Catch me im falling
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 11

E - Words: 3,700 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked the Klaine teasing each other part. There might be smut in the next chapter. Be prepared;) And aw... Jeff!:)

If youre wondering how long this story is gonna be, I planned 16 chapters.

Mercedes Jones waited a hour to be sure that everything is safe and that Will's house is really empty, before she stepped out of her car and walked to the front door. She had no idea for what to look for but she will try her best to clear her mentor's reputation. She unlocked the door with the spare key only Kurt, Puck, Finn and Rachel know about. She pulled out a few diamantes out of her bag and throws them around. She watched as they just laid there. No lighting up, this means no living creature was in this house.

Mercedes relaxed slightly and stepped inside. It was dark and silent in the house. She never saw it like this, but the house looks creepy. It was surrounded by a dark aura and it sent shivers down Mercedes' spine. She shivered. Come on, Mercy, you can do this, no backing down now. Hell Kurt is screwing with the enemy and you get scared by searching through a house? Come on. She walked into the living room, where they always came together to talk about supernatural stuff. She swallowed her tears and walks further into the kitchen. She had one leg in the kitchen before she heard the voice and jumped almost out of her own skin.

‘Look at what we have here!'

Mercedes turns around, glaring at a smugly smiling Sam Evans leaning against the wall. She tried to calm her racing heart. ‘Sam, what the hell are you doing here?'

‘I can ask you the same.'

‘I asked you first. I don't understand, I controlled the house with diamantes, I knew that there was no one here.'

Sam rolls his eyes. ‘Your diamantes detect heartbeats, you forget I'm a vampire, you can't hear my heartbeat.'

Mercedes blinks, feeling like a complete idiot for forgetting that important fact. She just forgot it because Kurt seems so human.

‘Your being careless, you are lucky it's me and not another vampire,' Sam began to lecture her, stepping closer. ‘You could've get hurt or even worse… Did Kurt tell you about Sebastian?'

‘He did, but I can handle him,' Mercedes waved it off. She hated that Sam thought she couldn't do anything, everybody thought that already she didn't need Sam to rub it in. ‘I'm a witch remember?' She walked passed him, searching the room for clues, Sam followed silently. ‘If you hate witches so much, why are you stalking me?' She turns to him.

‘I don't hate witches. You could've told me you're a witch.'

‘What does it matter? You said you loved me, hell I even let you bite me. Keep your fangs away from me.'

‘I won't hurt you. I could never hurt you.'

Mercedes rolls her eyes. ‘Well guess what, white boy with way too big lips, you already did.' 

‘I'm sorry about the way I reacted, Mercy. The truth is I really love you and I miss you.'

‘It's not that easy.' Mercedes opened some drawers and emptied them.

‘What are you searching for?' Sam asks. ‘If the cops come back they will know that someone was looking for something and the finger prints will lead to you.'

‘Not if some magic can help.'

‘Can I help you?'

‘No you should go.'

‘Is it about me?'


‘Wait it is?' Sam looks shocked.

‘No' Mercedes sighs. It didn't look like Sam would leave anytime soon. He could help her. What would Kurt say if he told him? Would Sam say anything? ‘Only if you promise to not say anything to anyone. This needs to stay a secret.'


‘I really mean everybody, Sam. Especially Blaine.' Mercedes saw the hesitation on Sam's face. She didn't know how close Blaine and Sam were but she assumed they were more than friends, they are like a family.

But Sam nodded eventually. ‘Okay I won't tell anyone. You have my word.'


‘Where are we going?' Kurt asks after awhile of driving.

‘Where do you thing we're going?'

‘To a dark creepy basement!'

Blaine laughs and Kurt couldn't help but smile. He loved Blaine's laugh. ‘You really think I'm that bad? Wow, I must have made a wrong impression.'

Kurt shrugged. ‘I don't know you that well, you can be sweet but you also can be cruel and a real killer.'

‘Wait, you think I'm sweet?!' Blaine turns left.

Kurt recognized the city Chicago and he knew that they were heading towards Blaine's clan. ‘I think we should talk and then we can share opinions about each other.'

 ‘Can I share you my opinion about you?'


Blaine glanced quickly at Kurt before focusing on the road ahead. Kurt seemed nervous, this couldn't be a good thing. He sighs. ‘Kurt, if it's something bad you want to talk about with me, then just say it.'

‘It's not bad. It's… differend.'

‘I don't like different.' Blaine pouts. Kurt smiled because Blaine looked adorable like that. How is it that I just notice you now?

They drove in silence for awhile, until they stopped in a dark alley and Blaine stepped out of the car. Kurt followed, looking at the big building in front of them. It was a old hotel. If he's hiding his clan here it would be so obvious. A shiver went down Kurt's spine. Adam could find him easy, so why hasn't he exposed Blaine's clan yet?  

