May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Im kinda sad this story is over:( Hope youll liked it as much as I liked to write it. Hope youll are happy with the ending:)
Thanks for reading and special thanks to everyone who reviewed, this story wouldnt be here without the awesome responds I got.
Kurt smiled politely at everyone who attended the funeral of Rachel and Finn. There were a lot of students and even mr. Figgins and Sue showed up to pay their respects. He saw Burt holding a crying, heartbroken Carole in his arms. Poor woman, she doesn't even know her son died like a hero.
The vampire society still remained a secret for humans. It was just too dangerous. Who knows what the humans would do once they knew the truth. Kurt turns around to see Mr. and Mr. Berry make their way to Rachel's coffin. Then he saw it, a movement in the back. Kurt could immediately sense Blaine's presence and he slowly made his way to the back, not wanting to disturb the ceremony. He leans against the wall. ‘You came?'
Blaine appeared, he was wearing black as usual, his curls hang lose but his skin was paler that usual. ‘I did.'
Kurt glanced at him with worry. ‘You don't look good, you should rest, Blaine. Why would you risk your own life?'
Blaine looked at him. ‘You know why. I would only risk my life for one vampire.' He had a playfully glance in his eyes, Kurt smiles, deciding to play the game along.
‘I've no idea who.'
‘Really?' Blaine pushed Kurt against the wall, without making sound.
‘Blaine, we're in a church at a funeral,' Kurt points out, but he could feel himself melting into Blaine's arms.
‘You left this,' Blaine backed away and hold out Kurt's black rose.
Kurt's eyes widened. ‘The rose..'
‘…which means you love me unconditionally and forever.'
‘I do. Without a doubt.' Kurt nods. Blaine didn't say anything. ‘I know, I lied and I'm sorry. But I really love you. I just wish we could go back to the way it was.'
‘I hated the way it was,' Blaine said, his voice harsh. ‘Lies everywhere. But… I'm open for a new start. Just us.'
Blaine nods, smiles, leans in and gave Kurt a deep kiss. ‘You're impossible to resist.'
They cuddled close in the back, watching the ceremony and Kurt said goodbye to a boy who he treated like a brother and one of his best friends. At least he wasn't alone… finally.
The school reopened and Kurt finished up his last year. He decided to stick around for awhile to make sure Burt would be okay. The vampire world was still a mess after the counsel was gone and Blaine helped Wes to get back some order. Mercedes survived the change and she and Sam were happily in love and together. Mercedes still needed to adjust and she missed her magical powers but she was never been so happy in her life. Santana finally accepted her new life with Brittany.
Kurt and Blaine did the Bonding ceremony in the third week after the funeral. Kurt wanted to wait till graduation but Blaine just couldn't wait any longer. They shared blood, stories, they danced all night. They had sex all night and Kurt had never felt so complete. He finally belonged to someone. He never felt so loved.
What also made Kurt happy was that Burt accepted Blaine completely as his ‘boyfriend', even when Blaine sometimes growls at Burt when he got too close to Kurt.
Blaine couldn't wait till graduation day. They already decided to leave Ohio behind and travel the world together. Kurt was dreading the moment. He hated to say goodbye. Especially to someone like Burt. The man means a lot to him and Kurt considered him his dad. Burt was the closest thing to a dad, family. He just didn't want to say goodbye but he couldn't just leave either.
Kurt put on a brave face when graduation day arrived. Blaine bought flowers for him and he helped Kurt with his outfit.
‘There is a surprise waiting for you, downstairs.'
Kurt looked up. ‘what? Blaine, you know I hate surprises.'
‘I think you quit like this surprise.' Blaine winks.
Kurt gasps. ‘It's not something to do with sex, is it? I know Burt accepts you but I don't think he's…'
Blaine walks over and messaged Kurt's shoulder. ‘It has nothing to do with sex, I didn't want to give that poor man a heart attack.'
Kurt glares. ‘Not funny, Blaine. I thought you liked Burt.'
Blaine shrugs. ‘I do. But he's just human, Kurt. He isn't gonna live forever.' He saw Kurt's sad face and pulled him in his arms. ‘You okay?'
‘I just… he's like a dad to me, Blaine. I don't want to say goodbye.'
‘What would Burt say if you show up every year without aging?'
Kurt sighs. ‘He would get suspicious.'
‘Do you think he can handle the truth?' Blaine asks softly. He hated to see Kurt so sad, maybe if Burt would hear the truth, they could find a way.
Kurt thought about it but eventually he shook his head. ‘He can't. I don't want to put this burden on his shoulders. He deserves happiness.'
‘You do too.'
‘I'm happy, you're all I need.'
Knock, knock. Blaine nods. ‘good, because I think your surprise got to impatient to wait any longer.' He opens the door and Jeff stormed in.
The only warning Kurt got was ‘Kurtie!' before he was floored by the exited blonde vampire.
‘Nick, what did I say about Jeff and sugar?' Blaine growls at the brown heard vampire standing in the doorway.
‘I'm sorry, Blaine but you know how Jeff gets when there is a celebration.' Nick walks over and gently pushed Jeff of off Kurt.
