Catch me im falling
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 6

E - Words: 4,824 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I apologize for the long wait of the update. I needed to finish the WYBM story so I can concentrate fully on this story. So dont worry i wont abandon this story. Hope you liked it!:)

Kurt woke up after two hours sleep at the sound of Burt walking down the stairs. He looked at his alarm clock: 7:00 AM. It was time to get up and go to school. He quickly took a shower, get dressed and walked downstairs.

‘Good morning, you look… well rested for a change,'  Burt said.

‘Hmm,' Kurt hummed, taking coffee and sat down opposite of him.

‘Did you and Blaine work it out yesterday?'


‘He was worried so he said he was going to check up on you, I didn't hear him leave.'

‘Oh… he left…. After we both finished the school project,' Kurt lied. ‘I thought I just help him out a bit. It was pretty late when he left.'

Burt narrowed his eyes. ‘So if I walk up stairs right now Blaine isn't sleeping in your bed?'

Kurt choked on his coffee and he could feel his face heat up. ‘W-what? No! What makes you think that? I have a boyfriend for god sake.' 

Burt chuckles. ‘Just wondering. I saw how he was looking at you and I noticed he made you slightly uncomfortable. And I saw a lot of chemistry between you two. Blaine's a good guy, maybe you should give him a chance.'

Kurt huffed. ‘What part of “I have a boyfriend” don't you understand?'

‘A boyfriend I've only saw once. The only thing that I know is that he's gone a lot and leaves you in this boring town. You deserve someone who actually drops by once in a while and hangs out with you. You deserve true love.'

‘What Adam and I have is true love. We're only committed to each other. He makes me happy.' Kurt sighs. ‘It would be better if he was more around though.'

‘I know, love is never easy,' Burt sighs, he stood up and walked to get his jacket.

‘Where are you going?'


‘No, you're still sick.'

‘I'm feeling fine, Kurt. I'll promise to take it slow, it's probably only some paper work today, anyway. I'm way behind with that.'

‘Okay, text me every two hours just to make sure you're okay,' Kurt said. Burt rolled his eyes but nodded and left. I just hope Blaine would hurry up with the hospital stuff.


Blaine winced at the hospital smell, he absolutely hated hospitals maybe more than humans. He saw two doctors arguing in the hall way. Okay I hate humans more. He immediately was on his way to the hospital after seeing Kurt. It was early morning, probably 07:00 AM. Blaine smiled. He imagined Kurt waking up now to go to school. He walked to the front desk were a blond young lady sits, wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

‘Excuse me, is nurse Kaylee Bates here?' Blaine asks politely as possible. 

The woman blinked with her eyes as if she couldn't believe someone asked her a question. ‘Eh… I'll look it up. Are you a friend of her?'

‘Sort of.'

‘Well, asking for a nurse isn't common. You aren't a angry ex boyfriend who wants to kill her are you?' The girl narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

It was Blaine's turn to blink. Was this girl serious?    ‘Eh no, I'm not here to kill today.' Maybe tomorrow. ‘Just look her up please. It's important.'

The girl nodded dumbly and searched through the laptop in front of her.  ‘Sorry, she checked out 10 minutes ago. She worked on the first floor, down the hall. You just missed her.'  She pointed towards the exit.

Blaine followed her finger and a red pony tail caught his attention, he smiled. There you are, hiding much Kaylee? ‘No problem.'  He quickly walked away to follow the red haired girl, who sneaked into a room.

He followed her and saw her standing with the back turned towards him. Blaine smiled. She was so stupid. He reacted quickly, ran towards her, pulled her arms on her back, one hand forced the two hands together while the other slips to her throat. ‘Foolish to turn your back to a Vampire, Kaylee. I thought you know better, you disappoint me.'  He could feel the young woman tense and her heart was speeding up fast.

‘Blaine,' she breathed lower than a whisper but Blaine grinned. He always loved it when people spoke his name with respect and fear. ‘What do you want? You came to Lima Ohio to kill me?'

