Catch me im falling
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 15

E - Words: 3,520 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Will Klaine have their happy ending? Well see it in the last chapter. Hope you liked it:)

‘Do you even know where to go?' Puck growls, when Sam turned the car into a sharp turn to the left, making sure Rachel falls on Puck's lap, distracting the tense wolf.

‘We're going to Blaine!' Sam snaps.

‘Blaine?!' Finn, Rachel, Puck and Mercedes all looked at Sam like he just said he was going to dance naked in front of elderly woman.

‘Sam, honey, why are we going to Blaine?' Mercedes sat in the passenger's seat. ‘We need to follow Kurt. We saw them, Adam almost caught us. There is a unknown vampire with him who just killed Jesse. Paying a visit to Blaine isn't going to help us.'

‘If anyone can help us, it's Blaine. He would never let Kurt hurt, he loves him too much.'

‘Well that's… true,' Mercedes admits.

‘What I don't understand is why Adam would treat Kurt like that, he loves him,' Finn said confused. ‘What's going on?'

Sam growls and Mercedes quickly answered. ‘No, Finn, Blaine is innocent. As you can see Adam has taken Kurt away and he planned this all.'

‘I knew something was up with Adam. I never liked that guy.' Finn said.

Puck huffs. ‘As if…. You almost kissed his ass when he gave you tickets to Red Sox.' Finn glares at him but said nothing. 

Sam didn't care about the traffic and he broke all the rules but they're in Chicago in no time so nobody complains. Sam parks the car in front of a old hotel.

‘what's the plan?' Puck asks.

‘We're getting Blaine and tell him everything,' Sam said, stepping out of the car and everyone followed him. They'll stopped when they saw a slim, tall figure sneak into the hotel.

Mercedes gasps. ‘It's Kurt, he escaped!'

Sam narrows his eyes. ‘And he isn't alone.' Adam, Sebastian and 10 other vampires with heavily armed came into sight.

‘We need to do something,' Puck growls, jumping in front of the door, causing Adam to stop dead in his track.

‘Puck, what are you doing here?' Adam said surprised. The other vampires stopped to wait for orders.

‘Care to explain something, Adam?' Finn stepped forward with the files in his hand.

Adam's eyes widened. ‘how…'

‘It looks like William Shuester was smarter than you,' Rachel exclaims proudly.

Adam growls. ‘I should've killed him a long time ago.'

Finn turn red from rage. ‘So you admit killing him?'

‘Of course.'

‘isn't that against the vampire law to just kill a innocent human?' Puck asks, glaring around the other vampires who shared confused glances.

Adam huffs, putting his hands on his hips. ‘Will was far from innocent.  He was a Watcher, as we all know they've no right to mingle in vampire businesses. He deserved it.' The other vampires seems to take that as reason enough and pointed their weapons at the little group in front of them. 

‘So, you framed Blaine, killed Will and still claim it was their own fault?' Finn blinks, he couldn't believe this was happening. He had known Adam for years and he trusted him blindly. Well, not anymore. He pulls out a stake from his pocket, Rachel did the same with shaking hands.

‘What do you want, Finn?' Adam asks annoyed. ‘We have bigger things to do, than answering your pathetic questions. Move out of the way.'

‘No can do,' Finn said, not moving a inch. ‘If you want Blaine, you need to get through us.'

Adam glanced at the group. ‘So I need to be afraid by three humans, one werewolf and a vampire?'  He laughs, the other vampires laughed too only Sebastian's face stayed blank. ‘Kill them guys.'

Guns were pointed and bullets were on his way to their targets. All happened to fast, Sam could feel Mercedes' hand slip out his hand and saw her running in front of everyone, raising her hands. He yelled: ‘No!'

But Mercedes ignored him and concentrated on her task. She made magical a big shield and all bullets fell to the ground. Once the shield was lifted, hell broke loose. The vampires were attacking the humans, witch, vampire and werewolf at full force.

Sam runs to Mercedes who was casting spells to protect the people she loved. He could literally feel her live force weakening by every spell. This was too much for one witch to handle. She would die. He grabbed her arm. ‘Mercedes, stop!'

‘I can't!' Mercedes was breathing heavily. ‘Sam, get out of my way and let me do my job.'

‘You're gonna die when you continue like this.'  Sam growls, snapping a vampire's neck who wanted to attack him from the left.

Mercedes wanted to react but she saw Adam and Sebastian trying to sneak into the hotel and immediately prevented a shield from entering. She fell to her knees because of exhaustion and Adam smacked to the wall.

