May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Hope you liked it because as you can see there is drama on its way. Let me know what you think:)
Kurt came home feeling much better and relieved, he noticed that Finn and Rachel were asleep so he decided to get some sleep too. He felt exhausted after everything. How did my life turned into this big mess? He just hoped all the drama with Adam was over soon. He texted Mercedes if she has found something but he didn't get a text back. He called her but got voicemail. He yawns, took a shower and lay in bed, checking his phone. One text from Blaine.
‘Sweet dreams, Angel. I'm dreaming of you tonight.'
Kurt blushed, tossed his phone aside, smiling like a idiot and closed his eyes. Someone should catch me because I'm falling too fast. He sighs and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning.
‘Kurt!' Finn knocked on his door, screaming in panic.
Kurt blinks his eyes, wiping away the sleep in his eyes and yawns. He could feel his fangs and noticed how hungry he is. ‘F-Finn?'
‘Are you decent?'
Kurt rolls his eyes, pulling his blanket up to his chin just in case. ‘Noo, I'm dancing naked on the music of Wham, Wake Me Up Before You GoGo is my fav.'
‘Oh, okay.'
Kurt could hear Finn's footsteps retrieving. ‘Finn, that was a joke, I'm wearing clothes and I'm under a blanket. You can come in.'
Finn opens the door, peers inside to make sure Kurt wasn't dancing around naked and walks in. ‘I'm sorry.'
‘Uhum, what's going on? Why are you yelling at…' Kurt glanced at the clock. ‘…at 8 AM in the morning?'
‘My mom called.' Finn looks panicked.
‘So? What did she want?'
‘She called about Burt.'
‘What? Something wrong with Burt?' Now it was Kurt's time to panic.
‘Well… she said that he can come home on Monday. Kurt, how do you know my mom?'
‘I don't know what you're talking about.'
‘She called the house phone, it jumped to voicemail. How does my mom know Burt?'
Kurt sighs, this was the most confusing conversation ever. ‘What's your mom's name?'
‘Carole Hudson.'
Kurt's eyes widened. ‘Shit. She's your mother?' Finn nods. ‘She's Burt's nurse. He and Carole seem to get along pretty good.' Finn looks confused. ‘I think they're dating.'
‘What?' Finn made a disgust face. ‘But she's… old. And Burt…' Kurt glared at him. ‘Well, he's okay, I guess. Oh… does this make us step brothers? Or… kind off.'
‘No, Finn. I'm not Burt's son remember?' Kurt shakes his head in complete horror. Okay, Finn as friend but as brother? There was only this much for him to take.
‘Okay,' Finn nods. ‘But it would be pretty cool, I could protect you…'
‘I am stronger than you.'
‘Yeah. Or you could protect me.'
‘I do that 95% of the time. Finn, is this why you woke me up?'
‘No, mom is coming to pick you up in a hour to visit Burt. Kurt, Rachel and I can't stay here if she just can visit here. We need to go.'
‘Have you gone insane? Just hide in my room.'
Finn leans closer. ‘Kurt, the police came yesterday to investigate you, it won't take days till they discover I walked away and they come right here to you. You can't use any more trouble. Rachel and I are leaving.'
Kurt sighs. Stupid stubborn teenagers. ‘I don't think that's a good idea. I can protect you guys better if you stay here. Where did you want to go?'
‘To Puck's shed.'
Kurt frowns. ‘Puck's, shed? Uh.. Okay…'
‘Rachel is already packing our stuff, I also think it will be easier for her to heal without living with a vampire. No offense.'
‘Non taken.' Kurt glares. ‘Fine, but text Puck to bring you two. He can hear and smell if someone been in there, the shed is Will's property and It could be that the police already taken it.'
Finn nods. ‘Okay. Thanks for everything Kurt.'
‘Just be careful.' Kurt couldn't help but feel like a worriedly father who brought his only child for the first time to school.
‘I'll take some weapons with me, I'll be fine,' Finn nods, he quickly hurries away when he heard Rachel call his name.
Kurt climbed out of bed, got a shower and grabbed a blood bag. When the doorbell rang he quickly put hide the blood bag under a pillow in the living room and opens the door.
‘What's up?' Puck said, his face blank, but Kurt could feel he was on edge.
‘Feeling all right Puck?' Kurt asks a little worried, he didn't want Puck to freak out or get bitten.
Puck shrugs and sat down on the couch. ‘Quinn is dead, Kurt. How can I be okay? How can anybody be okay?'
‘I thought you two split up a year ago.' Kurt frowns.
