We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Chapter 24

E - Words: 2,879 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
268 0 0 0 1

“Quit grinding your teeth, Blaine.” Sam said softly, leaning towards his friend. He didn’t want to disturb the people nearby.

Blaine just looked over at him, and rolled his eyes. But his gaze quickly went back to the front row where Kurt was sitting. Between Isabelle and Adam.

Adam, looking perfect in a dark brown suit, bidding frequently on the items that came up in the auction. Leaning towards Kurt to whisper in his ear, likely sharing memories of the times Kurt had worn the clothing while out with Adam at some event or other.

The auction was going well, the interest was strong and the pieces selling for good prices. Before the auction started, Isabelle had given background about the health clinic, showing a PowerPoint presentation of Carole working with the children, with a few pictures of Kurt during his visit sprinkled in. Good motivation for generous donations.

Afterwards, Blaine and Sam had mingled with the crowd, chatting with Melissa, Nate, Hannah and Deanna. But his eyes kept being drawn over to Kurt with Adam, laughing together. Kurt returning his smiles, looking perfectly at ease. Why wasn’t he angry? Hurt? Sad?

Sam sighed loudly and grabbed Blaine’s arm, pulling him away from other people. “You are glaring, Blaine.”

Blaine rolled his eyes, agitated. “How can Kurt just smile and chat with him like that? Act like nothing happened? I’ve been with him these last few weeks, seen how hard he was taking it. I just don’t get it.”

But Sam didn’t answer. He just gave him a small, bemused look. “Blaine, ask Kurt to talk with you. Find somewhere private and ask him all this. You are back on friendly terms.”

“I can’t…this is his party…” Blaine looked around, the ballroom busy with so many people.

Shrugging his shoulder, Sam turned Blaine in Kurt's direction. “I’m sure they can manage without him for ten minutes. Now go fucking talk to him.” And he sent him on his way with a little push.

After a brief hesitation, Blaine steeled himself and walked towards Kurt, who was chatting with Isabelle. Adam was over near the bar, and Blaine felt relieved that he would be spared the awkward experience of meeting him.

“Blaine! It’s so good to see you again.” Isabelle gave him a warm smile. She was wearing a pewter sleeveless dress with a lacy overlay, her hair swept dramatically back from her face, and looked lovely. But his gaze was drawn to Kurt, wearing a designer black suit with elegant ease.

He greeted them both, his smile a little tense. “Um, Kurt, can I steal you away for a few minutes?” He kept it simple, kept it vague.

Kurt gave him a questioning glance, but then nodded. He gave Isabelle a little bow of his head and then stepped closer to Blaine.

His heart pounding, Blaine lead him out of the ballroom and down the hall, looking for a quiet place to talk where they wouldn’t be interrupted. Off the main lobby of the hotel, there was an alcove near a window with a brocade sofa.

Taking a deep breath, Blaine turned to Kurt. “I have to ask. What the hell is Adam doing here, Kurt?”

Kurt gave a surprised look at Blaine’s sharp tone and his flashing eyes. His eyes narrowed and he shrugged. “I invited him.”

Invited him! “This doesn’t make any sense. After the way he treated you, after how upset you’ve been, no matter how you have tried to hide it. He hurt you, and you’re just acting like you are old friends here tonight.” Blaine paced a few steps and then back, unable to stand still.

Looking confused, Kurt typed fast. “I haven’t been upset over Adam. We haven’t been together since before the accident. We have only been friends for ages.”

“Not together? What about in the fall? You two were everywhere together, cuddling for the cameras.” Blaine’s hands were on his hips. This made no sense.

With a sigh, Kurt sat on the sofa. “Come on, Blaine. Surely you knew that was just promotion for the show when it opened. There wasn’t anything going on.”

Shaking his head, Blaine pulled out his phone, and scrolled through until he found the email. Silently, he passed it to Kurt, and sank down beside him.

Kurt took the phone, and read the message, giving Blaine a shocked look. He read it again, scrolling down to read Blaine’s initial message and taking note of the date. He forwarded the email to his phone, wanting his own copy, and passed the phone back.

“I didn’t send that message, Blaine.” Kurt’s thoughts were whirling around, piecing things together.

Blaine sputtered. “But you… who…”

“So this whole time, you thought I was in a relationship with Adam? Living in different countries?” Kurt furrowed his brow, his eyes intense on Blaine, taking in his expressions.

“Well, yeah. You both are busy in your careers. A long distance relationship. Isn’t that what you did before?” Blaine said, confused by Kurt’s expression. By everything he’d said.

Kurt huffed and got off the sofa, pacing around the small space. “So, in November when I was flirting with you, asking you out, kissed you…you thought I was still in a relationship with Adam? I would do that with you when I was involved with someone else?” His voice app delivered the words with no emotion, but Kurt’s expression more than made up for it. He was mad, confused, bewildered.

Blaine jumped off the sofa, stepping towards Kurt. “You said ‘I have my life, he has his.’ You had some kind of open arrangement or something.”

