I'll Follow You to the Sea
Chapter Fourteen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll Follow You to the Sea: Chapter Fourteen

E - Words: 1,851 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 04, 2013 - Updated: Jul 19, 2013
138 0 0 0 0

Kurt noticed how jittery Blaine was on their walk back along the beach and towards their rental car. He seemed to be looking anywhere but at Kurt, his fingers drumming against the side of his leg.

"Blaine, is something wrong?" Kurt asked after a few minutes of watching him. He noticed the panicky expression that came across Blaine's face before he looked towards him, giving him a smile.

"Oh yeah, everything's fine!" He said, voice chipper and out of place with his distressed look.

Kurt quirked an eyebrow. "You don't seem fine...you've been acting a little weird...did something happen while I was in the restroom?"

Blaine felt his face paling at the question. He was glad it was nighttime and Kurt probably wouldn't notice. "Oh uh...no, nothing happened I just...got you the orca. That was it."

Kurt's eyebrows furrowed. "But...you're keeping something from me." He could tell by the shifty look in Blaine's eyes and the way he refused to make eye contact with him.

Blaine let out a loud sigh. "Listen Kurt, it's nothing. If I told you...you'd just get pissed and it's really no big deal I mean...it's just a stuffed thing..."

"Blaine, did you spend all your money? Because if you did, there was really no reason to..."

"Kurt no, that's not what I'm saying...I still have my money..."

"Then I don't really know what you're getting at Blaine," Kurt said with a sigh. "Because obviously something is bothering you and you can't just keep it pent up. I mean, we've been having a great night and I want our night to end well and..."

"I took it!" Blaine said in exasperation, feeling the ice block of guilt in his stomach begin to melt away at the admission. "The lady running the booth left so I took it. I know you really wanted it and I really wanted to get it for you..."

First, Kurt was in shock. Then quickly, he was angry.

"You stole that?" He asked, frowning. "Blaine, why the hell would you do something like that? You...I can't believe you!"

Blaine was taken aback by Kurt's sudden anger and he the block of guilt beginning to solidify once again. "I just...wanted to get it for you..."

"Well clearly you weren't thinking. You know stealing is wrong Blaine. I can't believe you think it'd be okay to steal this."

"I mean...it's not like it's expensive or anything," Blaine started.

"Oh, so it's okay to steal if what you're stealing isn't expensive? That's bullshit, Blaine!" He said, throwing the orca down onto the sand. "You are not just...going to turn into a criminal again! It's hard enough knowing that you did these kinds of things in the past."

"So now we're going to make it about you?" Blaine retorted with a frown, feeling his own anger rising. "About how awful it feels to be dating someone who's done wrong in the past? That's the past Kurt, and you've said so yourself that all that matters is what's happening right now. And what's happening right now at this moment is not fair-"

"You think it's fair to steal?" Kurt cut him off. "To take from others? And you can't have the excuse anymore of not having money, because I know you have it. You only did it this time because you knew you could get away with it! I'm so...so...disappointed in you."

That's all it took for Blaine to be pulled back through the years; hearing his father calling him a disappointment for not manning up after his mother's death, hearing his foster families call him a disappointment every time they had to get him out of a bad situation, or when they were turning him back over to the state's care. He had heard it from police officers, teachers, and even some of the social workers who placed him in his homes.

But he never thought he would hear it from Kurt.

He didn't say anything in response. Instead, he took off down the beach, running past some of the onlookers that had stopped to witness their bickering.

"Blaine!" Kurt called after him. His first instincts told him to run after him, but he knew he would lose his footing in the loose sand. There was no way he could catch up with him. His second instincts told him to return the plush. So he picked it up, dusted it off, and walked back towards the pier. All the while, his heart thumped with worry. Where was Blaine running to? Maybe he was just going to wait in the car. Take some time to cool off.

When Kurt walked up to the booth with the plush, he noticed the quizzical look the girl behind the booth gave him. "I...someone took this from here. And I wanted to return it," he said, holding it out to her.

"Oh...I didn't even notice it was gone," she said, smiling at him. "Why don't you go ahead and keep it? Not many people would bother bringing it back. Besides, the game has made enough money this evening. Someone deserves a prize," she murmured with a shrug.

"Are...are you sure? Because...I didn't take it or anything, I just felt like the best thing to do would be to return it..."

"I'm sure. Was it that boy you were with earlier?" she asked.

Kurt swallowed, debating on whether or not he should say.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to like, call the cops or anything. Too much of a hassle. Besides, you have tried to return it." She shrugged, smiling at him. "I could tell how much he wanted to win it. I thought about just handing it over after all the money and effort he put into the game."