‘You know you could've let me open the door for you,' Blaine nods at his car, locking the doors.

‘I'm not a girl.'

Blaine's eyes roamed over his body. ‘Believe me, I noticed.' He winks and smiled when Kurt blushed. He walks to the building ,opens the door for Kurt and bowed slightly. ‘Beautiful angelic vampires first.'

Kurt grinned and stepped inside. ‘aren't you afraid someone could actually hear you?'

‘I hope so, because it's the truth.'

The lobby was crowded with old people. This hotel was old but that didn't mean he wasn't out of use. It was probably cheap too.

Blaine led Kurt to the elevator and nods to a few employee's. Nobody got in the elevator with them and when the door closed, Blaine held his palm in front of the buttons. Kurt raised his eyebrows. ‘It has a skin recognize sensor. Only vampires from my clan can come to the chambers. The people won't notice anything.'

The elevator went down.

‘I'm impressed,' Kurt admits. ‘But why a cheap hotel? I expected a luxury manor to be honest.' 

‘That would be suspicious,' Blaine explains.  ‘if I did that I wouldn't be alive today, like I said I have a lot of enemies. Nobody suspects me in a cheap hotel. Besides there is always fresh food around the corner.' He smiles, showing his fangs.

Kurt looked at him in disgust and he saw his future with Blaine shatter. How can I be with a killer? I could never ignore that.

‘Just kidding, Kurt,' Blaine winks. ‘You really should loosen up a bit.'

Kurt tensed even more and bit his lip. ‘It's hard to loosen up with everything going on. There are two murders committed, the police are gathering false evidence and….' He snapped his jaw shut. He almost wanted to tell about Adam's plan to Blaine.

‘And?' Blaine asks curious.

‘It's just too much,'  Kurt quickly covered it up.

Blaine nods understandingly. ‘I know, the good thing is that you always could whip out your tracks. You're a vampire Kurt, we have eternal live. You do it all the time.'

‘I can't leave my friends in this mess.' Kurt glares.

Blaine shrugged. ‘We aren't here to discuss what's happening right now?'

‘No, not really.' 

The elevator stops and the door opens. Blaine steps into the dark narrow corridor, Kurt follows. A vampire could see good in dark so that wasn't a problem. The corridor ended to a brick wall, Blaine pushed his hand against it and it opens. It reminded Kurt about Harry Potter. This place is really good secured, a stranger won't be able to just walk in. Kurt smiles. Even if Adam ever finds this place he wouldn't be able to get in. So Blaine's clan was safe.

They walked down a small stairway that leads to a maze of corridors. Blaine seems to know just where to go so Kurt just follows him, curious looking at the doors they passed. After a half hour he couldn't help himself.

‘Where are we going?'

‘To my dorms of course.' Blaine said. ‘It's the safest place on earth. You can talk freely. Also there is a huge bed that we can use.' He grins and winked at Kurt who blushes adorable.

‘Where is Santana? Can I see her?'

Blaine shook his head. ‘It's too soon. It depends on Brittany. They're really close.' Kurt became curious about the mysterious Brittany girl but he didn't say anything and trusted Blaine with his judgment.

 Blaine stops for a huge door and opens it. ‘Tadaa!!' He steps aside to let Kurt pass him.

Kurt's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was vintage and other expensive furniture. It was obvious Blaine had a excellent taste. This was Kurt's dream room. He loved Burt's house but he secretly wished he could live like this, for once in his life. ‘Wow, Blaine!'

‘Wait till you see the bathroom,' Blaine closet the door and guides Kurt to another  door, and opens it. A huge bathtub from the 70's and a walk in shower. ‘it all has different smells of shampoo and soap. Let's just say I'm really keen on my personal hygiene. I let the bad smell over to people.'

‘It's amazing,' Kurt looks around. He never saw a bathroom like this.

‘And now the room were all the magic happens,' Blaine smiles, takes Kurt's hand in his and leads him to a door. Which revealed a king size bed.

Kurt quirked a eyebrow. He wasn't surprised. ‘The magic you say?'

Blaine nods. ‘Try it, the mattress is so soft.' He winks and let himself fall on bed, leaning against the headboard.

Kurt rolls his eyes and sat himself down on a chair next to the bed. ‘I'm not here to have sex with you, Blaine. I want to talk.'

Blaine pouts, sighs and let his head fall in defeat.  ‘Okay, spill it.'

‘We kissed.' Kurt didn't know how to start so he just said the obvious.

Blaine nods. ‘Best kiss ever.'

Kurt blushed. ‘Really? I mean your experienced and all..'

‘Of course. Are you trying to say your still a virgin after 200 years?'

Kurt glared. ‘Of course not, I had plenty.'

Blaine narrows his eyes and growls. ‘Plenty?'

