Cheering You On
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Cheering You On: Chapter 5

T - Words: 3,123 - Last Updated: Jan 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 17, 2013 - Updated: Jan 24, 2013
419 0 2 0 0

“Hey Blaine, Mike and I were wondering if you wanted to join us at Dim Sum tonight?”

Blaine glanced up from where he was reading Catching Fire intently, looking from Tina to Mike, where they had quietly sat down on the other side of the lunch table.

The cool thing about hanging out with Mike and Tina, or Tike as most affectionately called them, was that he never felt like a third wheel. Because they spent more time talking with him and asking his opinion on certain things than acting all couple-y.

Dim Sum was a quaint little Chinese restaurant, (one of few Chinese restaurants in Lima, to be precise) and Blaine was considered a regular, thanks to Tina and Mike.

Their regular waitress, a tiny polite woman in about her thirties would always comment in a motherly way on how dashing Blaine looked. She then would proceed to comment on how he would make a girl really happy one day, causing Mike to snort into his drink while Tina elbowed him lightly in the ribs, Blaine blushing a bit.

He hadn’t really considered Mike a friend, or at least a close friend, until recently. They talked a bit more, now. And Tina usually would drag him along more now. (It might be because Mike is graduating this year and Tina isn’t and they want to spend more time together, but why do it with him?)

“As much as I’d love to, I can’t. Kurt’s coming over to my house tonight.” He really should have expected Tina to let out a loud squeal happily, but still jumped like he had been shot regardless.

“Ooohh, you hear that Mike? Blaine’s got himself a date!” Tina teased, while Mike snickered a bit.

“Shut up.” Blaine groaned.

“Well you know, you two might be on actual dates by now if you talked more. Why not join New Directions and fix that!” Tina exclaimed, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. (And as crazy as it sounded it was pretty obvious but Blaine refused to acknowledge that.)

“Yeah, why haven’t you joined yet? Your singing is awesome, dude.” Mike added. Blaine shrugged a bit, bookmarking and snapping his book shut, turning to his neglected tray.

“Well you guys have all been friends for almost three or four years. I’m like the weird uncle that you only invite to family reunions because you feel obligated to.” Tina arched and eyebrow at the comparison while Mike smiled amusedly.

“And I’d probably just end up screwing up and seeming even more stupid t- Ow!” That comment earned him a slap on the top of his hand with a plastic spoon. He retracted his hand with a pout, cradling it in his other palm while Tina waved the spoon warningly.

“One day.” She said with a sigh. “You will listen to us when we say you are not stupid.”

“This is so fantastic; I can’t wait to meet him!”

“You’re not.” Blaine quipped as he did an once-over of the house, (for the twentieth time) making sure that every fruit was placed properly the bowl and that every photo frame was aligned correctly. Cooper let out a whine, pouting.

“Awwww, why not?! Oh, wait, I get it-“ His face went from sad to knowing in one second flat and Blaine stared at him.

“You just want to get him alone, you dog!” Positively blushing red Blaine began pushing him to the door.

“It’s reasons like this you won’t be meeting him anytime soon!”

“Use protection!” Cooper said with a cackle, clutching the doorframe to keep from being shoved out completely.

“Leave please!”

“Put a bowtie on your doorknob so I know to stay aw-“ with another shove Cooper’s grip slackened and Blaine shoved him out, closing the door and ignoring Cooper’s obnoxious laughter.

Finally there was a knock on the door and Blaine paused his nervous pacing, making sure his hair was in place and his outfit was without flaw before opening the door, smiling. Kurt looked a little flustered, shoving his phone into his bag with an eye roll. Blaine noticed, having a little trouble swallowing, that Kurt was still in his Cheerio outfit.

“Hey, Kurt!” He moved to the side to let him in and closed the door behind him. Kurt couldn’t help but glance around, taking in his surroundings with slight awe. It wasn’t really a full on, fancy mansion or anything but it was a nicely decorated two story house. It was obvious that Mr. and Mrs. Anderson did well for themselves.

