Cheering You On
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Cheering You On: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,527 - Last Updated: Jan 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 17, 2013 - Updated: Jan 24, 2013
485 0 0 0 0

“So what are the two of you going to do? Sing songs from Disney movies and Moulin Rouge? Or perhaps go see a movie and dinner at Breadstix?” Cooper asked teasingly from his spot on Blaine’s bed, the owner digging through his closet. Blaine shot him an annoyed look.

“We’re just friends. He’s just helping me with something.”

“Oh yeah, friends. That makes total since, because all friends write their names in little hearts all over their journal. I totally get it now.” Cooper said, feigning an understanding look. Blaine swiveled around to him, cheeks aflame.

“You’ve been sneaking into my room?!” Cooper held up his hands in a truce.

“I’m not the one who left it out in the living room coffee table.” He replied in a sing-song voice. Blaine shook his head and went back to finding an outfit.

He settled on an outfit that made him look nice, but not like he tried too hard. It was a maroon- border lining on burgundy cardigan with a black and white striped shirt and a nice pair of jeans. Very nondescript. He exited his closet and held out his arms expectantly for approval from his brother, frowning when Cooper looked affronted.

“What is it? Too much?”

“No bowtie?” Cooper asked with a grin and Blaine rolled his eyes.

“Can you just be serious for one minute?”

“Tis not in my DNA, sorry!” Blaine made a noise akin to a whine, storming out of his room.

“I’m wearing it anyway!”

“And no one’s stopping you! Go with your gay gut!”

The sound of a groan, the front door slamming shut and Cooper’s enthusiastic laughter bounced around the house.

“The guys are coming over? But I told you I have a guest coming over!” Kurt said, crossing his arms as he stared at Finn. Finn blinked and shrugged a bit.

“The girls hang out with the guys all the time so I don’t know w-“

“It’s a boy, actually.” Kurt informs him and Finn blinked again, even more confused.

“Does Burt know you’re inviting a guy over?” Kurt huffed, flushing just the tinniest bit.

“We’re just acquaintances; I’m supposed to tutor him.”

“Whatever, we’ll just be sure to be quiet.” Finn said. Kurt stared at him.

“I would love to see that.” A minute later their conversation was interrupted by the door ringing. Before Kurt could get any words out Finn was already crossing the room, pulling the door open with a grin.

“Dude you’re just i- oh.” Instead of seeing Puck and co. like he had planned to, he found himself staring down at- er, Blaine, if he can remember correctly.

Blaine and Finn had barely conversed, most likely because during all of Blaine’s freshmen year Finn had been an accessory to the jock’s dumpster tosses and slushie facials, and Blaine tried to avoid them all together.

“Uh, Hi Finn.” Blaine greeted quietly, unsure of what else to say.

“Oh Blaine, you made it,” Kurt observed, nudging Finn out of the way. Blaine’s breath caught in his throat. This was the first time he had seen Kurt out of his Cheerios uniform, and even if he was wearing a simple pair of jeans (that hugged his butt and legs perfectly- don’t go there Blaine) and a T-shirt he still managed to look flawless and sexy. He found himself blushing despite himself, shuffling in at Kurt’s command.

“Alright, let’s get started then.” Kurt said with a slight sigh, leading him to the dining room table. Blaine- discreetly, of course- noticed that the doorway on the other side of the table lead into the living room.

“You have a very lovely house.” Blaine said in awe, without really thinking. Kurt smirked a bit at his face.


With a slight frown Blaine began unloading his books from his bag, suddenly feeling a wave on embarrassment wash over him.

What if Kurt realizes how hopeless Blaine is?

What if he ends up annoyed and breaks Sue’s deal?

Steeling himself Blaine grabbed his pencil, determined to make some progress and impress Kurt. There as another knock at the door and Blaine looked to Kurt.

“Oh that. Finn has some friends coming over. If they get too loud we can always go up to my room or something.” Kurt said casually with a wave of his hand.

Alone in Kurt’s room?