Adam shakes his head in anger, jumped up and saw Mercedes crawling on her knees to a safe place. ‘That stupid witch!' He pulls out his gun and shot. When he saw he hit his target he quickly ran into the building.

Mercedes felt a sharp, painful tug in her chest and her body gave out immediately. Before her head could hit the ground, Sam was by her side. He was saying something but she was too captivated by his features. Damn he really was a angel.

‘No, Mercy, I … don't leave me, I can't live without you,' Sam mumbles, tears streaming down his face. His clothes were soon drenched with Mercedes blood.

‘T- turn me.'

Sam's eyes widened. ‘W-what?'

‘Turn me.' Mercedes choked out.


‘Please, Sam, it's the only way to stay together… I'm not ready to give up my happiness when I just found him.'

‘I never turned someone. I've seen it but….  It is never a guarantee that it'll succeed, if your body rejects my blood….'

Mercedes put a finger on his lips to stop Sam's babbling. ‘I trust you.' She closed her eyes.

Sam quickly made a cut in his wrist and held the bleeding wrist to Mercedes' mouth. ‘Drink.' Mercedes gulped down some blood and closet her eyes, life slipping out of her body. Sam held her close and just hoped she would survive the turning. He gently took her in his arms, trying to keep her away from the battle. They're losing. Puck had changed fully to a werewolf and was fighting five vampires at the same time. Rachel was trapped and a Vampire bit down her neck, Finn was fighting to get to her.

‘Need any help?'

Sam looks up. ‘Wes!'

Wes smiles at his old friend, behind him were David, Nick, Jeff, Brittany, Santana. ‘You didn't really think we would leave right?'

‘Where is Blaine?'

Wes gave quick orders to the others and they dove into the battle. ‘inside, he ordered us to go.'

Sam gasps. ‘You went AGAINST his orders?'

Wes shrugs. ‘He shut down the security after he discovered the truth. He is so hurt that he wants to surrender himself to Adam.'

‘But that's suicide! That guy is crazy.'

‘Exactly, I just hope I'm not too late.' Wes turns toward the entrance of the hotel and ran.


Blaine sits in his chair, still feeling numb, his face expressionless and his eyes red and puffy, from crying. So this is how a heartbreak feels like? His clan were gone, they left via secret exits. He made sure Nick, Jeff, Wes, David, Brittany and Santana left, he knew them, they could be stubborn as hell. The only one missing was Sam.

Blaine frowns. He hadn't missed his friend because he was to captivated by Kurt. He hadn't seen Sam in days, that was weird because Sam always follows him around like a loyal Golden Retriever. Maybe he was with that girl… his Chosen One. Blaine swallows. The word Chosen One reminded him again to Kurt….

He sighs. How could he ever fall for this? He was so stupid. As if anyone could really fall for a monster like him. He truly believed every word Kurt had said. How could Kurt do this to him? How can a vampire be so cold? Would Kurt even think about him right now?

Blaine clenched his fist. Of course he wouldn't. It was all a trap, no matter what Kurt had said. He was with Adam. That thought made Blaine sick. He stood up and paced around, as if walking would remove any memory's about Kurt. But the bright blue eyes followed him everywhere. He heard a sharp click. And he knew that Adam was opening the door to end him. Finally…

A soft voice whispers: ‘Blaine…'

Blaine's eyes widened. He would recognize that voice everywhere. He turns around. Hazel brown eyes meets bright ocean blue eyes. ‘Kurt?' It was barely a whisper.

‘What are you doing here? Adam is on his way.' Kurt said, stepping closer but stops when Blaine moves away.

‘That's the intention wasn't it?' Blaine's voice was ice cold. ‘To kill me.'

‘I didn't know okay? I didn't know you, I already told you. I believed everything Adam said and I know you don't want to believe me but it's the truth.' Kurt's voice broke, he almost begged for Blaine to believe him. ‘I will leave you alone after this is over I promise. But we need to safe the others.'


‘Adam is planning to kill them once they've move out. They found your hiding place. I overheard them, they've kidnapped me.' Kurt saw a change in Blaine's behavior and he actually looks worried. ‘I'm fine.'

‘As if I was worried about you.' Blaine huffs. ‘My clan is fine, they left via secret exists. Nobody can harm them.' He walks closer. ‘You can leave.'

