I'll Follow You to the Sea
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I'll Follow You to the Sea: Chapter Six

E - Words: 1,284 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 04, 2013 - Updated: Jul 19, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Oh my goodness, I'm sorry it took forever to get this up. I don't really like this chapter, it felt very forced :/ But it will get better <3

Kurt and Blaine had yet to term themselves boyfriends, although they were quickly growing inseparable. A few coffee dates had turned into going out to eat, going to the movies, and walking with each other to classes.

Kurt's friends, while a bit untrusting of Blaine with his dark looks and revving motorcycle, knew that they were soulmates and couldn't stop them from seeing each other. Some of them didn't believe in soulmates the way that Kurt did, that everything would work out no matter what. Some of them believed you just ended up stuck with somebody. Or perhaps they just said that for the time being because they had yet to find their soulmate.

And Kurt's father didn't even know about Blaine yet. Keeping him a secret from his father was hard, and he didn't like doing it, but he didn't want to tell him about Blaine just yet. He wanted to wait until he could meet him in person.

"When am I going to introduce you to my family and when are you going to introduce me to yours?" Kurt asked one evening after they were leaving the movies, holding hands as they headed out to Kurt's car. Kurt had yet to give into the desire he had to ride on the back of Blaine's motorcycle with him. He figured his dad deserved to know about Blaine before he went speeding around on a motorcycle.

Blaine looked over at him as he got in the passenger seat while Kurt hopped into the driver's seat, starting the engine. "I don't know, hadn't really thought about it," he said.

"Well...I really think it would be a good idea for our families to meet each of us. I mean, I've talked about you before, but I want my dad to actually meet you and everything."

"And what if he doesn't like me? I know some of your friends don't."

"Well if he doesn't to begin with, he'll learn to. You're my soulmate. I'm not going to be getting rid of you."

Blaine smiled a little at that. It was as if he had always been afraid that no one would really want to keep him around. And to know he wasn't going to be gotten rid of was a nice thought to him.

So that night, before Kurt dropped Blaine off at his house, they discussed meeting each other's families. They decided that Blaine would meet Kurt's family first, and that they may as well get it over with the following day.

"What if he hates me?"

Kurt sighed, straightening the leather jacket Blaine had on. Blaine had grown used to Kurt trying to fix his outfits, either by saying he would love seeing him in something else or by straightening up the outfit he chose to wear. At first he had complained, but now he just stood still, letting him 'make him look acceptable' as Kurt liked to say.

"He isn't going to hate you, Blaine," Kurt said with a smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing each other's cheeks were as touchy-feely as they had allowed themselves to be; after all, they had yet to officially call themselves boyfriends yet. Kurt had wanted to wait until after his family knew about Blaine to decide on being boyfriends.

"Come on, we're going in before you change your mind," Kurt said with a chuckle, heading up to the porch with him before going inside his home.

Burt was sitting in his arm chair in the living room, Finn was stretched out on the couch, and Carole was in the kitchen. When she heard them come in, Carole stepped into the entryway and smiled. "Hi Kurt...who is this?"

"Carole, this is Blaine. Blaine, this is Carole, my stepmom," he said and smiled, watching as Blaine held out his hand. Over the couple of weeks that they knew each other, Blaine had seemed to be making an effort to be more polite. At least to Kurt and people he was friends with, or in this situation, his family.

"It's nice to meet you, Blaine," she said with a warm smile. She didn't take his hand, and instead pulled him into a hug. Blaine seemed to freeze up a little at the hug but after a few moments, he wrapped his own arms around her to hug her back, but soon pulled away.

Kurt looked up as his father came into the room and smiled, watching as he raised his eyebrows at Blaine. "Blaine, this is my dad, Burt. Dad, this is Blaine."

"Nice to meet you guys," Blaine said, offering them a small sliver of a smile as he shook Burt's hand before pulling his hand back.

"Blaine?" Burt questioned, now raising his eyebrows at Kurt. Kurt nodded, holding out his ring finger with a smile.

"Yep. Same Blaine," he murmured.

"So you two are..."

"Not boyfriends. Yet." Blaine answered with a faint smile, glancing over at Kurt, who was practically beaming at the addition of 'yet'. Because yeah, he was kind of dying to say he had a boyfriend, especially a boyfriend that happened to be his soulmate.

"I wanted to introduce you to Blaine, first...before we called ourselves boyfriends, " Kurt explained.

"Well, that was...very adult of you two," Burt said and Kurt smiled, reaching to take Blaine's hand in his own.

"So you approve?" He questioned, grinning when Burt nodded.

"Yeah...I mean, I'd like to get to know you Blaine...but I know I can't stop Kurt from seeing you because I'm assuming you two go to school together. Plus, Kurt is usually pretty stubborn and will find out a way to get what he wants. And if you two are soulmates then...well I can't really stop you guys."

And that was all the approval Kurt needed. After dinner, which was surprisingly not as awkward as he had expected (Blaine answered the questions he was asked and was mostly polite- he wasn't exactly loving that Finn was Kurt's stepbrother-), Kurt led Blaine outside, stopping on the porch with him.

"So...boyfriends?" He asked with a hopeful smile, biting his lip.

Blaine smiled at him, a genuine smile, something that it seemed only Kurt got to see. "Boyfriends," He agreed with a nod.

Before he had time to talk himself out of it, Kurt leaned forward, pressing his lips to Blaine's. He instantly felt a spark, and it was everything he had dreamed of. He didn't want to pull away, just wanted to keep his lips against Blaine's, but he remembered after a few moments that they were standing on his porch, where his dad could easily seem them. When he felt Blaine's lips part he pulled away, even though he desperately didn't want to. Blaine looked disappointed and a little irritated.

"Sorry I'd just...rather my dad not see that," he said with a quiet laugh and smiled, biting his lip shyly. "I'm sorry if that wasn't very good for you...I've never kissed anyone before."

"No it was...great, Kurt," he murmured and smiled, pressing his lips to Kurt's again with a quiet hum before pulling away. "See you tomorrow, Kurt," he said with a smile, waving at him as he headed to his motorcycle.

Kurt waved back with a faint grin, watching his boyfriend get onto the motorcycle and pull away from the curb.

"He has a motorcycle?" Burt asked as he came out of the house, shaking his head.

Kurt grinned faintly. "Yeah...I haven't ridden on it with him, yet."

Burt shook his head and smiled, putting his hand on Kurt's shoulder. "Yet, "he echoed with a soft chuckle. "You're going to be the death of me, kid."


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