‘Yes, but that didn't mean I don't care about her anymore. She was special and I always knew she was going to be the mother of my children.' Puck's voice broke. Kurt didn't mention that Quinn was a lesbian and strongly involved with Santana the last time he saw her, he just put a hand on his shoulder for some comfort.
Suddenly Puck jumped up, his eyes filled with grief and anger. ‘I'm going to find the bastard who did this to her and kill him, painfully and slowly.'
‘I don't think that is the answer.' Would a young werewolf like Puck even stand a chance to someone like Sebastian?
‘It was a vampire wasn't it? Do you know who?' Puck steps closer to Kurt.
‘don't lie.'
‘I'm not putting you in danger, Puck. This vampire is too strong.'
‘You and I can take him together.' Puck said, his eyes begging. ‘Come on, Kurt. We can kill him and take revenge. Wouldn't it be better if the vampire was gone and we all could move on with our lives? Jesse will be on our case soon and you know it.'
‘I can handle him.'
‘He figures out you're a vampire within 2 seconds and then you're screwed,' Puck snapped and Kurt knows he was right. He needed to keep Jesse on a safe distant.
Finn and Rachel walk into the living room with their suitcases. ‘We're ready. Something wrong?' Finn asks, even he could feel the tension in the room.
‘Let's go, I have a vampire to catch,' Puck said walking to the door.
‘don't do anything stupid, Noah,' Kurt warns, when Rachel and Finn loaded the suitcases in Puck's car.
Puck rolls his eyes. ‘My offer still stands, Kurt. It's that…. Or I'll do something really stupid.'
Before Kurt could say anything Rachel attacked hugged him to say goodbye, they stepped in the car and drove off. Kurt could only hope Puck won't do something stupid and knowing him, he would.
Kurt visited Burt, to his surprise Carole was with him and mothering him. Burt just grumps and mumbles but Kurt could feel he likes that someone takes care of him.
‘He's such a baby, sometimes,' Carole muttered when Burt wiped her hand away when she wanted to clean his bed sheets. ‘I'll get some coffee.' She walks away.
‘Hello kid, how are you?' Burt asks, turning towards Kurt who sat down next to the bed.
‘I'm good, but I'm not the one who got a new heart. how are you feeling?'
Burt shrugs. ‘I'm fine. I heard what happened at school, it was on the news. That poor girl and I know mr. Shue teaches your glee club. And nobody knows what happens to that Latina girl.' Kurt tensed. ‘She just disappeared. Her parents are going crazy. Poor girl. We are lucky we have someone like Jesse St. James to keep a eye out.'
‘You know him?'
Burt nods. ‘He investigates everything. I saw him here a few hours ago, he talked to my doctor. He asked about missing blood bags or something?' Burt frowns confused. ‘Anyway, apparently there are blood bags missing for months now. Someone stealing this, can you believe that? People are dying because of that. Stealing from a hospital who does that?'
A vampire like me, Kurt thought. He needed the blood bags, Will had a small supply at home but he usually stole it from hospitals. Kurt looks at Burt and see his anger rising. Burt would never understand and I wondered a lot of times how he would react to the real me. But he would only see me as a monster. Suddenly Kurt just needed to get out of there. ‘I need to go.'
‘So soon?'
‘I need to buy a present for a friend of my, his birthday is this Friday.' Kurt quickly said. Burt nodded and groans when Carole entered the room again. ‘I'll see you tomorrow.'
‘Are you already leaving?' Carole asks.
Kurt nods and explained his reasons and left.
The rest of the week Kurt spend his time to find a birthday present for Jeff. Blaine reassured him that wasn't necessary but Kurt couldn't help but feel that Jeff would be expecting it. Kurt didn't see Blaine they agreed to lay down for awhile so they just talked through the phone. He really missed Blaine.
The realization that he finally found his Chosen One hit him at the moments when he wasn't by his side. It was unreal. For 50 years he had thought that Adam was his soul mate. Oh how wrong he was, he finally knew what it feels like. He never felt anything like this for Adam. The thought of Adam made him sad. They've been through a lot and in some weird way he cared about the vampire. He thought he loved him for 50 years, it won't be easy to break things up. The thought that he would betray Adam in order to clear Blaine's past, made his stomach twist.
Kurt bought a green scarf that would fit Jeff's eyes perfectly, one thing he knew for sure that he had a amazing fashion sense, he just hoped that Jeff would like it. When he got home he got a text from Mercedes that Will's house was clear and they would search the school tonight again. Kurt texted back who we was but he got a wink smiley back and he knew she was with Sam. He sighs in relief. At least Mercedes wasn't alone, it was too dangerous with the police, Jesse and Sebastian.