Blaine let her go and the girl turned around, rubbing her writs to let blood stream again, she narrowed her eyes at him. Blaine had to give it to the girl, not many vampires stared at him like that, let alone a human. ‘Don't flatter yourself, Kaylee. You don't mean that much to me.'

Kaylee huffed. ‘That wasn't what you said ….' She frowned, as if she was thinking about their last meeting. ‘…. Six months ago in Chicago. You were moaning like a whore.'

Blaine shrugged nonchalant. ‘Na. I faked it.' Kaylee's eyes widened and her face paled, Blaine saw hurt in her eyes but couldn't be bothered by it.

Over the years he had spend a few nights with Kaylee together, it didn't mean much. A vampire has high sexual needs and feeding from humans turns mostly out in sex. Sometimes a vampire and a human make a deal when they're both lonely and both in serious need they pleasure each other. Kaylee was the only one Blaine ever let life. There was something in her eyes, vulnerably, loneliness, the search to find a place of her own. Also she was a doctor assistant and addicted to vampire bites. Besides that she was a Healer. A Healers were really rare, they could heal anything with a little bit of magic. Blaine knew she would come in handy sometime in his life, that time was now.

‘There is someone else in my life now.'

‘Another girl? Let me guess a cheap stripper?' Kaylee snapped. She really thought she would mean something for Blaine. When a vampire bites a human, he immediately creates a bond between them. Blaine hated that so he usually killed his victims.

‘No he's so much worth than any stripper or any cheap doctor assistant I've ever met. He's my everything.'  Blaine growls, stepping closer as a warning. How dare she insult someone like Kurt?

Kaylee gasps, stepping back. ‘You …. Found your soul mate?'  Blaine nods. ‘But …. That could be dangerous, Blaine.'


‘You have a lot of enemy's out there. If you really have found your Chosen One he'll becomes a target.' 

Blaine froze. She was right. He never thought about that. Since the moment he met Kurt he walked around on a pink cloud. He never thought about consequences if he and Kurt go public. Kurt would be a walking target for anything he did in the past. Nobody could know this. If he enemy's know they even could use Kurt against him. He took in a sharp breath. He couldn't put Kurt in danger. He didn't deserve that. Kurt doesn't have to pay for the things he did in the past.

 Blaine noticed Kaylee still stands before him, confusing and a little worry. He shook his head to clear it, he couldn't show any weakness in front of her. He gave her Burt's medical files. ‘You need to make sure this man gets a new heart this week.'

Kaylee looks through the files. ‘You know how hard it is to plan Heart surgery right?' Blaine shrugged. She sighs and walked out of the room. ‘Come on.'

Blaine followed her to a room with laptops, it was empty. Kaylee put on a laptop, showed the laptop her hospital pass and the laptop gave her access. Blaine leaned back against the wall while Kaylee typed, frowned, sighs and typed some more. It felt like hours and Blaine began to think about what Kurt was doing now. Would he think about me? 


‘We really need to do something about Rachel, Will,' Kurt said leaning on the piano. It was lunch time, he hadn't heard anything from Blaine yet and it was driving him crazy. So he decided to distract himself by focusing on his other problem: Rachel.

‘I know,' Will muttered, concentrating in music papers to prepare his lesson for Glee club.

‘I agree,' Finn said, who laid lazy on the ground. He looked terrible and Kurt knew that ‘SOS' text he got was not because Rachel and Finn made out all night. They've been fighting all night and Finn was exhausted. ‘It's getting worse with everyday. I don't want to bite her anymore, it's gross.'  He made a face. 

‘You shouldn't have done that from the start, Finn!' Kurt snapped. ‘You made it worse.'

‘I didn't know that she would turn into a hulk when she doesn't get her rush,' Finn defended himself.

Kurt sighs and pulled out his phone. ‘I'll call Adam, see if he can find a solution.' 

‘Wait, I might know how to help her,' Will said. ‘Rachel needs to kick off, you all know how the counsel handles this. We can't let her die in a cell. I'll ask her to stay after Glee club and we're taking her to my place.'