‘That's it? Blaine, you need to leave, as I said Adam is on his way to fucking kill you.' Kurt squealed, on the edge of panic. Stupid stubborn Blaine.

‘Who cares about my life?!' Blaine yells. ‘Can't you see it Kurt? I'm wrapped up in lies! Nobody believes me! When this is over I still need to pay for my past. I've changed, but it doesn't matter.'

‘I care, your clan cares!' Kurt said. ‘Blaine…' He moved to take Blaine's hand in his and to his relieve Blaine didn't pull away. ‘Everything is gonna change once Adam is away, we'll get through this together. I promise. I won't leave you even If you sit in prison for another 100 years. I'll wait.'

Blaine didn't say anything, just looking at their locked hands. He didn't really know what to think.

‘Thank you so much for distracting him, Kurt! Well done my love!' A smooth voice sounds.

They both turn around, to see Adam standing there with a crossbow and Sebastian leaning against the wall casually. Adam had a smug smile on his face. Kurt could feel that Blaine pulls his hand away. He expected another accusation but Blaine surprised him by stepping forward, shielding Kurt off with his body. Oh no…

‘I'm surrender myself, I accept any punishment.' Blaine spoke up.

‘You really think you have a right on a second chance Blaine?' Adam still smiling happy. Too happy. ‘I think your chances are pretty much over.' He points the cross bow towards Kurt, Blaine immediately moved in front of Kurt.

‘He has nothing to do with this.' Blaine growls, his eyes showing a red glint. He was getting pissed off. Even if Kurt lied to him about their love, he would protect him with his life. Because even though Kurt might not love him, he loved Kurt.

Adam raised his eyebrows. ‘Weird, I think he has everything to do with this. What do you think, Sebastian?'

Sebastian steps forward and his smile widened. ‘I agree.' He moves quickly forward, grabs Kurt by his throat and smacked him to the wall.

Blaine ran towards them to pull Sebastian of Kurt when he felt a sharp tuck in his back. He turns around to see a smirking Adam waving with the cross bow. ‘You forget I'm already dead. This doesn't kill me.'

‘I know, have you ever heard of Dead Man's Blood?'

Blaine's eyes widened and he felt his body shiver. Dead Man's Blood was poison for a vampire, it doesn't kill a vampire but it made him weak. This was Adam's plan, weakening him till he couldn't even defend himself.

Adam circled around Blaine while Kurt tried to push Sebastian off. ‘First your legs give up.' Blaine could feel the power in his legs disappear and he fell on his knees. Adam smiles happy. ‘Than the rest of your body gives up.'

Blaine tried to clench his fist but his arms didn't want to work, he turns around now he still had some power. He wanted to see if Kurt was okay, but Adam blocked his view.

‘How does it feel to feel so powerless, Blaine? Quickly tell me before you lose the ability to speak,' Adam points the crossbow at Blaine's chest. When Blaine didn't answer, he moved forward and pulled roughly Blaine's hair back so they're eye to eye. ‘I want to know how it feels!'

 Blaine glares at him. ‘You are a coward, Adam. You have to poison me to attack me because you know I could take you easy in a battle. I would never answer a coward, fight with me like a vampire.'

 Adam gave him a hard smack in the face and Blaine tumbled down, his head hit the ground hard. ‘I already told you that you are out of chances. I play it my way.' He took a deep breath. ‘Sebastian? Bring Kurt here.'

Blaine's eyes widened and he tried to crawl over to where Sebastian was but he was quickly kicked down by Adam. Sebastian stood up and dragged a struggling Kurt with him. Kurt would never break free, Sebastian had the advantage of 100 years.

‘Do you love my Kurt, Blaine?' Adam hissed, Blaine didn't miss the possessive tone. He slapped Kurt's ass while Kurt got hold down by Sebastian. Blaine growls and pulls himself up on his knees, fighting the poison. ‘I admit, he's quite a sight for sore eyes, I knew you would like him. He did his job right.' He waved his hand through Kurt's hair.

Kurt shows his fangs and tried to snap Adam's fingers off. ‘Don't touch me.'

‘Why not? I thought you wanted a bond ceremony?' Adam smirks wide, Kurt's eyes widened in fear. No he wouldn't, would he? Adam wraps his arms around Kurt's waist pushing Sebastian away. ‘I think tonight is a perfect night.' He drags Kurt to the bed. ‘don't you think honey?'