Good Lord is he trying to kill Blaine? He nodded in understanding and shoved his head back into his work, continuing his estimation when several pairs of voices came into the room. Whoever they were they greeted Kurt happily and Blaine chanced a peak. Blaine noticed, firstly, that they were the rest of the boys from New Directions, and were chatting happily with Kurt.

What he wouldn’t give for friends like that.

Then he noticed that one of the boys were Puck, (how could he forget he had gotten out of Juvie?) another one of the jocks that made his whole first year suck.

“Who’s the curly guy?” Puck not-so-discreetly muttered to Finn.

“A friend of Kurt’s. He’s helping him with math and stuff.” Finn not-so-discreetly whispered back. Kurt gave him a look and Finn cleared his throat, heading to the living room.

“I call first try!”

Blaine visibly sagged with relief, being anti-social as usual. He went back to scribbling something down, paying no attention to the longing he felt at wanting to have friends to randomly hang out and play video games with.

He was used to being alone.

In the short time he had been watching Blaine work, Kurt already knew so much about him. How on a particularly hard question he would stick his tongue out, because apparently it helped.

Blaine was smarter than he gave himself credit for. He had potential, that’s for sure. Kurt was positive that if Blaine believed in himself more, he could go really far (as corny as it sounded) Don’t get him wrong, it was kind of annoying, tutoring people, but he was actually glad Blaine was making progress.

He congratulated Blaine when he had finished his math homework and suggested a tiny break. Simultaneously after that being said, a video game controller was shoved into Blaine’s vision. He looked up, confused.

“It’s Blaine, right?” Puck asked. Blaine nodded a bit.

“Well? Do you want to play?” He asked, shaking the remote slightly for emphasis. Blaine hesitated, turning to look at Kurt. Kurt feigned annoyance, a small smile on his face.

“Go play.” Tentatively Blaine took the remote, following Puck back into the living room where the game was already set up. Kurt followed after, not at all interested in the game, of course not. He just wanted to see who whooped whose but. (He would tell no one of this, but was sort of rooting for Blaine.)

“D-dinner, oh, no. I could never impose.” Blaine insisted, shaking his head. Carole, Kurt’s step mom laughed, shaking her head back at him.

“You’re not imposing at all! A friend of Kurt’s is a friend of ours.” She assured him with a smile, disappearing back into the kitchen without giving him a chance to reply. Finn’s friends had all went home by now, a place Blaine had wanted to be, when Carole jumped him. And in a surprising turn of events, Blaine indeed wiped the floor with them, while the others groaned and playfully accused him of cheating.

“Tonight we’re having tacos,” Kurt explained idly with a shrug. Blaine arched a brow.

“You like tacos?”

“Yeah, of course. What’s with the face?”

“I was just surprised is all. I thought Sue was making you drink that homemade shake of hers.” Blaine said, pulling a face at the mention of it. He had had the unfortunate opportunity to drink one, and nearly threw up. Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, but I think it’s stupid. It’s better to eat meals and everything and maintain a rigorous workout routine. Starving yourself actually makes it harder to lose weight.” Blaine nodded, actually interested. It was always fun to listen to other groups and learn things. (Blaine needed all the knowledge he could get, anyway.) After a second or two of them holding each other’s gaze Carole popped her head back in.

“Do you want any sauce on your tacos?”

“Mild, please.” Kurt and Blaine answered in unison. They looked at each other and laughed for a few minutes. Carole simply grinned knowingly at them, slipping into the kitchen once more.

Blaine stared at the family in front of him, so invested in their conversations. The last time he had had a free, happy conversation at his own dinner table, with his own family, was a long time ago. Too long ago. His heart fluttered several times when Kurt glanced at him, laughing and grinning more than he had ever seen him before.

When Burt recalled another funny part of his day at Hummel Tires & Lube Blaine laughed along freely with them, nearly thanking Carole a hundred times for the lovely dinner. He sighed happily, a serene smile on his face.

A friend of Kurt’s…he could work with that.


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