‘Wouldn't it get suspicious if she won't show up at school or her house, Mr, Shue?' Puck asks.

‘I can say she's staying at our house,' Finn piped up. ‘But it could be that her dads wanted to see her.' He looks sad again.

‘She needs a break for at least two weeks,' Will said. ‘Finn, can you write a letter to her dads that it is too much for her and that she's staying at your house for two weeks? Demand that she needs at least two weeks some freedom. Say that you are helping her with a big Glee assignment. They know how much Glee means to her.'

‘really, Shue? Finn??' Kurt asks. Finn glared at him.

‘All right, you and Finn,' Will rolled his eyes.

Kurt sat down with pen and paper. ‘Great, I'll think of something.'

‘Is two weeks enough to recover?' Puck asks, his eyes in disbelief.

‘It isn't,' Will admitted. ‘But it will be enough to get her through daily life. Maybe you need to back off a little Kurt. You're a vampire so it will be too much to be around you for awhile.' 

Kurt nods. He would miss Rachel's company but Rachel's health was more important. He always had Mercedes' company. Or not…. Kurt decided that breaking Mercedes away  from her vampire would be his next project. He could feel Finn peering over his shoulder to watch what he wrote.

‘Wow, dude that's deep!'

Kurt glared. ‘I only wrote ‘Hi Dear Dads” Finn! And stop breathing in my neck, it's distracting.'


‘Done!' Kaylee clapped, she printed out the information and handed him a letter. ‘Here is Mr. Hummel's appointment. Be sure to get here at Thursday at 9:30 AM.'

Blaine nods and took the information. He scanned it quickly. ‘You'll be doing this operation yourself?'

Kaylee nods. ‘Mr. Hummel has a really weak heart, without a little bit of help of magic, he would die.'

‘Great, thank you, Kaylee.'

She nods. ‘I gues this man has something to do with your soul mate?' Blaine said nothing. ‘He's like 50 so I don't think it's him…. I've seen a boy with him a couple times. Blue eyes, porcelain skin… high pitched voice.'

Blaine glared at her. ‘Stay away from him, Kaylee.'

Kaylee shrugged. ‘I can't promise anything.'

Blaine moved forward and pinned her to the wall, he didn't care that she groaned in pain. ‘Think again.'

‘Is he a vampire too?' Kaylee swallowed.

‘It's none of your business what he is.' Blaine growls, he could hear Kaylee's heart racing, if she didn't calm down she would have a heart attack. ‘Just save this man's life, you don't need to know more. You keep the contact professionally.' Kaylee nodded quickly. ‘You tell nobody about my request. If I find out somebody knows, I'll kill you….' He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. ‘… painfully and slowly, very slowly. Understand?' Kaylee nodded again. He let her go, her knees gave up and she crumbled to the floor. She breathed heavily and trying to calm her heart. ‘Thank you, Kaylee. I'll let him know, he would be thrilled!' Blaine waved with the appointment cart and winked. ‘See you on Thursday. Make sure you're on time.' And he walked out of the door.


 Kurt sighs heavily, leaning against his locker. It was after Glee and the school was empty. They just pushed a angry Rachel into Will's car. She completely lost it and they had to make sure the school was abandoned when they brought Rachel away. They talked to her but she wasn't able to listen. Will, Puck and Finn brought her away, after that Finn would give the dads the letter. They all hoped her dads would understand and leave her alone. But Kurt knew how Mr. Berry and Mr. Berry treated Rachel, like a princes. She was their only child and they are very protective of her. He had a feeling they could ruining Rachel's progress to healing.

Kurt opened his locker to put on the books he didn't need for the next day. Blaine still hadn't contacted him. He was worried something went wrong. Wait worried? No. more afraid that I can't save Burt anymore.

‘Hey, homo!'