Blaine growls, pushing himself on his legs. He was enraged. How dare Adam touch what was his? Sebastian walks towards him, convinced he was too weak to fight. Sebastian quickly tackles Blaine and straddled him. Sebastian smirks. ‘Now we're gonna watch how your enemy is gonna have his way with his love and you just stay here like a good little….' Smack.  

Sebastian was totally surprised by the blow and he tumbled of Blaine. Adam turns his head to look at them and Kurt took his chance. His eyes turned blood red with anger and he pushed Adam of him with so much force that the vampire hit the wall. Kurt stood up, straightened up his clothes and looks at Adam with hate. ‘Guess what, honey, If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you…twice.'

Sebastian jumps up and stares confused at what was happening.  Blaine was on his knees again, leaning heavily to the bed, trying to catch his breath. So Sebastian turn to his only enemy… Kurt. He smiles. This game was over. He ran toward Kurt.

‘Kurt, watch out!' Blaine yells, Kurt turns around to take the blow from Sebastian and they both tumbled down. Blaine tried to crawl over when…

‘I think it's time to say goodbye Blaine,' Adam snarls, pointing his cross bow at Blaine's face. ‘Say goodbye.'

Blaine saw a movement behind Adam. ‘Goodbye.'

Adam looks surprised at Blaine's answer, that was the last look on his face before he turns to dust. Wes twisted the wooden stake in his hands and smiles down at Blaine. ‘Damn, what a dust! You all right?'

Blaine nods, and leans back against the bed. ‘Kurt?'

Wes walks towards Kurt and saw Kurt on top of Sebastian. Sebastian's face was pretty much damage and he was unconscious. ‘He's fine.' Wes said, a little bit surprised that Kurt could handle a vampire like Sebastian.

‘Why so surprised, Wes?' Kurt teased faking a hurt look on his face. ‘No one messes with a Hummel.'

‘I get it, no one messes with you,' Wes rolled his eyes. David and Nick appeared into the room, looking both surprised by the scene in front of him. 


But Wes interrupted Nick. ‘I think it's time for a new counsel. Take Sebastian away, guys. He gets a fair trail.'

‘What about Blaine, he doesn't look so good.' David said, leaning down in front a pale looking Blaine. 

Kurt immediately let go of Sebastian and ran to Blaine and took him gently in his arms. ‘Blaine?'

Blaine smiles numbly, not able to say anything. The dead man's blood was working, his whole body became paralyzed. The last thing he saw were bright blue eyes and his last thought was: I'm in the arms of an angel.

Then everything went black.


Blaine groans and stirred. He could smell his own room. He blinks but his surroundings were still vague.

‘Good morning, Sunshine!' Wes smiles.

Blaine groans. Already regretting waking up, Wes in the mornings just wasn't healthy. He wanted to say something back but his throat just hurt too much. He was hungry. Wes understood what he needed and handed him a blood bag. ‘Kurt said you wanted this when you woke up.'

Blaine had so many questions but decided to drink first. The bag was empty within seconds. ‘Kurt?' He choked out, looking behind Wes but there was no one else in the room.

Wes nods. ‘He's been here all week, waiting by your side hoping you would open your eyes. He was worried sick and I have to admit that he was getting on my nerves. So it's a good thing you finally opened your eyes.'

‘He really waited?'

‘It looks like he wasn't lying about his feelings for you. Even a blind man can see that.'

‘Where is he now?'

‘He's attending the  funeral of Mrs. Berry and Mr. Hudson. Not everyone survived the battle and Puck is still fighting for his life at the hospital.'

Poor Kurt, he must be heartbroken, Blaine thought. ‘And how is the counsel and the clan?'

‘The counsel is suspended and…. Guess what?' Wes said proud. ‘I am the new Counsel Head Member! I can finally use my gavel!' Blaine groans annoyed. ‘Don't do that. I'll be the best. Of course there will be new rules and I give you a second chance.'

‘You don't have to do that.'

‘I do. You deserve it, you proofed that you've changed.'

‘What about Sebastian?'

‘He'll be locked away for at least 50 years.'

Blaine clenched his fist. 50 years wasn't enough for that dick. He deserved to spend his miserable life in prison till someone stakes him.

‘Let it go Blaine, otherwise you end up just like him,' Wes said, and Blaine relaxed slightly. ‘Focus on your future instead.'

Blaine frowns. ‘What do you mean?'

‘Kurt left this for you.' Wes stood up and points at the pillow next to Blaine. One black rose. Wes gave him a pointed look and left the room.

Blaine picked up the rose, sniffs and smiles.

This smells like forever.


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