“I hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding your way.” Blaine said. Their house was pretty easy to overlook, nearly shrouded behind the cluster of tall trees that stood at the front of the lawn.

“I think I did get lost about once, but other than that it was fine. You have a very nice house.”

“Thanks. Do you want anything to drink?”

“No, thank you I’m fine.” A few seconds later the sound of Kurt’s phone buzzing with an incoming text sounded and Kurt groaned a bit, digging it out and typing away furiously at whoever was talking to him.

“I-is everything alright? Am I holding you back from something else you could be doing, because we can reschedule?”


“I totally understand, I mean you’re co-captain of the Cheerios-“


“-You probably have all sorts of more important things you could be accomplishing right now and I ju-“

“Blaine!” Blaine finally fell silent, turning a tad red while Kurt smiled a bit.

“It’s fine, honestly. I’m just having a little trouble, it’s no big deal.” He turned off his phone and threw it back into his bag, clasping his hands. “Now. As we were?” He supplied.

“Oh! Right, um my stuff’s in my room, we can do it in there- THE TUTORING. We can do, the tutoring, in there.” Blaine fumbled, turning even redder as his brain went places it wasn’t supposed to and he began leading Kurt up the stairs and into his room. Kurt concealed a snicker behind him.

Alright, so Kurt was a little agitated that day. He had gotten up late that morning, and was almost late for school. Lately Quinn had been getting more solos during events and practice, and it was pissing him off because usually they both got a song as a duet.

Rachel was being her usual, bossy self in Glee Club and was once again hogging all the solo. His after school Cheerio practice had run late, causing him to not be able to change. He headed to Blaine’s house trying to follow the directions Blaine had texted him and ended up getting lost once or twice. And on top of all that Mercedes had somehow gained the knowledge that he was going to Blaine’s house, and continued to text him teasing messages.’

I don’t even know if he’s gay, ’Cedes, so just drop it. –K

News flash, Kurt! Tina has confirmed herself that Blaine is in fact, gay as the Fourth of July. –M

He had just replied to that text and shoved his phone away when Blaine had opened the door.

So, yes, he was a little agitated. But it didn’t give him the right to think what he had thought. Or, say what he had thought…

With a small sigh Blaine once again began erasing his answer. They had been stuck on the question for a good thirty five minutes now. Kurt’s method had bee to give him hints and help him along the way and not give out the answer right away. Sometimes, however, it didn’t work that well.

C’mon, I think even Finn could have figured this out by now.”

He realized his mistake too soon, when Blaine’s pencil came to a halt. He felt pure dread wash over him as he felt Blaine’s arm begin to tremble slightly.

“I-“ A pause. “I’m sorry I’m wasting your time.” Words could not describe how much guilt he felt, hearing how small Blaine’s voice sounded.

“I’m- no Blaine, I didn’t mean it, I- Blaine!” Blaine had got up and ran from the room. He groaned, slapping himself on the head multiple times before giving chase.

He had gone into the bathroom.

With a sigh Kurt leaned against the door, pressing his forehead to the cold wood. He wasn’t at all surprised that Blaine had locked the door.

“Blaine, I am so, so sorry! I had no right to say that!”


“And my day has been sort of shitty, yes, but that shouldn’t be an excuse.” He paused a bit. “The truth is my day got a lot better when I saw you.”

More silence. With another sigh Kurt moved from the door, pressing his back against the wall adjacent to it and sliding down, sitting next to the door.

“I told Coach that I would be a horrible tutor…” Kurt muttered.

“The fact is, Blaine. That I think you’re one of the smartest people I know. You just haven’t- taped into your potential yet.”

“And even if you aren’t book smart, you’re plenty smart in other things…”

There was some shuffling and soon the door opened, Blaine peaking his slightly blotchy face out.