Kurt's head snapped up at the words. He knew it was Amizo, since Karofsky left he was his main bully. He could hear Amizo's heart and blood rushing through his veins. Kurt's fangs lengthened. He was hungry. Damn it, he didn't take his midday snack in the toilets today. Why was Amizo here anyway? ‘Amizo, why are you here?' Kurt asks with his back still turned towards Amizo, he was afraid if he turned around he would see his red eyes. 

‘Needed to write a essay about how I can't bully weak, little, homo's like you!' Amizo sneered and stepped closer.

‘How did you call him?!' A voice snapped.

Kurt and Amizo both turned around. Kurt recognized Blaine immediately, his eyes were blood red, his fangs peeked out. Oh oh…

‘Look here, our fairy found a little hobbit!' Amizo laughs.

‘Shut up!' Kurt hissed, taking his place in front of Amizo, too shield him from Blaine. ‘Blaine, calm down, okay. He was joking.'

‘I was saying the truth!!' Amizo said, completely un aware of the danger. Kurt groaned.

Blaine cocked his head to the side. ‘the truth? I should've killed you when I had the change. Let's make it a rematch.' Blaine attacked.

‘Run, I'll try to hold him back!' Kurt screamed pushing Amizo aside. Blaine avoided Kurt easy and pushed Amizo to the wall, his hand on his throat. ‘Blaine!' Kurt pulled on his arm but it was like pushing a block of concrete.

‘He deserves to die for what he said to you, Kurt, he taunts you!' Blaine growls. Amizo eyes widened, he scratched his nails at Blaine's hand in hope he would let go.

Suddenly Sam and Mercedes appeared, both looking a little flustered. ‘What is going on here?'

Kurt let go of Blaine's arm, he was never so happy to see Mercedes. ‘Mercedes, can you put a shield around Amizo? Quickly!'

Mercedes closet her eyes and waved her arms towards Blaine and Amizo. Blaine got pushed back by a visible shield. He growls and clawed at Amizo, who fell unconscious on the ground.

Sam mouth fell open. He didn't know that Mercedes was a witch. He saw Mercedes glancing at him. He couldn't believe it. He felt betrayed. Why didn't she told him? He saw Kurt hovered over Amizo. ‘Is he okay?'

Kurt shook his head. ‘He needs a ambulance. I'll call one….' He looked at Blaine who was still fighting the shield, he was in a rage. Kurt has never saw a vampire be so angry as Blaine.

‘I can't hold him any longer, Kurt,' Mercedes groans, sweat was dripping of her face.

‘Can you take him away?' Kurt asks looking at Sam while pulling out his phone. Sam nodded numbly, grabbed Blaine's arms and dragged him away without looking at Mercedes again. Kurt glanced at Mercedes, who let the shield go and her eyes looked sad. So I've met her secret admirer. He's older than me because he could pull Blaine back with ease. Kurt almost wanted to say ‘Told You So' to Mercedes but his friend looked so heartbroken that he decided against it.

‘What's your emergency?' A woman voice shook him out of his thoughts.

A new heart for my friend who's heart just got broken.


Kurt got home after dinner, he could hear voices in the living room and he hoped it wasn't Blaine. After what happened he completely understood his reputation. Blaine was a killer. He looked like a adorable puppy sometimes but Kurt has seen his true nature just a few hours ago. Amizo's neck was bruised but the doctors said he would survive. Blaine was dangerous and Kurt hoped Adam would hurry up with his plan.

Kurt peered around the corner and saw Burt and Carole laughing about something Burt said. ‘Oh hi, Kurt,' Carole was the first one who noticed him. ‘I just came to check up on Burt here.'

‘Hi, Carole, nice to see you again.' Kurt smiled at her politely and looked at Burt, who blushes.  Oh get a room you two.

‘Burt told me about your study mate,' Carole said. Kurt smile disappeared and he sent Burt his deadliest glare, it was Burt's turn to smile now. ‘He said he was quite fond of you.'

‘He saw wrong,' Kurt said quickly. He didn't care if it was rude to fall out to Carole like this. He didn't want to talk about Blaine and it was like everywhere he goes, Blaine was there too. ‘Is there still some food left?'

