to let the blood or the bite marks in Quinn's neck disappear and Kurt knew this could lead to a lot of trouble. But they didn't have much choice. If Quinn's wounds didn't lead up to questions then Santana's disappearing would eventually. But if Santana was used to her new life she could always return and say something about that she needed a ‘break'.
Kurt saw Mercedes walking up to Sue and pointing to Will's office. Another body. This could get totally out of hand.
‘You know this is crazy right?' Sam muttered while Blaine drove past the ‘Welcome to Chicago' Board.
‘Changing a girl, you wouldn't do it after the thing that happened with Jeff.'
‘Jeff had bad luck, Sam. You know it. I changed Santana myself.'
‘She's still unconscious.'
‘Don't remind me, she can wake up any moment,' Blaine hit the gas. ‘Besides Jeff is fine, he has Nick now.'
‘It's still illegal.'
‘Since when do you care if something is illegal or not?'
‘Since you said you would change for Kurt.'
Blaine sighs. ‘I know but this is a emergency. I couldn't just leave her, Kurt asks me to change her. She gets a second change.'
‘If she survives the changing.'
Blaine sighs. ‘Can you be more positive? What happened to the Sunshine Sammy I know and love?'
‘He was never there,' Sam leaned back in his seat, still moping.
‘Oh come on. Talk to me.'
‘Okay, let's talk!' Sam turns to face Blaine, who kept his eyes on the road. ‘Sunshine Sammy has left the building since this weird Sunshine Blaine showed up'
‘Aw, you think I'm a sunshine?' Blaine mocked, smiling. He always loved it when Sam lost control, he was always so…. Nice.
‘I'm not finished yet, Blaine Anderson!' Sam growls, pointing his finger at Blaine.
Blaine rolls his eyes at the drama gesture. ‘Don't point your finger.'
‘I point my finger when I want it. I mean it serious.'
‘You're acting like a child.'
‘You're acting like a love sick puppy.'
‘Oh so this is about Kurt?'
Sam shrugged. ‘I don't know. I know you like him, but there is something about him.'
‘Besides sexy, sweet, kind, hot, sassy and probably incredible in bed?' Blaine smiled.
‘What if he's hiding something?'
Blaine frowns, turning a corner. ‘Hiding? Kurt? Come on, Sammy. I finally found my soul mate. You are worrying too much.'
‘Well don't come back when he screws you over,' Sam muttered. Blaine wanted to open his mouth but Sam interrupted. ‘Don't make any screw jokes Blaine. You didn't even had a kiss from Kurt.' He smiled mockingly. ‘Are you losing your touch?'
Blaine glared. ‘Of course not. Kurt and I take things slow, we have forever.'
Sam rolls his eyes, he gave up. His friend was officially lost. ‘So, who attacked the girls and why?'
Blaine tensed. ‘Sebastian is back in town.'
Sam's eyes widened. ‘Well, that's bad news. What does he want?'
‘Kurt, he wants to kill my Chosen One. Luckily he doesn't know that it is Kurt and where he lives… yet.'
‘What are you going to do about it?'
‘Kill him, I can't jeopardize Kurt's life. Sadly with what he has done tonight, I need to lay low for awhile.' Blaine sighs. ‘and so does Kurt. Something tells me that this has big consequences.'
‘Well two dead students usually does that,' Sam's voice dripping with sarcasm.
The Latina in the back stirred. ‘We're almost there. What do you think, Sam?' Blaine looked at his friend. ‘Do you think Brittany would like her birthday present?'
Sam smiles. ‘She would love her.'
This night seemed to never end. Kurt should get a Oscar for his acting and Mercedes a Emmy. Kurt told Sue that he was late for the extra cheerleader practice and Mercedes had a special glee assignment, she and Will agreed to meet at school to talk about it. Kurt hated lying but this time there was a lot at stake. Sue didn't hesitated to believe them and gave them both hot coffee to calm them down. She just looked shocked while she waited for the police to arrive.
Sue took over when the police asked questions, they removed Will and Quinn and all the blood. Kurt and Mercedes stood aside.
‘Found anything?'
‘No, you?' Mercedes asks.
Kurt nods. ‘We'll talk about this another time. I'm going home.' He looked at his watch. 3.30 AM. He hoped Adam hadn't left yet, he needed someone to talk to after everything that had happened. ‘Are you coming with me?'
Mercedes shook her head. ‘they wanted to talk to me about Will. I called my dad, he's picking me up.'
‘Okay. I'll call you.'
Mercedes nods absently, still staring at Will's office.