Rolling his eyes, Kurt just stopped pacing, looking at Blaine with incredulity. “You seriously thought I was pursuing you to be my bit on the side or something?”

“What was I supposed to think? You email me that you are back with Adam and then…” Blaine waved his hands as he spoke, still overwhelmed by it all.

Kurt shook his head. “Blaine, I’m from Ohio. I could never do that type of thing. I can hardly handle being in a relationship with one guy.” He dropped onto the sofa, running his hands through his hair.

“So, you and Adam…” Blaine had to know. Had to ask. His heart pounded as he waited.

“We are only friends, Blaine. That’s it.” Kurt looked drained.

Blaine sat down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “For you maybe, but if you didn’t send that email, then he did. He deliberately tried to screw things up between us, Kurt. And he wouldn’t have done that if he was just a friend.”

Kurt shrugged, unable to argue anything differently. He knew Adam had been interested in more between them, perhaps rekindling their old relationship. But to purposely mislead Blaine like that…

Blaine shifted closer. “So, in November, when you were flirting with me and everything…” Had that really been Kurt, free and available Kurt, taking him out to a play and then following him into his apartment to kiss? And he’d turned away from him...????

Kurt nodded, the pain Blaine had so often seen flashing in his eyes before he dropped them to his tablet. “Yes, I was doing everything I could to get you back. But I can understand why you said you couldn’t. I looked back on how I acted with you in the summer. I was so selfish, hardly there for you; when you had dropped everything to move in with me, help me out. You deserve so much better.”

He looked so miserable, so heartbroken. Blaine’s heart went out to him…

Reaching over, he took Kurt’s hand in his. Kurt lifted his head to look at Blaine questioningly. “In that radio interview, at the end…”

Kurt nodded. “Oh, you heard it? I meant it, Blaine, every word. And I know you don’t share my feelings. But you’ll always have a piece of my heart.”

“I don’t want it.” Blaine said firmly.

Biting his lip, Kurt just stared at Blaine, his expression hurt and confused. So many emotions swirling in his stormy blue eyes.

Shifting closer, Blaine took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t want just a piece of your heart. I want the whole damn thing. I love you.” His own heart was pounding fast in his chest, a mix of excitement and nerves.

The emotions in Kurt’s eyes were amazing to see. The hurt eased, changing to warmth and hope. And Blaine couldn’t wait anymore. His hand cupped the back of Kurt’s neck and he leaned forward, capturing Kurt’s parted lips with his own, shifting closer to deepen the kiss. Felt a surge of joy when Kurt’s arms came up around him and he was kissing Blaine back just as desperately.

A few minutes later, a surprised female gasp coming from nearby made Blaine pull back, looking around to see a woman turning away from their area. He chuckled and looked down at Kurt, lying on his back on the sofa, his hair a mess from Blaine’s hands and his lips swollen from the kisses. The best was his eyes, darker with arousal but so happy and full of affection. He had never looked more beautiful.

Sitting up, Blaine straightened his own hair and clothes, knowing he was probably fairly rumpled from Kurt’s touch. “I don’t want to stop, but this probably isn’t the best place for this, Kurt.” He chuckled, just feeling too happy to hold it in. “We better find a washroom to try to fix up how we look before we head back into the party.”

Kurt sat up, slipping his arm around Blaine’s waist and kissing his neck lightly. “Who says we have to go back? I’ll text Isabelle and she can handle the rest of the night. She can always say I’m still weak from my coma, and had to go home.” He shrugged, his eyes flirty.

Blaine rolled his eyes. “You can only use that excuse so long, Kurt. It’s been almost a year since you woke up. But if it means you’ll leave with me right now, I say please use it.” He couldn’t resist leaning closer to sneak another kiss near Kurt’s ear.


Waking up later, Kurt was running his hands over Blaine's skin, liking the feel of his light chest hair.

"What are you going to do about Adam, Kurt?" Blaine asked, his voice neutral, waiting to see how Kurt would respond.

Kurt sighed, and reached for his phone. "Do you mean should I tell him off or yell at him or cut him off for what he did?" Kurt asked, his eyes big and solemn.

Blaine nodded, wrapping his arms around Kurt. He would gladly administer a harsher treatment, if Kurt would allow it.

Kurt bit his lip. "Adam was motivated out of his old feelings for me, which I may have contributed to rekindling when I asked him to be my plus-one to those events. I thought we were just friends, everything above board, but obviously other stuff was going on."

“You feel guilty for encouraging him somehow?” Blaine asked softly.

Closing his eyes, Kurt thought about it, the whole situation. When he finally opened his eyes, Blaine could tell he had made a decision. “I wanted to stay friends with Adam, keep things in good standing with him, honor our old relationship. But there are two things he did that make that impossible.”

Blaine rubbed his shoulder, giving comfort, while he waited for Kurt to find the words he needed.