Finally Friday came and Blaine texted Kurt that he should be ready at 6 PM, he had send someone to pick him up. Also he made it clear that Kurt could stay the night, so Kurt packed a pants and a shirt. He spend hours to get ready for the party, he chose a tight pants and a v neck shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly. He wanted to let Blaine drool a little. God how I miss him.
At 6 PM sharp the doorbell rang and Kurt skipped downstairs with his bag of clothes in his hands. He quickly checked in the mirror if his hair still looked into place and opened the door.
A tall Asian man looks down on him and Kurt couldn't help but swallow. ‘Are you Kurt?' Kurt nods. ‘I'm Wes. It's nice to meet you.' He lost his serious manners and grinned when Kurt shook his hand in greeting. Kurt could see his fangs when Wes' grins and knew that this wasn't a vampire to be messed with. ‘I'll be your chauffeur for tonight. Blaine asked me to personal guide you.'
‘He couldn't pick me up himself?' Kurt asks, trying to not sound to disappointed. He closed the door and made sure it was locked before following Wes to a black SUV.
‘Blaine had a busy week and is resting a few hours before the party,' Wes explains, opening the car door so that Kurt could get in. Kurt wondered what Blaine's been doing this week.
When they arrived the party was in full swing and Wes led Kurt to a big party room. The room was filled with vampires and Kurt could smell a few humans. There was a stage where a beautiful red-haired vampire sang, vampires danced and talked and just seemed to have fun. Wes introduced Kurt to a few but Kurt immediately forgot the names. Where was Blaine? They made their way to Jeff and Nick. Jeff hugged attacked him again and when Jeff saw he had a present he childishly jumped up and down. Nick tried to calm him down.
Wes leans closer to Kurt's ear. ‘You shouldn't have to bring a present. Jeff always gets too excited about that. It will take Nick a hour to calm him down now.'
Kurt mouthed a apology when Nick led Jeff away to a quiet corner. Wes saw someone entered and made his way over, and so Kurt was left alone.
Blaine had watched Kurt come in with Wes, like he had instructed. He saw Kurt searching for him and he ducked a little bit more into the corner. ‘David?'
A dark skinned vampire appeared immediately at his side. ‘Yes sir?'
‘Do you see that vampire over there?' Blaine points.
David smirked. ‘He kinda stands out, sir.'
Blaine narrows his eyes at David. ‘He's mine, David. Only mine. I want you to keep a eye on him. Follow him like a shadow but don't let him see you.'
‘I want to make sure Sebastian doesn't get to him. Kurt is too important to me and when he finds out who Kurt is he comes for him.'
David nods. ‘I understand sir.'
In the meantime Kurt tried to find Blaine's face in the crowd but it was impossible, so he made his way over to the bar. The smell of blood was overwhelming and he just needed to drink. He froze when he saw a Latina, with long dark hair, sitting at the bar talking and laughing to a blond vampire. ‘Santana?'
Santana tensed and slowly turns around, to look at Kurt with drained red eyes. ‘Kurt?' She snarls, getting up. ‘You! You made me like this! I'm a monster thanks to you!'
‘You begged me to let you live, Blaine changed you.'
‘You give permission!' Santana snapped. ‘How can you decide about a life like that? I never wanted to be like this. I can't stop thinking about blood or sex! It's horrible. It's worse than hell!' She wanted to slap Kurt but her hand got caught by… Blaine.
‘Calm down, Santana!' Blaine said calm but his voice was full of authority. Kurt's jaw dropped, Blaine looked sexy as hell. He was wearing a black tight jeans, and a black blouse that just fitted perfectly.
‘It's his fault!' Santana hissed.
‘I changed you. If you have issues with that you should take it out on me! Kurt is innocent. You'll get used to your new lifestyle, besides I didn't hear you complain when Brittany fucked you against the wall last night.' Blaine lets go of her hand. ‘Go to your room. Brittany, make sure Santana reaches her room safe. The party is over for her.'
The blond vampire took Santana's hand, smiles at Kurt in greeting and left the room. Kurt blushes when Blaine roamed his eyes over Kurt's body. ‘Looking good, Hummel.'
‘You heard them have sex last night? You perv.' Kurt teased.
Blaine shrugged. ‘The walls aren't fully sound proof.' He walks over and kissed Kurt full on the mouth. ‘God how much I missed you.'
Kurt moans into the kiss and Blaine grinned against him. Kurt pulls away before it got out of hand. ‘I expected you to pick me up.'
‘I was busy.'
‘I heard.' Kurt give him a pointed look.
‘Oh not tonight, tonight is about celebrating Jeff's birthday. Can we forget everything for one night?'
‘I guess.'
‘Good, because I have big plans for tonight,' Blaine winks and pulls Kurt on the dance floor.