Kurt quickly made his way home. As a vampire he could travel faster than a car. But not to raise any suspicious he bought a car. He quickly unlocked the door. ‘Adam?' He checked the kitchen, living room and went upstairs. His eyes fell on a note on his pillow.
Too bad I didn't see you before I needed to go. I'll see you soon, Kurt, I promise.
Great, I haven't even got to say goodbye to my boyfriend, Kurt thought bitterly.
Kurt couldn't sleep so he spend the night, thinking about everything what had happened. He tried to let it sink in that Will was really gone, Santana was a vampire, there was a new vampire in town that hated Blaine, Quinn was dead. The most important thing was trying to figure out what Will had discovered but that would be pointless because the killer had removed everything. It was all about Blaine. If the information really could be that important and it might free Blaine, Kurt would find out what it is and what happened.
In the early morning Kurt checked the mail, receiving a letter that the school was closed for a week and that there was a memoriam ceremony on Monday. Kurt turned on the local news channel and it was right on McKinley High.
‘… her body was drained of blood. The FBI is torn they don't know how someone could be this cruel. There are files that say they've been across this kind of murders before. But why a 16 year old girl? And what has a suicide of a teacher to do with all of this?' The woman babbled her lines perfectly, without emotions. ‘Some say that Will Shuester was in love with the girl –‘ Kurt snorts ‘- Quinn Fabray was really popular and beautiful. Sources say that he had a secret affair with her but when she didn't want to take the relationship any further he killed her in a blind rage and..'
Kurt turned down the sound. He couldn't stand the fake rumors. Will was a honorable man with a heart for teaching. He didn't deserve this crap, he should get a medial for all the times he saved the world. His phone rang and he sighs when he saw it was Finn, but he picked up anyway.
‘Hi, Finn. What's up?'
‘Have you heard what happened?'
There fell a silence. ‘You know more don't you?'
‘Maybe.' Kurt didn't want to tell Finn all the horrible details of what actually happened. Finn always looked like a innocent toddler who could speak more than 3 words. He wanted to protect him. ‘Finn, why are you calling?'
‘Dude we have a emergency, Rachel parents are calling me and demanding to see her. They want to know if she's okay. It's all over the news and they're freaking out. What should I do?'
Kurt tensed. He forgotten all about Rachel. Shit. ‘Finn, pick up Rachel and keep her at your house. Let her speak to her dads. Will is dead, she needs to stay with you for awhile.'
‘I … I don't know man, my mom won't allow girls to stay over at my house.' Finn sighs. ‘Why can't you pick her up? Burt is still in the hospital right?'
‘Yes, but I don't have a car.'
‘Blaine took my car.'
‘Blaine? I knew he was a bad vampire but stealing someone's car is like really low.'
‘He has killed people, Finn I don't think stealing a car isn't the worst thing he has done. Besides he didn't steal my car, I gave it to him.' Kurt could feel the confusing of Finn through the phone.
‘Finn, go pick up Rachel, let her speak to her dads, say to your mom that she needs to stay with you for one night. I have my car back tonight and I'll pick her up.'
‘Okay, dude, but what happens next? We can't take care of her.'
Kurt sighs. ‘I'll call the counsel, she's going to an official rehab.'
‘But…. They never leave rehab.'
‘Do you have a better plan?'
A silence followed and Kurt turns around to watch the TV. He almost dropped the phone when he saw who he saw on his screen. Jesse ST. James! Vampire hunter. ‘Eh… Finn. I've gotta go, see you tomorrow.' He didn't wait for response but quickly turned up the volume.
‘…. It's obvious that the FBI need my expertise on this case.' Jesse smiled in the camera.
Jesse's charm seemed to work on the woman because she smiled flirtatious back. ‘What exactly is you expertise, Mr. James?'
‘Let's just say, that there is a whole other world out there that nobody knows about. It's a dangerous world, full with monsters. And I'm the one who can kill them.'
‘Wow, so you're a hero?' The woman practically drooled on Jesse.
More a monster, Kurt thought, turning the TV off. He needed to make a plan. He needed to stay out of Jesse's way. Jesse ST James had a good reputation and he had killed a lot of vampires. Kurt just needed to watch his steps more carefully.
Kurt just hung up his phone when he heard knocking on his window. He almost jumped at the sound. Blaine smiled widely at him through the window. Kurt rolls his eyes. How can someone be so happy after everything that happened? It was 9 PM. Kurt opened the window and Blaine climbed through.
‘Hello, gorgeous, did you miss me?'
Kurt didn't respond he looked outside to see his car perfectly in place. ‘How is Santana?'