‘You came to my graduation?' Kurt asks, a little overwhelmed.
‘Of course, I remember all my 18 times I graduated,' Wes appeared, behind him were David, Santana, Brittany, Sam and Mercedes, all smiling at Kurt.
‘You graduated 12 times Wes, the other didn't count because you didn't went to those schools, you faked it,' David glares.
‘I have my papers to proof it.'
‘No you don't.'
‘I can't believe you'll came,' Kurt blinks the tears out of his eyes and smiled widely at his friends and Chosen One. ‘But how are you gonna pull this off? Santana you disappeared.'
Santana pushed on sunglasses, a black coat and a blond wig on her head. ‘I can pull of being a blonde, for once in my life.'
‘And I can graduate with you, Kurt,' Mercedes smiled. ‘I got homeschooled for the last months because of a really nasty fever that wouldn't go away.' She grins, her fangs peeking out.
‘You ready?' Blaine helps Kurt on his feet. Kurt quickly ran to the mirror to give a quick check up and he nods.
‘I'm ready.'
The graduation ceremony was formal and boring but it was the best graduation Kurt ever had because everyone was there. When his name was called, he climbed the stage and looked down. He saw Blaine, Jeff, Nick, Wes, Sam, Mercedes, Brittany and Santana cheering him on. He realized that he had a new family now. Blaine had given him a family. Burt and Carole clapped proudly and smiled. It was obvious that Burt was happy and that he had a life ahead with Carole. It was time for Kurt to finally start living.
Burt was surprised to hear that Kurt would leave first thing in the morning. A road trip with Blaine for the summer and after the summer he would go to New York to follow his dream. But when he saw the two of them cuddled up together in front of the TV he only could be happy for Kurt. Oh young love. Kurt deserves this, he's a good kid.
The next morning Blaine helped Kurt pack his stuff and loaded them into his car, while Kurt said goodbye to Burt.
‘Are you happy?' Kurt asks.
‘Of course, I'm never been happier,' Burt smiled. ‘I'm healthy, my heart is ticking and I've found the love of my life.' He turns his head to Carole who peered through the window and waves.
It was as if a weight was lifted from Kurt's shoulders and he knew he made the right decision. ‘I'm glad. You deserve it.'
‘You too, Kurt. I know you're going to do great things in the future. Just don't forget your old man here.'
‘I won't.' Kurt smiles, trying not to cry.
‘So I see you and Blaine around Christmas?'
‘We'll be there,' Kurt lied. He won't see Burt again, this goodbye was final. In order to start his new life he needed to say goodbye to his old life. He would miss Burt but it was better this way. Burt wasn't stupid he would ask questions if he saw that Kurt still looks like 17 in a few years. It was time to let each other go. Burt would start his life with Carole and eventually die of old age and Kurt will spend his life with Blaine. That's the way it should be.
Burt pulls Kurt in a hug. ‘I love you Kurt, never change. Call me anything there is something up. I even can give you relationship advice.' He smirked.
Kurt rolls his eyes. ‘I'll be fine and I'll call you.' He sniffs. ‘I love you.'
‘Don't cry on me,' Burt blinks away his tears too.
‘Kurt, we need to get going,' Blaine interrupts, leaning against the car.
‘Thank you for everything,' Kurt hugs Burt one last time and walks over to Blaine.
‘Have fun you two!' Burt waves.
‘We will, Mr. Hummel, and don't worry he's safe with me,' Blaine opens the door for Kurt.
‘I'm not doubting that at all, Blaine. You're a good kid.'
Kurt got in the car and Blaine followed after a quick goodbye, he start the car and they drove off. ‘Wow, that man…. He's special.'
‘Blaine, are you crying?'
‘I'm not.' Blaine quickly wiped away his tears.
‘You so are.'
‘Enough about me, are you okay?'
‘I'll be fine. I'm gonna miss him but I know it's better this way and he's happy with Carole. Blaine…'
‘Is there a possibility that we could visit them in 30 years or something? I want to see how they are.'
Blaine squeezed his hand. ‘Deal. So…. Where do you want to go?'
‘I think New York is lovely this summer.'
‘Cut the crap, Hummel, I know that fashion week starts on Monday.'
‘Okay you got me.' Kurt pouts.
‘Luckily for you I already have the plane tickets.'
Kurt squealed. ‘You're serious?'
Blaine grins and throws two plane tickets to New York on Kurt's lap. Kurt squealed again, hugging the tickets to his chest and quickly gave Blaine a kiss on his cheek. ‘You're the best Chosen One I could've asked for.'
‘I know, I deserve a better reward than just a kiss on my cheeks.' Blaine winks.
‘You're driving, it's too dangerous.'
‘Than it's a good thing I'm already dead.'
They stared at each other and laughed. Blaine put on the radio and when the first tunes of a Katy Perry song started to play, his voice filled the car. Kurt smiles, Blaine's voice was his most favorite sound in the world.. For the first time in his life he felt complete. He couldn't wait to start his new life with Blaine.