‘In the fridge,' Burt nods.

Kurt turned on his heels. He didn't want food, he wanted distraction. He opened the fridge to see the leftovers from yesterday. The door bell rang and Kurt opened the door, expecting Mercedes. He didn't expect seeing the blond vampire.

‘Hi, eh…. Blaine wanted to give you this, that's why he was at school,'  the vampire handed him over the hospital appointment cart.

Kurt took it and looked at it. ‘This Thursday?'

The Vampire nods. ‘I needed to tell you he was really sorry you had to see him like that.'

‘How is he?'

The vampire shrugged. ‘He's doing okay. He just need some time to cool off. Stay away from humans for awhile.'

Kurt nods. ‘Who are you exactly?'

‘I'm Sam Evans, Part of Blaine's Clan,' Sam introduced himself, shaking Kurt's hand quickly.

‘Why are you're here with Blaine?'

‘Blaine thinks that you're his Chosen One.'

Kurt's eyes widened. ‘What?' 

‘You don't feel it?' Sam sounds unsure.

This explains all the dreams about Blaine or why I'm so worried about him. This also explains the shock I felt when Blaine touched me. Kurt swallowed. He couldn't give in. Adam was his soul mate. ‘No. I don't feel anything.'

‘Oh.' Sam wanted to turn away.

‘Wait…. I need to talk to you about Mercedes.'

‘Don't worry. I won't see her again.'

‘I… what?' Kurt wanted to begin his speech but was completely surprised by his answer. ‘You woo her over and now you think you can just dump her?!' He glared angry. He didn't agree with Sam and Mercedes relationship but he didn't let his best friend treated like a throw away whore.

Sam looked sad. ‘About Blaine…. He isn't as bad as everybody says. Just give him a change, he deserve at least that.'

 Before Kurt could say anything he disappeared. He sighs, his eyes falling on the cart. It's time to tell the good news.


Blaine didn't show up at school for the rest of the week and that didn't surprise Kurt at all. He never saw a vampire in rage but he could imagine that it took time for Blaine to calm down completely. Kurt stick to Mercedes' side during the classes. He saw her eyes wondering over the students, in hope to see Sam. But it was no use and Kurt didn't have it in him to say anything about it. He just want to see Mercedes happy again. He didn't know Sam but if he could make her happy, so be it. He wouldn't complain or judge about it again.

Burt and Carole were so happy and relieved when Kurt gave him the information. Carole had a morning shift so Kurt and Burt went together to the hospital that Thursday morning.

Kurt sat there nervously when Burt went under surgery. Kurt waited for hours for some news but nothing. He started pacing, then he sat down again. He didn't want to leave, scared he missed something. He fumbled nervously with the hem of his shirt. 

‘Any news yet?'

Kurt looked up and saw Blaine standing there with two coffee cups in his hands. ‘No.'

‘here, I know we don't need it but I guess you're here for hours and people start to wonder if you need some more energy,' Blaine gave him one cup.

Kurt looked around, he saw people staring at him, they'll held coffee or tea cups. Blaine was right it looked suspicious. He accepted the cup. ‘Thank you.' He took a sip. ‘Grande Non fat Mocha. How do you know my coffee order?'

Blaine shrugged. ‘I can smell it on you. Can I sit down?'

Kurt frowned and watched Blaine closely. He looked completely normal. His thoughts flashed to the Amizo attack and he really wondered how could this be the same Blaine? It was like Blaine had two personality's. The famous dangerous vampire and this sweet, concerned vampire who nobody got to see. The question is who is the real Blaine?  ‘Sure.'

Blaine sat down next to him and their knees touched. Blaine didn't pull away and Kurt neither, he tried to ignore the flip flops his stomach made again. Blaine thinks you're his Chosen One. Sam's word's echoed in his head. ‘Are you okay?'

Kurt nods. ‘It takes so long though.'