Kurt and Blaine danced till deep into the night but when the sexual tension got to much Blaine led Kurt to his room. They undressed each other slowly, their hands exploring and their lips never leaving each other.
Blaine pulls away to grab some lube.
‘Well you look good for someone who's 1000 years old!' Kurt teased but he meant it. Blaine was really hot.
‘Love you too, honey!' Blaine mocked, finally found the lube and turns around, just to find Kurt sitting naked on his bed with a shocked expression. ‘something wrong?'
‘You told me you loved me.'
‘Sure. Is that so wrong, because I do love you.' Blaine climbed on the bed and kissed Kurt deep.
‘Nobody said that in a long time to me.'
‘They're stupid. Get used to it, because I'm going to say it a lot.'
‘It's perfect!' Kurt smiles and pulls Blaine closer to kiss him. ‘Wait no condoms?'
Blaine rolls his eyes. ‘Well, it's not like we can die from a disease. Come on, Hummel, I want your cock in my ass, now!' He made himself comfortable. ‘Wait, do you want me on all fours? Or…'
‘This is perfect, I want to look at you the entire time,' Kurt straddled Blaine and kissed him deep. He moved slowly to his neck and nipped playfully, Blaine moans in pleasure.
Kurt hesitated a little. Should he bite? A bite between vampires during sex was the most intimate gesture. It was like claiming. Maybe it was too soon and Kurt made his way down, kissing, licking and biting playfully. Blaine twisted a little when Kurt sucked his nipple but Kurt held him down firmly. Finally he reached Blaine's cocked and sucked at the head. Blaine's hips jumped up and he almost choked.
‘Sorry!' Blaine huffs. ‘I'm…. you're just so damn good at this, Kurt.'
‘I know and thank you!' Kurt teased, Blaine rolls his eyes but the feeling of pleasure took over when Kurt pumped his dick.
Kurt grabs the lube, put the lube on his fingers and pushed a finger inside Blaine's hole. Damn Blaine wasn't kidding when he said he didn't bottom, he was so tight. Blaine relaxed slightly and Kurt pushed a second finger in, Blaine screamed.
‘God, I need your dick, now!'
‘Greedy much!' Kurt chuckled. Pushing a third and fourth finger in. When he knew for sure that Blaine was ready he spread Blaine's legs a little wider. Then he pushed in. God damn, Blaine felt so good and he almost came immediately. He moved.
Blaine had never felt like this. He made love with the man he loved and it was so intense. It was better than any cheap sex date he ever had. Kurt was amazing. He knew he didn't last long and he wanted to make a big gesture and he hoped Kurt wouldn't freak out. He pulled Kurt close in a deep and messy kiss. Kurt didn't stop moving and picked up the speed, his dick hitting Blaine's prostate with every trust. Blaine pulled Kurt's head to the side so his neck was exposed and bit. He could taste Kurt's delicious blood. Kurt moans and they both came at the same time.
Kurt rolls of Blaine and they laid next to each other, trying to calm down. ‘Wow, that was…'
‘Amazing?' Blaine grins cocky.
‘Yes.' Kurt smiles. He moved his hand to his neck.
‘I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean too,' Blaine mumbles. ‘I got caught up in the moment and…' He was cut off by a kiss.
‘Stop blabbering, it's not your best look and I like it,' Kurt admits. ‘Nobody felt the need to claim me before.' Not even Adam, after 50 years.
‘You're welcome,' Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand. ‘You know, Kurt… I'm 1000 years old and in the 1000 years I'll never knew where I belong. I just lived, I destroyed and I made a lot of enemy's. I always felt like I was falling and I wished that someone would caught me and would show me a different way of living. And I'm happy that it's you who catched me. But I'm scared that I'll lose you, I don't want to fall again.'
‘I'm here to catch you,' Kurt said, pulling Blaine close. He never saw Blaine so vulnerable and he just wished Blaine would open up more to him. ‘I'm not leaving you. We'll figure everything out and then we can be together.'
‘I like that.' Blaine smiles and yawns. Kurt chuckled but let Blaine fall in sleep in his arms, he held him close. He was also scared to lose Blaine. He needed to make sure that they had a future together. How sooner he figured out what was going on, the better.
Suddenly his phone from across the room buzzed. Kurt gently put Blaine on bed and moved to pick it up. It could be Mercedes, Finn or Puck. But it was Adam with a text message.
‘Hey, can we meet tomorrow?'
Kurt frowns. This was weird. ‘Yeah, sure.. My place?'
Immediately he got a answer back. ‘No I'm in Chicago. A source told me that Blaine's clan was here somewhere.'