We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Chapter 8

E - Words: 3,381 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
302 0 0 0 1

The apartment was dark, so Blaine turned on the lights as he went to his bedroom, setting his duffle bag down.

Sighing, he walked around the empty apartment, wondering if he should really be back here. Kurt was obviously a lot stronger after the last month. Even now, he was taking Carole to the airport for her late night flight on his own.

Blaine felt unsettled and moody. Going to the credenza in the living room, he pulled out a bottle of tequila and did two quick shots. It was a high-end brand, and it slid down his throat like liquid fire. Putting the bottle away, he went to the kitchen, putting the shot glass in the dishwasher and grabbing a couple beers from the fridge.

On the balcony, he sat on the wicker lounge chair, stretching his legs out in front of him. Sipping on the first beer, he looked out on the quiet neighborhood. The alcohol was hitting his system, and he welcomed it.

It was good to be done with the demanding client now, and having a few days off before he started with the next. He needed to unwind after working so much the past few weeks.

The lunch with Carole had gone well. It had been a little awkward with Kurt, so often looking his way to catch Kurt already looking at him, and darting his eyes away.

Carole had been bubbly and chatted lots about all the gifts and medical supplies she was taking back.

"Did you hear what Kurt and I have planned?" She reached over to squeeze Blaine's hand.

Blaine shook his head. He hadn't heard from Kurt much the last few weeks.

"We are going to meet up for Christmas in Dubai. That way neither of us had to fly twenty hours. It's supposed to be an interesting city, and even Kurt, who has travelled everywhere, hasn't been there." She shared a warm glance with her stepson.

"That sounds like a good plan." Blaine smiled at both of them, glad that they were going to stay in contact like that. He and Sam always went back to Chicago at Christmas, hanging out with family and old friends.

Pushing her empty plate away, Carole took a sip of her wine, sighing contentedly. "Well, I must say this last month has been wonderful. Much better than my last time in New York."

Kurt gave her a puzzled look. "Last time?"

Her expression sobered, and she turned towards Kurt, putting her hand over his. "I came out after your accident, Kurt. As soon as I heard. And I went to the hospital every day to sit by your side." She smiled ruefully. "Yeah, didn't see much of New York on that trip."

Blaine looked at Carole, knowing how heart breaking it must have been to see Kurt lying in a coma at that time, unsure if he'd ever wake up. Kurt looked a bit emotional at hearing that.

At the end of the lunch, Carole had given Blaine a tight hug. She whispered in his ear, "He really likes you. Don't give up on him."

Blaine's heart lurched at that, but he tempered her comment with what he knew about Carole. She was being a bit of a matchmaker, wanting her stepson settled into a relationship. Wanting him loved and cared for when she was so far away. He wouldn't be surprised if she whispered the same thing to Kurt.

As Blaine started on the second beer, he really wondered if he should be here. It would be fine if Kurt really needed him, but Blaine was thinking he was much stronger physically. Was it just emotional support then? To keep Kurt from being lonely? Hannah had worked her last shift before Carole had come. Maybe Kurt had a hard time living alone.

It was dangerous for Blaine to be here. Dangerous for his heart. His emotions. Blaine knew he was very attracted to Kurt, but did Kurt really care about him? Sometimes he felt like he was convenient for Kurt. Here's somebody to hang out with, be friends with...maybe even sleep with. But when Blaine was out of sight, he was apparently out of Kurt's mind too. Had Kurt missed him at all these past few weeks, like Blaine had missed him?


He woke to light, teasing kisses. Sweet kisses that were never quite hard enough, never quite long enough. And as he sleepily blinked his eyes, Kurt was grinning down at him.

Kurt was warm and pliant in his lap, looking like a beautiful, magical creature in the moonlight. Bespelling Blaine. The alcohol was still making his thoughts fuzzy as he stroked lightly down Kurt's back, maybe to make sure he was real.

Kurt's kisses deepened, hungry and demanding, and Blaine couldn't help but respond. Impatient hands tugged at his clothes, and he moaned as Kurt kissed and nipped down the skin of his neck. Sucking hard on his nipple, Blaine arched his back as Kurt's hands slid to fumble with the opening of his jeans.