‘They'll be done soon.' Blaine sighs and turns his body towards Kurt. ‘About what… happened with Amizo. I'm not proud of it. He just insulted you and I couldn't stand that.'

‘You need to know that I can handle myself, Blaine,' Kurt said. ‘Amizo is a idiot but he doesn't deserve to die.' 

Blaine didn't say anything and Kurt had a feeling he disagreed. ‘I'm not sorry for beating him up. I'm only sorry you got to see that side of me.' Before Kurt could react Blaine grabs his hand and intertwined their fingers. ‘You need to know that I would never hurt you, Kurt. You have no idea how much you mean to me.'

‘You don't even know me,' Kurt whispers. What would Blaine do if he knew the truth? Would he still not hurt him?

‘Not yet, but I plan to know you a lot better on our date!' Blaine winked.

Kurt rolled his eyes, pulled his hand back (ignoring how his inside was screaming because of the lost of contact) and leaned back in his seat. ‘If everything is going to be okay.'

‘Just trust me.'

Blaine was right a minute later a red haired doctor came towards them, stating that Burt was okay and that he could visit him now.

 Kurt stayed with Burt all day. The nurses said he still need to recover a week in the hospital before he could go home. Kurt promised to take care of the garage. Luckily Carole gave Burt a distraction because she baked cookies. Kurt couldn't help but smile at their interaction. They were perfect for each other.


Kurt came home in a empty house at 3 AM. He could use a couple hours sleep. He felt drained after everything that happened this week. He walked up stairs, undressed when he heard a knock on his window. He almost jumped out of his own skin. He turned around.

Blaine was pushing his face to the window and smiled widely. Kurt groaned, realized he was half naked and pulled quickly a shirt over his head before he opened the window. ‘Blaine! I wasn't dressed.'

‘I noticed!' Blaine winked.

Kurt couldn't help but blush. This scenario looked way too much on one of his dreams. ‘What are you doing on my roof?'

‘I just want to know if I could pick you up at 7 PM this Saturday night for our date?' Blaine asks.

‘Eh… sure.'

‘Okay, see you then, beautiful.' Blaine winks and want to pull back but Kurt stopped him.

‘I… what do I need to wear on this date?' Kurt bit his lip.

‘What do you mean?'

‘I'm kinda a fashion freak. I want to look good.'

‘You don't have to wear anything, I'm planning a night in a hot tub, both naked,' Blaine said seductively. He smiled when he saw a light blush on Kurt's cheeks.

‘I'm not going naked with you in a million years.'

‘It's okay, I can wait a million years. I have time.'

Blaine smiled playfully but he didn't realize how much those words meant for Kurt. Nobody ever said that to Kurt. Not even Adam. Nobody really cared.

‘Everything okay?' Blaine face changed to a worried look. Kurt hasn't said anything for 10 minutes.

‘Why would you wait a million years for me?' Kurt said softly.

Blaine shrugged. ‘Your worth it.'

Kurt blinked his tears away, Blaine said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He took a deep breath. ‘Thank you for saying that.'

‘I mean it.'

‘I know.'

Blaine stepped back. ‘I should go. See you Saturday?' Kurt nods. ‘Goodnight, sweet dreams Kurt.'

‘Goodnight, Blaine.' Kurt saw Blaine jump of the roof and disappearing down the street. He sighs, closing the window and the curtains. While he got ready for bed he couldn't help but wonder who was the real Blaine? Was he a killer? He had a feeling that there was so much more to Blaine then meets the eye. And he was going to find out who Blaine really is.


That night Kaylee Bates returned home late from her night shift. She turned on the light of her tiny apartment, put the keys on the table, grabs her phone and dialed a number she hasn't dialed in a long time. ‘Hi, I need to speak Mr. Smythe, I have some important news…. Yes, please put him on, it will interest him for sure…. Hi…. Yes…. Sir, it's about Blaine Anderson…. He has found his Chosen One…. I knew it would interest you…. Okay I'll keep a eye out…. See you soon, Master!' She corrected herself quickly but the line was already dead.


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