“You, really think I’m smart?” Kurt nodded, standing up and wrapping his arms around Blaine. Blaine stiffened a bit, and after a paused hugged him back.

“I understand if you hate me.” Kurt suddenly mumbled.

“I don’t hate you. I’m more frustrated at myself than anything.” Kurt rubbed his back before breaking the hug, wiping a stray tear off of Blaine’s face.

“Everyone has a different learning pace. You’ll get it, I know you will.” Blaine bit his lip.

“I don’t know if I will. If I hadn’t gone that stupid dance, I-“ Blaine broke off, looking to the side. Kurt’s face went from upset to confusion.

“Dance? What?” Blaine hesitated. After a pause he turned and went back into the bathroom, sitting down in front of the bathtub. Kurt followed him curiously.

“I had gone to another high school, before this one. You know that.” Kurt nodded.

“Well, at the school I had a best friend named Alan. We were the only two out people at our school. I asked him t-to the Sadie Hawkins dance, because I thought why not?” Blaine leaned his head back, it hitting the bathtub side with a small thunk.

“Did you guys like each other?” Kurt asked softly. Blaine shook his head.

“No. He was like a brother to me, and he was in love with this guy; another friend of mine.” It was a shame, though, that his other friend was straight.

“Anyway. We went to the dance and we had fun. We didn’t flash around that we were gay or anything. We didn’t really dance together.” He paused, letting out a shaky breath and swallowing.

“You don’t have to finish if you don’t want.” Blaine nodded but continued anyway.

“After the dance, while we were waiting for Alan’s dad to pick us up, these three guys started taunting us. Two of them had knifes, and the other had a baseball bat.”

Kurt gasped, pressing a hand to his mouth in shock.

“Get behind me.” Blaine commanded softly, putting an arm in front of Alan to protect him.

“Aww look, the shorty is tryin’ to protect his butt buddy.” And without warning, without batting an eyelash Jonathon, the one with the bat and head jock at their school, swung and landed a hit on Blaine’s forehead. Alan screamed. Face splitting pain erupted from his head and he groaned, sinking to his knees.

“A-Alan, run!”

Another hit across the forehead and he was down, the last thing being herd was Alan screaming his name.

Kurt blinked several times, wiping his eyes where a few tears had escaped. Blaine was also crying, staring off somewhere.

“When I woke up I was in the hospital. They had apparently nicked me here and there with knifes, that was the majority of the damage. On the outside.”

Kurt furrowed his brows, the puzzle pieces slowly coming together.

“He hit your Frontal Lobe, right?” Blaine nodded.

That covers memory, language, motor function, problem solving- oh.

“Did they catch them?” Kurt asked suddenly, his hands curling into tight fists with anger.

“They got Jonathon, the other two are MIA.” Blaine explained quietly.

“And, uh- your friend?” Kurt asked, realizing that Blaine hadn’t mentioned him at the hospital. Blaine’s face crumpled slightly and he shook his head, looking down.

“They broke a few of his ribs, which punctured his left lung. A-and there was a deep cut in his neck. He was DOA.” Kurt dropped down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry.” Blaine nodded and sniffed a bit.

In Blaine’s opinion, the worst part of it all was seeing Alan’s mother, Samantha, at the funeral, as they lowered his body into the ground. She was one of the most caring, loving and happy people you could meet. She was shaking and crying so bad her sister had to help her stand, and to possibly keep her from throwing herself onto the coffin.

“After that I ran, transferred here.”

“Sometimes it’s best if you run.” Kurt interjected.

“I was a coward,” Blaine insisted. Kurt sighed and grabbed both of his hands.

“Well you’re being brave now. By showing up to school every day, for facing the stupid jocks, and holding your head high.”

Blaine stared at Kurt, and it took every ounce of him not to blurt out I love you.

“I- thank you. So, so much.” Blaine pulled him into a hug this time and Kurt laughed a bit.