Already achingly hard, Blaine gasped as Kurt stroked him, watching him silently as he gave him pleasure. Looking satisfied when Blaine shuddered beneath him, before dipping down to kiss over the tip. Blaine's hands clutched his hair, too far gone to hold back.


"What are you doing?" Blaine's voice was scratchy as his hand stopped Kurt's from moving downwards from his chest.

Rolling onto his back, he looked over to Kurt.

With a little smirk, Kurt grabbed his new phone. He'd upgraded to a smart phone that could handle his voice app, liking the smaller device.

"You'd think after a couple nights with me, you'd know what I was doing."

Blaine chuckled, running a hand over his face and stretching. He felt good. "I meant aren't you feeling tired?"

Thinking back on last night, he was shocked that Kurt was still interested, still wanting more. After the balcony, they had gone to the large glass-walled shower, taking their time soaping each other up. And then being in this big bed together.

Kurt kissed his shoulder, giving Blaine a mischievous grin. "I haven't had sex for a year and a half. I have a lot of catching up to do."

"Ahhhh...now I see why you wanted me here. Just to be your sex slave." Blaine felt drawn to Kurt's playfulness.

Kurt's hand slid lower again and this time, Blaine didn't say anything. Just reacted to Kurt's touch, his kisses. Sinking into it.

Only hunger finally pulled them from the bed, making a huge brunch and wolfing it down. They filled the whirlpool bath and relaxed in there. Then went back to bed to nap. Blaine was so happy he didn't have to be anywhere until Wednesday. It was just sex, sleeping and food, until the days blended together.

But the part he liked best was cuddling together and talking. Kurt was so relaxed and open, just being himself.

"So, were you able to be with your Dad much before he passed?" Blaine idly played with Kurt's hair.

Kurt nodded. "They sold the business and he had stepped down from congress." Kurt shrugged. "He was slowing down a lot. I think Carole just knew. She retired from work, and they bought an old convertible. They went on lots of drives, just seeing where the road would take them. Stopping for a picnic lunch by a lake or whatever caught their eye."

Kurt looked over at Blaine. "I had a six week break between jobs, and was out there the whole time. Carole let us just have lots of time alone together, just talking about everything."

Pulling Kurt back into his arms to spoon him, Blaine gave a little kiss to his neck. "He was a lucky man. He loved your mother, and then he had you and Carole. And he helped a lot of people during his political career."

Kurt nodded. "And he helped people at the shop too, often dropping the price for people who didn't have much money." He used to argue with his Dad over it when he was a teenager, complaining that he had too big of a heart to stay in business. But the shop always did OK.



"What should we watch?" Blaine looked over the DVDs, and pulled out a couple he hadn't seen, holding them out to Kurt.

Kurt made a face and shook his head.

Blaine chuckled, putting the videos back. "Why do you have them if you don't even like them?"

"They were gifts from Adam." Kurt shrugged.

Blaine looked over at Kurt in surprise. "Um...does it bug you to see stuff from him around here?" He knew things had ended badly between them. But how was Kurt feeling about it? About him?

Kurt was quiet, looking down at his tablet, but not moving to type anything. He looked up at Blaine, his eyes dark and troubled.

Pulling him into a hug, Blaine stroked his back. "It's OK, you know. You two were together for a few years and you had a lot of good times together. Those feelings don't just all disappear."

Kurt pulled back a little to type. He sighed. "We were both awful to each other in the end. I know it's over, should have probably ended six months before the accident."

"Do you want to visit him? See him face to face to talk? Get some closure?" Blaine was wondering if Kurt maybe wasn't that over Adam, even after all this time. It was only four months since he'd woken up and he was probably still working through it.

Shaking his head, Kurt pulled away, sitting up straight on the sofa. "No, we've had enough webcam chats online to clear the air between us. I guess I'm at the point of accepting it and wanting to move on."

Blaine felt relieved to hear that, but didn't hug Kurt again. He sensed that he needed a bit of space. "Well, if there's anything I can do to help you with that, just let me know."

Kurt nodded, getting up and walking around the living room. He pulled out the DVDs, and put them on the floor. He looked through the rest, and several others joined them. "Do we have any boxes?" He looked over at Blaine, a small determined smile on his face.

Blaine jumped up, smiling, and went to the front storage closet. By the time he came back with a couple boxes, Kurt had the music cranked up high and was digging through the bookcase, dropping books haphazardly on the floor.