‘It's not time for jealousy now.'

‘It is. You don't understand it, Kurt. You are mine. I'm yours. It is that simple and it's time you accept it. Didn't you feel anything when we kissed?' Blaine jumps off bed and starts pacing. ‘After 1000 years in hell I felt like I was in heaven. You're my heaven. You're my safe haven, my whole reason for living. After we kissed, I know for sure. You are my Chosen One.'

Kurt swallows when Blaine's intense eyes landed on him. ‘I… I know.'

‘You do?' Blaine asks surprised. He didn't expect Kurt to give in so quickly. Well.. quickly…

‘I feel the same way for you,' Kurt admits. ‘after the kiss I can't get you out of my head. You are right, I'm sorry for my earlier behavior. You are my Chosen One.'

Blaine run towards Kurt, swooped him in his arms and pressed his lips on Kurt's. after 7 seconds of heaven Kurt pushed him away and Blaine whined.

‘Blaine…. We need to talk.'

Blaine sighs, guides Kurt to the bed and they sat down. ‘You're right. We need to plan a date for our Bonding Ceremony. What about tomorrow?' He looked at Kurt and his face fall. Tears were rolling from Kurt's cheeks. ‘Kurt… I'm so sorry… did I do something wrong?'

‘I… it's what I always wanted,' Kurt swallows and wiped away his tears. ‘I'm waiting for years to take the Bonding ceremony.' 

Blaine pulls him in his arms and gave him a bear hug, Kurt happily leaned into the touch. He felt safe, protected, loved. ‘And your getting it, I'm waiting too. I'm so lucky that you're my Chosen One. So what about tomorrow? I can make the arrangement.'

Kurt pulls away but didn't let go of Blaine's hand. Now comes the hard part. I can't bond because of Adam, he needs to lay of Blaine so we can be together. Kurt couldn't believe it, his biggest dream was within reach and still he couldn't do it because of circumstances. ‘I… I can't at the moment, Blaine.'

Blaine frowns. ‘What? Why not? Kurt, we only need us two. You just admitted your feelings for me….' 

‘It's not that simple,' Kurt lets go of Blaine's hand and stood up. Blaine immediately felt the loss of Kurt's warmth and he didn't like it at all. ‘Blaine, to be truly together… I want to get to know you. You need to tell me everything about your past.'

‘I already did.'

‘Not everything. I'll tell you mine. I want complete honesty.'

‘I can do that.' Blaine smiled proudly.

‘Really? Can you change your lifestyle completely?' Kurt asks, and Blaine nods.

‘I already told you..'

‘I don't need words, Blaine. We need time so we both can proof ourselves. I'm not saying I'm a saint, but you have a blood addiction.'

‘I can live without.'

‘That's the problem. You can't. We need blood to survive. You need to learn to drink form blood bags instead of veins.'

‘That's easy.'

‘Really, so you haven't killed anyone in the last 24 hours?'

Blaine bit his lip. He hated to lie to Kurt.

‘Blaine, I can smell the blood. You killed someone, a woman mid thirty's.'

Damn, if Kaylee ruined my chance with Kurt, I'll kill her again. ‘She deserved it Kurt. She knew something, she was dangerous.'

‘What did she knew?'

‘She knew Sebastian, she betrayed me,' Blaine eyes flared red.

‘Okay, but you need to promise me that you won't kill another human.'

‘What if they're bad?'

‘You can't stop the bad people. That's insane. Let the human society handle it.'

‘Human society is corrupt.'


‘Okay, I'll promise not to hurt anyone,' Blaine held his hands up in mock surrender.

‘Really? Because this is a breaking point for me. If you hurt a innocent human, it's over. We can't be together.'

‘We can, I promise to never hurt or kill a human.'

Kurt narrows his eyes but Blaine's face was dead serious. ‘It won't be easy.'

‘I know, we can help each other.'

Kurt smiles and let himself pull back in Blaine's arms. ‘I like that.' 

‘Good, on to the better things now we officially talked,' Blaine grins, flips Kurt over and pushed him down gently on the mattress.


‘Oh come on, Kurt. We talked! We can do some make out…'

‘No that's not it, I don't bottom.'

Blaine blinks in surprise. ‘What?'

‘I never bottom, if we're gonna do this, you should know.'

‘But… I never bottom either.'

Kurt sighs, pushing Blaine away. ‘Well, than the touch of a fingertips is as sexy as it gets, I guess.' He teased.

Blaine rolls his eyes and growls, pushing Kurt back. ‘Okay, okay, I'll bottom.'

‘really?' Kurt giggled. He never thought Blaine would ever submit to this proposal.

‘Yes, but you need to use lube, remember I never bottom and I'm over 1000 years old.' Blaine grabs a bottle of lube out of his drawer.