He nodded a little. "I should have never mentioned I even wanted it," he muttered.

"Ah, so he was trying to win it for you," she murmured with a soft chuckle, shaking her head. "Trying to be chivalrous and it backfired. Happens a lot. I've had many frustrated boyfriends try to pay me off for one of the prizes. And I've had a few things stolen in the past. Don't be too hard on him, okay? Everyone makes a mistake every now and then. Love can cause us to do crazy things."

So Kurt took the stuffed animal and the advice along with him as he trekked back along the beach, keeping his eyes open for Blaine. He made it back to the rental car and felt his heart thump in alarm at not seeing him at the car. He pulled out his phone, calling Blaine. He sighed when he didn't answer and slid into the car. He waited there for a little while, waiting to see if Blaine would arrive, thinking maybe he had went back to the pier to look for Kurt. He called Blaine a few more times, groaning when he didn't answer any of his calls. Finally, he started up the car and drove back towards their beach house.

Kurt walked inside the house, sighing when he saw Blaine wasn't there. He called his phone again, raising his eyebrows when he heard Blaine's ringtone. He stepped into the bedroom, seeing his phone on the bed. His eyebrows furrowed a little as he hung up his phone. Here was his phone, but where was Blaine? Kurt laid his own phone down, stepping out through the double doors onto the little porch. He noticed a figure out in the ocean, seeming to be standing, looking up at the star-lit sky.

Kurt sighed with relief, walking out across the cool sand to the edge of the water. He pulled off the shirt he had slipped on when they had went onto the pier, left now in his swimming trunks as he slowly waded out into the water.

Blaine still had his face turned up towards the sky, eyes closed as he stood waist-deep in the ocean. The waves were calm as they gently pushed against him, his feet buried down in the sand to keep him steady. His eyes opened and his head turned as he heard the sound of someone entering the water behind him, his body relaxing again when he saw it was only Kurt. He returned to his previous position, breathing deeply as he felt Kurt's arms wrap around his waist from behind him.

"I was starting to get really worried about you," Kurt said softly.

"I'm sorry," Blaine said quietly.

They stood silently a few minutes, the soft lapping of the waves the only sound around them.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. And for stealing," Blaine murmured, leaning back into Kurt's hold. "I...I just really wanted to get it for you. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. Just...don't ever feel like anything is so important or needed that you need to steal it for me, you, or anyone else...okay?" Kurt said quietly, pressing a kiss to the side of his head, feeling Blaine nod. "And...I did try to take it back. But the lady running the booth let me keep it."

"Really?" Blaine asked in surprise. "She didn't try to have you arrested or something."

Kurt shook his head. "She appreciated my honesty...and she told me not to be too hard on you."

"Oh..." Blaine said quietly. "I'm sorry for running off, too...I just...I had a lot of feelings come back," he murmured after a few moments. "It seems like...I always disappoint everyone, somehow."

Kurt sighed quietly. "I'm sorry for saying that. I was just...I was upset. I just don't want you to do things that could get you taken away. I mean, you're old enough now that they'd probably look at your past and just lock you up, you know? I don't...I don't want that to happen, ever."

Blaine honestly hadn't been thinking about the consequences. That had always been his problem- act now, don't think about the repercussions. He had improved over the years...but obviously he could still slip up.

"You made a mistake. And that's okay," Kurt said gently. "I still love you..."

Blaine felt himself smiling at that, his eyes watering as he turned, hugging Kurt tightly around his waist. "I love you too," he murmured quietly.

Kurt raised his eyebrows at the sudden, tight hug, before he hugged him back just as tightly, his arms around his neck. They held each other close, comforting and reconciling through the closeness of their bodies.

"Let's go in and get dried off, okay? If we stay in the water anymore today, we're liable to go back to Ohio as prunes," Kurt murmured, earning a small laugh from Blaine. The sound made Kurt grin and pull back just slightly to cup Blaine's cheeks before he leaned in to kiss him. They shared a gentle kiss, pulling away after a few moments, Kurt smiling warmly at Blaine.

"I love you," Blaine said, his voice soft and almost vulnerable- like if he messed up again, Kurt may stop loving him.

"I love you too, Blaine. Forever and always," Kurt said gently, wiping at the stray tear that fell from Blaine's eye. "Come on," he murmured, taking Blaine's hand to pull him gently towards the shore.

Being in love and finding his soulmate had certainly had some more downs than Kurt had expected, but he knew that any obstacle they faced would be worth it. Everything was worth it for Blaine.


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