‘She'll be fine!' Blaine jumped down on his bed and leaned against the headboard, Kurt glared. ‘Brittany is taking care of her.'
‘Who's Brittany?' Kurt leaning against the wall.
‘Oh she's adorable, okay she might be a little strange but don't worry. Brittany already loves Santana and promised me to take good care of her.'
‘that's it?! Someone who you admit is crazy, promised you to take good care of a newborn vampire and you just leave?!'
Blaine smirked. ‘I wanted to see you, babe.' He winks.
Kurt rolls his eyes and crossed his arms around his chest. ‘You know that whole bad boy attitude isn't working for me.'
Blaine cocked his head. ‘really, so I can't seduce you into bed tonight?'
‘I love the hard to get game.'
‘This isn't a game, Blaine. Did you saw the news?'
‘I heard it on the radio.'
‘Then you know how serious this is. Jesse ST James is in town.'
Blaine shrugged. ‘I beat him before, I can handle it.'
‘You need to leave town, hide.'
‘I never hide. But I agree we need to lay low for awhile. This thing will blow over eventually.'
‘Not for Quinn's parents.'
Blaine's eyes turned slightly red. ‘Sebastian is gonna pay for that.'
‘Who is Sebastian?'
‘It's a long story.'
‘I want answers, especially if you say he's after me.'
Blaine sighs. ‘He was a rich dude back in the 20th's. Sebastian was arrogant, lazy, selfish. He didn't care for his family. All that counted was his money and girls. He made me sick. His sister Anesta was lonely. I kept her company.' He smiled when he saw Kurt make a disgusting face. ‘Sadly she was also clingy. Too clingy for my taste.'
‘So you killed her?'
‘No. Believe it or not but I cared about her. Not like the way I feel for you, but I felt for her. I saw her loneliness, it was killing her. The hours we shared together were her life line. I told her we couldn't get married so she went to find a husband on her own. The Smyth's were a proud family, not the simplest man were enough for her. Sebastian saw us two talking to each other. He came to me one night, saying I needed to stay away from her. He was still human and even gave me money to disappear.'
‘What did you do?'
‘I took the money.'
Kurt glared at him.
‘But like I said, I cared for her. I went back to break up. She flipped, she attacked me and I pushed her away. She fell down a stair and snapped her neck. Sebastian saw it happen and swore revenge.' Blaine sighs. ‘He went to a vampire and changed himself.'
‘But… it was a accident!'
Blaine shrugged. ‘Tell him that. It wasn't like he cared for his sister, he wanted to keep his reputation up. Nobody saw that I accidently pushed her down the stairs, everybody knew she was unhappy and assumed it was suicide. That wasn't good for the Smyth's reputation.'
‘Wow, and now he's coming back to hurt you?'
Blaine nods, sat up and looked deeply into Kurt's eyes. ‘Don't worry, he won't hurt you. He don't get a change to come near you. He's a dead vampire.'
Kurt sat down next to Blaine. ‘I don't want you to get killed.'
‘Why not? I thought you didn't care about me?' Blaine mocked but Kurt could hear the curiosity in his tone.
‘I don't want anyone to die because of me.'
‘You don't have much fate in my fighting skills do you?' Blaine playfully bumped their shoulders together.
‘If you survived for 1000 years while you've as many enemy's as you, you must be doing something really great!' Kurt tried to ignore the electric sparks when Blaine bumped their shoulder together.
Blaine leaned closer. ‘You have no idea how great I am! In many…. Many areas.' His eyes turned dark, his eyes on Kurt's lips. He could feel Kurt's forehead against his own. ‘Tell me to stop.' But Kurt didn't say anything and their lips were touching.
Kurt moved his hands around Blaine's neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. His lips felt like they were on fire but he wanted to be consumed by it. Sparks were flying through his spine and he knew it. He could feel it in every bone of his body. Blaine was his Chosen One!
The moment was broken when Kurt could feel Blaine's tongue pushing against his bottom lip, asking for permission. Kurt quickly pulled away and fell off the bed with a loud poof!
Blaine quickly got up to make sure Kurt was okay. ‘Are you okay?' He reached his hand to pull Kurt up but Kurt quickly jumped to his feet.
‘I'm fine. I…. You should go.'
‘Eh… okay. Are you sure you're okay? I mean that was one hell of a kiss!'
Kurt rolls his eyes. ‘I've had better.'
Blaine laughs. ‘Well, just so you know, in 1000 years I've never had a kiss like that. Sweet dreams, Kurt.' He winks, opened the window and disappeared. Leaving a confused Kurt behind.