Not wanting to stop Kurt's flow, he simply started putting the items in the boxes neatly.

Kurt went from room to room, looking everything over thoroughly. His eyes would land on something, and he would move it to the floor for Blaine to pick up. Even a few fancy serving dishes and articles of clothing were treated this way.

By the time Kurt wound down and was resting on the sofa with a drink, Blaine had filled both boxes.

He turned down the music. "Kurt, do you want to store this stuff away or donate it to charity?"

Kurt looked at it for a minute. "Would you label it all 'Adam' and put it in storage?"

Blaine nodded, and carried everything out of sight. It would have been better if Kurt had been able to get rid of it all, maybe just keeping a special item or two. But at least he was taking steps to distance himself from Adam.


Blaine looked over at Kurt as he took off his coat and handed it to the coat check girl. He was wearing a well-tailored navy suit, the lines following his body lovingly.

"Quit looking at me like that. It was your bright idea to leave our comfy bed and come out tonight." Kurt texted fast and held the phone up for Blaine to listen.

Blaine chuckled, grabbing Kurt's hand to tug him to their seats. He had been sleeping in Kurt's bed since he moved back, and this was the first time they'd gone out together since the zoo.

Sitting down, they both looked around. It was the theatre Blaine had first seen Kurt perform, and they both had memories coming back to them.

"Are you doing OK?" Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand. Kurt hadn't been to a musical since before the accident.

Kurt nodded, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, trying to relax.

Soon, the lights dimmed and they were carried off to a different world.


"Kurt?" A man said near to where they were picking up their coats from the coat check.

Turning, Kurt looked over and then his face broke into a smile and he was hugging the tall man. He had olive skin and shoulder-length straight dark hair, his facial features sharp. Striking more than handsome. Blaine recognized him as Nate Robinson.

Pulling back, they turned to face Blaine and he held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Blaine."

"Nate." His eyes were very dark, but crinkled warmly as he smiled in greeting.

Seeing the happiness on Kurt's face, Blaine turned back to Nate. "Would you like to come back with us for some coffee? Kurt would feel more comfortable that way."

And he knew he'd done the right thing when Nate accepted and Kurt beamed at him.


Back in the apartment, Kurt didn't hesitate to use his device to chat with Nate. Like with Sam and Carole, after the initial curiosity, Nate quickly adjusted to Kurt's communication style.

Making coffee and pulling out the cheesecake Kurt had made recently, Blaine carried a tray into the living room. He settled into a big, plush chair, looking over at Nate and Kurt involved in a deep discussion.

"But the lighting choice at the end of the second act was jarring. It didn't work for me." Kurt was shaking his head, reaching over for a slice of dessert.

Nate put three scoops of sugar into his black coffee. "Surely you could see that by lighting her like that, alone in the spotlight, highlighted her distance from everyone? Her isolation?"

Kurt nodded, considering, before typing again. "I think it would have been more effective to ease into it. Not such an abrupt change."

Blaine followed along, finding it interesting to see how the theatre professionals viewed a performance. He'd only ever appreciated it from an audience member view, not as one creating the art.

Nate was passionate about his craft, his hand gestures expressive. Kurt listened closely, his large eyes following the motions. When he replied, his expressions carried so much meaning, quieter and more subtly than Nate's broader gestures. But they were both respectful of each other's views.

Nate tucked his long hair behind his ears, and took a long sip of the coffee. "Kurt, you must come down to my theatre. My production is in the last couple months of rehearsals and I'm just not getting it where it needs to be. I need an outsider's eyes to tell me what to change."

Kurt's expression was a mix of things. Pleased at the request, curiosity about Nate's new work, and professional pride. But it was at war with a flash of fear, followed by regret. "It sounds interesting, but it's a bit much for me, Nate. Maybe you could record it and send me a video?"

Rolling his eyes, Nate clasped his big hands on Kurt's shoulders. "It's theatre, Kurt. You must be there to truly feel the energy. Come, I will make you comfortable there. Just try it for a day."

His cajoling was softening Kurt's resistance, and he smiled broadly when Kurt gave a small nod. Getting up, he bowed to Kurt and Blaine. "Very good. I'll send a driver for you tomorrow at ten."

Once Nate had left, Kurt joined Blaine on the sofa.

