I'll Follow You to the Sea
Chapter Three Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll Follow You to the Sea: Chapter Three

E - Words: 1,651 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 04, 2013 - Updated: Jul 19, 2013
821 0 1 0 0

Kurt's patience certainly hadn't improved over time, shown now by the steady tapping of his fingers against the wooden table. He sat at his favorite table at The Lima Bean, a table where he wouldn't be right in the hustle and bustle of things. Where he could enjoy a cup of coffee while letting the sunlight keep him warm in the cool shop and listen to the faint ringing of the bell above the door whenever someone went in or out. It was also a nice place to keep an eye on who had come in, and so far, Blaine hadn't.

He sighed to himself, wondering if the boy, his soulmate, would bother with showing. Blaine seemed like the type that wouldn't really care much for the idea of soulmates, but he hoped he was wrong. He had to be. Because Kurt let himself fall into the naivety of believing that as soon as he and his soulmate found each other they'd fall right into a love full of giving little gifts for no reason, giggling over something nonsensical, and planning out their future together.

None of that really seemed possible with Blaine, considering he wasn't exactly jumping for joy over finding his soulmate. Of course, neither was Kurt, but he had to admit his spirit had been a bit crushed over Blaine's own lack of enthusiasm.

Kurt looked up when he heard the sound of what was undoubtedly a motorcycle pulling into the parking lot. And sure enough, there that motorcycle was, gleaming red and black under the sun, looking like it was made for speed and thrills rather than comfort or relaxation. The figure on the bike took off his helmet once he'd stood, revealing the dark, slightly disheveled curls that were hidden underneath. Kurt couldn't help the way his heart beat faster as he walked through the door, his golden eyes landing on him after a few moments. He felt a spark between the two of them just by looking in his eyes. And though they were guarded looks that he had shared with him so far, Kurt could tell that underneath the hard shell was someone who was struck with curiosity and realization over meeting the man he would spend his life with.

Blaine looked away, stepping up to the counter to order his coffee before he made his way between the tables to Kurt's own, taking a seat across from him.

"Hi," Kurt offered softly with a smile, noting Blaine give him a small nod in greeting as he sipped some of his coffee.

"What did you want to talk about?" Blaine questioned, raising his eyebrows at him.

"Well...I hadn't really planned anything specific. You're...obviously not someone who believes in the idea that soulmates should just hop right into a relationship, considering we're not in one right now and we haven't really spoken, so...I thought it'd be best to get to know each other."

Blaine seemed to be mulling the idea over in his head, looking at him in a way that made Kurt think he was weighing his options; get up and leave or stay and talk. When he finally got started talking, he supposed Blaine had finally decided that staying to chat wasn't that bad of an idea.

They started on trivial things; favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite movies. Kurt learned that Blaine didn't really know where he was going as far as a career went. When he asked him what he wanted to be he shrugged and said, "When I find out, I'll let you know." Kurt, on the other hand, didn't have a problem expressing his desires to be on Broadway and maybe work in fashion.

"So, where were you living before you moved here?" Kurt finally asked, his curiosity not veiled. He wanted to know everything about Blaine. At least, everything he'd let him know about for the time being.

"California," Blaine responded, adding on, "Santa Monica. Before then I had been living in Oakland but...they decided the crime rate was too high around there and that I wasn't helping things. They thought going to a safer place, a new place, would be better for me."

Kurt raised his eyebrows, wondering what exactly sorts of crimes Blaine had been involved in, but chose not to address it for the time being. "They?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

Blaine sighed and said, "Yeah, they, my adoptive parents. They were originally my foster parents, my fourth set," he murmured. "My mom died when I was younger, my dad couldn't take care of me, so I was put in foster care. I was maybe ten or so when I got put in my first foster home. That lasted a few years. Then I was put in my next when I was thirteen, which lasted about a year. Sent to another for a few months, then ended up with the people I'm with now."

"Wow," Kurt murmured. "Why so many?"

Blaine shrugged. "None of them could deal with me. They had to give reasons of course for turning my care back over to the social services...those reasons involved me being rude, disrespectful, a delinquent...probably other things. Each family I was placed with knew what the last had said, but they would always say 'We can change him, we'll make him better'. And then they'd get finished with trying and pass me along to the next. The family I'm with had three sources, plus the social services, telling them that I had had a hard time being placed in a permanent home. But they decided I was worth the challenge I guess, and they were different. They didn't just dole out punishments as soon as I did something wrong or talk to me like a child. They sat me down, explained how their rules worked, and let me know the consequences. They didn't try to tell me to stop hanging around with the people I did or tell me to stop putting graffiti on buildings and stealing from stores. They let me know they thought it was wrong and foolish to behave the way I do and would make me do extra chores, volunteer...hell, one time they let me stay locked up in jail a couple days before they came and got me out. Those were my punishments. Not ignorantly yelling at me, threatening to knock my teeth down my throat, or trying to keep me locked up. They're civil and kind and it drives me up a wall sometimes, but...I think they're the only people who have actually cared about what I'm doing and where I'm going, rather than just trying to 'do a good deed' by fostering some wayward kid. I mean, they went so far as to adopt me, so...I'd say they're more committed than the other families were."

Kurt stayed quiet as he listened, nodding a little. Blaine seemed to have already been through so much and he wasn't even out of his teenage years yet.

"Don't give me that look," Blaine said with a sigh. "That's always the look people give me, like I'm some sad little puppy that got tossed out on the street that no one wanted. Don't be sorry for me because I don't want your pity."

"I wasn't going to pity you, Blaine," Kurt said, sipping some of his coffee. "I just...that's a lot of stuff to go through, and you haven't even graduated high school yet."

"Yeah, well we all have our shit years. Mine just happened to be shoved together early on. Maybe I'll catch a break for the majority of the rest of my life," he laughed, though it was devoid of humor.

"So, why Lima?" He asked, wanting to get off the current subject.

"My adoptive parents have some family near here. They decided it seemed like a nice enough town with a lower crime rate than where we had previously lived, so...here I am."

"So you are," Kurt murmured with a faint smile, feeling a faint fluttering stirring inside him. It was obviously fate that had led Blaine here.

"Don't look at me that way, either. Just because our names are on each others fingers doesn't mean I'm about to dive into a relationship with some guy I don't even know."

The 'some guy' part stung a big but Kurt pushed that aside. "No, no...I don't expect you to...you don't seem like that kind of person," he murmured, sighing because he wished he was. "I just...at least want to get to know you...then maybe think about a relationship?"

Blaine looked a bit thoughtful as he nodded, another faint smile coming to his lips. "Yeah...I guess that'd be alright."

"Great," he murmured with a smile, checking his cell phone. "Oh, I need to get home. My dad is going to be wondering where I'm at." He held his phone out towards Blaine and said, "Here...you can put your number in...and I can put mine in yours?" The last part of his question dipped towards the side of hopeful and he bit back a grin when Blaine pulled out his phone and held it out to him.

After they had exchanged numbers and handed their phones back to each other before standing and heading outside.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Kurt said with a smile, giving a small wave as Blaine walked towards his motorcycle.

"See you later," he replied, putting the helmet on before swinging his leg over the motorcycle, starting it up and throwing up loose gravel as he sped out of the parking lot.

Kurt couldn't help the thrill that ran through him at the idea of one day riding on the back of that motorcycle with him, his arms wrapped around Blaine's waist as they sped down the highway and into the fading sun.

He just couldn't get his hopeless romantic ideas out of his head.


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Sheesh...Blaine had a hard life. Can't wait to see where this goes.