Kurt gasp. ‘I almost forgot your that old. Okay I'll be careful, fossil.' He laughs at Blaine's hurtful expression.

Blaine recovered quickly, throws the lube bottle to the side and kissed Kurt forcefully on his mouth. ‘I'll show you how it is to have sex with a fossil.' Kurt moans and surrendered quickly. Damn Blaine with his mouth and hands… and..

‘Wait, what about taking it slow?' Blaine teased when Kurt begged for more.

‘Screw that.' Kurt pulled Blaine on top and kissed him.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Blaine jumped up. Kurt stared in shock at a blond vampire, who smiled down on them. Walking in from behind was a brown haired vampire, mouthing a apology to Blaine. ‘Blainey!! Your back!' The blond vampire hug attacked Blaine, almost choking him.

Kurt tried not to feel too jealous. He didn't know them and Blaine just declared that he loved him.

‘Nick, I told you not to give Jeff too much sugar,' Blaine gently pushed the blond vampire away, glaring at the brown haired vampire.

‘What can I say, Blaine? It's Jeff,' Nick shrugged, as if he made his point clear.

‘I did something wrong?' Jeff's bottom lip trembled and his eyes filled with tears. Damn he must be really oversensitive, or just mental, Kurt thought. ‘But… you love me, Blaine.'

‘Of course, and you did nothing wrong, Jeff,' Blaine said calmly, taking the blond's hands in his. Kurt watched the scene and needed to swallow his own tears away. The way Blaine spoke to Jeff was like that of a older brother, he did his best to not hurt Jeff's feelings. He really cared for the young vampire, but there also was a different tone. The tone of regret.

‘I was just so happy to see you, Blaine. You're never here.' Jeff sniffs. He looks over Blaine shoulder towards Kurt, cocking his head to the side. ‘Who is that?'

 ‘Jeff, Nick, I like you to meet Kurt, my Chosen One. Kurt this are Jeff and Nick, members of my clan and my best friends.' 

Kurt got up and shook Nick's hand. ‘Nice to meet you.'

‘You too.' Nick nods politely.

Before Kurt could react the blond vampire attacked hug him. ‘nice to meet you Kurt, I'm Jeff. I've heard so much about you.' He let's go and grins. ‘Blaine is pretty smitten about you.'

Kurt glanced at Blaine, who blushes. ‘I'm pretty smitten about him too.'

Jeff gasps and clapped his hands. Kurt laughs. The vampire was crazily happy. He had a almost childlike character. He genially liked him and felt the urge to protect him to all the bad in the world. He could see that Nick and Blaine felt the same. ‘You two are a item? Finally. Blaine deserves happiness. You are perfect. Nick…' He looks at the brown haired vampire. ‘Can we keep him?'

‘Eh… honey, Kurt is not a pet,' Nick pulled Jeff close. ‘Remember what we talked about? If you want to be friends, you need to ask. Kurt is not a object.'

Jeff nods, turns towards Kurt and fumbled nervously at the hem of his shirt. ‘Do you want to be my friend, Kurt?'

‘eh… sure.'


‘Yes, really.' Kurt got attacked by another bear hug.

Blaine grins. ‘Just think of Jeff as our house pet, Kurt. He's like a puppy and house trained.'

Jeff lets go and slapped Blaine playfully on his arm. Kurt imagined Jeff as a puppy, he was adorable. ‘Do you want to come to my party this Friday Kurt?'


‘I'm turning 115!' Jeff smiled. ‘Brittany promised me a unicorn.'

Nick coughs. ‘Jeff, I talked to you about Brittany. You shouldn't talk to her so much.'

‘But I like her,' Jeff pouts.

‘I think it's time to go, I can't let Finn and Rachel to long at home by their selves,' Kurt said.

Blaine nods, grabs Kurt's hand and leads him out of the room. ‘We really should bring you back. I'm back in a few hours, Nick, Jeff.'

‘Do you really need to go, Kurt?' Jeff asks, sounding disappointed.

‘I'm sorry, but I'll be back for your party,' Kurt promised, feeling guilty for leaving him.

‘Pinky promise?'

Kurt smiled again at how adorable Jeff was and did the pinky promise. Blaine and Kurt went upstairs in silence. When they're in the car and on the road Kurt spoke. ‘Well, your friends are special.' Blaine smiled sadly. ‘Jeff is…'

Blaine blinks back tears and swallows. ‘Jeff… it was a mistake. I only regret one thing in my life: Turning Jeff into a vampire. He just… wasn't ready.'

Kurt links their hands and squeezed. ‘don't blame yourself for what you did. I'm sure you thought you did right and he seems really happy. I never met such a vampire who is so happy and care free as Jeff. You need to let go of the guilt, Blaine. It's eating you up.'

Blaine sniffs. ‘Thank you.' He smiled through his tears.


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