"He is such a vibrant presence. I can see why you liked working with him." Blaine had liked the tall man, finding him to be very genuine and warm.

Kurt looked bemused. "I can't believe he got me to agree to come to a rehearsal. It was bad enough going to a performance tonight. There, I'll be sure to run into so many people I know."

Taking Kurt's hand, Blaine stroked over it. "Well, you are going to have to figure out the easiest way to tell people you are using the device. You can see everyone adjusts to it quickly. Don't let fear prevent you from going out and doing what you want to do."

Kurt leaned against Blaine. "Would you come with me tomorrow?"

Cupping Kurt's face, Blaine leaned down to give him a kiss. "No."

Kurt's eyebrows rose. "No?" He looked a little hurt.

Blaine shrugged. "You can do this, Kurt. Every time I've been there for your support, you really haven't needed me. It's time to try this on your own." It was hard to decline Kurt's request, but Blaine was only going to be around for a few more weeks. "He's sending a driver and you know the theatre well. You'll be fine."

Hugging Kurt to him, Blaine burrowed his face into his neck.


Kurt came home as Blaine was pulling chicken out of the oven. "Good timing!" Blaine smiled at him as he dished out the food.

Looking a little tired, Kurt dropped down on a chair and gave Blaine a smile. "It was so great, Blaine. It's a production set in Cold War communist Russia, and Nate has captured the oppressive feel so well, it sent shivers along my spine." His eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.

"So, you didn't get too tired, or feel overwhelmed?" Blaine was surprised Kurt was there so long.

Shaking his head, Kurt took a bite of rice. "No, not really. He introduced me to the company, explained about my voice app, and they were all very supportive. Then I sat with Nate in the audience chairs to watch the rehearsal, discussing it all with him."

Blaine felt pleased that Kurt had managed it well. Another step for Kurt towards his new life, being more independent. "I bet he liked your input."

Kurt did his version of a chuckle. "It was funny. We were talking so much, and then Nate started looking around for some paper. He said he wanted to write down what I was saying because I had so many good ideas. And I just texted him the comments about the show."

"Oh right! Because you already typed it all." Blaine laughed. "Do you keep old conversations?"

Kurt shrugged. "Not usually. It's only my side of it anyways, not interesting."

"I always find your conversations interesting." Blaine said softly, giving Kurt a warm look.

They had been very close lately, sleeping in the same bed, waking up together. Often they went on long walks or cuddled to watch a movie.

Kurt returned the look, his gaze falling to Blaine's lips before going back to his warm hazel eyes. "If you keep looking at me like that, you'll distract me from doing the dishes."

"Dishes can wait." Blaine liked Kurt like this, flirty, teasing. He looked happy, and Blaine felt he might be a part of why.

"Hmmm...I don't know, Blaine. That pan with the chicken looks pretty bad." Kurt smirked.

Huffing, Blaine grabbed all the dishes and put them in the sink. He filled it with hot water and a dash of soap. "There. They can soak." He turned to Kurt with an arched eyebrow.

Kurt stood slowly, and glanced over his shoulder back at Blaine as he walked towards his bedroom. But the minute Blaine started following him, Kurt jumped and ran down the hall. He grabbed the door, playfully trying to close it as Blaine pushed against it. Jumping out of his grasp, he was only able to take a few steps before Blaine tackled him onto the bed, chuckling.

Kurt's kisses were hot and hard, easily matching Blaine's intensity. Their clothes came off fast.

"I can't get enough of you, Kurt. One little look from you and I'm like this." He moved Kurt's hand to his briefs, groaning as Kurt traced over his hardness, before he pulled the material down.

Kurt's eyes gleamed as they travelled over Blaine, taking in his muscular chest and arms, his flat stomach, his powerful legs. His pale hand contrasted vividly as he stroked down Blaine's olive skin, playing with the dusting of dark chest hair. His head dipped down to capture Blaine's lips, kisses that teased, until Blaine lifted his head to chase after them.

"Baby, I want you so much." Blaine moaned at Kurt's light kisses down his chest. They started a slow pace, meeting each other's gaze, feeling it build in intensity. He felt so close to Kurt in these moments, like they were open to each other, looking deep inside, nothing held back.


A/N:  Mmmm more sexy times.  ;)



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