Glee At Hogwarts
Platform 9 3/4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Glee At Hogwarts: Platform 9 3/4

T - Words: 1,260 - Last Updated: May 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Feb 26, 2012 - Updated: May 04, 2012
644 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Enjoy! :)
The next morning, all the glee members were in the choir room, hardly able to contain themselves with their excitement. Everyone had their suitcase, (or in Kurt and Mercedes case, suitcases)

"Just because there are uniforms doesn't mean we have to wear the same boring clothes on weekends." Kurt said over the noise. Blaine laughed under his breath, earning a questioning look from Kurt.

"Don't I know it?" Mercedes agreed, smiling widely.

"I wonder if any of the kids there can sing… I mean Mr. Schue did say they don't have a glee club." Rachel wondered. But as soon as one, Sue Sylvester, walked in the room, everything went dead silent. She didn't talk either, just looked around, and sat not far from Kurt, Blaine Mercedes and Rachel. Everyone was staring at her like she was an alien. That's when Will Schuster walked in; the first thing he saw was Sue.

"Uhh… ok well the plane is leaving in an hour guys, go get on the bus!" Will said, and as soon as he finished the word "Go" they started to pack up their things and leave the room. Will turned to Sue, who hadn't moved. "Sue what are you doing here?" Will asked tiredly.

"Well Will, since this is sort of like you and your glee club's vacation time, I'm going to drop yet another little turdlet on you. It seems that this, British school you're going to also needs a good fitness program, and has asked me to go with you." Sue watched Will's expression turn from disbelief to irritation. "But don't look at it as a bad thing William! Hey, someone's got to make sure you don't put too much butter in your hair." Sue smirked as she walked away in the same direction of the glee kids. Will stood there with his arms crossed. 'What the hell just happened?' he thought. He shook his head, trying to forget the devil woman was going with them to another country, and ran off to the bus.


Everything was normal. The bus ride, the plane ride (even though it was long) and the ride to a hotel, where they stayed that night. But in the morning they were to start the school year at this foreign school.

Sue left early; she knew where the school was located…. Well… sort of. She felt she needed to "get away from those kids as much as possible".

"Ok Guys! Get Up! Time to go! We need to catch the train!" Will shouted in the Boys' room.

"Five more minutes!" Puck groaned. Blaine shot up in surprise at the teacher's shouting, but fell right back down when he realized it was just Mr. Schue. Finn sat up slowly, looking around lazily, really not wanting to get up.

"No Puck, now." Will said sternly, turning on the light and leaving the room. That earned another groan from puck as he rolled on his stomach and covered his head with his pillow.
Will walked across the hall to the Girls' room to tell them to get up, but when he opened the door, all of them were already up… well … accept for Kurt who was being crushed under Mercedes, Rachel, Santana and Brittany, while Lauren, Quinn, and Tina were sitting around laughing. Kurt was laying on his stomach on one of the beds, with the four girls sitting and laying on top of him.

"Guys! Get up! Seriously I can't breathe!" Kurt sort of laughed. Will cleared his throat to inform them of his presents.

"Hi Mr. Schue!" Mercedes said cheerfully, like nothing was going on. But Will saw Kurt mouth the words 'Help Me'.

"Ok, come on, let Kurt breathe." Will said smiling. It was odd how this always happened when Kurt roomed with the girls, but when he roomed with the guys he seemed uncomfortable and a bit scared.

"Party pooper." Brittany said as she got off of Kurt. Once all the girls were off of him he sat up and breathed.

"Freedom!" He said triumphantly, earning a giggle from Rachel.

"Come on guys, we got to get going, we have a train to catch!" Will told them and left. They all looked at each other. 'No one said anything about a Train…' they all thought.


They were at the station. They all looked at their tickets once again. "Mr. Schue, I HIGHLY doubt there's a platform 9 and �, there's only 9 and 10. There isn't anything in between!" Rachel said, aggravated.

"Rachel, just calm down. We'll find it." Will told her. They all were wheeling around their own luggage carts, and they were starting to seem heavy.

"Can we ask some people if they know where it is?" Finn asked, Will nodded in response. They all started asking around. No one said they knew what or where it was and that it must be a miss-print. Until-…

"MR. SCHUE COME HERE!" yelled Sam. They were standing between two brick columns that said 9 on one and 10 on the other. The boys he was talking to was a tall Ginger boy, looking about 16 as the Gleeks were. The other was a raven haired boy with glasses and a strange mark on his head. He also looked about 16. The two boys were also pushing luggage carts.

"What is it Sam?" Will asked.

"They know how to get to Platform 9 �!" Sam told him, looking excited and proud that he found someone who knew.

"Uhh, yeah. Hey… wait are you that 'glee club' that's coming to Hogwarts?" The raven haired boy asked. Will nodded. The ginger scanned the group of Gleeks; to him they all just looked like Muggle misfits.

"Oh, well... all you have to do is run through that wall." The boy with raven hair said. Everyone in the club looked at him like he was the craziest person in the world. The boy understood how crazy it sounded too. "Here… how about you do a demonstration Ron?" The boy asked the Ginger, apparently known as Ron.

"Sure Harry." Ron said. He ran straight at the wall that said 10 on it. Everyone knew it was coming. He was going to crash right into it. But when his cart came in contact with the wall, is disappeared into the wall, soon followed by Ron himself. The little snowy owl on Harry's cart hooted cutely as the whole glee club stood in awe, accept for Will.

"DUDE! That was EPIC!" Puck pretty much shouted. "I SO call going next!" He said.

"Ok… just run straight at the wall, and, wait on the other side." Harry told him. Puck ran straight at the wall, and he went through it as Ron had. Soon enough everyone but Rachel, Will, and Harry had gone through.

"Mr. Schue, this is dangerous. What if I crash!? I could hurt myself, or worse, my voice!" Rachel said, clearly afraid. Will sighed and put his suitcase on Rachel's cart.

"Ok Rachel, I'll go with you. Ready? 1… 2… 3!" Will said, both running at the wall and gliding through it like air. Rachel was in awe. This was amazing, and the lighting on this new platform, was just wonderful. It felt kind of homey and olden at the same time. Harry came through after them.

"You guys should just go to the train. There are shelves above the seats to put your luggage. You can all sit in the Gryffindor cars." Harry told them with a smile as he walked off with Ron to the train. It was 10:50, almost time to leave. That experience was really weird, fun but weird. What else was in store for these singing teens? They all wondered the same thing.

End Notes: A/N: Please review! I love reviews, and so does Luna. She might love you all so much she'll make an early appearance! :DBut what do you think will happen? who will they run into next? when will they realize they just met THE Harry Potter?


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Love this so far!!!!

Awesome chapter! :D It should be interesting to see how the glee club playes out in hogwarts! :P

Awesome chapter! :D It should be interesting to see how the glee club playes out in hogwarts! :P