“Me? I basically insulted your intelligence a little bit ago and your thanking me?” Blaine laughed as well.

“Pretty much, I guess.”

“You play the guitar?” Kurt asked, once they had re-entered his room. He had just now noticed it, leaning against the wall in the corner by his bed.

“Uh, yeah. A little bit.” Blaine’s mood seemed to lighten a bit at the mere sight of it.

“Can you show me?” Kurt blurted out, flushing when Blaine laughed a bit.

“Right now?” Kurt nodded.

“Sure.” After stumbling a bit he grabbed his baby, sliding the strap around him. Kurt joined him when he sat on the edge of the bed, smiling encouragingly.

“Just, anything?” He asked.

“The first song that comes to mind; or your favorite song.” Their eyes locked and Blaine cleared his throat a bit after staring too long.

“O-okay then.” He strummed a few notes experimentally, thinking of the perfect song.

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

Kurt blinked in surprise, listening intently as Blaine played an acoustic version of Teenage Dream. And he sounded really good.

Before you met me
I was alright but things
were kind of heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Their eyes locked once more and Kurt found himself licking his lips, Blaine’s hazel eyes seeming to bore into his very soul.

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever

You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

Blaine found his voice getting softer and softer as he continued to play, trying to convey his emotions and let Kurt know that he meant every word he said.

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

Blaine remembered when he had first met Kurt. He had been captivated instantly.

It was back in Blaine’s Freshmen year and Kurt was a Sophmore. It was before Kurt had become a Cheerio and was still in Glee Club which meant bottom of the food chain.

Kurt blinked several times, trying to clear his vision of the red slushie that was currently burning his eyes. The jock who had done it took off, hooting and hollering.

 Blaine quickly crossed to the other side of the hallway, having seen the whole thing. Minding the slushie so he wouldn’t trip he offered his hand.

“Are you alright?” Glancing from him to his hand Kurt took it warily.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He snapped, brushing off some of the ice clunks that were still sticking to his shirt.

“My name’s Blaine.” He introduced, giving him a smile, before realizing Kurt probably couldn’t see it.

“Kurt.” Nodding, Blaine carefully took his hand.

“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up.” He said, leading him to the nearest bathroom.

Blaine’s voice faded completely until they were simply staring at each other. Blaine leaned forward slowly, having a slight freak out when Kurt leaned in too. His moved his right arm from his guitar to Kurt’s shoulder, tilting his head a bit and closing his eyes. He could actually feel Kurt’s breath on his lips, and vice versa most likely, (He was glad he had decided to brush his teeth before Kurt arrived) their lips just barely ghosting over each other’s as-

“Hey Blainey, is your friend still he- whoa.” They jerked away from each other and Blaine glared daggers at Cooper, whole face and ears beet red.

“I- um. I should go.” Kurt said, standing up and grabbing his bag from beside Blaine’s desk. Before Blaine could even protest Kurt was already saying that it was nice to meet Cooper and slipping past him.

At the slight bang of the door opening and closing Blaine groaned, flopping backwards onto his bed.

“I’m sorry Blaine; I should have waited a bit more. I was just going to ask if he wanted to stay for dinner.”

“It’s fine. We probably wouldn’t have kissed anyway.” (They were so, so close to anyway.)

“Hey, at least you got to serenade him, right?” Wow. Would Blaine ever stop blushing that day? He chucked the nearest pillow at Cooper, grumbling at him to go away.

“Fine, fine I’m going.” Cooper bent down and picked up the fallen pillow, tossing it back to him. “I’m making Philly Cheese steak sandwiches, okay?” Blaine nodded, taking of his guitar and returning it to its original place. After that he flopped back onto his bed face down, fully prepared to stay like that until dinner.

He really hoped he hadn’t just ruined his relationship with Kurt.


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COOPER! You freaking cock-block :)

I know right? XD Thanks for reading, and the review, hope you liked it ^_^