“Using my tablet to send that message, and then never telling me about it…. That was a breech of trust. I can’t trust him to be around me, around us. What if he did something like that again?” Kurt shook his head slowly.

Blaine nodded, agreeing with Kurt’s point. “And the other thing?”

He took a deep breath, and Blaine could tell he was getting upset, just thinking about it. Reaching over to the bedside table, he got some tissues and passed them to Kurt.

Dabbing at some tears, Kurt looked very bereft. Blaine’s heart went out to him, feeling bad for bringing up bad thoughts. “The thing that really changed how I felt about him was how he was when I woke up. He was generous, paying for my care, but made no effort to come and see me. He could afford a plane ticket; he could have found the time. He knew I was alone, only giving the health care staff Carole’s contact information, knowing she was halfway across the world.”

Kurt scoffed. “And then, when I was mostly recovered, getting attention in the media for Red Star…that is when he can suddenly find his way to my side. That is when he is interested in me again.” Kurt closed his eyes, looking tired.

Blaine lowered his face to Kurt’s shoulder, simply holding him, letting Kurt take the time he needed.

When Kurt opened his eyes, he looked more resolute. “You were surprised that I cleared out so much of my old clothing, my old stuff. But I was ready to let go of that chapter of my life. I am a different person now. I wanted to make space in my life for what will happen next.”

“You are such a realist, Kurt. You have always just gotten up and dealt with things are they are, not bellyaching over losing your voice, your career. Just moving on, adjusting.” Blaine squeezed him lightly. “I love that about you.”

Kurt smiled, still amazed at Blaine saying those words. Words he never thought he’d hear from him.

“And you were there for me in my worst times, whenever I’ve been alone, weak or depressed. Supporting me, trying to cheer me up, helping me however you could. You are my moon, lighting things up in my darkest times.” Kurt leaned closer to kiss Blaine, so full of feelings for this man.



"Mmmm you feel so good...I've missed this. Missed you." Blaine sighed happily as he ran his hands down Kurt's naked back, cuddling close and just breathing him in.

Stretching like a contented cat, Kurt let out a little moan when Blaine hit a good spot in his back rub.

Blaine froze, and then reached over to turn on the bedside lamp, just staring at Kurt.

Furrowing his brow, Kurt reached over for his phone. "What?"

"You made a noise. I heard you." Blaine's voice was soft with wonder, his eyes full of questions.

Kurt closed his eyes for a minute, and then smiled as he rolled onto back. "Oh, that. Well, we were kind of out contact at the time, but I had vocal cord surgery. There was only a tiny chance of it helping at all, so I didn't tell many people."

Blaine's eyes were wide, and excited. "But I heard you, Kurt. It must have worked, at least a little." His expression was just begging for more information.

Chuckling softly, Kurt patted his shoulder. "I've been doing vocal exercises since the surgery, seeing how much I can get back. It's kind of plateaued now, and my doctor thinks it won't get much better."

"Can you say something to me? I've never heard you talk to me directly." Blaine was still in shock that Kurt hadn't mentioned having the surgery in all this time.

Kurt looked a bit shy. "It's still very rough, and the doctor doesn't think I'll be able to stop using my voice app. My voice is just too soft and my vocal chords tire after only a few words."

Pulling Kurt into his arms, Blaine gave him a tight hug. "Oh sweetheart, I know it must have been a bit disappointing to not get your voice back, but I think it's great you are able to make some noises. Whatever you can do is fine with me. Don't be shy."

Kurt returned the hug and put his mouth close to Blaine's ear. It still felt a bit strange to try to speak after being voiceless for so long. Swallowing hard, he whispered softly. "I love you, Blaine."

The words were very, very soft, and scratchy. Kurt moved back, looking at Blaine's face, to see if he heard. If he understood the words.

The tears gathering in the corners of Blaine's eyes were his answer. "Oh, fuck, Kurt. I love you too, so much." And he dipped his head to kiss Kurt softly, slowly, deepening as they moved closer to each other.

This time, when Blaine kissed down Kurt's neck, biting into his skin, Kurt relaxed and let those tiny little sounds escape. Tiny moans as Blaine stroked over his stomach. And every sound made Blaine smile in delight, doubling his efforts to please Kurt, wanting even more. And when he took Kurt into his mouth, taking him deep, Kurt clenched his fingers into Blaine's curls and swore softly. It was the sexiest thing Blaine had ever heard. But a few minutes later, something topped that. Kurt arched up off the bed, helpless against the sexual onslaught, and said Blaine's name as he shuddered in pleasure. And that no one else but Blaine had ever heard Kurt like that made it even hotter.


-A/N: Yay!!! They are finally together! They finally TALKED!!! Thanks for everyone for reading this rewrite version of the story & a special big thanks to anyone who read this version without 'cheating', and another big thank you to those who read the old story before and didn't put any spoiler comments. HUGE thank you again to HK Voyage who beta'd the rewrite and had so many great suggestions.

-There will be an Epilogue (because you need to see them happy together after all that angst and miscommunication.


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